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:r- story palt game/ this is a book with a

:l-eGnce - one in which YOU becornelhe

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1 The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
2 The Citadel of Chaos
3 The Fotestof Doom
4 Starship Traveller
5 City of Thieves
6 Deathtrap Dungeon
Cover ill ustration by Peterlones

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0 3 ,1 5 3 31
Stevefackson and Ian Livingstone

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Puffin Books

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Pui6nBoolr P.n4in Bool! Ltd, Itmondworrh Middle!.x, Enslmd
PmNin Book[ ao west 23.d StE.t, New Yoi! New Yod( 10010,U SA
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llustr.hoE oprnsht O Ru$ N'ch"l5otr 1932
All nehtr re$Pd

Marleana pnnrd h Cre.t Brit in by

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st in !4P P.latirc




Exept in ih. Ur'lt.rl Statesof An nca
ilur book i! $id lebiRt to fhe mndition 20


DeLlicdLedlo Iodn a Ashton,
a lr e Galodtiel of the sqirtt
and Io Anne d d Nextlle,
Lhe,enl wizards.

Beforeembarkingon your adventure,you must first

determine your own strengths and weaknesses.
You have in your possessiona sword and a shjeld
logelher with a rucksackcontainjnSprovisions
(food and drink) for the trip You havebeen prepar-
ing for your quest by training yourself in swordplay
and exercisiig vigorously to build up your stamina.
To see how effectiveyoui preparaLionshave been,
you must use the dice to determine your initial
5(ILL and STAMTNAscores.On pags18-19thele
is an Adoe ture Sheetwhich you may use to record
the detailsofan adventure On it you will find boxes
for recordingyour sKILL and srAMtNA scotes,
You are advrsedto either record youa scoreson the
AdoetrLureShce!in pencil, or make photocopies of
the pageto use in future adventures.

Skill, Stamina and Luck

Roll one die. Add 6 to this numberand enter this
total in the gKrLL box on the AdL,entwe
Roll both dice. Add 12 to the number rolled and
enter this total in the sTAMTNAbox
There ls also a LUCKLtox.Roll one die, add 6 to this
numberand enter this totalin the LUcx box.
For reasonsthat will be explainedbelow, sxILL, yortr AdoentureSheet The scoresfor each creature
srAMrNA and LUCK scoreschange constantly are given in the book each time you have an
during an adventure. You must keep an accurate encounter.
record of these scoresand for this reason you are The sequenceof combat is then:
adviscd erther to write small in the boxesor to keeP
an eraser handy. But never rub out yofi IniLial 1. Roll the two dice once for the creature. Add its
scores.Although you may be awarded additional sKILL score. This total is the creature's/4tfack
5 Xr L L , STAM TNAa nd LUCKP OintSthese , tot a ls Strcngth.
may never exceedyour.lfiirial scores,excepton very 2 Roll the two dice once for yourself Add the
rare occasions,when you will be instructed on a number rolled to your current sKt LL score_This
ParticularPage, total is yov. AttackStrength.
j. lt yottr Attack StrenStfi is higher than that of the
Your s rr r-r-scorereflectsyour swordsmanshiPancl
general fighting experhse; the hrgher the better. creaturc,you have wounded it. Proceedtostep4.
If the creature's Attack Strength is higher than
Your srAMr NA scorereflectsyourgeneralconstitu-
yours, it has wounded you. Proceedbostep 5. If
rion, your will to survive, your determination and
bolh Attack Strength totals are the same, you have
overallfitness;the higher your srA M I NA score,the
longer you will be able to survive. Your LUcx score avoided each othels blows - start the next /4ttact
indlcates how naturally lucky a person you are. Round kom steD 1 above.
LucL - and magic are facts of life in the fantasy 4. You have *ouhded the crealure, so subtract 2
kingdom you are about to exPlore. Points from its 5TAMTNA score. You may use
your LUcx here to do additional damage (see
5. The oeature has wounded yoD, so subtract 2
Pomts trom your own STAMINA score, Again
You will often come acrosspagesin the book which you may use LUCK at this stage (seeover).
rnstruct you to fi8ht a creature of some sort. An 6, Make the appropriate adjustments to either the
ophon to flee may be given, but if not - or if you cieafure's or your own srAMrNA scores (and
choose to attack the creature anyway - you must your LUcK scoreif you used Lucx seeover).
resolve the battle as ddsc bed below. 7. Begin the next AttsckRound(repeat steps 1-6).
This sequence continues until the STAMTNA
First record the creature'sSKILL and STAMINA scoreof either you or the creatureyou are fighF
scoresin the first vacant MonsLerEncounlerBor on ing has been reduced to zero (death)
10 7,7,
Escaping your cudent LU c( score,you have been ltlci'y and
ihe result will go in your favour. [f the number
On some pages you may be given the option of rolled is rlrgrel than youl current LUcK
running away from a battle should ihings be going have been anlacl<yand you will be Penalized.
badly for you. However, if you do run away, the
creature automatically gets in one wound on you
(subtract2 srAMrNA points) as you flee. Such is the
price of cowardice Note that you may use !ucKon
this wound in the normal way (seebelow).You may
only Escap? if that option i9 specificallygiven to you more risky this will become.
on rne Page. Ust g Luckin Baltles

On certainpagesof the book you will be told to Tast

Fi8hting Mone Than One Crcature yorlr Lrc,t and will be told the consequencesof your
lf you come across mole than one creatute in a being lucty or unlucky. However, in battles, yotl
always have the opliot of using your luck either to
Particularencounter, the instructions on that page
will tell you how to handle the battle. Sometimes inflict a more seriouswound on a credfuTeyou have
llou will treat them as a siflgle monstet; sometimes iust wounded, or tominimize the effectsof a wound
you will 6ght each one in turn. the creature has iust inflicted on you.
If you have iust wounded the creature,you may lesl
yotrr Lacl<as described above. If you are lacky. you
Luck have inflicted a severewound and may subtractan
At various times during you! adventure, either in erft4 2 points from the creatule's srAMr N A score
battlesor when you come aclosssituationsin which However, ifyou are lnltcky, the woun.l was a mere
you could either b lucky or unlucky (details of Srazeand you must restoreI Point to the cratures
theseare given on the pagesthemselves),you may ST^MINA (i.e. instead of scoring the normal 2
callon your luck to make the outcomemore favour- points oI damage, you have now scoredonly 1)
able.But beware!Using luck rs a risky businessand lf the creaturehas iust wounded you, you may Tcsr
if you are arlucky, the results could be disastrous uout Luck to try to minimize the wound lf you are
The procedure for using your luck is as follows: roll ilrcky,you harremanagedtoavoid the fulIdamage of
t$'o dice. If the number tolled is equalto or lessLhdn theblow. Restore1point of 5TAMrNA(i e lnstead
of doing 2 points of damageit has done only t). lf 9TAMINA Points. When you eat a meal, add 4
you are unlucky. you have taken a mone serious points to your sraMrN^ scoreand deduct i Point
blow. Subtractr artra sr^MrNA point. trom your Pnmisions-A separatePtouisionsRemdin_
rng boxis provided on theAdoenlweSheettot rccord-
Rememberthat you mustsubtract l point from your
ing detailsofProvisions. Rememberthatyou have a
own LucK score each time vou fesl vour Lacft.
long way to go, so use your Provisionswisely!
Rcmernberalso that you! 9TAMINA scote may
RestoringSkill, Staminaand Luck neve! exceed its Initiol valve unless sPecifically
instlucted on a page. Drinking the Potion of
skill Strength(seelater)will restoreyour sraMlNA to
Your s KI L L scorewill not changemuch during your its hrli4l level at any time.
adventure- Occasionally,a page may give inskuc-
tions to rncreaseor decreaseyour s(tLL score, A
Magrc Weapon may increase youi sKrLL, but Additions to your LUcK scorearc awarded through
remember that only one weapon can be used at a the adventure when you have been Particulatly
time! You cannot claim 2 sxrL L bonusesfor cafty. lucky. Details are glven on the pa8es of the book.
ing two Ma8ic Swords. You! sxrLL scorecan neve! Rememberthat, as with SKIL! and 9TAMINA,
exceeditslritid value unlesssFcifically instructed. your LUcx scoremay never exceedits Initir, value
Drinkrng the Potion of Skjll (seelater) will rcstore unless specificallyinstructed on a page. Drinkin8
your sxlLL to its lrrlrrl level at any time. the Potion of Fortune (see later) wil .estore your
LUcx to its Initi,4l level at any time, and increase
Stamina anil Prouisio
yottr Initial LucK by 1 Point.
You! sTAM INA scorewill changea lot duiing your
adventure as you fight monsters and undertake
arduous tasks. As you near your goal, your
sTA M rN a levelmay be dangerouslylow and battles
may be particularly risky, so be careful!
Your haversackcontainsenough Prcvisions for ten
meals.You may rest and eat only when allowed by
the instructions on a page, and you may eat only
one meal at a time. Eating a meal restores 4
14 a5

You will start your adventure with a bare minimum fhere is one true \4'raythrouBh the Warlock's
ot equipment, but you lnay find other items during dungeon and it will take you several attemPts to
\ our travels You are armed with a sword and are findlt. Make notesand draw a map as you explore-
dressed in leathe! armour, You have a rucksack thismdp will be invdluablein futureadvPnlurecand
(haversack,backpack) on your back to hold your enableyou to progrets raPidly through to uner-
Provisionsand any treasuresyou may comeacross. plored sections
You also carry a lantem which lights your way.
Not all rooms contain treasulei many merely con-
ln addition, you may take one bottle of a magical
potion which will aid you on your quest. You may
choose to take a bottle of any of the lollowing:
A Potion of Skill - restores sKrLL points
A Potion of Strength- restoFessrAM lN A points
A Potion of Fortune - rcstores LUcK points and the way.
adds 1 to lnilial LucK
Thesepotions may be taken at any time duringyour
adventure. Takin8 a measureof potion will restore
sKrLLT srAMrNA o! LUc( scoresIo therrlnrLial
level (and the Potion of Fortune will add 1 point to tain.
yoer lniliaLLUcK scorebcfore LUcI<is restored)
The one true way involves a minimum of risk and
Each bottle of potion contains enough for k!'d any player, no matterhow weak on initialdice rolls,
measures i.e. the characteristicmay be restored should be abte to get through fairly easily
twice during an adventure. Each time it is used
May the luck oI the gods 8o with you on the adven-
make a note on your AdLe ture Sheet.
ture ahead!
Rememberalso that you may only chooseoneof the
threepotions to takeon your trip, so choosewisely!
10 a7


SKII-L sftiu= sr =
qzf+t t
co-u>lz_8 skin= skill= skit/:
Stnmila -

J E w E LSIr - ' , 5 c jr -

POTJONS skill: ski : S/r,/f=

'lrl\l, : '' i i ''i '
L\ ( \\, ? a
" -,"-\'^

skr/: - ski - ski : I

1' a: L.,:'
RUMOURS The enkance to the mountain was guarded by a
pack oI warty-facedCoblins, stupid creatures,fond
of their food and drink. Towards the inner cham-
bers, the creaturesbecan1e more fearsome,To reach
the innerchdmbersyou would havcto crossa river
Only a foolhardy adventurer would embark upon The ferry service was reSular. but the ferryman
such a pedlous quest without Iirst Iinding out as enjoyed a good barter, so you should save a Colcl
much as possibleabout the mountain and its treas- Piecefor the trip. The localsalso encouragedyou to
ures.Beforeyour anival at the foot o(Firctop Moun- keep a good map of your wanderings, for without a
tain, you spent severaldays with the townsfolk ofa map you would end up hopelesslylost within the
local v lage some two days' ioumey from the base. mountain,
Belnga likeable sort ofperson, you found tt easyto
get on with thc local peasants.Although they told When it finally came to your day of leaving, the
many storiesabout the mysterious Warlock'ssanc- whole village tumed out to wrsh you a safejourney.
tuary, you could not feel sure that all - orindeed any Tears came to the eyes of many of the women,
-of thesewere basedon fact. The villagershad seen young and old alike. You couldn't help wondering
many adventurerspassthrough on their way fo the whether they were tears of sorrow shed by eyes
mountain, but very few ever teturned. The journey which would never see you alive again . . .
aheadwas extremelydangerous,that yoll knew for
certain. Of those who rcnrmed to the village, none
contemplated going back to Firetop Mountain.
There seemedto be some huth in the rumour that
the Warlock's treasurewas stored in a magnificent
chest with two locks, and the keys to these locks
were guarried by various creatures within the
dungeons. The Warlock himself was a sorcererof
great power. Some describedhrm as old, others as
youn8. Some said hrs power came from an
enchanteddeck ofcards, otherslrom the silky black
glovesthat he wore. Now turn over

20 2a
At last your two-day hike is over, You unsheathe
yoursword, layit on the ground and siShwith relief
as you lower yourselldown on to the mossyrocksto
sit for a moment's rest. You stretch, rub you! eyes
and ftnally look up at Firetop Mountarn.
The very mountain itselflooks menaonS.The steeP
face in front of you looks to have been savagedby
the claws of some gargantuan beast. Sharp rocky
crags jut out at unnatural angles. At the top of the
mountain you can see the eerie red colouring -
probably somestran8evegetation- which hasgiven
the mountain its name. Perhaps no one will ever
kno,v exactlywhat grows up there, as climbing the
peak must surely be impossible.
Yourquestliesaheadof you. Acrosstheclearin8isa
dark caveentrance.You pick uP your sword, get to
your feet and considet what dangersmay Iie ahead
of you. But with determination, you thrust the
sword home into its scabbard and aPProach the

You peer into the gloom to see dark, slimy walls

with Dools of water on the stone floor in fuont of
you. ihe air is cold and dank. You lightyour lantem
and step wadly into the blackness.Cobwebsbrush
your face and you hear the scurrying of tiny feet:
1 Thc stpry la? i r lrc nt of you looksto haoebrc sauagedb! the rats, most likely, You set off into the cave. After a
.ta1ts ol sme Saryantuanbzosl few yards you arrive at a iunction. Will you turn
west (tum to 7r) or east (tum to 276)?

Testlout Luck If you are Lucky, you escapewithout The large sohd door has no handle. You charge it,
attracting the Ogre's attention. lf you are Unlucky, but to no avail. The door is not going to budge. You
you curse as you kick a small stone rvhich goes dccide to give up and go through the openrng you
skrdding across the cavem floor You draw your passed in the east west passageway some way
sword In casethe Ogre has heard it - furn to 16. If back.Turn to 89
you were Lucky, you creep down the co idor back
to the crossroads.Turn to 269.
You areon the norlh bnnLofd fast-flowingriverin a
large underground cavern Turn to 214.
The bell gives a dull clang and after a few moments
you seea withered old man climb into a small row- 8
ing boat moorcd on the north banl<.He rows slowly The passage aheadendsat a sturdydoor-You listen
across to you, moors the boat and limps towards but hear nothing.You try the handle,it turns,and
you. Hc asks you for I Cold Preces.When you you enterthe room. As you look aroundyou heara
protest at the price he mumbles some flimsy excuse loud cry from bchind you and swrng round to seea
about 'irrflation' He begins to get angry at your wild man leaping towards you wielding a large
protestations.Do you pay him thc I Gold Pieccs battle axe. He is a mad BARBARIAN and you
(turn to 222) or threaten him (tum to 127)? must fiSht him!
B A RB A RI A N s K rL L 7 S r AM I NA 6
You find yourself in a north-south corridor. To the There is a door in the north wall opposite, through
north the passageturns eastsomemetresahead.To which you may Esctlp(during the battle (turn to
investigate, turn to 46. To the south, the pass- 189). II you defeat the Barbarian,turn to 2ZJ.
ageway also turns east. Turn to 332 to go south.
5 Amazed at the successof your bluff, you decide to
A rough timber doorway is on the east wall of the push your luck a little further. You can either
passage.You listen at the door and can hear a jolly examinethe Skeletons'toolsorptetend you're look-
sort of humming sound. Do you want to knock on ing fotwork-sheets and look through the drawersof
the door and Bo in (turn to 97) or will you conhnue the variousbenches.Ifyou choosethe tools, tum to
northwards (turn to 292)? 14. Ifyou searchthe drawers,furn to322 You heara

noise from behind the north door and rcalize you

will have to hurqr!

You afiive back at the junction and turn north-

wards. Turn to 77.

You follow the passagewe6twards until tr tums
rounda corner to the south, Justbcforethe bend ls a
signpostwhichreads'UnderConstruction' In fronr
1 of you is the begmning of a stairway leading down-
wards. Only three steps have been blrilt so far. A
numberof shovels,picks and other toolswere lying
on the ground by the steps but, as you turned the
corner. they suddenly flurried into action and began
working on the steps. You are now watching
various tools digging and hammering as if berng
handled by invisible workerg. A humming chanr
becomeslouder and you recognizeit ast'Heigh-ho_
Heigh-ho, It's off to woik we go . . .' As you stand
watching you start to chuckle - the sceneis quite
amusmg- You sit and watch and even manage to
chatto someof the magicaltoolg.Gain2 srAMrNA
points and 1 sKrLL point whilst you lelax. Then
turn back up the passagewayto the crossroads
^- where youmay go either northwards (turn to 366)or
southwards (tum to 25o).

