Chishti School System For Boys

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Chishti School System

For Boys
Test Month: 14 Nov 16 Class: 10th Time:
1:00 Hour
Subject: English
Total Marks: 40

Roll Nam
No. e:
Q.1 Choose the correct option: 01x10=10

1. She _______ her cat very much:

a) Love b) Loves c) Loving d) Loved

2. I _____ her in the plane:

a) Met b) Meeting c) Meets d) Was met

3. He has____ his breakfast:

a) Take b) Took c) Taken d) Takes

4. They _____ to sleep at ten:

a) Had go b) Shall go c) Are go d) go

5. Choose correct spelling:

a) Expirience b) Experience c) Experence

6. Choose the correct spelling:

a) Challenge b) Challange c) Challinge

7. Convenient means:

a) Easy b) Good c) Happy d) Difficult

8. Always speak a talk truth is a:

a) Common noun b) Collective c) Proper noun d) Material noun

9. The watch-man blew his whistle. The underline word is:

a) Simple verb b) Transitive verb c) Regular verb d) Irregular verb

10. The word Rich is used as a/an:

a) Adverb b) Article c) Adjective d) Noun

Q.3 Answer the following questions: (any 3)
1. How did the Holy Prophet set high and noble ideal for all mankind?
2. Why did the non-Muslim trust the Holy Prophet?
3. How does television make us lazy?
4. How does newspaper give us more in depth coverage?
5. Which media do you prefer for news?

Q.4 Use following pair of words in your own sentences: (4)

1. Bad, Bade 2. Advice, Advice
3. Sail, Sale 4. Break, Brake
Q.5 Write the summary of the poem The Rain

Q.4 Write a paragraph on A Visit to Historical Place (10)

Q.6 Translation into Urdu:

While Hazrat Muhammad was on his death bed he proclaimed If I owed something
to anyone or if I wronged any person or damage any one property or honour my
person, my honour and my property are here, he may take revenge from me in this

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