6 Multimedia Lesson Idea 2016 1

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Name: Laura Perez

Grade Level: 3rd grade
Content Area: Social Studies
Technology Used (check all that apply): Movie Audio Podcast Vodcast Other: (list)

Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed:

SS3H2 The student will discuss the lives of Americans who expanded peoples rights and freedoms in
a democracy.
a. Paul Revere (independence), Frederick Douglass (civil rights), Susan B. Anthony (womens rights),
Mary McLeod Bethune (education), Franklin D. Roosevelt (New Deal and World War II), Eleanor
Roosevelt (United Nations and human rights), Thurgood Marshall (civil rights), Lyndon B. Johnson
(Great Society and voting rights), and Csar Chvez (workers rights).
b. Explain social barriers, restrictions, and obstacles that these historical figures had to overcome and
describe how they overcame them.
Brief Description of Learning Experience:
The teacher will take a few weeks to introduce a new American who fought for our rights and freedom.
Once we have covered each person I will assign a video project in which students will pick the leader that
really impacted them. I will allow my students 4 days in the classroom to complete this project.
During this time the student will be gathering pictures on the person they have chosen. Looking up music
on websites like freemusicarchive.org to include in their video, and recording of why this person stuck out
to you. Before the students begin I will show them an example of the project. I will then help the students
on a bigger screen in case they are unsure of how to find or post something. Once its time to present this
project we will show it in the classroom. The videos are only expected to be no longer than 5 minutes. On
the classroom blog parents will be notified of the project, and allowed access to their childs video upon

Student Engagement/Higher-Order Thinking: This would be a very high LoTi, due to the students
taking knowledge they just learned, and researching through the internet and analyze their notes to decide
what pictures best depict their life and work. Once they have obtained all the information they need they
will create their own personal video combined of all their work..

Importance of technology: Multimedia in the classroom is important because rather the students just
watching the video. Theyre actually learning how to make the video. When you create projects like this,
children respond well to it because theyre more engaged. Theyre also able to publish their work if theyd
like. Without the computer or the program the project could not exist. Other materials that you can find in
this project are headphones that allow you to record your own voice
Internet Safety and Student Privacy: Some possible issues that could occur during this learning
experience include displaying personal information of a child, and inappropriate content. To minimize the
risk of that happening I would have obtained permission from the childs parent to publish any student
work. I would ensure that the websites we are on are free from pop-ups by collaborating with the
administration and bringing more awareness to internet safety.
Other comments about your proposed student multimedia authoring activity:

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