As you pdl the knob, a deaferung clanging norse
t7 You arc nou uatchng &l',ous tools digl|/.g and hrmmer- rings through the passageways. You frantically
rng as I WtnS hondtedby iwlsibli un*(E push the knob back to stop the alarm, but rt has
already had its effect. You can hear footsteps
rJ-45 a5-a7

coming closerdown the codidor. Tum to 161to find score)and restore l SKILL pornt if any have been
what you have attracted.Note down the number 12 lost. When you are ready to continue, move along
so that you may retum to this sectionafter fighhng the passageand turn to j67.
your battle.
When you have defeated this creature, you may You draw your sword, and as you do so the Ogre
eitherreturn to the iunction (turn to 256)or you may hears you and prepars to attack:
push the knob (turn to 364).
O G RE sKILL 8 srAMtNA ro
Your head hurts and you feel dizzy as you rise to
your feet. Thc four men stir into action and move
towards you in single hle with their weaponsready.
lf you defeat him, turn to 50. After the second
You grope your way down the watl for the south
Attack Round, yov fiay Escapedown the passage
door but it will be touch and go whether you make (turn to 259).
it. Your foot slips on a loosepebble and you fall to
the ground. Beforeyou can regainyour fooLing.the
creaturesare upon you Tum to 282. Using the wooden stake and mallet (or makeshift
mallet if you aren't carryin8 one), you form a cross
L4 and move towards the Vampire, backing it into a
There are no signs of any secretpassages,but you comer. It hissesand snatchesat you but cannot
suddenly hear footsteps coming towards you. To come near you. However, it is going to be tricky
find out what is coming, turn to 161.You must fight getfing the stake through its heart.
this creature, As you advance,you sturnbleand fall forwards. As
If you defeat the monster, tum to 1i7. Note this luck would have it, the stake flies forward and
relerenceso you know where to rehrrn to, plun8es into the shriekingcreature.TeslyoarLack.lf
you are Lucky, the stake pierces the Vampire's
heart. lf you are Unlucky, the Vampire is merely
Asyou sit on the benchand eatyourfood, you begin grazed by the wound (deduct 3 points from its
to feel deeply relaxedand the acheshom your body srAMrNA) and it flingsyou backwardsacrossthe
seem to be soothing themselvesaway. This reshng room towards th west door To Escrpethrough it,
place is enchanted. You may restore 2 additional turn to J8o. To keep on fighting, turn to q4. tf you
sraMrNA pointsaswell as the normalamount(but were Lucky and killed the Vampire, you may look
only if this doesnot exceedyour InrlralsrAMrNA for rts treasure- turn to 327
18 2a-24
You walk westwards along the passageway.After lI you win, turn to 376. lf the battle is going badly,
fifty metresorso, the way hirns northwards. Iwoor you may Escdpe through the door. Turn to 291_ bul
don't lorget your Esaapirrg penalty

The green blood of the dead Orcs smells loul as it
seeps from their bodies. You step around the

srAM rNA point. If you were Lucky, you had btter

retum to the junction (turn to 25r). tf you were
Unlucky, turn to 34t.

These two evil creatures are GOBLINS. They
attack you one at a time.
First GO BLI N 5 s
S e c o n dGO BL IN S 6
lf you kill the Goblins, tum to ,17.

The skirmish commences-You have your sword,
they have their axes.They comeatyou;ne ata time
FirstDWARF 7
SecondDWARF 6 6
Third DWARF 7 5
FourthDWARF junction (tum to 229)?
7 5

After you have suff"*flyo* third wouno, you

25-26 27
noticethat your strengthis ebbinS.Lose 1 sKrLL You shout loudly at the Dragon and it stops in its
point. You deduce that this is yet another magical tracks. It cocks its head to one side and eyes you
power of thig foul creatureand you feel a shiver of suspiciously.You fling a stone at its head, and the
panic. Will you continue or run? If you want to ro.k bouncesoffits nose.Thebeastletsout an angry
Escap",pay the penalty and tum to ,60 to flee cry and breathes deeply, a roaring sound being
through the north door. Otherwise the fiSht goes createdfrom within its throat. The Dmgon exhales,
on . and from bctween its teeth you can see anothet
fireball building up. You prepare yourselt, and as
lf you defeatthe creaturc,turn to 135.But from now the ball of flame comes from its mouth, you cry:
on every third wound that the beastinflicts takes1
point from your sKrLL. 'Ekil Erif
Ekam Erif
The paintings are portraits oI men Your sPinshiv- Edf EdI
ers as vou read the nameplateundeathe one on the Di Maggio'
irest wall - it is that of Zagor, the Warlock whose
treasureyou are seeking You look at his Porkait The fireball continuesno further. With an agonized
and realizeyou are pitting yourself againstan awe- scream,the Dragon tries to shakethe f'lamesfrom its
some adversary.You have the feeling that you are snout But there the bLrrningcontinues.
bein8 watched and notice the Piercingeyesfollow- Squealingin agony, the Dra8on turns its back and
ing you as you move. You find yourself drawn leaps into the blackness,flailing its head ftom side
towards his oortrait and vour fear rises. Lose r to side. Turn to ,7r.
sKrLL point. Do you havi the courage to try to
combat the Warlock?You mayeither leavethrouSh
the north door straightaway(turn to 90) - but treat
this as an Escrpe.Or you may look through your The sword is enchantedand will aid iou in battle
pack for a weapon to use against the Warlock's As long as you use lhis sword, you may increase
yo.urInitial sKrLL by 2 points. You may also add 2
POWer- turn to 34o.
Points to your cudenl sKrLL value. Add 2 points to
26 your LUcK for finding this sword. Throw your old
You remembr Di MaSgio's small, leather-bound sword away and tum to 319. lf you would rather
book, and silently mouth the sPellcontainedwithin keep your own sword, leaveyour s(rL L agit is and
rts pages. just take the LUCK bonus
The mighty Ciant lies dead! You searchhis cavern You toss the Cheeseacrossthe room at the Rats and
afld find little of use, although a purse m his belt they scramble for it, nipping and scratchingeach
contains8 Gold Pieces.You are a little concerned other as they fight lor it. Having distracted them,
about the second chair; to whom does it blong? you passthrough the room and leaveby the door ln
You decide to lcave the cavern the way you came. the north wall. Turn to 124.Add 2 Luc( points for
Iurn to 351.But add 2 LUc( and 2 sKlLLpointsfor your good fortune
youf viclory.

29 The sleeping crearureawakens startled- He iumps

Apart from the boots, which you decide to ignore, up and rushes at you, unarmed. With your sword
there appearslo be little of value in the cavern. You you should be ableto defeathim, buthis sharp teeth
decideto headbackthewayyoucame.Turn tor75. look rather vicious You fiay Lsaapethrough the
door (hrm to 32o)or stand and frght the O RC who
is attacking you.
A loosslone falls out to reveala rope in the rock. If oRc S(ILL 6 STA M IN A 4
you wish to pull it, tum to 57. lf you feel it would be If you defeat the creature, you may take the box.
wiser to leave it alone, you can retum to the cross- Tum to 147.
roads (turn to 267).

lf you have the iewel from the Eye of the Cyclops,
you hold it in front of the Warlock. His rntimidating Looking through the tools you come acrossa mallet
stare turns to an expressionof pain. He obviously with a hardwood head and a chisel with a solid
feels the jewel's powcr. Suddenly his eyes tum silverblade. You may keep either of theseif you are
white and his expression goes limp. Your confi- prepared to forfeit one of the items of equipment
dencegains as you realizeyou have won your first you are carrytng lf you wish to do so, make the
real battle.Gain 2 sKrLL points.Put the jewel into appropriate adjustments to your Equipment List,
yourpack andleave through the northdoor. Turn to The noise from the north door gets louder and you
90. move up to investigate. Turn to 96.
As you step into the room, the door swings shut
behind you. As it closes,there is a click and a hiss.
From the centre of the ceiling, a jet of gas is filling
the room with an ac d vapour. You breathe and
cough deeply. You look at the door and then the
key. Will you return to the door and escapequickly
(tum to 136) or hold your breath and dash for the
key first (tum to 361)?

T 36
The locked door burcts open and a nauseating
stenchhitsyour nostrils. Inside the roomthe floor is
I coveredwithbones, rotting vegetaLionand slime. A
wild-haired old man, clothed in rags, rushes at you
scieaming. His beard is lonB and grey, and he is
waving an old wooden chairJeg. ls he simply
rnsaneas he appears,or has this been somekind of
hap?You may eithershoutat him to tryto calm him
down (rurn to 263)or draw your sword and attack
him (tum to 353)

Standing at the crossroadsyou may go either north

(tuln to366),west (turn to 11)or south (turn to22).

You open the door to find rhe Werewolfs larder, a
miscellaneous collection of bones and decaying
meats. The smell $ nauseating, although a iar of
pickled eggs seemsto olfer lairly palatablefood If

t6 lnsule lhe rcofi the floot ls @ured with bo es, tutttng

Pegelalon and sttme
Resolvethe battle:
you wish to take these,there willbe enough for two
meals;add 2 points to your Provlsions. wA RL O CK sKILL 11 sr AM t NA 18
If you win, tum to 396
Back in the room you may now go out through the
south door. Tum to 66.
The ear-piercingsoundSetslouderand loudcr The
Your opponent is surpnsed as you disaPPearin pain is unbearablc-Reduceyour sKILL scoreby r
front of him, but he raiseshis hands as if to coverhis ior the agony. You begin to groPe in the dark for a
eyesand he scansthe room with an intense 8lare. wall. Do you head for:
He can sense your Presencebut cannot make out The wcst wall? Turn to 155
elactly where you are. You draw your sword and The north wall? Turn to 265
advance He tilts his headand sniffs the atr. You will The eastwall? Turn to 181
have to fight him from a distanceas, if he Eetshis
hands on you, your invisibility will be no advan- He is a powertul adversary-a W I C HT! He rslarge
tage But whilst you remarninvisible, you have the strong and evil. The battle commences
following advantages:
WI CHT s K r t -1 9 srAMlNAo
You may add 2 to yourdicerollwhen determining
your Attack Strength, You fight with your sword. After you have inflcted
Each successfulattack will causehim 3 Porntsof your first wound on him, turn to 31o.
damageas, sincehe cannot seeyou, he cannot
defend himsetf properly.
Each time he inflicts a wound on you, throw one
die. lf the number is odd, he wounds you as
normal. Ifthe numberis z or4, he only inflicts a 42
1-pointwound Ifyou rolla 6, youcanParrythe You eventually arrive at the end of the Passa8e,at a
blow and he does no damage. three-way junction. You may iurn either to the west
(turn to 257)or to the east (turn to 11J).

<:__ You are in a north-south PassagewayTo go north
turn to 354. To 8o south, turn to 52
44-48 49-52

44 49
Panting after the struggle, you sit do\tn to collect Ihe doorsqueaksopen on rusty hrnges.The room is
yourself and finish the Provisions you started. dark and your eyes begin to adiust themselvcsas
Eventually you pack your bag and wade into the you closethe door behindyou. You heara shuffling
stream.Tum to 399. in the room but beforeyou can react,a blow to your
head knocks you senseless.Lose 2 srAMrNA
45 Points and tllrn to 122
The Cheesehits the portrait and bouncesoff. You
hearanevil Iaughcomingftom the wallsand realize 5o
the Warlockis mocking you. You decicleto leavethe The slain creature crashesto the ground. You go
room by the north cloor. Turn to 90 through his garmentsand find nothing, but a small
pouchhangsaroundhis neck.Insidethispouchis a
smallbronzekey,with thenumbergcastintoit. You
You are standng in a short east-west passageway, may takethisif youwish. Nothingelseisofvaluern
\!,iih a door blocking the way to the east. To the the cavern so you leaveand head back to thc junc-
\vest, the passageturns southwards aftcr several tion. Turn to 269.
metres- To go round this bend turn to 4. To go
through the door, turn to 206.
You drink the Potion and can see the look of aston-
47 ishment spreadacrossthe Troll's face.He comesup
ln the middle of the river, the bddge swings to and to you and fecls for you, but you step asideand he
fro as it strains to take your lverght. The handrail gropcs thc air fruitlessly. He thrashes around,
corncsaway suddenly asyou leanon it Rollone die. clutching foryou, but you are easilyable to sidestep
A rollof6 sendsyouplunginBintothe riverbelow him. Eventually he gives up and returns to his
tLrrnto 158. A roll of r s me.lncyou rcg.rinyour chamber,lust in hme, as you feelyourself reappear-
balance.To go on, turn to 298. ing. Add 2 LUc( points.You may leavealong the
Passageto the north. Turn to 287.
You are in an east-west corridor. Ifyou go east,you 52
rvill turn a corner northwards. Io go thrs way, turn You are standing at a T-junction where a passageto
to 391.To go west, furn to 60. the east comesoff a north-south cor dor.
To go south Turn to 191 lf you exceedyour Luc( and/or 5TAMI NA totals,
To check for secretpassages the raft throws you into the water and you start to
on the way southwards Turn to 362 swim back to the south bank. Turn to a66-
To go north Tum to 354
To check for secretpassages 56
on the way northwards Turn to 234 As your sword splashesinto the water, a bubbly
To go east Turn to 29r voice says,'Thank you!'lt now seemsthat the only
way onwards is to swim downgtieam to the east
5t You plunge into the water. Tuln to 399.
You charge the door, hitting it squarelywith your
shoulder Roll2 dice,lfthe numberrolledis equalto t/
or lessthan your s Kr L L score,the door opens (tun As you enter the cavern you hear loud footstePs
to 155).lf the nuDlberexceedsyour sKrL L score,the behind you, crunching heavi.lyon the rccky floor'
door shudders but does not budge, and you wince You crouch down beside the enhance in a small
m parnas you hit the door loser sraMrNApoint alcove in the rock- The steps get louder and you see
and continue up the corridor (turn to 3oo). a great O G RE enter the cavern ! He stands ovet two
metres tall and is dressed in ill-fitting garments
54 made fron some so of hide. He carries a large
You are standingoutside a door at the north end ofa wooden club. You may:
north-south passage To go south, turn to 3o8 To
go through the door, tum to 129. Attack him as he enters Turn to a6
Try to creep out without him
nohclng you Turn to 2
Roll lwo drce-lf the total rolled ts lessthan or equal Try to distract him by throwing
to your LU c( score44d is also less than or equal to something into a far corne!
your srAMrNA score then you manageto hold on oI the cavern Turn to 119
and manoeuvrethe raft acrossto the north bank (do
not deduct a LUcK point). You arrive saJelybut as
you step on to the bank. the raft ddfts away and
makes its own way across the river to the south
bank Turn to 7.

Cautiously you creep along the passageway. After a
short time it turns sharply to the north. At the
corner there is a benchoI solid wood and abovethe
bench a sign reads'Rest Ye Her Weary Traveller'
Here you may stop and eat Provisions if you wish
(tuIn to 15) o! continue (tum to 367).

You walk westwards for some time, then north
round a peculiar bend which hairpins straight
round to the south. Eventually you wind up at a
three-way junction. Turn to r5o,

You walk along the coridor, only to find rhar the
way westwards is blocked by a heavy portcullis
You walk back to where you were Turn to 48.

As you rnvegtigatethe cavern/ you suddenly hear a
scurry of stepsbehind you and swing round to face
the grotesqueblackshapeof a GIANT SPIDER
which has beenstalkingyou. The Spidelsbody ls at
least a metre across and you qulckly draw your
sword to defend yourself.
CI A NT S P I DE R s l< rL L7 STAM I NA 8

lf you win the battle, turn to 29, You may Escape

from the fight down the passageway after Nvo
AttackRounds and will end up at the iunction - turn
58 AI thr@m theft 6 s tten.h ol sold t0ood,uherc you nay to 37i
sto| and ea! Ptouistonsil Yoh uish
62-65 66-69
6z 66
You continue alon8 the passagewayto the east. The door opensand youfind yourselfin the passage
After some thirty metres it tulns to the south. leading back to the riverbank. You return to the
Following it round thebend you eventually come to river and may now either go for the door in the
a stop at a large armoured door. To try the doo!, middle of the rockface(turn to 1o4)or go down the
tum to 6. If you would prefer to retum along the passagerunning off eastwardsalong the riverbank
passageand go through the narow opening, turn (turn to 99).
to 89-
6t 67
As you walk along the cor dor, you can seeahead You pull on the rope and a small door swings open
that it ls getting narrower. At one point you stoop, reveailng a passageinto a north-souih corridor.
and as you do so, a deep, resonatinglaugh startsup Will you return to the crossroads(furn to 267)or go
around you. Do you wish tocontinue? lf so, turn to through the secretdoor (turn to 127)?
281. If you wish to turn back, turn to 10.
64 The two GOBLIN torturers look at each other
The Ghoul danceswith gleearound yourbody, lays amazed, then look at you. They chatter to them-
it next to the others on the ground, furns you over selvesand then indicate for you to wait while they
and sinks its teeth into your rump. lt is not often it go off and get another Dwarf to give them some
gets fresh meat to feed on. more fun. They disappearout of the room and you
Your advenfure is over. cut down the Dwarf who is, as you guessed,quite
dead You decide it best to leave and ptess on
65 northwards up the corridor. Turn to 3o3.
As you spring at the Chieftain, his servant rises to
his feet, picks up a hefty \ Toodenstick and joins the 69
melee. But to your disappointment he attacksyou! Some way along the passage.the corddor bnds
Ungrateful wretch! Seeing this, you may Escape round to the north and you follow it until you reach
through the door down the coridor (turn to 293)or another junction. At this iunction you seean a ow
conhnue the fight (tuIn to 322). If you choose to cut into the rock, pointing to the north, and you
Escape, you suffer normal escapingpenalties. decide to try this direction. Tum to 244.

You follow the cobbled codidol east, then north
then eastagain and finally north until you wind up
at a crossloads,Turn to 267.

There is a ri8ht-hand turn to the north in the Pass-

age. Cautiously you approacha sentry Post on the
comer and, as you look in, you can see a stmnge
Goblin-like creaturein leather armour asleePat his
post. You hy to tiptoe Past him. Testyorr Luck lt
t\,.i you are Lucky, he does not wake uP and remains
snoring loudly turn to3ol.lfyou areUnlucky, you
step with a crunch on some loose Sround and his
eyesflick open - turn to 248.

You now have a fresh get of armour, equivalent to

your own. Decide which of the two you wish to
keep, throw the other away, and turn to 319.

The passageaheadleadsyou northwards The rocky

floor becomessandy unfl eventually you are walk_
ingon a sorto[coarse:and. You noticethe Pa5sageis
\!ideninBdnd rhedd )ou can hear r 0owing nver'
You continueunlil you find yourselfn a largecavern
through which a dver flows. Tum to 218.

