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Transition Plan
SEFB 420

On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received

unauthorized aid on this academic work

Transition Reflection

Over the course of the semester, I have gained an incredible insight into the world of

transition. I have learned how to communicate with families from different backgrounds, use

critical thinking skills during interactions with the student and parent; find and use appropriate

assessments tools, prepare for the transition planning process, and most importantly collaborate

with families. The transition process has been an eye-opening experience and provided me with a

real world example of how to work with students during the transition time of their education.

Learning how to interact with different families from different backgrounds was a major

component of the transition project. Throughout the semester, I had to be mindful of my

preconceived notions and avoid making any stereotypes about the family that I was working

with. I originally had the notions that the parents and student I was working with would dislike

me due to my age and experience or because I am white. I had to overcome both of these

preconceived notions before beginning the process, as well as I had to remind myself throughout

the process not to make assumptions. The transition project was helpful in allowing me to

become aware of my biases. Because of this, I was able to communicate better with the families

and build a rapport with not only parents but the student as well. During the semester, I also

made sure to continue to ask the parent and student how I could best help them, which made

communication a lot easier when any issues arose.

Throughout the semester, different problems arose that needed to be addressed very

quickly. I had to use critical thinking skills to help solve these problems both appropriately and

quickly to continue with the transition plan. One situation where I had to use critical thinking

skills concerned student engagement in the meetings. Throughout most of the semester, it was

very difficult at times to gain the students attention in the topics covered by transition. I had to

think on my feet by changing how I presented or conducted the meeting. For example, one day it

was very hard for me to get any response from the student. She did not want to write or talk, but

she would draw. For that meeting she would draw her responses to me, and I would ask her the

questions. This was not ideal but it helped solve the issue. I also had to use critical thinking skills

when I communicated with the mother. For example, the mother informed that one of the mentor

teachers I was working with counted the student absent for several of our meetings. When

interacting with the parent I had to make sure that I acted quickly and fix the problem. In sum, I

was able to use critical thinking skills to fix the attendance issue, which in turn helped my

relationship with the parent.

Critical thinking skills helped tremendously when beginning the assessment phase of the

transition plan. Finding and implementing assessments was an aspect of transition I was very

apprehensive about at first. Over the semester, it was very helpful to learn about different

websites that can provide informal assessments for each area of transition. The websites were

extremely helpful when I was struggling with obtaining information about recreation and leisure

from the student. I was able to use one of the websites to find an assessment that answered all of

the questions I had for recreation and leisure. I had to be strategic when planning meetings for

the transition plan. I needed to make sure that I provided days that were set aside for assessment

purposes, as well as plan days for reviewing what the student and I had previously created for the

transition plan. Scheduling time for transition planning was something that I had to constantly

update throughout the semester, especially if the student was absent during our usual meeting


The most important component of the transition project that I found to be very beneficial

was collaboration. At the beginning of the transition process, I made sure that was in constant

contact with the mentor teachers and parent. I made sure to establish positive rapport with the

people I would be collaborating with during the semester. Building a relationship based upon

open communication with not only the teachers and parents, but also the student, was very

helpful when conflicts arose. When collaborating with the student I related questions to her

interests and made sure they were on her level. Asking questions helped me connect with the

student and improve the flow of communication. I also made sure to collaborate with the parent

throughout the semester. This was very helpful because the parent would make me aware if the

student was interested in what we were discussing. This project was very helpful in pushing me

to communicate throughout the semester. Learning good collaboration skills benefited me when I

had any questions or concerns. I was able to build an open line of communication where the

parent, student, and teachers were willing to work with me.

Overall, I learned so much this semester and I felt that this project was a great

representation of everything I learned throughout my time in the special education program. I

was able to have a great real world experience that demonstrated the importance of collaboration

and the need for flexibility in teaching. I have grown in my ability as a special educator and feel

more prepared to enter the teaching profession. I enjoyed working on this project and think that it

gave me a great perspective of what is to come in the near future as a special educator.

