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Methanol Thermodynamic Properties From 176 to 673 K at Pressures to 700 Bar Robert D. Goodwin Thormophyee ivson, National Engineering Laboratory, National Bureau of Standards, oulder,Coloede 80203 ‘Receive Jnusry 30, 1987; revised manuscript eve Jane 11987 Available data for vapor pressures and for the orthobaric densities of methanol are ‘examined and formulated. Then, PpT data are correlated by an equation of state (EOS) Which is constrained tothe given coexistence boundary. Via ideal gas state specific heats, the thermodynamic properties of methanol then are obtained by numerical integrations of the EOS, and are tabulated along isobars. A comparison is made with some recent calori- metre enthalpy diferensoe date over # wide range of Key words: compressibility factors; densities; enthalpies; entropies; equation of state; fugaciies, ‘nats of vaporization; ideal gas, JouleThomsoncoeficiens; methanol orthobarc densities; speci ‘nets speeds or sound; hermodynamic properties; vapor pressures; vr coemcients, Contents 1. Introduction nn 800 6. Acknowledgments. 2. Developing the Equation of State. 8017. Refer 2088 nn 24. Methanol Vapor Pressures 801 22, Methanol Orthobarie Densities 301 2.2. Saturated Liquid Densities 801 List of Tables 2.20, Saturated Vapor Densities... 805 1, Selected fixed-point values for methanal 22e: Alienate Vapor Densities Ems 2, Summary of vapor-preaure data fr methanol tion 810 3, Methanol vapor-pressure daa. 23. The Virial Equation. 810 4, Summary of orthobaricdensities data for 24, Pressure-Density—Temperature Data 811” ethanol 23. The Equation of Site ncn S11 5, Methanol saturated liquid densities data 3. Thermal Properties and Computations.vwnmnn 844 6 Methanol saturated vapor densities data 3.1. Funetions for Ideal Gas States 844 7, Summary of PpT data for methane! 29) The Homngenanne Pom 844g, Zuuer wrtdmuliattesen dung 3.3. Properties at Coexsten0? cso 846 9. Comparison of foT daa for methandl 3.3.8. Specific Heats on the Vapor Bound- 10. Methanol critical isotherm... ay 6 fethanol ideal as state data... 5-80, Sturt Ligua tains andi: 2, Methanol nerpoled eal gu sas actos tropics 848 13, Comparison with methanol , (7) data of Carl 3.3. Saturated Liquid Specific Heats... 848 son/Westrum, 1971 24 Compreneed Liquid Statee Ht 14, Conpatwm of maton coaayy Gea, 3.5. Comparisons sr : 848 15, Joule~Thomson inversion locus for methanol 4 Tables of Thermophysial Properties. 849 16. Properties of saturated liquid methanol 41 The Joule-Thomson Inversion Locus 849 17, Properties of methanol along isobars.. 42. Properties at Coexistence enna 349 43. Properties Along Sltdobars 849 5. Comments... é 349 01987 bythe US. Serer of Commerc ce behalf the United State: “his copyright i sled to the American Ist of Phys and the Reponts vale rom ACS se Reprints Lis at bck of issue (0047-2609/67/040708-94/810.00 List of Figures 1. Methanol coexistence boundary 2, Methanol vapor densities deviations... 3. Derived C, (7). atthe liquid boundary... 4. Comparison of enthalpy differences at 515.2 K. B91 891 201 801 802 808 805 807 sit 815 845 846 847 848 851 852 810 849 351 «1. Phys. Chem. Ret. Data, Vol. 16, No.4, 1967 ‘Symbols and Units Subscnpts¢ and t refer to critical and liquid triple points Subscripts g and I refer to saturated vapor and liquid Suberipto refers to liquid-vapor coexistence (9.740, exponents in vartous functions B(),C(T) virial coeficients, Eq. (4) saturated liguid specific heat, Jmol~! K~! inochorie specific heat3 mal" K~' isochoric specific heat at the critical point (CP), 161.143 mol“! K* isochorie specific heat a th liquid boundary, Imot*K* isobaric specific heat, Jmol~! K-* internal energy, 1/mol 3 374.762 ¥/mol (arbitrary) fugacity, bar fugacity/pressure coeficient defined function in the EOS ‘00s energy, 3/mo! enthalpy, J/mol for ideal gas state at 32,0424 g of methanol (molecular weight) pressure, bar (1 bars 10° N/m*) 4.013 25 bar (1 atm) vapor pressure of saturated liquid, bar PIT, (p)], vapor pressure as function of density, bar Qn AML, heat oF vaporization, T/mal R ‘gas constant, 8.3145 J mol K, 0,083 145 (ar L/mol) /K eo density, mol/L. ° ip, Feduced density % (0.825, reversal of isochore curvatures, Eq. © * ul enced Vail Aonity ot teple paint 30 1d DENSITY, mol/L 4 Phva. Chem. Re. Dats. Val. 16. No 4.1987 ROBERT D. aooDWIN S@.T) entropy, Jmol! K-* r temperature, K T,(p) __liquid-vapor coexistence temperature u(T) defined where used x(7) defined where used > ‘Vp, molal volume, L/mol W(p.T) speed of sound, m/s Z(P,pkD) P/(p-R-T), the “compressibility factor” 1. Introduction Methanol isa major commodity chemical whose heavy industrial usehas been described by Machado and Street? “Thermlynamie chart for methanol have ben prepared by Smith anda Pp surface was correlated by Bhattacharyya and Thodos* In an ongoing sere of reports, fundamental properties were collected by Wilhot etal A valuable sur- ‘ey was presented by Eubank,"’ and a book on the thermo- physical properties was published in Russian by Zubarey, Prusakov, and Sergeyevs."* Palymeriretion of methanol in the vapor stata is a trot Uesome phenomenon forthe experimentalist and correlator. Thishas been examined by Weltner and Pitzer," Tnskeep,® Kel” Tucker Kudchadker,™ Bartcza,# Francs. and Nath” Ta the present correlation of the thermodynamic prop- cxtis of methancl we rely heavily on the PT data of Ma- ‘Shad and Steet nnd om the recent data of Staty © To chore curvatures in Straty's PpT data change sign at & reduced density near 0.83, not atthe critical density. We thus obiain a specific heat C,(p,7), whichis finite a the erica point, via Eq (10), below. Symbols and units are given i the st above, and the coexistence phase disgram is outlined in Fg. 1. Selected Suedspint wae oreo in Tae The pip ome ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE “Tan Slected Sepia vals for methanol ao 1o1s2s a6 or anto-raatstt~ sa gud 2826 23382 0 ‘perature is from Carlson and Westrum."° Young” reported T, = 513.15 K, P, = 79.59 +0.08 bar, p, = 8.455 mol/L. ‘The only recent determination of critical parameters appar- cently is that of Kay and Donham®®: 7, = 51258 K, P, = 80.972 bar, p. = 8.49 mol/L. ur critical density, p. = 8.40 mol/L, was adjusted in the course of iting orthobaric densities. The boiling-point temperature: Table I istrom Eg. (1) at” = 1.U13 23 bar, ‘nd the triple point pressure is from Eq, (1) at T= T,, Oth- er fixed-pointorthobaric densities are from Eqs. (2) and (3) 2, Developing the Equation of State ‘The present isochori equation of state (EOS) is cone strained to the formulated coexistence boundary (vapor pressures and orthoberic densities). The winnowing of ‘masses of data, to cull inaccurate but often precise sts isa difficult but necessary process. Hence, some excluded data, sre presented inthis report, but ar used with zero weigh for the least-squares determination of the coefficients in fitting fumanain, Tae aclete vsial LOS fo Howadeusy sephoe also is presented below (Ea, (4)]. Apparentiy no high-pres- sure melting line P, (7) has been established for methanol, which forms passes under these conditions. See, however, 8, Carlson and Westrum" for calorimetric transitions at low pressures and temperatures. 24, Methane! Vapor Pressures Some ofthe available vapor-pressure data for methanol are listed in Table 2. Deviations from Eq. (1) are given in Table wing x(7)=7/7,, 2, (7) in bar, and exponent 10. Then ‘Tan Summaryof vapor pressre data for methane, 801 In(P,) =0/x + bert di? ber +f —x¥, (1) where a= —10.752848 790, d= 4373231941, 16.758 206 642, ¢= — 2.381 377489, em — 303424623, f= 4572 198 698. ‘The root-mean-square (rms) relative pressure deviation of 0.54% for 83 selected data snot as precise as obtained for ‘many other substances. Data of Straty® at ID = 99 [ ID) ‘entiation of data souroes] were used before discovering that he doubted their accuracy, based om apparatis iit tions. Thedata of Young.” ID = 10, based on those of Ram say and Young,” are included to provide information on posible temperaturescale adjustments (column 47), ‘which would be useful to salvage tei entesive and precise orthobaic densities and Po data. ‘Column Resid. in Table 3 gives values ofthe residual, Ine EIU) — = BI TIL= B Dade ‘he examination of which s most helpful for developing any ‘apor-pressure equation. 2.2. Methanol Orthobaric Densities ‘Table 4 presents some sources of orthobaric density data for methanol. 