,7r As uo't looltn. vouMn seeaslnnleCoblin-ltkrcrealurcin Testyour Luck.tI yolt are Lucky, you break his gaze
ttath'etarmow aslee?al his PosI
and can prepare to attack. Turn to 27g If you are
75-78 79-8o
hinges. Listening ar the door, you hear strange
Unlucky, you are under his control and droP your
sword at hrs command - turn to 118- mutterings and the clatterofwhat could bepots and
pans, Whatever is in there, there are several o[
them. Do you want to go through the door (turn to
You sit back and rest from the exhausting battle. 159)or tnrn back (tum to 232)?
You may eat Provisionshere-You prise the
from the stjll statue. [t is heavy in your hanclancl rc
'ewel 79
worth 50 Gold Pieces.You Put it in your As I}te passagewayends in front of you in a dead end
youexplore the room and the statue,you notice that If yuuwish to sc..r
n h tor secretpasjngeway\,turn lo
one of its breastPlate sectionsis loose When vou rl7. ll not, relurn to thc cro-sroid. dt 267
open this, a small key is inside You examine this
and noticethe numberlll on it. With a smileyou 8o
put the jewel and the key in your P"ck and set off Ihe key fits the lock and opens the door you find
back to the junction. Turn to 93, after addin8 3 vouEelf in a iarge boathouse Various ooars, rn
LUc( points - you have a valuableartefacthere'

You anive at another,unction An aEow on the wall
points northwardsand you decrdetoProceedin this look at you. They prckup planksof wood and harn
direcLion.Turn to 244. mers ancl advance towards you There are 6ve of
them. Do you:
77 Smile nervously and backout of
Several metres LrPthe Passagewayyou arnve at a the door into the passage? Turn ro 129
junctionwhereyoumayturn eitherwestor east Set Tell them you've come ab,-out
in the rock on the north wnll is a small recesswhere buyrng a boat? Turn to r2J
you may rest and eat Provisionswithout being seen. Tell them you're therr new boss
If you wish to take Provisions here, do so. After- and order them backto work? Iurn ro r95
wards yolr may set ofl eithereastwards(tum to 345) Draw.vour sword and prepare for
or westwards (tum to 18) battle? Turn ro r4o

The passageends at a solid wooden doorwith metal
A noise startles you, prompting you to leave the
room quickly. You walk up to investigatethe north
door. Tum to 2o5.

The door opens to reveal a small. gmelly room. In

the centre of the room is a rickety wooden table on
rvhich standsa lit candle. Undemeath the table is a
smallwoodenbox.Asleepon a strawmattressin the
far corner of the room is a short, stocky creature
with an ugly, warty [ace;the same sort of creature
that you found asleepat the sentry post. He mustbe
the guard for the night watch. You may either
return to the couidorand presson northwards (turn
to 208)or creepinto the room and try to takethe box
iLithout waking the creature.If you want to try to
steal the box, Testyo11rLuck. If you are Lucky, he
doesnot wake up - turn to 147.If you are Unlucky,
rurn ro JJ.

Teslyour Luck. If you are Lucky, you make it out
through the north door - turn to 360 lf you are
Lnlucky. tum to 154.

The door opens into a small room, comfoltably fur-
.rshed with a table, severalchairs and a large book-
casewhich covels one wall. Seatedat the tableis an
cld man with a long grey beard, and squatting on
ot thc lableis an old on ,ith a longSreVbeanl.Md
84 SeoLed ihe old man's shoulder is a small winged beast.This
squattngon his shoulderis a smalLw1 gedbeast
creatureis no more than six centimetrestall. lt has Your combired thrashrngsattract a ,turbulence,in
the water that you had nottced beforeand this now

Sit down as he tellsyou? furn to 2o4

Leavethe roorl and return to the
iunction? Turn to 28o
Draw your sword and rush
forward? T t\n to )77 87
You arrivc backat the iunctionand this time turn
85 northwards Turn to 262
You ale at a crossroads
To go north Turn to 1o5 88
To go south Turn to 37J
To go east Turn to 318
To go west Turn to 59



You open the door into a narrow passageand follow
it northwards. Some metres up the passageway,it
turns to the east,then turns to the north.However,
at thrs secondbnd, thcre rs a small alcovein the seemsa convenienthiding placeand a large
rock forms a comfortableseat You may stop here
and eat Provisions if you wrsh. When you have
rested,continuenorthwalds Turn to 251.

lf you are lucky, your cheating will not be dis-
covered. Tesllout Luck. ll you arc Lucky, you get
away with it. Roll two dice to see how many Gold
Piecesyou win. Mark theseoi yovr AdaenfureSheet
and tutu to 131.
lf you are Unlucky, the four notice you are dealing
from the bottom ofthe deck They pick upaxes ftom
behind their chairs and turn on you. Tum to 20.

You arive back at the iunction in the passage.You
look left to seethe caveentrancein the dim distance
but walk straight on. Turn to 71.

You arrivebackat the iunchonand this time you
turn northwards TLrmto E

Youwalk alonga passageway
that runs due south,
A voicebids you'Come rn!'and you walk mto a
small room furnished with a table and chair,
shelves,cupboardsand the like, all of whrch have
seenbetter days. Plates,bowls, cups and hundreds
of old books line the shelves ln the mrdst of all thig
clutter, you see a little old man rn a grubby white
gown swayinB to and fto in a rocking chair, still
humming happily to himself, hrs eyesfixed on you,
but seeming at peacewith the world He bids you
'Good day ' Do yorr:
Start to make conversationwith
Turn to J3{
Draw your sword and chargeat
Turn to 247
Decide not to wastetime with him
and leave, going nbrthwards? Turn to 2912

As you crawl into the room, a voice booms out.
'Welcome,adventurer.I havebeenexpectingyou.'
You stop, Iook around and rise to your feet. The
little old man haschan8ed.He is not soold and grey
any more, and he's of an rmposrnghei8ht. His eyes
are deep and blackand they are fixed on you relent-
lessly.Turn to 358.

Thepassageway runseastwardsAheadofyou,you
canseethat a solid-looking door blocksthepassage
You step up ro investigate Turn to 38f
q7 ln lhcmdsl ol all lhts(lu!!er, you seea hllle old tun m a
'StltbbyuhLtegoun ,waVn| to and fto n a rccAtrychtir
10()-102 1O3-1OO

100 Draw your sword and try to fight

Hesrtantly,they agreeto let you ioin in. As you play the creatures? Turn to 19
and chat, they loosenup and eventually you are all St de over to the Dwarf, give him
laughhg and exchangingstories. jab with yoursword and puton ^
an evil laugh for the torturers? Turn to 58
They secm quite harmless You may play cards
erther Iairly or you may try to cheat lf you wish to 103
play fairly, turn to 346 lf you wish to cheat,turn to You feel a stonemove and behind ityou find a lever.
9a Will you pull the lever, or leaveit and return to the
crossroads?Ifyou dare pull the lever, turn to 252 lf
).ou go back to the crossroads,turn to j59.
Your lucky throw catches the Vamprre unawares
and he shneks in agony as the stake sinks into hls ao4
heart. You leap over and thrust it further lnto his You find yourself in a short, nanow passageway
body His death cries grow weaker and his lileless r\'ith a door ahead to the north. You try this door
body slumps to the floor. TurF. to J27 Turn to 49.

ao2 ao5
The door is not locked and opens.The roon inhont You rummage through your haversack.What is in
of you seens to be a small torture chamber, wrth there?You may attempt to use any of the followrng
vanous torture devices around the walls. ln the ltcms iI you have them on your Equipment List:
centre of the room, two small, hunchbacked
creaturcs are havhg thcir fiendish way with a Pofion of lnvtsibility Tum to 39
Dwarf, who rs tied to a hook in the ceiling by his The Eye of the Cyclops Turn Lo382
w sts. The tlvo hunchbacksare poking and cutting A pieceof Cheese Turn to 358
hrm vlclously with thcir swords. Thc Dwarf lets out Bow wrth SilverArrow Turn to 194
a final screamand falls silent, eyesclosed His cap- A Y-shapedStick Turn to 215
tors makc disappointed noises al,d look round
angrily at you as if it were your fault that the Dwarf
The passagewayahead runs northwards for some
has collapsed.You must act quickly Will you'
fime. You may rest along the passageto eat Pro-
Closethe door qulckly and ! lsions It then bcnds to the west and begins to get
continrreup the collidor? TuIt1 Io 3o3 rluite nanow You rcach a small rocky arch which

you will have to stoop to get through. On the other

side of the arch you pauseand look around. You are
in a large cavern which disappears into distant
blackness.The cavernis partially lit by natural light
which streams in through a hole in the roof You
cannot see a way through.
As you shine your lantern around the cavern, you
hear a rumble A dull glow flickersin the blackness
Suddenly, a jet of fire shootsfrom the depths of the
cavern, narrowly missing you and singeing the
mossy growths on the walll You throw yourself on
to the ground and look up to seea large D RA C O N
stalkrng out of the darkness towards you Smoke
curls from its nostdls lts scalyred skin ghstenswith
an oily covering. The beast is some fifteen metres
Long!How will you attack the creature?
Draw your sword and prepare to
attack? Turn to 152
Searchyour memory for another
meansof attack? Tdrn to 126

You tiptoe through the room, Lrpa narow stalrcase,
endingup at the top of the stairsln a passage'That
rvaseasv,' you thmk, and you begin to have seconcl
thoughtsaboutwhetherit would havebeenworth-
while to searchthebodies. [fyou want to return and
search the bodies. starting with the rhrrd, turn ro
48 If you want to press on. tu to 197

ao6 Snokecurlslrcm its nosttils.Its scal! tul skln ghstens

utlh an ottv cooennS
lOE-rOg 1ao-a74

108 lf you have alreadylookedat the

The monrentyour foot touchesa hand tile, you feela may leavethe room northwards(turn to 12o).lf you
vicelike grip on your ankle and look down to seea have not, you may look at it (tum to 212)or you lnay
ghostly white hand Brrpprngyour leg. You fight for forgetabout it and go northwardsanyway,
your balanceand manaSeto regainit But to your
horror you seethat, from every hand-shapedtrle ir't 110
the floor, a similar apparition has appearcd.and the You are now 8 Colcl Piccesricher. You also fincl
floor acrossto the door is now scatteredwith ghoul- another2 Gold Piecesin his boot, hiclclentherefor
ish hancls, flexing and snatchin8 in the air. You safety.Turn to 319.RecordtheCold on your Adrc,r-
draw your sr,r'ordand chop at the hand. Resolvethis lurc Sllt:ct
H AND S( I LL 6 S T AMIN A 4 He will not bepacified-As you shiftuneasilyaround
lf you win, turn to r85. the room, he shoutsa word at the clog.Turn to 249.

You see nothing rn the room likely to help you in
your bittle. Will you:
Thc liquid is smoothand wateryand, as you drink Draw your sword.g t your teeth
it, you beg to glow. You feel euphonc and a little and advance? Turn to 142
drunk at the sametime Yourconfidence Srowsard Searchyour rucksackfor a weapon
your wearinessdisappears. to use? TLlrn to 1o5
The bottle containsHOLY WATER, blessedby
th Ovcrpriest ofKaynlesh-Ma. It has restoredyour aa1
You arriveat anotherjunctionin the passage,You
srAMrN,{ alnost to full stren8th.Increaseyour
s T A M TNAto 2 p ointsbelowyour lnilinl sT A MI NA may eithergo northwards(turn to 285)or continue
(if your srAMrNA was alreadyhigher than this, enshvards(tum to 78).
leavert asit is you arestrongenough!).Addpoints
to your current sKrLL to take the total to 1 Point ra4
under your ltlitial 9K|LL. Ydu may add 4 LUCK The passage goessouth,theneastand you evenfu-
points for making such a lucky find. ally find yourself at a crossloads.Turn to 359
I ;r:15-:r:16 7,17-7.27,

aas aa1
Thc poor wretches lying dead at yoff feet almost You are in an east-west passageway.To go east,
look happy tobe relievedof the burden oI life. Butas turn to j54. To go west, turn to JoE
you look down at them, you sensethat you aie not
the only one to know of therr deaths Looking 118
around the room, you may: As you approach he rises from his coffin, spreads
his cloakand takesyou under it. Your last ljving
lnvestigatethe weaponslying
around Turn k) 95 memory is a flash oI pain ashis sharp tceth sink into
Go over to the dead body in the your neck. You should never have let yourself get
Turn to Ij into eye-contactwith a VAMPIRE!
Check the barrels Turn to 33o
aa6 You open your pack and reachinside for somethjng
The two drunken ORCS you now faceare obvi- suitable to throw across the cavern. Check your
Equipment List, chooseone item to throw and cross
ously startledat your entranceand, as quickly as
they are able, they fumble around for the weapons. it ofl your List If you have no Equipment you will
\ou must attack each one in tum Their drunken- have to throw a Gold Piece. You throw the object
acrossthe cavern, where it lands with a clatter.The
nessallowsyou to add l point to your dicerollwhen
rollinS to work oLrtyour Attack Strength,during Ogre looks towards the noise, and goes over to
eachAttack Round investigate. Meanwhile you creep out, down the
passageand back to the junction. Turn to 269
F i r st ORC j 4 42l)
SecondORC 5 5 You leave the chamber,walk down a short passage
and reacha starrcasegoing up You climb the stairs
and arrive at the top in a passageway.Turn to 197

The corridor goes east for several metres, then
lf you win the battle. turn to 378 If you wish to south_then east again, where it finally ends. Wrll
Esffp. during the battle,you may dosoby tuming to you investigatethe dead end (turn to 1o3)or return
42 to the crossroads(tum to 359)?

You awake with a throbbing head and look around.
The room is about eight metrcs square,with doors
to the north and south. You have been dumped rn
the south-wcst corner- Standing motionlessin the
centreof the room are four men. Atleast, theyap/ear
to be men. Their skin is a greeny-greycolour- Iher
clothes are tattered and to - and they are all
staring vacantly at the ceiling. One carries a club,
one a scythe, one an axe and one a pick. They are
ignoring you completely.
Around the room are various peasant-style
weapons (pitchforks, axe-handles,polnted sticks,
etc.), one o! two shields,and severalbarrels ln the
north-eastcorner is a human corpsewith a sword rn
one hand and a shield in the other You move your
hand up to your head to feel for signs of blood and
you are relieved to find you are not bleedlng.But as
your hand moves, the strange creatures ln the
centre of the loom turn their eycs down towards
you. Do you:
Try to talk to them? Turn to 26E
Jump to your feet and chargethem
with your sword? Turn to 282
Scramblefor an exit through the
south door? Turn to 1j

Will they believe your st;ry about buyrng a boat?

Skeletonsare pretty simple-minded, so rollonedte
Their clothF ar?
A r, z or 3 means they believe you, and they all go
slrn greefly-gfey cot(
L24-725 ,Lz6_rfo
running through the door in the north wall, leaving r25
you alone in the Boat House.Add 2 LUc( points Does the name 'Farrigo Dr Maggio' mean anything
and turn to 184. to you? lf not, you must fight the Dragon. Turn to
A 4 or 5 means they're not sure. They send two of r5z. tf it does, turn to 25.
their members throuBh the north door whilst the
other three watch you with their makeshift
weapons. Tum to 164. He doesn'ttakeat all khdly to your threats.As you
argueand his anger builds, you noticea transforma-
A roll of 6 means they definitely don't believe you
and keep on advancing. Turn to 14o

The door opens into a qride passagewayand you
follow this for somedistancebeforereachrnga junc- him down (deduct this lrom your Cold and turn to
tion. Here you may either go northwards (turn to 272),or pteparc to attack him (turn ro 188)?
138)or turn to the east (tuln to 76).
You hear a deep rumbling noise and the glound
You pick up the rope. [tlooks normal. In factitlooks begins to shudder. Slowly and nois y the po;tcullis
as iI it mightbe quite useful. You open your pack to rises into the ceiling. You may now walk to the
put it in Suddenly, it comesalive in your fingers, junction, Will you tum west (turn to 21o) or east
snakesquickly up your arm and attempts to wrap (tum to 5E)?
itself around your neck. You struggleto cut the rope
with your sword before its grip tightens. Iesr yorl 429
Lu.k. If you are Lucky, you cut the rope and itdrops You return to the riverbank and decide to hy the
to the ground Ifyouarenot, the rope tjghtens- lose door in the middle of the rockface.Turn to 1o4.
1 srAM INA print. You must lestyorr lltcftagainto
try to cut the rope, and keep hying until you do. 130
Each time you fail, you lose another srAMrNA The old man asks you your stake. You may bet
point (and reduce you! LucK sco!e). If you finally between 1 and 20 Gold Pieces(but not more than
defeat the rope, you may leave through the north you possess!).He tossesthe white dice he hasbeen
door. Turn to 23. playin8 with to you and asks you to rcll Roll two
7 Jt 432-1.33
drce once {or youtself and once for the old man. lf pornts Eventually you thank them and leave the
your total ls higher, you win the amount of your room, Co to 29a.
stake from the old man. If his total is hiSher, you
loseyour stake.You maycontinue {oras long asyou 432
have Gold Pieces,and then leave throrLghthe door The shield is a standard wooden type- You may
and return to the junction. Add 2 Points to your keep it or throw it away Turn to 3a9
s K r L L , sr a M r NA and LUCK scoresif y o u win
Turn to 28o,
You are in a no h-south corridor whrch ends in a
134 dead end. You look arouhd thc rockface for signso{
!ou chat about vanoLrs things and they seem eager anything interesting, when suddenly a rock breaks
to be frrendly. They feel lonely in the dungeon with looseaboveyou and Jandson your head. Although
so much evil about and are happy to sPeak to theblow was not particularly hard, you find you are
vrsitors of a law{ul disposlhon. They tell you that feeling dizzy. You fight to remain conscious,butare
you are rn The Maze ofZagor The onlyway outis to unable to do so. You slump to the ground. When
go deeper into the dungeon. They tell you that the you open your eyes/ you are at a junction. Turn to
way through the maze is to leave the room, tuln
right, nght, left, keep going strai8ht . anil then
they begin to 8et a bit vague. They're not entirely
sure lt ls cofect
)ou may if you wish, eat a ncal from your Pro-
vrsrons,but you will have to shareit wiih them and
thus will only gain half the normal STAMINA
The room is unoccupied and there seems to be no
other meansof exit. [n the centreof the floor stands
a table, and on this table are two helmets; one of
bronze and one of iron. Both are about your size
Will you try one on, or is this worth the risk?
Try on the bronze helmet Turn to 2o2
Try on the iron helmet Turn to 325
Return to the junction Turn to 87

The Wight lies in a heap in the comer of the room

You approachhis desk and open the box. There are
18 Gold Pieceswithin the box. You may take these
with you enter them on yolutAd1)efiture Sheet.Iou
can add 2 r,ucK points for defeating the creature
andmayrest a while to takesomeProvisions.When
you are ready, you may leave by the north door
Tum to 35o.