Student Summary

The student is a 10th grade female at Rudder High School. She is a reserved, independent,

and motivated young woman who has a desire to become a cosmetologist. Currently the student

lives with both parents, and has three older siblings that live on their own. During her 9 th grade

year, the student was served through special education for a specific learning disability in the

areas of written expression, in both reading fluency and basic reading skills, reading

comprehension, mathematics problem solving. She is in a credit recovery class called Ranger

Zone to help her retake the Algebra 1 STARR exam. The student receives accommodations in the

areas of oral administration upon request, simplified vocabulary, small group testing, and extra

time in the subjects of English, math, and social studies. During student interviews, she noted

that she learns best through hands on activities, visual representations, repetition, and asking

questions. She stressed that she struggles in communicating during class discussions and

providing responses to questions. Through observations and informal student interviews, she

shows strengths in time management skills, organization, group work, independence, and

responsibility in terms of classroom assignments. Outside of school, the student and her mother

have expressed that her interests are in dance, and shopping.

Over the course of the semester, the student expressed the activities and interests she has

outside of school. During her free time, she loves to dance, be with friends, shop, and watch

movies. She also mentioned the importance of her family, faith, individualism, and power.

Throughout interviews the student shared the impact her mother had on her goal to be a

Cosmetologist during post-secondary education. The students mother received certification

through Charles and Sues cosmetology certification program, and has been a hair stylist for

many years. The student shared the desire to attend post-secondary education at either a technical

college or four-year university. After high school, the student plans to live in an apartment and

begin working. Her mother reported that the student is currently working on receiving her

drivers license. Both the student and her mother shared the possibility of the student changing

electives to cosmetology at Bryan High School to begin the process of the student becoming a


In regards to transition, the student is currently working on the transition plan for the next

two and half years to reach the goal of becoming a cosmetologist after high school. Information

presented in the most recent ARD meeting stated that the student would be working towards

enrolling in a trade/technical college after high school and starting a part-time job. The student

has continued to report a desire to go into cosmetology after high school. She expressed the

possibility of attending Charles and Sues, where her mother attended, for a post-secondary

educational option. Recently, the student and her mother have become aware of and expressed

interest in Bryan High Schools own cosmetology program if possible. She is exploring either

technical school or Bryan High Schools cosmetology program as her post-secondary options.

In sum, the student continued to express an interest in cosmetology. She has shared her

passion towards wanting to become a hair stylist, as well as the influences on this chosen career

path. Once the student begins the program at Bryan High School or at a technical school, she will

be able to learn the necessary skills required to be successful in the field of cosmetology. For the

success of the student, it is important to recognize the two possible routes the student can take of

either attending a technical school or Bryan High Schools cosmetology program. Due to this, it

will be beneficial for the student to try to pursue both just in case one of the routes does not fit

her needs. Once she chooses her path then the preparation of job and skills training will be a

necessary step towards her goal.


Transition Assessment

Assessment Area: Education

1. Name of Assessment: Learning Style Questionnaire

APA Citation: Bryan High School (2016), Learning Style Questionnaire. Retrieved from, Mrs.

Rationale: The records, demonstrated a lack of information on the specific learning style

of the student. The Learning Style Questionnaire provides an outlook for teachers to

help the student to reach her goals that fit her style of learning. This is important because

the student does have a desire to attend either a technical college or two-year college for

Cosmetology. The questionnaire is a great resource for teachers who will be working with

the student in her current and future classes.

Results: Once completing the questionnaire, it was determined that the student learns

best when in classrooms that implement hands on activities, with minimal distractions

and opportunities to ask questions and have input from the teachers. The student

mentioned that she likes having repetition and creating projects in substitute for exams. In

addition, she mentioned that by receiving individual help from the teacher, she would be

more successful on assignments.

2. Name of Assessment: Student Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy Skills

APA Citation: Miller, R. J., Lombard, R.C., and Corbey S.A (2007). Transition

Assessment: Planning Transition and IEP Development for Youth with Mild Disabilities.

Retrieved by Mrs. Biggs.

Rationale: Once speaking with the student and mother, they concluded that there was a

need for instruction in self-determination and self-advocacy skills. Initially, the student

did not understand how to implement self-determination or self-advocacy skills into her

schooling. The questionnaire discusses aspects whether the student know the

accommodations they need in schooling and the workplace. The student was also asked if

she could describe her accommodations to a future employee or administrations office.