2.2, Saturated Liquid Densities eviations ou By. (2 ate give ft Table 3 using x(1)=T/T,, u(T) (1 —2), and exponent B= 0.35. Then ile —D mau + WE = 1) eta? = +a 1), @ where = 251730906, c= 3.066817 68, = 2.466 694.19, d= ~ 1.32507680. ‘The me solative dencty deviation ie 0.170% for 43 selected data, Data at ID = 72 have been obtained from formulated ’D ‘Author/ year ‘Range of 7,K ‘Range of P bar Ramsay, 17 a) esi omnes = 10 Yeunplisio rae 10) oe ours 13 Mandel 1913 (Ret 46) 25-209 Lato“ 13107? St Walter, 951 S38 35-100 SS Kay, 1958 (Rel 32) 3-303 ee © Hits 967 Ret 28) 30473 2s.304 70 Ambrose/Sprate, 170 (Ref. 3) mms) oat 73 Zabasey 1972 Hss10 isa0-or4 1 Gouel 973 (Ret 13) 638 25-10 Th Ghar, 1974 (REE) ae 338 10-10 75 Ambros/Sprake/Townsend, 1975 (Ref. 4) 353-463 1331 33 Machado, 183, 290473 2401 65 Miler, 1988 (Re. 48) 1510 Lag. b10-* 4 Phys. Chem, Ret Data, Vo. 16, No 4, 1907, 802 ROBERT D. GOODWIN Table 2 Compara of reported vapor presures with values calultd from By. (1) mF H PeRE £18 Sun 18 20h 13 Gum £18 2m 18 Sg 8 2s 28 23s 8 Ss 18 SES 18 8 1B $8 3 6 ios oh Hess #38 ee SoS ie S22 es 8 ie es ie 3S a 358 es 3 ie ini $B Bee 3B Bs 38 mes 3 ie Se 373 me BB ese $e ies 3S ie 3S ee 2 EB BESe 3 ES Bese 3S S88 3 8 ge 3 EB ess 18 Be ie sas 75 1:00 353:460 HAS ss BiB aS B18 B38 HG Sis wr 0.78650, 1 og02 boaasse 0.46087 :g8409 0°90361 09064 Bi9ear6 olgsier 8.915 0334357 err 0.34935 0°35169 O°se194 633087 o'ses7 0.59122 0° so202 beans 86ea) 0.65988 68082 eset 0.69611 b:shi00 o:s9n10 60086 0.62037 -63012 63988 Ore5s88 o-ssrat 62652 cease O:eas5e 0:70808 0.72898 on 0.78655 0.80891 4. Phys. Chem. Ret. Dat, Vol. 16, No.4 1987 Rss oon 2308 8 ote SSeS oes So sess Sess SB SSR 10.$82466+00 Sess 10.28333+00 Sees Seuss 02183006401 sii Ge F Tae ae ose cee ‘ta 3 0:32204F-05 SRS ERE (0.252435+00 Sasi es Sse 0.984341100 O11 T8absOt SHES! SES! SReeS, SES SERIES Sees Sas seems eee 0.28361E100 Sees Seas SB 3 aay9E01 steseesot ro4esenc2 EReeess2e8 or 0.00746 8.00093, 000254 0.00183 000037 000240, 800267 Bcooet9 0.02468 8.03086 Bloaais 8oae00 0.02577 0203303, 0.02005 0.02572 0.0095 0:0251 b.00904 ocoatss 0:02578 0°02262 o°02172 0.02089 8200880 O-o1e24 0-016 o°01sst ook o.o1s E828228 SSBB ot bgizegeteticcceces ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE 803 ‘Tate 2. Comparion of repae vapor premure with value aeaitd from Eq (1) Gontued, K te Den B10 aa.190 Dass O.Ay0RREOT 0.01 0.01018 35 1.00 432.920 O.1747gEC02 OLi7476E-02 0.01 0.00881 38 9 M300 O:biegrecea Oc2iendeco2 O°tt 0.00783 75 1.00. 455-270 Ola7is7Eo2 ol2Tisae-02 0.13 0.00621 48 100. 462!900 O:3310REe02 O:32983E«02 0138 0.00515 8 Von assis7 Oisanstée02 O/saoo0E=02 -0.27 000190 3 100 deli Oleate0en2 OlezastEsoa -0.32 B.o0101 9 100. S03133, Olesoizéco2 0:¢89006~02 0.02 0.00086 9 too $03:202 OlenseaEet2 Ole4981E-02 -0.08 0.00063 99 1.00 508.130 O°751386602 0:780296-02 0.14 0.00035 9 Veo Soscuas OL9S12aEC02 OcTS0saEs02 0110 0.00033 0.00 263.180 0,$13%6 0,206688-01 0,209998-01 0.02389 0109 273-180 0.83267 0:39463E-01 0.40521E-01 boa 0:00 293-180 0.87189 0.127998+00 0130148400 B.oaaee 10500 303.180 0159140 0:21332Es00 0,21882E400, 0°00259 009 313-150 0.61091 01347306400 0. 354636+00 0.02215 Blo 3231180 Olea0N1 O1S4129Ee00 Or SSSHOEAOD 0:02087 0100 3831180 Oleaeoa OLi7E79E.01 OctaosIEsOL Oconee 0:00 0.70565 0:25291F+01 0.25849E-01 0.01782 0:00 0.73796 O° 3a944bs01 01383486001 o:o18i7 8:09 074746 O-a7wneE0r O!47993E-01 o.o1s91 8:89, 8:36089 Oce334iE01 OotosiEsot 8201355 0:00 Oce3z20Ee07 OceALAtE«OL oco1a31 8.00 O:10760Et02 0: 108948-02 o:o1078 8.00, O.i37e0E+02 0:13919E~02 0.00985 0.00 B.kessi O.21701E«02 B.a1996Ee02 00682 00 D.g6402 0:26763E+02 0: 27088602 :00552 00 0'90383 o-32e1TE902 0. 331466e02 0°00834 0.00 O:g2308 07397138402 0:40N20E002 0:00289 0:00 (0196208. 056759002 O"s79asecoa “2°03 Oloaoa 0.00 Ol9TIet OlerTaaEeon Olea2a7E«03 “2.38 -0.00029 0.00 0198156 O.ez213ee02 Olea920E003 “2.48 “0.00078 0.00 0198547 0-69597E403 0.943180 2.41 0.00090 ceo Oiga937 O:9i9iaeco2 0:73990E.08 “2°84 “bc00TTa 0-00 (0.99527. 074159002 0-T6MoEs02 “2.86 -Ol00144 0-00 0.99522. 0.78987E+02 O.77647E~02 “2.14 “0.00108 0:00 0.99717 0:76762E+02 0.789956%02 “2160. “0.00154 00 Dl99a1s Ol7rresEeo ctaKuaFena 2/46 --not ay 0.00 0199912. O.7agiseeo2 OsA0saeEs0 {o%oo1a2 0.00 0.40139 0.13600E-03 0:12149E-03 0.0264 0.00 (0:14670E-03 O:14408E-03 6125 0L01304 0:00 (0:221306-03 0:212618-03 4109 0.01910, 0:00 OLta16? O1}8aI0E-03 OL3EsMME-03 T1396 O.o198) 0.00 (0142685 0°505305-03 0-S0081E-03 1.00 0.01962 0.00 221.250 0.43162 0.684605-03 0.65127E-05 0181 0.01997, 9:00 228.080 0.43904 0.935905-03 9501990 8:95 2Beces0 0:43N6 Octobsoe- 08 ‘0:89 0.03038, 9.00 228.780 0.44625 0:131505-02 0113437E-02 2.13 Ov0a002 (0100 313:100 0.61081 0:34664E«00 O135281E00 2.03 0.02m18, 9.00 327:800 0.63968 0.666618-00 O.68104E00 2.12 0.02082 8:09 362.480 0.70086 0.283008-01 G.2s28sE001 “0.25 0.01709 {7 0.00 368.780 0.71957 0.304996+01 O-307I7E101 0.71 0.01698 7 0,00 375.680 0.72893 0. 35s6sts01 Ol3shosEs01 0°95 B.o1e22 7 0.00 398.350 0.75761 O"ssa2REs01 OlssB8Er01 “1.18 8.01416 6 0.00 412/280 0.80425 O:fo4neGv02 O-YossoE02 2/10 001099 67 0.00 414.080 o-80774 0-109190002 O.InM4ake02 -2/07 01017, 67 0.00 326.880 0.88272 0.14824E+02 O.15192R+02 “2.42 0.00825 67 0.00 444.380 0.86686 0.22180E102 O-22s01E02 -143 000648 SF 0.00 449350 Olsne61 O°D4G32E.02 casoadecna “1°57 Oco0srs 7 0.00 453.880 0.88539 0.2706aEto2 0.27479E102 “1°51 0.00520 167 0.00 438.080 0.89588 0.29SI6EI02 0.29936E102 “1.40 0.00473 4. Phys, Chem. Ret. Dat, VoL. 16, No.4 1987 804 ROBERT D. GOODWIN, “uble 3. Comparion of reported vapor pressures with values ealeulated from By. (1) Conte = 3 m7, F Ge PR Reka k tr tren F000 aaa 080 0.90199 0. T1R6REOD “as 0.008 0.721 GF 0:00. ae9.250 0.91513 0.368626002 0.378346002 “1.21 0.00348 “0.698 67 0.00 472.680 0792206 D/3935SEx02 OL39EEIEVOD “1122 0.00307 0.643, 33 0.00 178-400 0.34218 0/18870E-05 0°37744E-05. 8.00322 0:38 73 0:00 180.000 0135113 0,39090E.08 0.372268-05, 0.00868 0-321 73 0:00 200.000 0139017 0.62740E.04 0.6063SE-04 .01s00 0.279 73 0:00 210000 0/40968 0/20350E-03. 0.19971E-03 O.o1e26 0:26, 73 0.00 220.000 0.42918 0.S4810E.03 0.57421E-03, 0.02078 0.239, 73 0.00 230.000 0.44869 0:18390E-02 0. 15085E-02, 0.02261 0.220, 33 0:00 240.000 046820 0:26870E-02 0:36013E-02 0.02386 0.183 13 0.00. 250.000 0.48771 0:81890E-02 0.809455-02 0.02469 0.149 73 0,00 260.000 0.50722 0:17000E-01 011687SE-01 0502509 0.108 73 0:00 270.000 0132673 0130970E-01 0.39134E-01 0.02819 9.063 73 0,00 280.000 0.36874 0:109408+00 9. 1095H5400 0:02460 -0.030, 73 0:00, 300.000 0138525 0-18600E+00 0.186555+00 0.02406. “0058 75 0,00 310.000 0.40476 0:30430E+00 0.308748=00 0.02330 “0.089 73 0.00 320.000 0.62427 0-481708+00 0.484196400 s.03248 “0-116 73 0:00 330000 Dcea38 O:78950E000 OcFESARESO ocmatst “02138 75 0,00 340000 0.66329 0-11044E101 0.110996401 0.02082 “0.128 73 0-00 3505000 0.68279 O.16082EV0! 0:16153E+01 0.01943, “0.121 75 0:00 340000 0.70230 9:22480E01 0122990E~01 oo1826 “0.114 73 0.00 380.000 0.74152 043570801 8.436700) S.o1ssi 0.076 73 0-00 390000 0176083, O°se4s0Ec01 0/SASERE-O1 oorees “0%085, 73 9100 400.000 0178034 c7roaaEso1 0:77338EC01 olor30e “0147 73 0:00 410.000 (0:100006«02 | 0:100sKE«02 oiotiss “0.225 73 0.00 430-00 O:6260e-02 0: 16346E+02 00890 “0°239, 73 0.00 440.000 020400002 0:20471B402 0.00767 “0.158 73 0.00. 450.000 0°2s300Ke02 Ocasa6kE02 S068 “0.127 73 0:00 460.000 0: 3108002 0°31153E+02 500520 “0:085 33 0:00. 430.000 Oc31a00E-02 0:30e7sEV02 8.00396 “0.108 73 0:00 480.000 (Oraser08-02 01457150402 00280 “0:124 73 0,00 490.000 0.95591 0:s46s0E-02 0.547930%02 O.00172 20:16 73 0,00 $00:000 0197512 0.651700«02 0.652855+02 00081 83 0:00. 296.150 O.S8i64 0.16900E000 0.16957E400 oco3ai3 83 0.00 318150 161091 01383008000 0. 384638+00 oLea307 83 0.00 3251180 oLe30a1 0583008400 0:555995400 o-a2218 55 0.00 333.150 0.64992 0841005400 0. 84891E400 o.02119 83 0.00 383.180 O.gs4o4 O:18010E001 0. 16091E.01 0-01905 85 0.00 365.150 0.70845 0:25460E001 | 0.255096%01 0.01789 55 0.00 375-450 0.72796 01352408101 0. 383486601 01665 $3 0:00 343°150 o-74746 oua7e93E-01 §3 0:00. 393:180 8:76099 Biotasiecol 483 0.00 403-150 0.78648 0-837605401 O.AaT4lEe0] 83. 0:00 413-180 0.80899 0-10834E+02 0: 0R946+02, 4830.00 423-180 0182550 OL13Ra3E002 B.13919E002 00981 “0:229, 83 0,00 443.180 O.seusi O.2185s5102 0.219268+02 o0or? -0.150, 3 0.00 455-150 0.88402 01270245402 0.2708SE+02 900603, “0:109, 830,00 463.180 0.90383 0:33083E402 0.33146H+02 200880 “0.097 3 0.00 473.150 0.92304 01401376102 0.402200402 0.00389, “0.109, WS dee pein, mar devon OR 1D cose: "GLO Young (18) Mandell (S1) Weta, ($5) Kay, (64) Stat (6S) Mie, (G2) Hea 70) Ambra’ / Spake, (11) Gitar, (3) Zaberer (74) Coun G5) Ambrow 1 Spake / Townsend, (83) Machado, (9) Stats. «4 Phys. Chem. Ref, Data, Vol. 16, No. 1987 ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE 05 ‘Taaue 4 Suramay of rthobre des data for methane “Kary 7 (Ret 53) 7s ‘Your, 110 (Ret 70) 263512 Vas zubare, 983 a0 abate, 1973 (Ref. 78) Machado, 1963 (Re 42) Via aca Tab, 1988 195-489 Via Ge (7) dt, 1988 bens Via Sty, 1985 S63 {sochores, obtained in turn from formulations of the Zu- ‘barev” isotherms, Data at ID = 85 are obtained from Tait, ‘equation formulations of the isotherms of Machado and Street! ‘2.2. Caturated Vapor Donation ‘The computation of AF along isotherms via Eq. (9), ‘using EOS Eq, (6), involves a leading term forthe saturated vapor at T. (p) for each density along the isotherm, Good- ae= [er o(Z— +92, On \whereit is important thatthe integrand approach zero in the limit of low