You arrive at the door, struggle with the lock and
open the door. You burst out, closing the door
behind you and take severaldeepbreaths.Return !o
the junction (turn to 229).

You find no secretpassages,but as you press the
wall, you hear a click. You feel dizzy and slump to
the ground. Vvhen you come to, you do not recog-
nize your slrrroundlngs. Turn to 354
434 On the tablethercare hw helnets: oneol btonzeandofleol
iron Both are about yo t size
118 has the same number as this total. where you will
The passagewidens and you realizeyou are about discover whether you have used the correct keys.
to enhera large cavern. You can hear noisescoming
from the cavernaheadand you proceedcautiously. If you do not have three numbered keys, this is the
As you approach,you can make out a largefigure in end of your journey.You sit on the chestand weep
the distance and you are overawed as you realize as you realize that you will have to explore the
that this oversizcd human must be at least three mountain once more in order to find the keys.
mehes talllDressedina leatherfunic, thecreatureis
absorbedin a meal he is eating at a table 440
The Skeletonsadvance and force you back to the
The cavem is at leasta hundred metres aaoss and door. The leaderapproaches,wlth two behind, and
must be thehomeof this G IANT Alarge tableand the final twobehind them Resolvethe battle by first
two chairs are along one of the walls, and it is here fighting the leader:
that the creaturesits. Intent on his meal (alatge pig),
he is unlikely to notice you. Around the rest of the SKELEION SKLLL 7 STAM I NA 5
cavern you can seehis skaw mattless, a gleat furry and then fighting the pairs. Both membersof a pair
pelt which may be his blanketor a shawl. and a huge will have a separabeattack on you in each Attack
stone-headedhammer, which you would have no Round, but you must choosewhich of the two you
hope of budging. A fire burns in one corner of the will fight. Attack your chosenSkeletonas a normal
cavem, under a hole rn the ceiling,There appeals to battle. Against the other you will throw for your
be no other way through the cavern, Will you take AttackStrengthin the normalway,but you w l not
on this brute (turn to 163)or return to the junction wound it if your AttackStrengthis the greater,you
(turn to 351)?
must just count this as though you have defended
against its blow. Of course if rts Attack Strength is
aJg greater, it has wounded you in the normal way,
During your adventure, you will have come across
various keys and should have collected some of S K ILL STAM I NA
these.You may now use three of thesekeys to try to SKILL.ION A o 5
rs r
open the locks on the chest. ' a rr: sKELL.foN B 6 6
Eachkey is identified with a number. To determine SKELEION A s 6
whether you have the right keys. add their three ' no SKELEToN B ; 5
numbers together Now turn to the section which lf you win, turn to J95.

When the old man learnsof your quest for heasure
he becomesangry and bids you begone he'll have
nothing to do with fortune-hunters His dog senses
his anger and snarls menacingly. You may either
smile, thank him and exit through the south door
(tum to 66)or you may stay to try topacfy him (turn
to 111).

His booming voice calls out, 'Poor fool. Do you
think you could match my power with your puny
weapon?' You continue with determination 'lf it is
a simple brawl you want, stranger, then I shall give
you your lastl'and with thesewords, he vanishes
and reappearsbehind you You swing round to face
him and the fight starts. But this is a battle to the
death. There is no escapinghere
If you win, turn to 396

You squat on rhe sandy bank As you prepare your
meal you notice a movement in the sand a coupleof
metres to your left. The movement becomesquite
turbulent and you spring to your feet, sword at the
ready. Suddenly a large tubular head breaks
through the surface, twists around rn the air and
picks up your scent. The smooth, segmentedbody
of a GIANT SANDWORM rearsup and sways
L4J SudhnIy a lsrgptubul|s thtou\h lhe<uiace. over in your direction As lt does so a large orifice,
tutsl\ atounJtfl ltu ai and picksup Vou,stctll

with short, spiky teeth, opens in what must be its a46
head You must do battle with this creature, You find no secretpassageg.You return to thecross-
roads and proceed either northwards (tum to
C TAN T SANDWORM sK rLL 7 srA MlNA T or westwalds (turn to 11).
If you win, turn to44. lf you want to Esmpe,after
three Attack Rounds, you may dive into the dver 447
You leavetheroom andopen the box m the passage
and swim downstream (turn to ,9D), but you have
lost the Provisions you started to eat, lnsrde you find a single Preceof Cold and a small
mouse, which must have been the creature,spet.
You keep the coin and releasethe mouse, which
scurriesoff down the passageway. Gain 2 | uc|.
polnts and turn to 2o8.
The creaturecatchesyoureye with its own gazeand a48
you fjnd yoursell unable to contlol you! own
actions. lt beckonsyou forward. You move slowly
towards itwith your mouth gapingopen.It tellsyou
to throw down the stake. As you look down at the
stake, you suddenly feel a surge of power return to
your own will, and you fling the stakeat him from
close ranBe.
to 23o.
Testyour Luck If you are Lucky. hrrn to ao1 lf you
are Unlucky, turn to 217

The box has fallen to the ground during you! fighr
with the Snake and out of it has fallen a bronze-
coloured key with the numtr99 carvedinto it. You
may take this key with you (note it on your Equip-
ment List) and leave the room Add 1 LUcK point
and turn to J63.
449 452
As you watch the living mural, you are unaware of Resolveyour battle:
the speed with which your candle is burmng.
Suddenly it flickers and goes out! You again begm DRAGON SKILL 10 STA M IN A 12

tohear the piercing screamsand theirpitch grows to If you win, turn to 321
an unbearablelevel. You drop to your kneesclutch-
ing your eais and cmwl towards the wall. Which
wall w l you crawl towards:
The east$'all? Turn to a81
The north wall? Turn to 265
The west wall? Turn to 355

You are at a three-way junction. As you put the Lwoswords into your bclt, your new
one seemsto takeon a mind of its own. It cuts your
fo go north Turn to 222 leg(loser sreurvepoint)and, asyou drawitout,
To go east Turn to 297 Lt turns rubbery in your hand- It's uselessnow so
To go south Turn to 13J you fling it into the dver. It seemsthat the only way
forward is for you to swim eastwards down the
451 dver. You plunge in and start swimming. Tum to
You gain ground on the'turbulence in the water 399.
but a few metresfrom the north bank you notice two
sinister reptilian eyes on the suface of the water 454
i 'atchingyou. You areswimmingstraightfor them. As you move, the creature's eyes flash open. He
lI you decicleyou'd rather not face the owner of the seesyou and slowly gets to his feet. His breathing
eyes,you rnay turn round and head straight back to becomes heavy and he stalks towards you. You
thc south bank at iull speed you arrive exhausted, must stand and fight him. Turn to 41.
lose 1 s-rAMrNA point and turn to 218. Alterna-
h\rely you can risk the eyesahead- tum to 86 You
may try a detour which will send you nearer the The door splits along its length and you can wrench
'turbulence' tum to 158. the timbers apart to let yourself in. A torch hangs

from one wall lighting up a small armoury room

stocked with swords, shields, helmets, daggers,
breastDlates and the like. You examine the
weaponry and find nolhing appearing superior to
)rour own sword, However, a circular iron shield
with a golden crescent at lts centre catchesyour eye.
You pick itup and feel its weight on your arm. lf you
wish to take this shield it will aid you in battles by
helping to lend ofl wound damage inflicted by a
creatureonyou.It infutuleduringabattleinwhich
you are usin8 this shield, a creature wounds you,
you may throw one dje, lf you throw a 6, the
creature inflicts only I point of damage instead of
the normal 2. If, for some reason, the creatule
would normally only inflict 1 pointof damage,then
a successfulroll of 6 would mean that no damageis
done. However, the shreld is heavy and you will
have to leavebehind one ltem of equipment (adjust
your Equipment List) to be able to carry it-
You now leave the loom and continue up the
corddor Turn to 1oo,

You charge the door with your shoulder. Roll two
dice. If the number lolled is less than or equal to
t, your sKrLL score,you succeed- tuln to 343. If the
number rolled is greater than your s(rLL. you rub
your bruised shoulder and decide against trying
again. Turn to 92 to retum to the iunchon

Ba A torch hntlpslrom oncroall ltehttnpup o <'aallannoury

raan sto,kdwiti andtheltk;
',.tottls,shAlds,h;l,nd:. d;t'.R(ts
457-r59 1.60-a51
tt/ to escape.lf yolr wish to leave the room, Irsf yo!/
The door opens into an east-west passage,which Luck.lf yor are Lucky, you get out without them
turns north after several metres To follow this nolicjng (turn to 2f7)- there is no penalty for escap-
direction, turn to 4. lf you decide against toing ing. If you are Unlucky, they notice you. Preparefor
through the door, turn to r!9. battle and turn to J65.
r56 160
The water around you bristleswith activity, as if an You follow a long, narrow passagewaywhrch goes
invisible hand is dropping unseen pebblesinto the south,theneast,thensouthagainuntil you eventu-
river You gulp - P I RA NH A S !- and you beginto ally frnd your'ell dt a crossroids.I urn to 267
feel their sharp teeth biting into your flesh-You kick
with your limbs and slashwrth your weaponsto a6t
keep them off untilyou reachthe south bank. Treat Make sure you have noted the reference as
the Prranhasas a single creature. instructed on the last page! You will refurn to thar
reference alter dealing with the creature you are
P I R ANHAS sK rLL 5 STAM I N A 5 about to encounter.

t Resolvethis battle.
Ifyou win, you rnanageto srcramble
out of the water
and lje pantin8 on the south bank You may eat
Your tappings and scrapingsat the rock faceas you
searchfor secretdoors and passageways resound
through the dungeon corridors Various creatures
Provislons here. Turn to 2r8, roam freely through the underworld and your
noiseshaveiust attractedthe.lttentionsof one oI the
r59 following monsters.
You open the doorinto a large room which can only
be the dining room of the same warty-faced Roll one die. Consult the tablebelow and over ro
creaturesyou now recognrze.Sitting round a large find out what has comc to investigate. Fight the
tableare five ORCS busily drinking and d bbling creature as normal. Wandering monsteE never
their bowls of rat-gjzzard soup. All are involved in a carry any trensure.If you defeat this monster,
rowdy ar8ument as to who will get to chew the rat return to the referenceyou have noted,
bonesleft in the largesoupcauldron, so they do not Dt e ro ll Cre a t u re s K rL L 5 r A M t N A
see you enter You may be bold and prepare to r CO B L I N 5 )
attack them (turn to 355)or you may not relish the 2 O RC6 t
prospectof taking on five oI thescreaturesand iry I c RE ML I N 6 +
a62-a64 a55-a65

4 G I AN T R A T a65
5 SK E L E T ON 6 The old man thanks you and rather sheepishly ties
6 T R OL L E 4 up his boots. You explain that you mean no harm
and he calmsdown, callingoff his dog. He tellsyou
a62 that thjsareais the only passageway throughto the
The passagewayahead runs noithwards and you inner chambers.Someyearsago the river swelled
follow this until you reach another junction. Here after a particularlyseverespring thaw and cut off
you may either continue northwards (tu!n to 23) or supplies from the outside world. All the area's
you may tum westwards (turn to 69). inhabitants starved to death but the Master, realiz-
ing he needed defencesagainst the outside world,
Put a curseon the area.The last remainingcreatures
You draw your sword and enter the cavern. The became the Undead and now guard the pass-
Giant stops rn the middle of a mouthful, raiseshis ageways through.
head and sruffs the air. He swings round and
catchessight of you approaching. Roaring loudly, He startsto inquire aboutyou, Will you:
he flings the pig's carcassat you. Teslyout Luck It Be straightwith him and tellhim of
you are Lucky, it misses.lf you are Unlucky, it hits your quest? Ium to 141
you with quite some force- lose 1 sTAMIN A point. Thankhim for the chatand leave
Then he picks up his hammer and preparesto club through the south door? Turn to 66
you with it. Resolvethis battle. Try to grab the keys and go for the
nearestdoor? Tum to 249
lf you win, turn to 28. You may Esaap? after thre 16
Attack Rounds down the passageway,where he You land in the icy water and frantically swim for
will not be able to follow (turn to 351), the south bank. To your amazemefltthe raft turns
roundin mid-streamand makesitsownwaybackto
a64 the south bank. You quicken your pace,aware that
You realizethat the two Skeletonswho have just your splashingsmay at any time attract the atten-
run off will soon return and exposeyour bluff. You tionsofany underwatercreafuresliving in the river.
must react quickly. Will you beat a hasty retreat
through the door behind you (turn to i29) or draw Rollonedie. Ifyou rolla r,2,I or4 you makeit safely
your sword and lash out at the remainingSkeletons backlo the southbank.Turn to 2rE lfyourolla5or
(turn to 236)? 6, turn to r58.

You find a secretdoor which opens into the bend
where two passagewaysmeet. To the north a shoit
passageruns into a dead end, and to the east, the
passagewayreachesa crossroads.If you will step
through this secretdoor into the passageway,turn
to 182.lI you decideagainstgoing through the sec-
ret door, closeitand retum down the passageto the
crossroads- turn to 359.

You open the door to a large room. A large chair
behind a solid-looking table suggests to you that
someone,or somefhi/i8,of rank uses this room. A
chest in the centre catchesyour eye. In a corner of
the room standsa man-sizedcreaturewith a warty
face,standingover a smallercreatureofsimilarrace.
Wirh rhewhioinhishand, rhe ORC CHIEFTAIN
has been beiting his servant, who is whimpedng
beneath him. Will you:
Attack themboth? Turn to 372
Spring at the Chieftain in the hope
thathis servantwjll aid you? Turn to 6j
Leave the room and head back for
the junction? Turn to 293

-;- --== _: a69

One by one all the keys click and turn in the locks.
You have placed them all correctly! As the last key
turns, the lid of the chestcomesfree and you open
a()B With the whiv in his hand, the Orc Chieftafi has been it. Turn to 4oo to see whaL lies within
beolin.h$ sertant,who is uhinpenng beheathhin
qo-a7t a74-a78
In 474
The crucifix is solid silver and worth 4 Gold Pieces Turn to r98.
Rccordthis o n your A duentureSheeL and,t\trn to 3a9.

a7a You are standingin a narrowco rdor. Bel-indyou ls

You are standing at the north end of a short a secretdoor to the easL.Ahead oI you is a cross-
north south passage.You are at a dead end. To roads. To go through the door, turn to 177.To walk
investigatethe wall, tum to 337.To 8o southwards, to the crossroads,tum to 267.
turn to 187.
As you walk up the passage,lt visrbly widens and
The old man's eyes flutter oPen. He seesyou and eventLrallyyou find yourcelf standing at the mouth
grabs for a half oar lying by his bench. You tell him of a rough cavern,a naturalcavern the rock, As you
you mean him no harm but he remains on Euard look into the darkness, the cavern appears to be
and eyes you cautiously. Although he looks harm- about jo metres deep, with no visible exit. Do you
lessenough,his dog could be dangerous The man's want to go into lhe cavem (tum to 27o)or go back to
boots are undone. will you: the iunction (turn to 175)?
Rush the dog with your weaPon
drawn? Tuin to 249 477
Ask the man queshonsre8arding You are standing in a north south passage.To the
your quest? Turn to t41 north you can see a passageoff to the east. To
Tell him his boots are undone? Tum to 165 investigate, tum to 52. To the south, the passage
turns westwards You may go to the southcrn end
of the passageby turning to 391.ln the west wall in
To gothroughthis,turn
front olyou is a secretdoor.
Silver weapons only will be effective hele. When
to 175.
the creatureinflicts its fftird wound on you, turn to
24. lf you defeatit before this haPPens,turn to 135,
or you may Esc4lethrouBh the noth door (turn to a78
You tiptoe precariouslyacrossthe room to the doot
360). If you can use 'The Giver of SleeP', Iesl yorr
L ck. If you are Lucky, you hit and the creatuledies in the north wall. You open the door and proceed
instantly. If you ate Unlucky, you miss throu8h lt. Turn to 162
You have entereda lalge squarroom. Bloken pot-
tery lies scattered all about. One large clay vase is
untouchedand is full ofclear liquid. A large bowl is
full of gold coins. As you enter the room the door
slams behind you and you 6wing rcund to face a
strange-lookingcreature,hall man, hall bull - who
is glaring at you. He is a MINOTAUR, and he
stalks towards you!
He lowers his head, hornB pointing at your chest.
and charges.You must fight him:
MINOTAUR s( r r -L 9 9TA M INA 9
After threeAttackRounds,you manoeuvreyouEelf
round to be able to run through the door. lf you
wish to Escape at this time, turn to 54 and pay the
pnalty-lI you continuefightingand kill him, turn
to 2j8. lf you have alradybeenin this room on this
adventureand kitled the Minotaur, you find it
emPty.Leaveand tum to 54.

The passageway goeswestand then south.Finally
you cometo a stopat a deadend. Youmayreturnto
the three-wayjunctionand go east(tu!n to Zo)or
north (turn to J29),oryou mayinvesti8atethe dead
end (tum to 22).

