Central Student Government: Legislative Department

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2 Central Student Government

Holy Name University
Janssen Heights, Dampas District, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

7th Students Congress

1 Authored by: Jefrey Tungol - Senator
3 Co-authored by: Bless Marian Bautista - Senator
5 House Bill No. ____
11Section 1. Title
12This Student Act shall be known as the Magna Carta of Students of Holy Name
13University or simply Magna Carta.
15Section 2. Coverage
16The Magna Carta shall apply to Holy Name University in Tagbilaran City.
18Section 3. Declaration of Principles
19Consistent with the principles enumerated in the Central Student Government 2010
20Constitution, as well as the basic tenets of academic freedom, fundamental rights,
21and democratic liberties, particularly those which find resonance in the context of
22the vision, mission, goal of the institution, it is hereby declared the policy of the
23University that:
251. The thrust of Holy Name University is to inculcate among its students an
26unwavering commitment to the highest standards of academic excellence coupled
27with a deep and meaningful national consciousness befitting their stature as
28Holynamians in the province of Bohol. It shall be the duty of the University to
29produce graduates who are equipped with the intellectual preparation and sense of
30patriotism needed for them to become leaders in their chosen professions and
31vocations and to be catalysts of social justice and development. Towards this end,
32the University shall endeavor to foster creativity, critical thinking, resourcefulness,
33leadership skills, as well as socio-political consciousness, rights awareness and
34rights responsiveness, and a sense of national responsibility and civic duty in an
35academic community that observes and protects the democratic rights and
36processes of students and student organizations.
382. The students right to participate actively and effectively in processes which
39effectuate progressive and developmental reforms within the University shall always
40be recognized and shall never be subjected to arbitrary and unlawful restrictions
41subversive to the students fundamental democratic rights. The students, the
42student organizations, and the University administration shall regard each other as
43indispensable and collaborative partners in all efforts to preserve, protect and
44advance the rights and welfare of students.
463. Student organizations shall promote the Universitys vision, mission, goals and
47serve as exemplars and advocates of democratic processes on campus. To give
4Organization Affiliations: Bohol
6 Central Student Government
Holy Name University
Janssen Heights, Dampas District, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

7th Students Congress

48proposals and to participate and discuss in the deliberation of these issues.
49Membership and active participation in student organizations, alliances, and
50federations that promote and protect students rights and welfare, and contribute to
51national development.
534. All Student organizations shall be subjected to rules and regulations that unduly
54hamper their activities and are prejudicial to their objectives and interests. Toward
55this end, it shall be the policy of the University that administrative regulations that
56affect the organization, formation, and operations of student organizations shall be
57adopted and promulgated with adequate consultation with the affected sectors.
595. The Central Student Government and primary student organizations, being
60representatives of the students, shall have the right to participate in the formation
61of school policies directly affecting the students. The University administration, in all
62matters affecting the rights and welfare of students, shall recognize and respect the
63mandate of student representatives and engage them in meaningful consultation
64and dialogue.
666. The Central Student Government and primary student organizations shall
67continue to enjoy guaranteed rights of editorial, management, and fiscal autonomy.
68The University hereby declares it a policy to provide all the necessary and sufficient
69conditions for the effective and full exercise of the students freedom of expression.
717. With their democratic rights guaranteed, students of the University shall serve as
72potent forces in the countrys national transformation by being at the forefront of
73the student movement and as advocates of students rights and welfare.
75Section 4. Definition of Terms
761. Student - any person in the tertiary and post-graduate levels. For purposes of
77this Act, this shall include any person who has been on the process and adjudged
78with disciplinary action given by the University.
802. University/School/Campus the totality of all contiguous or proximate buildings,
81grounds, and other facilities designated by the school authorities as areas or
82facilities for the curricular and extracurricular use of their students. This also
83includes offices and programs as extension of the University.
853. Administration - the highest governing body of the school that includes the Board
86of Trustees, the officers, authorities of the school, the policy making and executor
87boards of the University.
894. Magna Carta a written document that outlines the rights of every student of
90Holy Name University made to encourage the students to actively and effectively
91participate in processes which effectuate progressive and developmental reforms
92within the University.

8Organization Affiliations: Bohol

10 Central Student Government
Holy Name University
Janssen Heights, Dampas District, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

