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Writing Activity Worksheet

Mini-Annotated Bibliography
For this worksheet you will conduct and record the results of brief research into your topic.

Part 1: Research & Annotation. Your task is to conduct research, identify the common
viewpoints associated with the topic, and annotate 3 articles related to your topic. To annotate
means to add notes of explanation and to leave comments, so annotated articles are those that
you have noted with explanations or comments added to a text. Therefore, in this exercise you
are not only conducting research but leaving comments on that research. In lay terms,
annotations might be called a researchers journal. Include the below items in each annotation:

One APA formatted bibliographic citation (use the OWLs APA guide as a reference)
A 2-3 sentence summary of the source
1-2 quotes from the source that identifies the author's perspectives
A 2-3 sentence evaluation of the source's significance

Annotation #1

This articles displays a timeline that shows the different advances in medical technology
through time. It has a list of inventions that revolutionized the medical field, such as the
magnifying glass ,stethoscope, anesthesia, mechanical heart, and organ transplant. It also
provides details on each invention and what benefits came with it.

Dr. Crawford W. Long performed the first operation using diethyl ether as an anesthetic. He pressed an ether-soaked
towel against the patient's face to put him to sleep, then removed one of two tumors from his neck.

By about 1280, similar lenses would be used to correct farsightedness; now, they are crucial in surgery.

Nicholas Bakalar, Karren Barrow, Jon Huang, Diantha Parker (October 10, 2012). Milestones in
Medical Technology. Retrieved from

Annotation #2

This articles talks about five new medical innovations that are currently changing the medical
field as we know it. It starts off by stating how emergent technologies are rapidly improving
and evolving. It then gives the list starting off with the improvement of melanoma biopsies. I
believe this article shows a strong connection to my topic because it shows how technology is
playing a big role in medicine and how much our health depends on it.

As the regulators, politicians, and corporate executives hash out these details, industry engineers and
scientists continue to push through new ideas for improving and managing human health.

Technologies strike a balance between reducing the overall cost of medical care and increasing safety and
survival ratesand isn't that what health care reform is all about?

Michael MacRae (March 2012). Top 5 Medical Technology Innovations. Retrieved from
Annotation #3

In this article, it explains and emphasizes the role of technology in the medical field. It has
different sections that explains what medical technology actually is and what benefits come
with it. Besides this it shows the various results that medical technology has produced and how
it affects medical research.

Out of all of the industries that technology plays a crucial role in, healthcare is definitely one of the most

Medical technology has evolved from introducing doctors to new equipment to use inside private practices and
hospitals to connecting patients and doctors thousands of miles away through telecommunications.

Jess White, Renee Cocchi (No Available Date). Medical Technology. Retrieved from

Part 2: Synthesis Statement: After you have completed your research and annotated your
sources, write a 150-word summary on how these sources are connected. Where do the
viewpoints represented in the three sources agree? Where and one what do they disagree? What
are they silent on or avoiding?
All of my three articles connect on the simple basis that they all agree that medical technology
is changing the medical field. They all list examples of medical inventions that have granted
many benefits and improved medical treatment around the world. Another stand in which all
articles agree, is how human health largely depends on these emerging technologies. It shows
how many doctors use the technologies and shows the limit of how far human hands can reach
into a patient. One viewpoint that may differ from the rest was on the second article. It talked
about how some technologies are just made cheap and only made to get out there fast to make
profit, without really making a change. On the other hand, it all articles stated that technology
just keeps improving and that it is definitely making a change. The one thing that these articles
may be avoiding is the cost of developing these medical technologies. In order to make
medical advancements, a vas amount of money is needed for research. These articles talk
only about the benefits but none mention how costly it is to develop or improve medical

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