:\:FF..<--J You run along the wall sarchinSfor a door but 6nd
a79 Yousung round.lo.lact
o sianEe-l(nkhg deaturc,hav none.Your earsare on fire with the agonyl[,ose1
matr,nal ouu - uno 6 gunng at you,
1E2-lE4 1E5-166
sxrLL point You may try either the west wall (tum
to 355)or the north wall (tum to 265),but you must
find a way out soon!

Two of the keys fit the locks perfectly. The other 18E
doesn't. You leap to one side as a iet of clea! liquid The handwithers and shli;ks backinto the floor. At
spurts from the chest. It ,ust misses,but you lose the same time, the other hands stop dead and
2 STAMINA points as the liquid emits an acidic slowly fade away downwardg into the tiles. you
vapour which makes you cough and droke. decjdethistjme to stepon the Etar-shaped tiles,and
You retum to the chestand try another combination step cdrefully acrossto the door in the north wall.
of three keys. Add the key totals and tum to that The door opens. Add 2 Lu cK points, Turn to 182.
It you have no more keys to try, you sit down Turn to r98.
exhaustedand in despairafter having got so near to
yourSoal. Rememberto look for keys next time you rv
enter the dutgeon! You are standing in the comer of a bend in the
passage.To the north the passageends in d dead
181 end. To investigate this, tum to r7r. To go east-
You searchthebodiesof the dead Orcs but frnd only walds/ turn to 3oE
a few teeth, nails,bonesand knivesin theirpockets.
You searchthe cupL\)ardsrrou nd the room but find 188
only crude bowls, plates and spoons.But under the Fle now stands just under two metres tall. He
serving hatch you find a thin leather case half a advancestowards you_His body is hairy. His teeth
metE long. You may open the case(tum to 266)or arepointed.His eyesfldsh.His fingernailsaresharp
you may leave it behind and walk out of the doo! clJws.His nosehasbecomea raFlil\esnout,He i5 a
(tum to2rZ). You are proud of your victory and may WE RE RA T !
a d d r sxr L L an d 5 srA MrNA points,
184 Resolveyour battle with him lf you win, tum to
Youare alonein the BoatHouseandhave sometime
t42. If you decide to E5c4p?,you may run over rhe
to searchbeforethe Skeletonswill inevttablvreturn rickety bridge (tum to 2o9).

The door opens into a short codidor which ends
sevelalmeLresaheadat another doo!, similar ro the
one you have just come through. You listen and
hear nothing. You tly the handle and it turns, allow.
urg you into another room of a similar size. But thls
room is splendidly deconted, with a polished mar-
ble floor and rough walls painted white. On eachof
the fou!walls hangsa painting, and there is anothe!
door in the north wall, You can either go straight
tfuough the room (turn to 90) or you may stop to
look at the paintings (turn to 25).

You arein a narrow north-south corridor. There is a
deadend to the north. You maycheck the dead end
(tum to f7) or give up and rctum to the crossroads
(tum to 359).

He shrieksand hideebehind his desk He is terrified
of your aggressive manner. His squeaky little voice
explains that he is the Mazemasterin chargeofThe
illf.azeof Zagor. You talk to him and reassure him
thatyou meannoharmand he eventuallycomesour
from behind the desk. He sits down and as his
confidence returns, a stran8e thing happens H(s
manner t ecomes firm and self-assured. He rcfers to
a book, points his finger and the book slips from
the shelf and floats on to the desk in front of him
You deducethat he iBa Wizard of Bomepower. per-
haps even the dungeon Master himself, come ro
rb Ths r@nt ts sqlendidlvdecoraled.uilh a Dolishedm.rble
floor ahd rongh uals Ninted uhit,.

investigate you. You ask him the way out of the

maze.He tells you to leaveby the south doo!, walk
past a door on yourright until you can go no further
and tum left- Go over a crossroadsand tum left at
the next one.
If you takehisadvice. leave
through the south door and keep
going unhl you rcach the second
crossroads Tum to 3o8
lf you leave through the south door
but intend to makeyour own
way round Tum to J92
lfyou leavevia the west door Turn to 46

Tum to 169.

Thedooropensand youentera smallroom.Your
eyes widen as you look around to se that the
walls of the room are covered in ornate stonework-
Mosaicsand marble inlayBgive this room a kind of
beauty you have never seen before, ln a corner of
the room is a large metal statueof a one-eyedcrea-
ture. In its single eye is a sparkling jewel, As there
appear to be no other ways through the room, you
will have to go back to the iunction - but that large
iewel is very tempting. Will you leave it alone and
go back to the lunction (turn to 93) or try to take the
lewel with you (turn to 338)?

agl Mc6aiiJa'd ntatul. tnlaysSive tht6 rffin a kind oJb.auty
vou hnn nelaf gen tElofe You load the bow and firc, but desparas the arrow
495-ag/ 19E-199
flies through the air directly at him, stops centi- the east. As you pause to get your bearings, you
melres from hischest and falls to thefloor. He looks hear a creaking in the rock behind you. You spin
up and smiles at you wlth an evil, gloating smile. round in time to seea heavy poficullis drop to sal
What can you do: off the passagewaybehind you. Your only way now
Tum to r42
is forward ! You may either presson forward (turn to
Draw your sword and advance?
Try somethmgelse from your 4t) or may checkthe walls for secretPassa8es(tum
Turn to ao5
to 295).

t95 19E
Thls is a ratherunlikely story, considerint that they Oneof the keysturns,but the othertwo will not fit.
seevery few humans around, Nevertheless,Skele- As you srruggleto try to makethem tum, you hear
tons arc pretty dim - you knew this and that's why two smallclicksand then 'pings' astwo miniature
vou tried the stolv. Roll one die. lf you roll a r or z, dartsshootfrom the chestat you. You leap back-
ihey don'tbelievjyou and keepon idvancing. Turn wardsto try to avoidthem,crackyour headon the
to 14o. wall behind you, and slump to the floor, uncon-
A I or4 meansthatthey arcn'tsure, afld send two of
their number off thlough the no h door whilst the TestyourLuck.lf you areLucky,the dartsmissyou,
rcst hold you at bay with their weapons. Turn to and you awakewith a sorehead.Lose2 srAM rNA
a54, points.lf you ale Unlucky,the dartgstrikeand you
neverrecover consciousness. [f youruereLucky,you
A roll of 5 or 6 meansthey'vebelieved you and they may try different keys (remember- oneof the keys
all get back to wo!k! Turn to 9. Add 2 LUcK points you just usedfits perfectly).Add the key totalsand
turn to that page.
You search the room. Try as you Inay you cannot
If you havetriedallcombinations for thekeysthat
you have,you bury your headin your handsand
find the scretswitch to open the door in the book-
weep after havrnggot so far. You are so near to
shelf - the old man must have locked it from the
nside. You do find 5 Gold Piecesin a drawer in the
achievingyour obiective,but you will have to try
table. You decide to return to the iunction to the
again.Re-enterthedungeon-but rememberto look
south Tum to 2Eo. for keysas you progress!

r97 19
At the top ol the stairs the passageturns shaiPly lo The passagewayaheadwidens and you can see
200-20a 2O2-204

ahead a large cavern. As you shine your Iantern 202

around it you can seecrude stone weapons on the You place the helmet on your head. It fits well.
floor and a smouldering fire in the cenLreof the Suddenly a searing pain flashes acrossyour fore-
cave. But you see no way through. As you turn to head. You cannot think stlaight. This helmet is
make your way back you stop in your tracks to see cursedand, try as you might, you cannot removeit!
two NeanderthalCAVEMEN barring your exit. Reduceyour sKrLr- scoreby 1. The pain soon sub-
They grunt aggressivelyat you. You clraw your sides, but you still cannot shift the helmet. You
sword and must prepare to fight staggerback to the junction, trying desperatelyto
compose yourself. Turn to 82.
F i r s t C AVEM AN Z 6
Se c on dC AVEM A N 6 4 203
Fight them one at a time. lf you win, leave the Add 1 point to your LucK for defeating the
cavern and return to the junction. Tum to 283. Werewolf. You may rest and eat Provisions if you
wish. Asyoulookaround the roomthere appearsto
be little of use, although the bunch of keys looks
interesting, particularly the one marked 'Boat
House'. None are numbered. You may take the
200 keys if you wish. There are doors to the west and
Turn to 382 south. If you open the west door, go to 18. If you
want to go south, turn to 56.
You sink to the floor. You pull the dart out and
decide to bandage the wound. This gives some 204
reliet but you still feel weak. You decide to take it The old man doesnotlookup from the table,buthis
easy and examine the contents of the chest, but if devilish little pet eyes you suspiciouslyand starts
you wish you may eat some Provisionshere There chattering in a small squeaky voice. The old man
are 25 Gold Piecesand the label on the bottle shows grunts and asks you whether you are game for a
it to be a Potion of lnvisibility, good for one dose. wager. Will you accept(you may only do so if you
The glove is a mystery. You may put any or all of have atleastone GoldPrecewith you)? Ifso, tum to
theseinto your haversackand leavethe room. Turn lJo lf not, you may either leave the room (turn to
to 29j. 28o)or attack the man (turn to 372)

- 205
The door opensand you find yourselfin a dark crypt
oI some kind. The room is very large At one end is
an altar, and various coffins are strewn about the
room. There is a doorbehind you in the south wall,
and alsoone in the west wall. lf you want to investi-
gate the room further, tuin to 254:If the placegives
you thecreeps,youcanleavevia the westdoor(tum
to 38o).

You enter a large square room. In the centre of the
room is a g!ey-haired old man sitting at a desk. His
deskiscoveredin papersand parchmentsofvarious
sorts and he holds a long quill pen. He is sur-
rounded by books. Thousands oI them line the
shelvesaround the walls, froft floor to ceiling. As
you enterhe looks upatyou. Will he recognizeyou?
lf you have been in this room before, turn to 2E4;iI
not/ turn to 341.

Goin8 throuBh dre door you enter a large room.
Various bits oI wooden debrig are strewn untidily
across the floor. Apart from your entrance door,
thereis alsoa door in the nolth wall. ln one coheris
a crude wooden desk with a box on it. In another
comer, apparently asleep (or dead), is a hideous-
looking man-sized cneaturewith warty skin, wild
hair and long claws for fintemails. Will you tipboe
out through the north door (turn to 8j) or tiptoe
acrossto the desk to look at the box (hxn to 1j4)?
2o1 TIrcroon 6uenllutge Atoneend .a4 allar,anduanous
- rcff'n>-areitran ataut the room
2o8-2Aa 242-274

208 242
Further up the passagealon8 the west wall you see The parchment is well wom and almost illegible. lt
another door. You listen at it but hear nothing lf is a map of some sort, headed'The Mazeof Zagot'.
you want to tryoPening the door, furn to3gT Ifyou You can make little senseof it, although a room to
want to conhnue northwards, turn to 363 the north is marked'... GER' and anothei to the
e a s tis ma rk e d' S M. . . P . . . L E ' .
The timbers of the bridge are rotting and decayed You fold up the map and put it in your pocket. lf you
irom years of neglect. A single Plank snaps under have notyettested theliqurd and wish todo so, turn
your foot. Rotl one die A roll of 6 sendsyou sPlash- to 369. Otherwise, you can make your way north-
ing into the dver below - turn to a58 A roll of F5 wards (turn to 12o).
means you regain your footing. Tum to 47.

2ao The dooris locked.You may try to chargeit downby

Shortly along the passageyou a[ive at another rolling two dice. If the number rolled is equal to or
iunction where you may 8o either straiSht ahead less than your sKrrL score,the door bursts open -
westwards(tum to 225)or northwards (turn to 357) turn to 36. If the number is greaterthan your sKrLL
score, the door remains locked, you lose r
2aa srA M rN A point for your bruised shoulder and you
Wights are vulnerable only to weapons made of must progress up the passage- tum to J14.
solid silver. If the weaPonyou are usin8is notmade
of silver, have one more Attack Round Remember 274
that any wounds he inllicts on you will count, but Facing northwards, the rock face is smooth and
your wounds will not harm him; and he will still be glistening with moisture. Moss of many different
at full stren8th(sxrrr- 9 stAurNe 6) unlessyou hues grows on the surface.There is an eeriesilence
have chosen a silver weaPon, punctuated only by the splashingsof the river as it
flows behind you. You have threeoptions:
tf you have a silver weaPon. you had better use rt
now and tum to 173.ll you have not, or if you have A passageruns off to the north-west.
suffered enough damage. you'd better run for the lf you take this route Turn to 271
north door tum to 360. Rememberthat you are A large timber dooris directly in
Esupng here and he inflicts a final wound as you ftont ofyou in the middle of the
flee rock face.lf you open the door Tum to 1o4
tthnd opfid Mlel)

Another passageruns out along the

river eastwards To follow this
along the riverbank lurn ro 99

You reachinto your pack for the stick only to find rt

splitin two pieces!Ithasbrokendu ngyouradven-
ture. What else can you try:
Draw your sword ancladvance? Turn ro 142
Try somcthing elsefrom your
pack? Turn to 1o5
The water is rcfreshing. As you drink more you feel
a glow spreadingthrough your body as if you were
drinking at the fountainof Me. Add 4 srAMrNA
points,and restoreyour sKrLL and !ucK scoresto
levels.The fountainof life for you must
be the fountain of death for the evil Goblins You
may eat Provisions here lvhen you have rested
leave through the north door Turn to 384
The stake narrowly missesthe Vampire's head As
you watch it travel, you pick up the creahrre'sgaze
again. He beckons you towards him once more
Your will has gone Tum to 118

lou are on the south bank of an underground rr,"er
facing acloss its black depths There appear to oe
2rB you areon thesouthbankof an underyrouNl tnel, faaftg four ways of crossing. To your left, a rustect bell
aqoss rls blick depths-
bearsthe sign 'Ferry Servrce2 Gold Pieces- Please
2t9-227. 2t:2-226

Ring.'There ls a small raft in front of you on the

bank with a long stick resting beside it: you could You walk up a long corridor, round a sharp hairpin
punt acrossthe dver. A rickety old bridge crosseson bend at the top and finally along an east-west cor-
the right. lf you don't trust any of these, you may ridor, eastwardsto a crossloads.Tuln to 85,
swim, Which will you choose?
Ring the bell Turn to J The door is firmly locked. You may try to force it
Punt the laft acoss Turn to 386 open (hrm to 53) or you may continue along the
Risk the bridge Tum to 2o9 corridor (tum to 3oo).
Swim Turn to 316
249 As youreyes watch the creature'smovements,they
Turn to 1E2. suddenly make contact with its piercing stare. You
are mesmerizedand, as it beckonsyou towards it,
220 your will disappeals,Turn to 118
He is enraged by your pleasantries.He waves his
hand in the air, mumbles a few strange syllables and 225
then points at you. You feel your head spinning and fhe passagewaycontinues westwards and then
passout, You awakein a dead-endpassageTurn to turns due north. Somewayup, you reachajunchon
r7a. where a narrow passageruns off to the west. Will
you conhnue northwards (turn to 77) or take the
west way (turn to 63)?
What ale these mystedous items you have col-
lected?Which have you written down first on your 226
Equipment List: You walk ashort distancesouth and find yourselfat
Thearmour? Turn to 22 a crossroads.Turn to 267.
Theshield? Tu:rn to 132
Thesword? Turn to 27
Thegold? Turn to 11o
Thecrucifix? Tum to 17o

The door opns and you find yourself in a small.

smoke-filled room. Sitting in the room around a
wooden table are four tiny men, each about one
metre tall, but all are apparently fully mature, with
weathered skin and long, bushy beards. They are
cursing, laughing and joking as they play a card
game. Each one is leaning back on his tiny chai!,
puffing a long clay pipe. On the tableare a number
of copper coins and four mugs of ale.
As you walk in, their merriment stops. They are on
their guard but don't appear to be too dangetolrs
One stands up and makes some comment about
your lackof manners,not knocking beloreyou came
in. The others nod their agreement.Do you:
Chat to them and try to bftiend
them? Turn to 1rl
Apologize, bow and leavethe
room? Turn to 291
Offer to jom in their card game? Turn to aoo
Draw your sword and go for the
leader? Turn to 20
lf you have already been in this room, you find rt
emPty Turn to 291
You find no secretpassageways.You are carefulnot
to make too much noise in case you attract any
wandedng creahrres.You stop and listen but can-
227 SLlht1etn thc roo, arc ,,d a L\nde tabb arc fow hnv not hear anything. You return to the crossroads
tt?n tuth u$thered skD and long hlshy brards Tum to E5

You move swiftly down the passage and arrive back'
at the junction. Turn northwards this time - turn to

You are at a three-wayjunction.
To go east Turn to 70
To go west Turn to 18o
To go north Turn to ,29

You think back to the words of the old man. 'Yoir
might need it sooner than you think You grope
tn your packand pull out the candle Immediatelyit
lights itself of its own accord.The howling stopsand
the room appears bathed in a blue light from the
candle. On the walls, the figures in the mural are
,loolt?glThey are mouthing silent screamsas if trap-
ped in a two-dimensronalhell. On the wall opposite
is another door, which you may leavethrouSh (turn
to 88), or you may stay to investigate(turn to 49).
Add 1 LUcK for your foresight.

