Website Cover Letter

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May 2, 2017

To Whom It May Concern,

I am a student teacher earning my Single Subject English Credential through Sonoma State
University; I expect to earn my California Credential by May 21, 2017.

My time at Sonoma State University has prepared me to be an effective teacher. The mission of
SSUs School of Education is to mold future educators who will embody and promote all facets of
being a complete and healthy individual in todays diverse and ever-changing society. I was fortunate
enough to participate in SSUs AAAEL program, Accelerating Academic Achievement for English
Learners, as part of my Language and Literacy Across the Curriculum class where I was given
focused and intensive instruction on the importance of adapting curriculum for English Learners
and using research-proven methods to help English Learners succeed in all their classes. The most
important aspect of teaching that I have learned throughout my time at Sonoma State is that
teaching is not a one size fits all endeavor. The need to constantly reflect and adapt my lessons and
teaching style to best support my students is essential to becoming the best teacher that I can be.

I have taken over two ninth grade English classes at Novato High School as part of my student
teaching requirement. I have collaborated with my mentor teacher to prepare and present
differentiated and Common Core and English Language Development standards-based lessons that
support and challenge my students to enable them to grow as writers, readers, speakers, listeners,
and critical thinkers. It is my goal to ensure every student is given a fair chance to succeed in my
class, and that requires meeting them where they are at. I have gotten to know my students on an
academic and personal level which has helped me to plan lessons that engage them and, hopefully,
teach them what they need to learn. My calm and patient demeanor helps to put students of various
abilities and experiences at ease, and my excitement and knowledge of what I am teaching engages
students in the subject. I strive to be a warm-demander with high expectations of all my students
while also nurturing and caring for each student as an individual.

While I still have much to learn about what it means to be a good teacher, I believe I will be a
valuable asset to your school community which values cultivating student achievement in all aspects
of their life and development. I look forward to speaking with you further regarding your available
position. Thank you, in advance, for your consideration.

Best regards,
Taylor Bradshaw

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