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Synthesis Web Research Assignment on Four Theories

No Masters Degree in education should be given without a thorough understanding of these theories.

Complete the Web Research assignment below by doing the following:

1. Download 3-5 articles on the WWW that provide information for each of the four theories.

2. Complete your part of the Presentation for the one theory you have been assigned to present (see the
assignment below for this Presentation).

3. For the other three theories (besides your power point theory) read the articles you have downloaded
and highlight (w/highlighter pen) the main points that provide the information of this chart.

4. Add your notes to the appropriate chart for each theory below as you read. These charts are in a table
format so they will expand according to your input.

5. Submit only your highlighted articles and the corresponding chart for each theory at the appropriate
time according to the syllabus. Group responses in the charts are acceptable. However, each student
needs to submit their own articles.

6. You may collaborate with a colleague if you wish. Your responsibility it to come to know this information
very well and to be fluent in the discussion of each theory before the presentations.


NOTE: This first yellow chart is the master chart for all four theories to provide an
overview. Do not write in this chart. Use the individual charts following this chart for
each theory to provide more writing space.
Add to this chart as you study the theories and hear the presentations.
This is your study guide for the Final Exam.
Make your notes succinct but full of information.
Comparative Chart of all Four Views of Learning (FYI)
Behavioral, Information Processing, Constructivist, and Social Learning
(Chart adapted by R. Timmons from H. Marshall, 1992 as cited in Woolfolk, 2004)

Theory/ Behavioral Information Constructivist/Individual Constructivist/Social Social Cognitive

Family of
Models Processing Situated

Theoretical Behavioral Information Processing Psychological Individual Social Situated Social Cognitive
Cognitive/Psychological Cognitive Cognitive/Psychological Social/Constructivist Cognitive/intellectual
(Thinking/Self-Talk, (Metacognition, Process Constructivist (Includes: Beliefs, Self development linked with skill in
Metacognition) and Product (Concerned with Individual Perceptions, Expectations of social process
Orientation) Cognitive Development) Society)

Theorists Skinner, Watson, Pavlov, Anderson, Bruner, Piaget, Dewey Vygotsky, Dewey Bandura, Dewey
Ausubel, Gagne, Taba, Suchman, Bruner, Sternberg, Suchman, Bruner, Sternberg,
Gordon, Craik & Slavin Slavin Johnson and Johnson, Slavin,
Lockhart Johnson Cooperative Johnson Cooperative Lerning Shlomo Sharan , Thelen

Knowledge New behaviors are learned, Fixed body of Changing body of Socially constructed knowledge Knowledge constructed and
knowledge to acquire, knowledge, continuously reconstructed by
Fixed body of knowledge to Built on what participants individuals/ groups
acquire, Stimulated from outside, Individually contribute, construct together
constructed in Students operate on experience
Stimulated from outside Prior knowledge social world, to produce knowledge
influences how
information is processed Built on what learner Knowledge has a personal
brings quality and is unique for each
Learning Acquisition of facts, skills, Acquisition of facts, Active construction, Collaborative construction of Cooperative vs competitive,
concepts skills, concepts, and Restructuring prior socially defined knowledge and Synergistic,
strategies knowledge values
Occurs through socially Cognition as well as social
Occurs through drill and Occurs through the Occurs through multiple constructed opportunities complexity key to increased
guided practice effective application of opportunities and diverse learning
strategies processes to connect to what Learning is active construction
is already known kwl. Based on observation of
others in a more advanced stage
of development or skill level,
Experienced based learning
Teaching Transmission, Transmission, Challenge, Participant Modeling, Observation is
Presentation (Telling), Guide students toward Guide thinking toward more Co-construct knowledge with Model democratic processes,
Demonstration more accurate and complete understanding students Experience-based learning,
complete knowledge Inquiry and knowledge are
Assessment Explain the type of
Type assessment that is most
appropriate for each
theoretical view of learning
Role of Manager, supervisor Teach and model Facilitator, guide Facilitator, Guide, Co- Facilitator, Encouraging ,
Teacher effective strategies participant flexible supervisor, Co-
Correct wrong answers participant,
Correct misconceptions Listen for students current Co-construct different Requires high level of
conceptions, ideas, thinking interpretation of knowledge; interpersonal and instructional
Listen to socially constructed skill
conceptions Responsive to student
needs/Student centered
Role of Not usually considered Not necessary but can Not necessary but can Ordinary part of process of Peers /role models are primary
Peers influence information stimulate thinking, raise knowledge construction part of process of knowledge
processing questions construction.
Role of Passive reception of Active processor of Active construction (within Active co-construction with Participation is of primary
student information information , mind) others and self, importance,