The box is light, but something rattles within. You
openthe lid and a smallSNAKE dartsout to biteat
your wrist! You must fight the Snake-
S NA K E s K rL L 5 srAMtNA 2
the lid and a smaLlSnakedalts out to bite
at Vourwnst! tf you kill the Snake, turn to 145.
24r-r4t 244
244 yourhand badly. Did you uge yourrightor your left
As vou attack the porhait with the wooden stake,
you feel a wrench of pain in your wtist You are
Roll one die. lf the number you roll is odd, this was
forced by some unseen power to droP the stake
your sword hand and your fightin8 prowess has
You decideto run andleave thlough theno hdoor'
beenseverelyhamlxred. LoseI s Kr L L points and 1
Turn togo, but los1 more 5I(I LL Point in awe of the
sra ur N n. lf you rolled an even nmber, you usd
Warlock's power-
your other hand, and so the injury is not quite so
important. Lose 1 s(IL L point and 2 srA M rN A. II
,2 you now wish to pull the right lever, turn to uE. lf
The door opens to reveal a small, dimly tit rcom you don't wish to pull the right lever, you won't be
The walls are hung with omate curtalns, laced in getting much further - and remember which hand
siher and gold. A single flame burns in one corner, you will useI
throwrng light on a low table m lhe middle of the
floor On this table is a lar8,echest. You steP uP to 244
Investrgatethe chest and ftom all around, yet from The passageruns northwards, and ahead you can
nowhere, a mystetious sound fills the room. lt hear the splashingsofan underground river. The ait
sounds like therumbling of thunder clouds prepar- becomes cool and fresh. You soor. reach a wide
Ing to make storm. opening of a river tmnk but despair as you look
acrossto seeno way through on the other side. To
)ou apDloach the chest and cafl see that it $ hld
the east the rivea flows thlough a cave in the lock
shut by'threeIocks.As you aPProach,the noiseSets
You may either sit, rest and eat Provisions(turn to
louder Will you:
r43) or continue by what seemsto be the only way
Hack at the box with yout sword to lorward, jumping lnto the river and swimmlnt
try ro split rt oPen? Turn to J79 downstleam (tum to 399).
Searchthrough your bagsto seeif
you can 6nd keys to fit? Tum ro 139

To your horror, you realze that thrs dummy levet
was a trap I Although it looked like a handle 1twas
m lact a war-coated Ewordblade and it has now cut
245-248 249-25o
245 lf you defeathim, you may continue up the passage
Turn to 198. - turn to 3o1.

246 249
]ou set off south along a cobbled The dog springs as you move. Its hideous black
swrngswest, then south, then west again until you teeth are coming straight for your throat! Two
find yourself at a three-way junction. metres ftom you, a blast of fire shoots ftom its
To go north mouth right at your face!You duck just in time but
Tum to 329
To go west must now fieht the beast.
Turn to 160
To go backeast Turn to 70 DOG S K ILL 7 srAM rNA 6

He is a little stardedby your onslaught, but simply

mrseshishand. Ashe doesso, you suddenly collide
heavily into . . . apparently nothing. You sit on the ln addrtion to its nomal attack, throw one die every
floor in a heap, rubbrng your nose Lose 2 Attack Round for its fiery breath. On a roll of r or 2,
STAMTNApoints. The old man chucklesand says, i t scorchesyou for 1 point of damage - subtract from
'You poor fool. Did you think I was defencelessrn your sTA M I N A -but on a roll of3-6, you avoid Lhe
such a den ofevilas fhis?You willregret your folly. blast. You may use your LucKagainst the 6re. The
You rise to your leet and return to the passageway, only E cnpeopen is through the south door (turn to
furning north up the corridor. Turn to 29a. 6).

248 The old man watches the lighl but does not move
The crearurethat has just awakenedls an ORC! He unlessyou kill his do8. lfyou kill the dog, you may
scramblesto his feet and tums to grasp at a rope Escape through the south door (hrrn to 66),but you
which rs probably the alarm bell. You must attack will not have time to takeanythin8 with you. If you
h1m quickly. wish to stay, tum to 3o4. Add 1 LUCK point any-
You are in a short passaBewaywhich comes to a
dead end severalmetres ahead oI you. You study
the rock face carefully but there appears to be no
way through You return to the crossroadsand this
time continue stralght ahead northwards Turn to

The passageway twists sharply northwards and

ahead you can hear water flowing. You eventually
reach the south bank of an undetground river. As
you stand on the pebbledbankyou hear a fluttering
of winBsand look up to seethree G I AN T B ATs
swooping down on you to attack. Fight these three
as a single creature:
G T A NT B A T S s K rL L 6 STAM I NA 6

If you win, turn to 344.You may Esoflpe

by lumping
into the river (turn to 399)

You pull the lever and, with a great groaning noise,

the rock facein front of you and the ground you are
standingon startto move.As if you wereon a gjant
rotatin8table,you spinround unLilyoustandon the
otler side of a rock face ln a north-south passage.
Willyou go north(turnto312)or south(turn to225)?

<) J

The passagewayends ln another wooden door, thrs

time a small one wlth a carved bone handle Yotr
hsten but hear nothing coming from inside. You try
the handle and the door opens into a pear-shaped
room with a rough stone floor, making walkrng
2.1 As voll standonthepcbbled ban^Vouheatallutteti Sol acrossrt somewhatawkward In one cornerof the
inncs ind lool,up rc sei lhrce Cbnl BatssuooPtnBdoun room ts a prle of rubble, marnly stonesand dust, but
therearealsoLwoodd-shapedpiecesof wood and a
you want to try openingit, turn to 193.If you want
Iength of rope. A door in ihe ;orth wall leads on.
to gobackto thejunctionand try anotherroute,turn
Will you:
to 93.
Examinethe bits ofwood? Tum to 32E
Study the length ofrope? Tuln to 125 255
Leavethrough the north door? Turn to 7j You are at a junction where you may go north (tum
to39E),although this passageends shortly in a dead
end. You may go west (turn to 297)or you may go
south (turn to 114).

Ihe passagewayruns straight for several metres

and then ends at a wooden door. You listen at the
room. A creakingnoisemakesyou whirl round and door and hearangryshoutingcomingfrom wlthin.
the light from you! lantern fallton the largestcoffin. Will you investigate(tum to r6E) or turn bdck (turn
It is opening! to z9r?
As you watcll a tall man with a white face sits
You sort through the broken pots and find little of
interest. The liquid looks, smells and tastes like

you to come over. Do you:

As you tip the vase out it slips and breaks. A red-

coloured key appears,hidden inside a falsebottonr
meansof attack? in the bowl. You may take this key. It rs inscribed
Turn to 279
Run for the west door? with the number r1r.
Turn to JEo
You may rest here and eat some Provisions, You
may add 2 LUc( points for de{eatingthe Minotaur
The passagewayends in a sturdy wooden door. If
Finally you leave the room. Turn to 54
259-263 264

259 Warlock's treasure. He was captured by the Orcs

As you swim to the bank away {rom the crocodile and thrown into his solitary cell as a sort of pet tor
you look back to see the mysterious 'furbulence' the creaturs. You ask whether he would like to
approachthe reptile's body, breakinto a frenzy and accompany you into the mountain, but he simply
then move o{f, leaving not a trace of the animal. wants to leaveand seethe woild again.You ask him
Thankful that you were not there to find out what it for advice but he says he knows little. He advises
was, you liltyourself out of the wateron to the north you to pay your respectsto the boatman. He tells
bank. Add r s(r LL and 2 LUcK Poitlts.Turn to 7. you that you must pull the right-hand lever on the
watl ahead to open the iron gate at the end of the
26., passage.He has also leamed that the keys to the
You find no secretpassages.If you are on your way Boat House are Buardedby a man and his dog. You
north, turn to 359. lf you are Soing south, turn to shake hands, leave the room and go your separate
129. ways. Add I LUCK.Tum to 314,

You reach the iunchon and continue eastwalds, 264
Tum to 3,45. There is no way you are going to charge the door
down, as it ls twelve centimetresof solid oak! You
262 bruiseyour sword arm at the atte[lpt - lose 1 s Ki L L
Some way up the Passage,you reachanother junc- point. Youcaflonly get throughthe door ifyou have
tion where you may either go eastwards (turn to the Boat Hou8e key (rfyou have this key, tuln to 80,
199) or turn westwards (turn to 251). and more fool yolr for not using it stralghtaway)
Otherwise you will have to return to the riverbank
261 and try again. Turn to 129.
You shout: 'You ate freed, old manl' at the toP of
your voice. lnstantly, his rantings cease He stoPs
dead in his tracksand sink) to the floor, weePin8
Loudly. As he gradually composes himself, he
thanks you many times. You talk with him in the
hope of drscovering some of the secrets of the
mountain and he beginsto tell his story Many years
ago he was an adventurer like you in searchof the
You grope around the length of the walland find a
door. Quickly you fumble with the handle. lt opens!
Turn to E8.

The caseopenseasilyand inside you find a magnifi-
cent bow and one silve! arow. An inscription on
thecasesays:'Thegive!ofsleepto thosewho never
can' You put the bow, arrow and casein your pack
and leavethe room, but you may eat Provisionsfirst
- and add 1 LUcx point. Tum to 237,

You now stand at a cro9sroads,

To go north Tum to 312
To go south Turn to 246
To go west Turn to 79
To go east Turn to 349

Their vocabularyis limited to a seriesof moansand
groans. They appear not to be intelligent at all.
Furthelmore your convelsation merely serues to
attract their attention to you. They grip their
weapons and it looks as thou8h you will have to
fight them. However, thereis a slim chancethat you
could make it to the door you came in ttuough. lf
you want to try for that door, turn to 13, lf you have
resigned yourself to a battle, turn to 28r.
266 TheMseopenseasiuandnsidelou fnd a nagnificen
t bow
and onenlaef 0rrbw
2q-27t 274
2q mallet and five short sfumps of wood, sharpenedat
You arriveback at the iunction and tum westwards one end. You may take these if you wish, and can
Turn to 225 now leavethrough the door in the north wall. Tum
to d9,
You enter the cavernand look around to seedozens
of beautifully coloured stalactitesand stalagmites
You leavethe cavernalong a long, narrow corridor,
bordering the perimeter. Numerous drips can be
After several hundred metles, it ends at a large
heard, but the whole place seems like a magic
wooden door which is slightly ajdr.Carefullyyou
grotto. Nearthe backofthe caveh, you comeacros8
ease it open a little furthe! and poke your head
a parrofboots, which semtohavebeen madequite
around the side to seewhat is in the room. You seea
rcently.Will you:
small old man sittlnt at a table on his own, playing
Continue investigatingthe cavem? Tum to 51 with a pack of cards.He looks quite a harmlessold
Try on the boots? Turn to r94 soul, grey-haired and bearded, He is seated What
L,eavethe caveh and return to the will you do:
iunction? Tum to 37j
Burst through the door, sword
2V drawn. to surprise the old man? Tum ro r24
The short passagebegins to narrow and ends a few Knock on the doorand enter
metres ahead at a doorway. lf you wish to go Sreetingthe old man
through the door, turn to 316.If you decideagainst courteously? Turn to 356
thls direction and go back to the river, furn to 214 Cet down on all fours and try to
creepinto the room unnoticed? Turn to 98

He calms down, takes the Cold (deduct this lrom

your Cold) and rows you acrossto the nolth bank
After mooring the boat he amblesoff down a pass-
ageway.Turn to 7.

A searchof the room revealsnothing oI any value,
although an old boxln the comercontarnsa wooden

As you move over towards the second body, you
accidentally kick the third corpse on the floor. tts
eyes flick open and it quickly sits up and slashesat
you with its long, sharp lingernails.
TestyourLuck.IfyouareLucky,the creaturemrsses
lf you are Unlucky, it has caught you acrossthe le8
and you sulfer 1 srAMrNA point'sworth of dam-
age. Turn to 23o.

Turn to 182

You are in a short passagewaywhich comes ro a

dead end several metres ahead of you- You may
searchfor secretPassages(furn to 146),or you may
return to dre crossroadsand either follow the Dass-
a8e ahead to the north (tum to 355). or tum t; lhe
west (tum to a1)-

The passagewaysoon comes to an end at a locked
wooden door. You listen at the door but hear
nothing. W l you try to chargethe door down? lf so
turn to 156. II you would rather tum round and go
back to the junction, turn to 92

The qeaturc you ale facing is a VA MPIRE! You
have vadous lines of attack Your sword will do little
real damage. A Crucifix will hold him at bay but will
275 Th. otp*'s eyesfli.k qutlly stb up tnd
sltsh6 ot W uilh tE lont 6huPlngemats not kill him. If you have eilher of thegeyou may use
zEo-282 283-2E5

it to get you through the west door (tffn to 38o).If

you are determined to kill the vampire, you must
overpower it and ddve a wooden stake through its
heart. Ifyouhave a wooden stakeand wish to try to
kill the Vampire, hrm [o 17. lf you have none of lf you defeatthe first Zombie,add 2 LUCKpoints
these, draw your sword and turn to 333. and turn to facethe other three (fight eachin turn):
ZOMBIE with scythe 6 6
ZOMBIE with pick 6 6
You arrivebackat thejunctionand dlis time take the
Z O MB I E wit h a x e 6 j
passagewayto the east. The passagewayruns for
severalpaceseastwards.then turns north. Turn to If you defeat all four, tum to 115.
You arrive back at the Junctionand progresswest-
The narrow passagewayeventually becomes too wards. Turn to 251.
small for you to walk along. You get down on your 284
hands and knees, and crawl. Eventually, you will 'You again?' says the Mazemaster, obviously
get no further and there seems to be no way annoyed at berngdis turbed. 'You are disturbing my
through, so you decide to return to the main pass- concentration. Be off with youl' You begin to
age. You head for the iuncLion.Turn to 10 explain that you only refurned by mistake, but as
you open your mouth, an icy glarefrom the old man
282 silencesyou. You decide to leave him to it. To leave
The four creaturesshlrfl'lin8towards you are mind- by the west door, turn to 46. To leave by the south
less ZOMBIES. Their vacant eyes suggestthat door, turn to 392
thefu actions are controlled by a will which is not
thetuown. You are still too dizzy to think properly, 285
but you must act quickly. The first Zombie reaches You see a well-used door on the right-hand (east)
you and preparesto swing his club. You must fight side of the passageway. With your ear to the
him. keyhole, you listen and hear a man screamingfor
help from inside. Will you open the door (tum to
Z O MB I E SK IL L 7 STAM I N A 6 213)or walk on (turn to tq)?

The narrow staircaseis cut into the rock and there
are about twenty stepsteading down. At thebottom
of the steps a passagewayleads you into a large
open chamber. This chamber stinks of putielying
flesh. The smell is so bad that you are tempted to
tum back.Threebodreslie in the chamber.You may
eilher sear(hrhe bodies,or tipLoequietly through
the room. What will you do:
Searchthe first body? Tum to 294
Searchthe secondbody? Turn to 275
Searchthe third body? Tuln to r48
Iiptoe through the room? Turn to aoz

The passagecontinues for quite som time. then
you reach the foot of a staircasecut into the rock.
You ascend the stairs and they end at a wooden
door with rusty hinges. Listening at th door, you
can hear some scratching sounds. You try the
handleand the door credls open. You step into d
bare room scatteredwith bones.There iB a door on
the wall opposite. Cnawing at the bones are three
GIANT RATS which stop to look at you as you
enter. Eachis at leastone metre long and their tatty
coatsindicatethat theyare fighters.You willhave to
take them on if you are going to get through the
room, as they no doubt see you as a ta6ty meal. lf
you have collectedany Cheeseduring your adven-
2E7Cnaung at lhe bonesarelhrceChnt Rtts uhtdl stopto fure. turn to 32. Otherwise, turn to 3o9
look al you as uot enter-
fum to r8r.
You are standing rn the middle ol an east-wesr
coffidor. To the east is a dead end, whrch you can
2E investigate by tuming to 3i5. To the west Lsa fam-
You look frantically round the room but can see
iliar iunchon To go this way turn to 52. Another
nothing to aid you. Suddenly your eyesstop on thc
passageway- quite a short one - leads olf ro the
pack of cards he was fintering as you entered, and
north and endsin a lalgewoodendoor. lf you wrsh
you rememberthe rumours and storiesthe villagers
to try the door, turn to 222
told you: 'The Warlock's power comes from his
cards.'The sorcererseesyour interest in them and
you both rush for the table. You get there first. 292
'Leave those alone,' he screams. 'or you risk my Northwardsthe passagewayends ata solidwooden
fullest wrath!' But you move backwa:rdsand set 6re door. You listen at the door but can hear nornrns
to one with your lantern. He c es out wildly and I hereappearsto be no choicebut to opcn the door
then begins to plead with you to leave them alone, and enter the room, which you rlo lt's a large
One by one you burn the cards and, as you do so, square room. You flash your lantern around the
the Wallock dimrnishesin stature. As the last card room and catch a quick glimpse of its emphness-
although there are mlrrals on the wall - beforevour
Boes up in flames, he stands facing you. a broken
man. 'My bookl' he croaks, and he tries to unlock lantemsuddenlygoesout. You try to re-lightrt,but
the door on the farside. You raceacrosgto him with it will not catch.ln theblacknessyou heara succes-
your sword drawn and spring at him. Resolvethis sron of fi-ightful noises.Howls, screams,cnes and
battle. wails are getting louderand Iouder until they reach
the pitch whele you must cover your ears. Do you
7 STAM T N A 12 have a Blue Candle?lf so, turn to nor, rurn ro

You arnve back at the iuncrion in the passageand
lf you win, turn to t96. walk straight on eastwards Turn to ut

Turn to 198. You find 5 Gotd Piecesin the pocketsof rhe corpse
295-296 296
Enter theseon yourAdoenfuteSheetand add,1Lu cK fight ev Dragons. You read how, in his last years,
point for your find. You may now either: Famgo finally perfectedhis spell but by then was
Searchthe secondbody Turn to 275 too old to make use of it. So he completedhls book,
Searchthe third body Turn to r48 locked it in a chestand hid it in the depths ofFiretop
Tiptoe through the room Mountain, alrard that it might fall into the wrong
northwards Turn to 1o7 hands. The last page reads:

You find no secretpassages.However, your explo-
rations attract some sort of creature, and as you nil So,vouwho nswhdd
listen you can hear something coming down the ori.d bSoh.rrou htnre rrw
corridor towards you
To find out what sort of wandering monster you if vou r nslt it, lJut ctonot
have come across, turn to 161. You must fight the ill Unlcss vorr use thc
creature and, if you defeat it, you may press on Spell fur the purFse for which
down the passagewaybyturning to48. However, at it ums fufended..vou shcll be
section151you will noLbetold where to progressto,
so write down '48 now so you will know where to
8o after 161
The box contains a small leather-bound book
entitled lhe Makingand Csstingof Dtagonffe. yo11
open the pagesand begin to read. Fortunately it is
wdtten in your own languageand so was probably
not understood by the Orcs otherwise this treas-
ure would certainly not be as loosely guarded as it

The book is written in tiny handwriting by Farrigo

Dr Maggio. In it he tells the story of his life's work; You say these words slowly and softly. Suddenly
the creatjon of the Dragonfire spell with which to the pagesseemto glowand as this glow disappears,
297-298 299-3oa

so do the words on the pages of the book. You 2gg

repeatthe spell to yourselfto memorizeit and leave The passagewayruns east for several metres and
the room. Tum to 42. then runs north. You walk a long way northwards.
You may check for secretpassagesalong the way
297 (turn to 260)or simply proceednorthwards (turn to
You arein an east-westcorridor with a T-iunction at 15.
both ends. To go westwards, turn to 15o. To go
easti/ards, tum to 256, 300
On the east wall of the passageyou see another
298 door, this time made of solid metal. Listening at the
The bridge is slippery from the splashings of the door you hear the sound of tortured screams
water. At one point you slip on a tuft of wet moss coming from within. If you wish to hy opening the
covenng the timbers.Roll one die. A roll of 5 means door, turn to 1o2. If you decide to ignore this room
you slip from the bridge into the water below and and continue up the corridor, tum to Jo3.
start swrmming for the nearestbank - turn to 86.
Any other roll is lucky; youmanaged to hold on and 104
you reach the north bank (tum to Z). To your left, on the westfaceof the passage,there is
a rough-cut wooden door. You listen at the door
and can hear a rasping sound which may be some
sort of creature snoring. Do you want to open the
door? lf so, turn to 82. lf you wish to press on
northwards, turn to 2oE.
i fo2-7o4
Tum to r9E.