densities. Our earlier formulation of the satu- rated vapor densities py, has been used for various simple fuids, eg, Goodwin, but is not suitable for methanol. Hence we have used Eq. (3), where x(7)=T/T., u(T)= (1 2), f= 038, In(p,/pe) =a = I/x) + bu” Hews di’, (3) and a= 10619 668 50, ¢= 3.818 45421, b= — 255668202, 795 $67 52 For $3 selected data in Table 6 the rms of relative deviations ‘Above the first blank line in Table 6, we derived the ‘vapor density data from experimental heats of vaporization ofthe named authors (ID) via the Clapeyron Eq, (17) using ‘Eq, (1). us our derived hens ot vaporization m8 able 16 ‘will have the same accuracy (with respect to experimental data) as theft ofthe vapor density data in Table 6. However, Gt T= 00, date ave fram fitting one Kqnid entvopie ana experimental C, (7) data simultaneously [See. 3.3(c)]. Given the formulated liquid entropies, S,(7)/ mol K™, then the vapor densities in mol/L are aD 00 (7) {SDS}, Ga) a where forthe vapor at these low densities we have approxi- ‘mated S(D=S (1 + RinlP/P,(T)} (3b) API = 10 in Table 6 the vepie dentine ee tained from the Beatte-Bridgman EOS of Lashakov” with Eq. (1). AtID = 68, data are from virial Eqs. (4) and (1). At TD =72, data are from formulations of our derived iso chores of Zubarev (Table 9, ID =90), and Eq, (1). At TD = 99 we used individual representations ofthe Straty® pseudoisochores, with Eq. (1). Many deviations in Table 6 fre unacceptably large (ste Fig. 2). Derived heat of vapori zation depend directly on these vapor densities via Eq, (17), In the last column of Table 6 under F(z) are given experi- rental values of (Z, ~ 1)/(Z_ —1)- In the limit of low densities, one obiains from Eqs. (1) and (3), Z,~exp—O13T,/T,), ie, Zp=0 in this limit, T.(9)=0. Te fans feat i in wah a BRSSEERISREEISSSES ERSSIERRSEERSSELESSELESESESSERSESSERIERSES Biseseeccece: a5: 2 om oa e288 3 peceeesrssoessoess sobsroossoosssossoosshobooobbosososetasioa| S 12 o.oo 3p3.130 Rt i “ocoae “4. Phys Chem. Ret. Data, VoL 16, No.4 1987 808 ROBERT D. GOODWIN ‘Dive S Gmperna of recat tute geld cease, ‘Sitti By 7 Canad Z salt Dee_ (onic 3s os ies Ber bia aasceseassaecsisecsessecsiaeseiesscsseessessesiss SEEEEE: 3283 $8888:8283 8 8822388 1 ese: "CD Young. U8) Kas.) ROG / zune, (3) aba, G9 Ati 6) icads ex ae ‘L.Phys. Chem. Ret, Data, Vol. 16, No 6, 1087 ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE ‘Tle 6 Comparion of reported saturated vapor dentes with values eluted from By. (3) Dw Fo, > Ge, 8 aan A) K nan ni” ews Cani/IVE Gand 3.00 313.106 0.610810, 140348-01 0. 14074E-01 -0.29 06196608 0.96843 0.04080 31200 Sa7'900 0.63965 O-2610sE-01 0.26153E-01 “0119 O-10426-02 0.98604 0.05864 31200 337400 0.65899 0. 3H2R1E-01 0.383206-01 10.10 0.14336-02 0.94732 0.06807, St 200 H3‘t00 O6iasi Oc140436-01 O:14074E-01 10/22 OL6196E-03 0196780 0.04160, 512.00 327.900 0: 0.260988 01 0:26183E-01 0:22 0.1042E-02 0.98730 0.08817 Si 2.00 337's00 0: 362236-01 0°383206-01 0.25 0.1433E-02 0.94876 0-06621 24 2.00 306.130 0 :103S8E-01 0130274E-01 “0°30 O-4753E-03 0.97151 003681 4280 isos0 Oigtaer-or O:19reae-o “0-01 Ocgna7E-03 0:90081 O0sI38 24 2.00 330.860 0. 8.290S3E-01 0:29080E-01 0:01. 0-1137E.02 0.95284 006098 24 2100 337-610 0.65862. 0.36052E-01 0/38049E-01 0.01 0.1424E-02 0.94616 0.06918 38 2.00 6.130 0. O°102836-01 0°102766-01 0125 0L47S9E-03 0197179 0.03645 7 2.00 30°s60 0. (0: 200688-01 0:200806-01 0.06 O.11378-02 0.98238 0.06187 45 200 ariew 0: (0 3807SE-01 0:38089E-01 0.07 0.14248-02 0.94589 0.06992 ye 100 do8.180 0. (69900102 0190273E-02 0°80 013446E-03 0.97880 002803 26 200 33.180 0.61091 O-14041E-01 O-14t0se-0 “0.46 0.620%E-03 0.97008 0.03871 te Fo Maso: Didanave-o1 Oldaraae-o “0136 OLIRME-oa Ol9shie OL0c0S? 2 2.00 337.880 0 (0:36287E-01 038392E-01 “0.27 0.1435E-02 0.94890 0.06603 46 200 ds.i80 0 46661801 01466536-01 0.03 O.168BE.02 0.94078 0-07682 3 30.00 378.390 0 O'197I2E-06 O11270RE-06 0.03, 0.2029E-07 OL98R98 O.014Re 30 30:00 200.000 0.39017 0:369268-08 01369496-05 -010g OltuziE-oG O.98r47 0.01619, 5 30:00 325.000. O°s10096-04 0:510576-04 20°02. 0:4704E-05 0.98598 001811, 3 30100 380'000. 8°39S91E-03 0/39S648-03 0107 0.24998-04 0.98388 0.02090 5 "190 31s!000. 0 o!goae7e-02 108 O.1192E-03 L980 0.02582 30 Leo 3s.000 6. O:251a6E-0F O12527SE-01 0°55 G19498-03 0196279 OL04808 69 1.00 300.000 (0.763008-02 0.768998-02 -0.78 0.37198-03 0.98020 0.02558 $8 1100. 30s:000 (0.968005-02 0C97Si0E.02 “0.73 Ol4s47E-02 0.9728 0.07936 100 HS!000 ‘O:ts2008-01 0:182948-01 “0.61 O.66448-03 0197042 0.03829 6 190. 320000 (0:188505-01 0:189346-01 “0°55 0.794HF-03 0°96645 0.04535 6 1100 52s:009 (0:231606-01 0123275E-01 “049 0°94498-03 0196221 004883 § 100 330'000 9-283008-01 9-28419E-01 “042 O°ILITE-02 0°95142 0-08802 B13 H888. O:B3eoe-o1 Oc3kasce-or 70°35 O:1512E-03 0°95150 OcOeies $8 1100 Mo!000 OL4tse2e-01 “0129 OLissae-o2 0194697 0.06853 6 100 34s!000 (0:497506-01 0:498646-01 70°25. 011784E-02 0.94110 OLOTEIO & 00 so'o00 8°593608-01 oLspe7e01 “0'19 OL2066E-02 0:33e0y 08387 § 1500. 340:000 O:as240e-01 OcesseoE-01 70.14 0.27366-02 0.92190 0.10092 ° 345.000 -97870E-01 0:98009E-01 “0.14 O°3181E-02 0.91481 011008 ° 370.000 114S6Es00 0-11474Es00 “0116. O13571E-02 0.90739 0111966 ° 435.000 153536:00 01133806400 “0120 014060802 0.69967 9.12968, ® 385.000 0179326000 0179936000 “0.34 0°520SH-02 Olk8a06 | OLISIIT 6% 1100 390.000 ©.20669E-00 0:207595+00 “0.43, 0.S673E-02 0.87416 0.16261 6 1.00 39s:000 0237466600 0123877E000 “018S OleeI2E-02 O.Bo481 OL17469 % aorses ©.206148-01 0:20727E+01 “0°55 0°S8196-01 0.56800 0155891 o 00 tanlon Olbstasero1 Ol2ria0E0; "0:03. O:S44SE-01 O:Se087 | 1SeTa 99 2.00 490.940, O:269116:01 1267 14E001 O11. O.7496E-01 9.50720 0.63677 8 97-198 0,32855E¢01 01321756101 0°50 0.9999E.01 0.46525 0.69099 98 2100 s09738 (035596601 0387185001 0148 OL1A13E,00 O.4n091 0.74427 9 200 s0425 OLASESHECOT OLASHATELOT -0oq W'3IaRan Oo taaM Aaa 10 273.180 0.53287 0,17S398-02 0.161835-02-3.54 0.1084E-03 1.01726 -0.02231, 00 00 00 0 00 00 ‘o0 0 0 0 0 0 10 283.130 0185236 0.310848-02 0.322436-09 “3159 OL17M4E-03 tlotsas “0.01970, 10 293.150 0.57189 0.528996-02 0.34734E-02 "3.36 0.2767E-03 110098) "0.01308 10 0.00 313.180 0.61091 O.13713E-01 O-14i0s6-01 “2.78 0.6209E.03 Ol9oaa4 OL00873 10 0.00 323.180 0.63041 0:21032E-01 0-2158i5-01 -2.5§ 0.8469E-03 0.98391 0.02079 10 0.00 333.180 0.64992 0:31396E-01 0-321236-01 “2.26 O.tn97E-02 0.97269 0.03899 19 0.00 343.150 0.66943 0.4S721E-01 0.466838-01 "2°00 0.1688E.02 0.94013 0.08182 wo SSS'1gU Uleuave Oles0svE-01 Oles287E-01 “ise Ol296HE-02 L947} B:0st08 10 0.00 343.180 0.70848 0.907248-01 0.92358E.01 “1.77 O/2980K-02 0.93268 0.08699 10 0.00 373.150 0.79706 O.124346+00 O.12646E600 “168 OL2873E-02 O.916%2 0.10813, 10 0:00 363.150 0.74746 O°1677HE00 O/170S1EC00 “160 0L4975E-02 0.89793 0.19189 807 4. Phys. Chem, Re Data, Vo. 16, No.6, 1967, 808 ROBERT D. GOODWIN ‘Toble 6 Comporion of reported saturated vapor densities with values clelated from Bg. (3) ~ Continued Dow Tm ? Ge, % Gar 2D) x mov moi ber Gal VR Ce iw 393,180 0.76697 0. 222HBEV00 O.F2680E00 1.72 0.6550E-02 0.51909 0.156253 io 4031180 0:78648 0:29271E+00 0:29813E000 “1182. 0.7993E.02 O.8S7SS 0.18403 213150 0780599. Oa79S0Ee00 0138794600 453/150 Oce4so1 02622300800 OL641495000 4431180 O:86451 0.765336100 0.818085100 453.150 0188402. 0.99431E.00 0 -10403E001 S350 O:S2s0e 8.13naREIOF tee 2EAOF 01942ss O:2oastEDL O.21716Ee01 0.96206 0°249498401 0: 265096+01 498-150 OL9TiRL 0313026001 0.33150S001 508.150 0.98547 0398836101 0.424908401 507-130 0.98937 01430996401 0.463705101, 18 0-10048-01 0:83570 0.21230 ‘99 0.1874E-01 0.78388 0.27927 (64 0119956.01 0.75185 0131697 192. 0124048-01 0.72299 0138704 13 0.4163E-01 0.64850 0.45806 28 0.S6818-01 0159243 0.52665 47 0°82296.01 0152431 OL61486 ‘57 0:1051E-00 0.48768 0.66200 30 OL139Es00 0142606. OL74162 (0S 0:2179E:00 0.40603 0.76781 10 509.130 0.99327 0.469695401 0.814835401 “8.71 013008500 0.38394 0.79605 10 $11-180 9199717 0°s24eze-o1 0°593636.01 11.62 O°S499EA00 0.38491 OcAtaKe io 3115680 199613. 0:S5e8zE%01 Oce28isetoL “10:89 O:AS45E-00 0738534 OcaSBes 0 ‘512-150 0,99912 O-SH610E401 O-671645+01 “1274 O-1227E001 0.32186 0.87627 20 275.150 0153267 0.176088-02 01481835-02 -2.06 O11OR4E-03 T-0019T -0.00046 20 3831150 0155238 0.318396-00 0132243E-02 “1.28 011774E-03 Ol9ait6 oL0tt42 20 0.00 298-180 O-sbiek O-698186-02 O.70273E-02 “0.68 Bata4Gl-d3 0.99973 O.02819 20 4303-180 0.89140 0-S5858E-02 01893986-02 “0163 O-422SK-09 0.97722 0.02944 30° 0.00 3131150 O-g1091 0. 140266-01 0. 44108E-01, 0.99106 0.03740, 20 0500 323.150 0.63041 O-21449E-01 OL2TS8E-01 0:9647s 0.0455 x0 33972880 0.68909 0.36148E-01 0.383928.01 0195236 oc06i5s 2 3431150 0.66943. O.46476E-01 OL46653E-01 “0138 DLI6RHE-02 0.94482 0.07169 200.00 353.180 0.68894 0.660220-01 0.66287E-01 “0.40 0.22618-02 0.93520 0.08631 Fy 4363-180 o0-7oues 0.919824 01 ol923ssE-01 “044 0:29808-02 0:92022 0.10309, 20 0:00 3931180 o:72I96 O!1asraBe00 Os taeseEs00 “0°57 B.3ATSE-02 0:90608 | 0:19139 20 0100 363.180 0.74746 O:16943Ec00 OL170SIEC00 “063 B.497SE-02 OL88918 0.1409 200.00 3931180 0.76697 022482600 0.226805+00 “101 0.63308-02 0°87271 O-16448 42031150 OcTeeae 0°294420000 0294136100 “1124 0°79996-02 O°8SRSP O1290e8 do ox O13580 OL aazenEv00 2:55 011257E-01 O!61in2 0.24381 20 Oce4S01O.gaz0eE00 3103 OL1s7aE-o1 OL7geis 0.27867 2 0.86881 0.766108+00 0:81808E+00 “3.66 0.1975E-01 0.75508 0.31648 Bo 8:s8402 OcepnarEgoo Bctowoamvar “4:52 .aaya-o1 O.7asN4 0.38097 2 4731180 0192304 O.19R02E01 O46472EO1 “4.34 OLAL6IE-OL 0.64700. OLaSbid 20 493.130 0.94258. 