All the information provided in the questionnaire was relevant to the current transition

Results: Upon completion of the questionnaire, the student did demonstrate a lack in

self-determination and self-advocacy skills in discussing the services she receives and

advocating for them in both school and the workplace. The student did demonstrate an

understanding of her goals after high school and knowing the laws that govern her while

working. However, she has mentioned the desire to learn more about how to advocate the

accommodations that she needs for all settings.

Assessment Area: Employment

1 Name of Assessment: Interest Profiler

APA Citation: U.S Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration (2000)

Score report. Retrieved from:

Rationale: Interviews with both the student and her mother, demonstrated a need for

more information on what the student would like to do after high school. The records did

not indicate any assessments recorded in regards to future employment for the student.

The student mentioned that she would like to become a cosmetologist, but no follow-up

testing occurred.
Results: After completing the assessment, the results demonstrated that the student has a

desire to work in a place that provides many hands on activities. She does not mind

working with people, however, the aspect of having to talk to new people is something

she is not sure of. She does like jobs where she either helps in a business or runs her own

business. This can be a direct relation into working in a salon and/or owning a salon in

her near future.


Assessment Area: Independent Living

1 Name of Assessment: Transition Planning Inventory Student Form

APA Citation: PRO-ED (1999). Transition Planning Inventory, Retrieved from Mrs. Biggs.
Rationale: The records did not indicate any testing for independent living. Through

parent/student interviews, insight has been gained as to the capabilities of the student

concerning living alone. The information is very slim, thus the inventory provides a view

of exactly which areas the student is proficient in and where she needs a little more

Results: The inventory results indicated that the student is proficient in how to obtain and

receive a job. In regards to furthering her education/training, the student understood how

to get into a technical college or four-year university. However, the student mentioned

that she is unfamiliar with how to receive training in her specific field of study. The

student has all of the daily living skills needed to take care of herself independently

outside of high school. Concerning leisure activities and community participation, the

student demonstrated an understanding of the resources around her, including those that

help with promoting a healthy life style, making legal decisions, and assisting with cost

of living. It is her communication and interpersonal skills where she struggled. She

mentioned that for writing purposes she would need a little extra help. She would also

need help finding ways to communicate to an employer and colleagues.

2 Name of Assessment: Transition Planning Inventory Profile and Further Assessment

Recommendations Form
APA Citation: PRO-ED (1999), Transition Planning Inventory Profile and Further Assessment

Recommendations Form. Retrieved from Mrs. Biggs.

Rationale: The parent and student interviews, presented a need for further information

into independent living of the student. The interviews demonstrated that the student has a

high level of independence and understanding of daily living skills. The mother discussed

how the student has daily/weekly chores and tasks to complete. The inventory helps

teachers see the areas where the student needs more instruction.
Results: The results indicated that the student has a lack of knowledge of job

requirements and demands. In addition, there is a need for more testing in regards to

community participation and understanding her rights as well as how to be an active

member in her community. Finally, the results demonstrated a need in self-determination

skills in regards to expressing her feelings and ideas appropriately with confidence.

Assessment Area: Recreation and Leisure

1 Name of Assessment: What matters most to you? Questionnaire

APA Citation: Bryan High School (2016), What Matters Most To You? Questionnaire.

Retrieved from, Mrs. Biggs.

Rationale: The records and interviews with the student, demonstrated a need for

information to what interests the student. The questionnaire allows teachers to see the

things that are important to the student. This information can be implemented in lesson

plans and everyday conversations.

Results: The questionnaire shared areas that were the most important to the student. The

information showed that family, beauty, respect, accomplishment, power, and

individualism are very important to the student. This is helpful in providing insight to

what the student likes and how she works best in the school.
2 Name of Assessment: Survey of Indoor and Outdoor Recreational Activities
APA Citation: Clark, G.M., Patton, J.R., & Moulton, L.R. (2000). Informal Assessments

for Transition Planning. Retrieved from:
Rationale: The interviews of the student and mother, demonstrated a need for

information in activities that the student enjoys both outside and indoor. The survey was

categorized in structured and unstructured solo/group activities in both indoor and


outdoor environments. The survey is helpful in determining what recreational and leisure

activities best fit the student. The organization of the survey provides teachers

information of activities interesting to the student in a variety of ways.

Results: The results indicated that the student prefers to do indoor activities by herself.