You alrive at the end of the passage,where tt meets
another going east-west. But an iron portcullig
blocksyour way and no dmount of chdr& nt rstolnt
to budge it. On the wall to your righr are two levers
and itseems likely that theselevershavesomethtng
to do with raisingthe portcullis, Do you wish to pull
the rieht lever oi the'left lever? '
Right Tum to 126
Left Turn to 243

The old man is furious at your killing his dogt Hrs
eyestum v/hite with anger. He slowly riseshom his
seatand as he stands he appearsto gain rn srzeano
staturc. He is changing in ftont of your eyes. He
sprouts hair on his face and forearms. His nose
lengthens and becomes dogJike, His teeth are
pointed. He is a WEREWOLF and he advances
towaros you,
You can Escrpeonly tluough the door behind you to
the south (turn to 66). Otherwise you must fight

A uon portcl/llis blocks uou unv ahd lf you defeat him, tum to 2o3,
chatgng ts totig to brdI. t.
3o5-306 309-110
305 Io go west Turn to 187
Tesl lloul Luck three times. If you are Lucky each To go north furn to 54
time. you make it across to the far door and can To go south Tuln to 160
leave the room. Turn to 162.On the first throw that To go east Turn to 354
you are Unlucky, you step on a hand tile - turn to
You draw your sword and wait for the Rats to
spring. As the leader preparesto iump, you shout
106 loudly and leap forward at it. Your cry frightens off
You shll find no secret passageways.But coming
to$rards you down the corridor you can see a the other two and they scamperback a few paces.
creature-like shape. To find out what is coming Fight each of the Rats in turn:
towards you. turn to 161 and prepare to fight. SKI LL 5TA MI NA
First RAT j 4
If you kill the creatule you encounter, you can go
back along the corridor. Turn to 29r, Write down Second RAI 6 J
this number so you know where to retutn to. Third RAT 5 5

Thepassagetwists and turns and eventually ends in
a solid iron door. You listen but hear nothing. You
can try to open the door (turn to rj4) or you can go
back to the junction (tum to 8Z). tf you win, you may leave through the door in the
north wall. Turn to 14.

30t lao
You are standing at a crossroads.To the west the Something is not quite right. You landed a fair blow
passagewaygoes on a few metres and turns north- on him, but he appears not to have noticed the
wards.To the north the passageway cndsatadoor. wound!You deducethat this Undead creaturets not
To the east th paggageconttnues and eventually vulnerable to normal weapons- You may choosea
turns southwards. Looking south, the passagegoes new weapon. Armed with this, or you r old weapon,
on as lar as you can see turn to 211

The passagewayends in a door at which you listen
but hear nothing. Trying the handle, you ftnd that
tlrc door opens to reveal a large, squareroom. The
roomis completelybare,but the flooris coveredrna
mosaicof tiles. Two shapesstand out on Lhefloor;
star-shapedLilesand hand-shaped tiles. A door on
the oppositewall js the only way through. Will you:
Walk acrossthe room to the door? Turn to 3o5
Walk acrossthe room stepping
only on stars? Iurn to 178
Walk acrossthe room stepprng
only on hands? Turn to 1o8

You follow a long, narlow passagewaywhich goes
north, Lhenwest, then north again arrd you eventu-
ally find yourself at a crossroads.Tum to jo8.

You check over the body. The poor wretch was
obviously caught in the same way that you were,
but his weaker skull shattered under the club's
blow. He wears a suit of leather armour no better
than your own, holds a wooden shield on one wrist
and clutchesa steel-bladedsword in his otherhand.
lnhispockets are 8 Gold Piecesand aroundhis neck
ls a silver crucifix.
You may take any two of tnese items you wish.
Wdte them on your Equipment List and turn to 221
311 The rcom 6 completelVbarc, htt the fLoot ts cooeredi a
AIso add r LucK and I sKrLL point.
uosalcol tlles
144-347 3a8-321
314 318
Furtherup the passageyou scc a door in the cast Thepassageway endsin a deadend Youmay eithcr
wall. You listen hard, but can hear no sound. Do refurn to thc crossroads(turn to E5) or search for
you want to opcn the door to invcstigate?[f so turn secretpassageways(turn to 228)
b 22j. lf vou want to walk f!rthcr up the passagc,
rLrrnro Joo_ 349
To find the sccrct of the second rtem you havc col-
lected, turn to 221 and you have
The dead-end appears to havc no secretpass- alreadyinvestigatedboth items, turn to 81
agewavs,but you cancheckby lurning to306 llyou
don't wan i to double-checkfor sccrct passages,turn )20
b 291 You run out of thc room and slam the door shut
behind you. You turn northwards up the pass-
3a5 ageway passing a similar-looking door furtlrer up
lhc water is icv cold. You startto swim ano nooce Tum to 351.
that your splashingsare attractinga movrng'tur-
bulence' in the rvater Will \'our strength and 124
staminahold out?Rolltrvodice.lf tlle roll is equalto Turn to 169
or lcssthan your sTAMINA scorc,you believeyou
can makeit and swim furiouslyfor tlrenorth bank
turn to 151. If the roll totals Dlore than your The drawers are all full of nails, tacksand miscel-
s r A M t NA score,you decde not k) risk it and retum laneousbiis dnd pjeccs.[n one driwer is a coppcr-
to the south bank - tum to 218 You may eat Pro- coloured key, inscribedwith the number 66 which
visionson the south bank. looks interestin8 You may keep this key if you
drscardone item of equipmentyou are carrying
347 Adjusl your Equipmenton your Ad-oenture Sh|fl if
You cut down the Dwarf. He is, as you guessed, you want to take the key. The norseftom the north
dead.CoinB through the pocketsof the two Gob- getslouder. You go to the north door to investigate.
lins, you find a large piece of sweeFsmelling Turn to 95.
Cheese.lf you wish to takethis wrth you, put it in
your pack and leave the room northwards. Turn ro
301. Afler a few metres you reach another three-wa)
junction, You may go eithe! northwards (turn to 8)
or eastwards(turn to 255).

As you burst through the door, the old man turnsto
Iook at you, notin the leastperturbed by yourintru-
sion. Suddenly he vanishes! He reappea$ against
the wall and. as you spin round to see him, he
laughs. Not the feeblecackleof an old man, but the
booming laugh of a much younger man. Again he
disappears,and reappearsin another comer of the
room, glaring at you and taunting you with his
evil laugh. You swirl round just in time to see him
disappear again. This time he reappears in the
air above you and slowly floats down to you. His
glartng eyes make you shiver as they approach.
Turn to j58.

You place the helmet on your head. lt 6ts well. A
glow begins to fill your body and you seem to pos-
sessa power and confidencebeyond anything you
have felt before. The helmet is blessedwith magic
and will allow you to add 1 point to all future dice
rolls when computinS your own Attack Strength
during combat so long as you wear it. Note this on
your Equipment List and return to the junction
(turn to 8Z).

You enter a small room with bare, rocky walls. On
the far wall hangsa golden key. There appearstobe
no way through the room. Doyou want to go for the
126Asmatt withba,ffi on n" f', ,*t no"t"
327128 329-134
key (tuIn to 35) orleave it and return to the junction 125).If you take the piecesoI wood, you must leave
(turn to 229)? behrnd one rtem from your pack

The body on the floor turns visrbly older in front of You set off and frnd yourse)f in the middle of a
your eyes. The face looks fifty, then ninety, then north-south passageway.There is a door in the
well over a hunclredyearsold The skin rots and the western wall of the passage Opposite the door is a
eyes decomPoseas you watch, You notice a move- passagegoing off eastwards.To the north you can
ment coming from the creahrre's chest. As the seea door somemetresahead,To the south you can
remnants of the Vampire decay, a small black face scea luncho11. Which will you choose:
breaks through its chest lt resemblesa small black The door in the westwall? Turn to r57
shrew, but as it fteesitsclfand unfurls its wmgs you The door to the north? Turn to 392
realizeit is a bat. You Iungeat it, but it flapsaway Eastwards? Turn to 299
into the darkness. Southwards? Turn to 2JB
)ou searchthe whole chambcr quicklv (rcmernber,
there are severalother coffins therel)and find lo J30
Cold Pieces,a book, ancla Y-shapedstick You may Theba elscontaina clcarbrolr'nliquid.You sniffit.
take these items (enter them on your Adusrttrc It smells like rum. You taste it. lt is rum. You cup
Sfteet)if you will leave behind one item of Equip- yourhands, pour sone in and takea swig You gasp
ment you aie already carrying. by golly, it's goodl Restore6 pointsof srAMrNA
and 1 LUc(. TuIn to 8r.
You can leavethrough the west door. Turn to 38o.lf
you are hungry you may takc Provisionshere, and JJA
you can add I LUcK pointsfor defeahngthe Vanr- The creature is man-sizcclbut its long arms look
Pue. very powe ul. Rcsolvcthis battle:
T RO L L s K rL L 8 srAMrNA 8
Bothplecesolwood areY-shapedand rf
washedup from a river.You may put these1nyour
pack and then either leave through the north cloor
(turn to 73) or stay and examrne the rope (tum to It you n rn. you may heJJ norlhwrrd\ (turn to 287)
J12-111 J34
You find yourself at a door blocking the eastend of As you speak the old man risesto his feet 'Oh my,
an east-west passage.To go through the door, turn oh my, a stranger!'hestarts.'Well. do comern, the
to329. Looking westwards, the passageturns to the shop is open. What can I get you? What would you
north. To go this way, turn to 4, like to buy? What takesyour fancy?Whrch way are
you headed? North? Well?' You tell the old man
your story. He listens intently and replies, 'Oh yes
As you swing your sword at the creatute,it reaches in that caseyou will undoubtedly need one oI my
out and catchesthe blade ln its hand! Your weapon Blue Candles. That will be 20 Cold Piecesplease
is almost ineffective against the considerable Cdshif you don't mind. Yes,I know il's e\pensive.
strength of the creature.You realizethis and panic, but isn't everything these days? Not so long ago
but you must fight on. thesewere only 5 Cold Pieceseach; but you know
V AMP I R E s (l !L 1 0
what has happened to the pnce of candlewaxslnce
the Long Dark Night - oh, but you probably don't
sinceyou don'tcome from theseparts. Nevermind
I can guaranteeit's stillwo h the price. You might
needit soonerthan you think ...'
lfyou decideto buy a candle,pay for it and add it to
your Equipment List. You are getting a little tired of
his constant prattling. Leave the room and go
northwards. Turn to 292.

lfyou defeatthe Vampue, tum to 327.Ifyou wish to

try to Escape,which you may only do after 6 full

Rounds before trying to Escapeagain. If you roll an

rr or rz and you are Unlucky (i e. your curent
LUCK score is below 11), then turn to 224.

Turn to 182.

You are in a small, foul-smelling room You notice
two doors: one to the west and one behind you to
the south. The furniture in the room is sparseand
has been made mostly from bits of old boats There
aPPearsto be nothrng of value in the room, but a
bunch of keys hangson the wall. An old man in
raggedclothes1sslumped asleepon a 'bench' made
from half a rowing boat. snoring loudly Nexttohim
is a vicious-looking brown dog with red eyes and
black teeth, whom you havc awakened and who
now is eyeing you suspiciously. A deep growl is
coming from its throat You may:
Tiptoe an exit through the south
door Turn to 66
Bangon the door behindyou and
cougha few 'Ahem's' to wake up
the old man Turn to172
Leap acrossthe room with sword
drawn to cut down the dog Turn to 249

You lind no secretpassages,but as you press the
walls, you hear a click. You feet dizzy and slump to
the ground. When you mme to, the surroundings
look strange. Turn to 267.

You approach the statuecautiously. A scampenng
An old manin nR?ed(lothesi.slumpetlaslp.pon a bench
nadeftbm halJa ouing:boat.
339 340-34'
behind you makesyou flashround . . . but it is only a w
rat. You feelat the iewel,but it is solidlyin place. You try variousi temsof equipmentagainstthe gaze
You try to work your sword in behind it and as of the painting,but none semsto work. You may
you wolk, you hearan orninousdeakingnoise.To try any of the folowing if you have them:
your horror the statue is beginning to move! You Slashthepaintingwith your sword Turn to 388
jump down and dlaw your sword. The IRON Hold a jewelup in front of it Turn to 31
CYCLOPScranes itsheadroundtowardsyouand Plungea woodenstakeinto it Turn to 241
stepsdown ftom its pedestal.You must fight! Throw cheeseat it Turn to45
If you win, turn to 75. If you want to Escape
during The old man glares at you as you enter the room.
combat, you can run through the door back to the You may either apologize,explain that you lost your
junction. Tum to 93. way and leave through either the door in the west
(tum to 46) or south (turn to 392)walls, or altema-
tively you may try to talk to the old man.lfyou want
to talk to hirn, you can either b pleasant (tum to
2,o) or yo'u candemarldthat he answercyour ques-
tions (tum to a91).
The lock was obviously inadequate;it flies off and 142
landg on the floor severalmehes away. You liit up The Werelat slumps to the ground. You searchhis
the healy lid and your eyes widen as you sc\ethe body and find z Gold Pieces,his fare from the last
gold sheen coming from within. A fair number of crossing. You curse him for trying to overcharge
Cold Pieces are inside. In one cotner lies a small you. Add the 2 Gold Piecesto your Gold and row
you$elf acloss the river. Add 2 LUc( points. As
you moor the boat on the north bank you look back
at the body, It has vanished! Turn to 7.

shootsforward into your stonaci. Roll one die and 143

subkact this number of points from your srAMrN A The door bursts open and you fall headlong into a
to determine the effect of the poison on the dart tip. room. But your heart iumps as you ralizeyou are
lf you are still alive, tum to 2oa, not landing on the floo!, but plungingdown a pitof
344-y5 ,46-347

some kind! Luckily the pit is not particularly deep t45

and you land in a heap less than two metresdown. The luck of the cards may or may not be with you.
Lose I srAMrNA point for your bruises,climb out You have Lwo choices
of thc pit into the room and leavethrough the door, You may leaveall luck to the cards.Throw two dice
heading westwards. Turn to 92. lf the number is even, then you lose this numberof
Gold Pieces or all your Gold if you don't have
344 enough. If the number is odd, then you wm thls
You sheathevoLrrsword and walk up to the water. number of Gold Pieces,
ls it safe to iwim? Although you c;nnot see any
rmmediate signs of danger eiLher in the water or Altematively, you may use your LU cK to help you
arcund its banks, there is no way through on the win. Testyour Luck.lf you arc Lucky, throw two dice
northsldeoftheriver.Yousuddenlynotrceagleam- to see how many Gold Piecesyou win. lf you are
mg sword lying on the river bed several steps rn. Unlucky, throw two dice to see how many Gold
You wadein to retrieveit. Itis light in yourhand,far Piecesyou lose.
lesscumbersomethan yourown weapon, and it has Make the appropriate alteralions on yost AdoenI ute
a keen edge. This marvellous weapon will add r Sheet.lf yo|lwon, you may add 2 LUcK points for
point to your sKrLL whilst you use it. Note this on your good forfune. When this is done, turn !o a31
your Equipment List A mysteriousvoice speakrng
directly to your mind seems to be telling you to 147
throw your own sword rnto the river. Will you? lf Turn to I8r.
so, turn to 56. lfyou want to keep both swords, turn
Io a53.

You follow the passage eastwards for several
metres,then it turns to the north Shortly you reach
another iunchon wher! you may either go strailiht
on (turn to 38a)or you may tum right, into an cast-
wards passagethat soon turns north (turn to J11).
You are in a pit, a little bruised but not too se ously
hurt. You look around as you get back on your feet
and can see two passageways:a short one to the
south which opens into a small chamber, and
another headrng northwards. You are a little
worried about the crash your fall has made, and
even more bv lhe grunling( you Ldn hedr coming
from the chamber to the south. Beforeyou can col-
lect your thoughts, a large,ugly head pokes around
the corner and a TROLL emerges from its
chamber. YoUr ankle is twisted and you cannot
move quickly, but the Troll is ready for a fight You
will have to face the brute. Turn to 331- but if you
hdvea Potion of In\isibility, turn to 5r.