Active listener, direction- Strategy user Active thinker, explainer, Active thinker, explainer, Cooperation with peers in a
follower interpreter, questioner democratic learning
Organizer and Interpreter, environment is necessary
reorganizer of
information Questioner,
Active social participator

Woolfolk, A. (Ed.). (2005). Educational Psychology. (9th ed.). New York: Pearson Education Inc.

Complete the Following Chart for Each Theory

(Except the theory you are making the group presentation on as your Ppt. is adequate)

Personal Evaluation
Provide your personal evaluation and
Theory Information Processing experience for each category
Traits applicable. Explain how learning
happens through reflecting on theory
Theoretical Basis Information Processing Focuses on how learning occurs,
especially focusing on memory. The
(Metacognition, Process and Product Orientation) brain is like a computer receiving
information, processing it and then
delivers an output. Information is
first received through the dense the is
held in the short-term memory.
After rehearsal and repletion it will
be moved to the long-term memory.
Theorists Anderson, Bruner, Ausubel, Gagne, Taba, Gordon, Craik & Lockhart Brunner belived that learning is
based in three categories: Enactive
(Action-based) Iconic (image-based)
and Symbolic (Language-based).
Craik and Lockhart believed that
learning is based in three categories:
Structural (looks like) Phonetic
(sounds like) and semantic (means).
Akins believed that learning is
encoded through different stimuli:
visual, acoustic, and semantic.
View of Knowledge Fixed body of knowledge to acquire, How does this look in school setting?
Information processing it the use of
Stimulated from outside,
repetition and rehearsal to help the
Prior knowledge influences how information is processed information stick. The more it is use
the better a students would be able to
learn. The classroom environment
should be set up to give students a
chance to rehearse the information
that they are given.
Learning Acquisition of facts, skills, concepts, and strategies Learning happens when the
information by reception (gaining the
Occurs through the effective application of strategies
student attention) , retrieval,
(recalling main ideas) receiving, the
information through memory,
responding,( allowing the

