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Teacher Candidate: SaDale Richards Date: 4/29/2017

Grade and Topic: Grade 4, Social Length of Lesson: 1 hour 2 days


Mentor Teacher: Dr.Townes School: University of Memphis

Unit Objective
The Revolutionary War was one of largest turning points in the history of The United
States of America. It gave our country independence from Great Britain. To be able
to understand you must know the acts, groups of people, and the events that took
Lesson Objective

Content Learning Goals and Objectives

Note: Any assessments used should be aligned to the learning goals and objectives.
Also consider aligning goals and objectives to Blooms taxonomy.

1. Given an instructional prezi, student will grasp the concept on how to create an
historical comic with a score of 80 % accuracy.
2. Given a computer and the selected comic Web 2.0 tool, students create a comic
with at least 3 parts with a score of 80% accuracy.
3. Given a Computer and prezi students will demonstrate knowledge on how to create
a comic with 80% accuracy.

Student Participation

The objective of this lesson is for students to create a comic from the revolutionary
war, to show creativity and understand of the historical event.


State/District, Common Core Standards

Explain how political, religious, and economic ideas and interests brought about the
, including: (C, E, P)
resistance to imperial policy
(Proclamation of 1763)
the Stamp Act
the Townshend Acts
taxes on tea
taxation without representation
Coercive Acts

ISTE Standard(s)

3. Research and Information Fluency: Students uses given technology and the
digital media to find information.
b. Discover, learn, organize, create, and utilize given resources


Materials Used

1. Instructional Powerpoint
2. Computer
3. prezi
4. Internet Access to:
a. Comic creation Software
b. MS Clipart Gallery
c. Power point tool

Technology Integration

Students will use the instructional PowerPoint, comic, and prezi,

Background and Rationale

Students will show clear understanding of a point in the

Revolutionary war, and will demonstrate knowledge of that by
creating a clear cut comic
Academic Language is not addressed in IDT 3600.
This lesson is a continuation of TN social studies standard 4.0.
We will refer to the summary created here as we continue to explore the
Revolutionary war
. We will also use our outlines for a unit on creative writing.
I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master
the objectives and for those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in
this course and are not part of this particular lesson.

Procedures and Timeline


The Instructional PowerPoint will be displayed on the point to give the

students a guide to as what is requested.
Three main events will be displayed and background information provided.
Go through the PowerPoint at least two times so the students can grasp a
better understanding.
Ask and answer questions to see if everyone understands the task at hand.
Students will be using the instructional PowerPoint as a study guide, to keep
the knowledge fresh in their mind over the course of 2 days.


Prior to the Computer (15 minutes)

Teacher Procedures: Student Procedures:

1. After being shown the 1. Students will ask questions

instructional PowerPoint, and discuss among classmates, then
Students will pick one of the pick a main point create their comic.
three points to complete their 2. After deciding, they will inform
PowerPoint. the teacher of of which point.

At the Computer (45 minutes)

Teacher Procedures: Student Procedures:

1. Have students type in 1. Type in provided comic

provided link on the creation link.
powerpoint. 2. Go to sign up and create
2. Direct students to the an account
spot on the website to begin 3. Go to create your own
comic creation comic
3. Monitor and assist as 4. Begin comic creation
needed 5. After comic is created
leave pulled up for teacher.
6. Once comic is reviewed,
open prezi link.
7. Create 4 page PowerPoint
slideshow on how to create a
8. Insert previously done
comic on last slide of power
9. Save work
10.Wait until teacher check

After the Computer (30 minutes)

Teacher Procedures: Student Procedures:
1. Put students in pairs of 1. Students are to review each
two others comics and power points.
2. Tell student to trade 2. Students should provide
places with their partner and each other with constructive
review the comic criticism
3. After they review have 3. After, wait to be prompted
them discuss similarities and by teacher.
differences between each
others work.

Students will be asked to briefly discuss their completed work with the rest of the class
only voluntary.

Assessment Evidence

Preamble Rubric

Criteria 1 2 3 4

Comic The Comic reflected The UnderstandingThe comic shows The comic shows
little to no understand-
Of the comic was Enough information Clear understanding
ing of the revolutionary
Blurry and Unclear.For one to compreh-
And comprehension
war. end

Overall Creativity
The comic was plain The comic has attem-
The creativity is pres-
The comic shows clear
And boring with no pted, some creativity
ent and the comiccut creativity and is
Creativity. but still lacks looks good. nice

Powerpoint PowerPoint shows noPowerPoint is Powerpoint shows Powerpoint is flawless.

Direction. Misleading and You how to create It shows complete
unhelpful Powerpoint with Direction.
Small errors


I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready
for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson.
Student Sample


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