You walk a few metres down the passageand find
yourself at a dead end You may either return to the
crossroads(turn to 267)or investigatethe end of the
Passage(turn to 3o).

As the 'turbulence' surounds you, you can feel the
iostlin8sof many small fish. They start ripping your
flesh with viclous bites and you realze that you are
surroundedby deadly PIRANHAS !
lf, du ng your struggle with the Crocodile, you
have wounded it, you are lucky and mostof the fish
attackthe bleedingreplile. lf you have not wounded
the Crocodile,then the fish may go for either you or
!,48 A large, uglV head pokesatoutldthe cornerLnd 4 Troll rt. Throw one die. If ydu throw a 1 or2, the majority
t5a-35' 354-J56
ot the Piranhasgo for you. lf yoLrthrow a l-6, the with outstetched arms - and run him through the
malority attack the Crocodile. chestwith your sword. You cuise as you realizethat
he was maling no attempt to attack you; his wild
Treat the Prranhasas a singlecreature.lf, as a result
excitement must merely have been relief after
of the above,the dfo,'ifyof the fish attackyou, their having been imp soned for what had apparently
been a verylong time. You willno\r, get noinforma-
P I R ANHAS s (l L L 5 ST A M TN A 5 tion out of him on the perils of the adventureahead.
Turn to 314 to progtess up the passageway.
II as a result of the above, the majority attack the
Crocodile and the rsmamdetaltack yo17,they havei
P I R A N H AS sxrL L 5 STAM I N A 1 You arestandingatabendin thepassage
may go either west or south
To 8o west Turn to jog
To go south Tum to 5t
lf you want to checkfor seclet
ll you win you can swim to shore. Turn to 7. You passageson the waywestwards Turn to 14
may eat Provisionshere-and restorel Luc K Point If you wantto checkfor secret
Passagesas you go south Turn to 234
You amve back at the tunchon and tum eastwards
Turn to 76. You Brope along the wall but can find no way of
escape.The noise is causingyou to scleamin painl
As you approach you feel his eyes burn into you Subkact 1 sKrLL point. You may try either tha east
wlth considerable power. You begin to weaken wall (tum to 18I) or the north wall (turn to 265)
under his gaze.Lose 1 srAMINA Point. You are
gradually losingyour own will. Will you try to draw 356
your sword and fight him (turn to 74) or look tor I he old man looks at you, acceptsyour greetings
some other means of attack in your bag (turn to and bidsyou sit down. Yousit at the tableand notice
27? that he is glaring at you. His piercing stare is be-
coming h)?notic, but you realizethis and breakeye
You lunge at the old man as he leaps towards you contact. He opens lus mouth to speak and to you!
amazement, instead of an old man'g voice, the
whole room iesonates to a powerful voice which
seemsto be coming from the walls themgelves.You
throw a glance back at the man and can see him
changing before your very eyes. He iB of imposing
height. His tatteled old rags have becomerobesof
velvet arrd gold. His black eyes are fixed directly on
you$. He has been expecting you . . .
Turn to 358.

The passageruns for somedistancenorthwards and

then starts to open into a large cavern with rough
walls. There appearsto be no way through. Will you
return to the junction (turn to 269) or enter the
cavern (turn to 57)?

The battle will call upon all yourreservesof strength
and cunning. Your adversaryhas disappeared,and
now standsat the far end o{ the room in front of a
door with two lockg. How will you apptoach him:
Grip your sword firmly and
advancetowards him? Tu.n to r42
Look through your pack for a
weapon to use? Tum to ro5
!5A The l9arlock rcad! lor baltle Look around the room foranother
meansofattack or defence? Turn to f8g
359-161 t64-166
359 grimace to hear the worst singing you have ever
You are at a ctosstoads. heard in your LifelDo you want to go into the room
To go north Turn to 19o to investigatethis hideous din (turn to rTo) or walk
To go south Turn to 94 on up the pagsageway(turn to 42)?
To go east Tum to 121
To go west Turn to 3E t64
As you push the knob, a small stone doorway slides
1@ open. You can either rgnore it and rcturn to the
The door slams shut with a loud bang behind you.
iunction (turn to256)oryou can climb through (tum
You find yourself in a passagewayrunning ahead to 323).You must makeyour decisionquickly, as the
northwalds, You follow itforseveral meLres,until it door shuts of itg own accord rn a minute'g time
bends to the west, and continue onwards. Some
way down the passageyou come acloss a narlow
openin8 in the northwall and decideto go through. The Orcs attack you one at a time
Turn to 89.
t6a First ORC 6 4
You snatchthe key from itshook. Ithas the number Second ORC j J
r2J mscribedon it. But your lungs arebursting. Roll Third ORC 6 4
two dice, lf the number is less than or eoual to vour Fourth ORC 2
sKILL score,you make lt acrossthe r;om to the Fifth ORC + 4
door (turn to 136). lf it exceedsyour sKrLL score,
you are forcedto take abreath ofpoison gas.Reduce lfyou win, turn to 183.lf you wish to Esc4psduflnB
your s K I L L scoreby 2 and your sre urrl scoreby thebattle (don't forgetyour penalty for this), turn to
3 and dash for the door (turn to 136). 217.

362 t66
As you try the walls up the pa$ageway, a secret You are followrng a passagewaywhich leadsahead
door opens up along the west wall. TuJn to a77. ltbendssharplyto
to thenorth.After severalmetres
the east.You continueeastwardsuntil you eventu-
t6t . ally comeacrossa natrow openingrn the north wall.
Further up the passageon the wesr wall you see
You may go through this operung (turn to E9) or
another similar door You listen at the door and conhnue eastwards(turn to 62).
You arrive at another iunction in the passageway.If
you would like to turn westwards, turn to:35. II
you wlsh to go east, turn to 323.

The Warlock's Iaugh resonatesin his chamber.'We
will seewhich of us is the mouse!'he cries, and he
holds his hand in the air. As he snapshis fingels, a
blue flame streams ftom his hand at vou. Los 1
s-rAMrNA points. You will have to try something
Draw your swordandadvance Turn to 142
Try somethingelsefiom your
rucksack Tum to ro5

You swallowsomeof the liquid (tum to rc9).

The door opens to reveala small room. The room is
dirty and unkempt. A straw matttess lies in one
comer. In the centre of the room is a wooden table
upon which a candlebwns, lighting the room with
its flickering flame. A small box rests under the
table. Seated around the table are two small
creatures with warty skin, dressed in leather
arfilour. They are drinl<ingsomesortofgrogand, by
the way they stagger to their feet on your arrival,
37o Seale.larcund the tablearc tM sttdll creatwes uth uarhl you assume they are very drunk. You may either
shtn.dlessedh l?alherarmow.
ya-t74 175-778
draw your sword and leap forward at them (turn to north end of the passage- But before you go, you
1a6) or slam the door quickly and run on up the may eat some Provisionsand you may add 2 LUcx
Passage(turn to 42) points for evading the Skeletong. Iurn to 2o7.

J7a 17s
Safefor the moment, you rnvestigatethe cavernand You a ive back at the iunction afld this time turn
find a passagewaywhich continues to the west. northwards. Turn to 5.
Turn to 274.You may rest and eat Provisronsbelore
you continue, and add 3 LU cK points for defeating
the Dragon. 176
You may collect all the copper pieceson the table
They are worth a total of 4 Gold Pieces.Then you
372 can leave through the door. Turn to 291. You may
The battle commencesl
pause to eat Provisions, and you may add J, LUCK
5( I LL STAM I NA points
SERV A N T 5 j 3n
As you draw your sword, the WINGED GREM-
LIN flaps into the air and attacksyou, while the old
man rushes over to the bookshelf, touchesa book
and escapesthrough a secretdoorway that opens
Fight them one at a time. II you defeat them both, for him. But you must fight his pet.
Rrrn to 21, WI NG E D G RE ML I N sKILL 5 sTAMINA 7

You are at the gouth end of a north-south pass-

ageway at a dead end. lf you go northwards you
will reach a crossroads.Turn to 85.
If you beatthe Gremlin,turn to 196,
The Skeletons do not notice you and disappear t7t
through the door into the Boat House- Breathing a You wipe your bloodied sword on the mattrcss-The
sigh of relet you press on to try the door at the geen blood leaves a slimy stain on the straw
3791Eo 381-382
Steppin8 pver the bodies towards the table you ,81
flinch at the foul stenchof the creatures.You pick up Ihe passageends at a wooden door, trimmed in
the box from under the tableand examineit. It is a iron Various inscriptionsadorn the door, but none
small wooden box with crude hinges. The name makes any sense to you. You listen, but hear
'Farrigo Di Maggio' is inscribed on a brass name- nothing. You may either open the door (turn to 84)
plate on its lid. If you wish to open the box, turn to or relurn to the junction(turn to 28o).
296.lf yo,r decide to leave it behind and leave the
loom, turn to 42. 382
You hold the Eye up in front of him and the jewel
379 Bivesoff a dull glow. You point it towards him and
As you prepare to strike the box, the rumbling he shdeksl He backsaway into a corner and a beam
sound Sets louder. You l t your sword high and of light shoots from the iewel. As it falls on hirn he
prepareto strike. As your bladecomesdown on the sinks to the floor and a remarkabletransformahon
box, a loud crackdeafensyou and, from one corner takesplace.He startsto shrivel and grow visibly old
of the room, a small bolt of lightning darts through in front of you. His skin wrinkles and cracksand he
the air to the sword hilt, sending you reeling across slowly becomesan amorphous heap in the comer.
the room. After some moments, the iewel stops glowing and
Testyoltt luck. lf you are Lucky, your sword has you approach the lifelessbundle of cloth; his robes
shatteredand lies on the floor, but you managedto are all that remain. Turn to 396.
releaseyour grip just be{ore the lightning shuck. If
you are Unlucky, your charred remains have
formed a small blackoutline on the floor. Next time,
do not try to strike thechest!Ifyou wereLucky, you
may try to usekeys from yourrucksack.Turn to 139

You are in a narow east-west co idor. Looking
westwards you can seea crossroadsahead. You go
on to the crossroads Turn to 37
A sign abovethe doorreads'Boat House'. The door
is firmly locked but a small barred window allows
you to look inside. You can see a numlrer of
Skeleton-menworkrng on building a boat of some
sort. They move in a seriesof quick, ierky actions,
rather insecFlike.
If you have a key clearlylabelled
'BoatHouse' Turn to 8'o
lfyou want to try to break the door
down Turn ro 264
lf you want to return to the
riverbank and ky another route Tuin to i29

The door opens into a passagewhich you follow
northwards. Shortly you reacha bend and follow it
round to the east. Several metres on, you reach a
iunction at which you may either go north (turn to
252) or continue eastwalds (turn to 3oZ).

You travcl westwards for several paces, then the
passageturns to the north. Someway up, you reach
a iunction. You may go south (turn to rr4) or west
(tum to297).To the north, the passage endsshortly
at a dead end. lt you wish to go up here, turn to 39A.

You climb on the raft and start to punt your way
acrossdre river. The going ts not easy.ln the middle
yol aanseeo numtEr ol Skelelorl-den uotkrnBo hltldtdg
of the river the laft seemsto takeona willof lts own
o boal of gme sorl
tt7-190 391-t9J
andbob8 up and down dangerously.Yollrealize itis earrings, worth I Gold Piecebetween them, are rn
attempting to capsizeitself and throw you into the one of its pockets. You may take thege, If you
river!You may either trustyou! stlength and luck to haven't aheady sealchedthe first body, you do so
hold on and keep punting to the north side (turn to and find j Gold Pices,which you may also rake
55)or jump into the waterand attempt to swim back You may alsostop here, rest and eat Provisions.You
to the south bank (tuin to 166). can add 2 LUc( points lor killing the Ghoul. Now
you may either presson northwards (turn to 12o)or
search the second body (turn to 393)-
You tly the keys. Not one will turn. As you try to
turn the third key, small catchesdrop and your last 394
memoly rs a sting of pain as three small darts pierce You are at the south end of a north-south coEidor
your skin, Each is treated with a quick-acting Looking northwards, you can seea pdssdgecoming
PO$ On . off ftom the east wall. Do you want.
Remembernot to use this combinationof keys next To go up to this passage? Tum to 5r,
hme! To check for secret passagesas you
walk northwards? Tum to 162
3E8 To go south, following a bend to
Your sword flies out of your hand, into the aii and the west? Tum ro 4t
you mugt leap aside as it comes down on you. [t
grazegyou! cheekas it falls. Lose1 sTA M l NA point.
You decide you'd better leave the room. Pick up 192
You are in a north-gouth corridor You may go
yourswordandtuln to9lo.Loser more 5KrLL point
in fear of the Warlock's power. either northwards through a large wooden door
(hrm to 206) or south (turn to 329)

fest your Luck.{f you are Lucky, turn to 2E9 lfyou t93
are Unllrcky, turn to 112 You searchthe pocketsof the other body and find 8
Gold Pieces,a bottle of liquid and an otd preceot
parchment. You may take thesertems To read the
The Choul twrtches and dies at your feet You Paichment, tum tO 212 To tesr the liquld. ruan ro
searchits body and hnd little of interest A coupleof 359.
The boots are well-fashronedin a deep red leather.
They are much sturdier than your own and fit you
well. You try a few steps but are horrrfied to find
that you cannot move, and the boots seem to be
gripping your feet with considerableforce. As you
struggle to free yourself, you hear a crack and a
smash as a stalactitcfalls from the roof; you crane
round to see a large black shape shifting towards
you. As lt approacheg, you turn cold- Several
metresawayis a C IANT SPIDER, atleasta metre
across, advancing towards you on spiny legs,
mandibles clicking nervously in anticipation of its
next meal. You draw your sword to defend yourself
as it stalksyou. You cannot move and thus must
subtract2 lrom eachdice roll you make to calculate
your Attack Shength.
G I A NT S P I DE R s K rL L 7 STAM I NA 8

If you win the battle, turn to 232.

You step over the boneson the floor to take a closer
look atthe BoatHous.You pick up and studya few
of the tools scattered around: hammers, nails,
chiselsand the like, but they appear very ordinary.
You heara banging sound coming from beyond the
north door and have time for one further search
before you must react. Do you look through the
drawe$ of the bnchesaround the room (tum to
jg4 Younon( rcund to seeo lary. blockshapeshifinS tountds J22) or check the tools more carefully (turn to 34)?
wu As il awrcachasw lum cotd

With the Warlock now defeated, you know your
quest is almost over You approach the door with
two locks There are no keys around. You retdeve
two keys from your pack and try them in the locks.
Theyturn!You open the doorandpeerround.Turn
to 242. lI yon have no keys, you may try to break
down the door, and this you will do at the cost of
almostall your srAM rN a. Reduceyour sraMr N A
by 5 and enter the room. Turn to 242.

The door opens to reveal a small room with a stone
floorand dirty walls. There is a stalesmell in the afu.
ln the centre of the room is a makeshift v'ooden
table on which is standing a lit candle. Under the
tableis a small box. ln the farcomer ofthe room is a
stmw mathess. You may either open the box (furn
to 24o)or leavethe room (turn to 36J).

.You feel tf
around the rock face at the end of the
passage One rock comes free and reveals a small
knob with a handle on the end. W you push ir
(turn to 354) or pull it (tum to 12)?

The curent is strong and takesyou swiftly down-
stream. You are y/ashed along through a narrow
operung and out into a large cavem with banks on
both sides The current washesyou on to the south
bank Tum |o 218
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain r5 no more and
you are now the owner of the Sotcerer'sriches, At
leasta thousand Cold Pieces,jewellery, diamonds,
rubies and Dearls are in the chest. Hidden under
these you find the Warlock's spell book and as you
leal through the pages,you realizthat this tome rs
probably more valuable than all the treasure
lnstructions are civen for the control of all the
secrets- and the ireatures - of Firetop Mountaln
With this book. unlimited oower $ vours and the
safety ofyour return to the village rs ;nsured. Or, rf
you would prefer, youcould remaln as masterof rhe
domain of FiretoD Mountaln

Stcvelack$n and lan L'vrn8stoneare ntemahonally well-

known figures n thc Fanlasy Games world They were
amo,rgstthcfirstBDtons to become obsessedwith Amencan
Ro/eP/,yuS Ca,r.s like D!(qco"s A Drdgors,R,"eQrcst and
Tftrellcr intbally as players and later as .o fou.ders of
Gorts WotkshtpLtd Therr compaDywas sei up lo promote
this new hobby and 6 now the la.gest U K company
sP ectal i 2tngrnthese
games Itsa.hvi ti esrrcl u de:
both olvn gamesandAmencanbest-selle.sundcr licence,
publ,sh,ng Wrrle Dud4, a Nagazrne devotcd entrrely to
screnceliction and fantasy gamcsi minufactunng C,rnlcl
Mraraiu6, m,n,alure mctal figures lvh,ch are used In lhc
gancs, and orSan,z'ngBr(arn's largestSamesconventron.
Cetcs Diy, whtch rs held In London every Septcmber
Bascd rn London, lhe Workshop now has shops rn
Hrmmcrsflth, Manchester Birmrngham. Sheffield and

Rolc-Play,ngG ames,of the sort sold by the Workshop were

ihe rnspirationfor Tld lvdr"/ock
0/ l'rretofMorrirx, Dcsrgncd
for sol oadventures.thebookw orksrnarmrl ar r lav t o t hese
gamcs Role Pla)4ngGa,nes are un'que that a 'Cames
Master'w 'n p ur suedby lhe
, hoa.tsasa' god' fo! theadvcnture
playcrs, E essenhal t^The WatloekafFtctop Mounta , rhts
GamesMasterls replacedby th book ttscu, usng a te.h
nque fam,lia. to those who have undcnaken prcgrammed

Steve and Ian are both still achve gamers,listh8 amongsr

their own favouLte Aa es: Apacalypse,1829,Ihlelhlrtsion
Eassbull, Pisaandthe 'brg l' Role-PlayingGams.R!rieQresr.
Dunseons & DrcBonsnd Ttalreller

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