information to be transmitted into
long term memory) and reinforcing.
(giving feedback)
Teaching Transmission, The information that we provide for
the student must be meaningful.
Guide students toward more accurate and complete knowledge
Information should be present in
steps introduced in small increments
rather that all at once. Repletion and
rehearsal should be encouraged.
Role of Teacher Teach and model effective strategies The role of teacher is to help learning
stick by 1. Not overloading the
Correct misconceptions
student with information. The
teacher must remember quality over
quantity. The teacher must also
encourage the student to rehearse the
information given so it can b
transmitted into the long-term
emery. The teacher needs to give the
student the tools needed to rehearse
the new knowledge that was
Role of Peers Not necessary but can influence information processing The role of the peers includes helping
with the students ability to pay
attention. Peers can be sure the that
they are actively engaged in the
information being presents.
Discussion between peers also can
help with deeper understand of the
topic that is being taught. The more
the information is discussed, the
better change it has to be
permanently stored in the long-term
Role of student Active processor of information , The student needs to receive the
information that is being presented.
Strategy user
They then need to connect it to prior
Organizer and reorganizer of information knowledge then store the
information. Once the information is
Rememberer stored, they need to access and find
the stored knowledge. Information
is stored in the long-term memory
through repetition and rehearsal
3-5 Big ideas in List several Big Ideas that inform your instructional planning you have developed based on this theory. Explain Big Ideas and how you
theory concerning applied them.
teaching and learning Learning occurs when learners are
that you will apply in
your professional engaged with the information being
practice. presented. The student must take an
active role in their learning. Keeping
them engaged is important to make sure
the information sticks. If the student
does not pay attention to what is being
taught then the begin stages of learning
cannot happen. Using different
methods an visual can keep a student
Learning becomes more effective
when it is related to prior knowledge.
Using prior knowledge is effective
because it sparks and interest in the
student. Starting the lesson off with
seeing what the student can teach about
the topic is a good way to get attention
right away.
Development occurs when learners
are challenged to performing
increasingly difficult task.
Its important not to overload the
student with too information at once.
Its good to challenge the student but
information should be presented in
small steps.
Growth Mindset: How does Growth Mindset develop in this theory? The theory lets us know that all
Explain in this theory learners are able to learn. Learning
develops in an environment that
offers feedback on how the learner
can do better. Effort is reinforced in
this theory. A growth mindset
believes that effort is necessary in
order to master a skills
Assessment Type Explain the type of assessment that is most appropriate for each theoretical view of learning I feel that many assessments can be
used for this theory. Whether is an
observation or a direct assessment,
they all work for this theory. Ito
more important to assess the way the
information is being taught. Times
spent and the way the student
rehearses the information needs to be
observed and assessed also.
Perfect Assignment Design a perfect assignment for this theoretical perspective. It must also be brain compatible for long term memory. A perfect assignment would be to
make a 3D plant cell to help the
student remember what was taught.
This assignment is hand on and
allows the student to be creative.
Pairing this assignment with
worksheets allows the student to get
the practice that is needed to retain
information therefor making it more
likely to stick in the long-term
Perfect Assessment Design a perfect assessment for this theory for long term memory. A perfect assessment can be
formative or summative. The 3D cell
itself would make for a great
assessment. If the cell is made in
class, then the teacher will have a
change to see the process that the
student went through. A quiz at the
ended of he unit testing the
knowledge of the student would also
make for a good assessment. The
teacher will be able to see if the
student is able to generalized and
retrieve the information from his or
her long term memory to answers
questions on the quiz.
Long Term Learning How does learning get into long term memory through the use of this theory? The brain gathers information in
three steps. First, the information is
received and stored in the sensory
memory. The information with get
lost here unless the student is actively
engaged in the leaning process. The
next step is the short-term memory.
If the student has an opportunity to
practice the new information in will
move to the long-term memory. If
the information is not rehearsed than
the information will be lost.
Lesson Model/long How does a specific lesson model in this theory get learning into long term memory? The lesson must fist be engaging.
term learning and The student must engaged to get the
information to go form the sensory
memory to the short term memory.
Once the information is stored in the
short term memory, the lesson must
include components for the student
to be able to practice the new
information. After practicing he new
information the lesson must assess
the learner to see if the student is
able to retrieve the information that
was taught.

Theory Constructivist/ Constructivist/Social Situated Personal Evaluation

Provide your personal evaluation and
Traits Individual experience for each category
applicable. Explain how learning
happens through reflecting on theory
Theoretical Psychological Individual Social Situated We all construct our own view on
Basis the world based on our individual
Cognitive/Psychological Constructivist Social/Constructivist
(Concerned with Individual Cognitive Development) (Includes: Beliefs, Self Perceptions,Expectations of Society) experiences.

Theorists Piaget, Dewey Vygotsky, Dewey Piaget believes that people acquire
Suchman, Bruner, Sternberg, Slavin Suchman, Bruner, Sternberg, Slavin knowledge and learn based off of
Johnson Cooperative Lerning Johnson Cooperative Lerning
their experiences. Knowledge is
based of prior knowledge.
Vygotsky believed that intellectual
development occurs when speech
and practical activity converge.
Dewey emphasized the importance
previous experience and prior
knowledge plays in the development
of new understanding.
Knowledge Changing body of Socially constructed knowledge Knowledge is produced when
knowledge, people make meaningful
Built on what participants contribute, construct together
Individually connections to prior knowledge.
constructed in Accommodation and assimilation
social world, are two key components the help
construct an individuals newly
Built on what learner
received knowledge. Assimilation
causes the individual to incorporate
new experiences into old
experiences. Accommodations
allow the student to reframe the
world around them. They are able
to take the new experiences and
make sense of what is happening
around them.

