Valedictory Speech

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Valedictory Speech
By Thomas Beasley
Good morning Mr McDonald and fellow TSS students. Well I wont be able
to say that for much longer and for those boys who have been at TSS
since Reception it will be a hard habit to break. In fact, if you started at
TSS in 2004, you have belonged to the school community for a grand total
of 4383 days. It is the end of an era and eventually we will all reflect on
our school days as the best days of our lives. Well at least thats what my
parents say.(1)

Why will we feel this way and what makes TSS schooling so memorable?
The education we have gained sets us up for life and we have built a
community of support. By the time we become the mature young Grade
12 men I see sitting in front of me, we know we can rely on our TSS peers
no matter what. But most importantly it is the people themselves that
make TSS great.

Students, teachers, coaches, musicians, technical staff and many more

that work together and would never intentionally undermine each other.
This is in stark contrast to the Witches in our Grade 11 English text, The
Crucible. (2) What a group of insincere, back stabbing liars were created
during those Salem witch hunts. This is about as far away from TSS
behaviours as you can get. Think back to all the events, sporting matches,
house clusters, music concerts, assemblies, camps and parades you have
attended and I bet your first thoughts will be about what people have
contributed to your engagement in these activities. The networking
between peers at TSS creates support, not harassment, not lobbying
against each other and definitely not an intent to debase others. When
you look back youll hear people relating the positive, funny situations
that we all laughed about together. (3) Some of my storytelling goes like

Do you remember when Mrs Presto was teaching us and she brought
her dog to class. He raced around gathering pats from everyone and
the task at hand became soooo irrelevant?
And what about when Mr Harris was trying to stay calm and in
control during sex ed and all we could do was snigger and egg each
other on?
Can everyone remember how funny it was when in Grade 8F we
were told on several occasions that we were the BEST class at TSS.
We didnt blame each other, we stuck together and the teachers
probably drew straws to see who got the short straw that was 8F.
Then there was the Navy. I still cant believe they took us out on The
South Passage training ship during a cyclone. The army camp was
cancelled due to the extreme weather conditions but not the Navy
How awesome was the game of Kahoot? Now some of those
nicknames were really something else!
Ill never forget how angry our rowing coach was when we capsized
a dozen or so times at rowing training just because we could and we
were all in it together.

TSS has given us a strong sense of belonging. Our house masters know us
inside out and we know theyll do anything for us well almost. Mr Wilson,
Mr Olini and now Mr Herriman have all taken their turn in Surman but I
couldnt convince any of them to do my maths assignments for me. But
they have empowered students with confidence and prepared them to
take up the challenges of leadership. Everyone will remember the boys in
their house and the support received through the belonging and
ownership attached to their house.

Finally Id like to say thank you for all the friendships and memories. (4)
Thank you to TSS for the opportunities you have offered me. I am
especially appreciative of being offered a School-based Traineeship that
has given me a direction for my future. (5) Thanks Mum and Dad for the
1000s of kilometres you have driven back and forth along Ferry Rd and
the dragging me out of bed at 5am for training sessions. Thank you to TSS
teachers for their patience as Im sure I havent always been focussed.

I wish everyone all the best for their future. Chase your dreams and be

(1) As in The Kite Runner , we dont always appreciate family until later
in life.

(2) The Salem witch hunts highlight the way individuals can be
influenced by others.

(3) The boat people who come to Australia as refugees must also be
amazing as they often look back on the positives as did Toan from our
Grade 10 text.
(4) The Swagman by C.J.Lewis talked about memories, he had nothing
but he felt his life was full.

(5) TSS has given me the power to set goals and work towards them.
Just like in Macbeth where he has a goal to become king ( Ill do it
without any foul play).

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