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FC6P01 Project

Final Report

Year 2012/2013

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Name: Your Name Goes Here

ID Number: Place Your ID Number Here

Date: Wednesday, 03 May 2017

Supervisor: Your Supervisor's Name Goes here

Go to Prepare/Properties to add your Title, name and supervisor. Your Name Goes Here


Go to Prepare/Properties to add your Title, name and supervisor. Your Name Goes Here

Table of Contents
The table of contents should go here. If you use the Heading levels in Styles

then you can go to Insert>Quick Parts>Field>TOC to add the table of contents. (Use

F9 to update- this will also update the information on the front page and if you select

the header, in the headers also) You should delete this text before submitting.

Go to Prepare/Properties to add your Title, name and supervisor. Your Name Goes Here

1 Introduction

Go to Prepare/Properties to add your Title, name and supervisor. Your Name Goes Here

2 Background

Go to Prepare/Properties to add your Title, name and supervisor. Your Name Goes Here

3 Initial Design
The title of this and subsequent sections can be changed if you wish to

something more appropriate. Delete this before submitting.

Go to Prepare/Properties to add your Title, name and supervisor. Your Name Goes Here

4 Implementation

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5 Testing

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6 Analysis and Review

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7 Conclusions

Go to Prepare/Properties to add your Title, name and supervisor. Your Name Goes Here

8 References
Cited references only in this section. Use either Harvard or IEEE referencing

and be consistent. Delete this tip before submission.

Go to Prepare/Properties to add your Title, name and supervisor. Your Name Goes Here

9 Bibliography
Other sources but not cited in the text- again delete this before submitting.


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