Learning Active construction, Restructuring prior knowledge Collaborative construction of socially defined knowledge and values Learning happens by the learner
Occurs through socially constructed opportunities being able to construct meaning out
Occurs through multiple opportunities and diverse
processes to connect to what is already known of the information that they are
given. Depending on what type of
learner the student is will determine
the outcome of the way they
construct the knowledge that they
receive. It is important to note that
each learner has a different
interpretation and way of
procession knowledge.
Teaching Challenge, Participant For some teachers, teaching can be
challenging due to the fact that the
Guide thinking toward more complete understanding Co-construct knowledge with students
teacher is forced to take a back seat
and let the class be more student
led. Its beneficial to have a open
style discussion while teaching so
the student has room to construct
their own views of the lesson.
Role of Facilitator, guide Facilitator, Guide, Co-participant The teacher is more of a guide in
Teacher this model. The teacher needs to be
Co-construct different interpretation of knowledge;
Listen for students current conceptions, ideas, Listen to socially constructed conceptions open and try to understand each
thinking students learning style. The teacher
should not be the center or
attention while using this model.
Learning should be based off of
what the student know.
Role of Not necessary but can stimulate thinking, raise Ordinary part of process of knowledge construction The peers are there to help each
Peers questions individual develop their own
understanding of the topic by
engaging in dialogue. Its up to the
peers to trust build trust so
everyone feels safe while they are
developing the information they
choose to share. The peers are also
there to give insight to different
worldviews and cultures.
Role of Active construction (within mind) Active co-construction with others and self, The student must be an active
student collaborator in the discussions. The
Active thinker, explainer, interpreter, questioner Active thinker, explainer,
Interpreter, student must also learn through
personalized learning. Learning is
Questioner, set up at around the student and
Active social participator they are able to move at their own
3-5 Big ideas List several Big Ideas that inform your instructional planning you have developed based on this theory. Explain Big Ideas and how you
applied them.






Growth The teacher must resist taking the

Mindset: leading and providing the students
Explain in
this theory with answers. Student must be able
to come to conclusions on his or her
own. This theory also fosters a
positive mindset by allowing he

student to see the success of his or
her peers while collaborating.
Perfect Design a perfect assignment for this theoretical perspective. It must also be brain compatible for long term memory. A perfect assignment would be a
Assignment: Socratic seminar. A Socratic
seminar gives the student a change
to construct their own views of a
topic as well as hear the view of
others. The teachers only role in
the Socratic seminar is to give the
topic and only ask questions if the
conversation comes to a halt.
Assessment Explain the type of assessment that is most appropriate for this theoretical view of learning. A self and peer assessment would a
Type perfect assessment for this theory.
It again gives the students a change
to construct there own view of the
assignment and how they feel they
did on it. The teacher can also give
small assessment like exit tickets or
and observation assessing for
Socratic seminar.
Long Term How does learning get into long term memory through the use of this theory? Long term happens because the
Learning student is able to build on prior
knowledge. When a student is able
to build on prior knowledge, the
topic becomes meaningful and the
student will be engaged in learning.
Lesson How does a specific lesson model in this theory get learning into long term memory? Learning happens when the student
Model/long is active by solving problems,
learning posing and answering questions and
through discussions and debates.
The more the student discussion the
topic in a meaningful way, it is
likely that the information will
move from sensory memory to long
term memory.
Personal How would you apply this theory for teaching It is best to also try to build on
Application students how to learn? (Provide 3 or more examples) prior knowledge when presented
with new information. It is also
beneficial to have the student be in
control and sit back as an educator
letting them construct their own
Brain Information is first enters through
Research/Tr the sensory memory. Something
ansfer of has to cage the learners attention.
Learning If nothing is done with the
information is will fade away. If the
information is nurtured then it
moves to short term memory. If the
information is rehearsed and put to
use over and over, then it will be
stored in the long term memory.

Theory Social Learning Personal Evaluation

Provide your personal evaluation and
Address each area experience for each category
according to the applicable. Explain how learning
views of this theory. happens through reflecting on theory
Theoretical Basis Social Learning The theory the people learn from each
other by observing, imitating, and
Cognitive/intellectual development linked with skill in social process modeling.
Theorists Bandura, Dewey Bandura conducted a social experiment
using a doll and children. The children
Johnson and Johnson, Slavin, Shlomo, Sharan , Thelen observed the doll being hit by an adult
and they imitated the actions. John
Dewey- believe that learning happens
when students can be hands on, David
Johnson and Roger Johnson believed
that without the cooperation of it
members, society cannot survive.