0.20282E101 0.21716E+01 “6.74. 0.S641E-01 0.59532 0.82290 2 4931180 0,96206 0.266S1E+01 0.26509E+01 “6.52. 0182296-01 0.53016 0.60710 $021180 ol9eise Oltei2ierot O-teorrot “a.11 pvtesmEon O4scae 0-902m2 $09:000 Oc5805e B:eagorson O:3ransEson 14:95 S:pesaecog O/t9G38 | OcISteL (0539009 0:39%408400 0151324800 “Sloe OLEMIE-GE OLa8225 O.1S2I5 (:79984 0:339108400 0.3s742Ev0O “5.13 0.9349E-02 0.87008 0.16787 (0550960 0:38s708400 0'a06PiEv00 “5.21 O-1047E-01 O.85739 0.18428 88388283888882283332338828282228222223223222322823323282823288232825 » 0162911 01496408100 Ols2ea0E00 $132 OLISILE-OL OLfso18 0.22072 » (083886 0:561905400 0:59364EV00 5.35 O-1466E-01 0.81368 0-24075 » 0.4861 0-635905000 0167122E+00 “5/38 OltestE-O1 0.79722 0.26203 2 (0.85837 0:717708+00 0.75607E+00 “5:32 0-1837E-01 0.77967 0.28470 » 0.89748 Olb1470E-00 Ols64eaE~0o “lie OlaaISE-O1 Ol74i23 0.33437 » 088763 -t03298-01 0.10875E+01 “5:02 0:2607E-01 0.72002 0.36177 Bo. 0.49739 oLit674B:01 0:12261E401 “4.79 0-2846E-01 0.69729 0.39115 3 Sisnead Gcldgsreot G.iselercor "2.97 Qcaaiee-ol Ocewene 0.49707 0. 092665 O:170SREVOL 0°176626001 “3.25 0.438BE-01 0.61715 0.49470 » 0.93640 0:19597E401 O:20007H01 “2118 0°S097E-OL OvSRUST 0.83688 » 0.94616 O"2a723E40L O.a979AEVOL “0131 OLBDOSE-O1 O1Skeed O1SKS82 2 0.96867 0.35755E101 0.30097E+01 18.80 0.8953E-01 0.40670 0.76663 5s 53-144 188409 01303605601 O104FREs01 +0180 012496E-01 0.69423 0139497 55 4631188 0190361 0:12660=401 0:152386+01 “2.86 O.S191E-01 0.66977 0.42671 58 S73:195 0192312 O.465208401 01168900001 “3137 OL416BE-01 0.62691 0.48209 “Phys. Chem, Ref. Data, Vol 16, No 4, 1087, ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE 809 “able 6 Compurion of report strate vopor censtie with valu ceuatl from Eq (3) ~ Coninued > 7 7, 7 Ge; 8 afi a @ K out mov Devs CoV Ce) E000 Gas. T 0.pais O.DOHNOEOT O.ITaEO —-3.A 0. S680E-O1 0.57703 0.54684 S5 0100 493.201 olsezte O-a7e60EVo: D.2EssiEs01 2.07 O.2e7E-01 0.50875 0.63865, Shion Sos'ane Ol9at6? Oc38a90Ee01 0.99389E001 2.54 0.1468E000 0.42048 0.73720 & 0.60 an0s000 0:74084 0:27199EV00 01273855100 Octasaeon 0.85095 0278042 69 0.00 405-000 0.79009. 0.31069E100 0313248400 OLe34TE-02 084451 0.20082 §9 0100 #10:000 0.79984. 0-38403E000 0357426400 O193496-02 0.49339 0.21528 £0100 418:000 0:40960 0:40255E+00 0: 406PTE400 OioaTE=-01 082180 0°25065 & 0100 f2sio00 Olszent olsive7Eon 0524306400 OL3itEOT O:79481 0.26514 & 0100 $30:000 0185866. O.sHb44E+00 0.59364E+00 O!1a66E-01 077963 0.26478 $0100 438-000 O'sas6t_O-ges90=00 01671228400 Bi6trE-01 0.76387 0.30641 6 0100 440.000 078887. 0.75200E¢00 0.75807E400 O!1es7E-01 0.74411 0.33068 © 100 fasiooo Olsest2 Ccass2eEs00 0:65S396+00 Sipoe0E-ot O:92394 | 0:35826 69 0100. 450.000 0187788 0:9717IES00 0964636400 O°25is6-01 069774 0.39086 & 0100 455.000 0188769 OL1TL49ECOT 0. 1087SE001 0°2607E-01 0.96707 0.43019 68 0100 460-000 0789759 0130205+01 0.12261E-01 O.2o4gE-01 0.03519 9.48431 30 0.00 398.180. O-S8ie4 0-670008-02 0.70273¢-02 O134466-03 0178604 0.27621 70 0100 325-150 0.68083 O14S700E-01 0. 25816-01 0°88696-03 0.45280 0.70707 7 0100 323-180 0.63041 0.44600E-01 0. 21881E-01 0° s8696-03 0146397 0.69268, Ho 8:80 MACISO GcGrone OcEsrarso0 OcSeroaecor Octbsnecos Olea O08 70 0:00 348.150 0.67918 0.80S006-01 0.387846-01 Ol19se8-02 0.64788 0.48800, 300.00 13.150 0.72796 OL1sTHOE00 0: 12646E00 0°38936-02 0.72475 0.35566 30 000 313.150 0.72796 0-16070E00 0.12646E+00 0!3e736-02 0.70897 0.32606 30 0.00 394.150.7761) O-tansorsoo 9: 26099E000 Scftise-o: O:60081 | 8241032 30 000 398.180 0.77673 0-312008400 9:26039E.00 O'rise-c2 o.sia12 0130199 30 0.00 425.150 0.82880 07SHS70E=00 0: 5003sE.00 01125701 0.66614 0.43399 7 000 423.150 0-82580 0-Se4B0E=00 0: $003SE000 OL1DSTE-01 0.67682 0.41795 30 0100. 4481150 0"87427 O:s6s90E-00 0:92272E400 olarve-o1 0.35527 0.31882 Zo 0.00 473.150 0.92304 0.AS9S1E601 0.168726001 O:463E-01 0.64095 0.46395 3 O00 473.150 0.92304 OL1sSisé=01 0.16872E01 36-01 0.68896 0.84068 Ta boo fa2.4st_O-82491 O-Soo00E~00 O:496808400 96-01 O-7a618 0.27629 72 Olo0 480.407 0.93720 0:200008+01 0° 20236E+01 Oisteae-o1 Ols7685 Olsin6 F2 olo0 4981197 0.96591 0: 3o000E.01 0° 30281Es01 Ocbo07E-01 148568 0.65159 T2000 $04%6i5 098042 O-40000E01 0.81583E001 “3.81 O.1653E+00 0.42109 0.74808 2 0500 $09'433,0°99380 0-Son00E01 0°s2298E-01 “4.39 O.387ExO0 036214 0.52421 B bio S387 0 S000NE+01 O-6Rs10E0L 12:17 Octasievor 9.31481 9:88837 Ta 000. $12.240 0.99930 O-POOD0E01 01683596001 2.41 —O.1429ENO1 026985 0.94347 73 0700. 1751400 0.34218 0.129395-05 0°125296-08 4195 0.1966E-07 0.94270 0.07405, TS 0500 140.000 0.38118 0.260946-06 0.281586-06 3.72 0.39926-07 0.95522 0.06046 T2 bo0 200.000 0139017 OL3T7ONE-0S O.39949E-08 2103 O.aaDIE-O6 0.96718 OLouaut 13 0:00 710.000 0.40968 O-11648E-04 0.{1480E-04 44 0.1233E-08 0.97239 0.03568, 73 000 220.000 0.42918 O.J21SiE-O4 OL3iss7E-0€ 0198 O.308KE-05 0.97638 003082 TS 8:00 H0:000 cktaso Octewssees Octoeecos ite Oarse-oe Oseuee lone 73 000 250.000 0144771 0.3949S6-0) OL39souE-09 | -OL18 O12879E-O4 0.98624 0.01778, 73 0.00 260.000 0:50722 0.790296-03 0.795786-03 “0.44 0.5288E-04 0.98715 0.01563 T3000 270°000 0752673 0:14911E-02 0.1s0s0E-02 “0-81 0.9901E-04 O.989R 0.01312 33 0:00 380:000 O-Ses74 0:460486-02 Ondesseeced “1.06 $.2427E-03 8.96701 8.01679, T3000 300.000 0158525 0.76212E-02 0.76899K-02 “0189 O.3719E-03 0.9813 OoasI2 73 0-00 310.000 0.60476 0.121626-01 0:122618-01 70.80 O-SS16E-03 0.97529 0.03193 T3000 S20\000 0162427 0:187H96-01 O.189s4E-01 (0.97 O.7948E-03 0.96856 0.04063, T3000 Ho‘000 8156399 OL41aR9E-01 O.AtséaE-oL “0137 OL1SSeE-Ua 0.90767 | 0.06782 T2000 30°00 0188279 O1S9B77E-01 OLsB876E-O1 “0117 O:2086E-02 O/9n482 OLonaz2 73 0-00 360.000 0.70250 0:83179E-01 0-633408-01 “0.22 0.27301-02 0.92288 0.10004 T3000 370°000 0.73181 O.A146HE=0) O.TT47KE00 “042 O° 357NE-U2 0.90699 0.12019, T3800 Mo‘o00 ols4is2 OLtsussrsoo o:tss4ses00 “0:38 OcaooxE-o2 8.89940 O:13903, T3070) 390.000 076083 0:20641E«00 0:20759E00 0°37 0°SRT3E-02 0187536 0.16106, T3000 400.000 0.78034 0.2 7ORDE00 O.2THESEC0” “133 0.7452E-02 0.86060 0.18012 73 0100 410.000 0.79984 O-34948E+00 O° 35742E+00 "222 0.9349E-02 0.84426 0.20127 Phys. Chem. Ret. Data, Vol. 16, No 4, 1967, 810 ROBERT D. GOODWIN CComparion of reps saturates vapor semtes with value clelsed om 5. Contin Sistas ea oe K Pan tae evan Coke Ge) B 00 430.000 0.575816+00 0.59364E+00 -3.00 0,1466F-07 0.79403 0.26614 8.00 t:00 Ocpuaaiven 998000 33 Octane 6.26008 6:30950 33 8.00 $o:00, Ociisecioy Octgzeiziy 3143 blame! 6.58508 6.40596 Boe Olsteas o:t3isolo! GciseloEvo! “107 Olaniek-o1 OcerTB4Olasise Boe Clases ocaooctcor G.200nTEo1 “O-tt O:S0yTE-ot O.shsrOLssaat Boe flgsgor Blansstsor O.2e083E001 4.08 OLAHIOE_OL OLavERROvesiT9 Boe 0998 Orisercor S:assearor $35 octtrttoeo Ocdtaee | O'Seuae 130.00 Sto.o90 0.99495 olsuaveico! OlseaeTEror 2.83 0.36600 OLMSID 0.8459 35 B.a0 Stocens O:9ms8 ovsuinercot o:saas9erot “1°39. OL3omoteo OLaeis6 OL8SRt ID cle U3) Yong GO) Tan 1) Pek, 9) Lata, 4) Svs, (51 ter.) Ks (Gm w/e. 0) Resets (2) Rue, 1) Babe, (9 Canal {95} Eotnt gy 8) Ste 0) wy OB) Se 224. Aternatve Vapor Density Equation 23, The Virial Equation Atter completing the present report, we reinvestigated ‘the formulation of saturated vapor densities to obtain Z, 1 .45p+0. The argument is temperature, T.On integrating Eq. (2) along ieotherme wsing EOS (6), however, T—T,(p), P= P,|T,(p) for Eq, (2a), and then the argument is den- sity, p.In either case, symbols refer to the state of saturated vapor at coexistence, where xs /T,, use(1—x), ZmP/ (PRD), B= 035, Z=1+Z—Depl foo), (Be) fx) =A) + Ag? + Ga Ay= 770276242, As— 270.449 459, Ay= —0.797 4016, dg= — 600.239 197, A= 732613113, y= 887067221, Ag= 51.823 5057, ‘This equation yields Z- the limit of low temperatures. ‘For the inal equation of state, Z(P,p.T) =1+ BUTI + (Tp? +5 “ we used 18 mixed FT data from Kell” and from Kud- chadker?” at 298 to 573 K, to formulate B(7) in L/mol, using x(7)=7'/1000, Bs Bs, Ba nr) =A, + Fs By Be, a (Ty =I Fe Fa Bs 4) By= 36922, By= 1.3088, By= — 43214, B,= — 0.015 008, with an average absolute deviation of 0.021 L/mol. Corresponding data for (7) in (L/mol)? have been formulated graphically, €(T) = — expC, — (7/1001, C= 17.1634, y= 4.4545, For methanol, C(7) always is negative in the present range of reduced temperatures of 0.58 to 0.97, quite in contrast to simple substances. (40) sl. oevaton of sueind Vapor Dat . I ion Gemiasea voce : * g Seco a tas © Zubavev O40 eae eI sr © Lashakov coo 4: Phys. Chem. ef. Data, Vol. 16, No.4, 1987, ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE 