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Valerie Alvizo

EDU 202 3001

Intro to Secondary Education
Spring 2016
GATE Program Lesson Plan
Students will become familiar with and can understand the importance of Gifted and
Talented education programs. Learn what the GATE program consists of, its history and pros
and cons of having the program implemented in schools.
Slideshow presentation, YouTube video on being gifted, notes handout
1. Will present slideshow on gifted and talented education.

a) Define Gifted and Talented (definition according to NCLB)

b) Give brief history of the development of gifted education (how gifted

education began, Lewis Terman and Leta Hollingworth, the space race &

National Defense Education Act (NDEA), the National Research Center

on the Gifted and Talented)

c) How to identify a gifted student

d) The pros and cons of gifted education; discuss what positive effects

students get from GATE and what the downside of not having GATE


2. Students will complete the handout, taking notes on slideshow: complete the fill
in the blanks from on the handout from information presented in the slideshow.
3. Present YouTube video on being gifted to give insight of gifted education from
students perspective
Closure/ Evaluation:
Check for comprehension by asking questions on slideshow information at the end of

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