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Dear Naomi,

Hi, how are you? How was your holiday? I am really corius.
Let me tell you about my trip to Ranau Lake in Lampung.
It is located between two provinces. Lampung and South Sumatera. Would you like to know more?

Instead of going by ferry, I took a plane from Jakarta to Bandar Lampung. My uncle met me at the
airport. Then, I continued my trip by his car. I was so happy to visit Ranau Lake because I really
enjoy mountainous areas. I love nature so much.

I spent two nights at cottage near the lake. The cottage was built only a few meters from the lake. In
only several steps I could dip my feet in the fresh water. All kinds of meals tasted very delicious
there. I through it was because of the cool weather.

Visiting Ranau Lake was a fantastic experience. It was first time to see such beautiful view. Well, I
think you should go there someday, so that you can experience it yourself. See you!

1. What is the text about?
a. Widias trip to Ranau Lake. c. A letter from Widia in Ranau Lake.
b. Widias suggestion to Naomi. d. Visiting two provinces during the holiday.

2. How did Widia travel to Ranau Lake?

a. by plane c. on foot
b. by ship d. by car

3. Why was Widia happy to spend her holiday at Ranau Lake?

a. She loves nature. c. Its far from Jakarta.
b. Her uncle asked her. d. The place is very good.

4. ... you should go there someday.

What does the underlined word refer to?
a. Bandar Lampung c. Ranau Lake
b. South Sumatera d. Jakarta

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