2.4. Pressure-Density-Temperature Data ‘The location of available FT” data for methanol was plottedn 1 coorainates by Machado and Street. Recent data of Straty® along isochores (at densities from 0.25 to 2.62the critical) extend from 378 to 573 K at pressures from 26 to 34? bar. Soneres of data ate given in Table 7. To ‘obtain least-squares coefficients of the EOS, we used 164 data of Machado and Streett"; 220 data of Straty**; and 16 low-density data generated by virial Eq. (4), above, which ‘constitute 400 points from more than 1606 available data points. The vapor pressures, Eq. (1), and the orthobaric ‘densities, Eqs. (2) and (3), also contribute to the EOS as ‘constraint. ‘The PpT data of Zubarev and Begdonas"™”* were given first asraw data (with some typographic errors), and then as smoothed tables. We corrected the raw data errors where possible and arranged these data onto isotherms. Each iso- therm then is represented by a polynomial, in which the number of terms n were selected: 6) ‘where o=p/p, isthe reduced density. In Table 8 we give 7, Pry Z, Zs a0 the aTerenves ut Zh pereeut, The coed cients, are given atthe top ofeach isotherm in Table 8. By reading these isotherms at rounded densities, we obtain the isochoric Zubarev data given in Table 9 at ID = 90, 2.5. The Equation of State An outline ofthis FOS was given by Goodwin # At [present (see the Introduction) the specific heat C, (p,7) is finiteat the critical point. The following isochoric EOS gives pressure asa function of temperature along paths of constant density (isochores) which originate on the liguidvapor co- existence boundary, specified by vapor pressure Eq, (1), and by the orthobaric densities Eqs. (2) and (3). For any iso- ‘Tame 7. Summary of Po dat for methanol ait chore (density) the coenistence temperature T, (p), as found by iteration from Eqs. (2) and (3), and thus the vapor prezsure,P, [T, (p)] becomes a function of density. In out- Tine P—P,(p) =pR (T—T.(p)] + o1pRT,)Fp.D). oy ‘The function F(p,7) consists of two temperature-dependent functions esch with an isochoric (density dependent) coef- ficient. Letx(7)=7/T.,.u(p.T) "7 /T~(p). then, FaT)=Bp pT) + CVE. (6a) eT=In{ Cl +H)/2), (66) Wp =C/s)Inl1 + eu— 1 1/e (6) Bip) =By0 exp ~ 70), (6a) and CIR LE + Owe + GU" KU — voI_APK — HU). (6) Function (p,7) has an inflection versus u(7) at coexis- tence (zero curvature). Function Y(p,7) has large curva ture versus 4(7) approsching socnitence, but ite soufi cient, C(p), changes sign at a reduced density, 9 = 0.825. ‘The coeficients Bip), Cp) were tediously formulated by trial iting of the PpT data. To obtaina well-behaved critical isotherm, we constrain the slope ofthe critical isochore to ‘equal the slope of vapor-pressure Eq (1), both at the critical point, via the least-squares program of McCarty." Parameters and cooffcients for Eq. (6) are 72082, 5m33, €=70, o9=0825 B= 327166657, C= 2438401246, C,= — 20376962 79, C= —75.609 064 80. ‘Deviations of experimental densities and pressures from the EOS, Eq, (6), are presented in Table 9. At the bottom of each author's individual table im Lable ¥, Op/p av. 18 the ‘rend of density deviations, obtained asthe average of signed ‘relative deviations in percent. |AP/P | av. is the average of ReLwt* wep 1D Author/war © rk pmo Pts NPY me mene ‘57 Ramsay, 187 (Ret 53) ol oor 0 +R 53 Amapat 1853, (Re. 2) a0 asene jon OT “068 as 13 Bekgman, 1913 (Rel 9) 00 rsa8 won 8 lio Bt 38 Lashakow, 1939 (Ret 39) 00. 0337 1097 7 38 e2t 13 ‘36 Kretschme, 194 (Ret 35) 00 ‘006-0037 oro Skea 55 ety, 1955 (Rel 50) 00 om2-029 07 a4 a6 ohare, 1967 (Ref 71) OT ime 4 Lor os & Kodehdker, 1970 (Ret 38) 0238-473 omm-16 12743 Gs 70. Finkelsen, 1970(Ref. 19) 473.573 e1ang 13 Tor 6s Machado, 983 (Ret 42) 123294489 158256 02 for 33 98 Seaty, 1985 (Re. 63) sl es 2m 330 moO? “ada @ Viral Eg, 1985 a1 800 ona sae 1 07 028 Rel wi ses BA |4.Phys. Chem. Ret. Data, VoL. 16, No 4, 1087, ana ROBERT D. GOODWIN Table 8 Compara of 1D ale (92) Zubrey Far aa ‘i vloselelsted fom fo OD ‘Ag = os24620sel02 13 Sohatiossaioe al (ata) (ee) om. Yo Ohne Cisater O.9st00 0.38 1998 sims O°3anen “0.18 Xap 9.300 Gcaoses yeaa? 8.38 Top ovaena Scion ona 0.31 Tea paras were aa 45 oasieetat At iseonsceoe ee Too omit 3.87 0,s08eo 0.90851 0.07 Too 0.1168 £1049. 696699 ol9e689 8.02 Kao oes S082 GSH Qa cO8h Vion 0°49 31107 Olabia Oley 0.08 100 5's683 18.999 G.4rere octane8 “0.01 Ta pane, ee Seat UN itotherm ST = 453150 K i: aga ISS, sev ter (iva) (ee) HS OERy CRIES foe $8 1:00 0:8075 23.079 0.75860 9.76086 -0.31 ERAGE ETE SOs SMe os Tile 8 Comparten of HD ease (3) Zotar 1 eta ‘wih values nets fm Eg = Conte Ap > Gusmsitcot 3 obmsmaceo: ALT “taagonooo wee mvt tr (ei) ale) TR OMS S557 Gwon Osos 0.33 1.00 Olaois 13/369 Ocaumop OceEs00 0:00, 1.00 016387 1395 Olastas Ovasast Hop 099% slana olbrass 0.61389 Kon olsen bi2ep olinae lms ito 11306151381 olohwes ocane8s 4.00 1912682 200590 0°2646) 026463, Tas pane ong devon OOP intern 5 T= ais K ‘Are -eaarisiatio, 22 2 aissanseot 1S 5 cSessteat a = aioe) ‘Ag = asmispsicto0) a Too 018429395 G:9asnt Ols6ee?-0.08, 1.00 012939 st"384 S'paset ocsase7 “0.08 100 01730 35.688 esse Xo Olan tao 253386 cto Nop 1814352218000, iF daa pone Senge Govan OT enn i aes ecm aS 2 aint rr tee) tale) Dow Hoe Oc3ea8 4/908. Gcaaary ovgsiay 0.06 Hoo o:7177 262002 Ocaeiea ovesaa? 0.25 100 150935 Secns2 Olanss9 ocenaye 9:05 100 1 S048 0.23210 0.33225 0.02 To 2.793 63.200 O'sui3e O'Stiea “o-as Hop ona? 4880 Stee olsisia “0.19 Hop HGo 42.960 oiier lids 0.31 Hoo 16°73 140/390 ocaeors O:a0194 9.39 Hoo 17-7121 202°599 oc28016 O:a%e90 0.09 tia pane serge deinen OFT ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE 813 Tobe 8 Conroe of 1 eo (9) Zt A te Tile 8 Comprar of et (2 tr fo Soar cael ome a - Sra ad om GS ec aaa ium 17 Sasw inom Tas 27 agate fu jap Prercoeeics Aor adaneseaon mF ADS cieotar mn Ga) ed om $5 Shorten I dds Tse oem oom 0.00 7 rao Kio [ise anes oles octet 2.00 Tap teeny esben O28 Oc3nae6 “0.00 ie Ba 1-aoTe io a. 4 ae paions evemegs vinta oR 1.00 80.400 0.46918 0.47027 — Sse io isin mess 0.9 ers eet 9 680 Onis eau aearrenen iw fa50 6.30 peau 100 a 0.2909 le eae 100 15130 0.26878 0.268 ee is Hisie Sis S388 eniematent 1.00 89.350 0.21998 0.22000 éi.__twr_(#ia)_(a)_Dv. Bei iter] ver reek eneses cee Tao 1 aan oni ote 0.08 100 apie 51a o.ansie 0.2080 NS ila Gow ogi cane ost to lechaer desii0_ 0.390% door He itn ith ose oSes 20 1S EBM HRo eit sree 0s 3a pi weg avin CHO Fe 158) RS oi on or Hao ScSe indir ots oltsi a.0r at ae rents SH See Sa : eet rah Goede Getta “0 cena LB pu Sintss 9.08 = 7a Noo tnsses 8.16938. -0.09 ea nnd Ds im ee cide “es ® Bsn 9.9870 6.05 tees oe a ie Sime piscine. Lio toss Sans 3.8, 18 SS SSSI 83 Fda iow temps Son ie Sno ote Sos he Scie Olsen 80s ee io Same olaie 03 Eameawen i Sims elaaee Sloe AL Domenie 100 03846 013889 oe pepearey $00 7.3070 94.330 0.29903 0.29967 0.35 Nie acim Sedan laste ovssnet co.o8 oie eT ae Kio Soom Sesie ase oaass oles eae a He ise isu ove eae ote 1.00 e209 2a o.snrr o.aoms 0.03 1 LER WEE does 8.360 8.2 Kin Se Bite ote es 28 1 tes Uns ocanem oases “0.08 ¥l00. 1419573 86.030 0.16830 0.16861 -0-18, 1.00, 210.020 0.29581 0.29477 0.25. MBSE ie OA) Sata 2:8 21 dw pin, seg eit 010% |. Phys. Chem Re. Data, Vo. 16, No.4, 1887 ana ROBERT D. GOODWIN ‘Te 8 Comparian of ID le (93) uta Fe se sri vais ala Com ta) inom Te Fs Swe R ‘Aa = t33Mgoos001 100 15998 19 cs 0.ama03 0.40185 0.08 oo 2/3607 90.720 O\gn579 O.eres? -0°09 Ho 4st #3050 orsnea? Biseery 0.02 Foo 311929 3'te0 o:stane Osstea! “0.08 Hoo Mor ‘2:48 GcSndy Bisnis Ola. Hoo 4205 Sh460. Olanaos b:48zI9 0.08 Ho ie So SMG SLE ola) 00 $9502 uma.t30 Grazeee Oosates 0.48 Hoo 63626 103300 Oc3sney Blasiiy Dar 1.0) S248 tealeeo Glare Oianst “o.0F Top Whee 1041740 O°318e2 Ocaisal O16 19 S886) ThCoe0 OCBeN aeHed 606 100 13.0402 148.400 Blase? canes 2.0 ‘Az = 12091639601 ‘ke = Gazgraonacoan ivr ats) aie) _ Dew Noo "tes 44cear pistes pssease 0.17 Hop 2's643 $3.49 O.4enso O.4e201 0.08 Hoa 33990 S6-030 O:ss368 bcss¥ar | Ocor Yo dctats reesap Blabies Blssoay 8.08 Hop SUksio 10's Gvauasi Boaesee 0°15 100 Sceea0 110saGe Blaaste Bodlees 2:08 Hoo 6'S916 116/460 D'3eise D:38189 “0.09 100 9"30n) 120-t=D O:aeeet Os3eup 0.01 Hon TH 12ato 8.380 oe “ole: 190 $1396 138-330 B3Ts6 B.iga) “tsa 09 9/30se 130.330 O.30T17 o'soage 0.11 Noo 10/3601 136/130 6.39006 B:35099 | OcOe 100 109600 140.540 b.aname p.aseie -0.07 foo iPdond ig3:8t@ Ocdnner Snes 2.09 100 1416836 210°300 0.31766 0.31763. 