The survey showed that the student enjoys indoor unstructured activities such as listening

to music, going shopping, and dancing. The results correlated with previous interviews

conducted with the student. Thus, demonstrating that activities such as listening to music,

shopping, and dancing are relevant activities she enjoys doing. In addition, the results

provided information in activities she likes outdoors such as going running. The

information from the outdoor section of the survey benefits the recreation and leisure

aspect of transition. In sum, the results indicate that the student prefers unstructured

indoor activities.

Other Assessments:

The student conducted a checklist called My Goals After I Graduate High School. The

assessment discussed jobs, recreation and leisure, home life, community participation, and post

secondary training. The checklist provided insight to what the student was interested in after high

school. The results demonstrated that the student has a desire to be a full-time cosmetologist

living independently on her own.

APA Citation: Bryan High School (2016), My Goals After I Graduate from High School, Retrieved

from Mrs. Biggs.


Self-Advocacy Statements


The student will need to sign up for disability services in her choice of schooling by

providing the correct documentation. During her time in a technical school or four-year

university the student will need to make sure she tells her professors the accommodations she

will need for her classes. In addition, the student will also need to keep a planner and keep her

notes organized. She has expressed that she learns best when given graphic organizers or outlines

that go with the lesson. Since this is something that she feels is beneficial towards her learning,

the student will need to express this to her professors during the beginning of the school year.

The student would also benefit from sitting in the front row so that she can hear and see the

teacher. In regards to tutorials, the student will need to go to office hours and tutoring services

when in need for any extra help on assignments. For encouragement, the student will need to

create a self-monitoring plan where she rewards herself when she asks for help and expresses her

needs to others.


The student will need to express her needs and accommodations to her future employer,

and be able to do so when activities come up that affect her disability in any way. She will also

need to ask her employer for training that is hands-on and interactive due to her learning best this

way. The student will need to express when she has any questions or concerns, and be able to

explain her disability to her future employers. She will also have to be responsible for keeping

track of her hours by adding her work hours to her planner. For encouragement, the student will

create another self-monitoring chart that is specific to her work. In regards to this self-monitoring

checklist, it will be based on the activities she has to complete during the day.

Independent Living:

The student will need to work with her parents on driving and budgeting skills. She will

need to express her desire to drive and take the necessary test to acquire a drivers license. The

student will also need to make sure that she practices creating a budget and continues to discuss

budgeting skills with her parents. She will need to make sure that she begins to keep track of her

spending, and works on how to balance a checkbook. For encouragement, the student can keep a

daily log of her spending. When she keeps to her budget every week the student can reward


Recreation and Leisure:


The student will be able to express her desires in recreational and leisure activities. She

will need to sign up for dance classes and attend the weekly classes. During this time, the student

will need to pursue any leisure activities of her choice. She will need to express her needs by

being close to the teacher and practicing asking for help. For encouragement, the student can

keep a daily log of her activities and the amount of time spent each week doing a recreational or

leisure activity.

Overall, the student has shared her concern about speaking out on behalf of her needs.

Due to this, it is important for the student to learn the skills necessary for her to be able to

express the accommodations and needs she may have. Preparing training or simulations in

regards to the four areas of transition would be very beneficial for the student. The hands on

activity will be a great tool for her to learn and practice strategies of how to advocate for herself.

Once the student has been given the opportunity to practice self-advocacy skills, then she will be

able to grow in this area.


Transition Outcomes &Goals:


o After graduating from high school, the student will attend Charles and Sues

School of Hair Design part-time to complete the certification program in hair

design with support from DARS.

o Within 36 instructional weeks, given her familys income information, the student

will complete her FAFSFA application on the first attempt with 100% accuracy.
o Within 36 instructional weeks, given access to writing centers and templates, the

student will complete her college application essays with correct spelling and

grammar, with little to no assistance.


o Apply for FASFA Sep. 2018

o Complete volunteer hours April 2019
o Take the TSI exam Aug. 2019
o Apply to two-year colleges & Charles and Sues by June 2019
o Graduate high school by June 2019
o The outcome and goals are appropriate for the student based on the information

provided through interviews and assessments. During the student interviews, the

student shared that she has little to no knowledge of how to appropriately apply to

a two-year or four-year university. Furthermore, the assessments confirmed that

she did not know how to apply or even research schools that she desires to attend.