View of Knowledge Knowledge constructed and continuously reconstructed by individuals/ groups Each student has his or her own view of
the world based on experience. Their
Students operate on experience to produce knowledge experiences shape the way they may
learn. They are also able to construct
Knowledge has a personal quality and is unique for each individual knowledge by observing the teacher and
peers in the classroom. The student
also has the ability to bring their own
view to the classrooms.
How does learning Cooperative vs competitive, Learning happens from observing
happen in this Synergistic, others. Students are able to observe
theoretical view? Cognition as well as social complexity key to increased learning what their peers and teachers are doing.
Learning from observation of others in a more advanced stage of development or skill level, From there they begin to imitate their
Experienced based learning peers and teachers. Then they begin to
model the action of those who around
them. In turn having other students,
observe imitate, and model them. A
cycle begins to happen.
Teaching Modeling, Observation is important The best way of teaching is having the
Model democratic processes, Experience-based learning, Inquiry and knowledge are central student observe what is being done in
the classroom. The cooperative
learning model is good because it give
the students a change to work in groups
and learn from each other.
Role of Teacher Facilitator, Encouraging , flexible supervisor, Co-participant, The teacher should model the behavior
Requires high level of interpersonal and instructional skill but should also play the role of the
Responsive to student needs/Student centered facilitator. The teacher should
structure content through scaffolding
and facilitation. Teachers need to plan
goals, determine group and how they
will interact, determine how the lesson
will be implemented and determine
what assessments measures will be
Role of Peers Peers /role models are primary part of process of knowledge construction. Peers are there to support each other.
They are able to observe and learn from
each other based off the observations.
Students should be put into groups so
the can all feed off of each other.
Role of student Participation is of primary importance, Students need to be open to
participation. They also have to
Cooperation with peers in a democratic learning environment is necessary cooperate with their peers in order to
Growth Mindset: A growth mindset is developed
Explain in this through social experiences.
theory Students can witness the success of
their peers and model the behaviors
so they can achieve the same
success. They also must be able to
take negative feedback and use it to
grow. They are going to face
criticism and but be able to handle
it and grow.
3-5 Big ideas List several Big Ideas that inform your instructional planning you have developed based on this Explain Big Ideas and how you
theory. applied them.
Learners benefit from hearing or
reading the ideas of others.
Having student in small groups help
them hear each others ideas and learn
from each other.
Learners do not passively absorb

information from the environment,
rather they actively work to make
sense of the environment and
construct their own, unique
understandings of he world.
The learner has to be in a position to
be actively engaged in order to learn.
Learning is more likely to occur
when learners pay attention to the
information to be learned.
In the social learning theory, learning
happens when the student is observing
the environment around them. They
have to be paying attention in order to
achieve this.

Perfect Design a perfect assignment for this theoretical perspective. It must also be brain compatible for long The I Do, We Do, You do assignment
Assignment: term memory. is an example of this theory. The I
Do involves the teacher telling the
students what they nee to know and
showing them how to do it. We Do
involves doing the task together.
You do involves the students
practicing what they were taught
alone without the teacher.
Assessment Type Explain the type of assessment that is most appropriate for this theoretical view of learning. A perfect assessment should be set
up such that students demonstrate
understanding of key vocabulary
and concepts. Receive regular
feedback on work, and can
demonstrate awareness of their
Design a perfect Perfect Assessment: Create stations around the class that
assessment for this have a corresponding
theory for long term question/problem.
Divide students into groups (2-4).
Each group will take turns visiting
all of the stations and discussing
their response or solutions. They
record their consensus answers.
After a set time, groups rotate to
next station, until each group has

visited each station.
Then (if time permits) hold a class
conversation where groups share
their responses and reasoning

Long Term Learning How does learning get into long term memory through the use of this theory? Reinforcements help move
information into the long-term
memory. The more they observe
and imitate the more likely they are
going to hold onto new knowledge.
The reinforcement needs to meet the
learners needs or they will not have
an impact on the long-term
Lesson Model/long How does a specific lesson model in this theory get learning into long term memory? Having the students work together in
term learning groups help promote long-term
memory. Activities like scavenger hunts
help students make meaning out of the
lesson. Break the student into teams
and have them look for key concepts
and item that relate to the topic.
Whichever team comes up with the
most answers at the end wins.

Personal Application How would you apply this theory for teaching students how to learn? It good to promote student interaction
in the classroom. Students sometimes
(Provide 3 or more tend to work better when they are able
examples) to feed off other peers. Sometimes
students learn by observing how the
lesson is supposed to be done.
Brain Research: This promotes brain growth by having
Social and Emotional the student interact with the other
Intelligence students. The students have to learn
how to collaborate and work each other
effectively. The learn skills like
problem solving.

E-Presentation on Theory and Learning
Essential Question: How does learning happen (specifically in this theory)?
Group Members:

Get to know your group members names and contact information.