0.01 8 Se pans avenge Gan OF ‘4. Phys. Chem. Ret. Data, Vo. 16, No.4, ‘Tle 8. Compe of 1D case (3) Zataey Hy t Sei alas eee fm 6 (| 5 2 awa a) {Urs 1065400 O° sete Sine lana ovessse T4809 1ls'Se0 O'Saasp O°deats 8.01 S:adso Layiain olioig osagots 0.00 bo 13s 148.010 B°atMKs 8caHeK8 “8:00 28283 Te pine, Bema Sev GR Iionarw 15 P= ss & mol tar Gru) fale) Dee 1001-97 61-680 0.80891 0.80534 -0.00 Hho Holes 22-36 Sins ocSioe aco, EG) 10°35 155-400 Stes ocdenee 0-08 100 12.3n3 200.030 G.3stos @.astos "0.00 Fa pine, avenge Svan OUT ‘Ar = “09507840400 win aw oom io aa irs Oeste 0.esie 0.08 Hoo 10s07 s00330 068944 O-e9001 0.08 40 39885 117.340 Glee Olentay “Oct 283 SHE UII St SS 8:8 Too 539% 180-610 Ova8a03 Ovak3ee 0.04 Yo 974904 140°%40 b.a80 Guages 0.00 Yop 314s 149"s80 DlaHor 0:43803 0:00 Top (3.3748 iao'sap Bvanaae Qvaaest “2.02 180 sOcH083 130-280 SSH PNT ORE 100 11-0810 206.280 9.38088 0:3b040 0.01 WT dam pn tre evn DO ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE 815 ‘Toble ae Comparoo of HD co (13) Hrdgeman Po dts with values caleuates ‘em (6) rn a le ple PGi P ahr else esis eave enters ears te ‘nor 205.150 35.7348 35.8805 0.56 W90.557 419.819 16.80 oot 2931180 2e.s260 2el2667 “0.90 G80e6s | AITO 17.16 D001 3935180 27.3524 295085 “b'92 1470998 129482 13.61 Bloor 393180 9778192 28-4466 “1116 1961-380 1703.62 15-12, bigot 293.180 a8.3n8a 28.7192 “1143 44S1.663 2094081 19.05 15001 2931180 26.7526 292376 “166 2961995 24819001858 1.001 303-180 24.3134 26.5394 70.85 980.665 548.856 15.87 8.001 3027180 27-0484 39/2923 “0190. 2470-998 901"588 19-02 0.001 309:180 27.6246 27/9463 “1.15 1961-390 1712.456 1483, dor 3oaz180 dectas6 26.5281 “1141 DASH 663 2106-686 16:38 oor M3180 35.3799 2s:3819 Lo"40 “490393 “44S.261 10-62 Bde Saltso 26.4042 26.3143 “0.80 9806ES R6N.3O 19.9 1001 3137180 26.8500 27.0828 “0°86 1470.99 1314-065 11:98 bioor Baliso d9.4sey 374487 “112 Yee a0 138.807 13a Bio SSS F985 FGM EGS HSHees 7asTea 18ST 0.001 313150 241453 2BlaTeR “Albt 2961995 514.560 17:00 Door 3231180 98.0389 2811338 “0.38 “4901383 ate.397 9138 (ol 323"150 25.8950 26.0912 0.76 980.655 69.817 12.78, 001 323150 29.9671 2715536 108 1961-380 146.333 12ST (01 3231150 27.786 28.1868 “Lia Steed 240.977 14.36 OI 323-150 26.2545 24.7022 “1156 941.995 25361391 15.99 OL 393150 24-7009 24° BNSt “Ors “UG0°339 “au9_716 "9°02 RAS dela7aa deleno “ol3k W90°998 Bale '9!60 BII180 2lo017 aTiaio“olse Heet-3a0 Teacaa7 18.9 HIS0 27-0246 27.9798 “1.38 Dusted 24651809 13.20, Bus"150 28.0878 da's2e3 “151 942 995. 2557"109 15.05 Maci50 2acsas aleie0 “ola “U0°339 “434 "5:89 B43.180 25-4601 25.6497 “0174 980.668 79.253 11.54 331180 26.2751 2614653 “0.73. 1470.998 M4T'S2S 916 3431150. 2619129 373907 “0/95 961.330 1978.793 10/87 Bd.180 3.9iad de.dsee Lute onn.dos Aston eas 353180 24.3607 belaase “olak “agol323. “aaav91s 10.46 353.180 2312915 28.4306 “ole 80.668 BNL-ISOH249 3531150 3610682. 26.3604 “0195 90.998 aguecen "9.2 3531150 2913898 Fei6isy“ilta dusileea aeolare 18 $53:180 27.7949 261867 11139 Do4L"995 2600.80 13.12, “Die pag, Gor mm - LDR avy ww = OR Pe oe ae a ah mm, i 4 Phys. Chem, Ret. Data, Vol. 1, Mo. 4 1887 a6 ROBERT D. GOODWIN ‘Title 98 Campus of D cle (16) Sex Fi dea with vale clad on i ee Ee a EE Shoe hee eee to ee ee Sa Helo dive hom Sa Mat Soak cor fooe gue Rie 2 ee ee St ee Bae ee te eae ee Persie isu eee 29.1857 0.4 29.5812 er noe f pied a Ea SS BAS SS as Be made cael ca poy 23 ae i Siesmecamuies eae seed Seca fae ad sce re oe Be eas ie 3a ie $i ES BU Re Bees 9.001 252.350 27.3319 27.4628 10.600 cee on ls aes Sat ES Rare Beet oe sees Phi Chem, Rel Dat, Vo. 16 No.4 1067 ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE a7 Table 96. Camparion of 1D ole (16) Seite Mit dae with values elulates From Hy (6) ~ Cantuel Kimo tr ‘er * Tor.a38 92.876 9.10 2021650 188.009 7.75 34150 26.7519. 35.7853“. 22.480 26.1582 26.2189 10.33 405.300 325.601 7.91 213.150 2613436 26.4162 "0129 06.625 aos l822 8.06, BAS) 26°5205 26:40 “0131 GOTL950. 562.235. B13 0 F150 26.6913 26.9816 “0134 To9.2TSBSe_SB1 BLOB 273.180 2710078 27.1208 0142 911.925 842.225 8.28 313150. 27/1556 27/2801 “046. 1013/20 933-862 8.50, 7 aaa pints Wd rw = OSDIR, dale ww = OMB, AAPL ww = TOR sripht on 4 Phys. Chem. Ret. Data, Vol. 16, No. 1987 a8 Sloot Ss3180 Olea 08175 Biot 443.150 019363 0°5449, Bloor 473.150 029363 | 0:9241 B90 haa ROBERT D. GOODWIN “Tble Comper of 1D ede (39) Laskey F-T daa with values cleltet from Bg (6) T¢ Gey agp Pp Ga PPP Kmtin Seite Toor aaa ona ose 0.73 Tose Owe B.0or fe3.150 Guna 83nd “0-22 ie 031 Ocoot 473.150 O:31a1 0.3108 0-47 11.399 ote 8.001 443.150 03125 03102 OLD Wm o.s8 001 493.480 1312103089 0.69 irioas “06s Boot $13:150 0:3121 0.3100 O66 ea 0.63 Bion $9315 03121 Ostos Ose 125900 "0's6 Oloot $33:is0 013121 O-3t0g OAT nan 20146 88h S38 SHH SHS Oe Peery O'00t Se3:150 0.3121 0/3120 0.08, ielog9 “0.03 coi 849-150 0.6242 0.6470 3.82 1.39 2-60 Bloor 433.150 01622 O.8g10 “2°08 a9 O88 coor denctso Ocgae? ceaoe 0.8 pie .0'8 Sloot 493450 Olean OC6I4s 150 Bow 71°30 bio: #93150 Osan Oeis7 2°08 dias “369 Bloor 4935150 0622 0.6108 2123, ise bioor $031180 Dl4282 Oleioe 2.25 2330 Olea Saaciso Olga: Osi 137 he bloat $33.18) ole 01619672 25.418 Bidot $43.180 oleae Ol6I38 aE 3e:070 Biot taa.iso b:sae0 8.91 319 30.164 Oot 493150 0°9368, t2 7 8:0ot $05:1500°9363 308 oi O01 $13150 0.9363, 28s 3993, 8.001 §23°150 0:9369, 294 3555 loot $331150 019363, nar Praed Si00r $83:150 0.9368, Las 38.409 Biot $43.80 0°9363 Hoo lor eas Bloat araciso Tate on Mast 3e's93 foot 405150 1248s Yo 36 Sel Sloot $03:is0 13hes 33 itis Wol6ss Soot siaiso 13483 aia loot Saris 13483 28 Sloot sacs 13483 aa Bloor Ss35150 Uae 03 Ooo Se3150. 148s oa Sidon aaaiso S004 sa Bloor #337150 seo 30a Bidor $0315 Seo a8 loot 5131150 1 se04 a2 loon 5231150 seo 23 oot $33:150 1 se04 i Sloot 5531150 1Se08 0.13 Sloot Seats S604 25s boot 483.180 18 39 Sloot a9ais0 18735, x Sloot Siaas0 303 oot $23.50, ase dient 533.150, 130 Boor $4350, on Bigot 4832180 en loot 493.150 336 001 503.150 337 door $13.50, a0 B.001 $23.150 ha loon $431150 21546 0108 Phys. Chom. et. Dat, Vol. 16, No.4, 1967 ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE a9 able. Camparson of 1D cde (9) Latakow Pe date with values eau from 1.) ~ Continued Kain mot tee Soar 3102 Ta sa s.eio oot 5031130 2 Eos selene 0.001 523.150 2 2a 68.496 loo $83:180 3 Base 033 73-081 oor $43/150 3 sie lee 71307 Boot 493.130 2 Ysooe “aoe 56430 Sion $03:180 3 esss S38 Gaston Slot 13180 3 Roe Sse gata 0.001 $23.150 2 27868882738 oor $33:150 2aore 010378006 Sloor $03l180 31308 3907996 936 Soon $1alas0 31309 29793 FolnT Sloot $22:1s0 31309 3losea 3a 161298 Soot $53:150 31209 31392 058 aLaTe Sloot $437150 31309 3182 “26S BaosT oor $031150 34380 Soot 20 65"136 Sloot $1318 314330 3208 ‘Bias BLS Slo S2ar1s0 algo aassk lo uae S001 $43.180 3.4330 S088 “192.309 loon $0arts0 37480 3.199 6a 66.060 Sloot Siacis0 3ctaso lange "Blas Fase Slo Saaciso 3craso Seige lo? LIST 0.001 $43:150 3.7450 3.8566 2.89 96.761 7 ait pty p/p te = SSDIR Alp aw ~ BAR LAP wepht = 00%. ‘4. Phys. Chom. Ret Dats, Vol. 16,No. 4, 1967 ROBERT D. GOODWIN Table 98. Comparsen of 1D code (S4) Keeschmer F)T dat with values taleised rom <6) kK moi moi tae tar * ‘oor 50.000 0.0079 0.0089 1.31 0.300 Tai 8001 320-000 0.0076 0L0077 “14D 8.200, va 90.001 330.000 9.0073 0.0075 “1.480.200 14s :001 320,000 0-0148 0.0150 “139 0.400 1 (0-00: 320:000 00226 910228 "0/95 0.600 0:93, 9-001 340.000 0.0071 0.0072 “1145 0.200 146 8.001 340-000 Gloan7 Olena “tlae 81600, 1a 8.001 340-000 00292 0.02% “116 0.800 ie 0.001 340-000 00370 010898 “0:62 1000 0:60, 9.001 3$0:000 0:0088 9.0070 “1430200 va4 02001 3$0°000 sors Olona “ASA L400 13s ‘0.001 380,000 0.0210 0.0213 “1's7 0.600 137 (0:001 350-000 0°02K1 | O-02k6 1133 —_0.800, 1st 350,000 910358 laaso “1139 000 136 3eo:000 9.013 8L01s? 118381400 133 436o‘000 910203 Olona “1159 8.600 139 460-000 0:0272 0.0277 “162 9:80, ret 360.000 0.0342 0.0848 “1-61 1.000, 1.60 370.000 Oc0;31 0.0188 “1300.40 st 370.000 010197 lo200“1'sk 0.600 36 ‘370.000 Oloase La2e8 “1.628.800 2 ‘ o.oamt co387 “tes 1.000, ee 8:001 $40:000 Btdee 8.068 EN 6300 38 2.001 380.000 0.0127 0.0129 “1.470.400 s 2001 380-000 0.0192 0.0195 “tsa 0.600 3s (!001 360-000 050257 0.0261 4'39 0.800 © 9.001 390.000 0.0062 0.0063 -1.31 0.200. 2 001 390.000 00124 0.0126 “144 0.400 a5 oot 390-000 0.0187 o.01R 4's) 0.600 st 8.001 390-000 01038 0.0283 “1'35 0°00, Se BE daa pia Ll ve = ANS, dp awe = AAS ATPL a > Va weghe ante 4 Phys. Chem, Ret. Dat, Vol. 16, No.4, 1987 ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE. eat Table 8, Compare of HD cole (58) Peuy Fi daa with values eneuated ‘sem Ta (6) We Te Glen ale Ge Pan Krone here Ha 36.483 0.0281 0.03550 0.08) 0.684 0.80 Seolees OOS O.0S “0, Tine 90080188 Sessuas loa Oca“, ior 1398 oss Muelds3 L026 9.0726 “0 aise 21069 -0°08 foods 011002 0.09901 2758 2748 “1.10 ses.706 L021? 0.0219 0186 OLR Lobes 388-306 Oot 0.08480, 439 1.93 0.45 486.706 0-061 9:0672 “0. vose logs 04 3EBL706 LOOK O10 0. 27583758 -0.01 388.306 LNs OID) May Masa C043 Batline oltaee 47 Sisie 51503 “ose Shoeag Olonoe 0.0206 1.03 O68 0.682 1.08, ‘0.928 010302 0:08 C0'8t Tone T0048 ioieas oluaa Ologig “0180 1399 deh O79 Hihsoae OcoeS Hines "OF Abas FOSS OES Lioisas Olowao O08 “0166988 2.740 Ot 410/928 0"1080 011067 “oles SaaT Bae OL ‘ioe oles 001393 “06s agT LUD 060 Sioieas laa Olaase 0.1 S89 Gast OLD 450928 01290102928 “OL Bes HSS 0.76 Be pane xl tas = O09 Gye wv = OHH PIP a. = 05 ogi ak Phys. Chem, Ret. Dat, Vo. 16, No.4 1987 922 ROBERT D. GOODWIN ‘oble 9 Comparion of 1D cade (6) Zatmrev PT dita with values cleulated rom, (6) Wes Ges ap Pe PP ge ee es ‘Scoa,ai3.150 9.1993 76 3351 .001 413-150 0.1296 18 at Loo; 413.350 012285 012520. -1's1 ro loo; 413.150 oL24s0 012472 “0/91 76 0-00; 413.150 Ol3361 OLs2IB as stat 0.001 413180 Oc3e14 O30 Sas 10.321 Sloot 433350, Oct OLtTay 3's B Olen 4a3ltsd Olntes OLneT “1s4 0.001 453.350 0.2082 0°2068 “1125 Oc001 4330180 Olek L277 19 O.001 433.150. 