The student has stressed that she wants to attend a school for cosmetology and

become a hair stylist. The student is currently in a remedial math, which helps

students who did not pass the STARR exam. The outcomes and goals are

reasonable because they not only fits her desires, but also her skill levels.

Concerning this information, it is important for the student to be aware of how to

receive scholarships and apply to schools. The mother has also requested

information on how to approach the application process and what the student will

need to complete by the time she graduates. With this in mind, the outcome and

goals are reasonable for the student to achieve and related to her overall goal of

becoming a cosmetologist.


o After high school graduation, the student will work part-time in a local salon.
o After post-secondary education, the student will obtain a full time job in the field

of Cosmetology.

o In 36 instructional weeks, given a resume template and application form, the

student will be to write the information needed to properly fill out a resume and

o In 36 instructional weeks, given a time sheet and materials needed to work in a

salon, the student will obtain an internship with a local salon.

o Complete vocational training by March 2019
o Build a resume by February 2019
o Apply for internships during high school by March 2018
o Begin searching for jobs by May 2019
o Apply for jobs after May 2019
o The outcome and goals were appropriate for the student, upon review of her

assessments and interviews. She has expressed the desire to work after high

school, and she would like to work part-time in a salon or full-time once receiving

her certification. The student has expressed the need for training on how to write a

resume and apply for jobs. She has also expressed interest in having an internship

while she is in high school to get to experience in her potential career field.

Because of her interests and needs, the goals provided allows for training in her

desired field, resume workshops, job application workshops, etc. All of the

aspects presented will help the student to reach her end goal.

Independent Living:

o After high school, the student will live independently in an apartment by herself

or with a roommate.
o Upon graduation, the student will be able to drive herself to and from work and

school during the week.


o In 36 instructional weeks given a weekly budget worksheet, the student will

demonstrate how to budget weekly expenses.

o Given a driving handbook and materials, the student will obtain her permit in the

2016-2017 school year.

o Create a working budget by May 2018
o Complete a drivers education course by May 2018
o Obtain a drivers permit by January 2017
o Apply for apartments by March 2019
o The student and her mother have shared that she is very independent. She has

great independent living skills and rarely needs assistance. This information has

also been shown to be true when reviewing the students records. However, both

the student and her mother have expressed the need of assistance in helping the

student receive her drivers license and apply for apartments. The outcomes and

goals are directed specifically to these two areas of independent living. Both

outcomes are appropriate and fit with what the student needs, as well as include

goals that will help her achieve the outcomes while in high school. The student

will be able to attend workshops and tutorials to help her complete her application

for an apartment, and to finish her drivers education course.

Recreation & Leisure:

o Upon graduation, the student will volunteer weekly in the local hair salon that is

near her apartment.

o In 36 instructional weeks, given materials in a salon, the student will demonstrate

how to appropriately clean and sanitize equipment in a salon, with little to no


o In 36 instructional weeks, given applications for volunteer positions, the student

will apply to and attend her weekly volunteer times, with little to no teacher

o Find a local salon that is willing to let her volunteer by May 2019
o Set up a weekly time log to volunteer by May 2019
o Fill out applications for volunteer programs by March 2019
o Receive training in salon sanitation by May 2018

The student has expressed little to no interest in recreational or leisure activities. The information

received from her records and interviews has demonstrated that she likes to dance, however, the

student has stressed that she does not want to take any classes in this field. She has shared that

she has a desire to volunteer in a hair salon to receive practice and experience. The outcomes and

goals presented are Job Analysis

Rationale: Over the past few months, the student has shared how she wants to aspire to

be a cosmetologist. After conducting a job analysis of a local hair salon called A Wild

Hair Salon, the information presented has provided a clear idea of the functionality this

job may have for the student. The student has expressed that she desires to have the job of

a hair stylist where she can cut, color, or style hair.

