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Hayden Koller A #1 Reflective Response #1

January 9, 2017
Standards Addressed:
Standard 7- Planning for Instruction: The teacher plans instruction that supports
every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of
content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as
knowledge of learners and the community context.
Standard 9-Professional Learning and Ethical Practice: The teacher engages in
ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her
practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners,
families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the
needs of each learner.

1. What: The last six or so weeks that I have been student teaching at my high
school placement I have been using a pre-planned out curriculum from a
book called Chemistry for Everyday Life. This book is what my mentor
structures his class around. It divides the materials up into units based
around a topic (smells, fire, etc.) and has every lesson planned out. I have
been working through the unit on Smells which is about molecular structure.

So What: After having used this curriculum for a while I have come to the
decision that I will never use it in my own classroom. The curriculum puts too
much focus on the topic (in this case smells) and not enough focus on the
actual chemistry (three dimensional shape and functional groups). The
students arent learning the necessary information to proceed through future
chemistry classes. Test scores are low as well.

Now what: In the future I am never going to use a pre-made curriculum in my

classrooms. I am always going to make my own lessons, demonstrations, and
labs. It is more work, and harder to do but this allows you to be more
adaptable and creative than you would be using a pre made lesson. I also feel
like making your own lessons and being creative helps prevent you from
becoming disenchanted with teaching and feeling burnt out.

1. One highlight of my week was the pep rally I went to on the Friday before
February Vacation. The school was getting ready for their state swim meet
and state basketball tournaments. It was really amazing to see the school
come together for such a positive reason. Each grade came down to the gym
around two oclock (school ends at two-forty) and sat on the bleachers. The
cheerleaders (who also had a really great competitive season) did their cheer
routine and then the athletes raced against each other in a series of funny
competitions (backwards walking, wheel barrow races, etc.). This was a really
nice way to boost school spirit, which had been waning a bit due to some
unpleasant happenings, and gave the students something fun to do before
their February vacation.

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