7th Students Congress

945. Freedom of Expression this is the most principal right of the students of Holy
95Name University allowing them to voice out their opinions, sentiments, reactions,
96suggestions to a particular act or rule set by the administration and student
97organizations. This implies the rights to freely utter and publish whatever one
98pleases without previous restraint, and to be protected against any responsibility for
99so doing as long as it does not violate the student laws, school rules and
100regulations, or injure the school or someones character, reputation or business.
1026. Primary student organizations this comprises the student organizations in the
103campus that possess a principal image that act as a mainstream for freedom of
104expression. To wit; Central Student Government (CSG), Campus Student
105Organization (CSO), The Word publications, and other key student organizations
106vital in the promotion and assertion of students rights and welfare.
110Section 5.Right against Discrimination in Educational Institutions
111(a) Subject to fair, reasonable and equitable admission requirements. No student
112shall be denied admission, expelled from the University, punished with disciplinary
113action, or denied welfare services, scholarships and other privileges on the basis of
114his/her physical handicap, socio-economic status, political and religious beliefs,
115sexual orientation, or membership in student organizations regardless of the nature
116of the organization which exhibits good character. Pregnant students, certified
117reformed drug abusers, and students with HIV/AIDS shall not be discriminated
120(b) A student shall have the right to freely choose his/her field of study subject to
121existing academic policy and curricula, and to continue his/her course up to
122graduation except in cases of academic deficiency or violation of disciplinary
123regulations that do not infringe upon the exercise of student rights. For this purpose,
124the University administration shall undertake to inform students of the rules and
125regulations regarding academic matters as well as student conduct and discipline in
126a manner consistent with the requirements of due process. Changes in such rules
127and regulations, other than those of purely administrative nature, shall be adopted
128only after prior consultation with concernedand affected students.
130Section 6. Right to Competent Instruction and Quality Education
131(a) Every student shall have the right to competent instruction and quality
132education. To achieve this goal, the University shall have to enforce a written
133evaluation of the performance of faculty members by students at the end of every
134semester, the results of which shall be an essential basis for the retention and
135promotion of the faculty member. The University, in the interest of preserving the
136integrity and effectivity of this evaluation mechanism, shall undertake sufficient
137measures to ensure that students will not be unduly prejudiced as a consequence of
138their participation in such evaluations.
139(b) The student shall have the right to petition any complaints regarding student
140grievances against the instructor/officer. With this, the student has the right to
12Organization Affiliations: Bohol
14 Central Student Government
Holy Name University
Janssen Heights, Dampas District, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

7th Students Congress

141petition to the Central Student Government through the Office of Student Rights
142and Welfare secretary and establish rules and mechanisms to entertain and carry
143out necessary decisions and actions towards the complaint. The student shall not be
144denied to complain and is protected to do so.
146Section 7. Right to Organize
147(a) Unity and collective effort being fundamental to the realization of common goals
148and the promotion and protection of common interests, the University recognizes
149the right of students to organize among themselves. The right of students to form,
150assist, or join organizations, alliances, or federations along their physical,
151intellectual, moral, cultural, civic, spiritual, and political interests shall not be
153(b)The Student Affairs Office (SAO), through the Campus Student Organization shall
154take charge in the accreditation of student organizations. No unreasonable
155requirements shall be imposed on student organizations seeking recognition. The
156guidelines for accreditation of student organizations shall be established by the
157Campus Student Organization and the SAO.
158(c) The SAO shall have the mandate to implement the guidelines and mediate in
159conflicts emerging from the accreditation process. Furthermore, whenever possible,
160the school administration shall allow student organizations to use school facilities
161free of charge, or at such discounted rates as may be sufficient to cover only the
162necessary maintenance and upgrading expenses.
163(d) The SAO and the CSO shall not, in any way, implement rules and regulations
164without a consultation process together with the concerned student organizations.
165(e) Acts that impair the right of students to organize are prohibited:
1671. Signing of waivers or similar documents that use membership to any organization
168as basis for admission to or expulsion from schools, including the imposition of
169disciplinary actions;
1702. Discriminatory policies in the assignment of school facilities and in granting other
171privileges to student organizations; and
1723. Excessive charges for the use of school facilities.
174(f) Student organizations that violate the school policies and other rules and
175regulations promulgated by the school authorities shall be given disciplinary action
176by the school through SAO in consonance with due process.
178Section 8. Right to Adequate Welfare Services and Academic Facilities
179It shall be the responsibility of the administration to provide students with adequate
180welfare services and academic facilities.
182(a) Every student shall have the right to access school facilities as part of the
183miscellaneous which the students have been paying for. The right to access
184libraries, multi-media halls, gymnasiums, instruction rooms, laboratories, internet
185centers, clinics, recreational places, foodcourt, comfort rooms and other school
186facilities in pursuit of quality education and satisfy the students basic academic

16Organization Affiliations: Bohol

18 Central Student Government
Holy Name University
Janssen Heights, Dampas District, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