0.4289 O.asit “ocst faariso olsen 01sa99 345 455.150 0.1486 0.1899 0.77 Boo 483.180 oLa7s2 027 “0.93 28. 0.001 433.150 016008 0.6047 | -0.70 D001 483.150 O-k07s 08001 “0.92 g 4531150 0.9092 0.9373 1:26 4531150 18.4798 1815647 0146 $5150 20°3526 203002 “0:3 e73.1g0 “0.156 0.1472 110 473.180 018190013202 0138 473.150 01415 0.4910 "0-10 3s 8.1 OIE O38 473.150 0.9617 0.96280. 4731150112966 112950 “0.13 73130 17.396 1714394 0119 433.150 "0.1650 “0:1666 0:96 {931180 O12 011854 “0-6 f931180 012999 012846 0.25 493.150 0.4697 0.4660 0.35 $937150 017260 OL7a54 O36 09873 0°9837 0°36 Vane 31st 0.05 V3900 Lines “ose V30e 19086 Lor 23386 2130 0107 16.5557 6.sa11 0.08 19.4952 1814292 0-02 Blas 013810 0.46 oint 0.67 Voeas 110889 0:70 36.752 Wsoue soi 01g2 slong Hse 132s OT 38°565 2791s 2.7979 -023 3.220 ‘Soot 3.0205 "05564: 850, 1Big9a4 4l0016 0.07 71-440 is8460 1518590 -0.07 109-360 Ye7ais 16.7098 “007 t4alsO 143-111 AP-731 17.7265 20:08 207'590 206.482 ‘Sian '3.2530 "9.20 70.130 "70.397 S13150 4.3065 Silo S36 S13150 6.0682 Taso 7a 0730 50.656 siao #1277 28382332228233322283238382332333289823393328333323 14.9582 1477689 0/07 100-870 1005655 7 Ye.gona te.ea6s “0.10 168.260 164,350 008 1.7007 2.251 52.408 1 286? 64.940 64.861 008 ae sei as oot 43.5380 nasi 94.473 1 ase W970 77391 1 7 Phy. Chom, Ret Data, Vol. 16, No.4, 1967, ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE 823, “oble 9f, Compasion of ID code (67) absrev Py data with values cleats From (6) - Continua we” Gey age PSP Kms moe Oar Sia.150 6aoTe ema Base 0.08 elon Salis 92s) 7.1308 168 1625 0-02 Sio0 Si3:150 76969 9.4987 -8!37 Hise “O07 0-000 513.150 8.2988 9.7302 “14.75 S170 0.16 Oc00) $13°150 911040 9.4368 7-45 #1358 0112 fovo0} $135150 9.7284 10.4686 “7-04 S119 0.28 Bloat Sialis0 0.973 11-1861 1-90 aia 0.28 Bi001 $13.350 11.5548 11-6584 -0.89 33.208 Olool Sialts0 13.3043 13.4266 0.24 92.001, Bioo1 $13.30 1s.2171 18.2362 0-13 123.679 Bloor Sais) 17°61 17-0866 “0118 2061982 Door Stato "6.2693 6.721138 182.530 Sloot Siacts0 $4685 7.9808 2.77 33.086 0001 514.150 1050608 10.0057 0.55 Bsa loo; $14°150 15¢8582 13.8408 0.07 99.195 loot $14!1S0 Tscerat 15.7663 0.88 141882 L001 $17°950 "2.6766 "2.6689 0.29 9.334 2.001 $17°950 3.0007. 3.0538 wan c001 §17.980 3.9792 3.9661 soar 0.09 Bloat Si7"9s0 Sisia7 415253, sss107 “0-08 0.001 $17:950 419387 4.8977 sean 0.13 far Siz-aan $.0970 $2064 aes 0.32 (oi Si.980 $:9958 58353 Ge:265 0:08 foot $17-980 6.3982 6.4739 a7.013 0.09, foot 517-950 618275 9206 875395 0.05, foot $17.950 6.9896 7.4296 frisot 0136 ‘oot 517-980 §12680 4198 out ‘oot 517-950 8.8888 9.1488 oat oo $17.950 94314 9.6773, ola4 ‘O01 $17/950 10.7802 10.9427 054 soot 517.980 13.0733 13.0975 0 foot 17/980 14.4989 14.9139 131830 0:30, 001 $171950 16.7401 16.7627 “0.13 209.570, oes toi s2:150 ‘0.2972 ‘0.2967 011 12.336 O16 cot Saasiso Orator B:kespTs883c038 309 Sais 1a ra 119 aoa 00, $23.35 1188 11703 117 4.040 S221180 1706 17865 OLa6 56.882 Shits Lane 3.aui9 0.87 80.100 S23lis0 3'shi0 35801 Ol? 81100 S231150 4.7999 41765701924 S10 S23.150 $2740 5.1876 1.67 90.100 525.150 616736 6.7180 0166 93.580 823.150 712470 711892 0.61 94.230, 523.150 $5170 8.6473 1116 961180 $23:150 91000391172 “ies 96°910, S15:150 10:8345 10c4888 “052 99°s00, 523.180 10/8153 10-8163 “0/01 100.420 100.417 $23.150 12.6376 12-6406 “0102 110.240 110.214 5230150 14c46s9 14c4e70 “011 138.300 197.787 $251180 16.3388 16.3825 3ioco20 300“es1 593.150 "113796 13654 49.050 49.434 $33:150 2/3607 313820 70.720 70.873 s33riso 301M 31053 #2°050 $3330 Muo7 4103 8331180 414205 413686 533.150 419428 418702 $33.130 S012 49530 $3311505:3502 $5086 5331180 6.7826 6.6802 5331150 6.2480 6.7655 9.300 128330 105300 105.708 10s6e0 103.976 28322822828:328223929332332338: z 4: Phys. Chem. Ret, Dat, VoL 16, No.4, 1987 cy nopent p. cooowin ‘able 9§, Comper of HD code (67) Zabarew 1,7 eta with values clelaed from Ug (6) ~ Continued ocean 7 Ge K mano SSL EIS SS GE SH Aes use gaia as ace eae es pas oa ae ERs ae Sar SES Oe ER Se Bess Pp Ge? apP fest Heese 6. 7 06 8.001 sosor Nous 0148 100°330, nao Bool S7actso 3.9885 319826 “oles 117-260 0:39 Boot 73.180 47661 4.7662 “0.00 129.200 0:00 Qioot S7tisn $7992 S.g990 ola 141 400 0. Bidar S785180 855398 §'$080 O38 Hsb:t0 08 Blom S7altso Jla9o4 F406 0138 160.780, 2039 O.o01 S13.150 8314s £62492 0.79 169.590, 0.43 Boor $980380 9248 9.172110 180.840 0:70 001 593.150 11.0510 10.8221 1145 306.280 o36 TO) dea plat yi Fos = TAIHR ayy avs = UDR PIPL vs » OAR, ‘weight = CO ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE 025 ‘Tuble 9 Comparson of 1D ele (68) Kudchadker #37 dat with values calelated Trem Fa. (6) remaster ea on oe eee Trane, cies cil Aloo BS 1a aerial cele ‘coat 298.150 0.0001 0.0001 0.4 0.081 0.080 0.84 (0.001 296.150 00025 9.0008 0061 0.060 0.52 Olea 298.180 00029 0°0029, elon oom coe 0:00 298.350 0003« 9.0033, 0:08) 0.082 -0:87 100 296:350 00038 9.0038 olor 05092 “1.40 (0.001 298.150 0.0043, 0.0082 o'r 104 “2a 0.001 294.150 00083 0.0080 0139 15.49 1001 2981150 00059 9.0054 ona “7.38 0.001 296.150 0:0065 0.0089, 01158 -10.02 100, 3235150 0.0023 9°0023, 080 118 2001 3231150 00038 9:0038 o.100 0.87 L001 3231150 00088 9°00s8 ois: 0.18 0.001 323.150 0:0079 0.0077, o:a07 12'25 0.00) 323.150 0.0130 9.0116 0.340 10°51 loo, 3235150 bores 910136 0:29 “17.39 0.00; 323.150 00214 0.0186 Oss) 126.48 100, 3235150 00288 9°0176 0.738 “38.21 bloor 3481180 L002) 9.0021 0-060 “1123 0.001 348.150 0:0035 0.0036 o:300 1.29 loot 3481150. L071 0:0071 2.001 $8150 O-o14e 0°14 Scoot MEHSO 8:03 8:0880 ‘loo, 3481150 10235 0°0217 0.001 348.150 0-032 0.0291, 2001 348.150 0-045 9°0367 Scoot 348.150 0.0669 B.0e4e 0-001 373.150 0.0020 9:0020 0.001 373.150 0.0083 0°0085 01001 3735150 00086 9.0086 lool 313.180 O10269 | Oloa69 “0.29 Bion 3aciso 0.00 cose 04S 8.001 393-150 0.0570 L054 380 D001 3737180 0°0654 010620 5136 ae Boo 373180 010m] O10699 316 2LoaT D001 388:t80 0.0188 O-0186 “1-38 0.307 boot 3eeltso olomn Olons “ln Vos D001 398.180 0.0873 O.0476 (015911520 1st 0.001 398-450 0.0640 0.0699 01925027 2°000, 0001 398-180 0.1005 OLograNi2 30m 3.30, 0.001 398-180 O.119¢ D114? 4083 sae 3.682 0.001 051402 0.1523 $198 41053377 8.001 01627 0.1503 $n 560899 8.001 0:18 0:1609 10:84 $068 3:585 8.001 0:21 0.1879 13.94 $1573 248 001 02440 01207 1718860806973 8.001 0.2570 0.2158 19:19 6.282 7.277 8.001 0.0999 8.0003 “o.a 3.000.026 01 011220 0.1217 0.28 08s 68 0.001 011559 0.1539 1126 $066 S127 9.001 One Ou 243 low 6.6 o.oo O1zze8 0.29 Sas lens 938 oot Oar 0.2569 $188 $108 502 0.001 0.6 03939 718291199703 ont 0:37 9.78 10.948 0.001 Os3736 1344 i237 8.001 ora 15047 13500 O01 0069 “120, 250 cot 0.0138 0300 4: Phys. Chem. Ret. Dat, Vol. 16,No. 4, 1987 ROBERT D. GOODWIN “Tae 9p. Comparon of ID sole (68) Kudchadker Jy date with value fsleisted rom 1 (6) ~ Continued we 7 Gee ave Pe Pan [ee a SC ‘oor aa8.150o.0rTa 0.0078 Tat 0.999 Goo 448.150 0.0852 0.0560 “128 2001 L001 448.150. O-t1a5OLtt3a “097 eos Loo 448.180 Olas L448 20.70, son loo. 448.150, 9L1720 L472 61088 OL001 448.150 OL2546 02542 ain 0.001 4481180 012671 0:2660 91155 01001 448.150 013005 0.2985 10.193, 0.001 448.150 073706 03662 12287 0.001 448.150 0.5246 0.5151 16.451 0.001 448.150 0.6098 0.3988 tata 0-001 448.150 O-6540 06438 was 2001 e:7002 0.6912 2o1ast 8.001 8:00 Sonat 0:00, 001 0.0259 0.0265 0°39 0001 020830010528 11996 0.001 473.150 0-105: 0.001 473.180 0.2184 0.2176 8 ° 0.1066 ° 0.001 473.180 012732, 0.2752 °. °: 8. ° 1 1 : 1 31996 so 0. 10°06 0. 100. ie aia 0 feats ein O ty °: °: 2 Seal es ea ataes BERRRRERERELS 18239 18.250, golas 20.311 as.351 25.417 Rat Bin Beast 340303 pio ia.s38 Bore: weight = 808% TR Gap w= ae GAR ow SOR “Table 9 Compan of HD cade (69) vil uation 77 data with valued ‘Siete em ey we OF 7 Gk; ayy) Gis P anP Gone ‘Toa a90.000 —0 2000 0.2015 —“-23 6.690 6.614116 1.000 450.000 6:2000 0.2017 “0.86 7-083, 3-025 0.82 Vo00 470.000 6°2000 Ol3010 “Ors! F483 Fa? OLA 1000 490.000 92000 012008 “0.27. Fata 0.36 1.000 $30,000 0.2000 0.3004 -0119 BSS O19 1.000 $50.00 0.2000 0.2007 “0.34 6.902, ey ¥o00 570.000. 0:2000 012012, “0/60 9.375 0.60 1.000 430/000 014000 0.40ss “1137 12/303 in 1000 490.000 0°4000 013971017314 948 0°66 Yao. $10/000 Ocano@ 013960 Tok sca col ¥o00 $$0-000 Gano 0.3992 0.7 9.3te 20:67 ¥000 70:00 94000 0°3992 «0.19 R143 cot Te ae pring aya Fie = OTOIR dlp ws > OAS LB/PT av. = 05K waste Sons. Phy. Chee, Ret Data, Vol. 16, No.4, 1987, ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE “Tbie 9 Comparin of 1D ete (70) Finkeaein Fy data with values celta x) wee Gk agp PS PoP K maint wr Stew Wig 16.9170 eon 35.969 15-87 Tio Ise ae sian Sacane 37-00 73150 187144 18.6572 i379 gscate 1113 5150 5.9471 18.8009 413150 1951484 189800 73.450 19.4687 19.2504 1913968 19.3095, 19.199 19.4614 Ileles 19°s6te 19.9907 19:3707 20.0951 19.8663 BoLiy 1919586 a0'2082 200480 Zo:beet 20-1348 20°3201 20.2188 30°3944 20.3001, goagst 2014545 30.6525 20.8089 auiso 20.999 21/0117 Hariso 20-7786 211665 aris0 doleaos risa 431150 20/9169 2173905 41130 20-9325 43.130. 