Summary of Job: The job of a hair stylist is to apply color, rinsing clients hair, blow-

drying, cleaning around designated work area, and answering calls. The job itself can

range in the expected work speed. Towards the beginning of the week, it is slower, and by

the end of the week it is faster paced due to an increased number of clientele. Due to this,

the student will need to be flexible in adjusting to the fluctuating work speeds throughout

the week. The annual salary can range depending on if the stylist wants to be a booth

renter or under a commission salon. Booth renters handle their own finances and usually

receive a range of 35% to 60% commission dependent upon the number of clientele

served. In a commission salon, stylists have an annual rate each week of one hundred

dollars, plus any tips or added commission that may come in. For a stylist at A Wild

Hair Salon they are under the booth renter salary. They get to make their own schedule,

as well as handle their own finances. Mandy Bayer who is the owner of the hair salon

shared that being appropriately dressed, having a good behavior that is kind and

welcoming, and interacting frequently with customers are a must to becoming a

successful hair stylist. The sequencing of events is usually in a routine with at least 4 to 6

tasks. In regards to initiation, Mrs. Bayer said that prompts might be provided. Overall,

the job can vary in terms of the effort that the job requires from the employee during the

week, and flexibility is needed in order to succeed.

Fit or Unfit for Student: After reviewing the job analysis with the student, the

information presented indicates that the field of cosmetology would be a great fit for her.

There were only a few discrepancies between what the job calls for and what she likes.

However, after discussing the differences in answers with the student she did say that she

would be willing to be flexible to those situations. The situations that were different were

the areas of working alone or with people, quiet workplace or noisy workplace, and job

the same every day or job different every day. The student mentioned that these areas are

those that she could work on and should be easy areas to grow in. Throughout the

interview and discussion of the job analysis, the student seemed to be very familiar with

the information and knowledgeable of what the field of cosmetology requires.

Next Steps: The next steps that the student will need to take are to begin job training that

may be available in the students desired field of study. Once the student begins the job it

would be beneficial for her to have instruction in self-determination and self-advocacy

skills needed in the workplace. This will be very important for her to establish in order to

be able to request the accommodations she needs to be successful. Then the student will

need to start looking for a possible internship she can do while in high school to have

field experience in cosmetology. After this, the next step would be to begin filling out

applications to post secondary education.

Student Progress Summary

Over the course of the semester, the student has great progressed in regards to transition.

Towards the beginning of the year, she had only just begun the process of identifying the areas in

which she would like to work after secondary education. Though she was able to identify her

area of focus, she lacked knowledge regarding the cosmetology field. In regards to recreation and

leisure, the student did not provide much information about her interests outside of school. The

student expressed her love of shopping, being with friends, and dance. However, she struggled

with expressing any desires or hopes she would like to attain in this area.

After completing the job analysis, the information confirmed that this particular job field

would be suitable and desirable for the student. Once discussing the information with the student,

she continued to feel that cosmetology was something that she wanted to do. The information

presented helped to give her an idea of the expectations and required skills she needs to attain the

job she desires. The information inside of the job analysis will be a great start to building the

skills needed for the student to obtain this job. The job analysis will also be a great tool for her to

use as she continues the transition process in the years to come.

Throughout the transition process, many goals have either been attained or changed.

Independent living was one goal that has been met. The student has begun her drivers education

process and will be receiving her license soon. Receiving her license is a very big piece to the

students independent living. The goals have changed pertaining to recreation and leisure. After

completing different surveys over recreation and leisure, there is now more useful information to

create reasonable goals for the student to achieve. Once completing the transition plan, there is

now ideas and information that pertain to areas in which she is interested in for recreation and

leisure. The goals in this area are now fitting to the student and their desires.

Regarding transition goals, there are now clearer steps for the student to take to reach her

goals. Having the different informal assessments, interviews, and job analysis will help guide the

student in the direction that is most suitable for her. Due to Bryan High School having a

cosmetology program, this route may influence the transition piece regarding education. Over the

past week, the student and mother were notified the student was accepted into the Bryan High

School cosmetology program. Thus, the student has options that she can choose from to best fit

her needs in regards to post- secondary education and work. There are also agencies that could

benefit the student after high school. For instance, Texas Workforce Commission is a great

resource that can help in job training, and field experiences that could benefit the student. Since

she has expressed that hands on experiences are how she learns best, this agency could be a great

tool for her to reach her transition goals.

Overall, the student is making great progress in her transition process. There is still a lot

to be done, but with the goals in place, the student should be prepared for post secondary life.

The opportunities that arise in her high school education such as the cosmetology program in

Bryan may be a great resource that boosts her transition process. The student is in the process of

looking for a new job, which could be a great way for her to begin working towards some of her

transition goals. The student has progressed some in her classes and will be continuing to work

towards her goal to be a cosmetologist.

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