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EDU232 Reading Literature I Spring 2016

Guidelines for Language Experience Approach (LEA) Lesson Plan

* This lesson plan is designed for ELLs at the Entering, Beginning, or Lower Developing ELP
levels. Please keep your student levels in mind when you plan your lesson.

Candidates Name: Chase Stiles Course Prefix/Number/Section: EDU232 DO1

Date: 12 April 2017 Subject: Language Arts Duration: 50 Minutes

Grade Level/Cluster: 3rd Grade Students ELP Level(s) Lower Developing ELP Levels

Lesson Topic: Nature Walk using their five senses

1. Big Ideas & Essential Questions

Big Ideas: Students will attend a nature walk around the school campus and identify and
analyze different aspects of nature, using their five senses.
Essential Questions: What do you enjoy about the outdoors? What do you not enjoy
about the outdoors? What do you like to smell and look at outside?

2. Learner Outcomes (Instructional Objectives) (Use observable and measurable terms.)

SWBAT: Use their five senses to make observations about different aspects of nature.

3. Both Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and WIDAs CAN DO descriptors (Please
consider both your students grade level and their English language proficiency (ELD) level.)
When citing WIDAs CAN DO Descriptors, please make sure you include the following:
1. Grade Level Cluster: __3rd Grade___________________
2. ELP level (entering, emerging, developing, expanding, bridging, reaching ): ___ emerging
developing and expanding________
3. Language Domain (writing, speaking, reading, listening): ______writing speaking
4. CAN DO Descriptors:
1. Recount by stating information from personal school related experiences.
2. Process recounts by creating timelines or graphic organizers from illustrated related
statements or paragraphs.
3. Recount by retelling past experiences
4. Recount by describing a series of events or procedures
5. Process arguments by identifying different ideas or opinions in written text
6. Discuss by expressing own ideas and supporting ideas of others.

Common Core Standards:

Standard - ELP.1.R.1-3.4
Proficiency Level: Expanding
Follow written directions, with peer or teacher assistance
Standard - ELP.1.S.1-3.2
Proficiency Level: Beginning
Share feelings and emotions, likes or dislikes using visual supports.
EDU232 Reading Literature I Spring 2016

Standard - ELP.1.S.1-3.3
Proficiency Level: Developing
Discuss interests, opinions, or preferences working with a partner.

Standard - ELP.1.W.1-3.1
Proficiency Level: Emerging
Illustrate personal experiences working with a partner.

4. Vocabulary

5. Materials/Resources

Colored pencils
Nature Walk Activity Sheet
Graphic Organizer
Clip Boards

6. Instructional Procedures

Provide an experience. (describe how you would have the ELLs experience the stimulus):
For this class period, the class will take a nature walk around the schools campus. We will
take observations on living and nonliving things and incorporate our four senses; sight,
hearing, touch, and smell.

Talk about the experience.

Teacher questions:
What do you all see?
What color is the grass?
What is the weather?
What animals do you see?
What color are the leaves on the trees?
What do the flowers smell like?
What do you hear? Birds chirping?
EDU232 Reading Literature I Spring 2016

Living Things Non Living Things

Ants Rocks
Trees Side Walk
Flowers Stones
Beetles Pebbles
Butterflies Leaves on Ground
Birds Cars

Graphic organizer to capture childrens ideas (You need to include a graphic organizer
that captures the key words generated by students.):

Record the students dictation (i.e., sentences they said). (You need to include the
anticipated text or sentences here.)

Tom said I hear the birds chirping in the trees

Lindsey said The grass is green.
Carley said I like the pretty butterflies
Devin said There are so many green trees at our school
Jack said The different pebbles are so pretty
John said I dont like all the bumble bees.
Juan said I see a lot of cars in the parking lot.
Sophia said There are a lot of ants all over the ground.

Read the student-dictated text aloud. This could include teacher read-aloud, student eco or
choral reading, group reading, individual student reading, etc. Please list at least 4 different
reading ideas in your plan.
EDU232 Reading Literature I Spring 2016

Ask students to read the vocabulary words out loud on the front board to the class.

Ask the students to find something in the class that reminds them of nature and ask them to
explain what the object is and why it reminds them of nature.

Ask students to stand up and act out their favorite living thing that is in nature. Such actions
can be still like a tree, chirping like a bird, flapping like a butterfly, etc.

Students will get into their reading groups and read about different seasons that occur in

Students write on their own: (create opportunity for students to write or copy the sentences
of their choice)

Have the students complete a writing activity that starts with I like Nature because
and have them give 4 reasons why they like nature, the second part of the writing assignment
is What I disliked about nature was.. and they must give 2 reason why they dislike
nature. This writing activity will include their observations and thoughts regarding nonliving,
living, likes, dislikes about nature.

Formative assessment. (state specifically what and how you will be assessing your ELLs
throughout the lesson.)

Students will mainly be formatively assessed on their participation. The students must be
engaged in the nature walk and on task, not looking around and off task and playing with the
other students. The chart will be used as a form of formative assessment to make sure the
students understand the difference between living and nonliving things. The sentence strips will
be used to grade on sentence completion and grammar as well.

Other Follow-up Activity ideas (Please include the following two ideas from Language
Experience Approach, Tompkins book on p.378 in addition to your other ideas):
Make sentence strips.
Students will be asked to copy their sentences onto sentence strips. Each student should read
their sentence strip clearly and read their sentence smoothly. Once the students are speaking
smoothly, they will switch sentence strips with their students. Then they will be asked to read
the partners strip which will allow further comprehension and enhance reading skills.
Add words to word bank.
For this activity, a nature word wall will be created in the classroom. This word wall will
include any adjective that describes nature. These words will be used in future writing
activites for the students and be used as descriptive words.
EDU232 Reading Literature I Spring 2016

Art Activity
Students will draw their favorite sight they saw outside. They can draw trees, birds, animals,
the school, the forest, etc. Then the students will describe their drawings to the rest of the

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