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Lesson Plan

MAED 3224

Subject: Second Grade Math Central Focus: Pictographs

Common Core Objective: Date taught: March 22, 2017

Draw a picture graph and a bar graph (with single-
unit scale) to represent a data set with up to four
categories. Solve simple put-together, take-apart,
and compare problems using information presented
in a bar graph.

Daily Lesson Objective:

Performance- The students will be able to create pictographs from data.

Conditions- Students will work independently to create their own pictograph.

Criteria- Students will show mastery by receiving 8 out of ten on their exit ticket.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills needed: Children need to know what a graph is. What Tallies are. Are
sports are. What pictures are.

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

1. Engage To engage the students I asked them all what their 10

favorite season was in their morning work. This
made them more interested to listen to me and
wonder what we would be doing with math. I told
them that I would want them to help me today to
make a pictograph of their favorite seasons. I also
told them later they would be helping me to make a
pictograph for data from my college friends.

I bet you are wondering why your morning work

asked what your favorite season is. I was trying to
collect some data from this class to help me with
todays lesson. I was interested in making a
pictograph. Has anyone ever heard of a pictograph?...
A pictograph is a graph that uses pictures as the
symbols on it. This means that the symbols used on
the chart will be a picture instead of a number or a
tally. Today we will all be creating pictographs.

2. Explore Put the 2 empty season chart on the board 10

(including solutions of major tasks)

Im going to go around the room and I want to know

what everyones favorite season is.

I would then go around the room and tally the

seasons that the children choose at their favorite.

Fill out the first empty season chart with tallies.

So we have ___ amount of children that think their

favorite season is Summer.

have ___ amount of children that think their favorite

season is Fall.
have ___ amount of children that think their favorite
season is Winter.

have ___ amount of children that think their favorite

season is Spring.

Now if we wanted to make a Pictograph we have to

think of pictures that could be used for each season.
So what do we think would be a good picture
representation for Summer? So what do we think
would be a good picture representation for Fall? So
what do we think would be a good picture
representation for Winter? So what do we think
would be a good picture representation for Spring?

3. Explain I would gear them towards pre picked ideas of the 10

season. I would draw the symbol that we picked next
to the season. I would then go through the process of
crossing off one tally at a time and drawing the

Fill out second empty season chart with the ideas

that the kids thought of for the chart

4. Elaborate/Extend Now that we got a chance to work on this together 15

and make a pictograph for our class I need your help
to make some more pictographs. I collected data
from my class in college. We got together and
everyone decided their favorite

The children will work independently to create

pictographs of the sports.

For struggling students I will go around the room

and work through their questions we will synthesize
and brainstorm ideas about the data dna how they
could represent it. We will work through the

5. Evaluate When children finish the pictographs I will give them 20

the questions for the data above that I choose. (Refer
(assessment methods) to Questions before the sports data)

For children who finish early I will have them create

two questions on the back of the question sheet. If a
child around them finishes early then can switch and
answer each others questions.

After they finish I will bring them back together to

talk about the answers. The right answers and how
you could get to them. The children will share their

I will grade this exit ticket based on correctness and

Materials/Technology: Projector, camera to project, expo markers, 26 data sets, 26 data charts, 26 question
sheets, 2 season charts, pencils

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