Develop a means of communication so you can work collaboratively without meeting face to face. Names and cell phones/e-mail are usually
Essential Question for this presentation: How does long term learning happen in this (the theory you are assigned) theoretical view?
Use ideas in the Power Point I have posted in BB as the main content areas to include for this project.
Feel free to include other valuable points from your professional study.

Presentation Skills: DO NOT just read the presentation notes:

Talk in professional and expert voice to your colleagues using your e-format/tools to enhance the presentation and deepen the learning.
Always face the audience and make eye contact.
The Ppt. is a reference point but you will add more information as a professional.
Speaking skills will be noted.
Appropriate understanding and use of vocabulary related to presentation topic is important.
Technology is appropriate and engaging
1. This presentation, using technological recourses, will be the main source of information shared in class concerning this theory. Therefore it is
very important that it is complete and that the information is correct.
2. The presentation will be shared on Blackboard so that all students will have access to it for study purposes.
3. This presentation should be appropriate for your faculty in-service meetings or team meetings. It should be informative and practical providing
useful information and samples for the participants. Keep in mind that the participants will include K-12 teachers as well as administrators.

You must use the Ppt. posted in BB as a guide for the content that must be included in your presentation.
Prepare a presentation of about 35-45 minutes using current technological tools. If there are interactive demonstrations it is acceptable to use a
longer time period.
This will be a group project so divide the tasks in an appropriate manner so that all members participate equally.
Each group member will submit the whole presentation (or their part) with clear indications of their exact contribution to the presentation.
Note other resources used that would indicate your participation. (tools or curriculum from our school)
Use engaging and cutting edge technology.
Include Video, web links, and shared www space such as Voice Thread, WIKI, Google docs, or Live Text
Be prepared to share a lesson model used to support your presentation. Explain what worked well and what you would change to make
improvements. This will be a small group activity. You are accountable for the information in the related text chapters of your lesson models.

EDU 542: Professional Presentation Rubric

Points Possible 0 Points 50% of Points 80% of Points 100% of Points Total
Audience cannot Audience has difficulty Information is in logical 10 Points
10 Points understand presentation following presentation sequence which audience Information is presented in logical, interesting
Organization because there is no because of lack of can follow and take notes. sequence which audience can easily follow and
sequence of information. organization. take notes.
Presenters do not have Presenter is Presenter is at ease with 20 points
grasp of information; uncomfortable with expected answers to all Presenters demonstrate full knowledge (more
20 Points cannot answer information and is able to questions, but fails to than required) by answering all class questions
Subject Knowledge questions about subject answer only rudimentary elaborate. with explanations and elaboration.
and Mechanics or spell or pronounce questions. Some
words correctly. misspellings.

Superfluous graphics or Some graphics that Graphics relate to text and 20 Points
20 Points no graphics support text and presentation. Graphics explain and reinforce screen text and
Graphics presentation minimally. presentation.

Presentation has Presentation has several Presentation includes use of 25 Points

minimal use of different uses of a variety of tools to add Presentation has a WOW effect using various
technology beyond use technology. interest and understanding. new types of (technology/videos/fresh new ideas)
25 points of a Power Point. Presenters have a good that add interest and support for learning the
Technology command of the tools they material. Presenters use the tech tools effectively
are using. and efficiently and can explain to others how to
use the new tech tools.
15 Points Student reads all of Student occasionally uses Presenter(s) introduces 15 Points
report with no eye eye contact, but still reads themselves and maintain eye Presenters introduce themselves and respect
Engagement of
contact. most of report and seems contact most of the time but audience. All presenters maintain eye contact with

Audience and Student does not seem to contribute less than fair frequently returns to notes. audience, seldom returning to notes. Students
Participation & to contribute much to the share to project. Students contribute fairly to obviously contribute to the project and to the
Professional group work. project. presentation in a professional manner.
Appearance Professional attire noted.

10 Points Student mumbles, Student's voice is low. Student's voice is clear. 10 Points
incorrectly pronounces Student incorrectly Student pronounces most Student(s) uses a clear voice and correct, precise
Elocution and Eye terms, and speaks too pronounces terms. words correctly. Most pronunciation of terms so that all audience
Contact quietly for students in Audience members have audience members can hear members can hear and understand presentation.
Look and act like a the back of class to difficulty hearing presentation. Actions denote confidence.
professional hear. presentation.
Total Points:


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