7th Students Congress

187necessities. The access to these named facilities is subject to restrictions and
188policies as mandated by the concerned departments or offices of the University.
190Section 9. Right to Information
191(a) The right of students to information on matters affecting their welfare shall be
192recognized. Therefore, the CSG, student organizations, and individual students shall
193have access to the schools official acts, transactions, or decisions subject only to
194reasonable regulations.
195(b) Every student shall be informed on matters of student participation, student
196acts, campus activities, and other relevant information to boost their spirit of
197belongingness to the University.
198(c) The student shall have the right to receive a copy of The Word magazine.
199(d) The student shall have the right to access to bulletin boards and news walls.
200(e) The student shall have the right to receive information on their grades and other
201relevant news and information through HNU-SMS and other means thereof.
203Section 10. Right to Freedom of Expression
204Students shall have access to print and broadcast media in their information
205activities. They shall also have the right to print, circulate and/or mount leaflets,
206newsletters, posters, wall news, petitions and such other materials upon the
207recommendation of the CSG in pursuant to the school rules and regulations as
208stipulated in the Student Handbook.
210Section 11. Academic Freedom
211Students academic freedom shall consist of, but not limited to, the following:
2121. To conduct researches in connection with academic work, and to freely discuss
213and publish their findings and recommendations;
2142. To conduct inquiry within the campus in curricular and extra-curricular activities;
2153. To choose a field of study and to pursue the quest for truth; to express their
216opinion on any subject or public or general concern which directly or indirectly
217affects the students of the educational system;
2184. To invite off-campus speakers or resource persons to student-sponsored
219assemblies, fora, symposia, and other similar activities;
2205. To express contrary interpretations or dissenting opinions inside and outside the
221classroom, without being subjected to undue prejudice from teachers and
2236. To freely express the experiences, ideas, thoughts, and other necessary things
224regarding the in-campus and off-campus issues without prejudice therewith, for the
225sake of intellectual discussion;
2267. To participate in the drafting of a new curriculum, through student
227government/organizations and in the review or revision of the old, as well as in
228other policy and decision-making processes which directly impact their academic
2308. To participate, through the CSG, in the drafting and/or revising of the student
231handbook or code, a copy of which shall be furnished the students upon admission
232to the University; and
20Organization Affiliations: Bohol
22 Central Student Government
Holy Name University
Janssen Heights, Dampas District, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

7th Students Congress

234Section 12. Access to School Records and Issuance of Official Certificates
235Every student shall have access to his/her own school records, the confidentiality of
236which the school shall maintain. He/She shall have the right to be issued official
237certificates, diplomas, transcripts of records, grades, transfer credentials and other
238similar documents within the time period allotted, from the filing of request and
239accomplishment of all pertinent requirements subject to rules and regulations of the
242Section 13. Right to privacy
243The privacy of communication and correspondence among students shall remain
246Section 14. Right to Representation
247(a) The University shall recognize the right of students to be represented, through
248the CSG, in all policy-making bodies handling issues thataffect them. The CSG,
249through its designated agents, shall sit as a non-voting observer in the University
250Council and in some of its committees and bodies. The CSG shall be allowed to
251participate in the deliberations and discussions of the University Council.
252(b) The CSG can meet with the President and/or the concerned officer and the
253Executive Committee to discuss pertinent university issues. In addition, the CSG
254shall have access to the minutes of the meetings of the University Council, per
255committee and body, and of the Presidents Executive Committee.
259Section 15. School Fees and Other Tariffs
260(a) Except those approved by their own student organizations, all involuntary
261contributions shall be prohibited.
262(b) In releasing documents, academic records, and similar certifications, schools are
263prohibited from imposing fees beyond the actual cost of reproducing the
265(c) Minimum standards in consultation shall be strictly observed in imposing tuition
266and other fee increases. To this end, no tuition and other fee increase shall be
267allowed unless the following procedures are observed:
2691. Posting of notice of increase in tuition and other fees a semester prior to the
270implementation of the proposed increase. The CSG shall be directly notified on the
271proposed increase;
2722. At least one University Student General Assembly shall be held to discuss the
273proposed increase. This shall be attended by the Vice-President for Finance.
274Additional assembly shall be scheduled as the necessity arises;
2753. All documents pertaining to the proposed increase shall be made available to be
276inspected by any student; and
2774. Prior to the final approval of the proposed increase, the students, through the
278CSG or their respective primary student representatives, shall be allowed to present
279their position to the University cabinet members and to the Board of Trustees on the
280proposed increase as the need arises.
24Organization Affiliations: Bohol
26 Central Student Government
Holy Name University
Janssen Heights, Dampas District, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

7th Students Congress

282(d) The Central Student Government shall not increase fines to students without
283assembly with all the students of the University falling under the jurisdiction of the
289Section 16. Dissemination of the Magna Carta
290The students must receive a copy of the Magna Carta student act upon request.
291Furthermore, the University President, Vice Presidents, members of the Board of
292Trustees, members of the colleges and faculties, the alumni association, offices and
293departments of the non-teaching staff and all other employees of this esteemed
294institution shall receive a copy of the Magna Carta, upon request.
296Section 17. Introduction to Magna Carta through CWTS subjects
297The students of Holy Name University shall be oriented and informed about their
298rights stipulated in the Magna Carta through an orientation on CWTS classes duly
299approved by the CWTS Coordinator and CWTS teachers in a pre-determined time.
300Officers of the CSG, both the Legislative and Executive, shall form themselves as
301teachers in introducing the student act to the students. This mechanism shall be
302made upon every CWTS subject offerings. Every CWTS student shall receive a copy
303of the Magna Carta, upon request and subject to the approval of the Vice-President
304for Academic Affairs.
306Section 18. Separability Clause
307If any provision of the Magna Carta is declared invalid, the remainder thereof not
308affected thereby shall continue to be enforced.
310Section 19. Effectivity
311The Magna Carta shall take effect fifteen (15) school days after its publication in the
312different conspicuous areas of the University.

28Organization Affiliations: Bohol


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