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Chol Vossa Buddhist Festival in Cambodia

Cambodia practices Theravada Buddhism. Thus there are many Buddhist festivals to celebrated
through out the year. Chol Vossa is one of annual festival that every pagoda in Cambodia celebrate.
Chol Vossa in Khmer meant Enter Rainy season, also called Rainy Retreat or Vassana.

Since the time of Buddha, the Sangha traveled through out the subcontinent, expounding the
Dharma and making an alms for living. Nowadays, being Sangha, a monk still travel out from the
pagoda making an alms daily, especially for food and go back to the pagoda before noon. Everyday
just like this all year round, except during the three months of rainy season, that the monk must
remain within the temple compound. They can accept the invitation of devotees and travel out at day
time, but not to stay out of the pagoda over night.

Chol Vossa started from day 15, full moon day of the 8th month of Lunar calendar until day 15 full
moon day of the 11th month of Luna calendar. During this period, there are various religious
activities including Dharma preaching and meditation prepared daily in the pagoda. Buddhists can
offering foods to the monks every day.

The main reason that monk not to travel out during rainy season was the roads were difficult to
travel because of flood, and thus might cause harm to animal life, especially small creatures
emerging from the ground. Hence the tradition goes on until today, even though the roads might not
be flooded any more. The first Vassana was spent at Varanasi when the Sangha was formed. At that
time, there was no pagoda built, the Sangha would retreat to monasteries, public parks or forests,
where people would come to them.
Tean Vossa (Vassana Candle) Taken in Cambodian Buddhist Center, Kusinara building, on July 04 2011, 12 days before Chol

During this period, all the monks in the pagoda would praying every night in the Preah Vihea (Vihara,
the main building of Buddha sanctuary in the pagoda), where big candles are lighting. Thus about
two weeks time before Chol Vossa day, there is a ceremony called Dorng Hel Tean Vossa, meant
Procession of Vossa Candle (Vossa means Rainy season) made by the laity, offering big size of
candles, robes, and also other food supplies to their pagodas. The Procession of Vossa Candle would
be prepared with the ceremony at home, similar to Kathen, before process to the pagoda the next
day. Furthermore, all the Buddhists could also offering candles, or oil directly at the pagodas without
preparing the ceremony. Its believe that offering candles is supported to pray for the light for life, in
which the dark part of life would be lighten, guiding a way out toward desire purpose.

During the three months of Chol Vossa, all the monks would not travel out making an alms. So the
foods was responsible by the pagodas management team. They may seek for whom would like to
pay good deeds, to ask for offerings of foods and other supplies for the monks during this time.

This year 2011, Chol Vossa starts from 15 July until 12 Oct.

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