20:9893 4931150 is"a0se $3150 fecears fsocis0 13-407, 4991180 17-6096 4931150 17 8008 493.150 18.2091 14.1555 t93iso aslai7e 183103 493.180 1615740 18.4550 493.180 18-7203 Tsil6ss tenon “esa tesa i6hm2a 19.69 1930) atctes 32 dose 2380138 "134 hoa dealees “1308 hala 268's63 “1210 e200 slsea “31 as HS/790 Jor.134 “10°38 bepisao Balt? 9.18 503.369 39.258 Sse 358.998 hogs asin Bupae 3577600 ean dns Maats fon bse tales 2.6 si7si07 433.438 Ssise) 444.331 Grogan dee essio02 468.647 eee 7a sole “70.1 wan 9F980 iss ana? Ssi.ens 158960 193.053 201-201, 206-63 216.919 doen 22139 Baan bande S138 19.3962 17-2619 6. 6167 dares? a9loar “3.67 513.150 17-5681 17-4075. °: S180 i792 13a S131480 1803s 17.9999 513-150 18.1572 18.0853 6 $5 bu3!001 340c708 3.33 3 o 32222828223232322323282222222222332=222222222322222223352232222222222) 2isin90 dees “2°90 349.580 296.868 “2146 3180 18 93a derloot H1s\sa4 493.180 9.1991 isin 304.46 493.130 19.2331 19.084 249.580 508.708 4931180 19/3481 19.1919 4303369 S24.0or i A53150 19'4Sta 192873 O° 317159 338-88 4931130 19/5874 19.3988 0.82 330.948 395.499, 499130 19.es78 19.4969 ONS an_7a8 348.39 4921180 A9c¥HOs 19.728 0197 3791212 MOS 341 193,150 30.2504 0.449 0.87 448.159 469.059 001 493.150 20.4140 0440 4s2.633 498.272 493,180 0/5432 0516 into? 523°s07 001 4931180 20-4876 O20 SS1Se1 $47 395 493.130. 0c8si nee §20'526 588963 oot 4931130 20°9337 "o'96 €35'002 607 308 oor 921180 21-00KG 21.2761 “136 Rola S272 $13 150 123520 12/5281 "1"sa “ae tee gS 365 001 $13:150 Stare 1ade8o TN 10ST i S191180 1912668 15.6556 (2158 1377895 oor $L3l180 18l8919 teload “1126 ist.68s 1 S13150 Jecast feraaod “Ole tesl74 0o1 513.130 16.9087 Ye.8409 0.40 193.083 001 $13:180 19.1609 17.0600 OLS 208.443 41 Bape Sharm at Rate, Va 48a 4 1087 828 ROBERT D. GOODWIN ‘Tele 9. Companion of ID cote (70) Finkelstein Fp ete with valu cleat from fy (5) ~ Continues Kin Soa Rr ‘oor $13.48 18.9899 T8205 0.44 OR.) BOW. T5N 2.06 (oor $13-180 18.2090 18.3852 0130 7.389 Ha5.202 “1.87 Dor $13:150 8.6818 18.599 0.28 344738 80.888 “1-75, (001 513-190 18.9549 18.8610 0.39 379.212 desea "2.47 or S13-180 19.2494 19113810186 S.ekS HU9.s34 “3.69 (901 $13-180 19/3204 19.5753 0°75 448-959 470"579 “4.76 (ot $13:180 19-7884 1955987 O18) Geass S08°N3¢ “SIT 001 $13.50 1919439 19. 0.72 S17.307 542.182 (01 $13:150 20-0900 19. O17 S811581 5691130 (oor $13:180 20.2207 20 0:21 586.054 e437 oot $13:180 20.6481 20. 0.64 535.002 683.692 ‘oot 513-180 20.8380 20 0:79 689.476 727-147 foot $331180 6.1686 6 (ool $33:150 12-7842 12 Yd Goal 7056s 017 1371995 136-602 553.180 13.9796 1 TLA2teslana 158.080 533150 14.46 Te 1197 379/264 370.495 $33:150 14/8992 1501803 “11661931083 te4lous 533.150 15.2887 35 130 206/843 398-431, S380 iSleaee 15 foi oleae 28.e06 SSois0 15.9718 16 Cost 2hala2 mas‘ 7a3 533.150 16.2628 6. fob dana asian9 S331180 1613336. 16 lou erloot 342.433 533.150 16.9986 6 OLke 269°580 395.155 Sango 17.2037 19. Ose 303/369 ae oor $33.350 170398317 0170 rst ‘53cis0 17-5707 17 0.79 33.373 00k $33.380 38l08ss 17) O87 es.o01 S23:180 1809988 18.2070 0182 Bua $33:180 18.6898 185314 SHS) 19ctia0 180008 S880 19.3184 19.9594 °: 464399 6: °. Suis) 19"sie7 T9l4703 ° °: o 7 aaness tor ace 3 Sistas $25:050 3 551.581 $60°999 24 Seelosa 595.952 a 19.7104 19.6689 27992 301082 dol0346 904.55 136.996 Ssariso 9.6014 Siae80 “218s istlens 149203 ‘S5).180 11.1322 11-2096 “069 es.a7a 164.520 S880 19.017 HleIe? 0S 98.083 T96L0M6 $3180 13.8057 1314817 0140 206.843 208.288 S53r180 13.9414 13.9299 00 220.632 220.991, SS2l180 1403256 4033030110 2540422 253.928 SSils0 Mlease talgere “ollg daelain3a9-ar0 S53.180 14.9834 5.0160 (022 262.001 260.819 $531180 15.2700 1573033 10/22 95.790 24 E2 cf Tao 80304 -190 as ‘o ‘ot ‘oot ‘ot oo ‘01 ‘oot 01 0 OL oot ct 0 001 co 08 08 001 iH 0 0 001 0 0 00 oot $83.180 1sisie9 isisest“0l17 daplse0 88.142 Ni $59.150 1620535 16.0287 0-03 Su7"359 aT-ase 00 $$31150 Ie.26l8 16.2368 Ol1g 330.948 382.691 1 SS3l180 i642 Leasir O13 344.738 8.431 O01 §53.150, 16.704 0.80 379.212 ar.9as do $83.150 110s 0160 448159. 459°s07 001 §83.150, T7'9136 0.10 482.683 484.95, 001 $$3.150 18073e 18.1992 0189 S17-107 | s01.569 oot $$31150 183768 18.4627 18S Ssilsh1 $14.296. Ooi $53:150 6.2978 18.7075 “2119 Seelase 329.901 0} $53.150 18-5352 18.9362 "2.13 620.528 $61.260, O01 $$3.150 ik6s32 19.1510 “2.60 655.002 578.200, 001 555.150 18.7561 19.3858 2.93 gB9.476 597.649 oor Sta.iso Feaes Fiersh 06s tasiate 160.950, ‘O01 573.180 9.0907 9071s 0.21 179.264 178.301, «4 Phys. chem. Ref. Data, Vo. 16, No 4, 1887 ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE 829 ‘oble 9 Compurion of 1D cade (70) Finkelstein FT da with values ealulated From bg (6) » Continued ee won Gk, ae PN eh eae ee amet [te] geen) ‘o.oo 575.150 9.9830 10.0997 1 loo) $13.150. 11.7927. 11.6678 Dooless 223.818 130 8.00) $72:180 12.5266 12.2687 bhecaan 2411099 12.76 Toss Wise. 2 Bion $73.180 13.009 12.78 2SS 248.211 288.017 “3.80 4 2 2os.te3 205.627 @ 8 Bloor $98.3s0 135918 18.2839 2188 262.001 273.611 4.24 Glo Sysctse 13.9883 Islese 2.35 22-990 207.se7 “a. 10 Boot $73.180 14¢244e 13.9877 1.83 289.580 3004S 3.62 Qloor Spa.tso tasett 14.3100 1A) 3031369 312.666 2.99 Door $93.ts0 14.9504 14.6088 100 317.189 Saa.aTs “2.25 Dioor s73.iso 14.9800 (4.8747 O17. 330.948 336.622 21.69 Scoot Sa3:is0 Hsca0e 1s.152 0182 aa7an 3a91294 “130 Scoot s13.is0 isctas0 $s.6809 Ole) 379.212 383.360 71.13 8.001 $73c180 16.2498 16-1588 0.853 415.585 420.609 “1.65 Bloor 73.180 Yeleess 1615786 0.52 448.159 H8S.028 “1.68 loot 393.180 Igoe 19.99 0.10 SIT-40T 318.938 0.35 Ooo 593.180 17877 17.886 0.05 Sk6L0S4 584.945 0.19 1001 $73.150 18.2006 18.1506 8280 FNS HR testo L001 573.150 18.6662 18.6280 o Boot $73.180 17.6066 17-6015 0.03 $5158) $52.173-0.11 O91 6201528 628.169 1.22 OL 689.476 685.397 "0.85 V2 dae punta Gol a © TTT aly = OOS, LAPP as = OT 4: Phys, Chem. Ret, Data, Vol 16, No. 4, 1987 830 ROBERT D. GOODWIN Tible 9}. Comparizon of 1D code (83) Machado A data with values calealated reat Eg) Wo Gey ap Ga a Km r TEA WSO 0.5659 0.02 S.A) 3.930. 2961120 24°61 2418869 “0.02 12.030 10.256 17.30 3901120 341co28 2a\cor7 “0103 igloo 19 289 2981120 24.6455 24.6496 0.02 33.970 SHR 298112024: 060 24.7108 “0.023.830 521263 298.120 24.7452 24.7467 0:01 66.470 65.930 295.120 24.3378 24.8433 “0/02 301080 991067, 300 3981130 3511358 25.1482 “0c05 23.74 200 298.130 25.2865 512995 0L08 16.237 200 2981120 28.4536 25.4639 0.04 349.054 298.120 25.6187 25.6186 0.00 tana 398.120 36.0046 36.0282 0101 o2s.71 3981120 26.2721 26.2787 0-05 59.172 2981120 26.502 26151980106 391.640 a9n1130 26.2152 26.2496 0.12 1038-430 1018.390 Sizisa0 Zs.uae Bs:a3es “Oca: Sta 18.608 Sa2'sdo 23.8635 23/4604 OL01 13.030 130937, 522/540 25.8654 25.8840 0-01 18920 19°19, San's40 23.9367 23.9818 0.02 32970 3a. 522 ‘000 0.000 01300 0200 01200 0200 03300 0:20 01300 0:200 0.200 0.200 0.000 0.200 0/200 8.200 322.540 24.0479 24.0810 0.03 @6.470 68.474 0.200 3221340 24.1534 24.1491 0102 101.080 102.485 0:20 522540 24"4985 24.4871 10S 318.790 222.990, 8:30 322.540 delee31 24.6510 0.08 240.920 285.618, 0!300.322's40 2510170 38c0003 Ole? aelei 431.890, ©:200 3221840 28.1601 25-1419 0.07 487.290. 0200 322's40 25.4535 25-4352 0:07 625.060, 0200 322's40 25-7264 35.7077 0.07 9ea.840 8200 322°$40 3819749 38.9603 O04 40.630 0:200 322'540 26.2059 26.2043 0:01 10861420 1089.417 0000 342830 29c7948 23/2035 -0L04 "sia" 2.950, 0200 342.830 23.2294 25/2307 “o!0) 121030, 11.701 0:200 342.830 23.3137 23.3011 “0.01 a.o70 Ae 0200 342'830 2373895 23laeKs loo SBl830 S439 05200 3e2la30 3142 dalasen les gent 68789 0.200 3421830 28.5644 23\s549 0L0e 101.080 103-856 01300 Seale algae aal92etOlbe 218-730. 222.251, (0:20 342530 24.1198 2411070 0105 340.920 345.516 0.200 342830 24.3247 2412038 0109 353.660 det eee 9.200 3421830 24.8120 24.4847 OLt1 24.610 435.642 0%300 342830 2416659 alesee 0113 300.373, 0.200 249909 dal9a98 0116 baacot 0.300 35.2808 28.2386 0117 ‘753.620 01300 25.5474 2515079 0°15 900.630 921-560 6.300 362.900. 2a.sima 2a.s990 0.00 “s.440 "acon 0/200 362900 22°8675 2215704 “oLo1 12.030 11.394 0/200 362900 22-6002 22-6014 “0-01 38.920 18.685, 200 362900 22-6642 22-4632 0-00 321970 35.199, 0200 362900 2218117 22/8001 0:03 66.470 68.339, 0200 362900 2/9597 Lo? 1011050 105.373, 0200 3621900 23.1529 23-1221 0:05 149.780 4521822, 0400 362900 3313773 3313885 lon 48.720 Baalas 6200 3ez'so0 33:5002 23:5589 0/91 ao:920289‘So4 0200 362:900 2378089 23:7713 0:16 383.660 346.871 200 362:900 24-0080 23-9680 0:15 424.610 437.695, 0200 362:900 24"¥83< 2471324 0121 447.390 5071366, 01200 362/900 2418518 24.7759 0123 T4a-e40 799-124 (0.200 362/900 3511176 2810609 0123 900.630 9291256 (0:200 362/900 25.3749 2513273 0.19 1038-430 1063-970 0.000 382600 2188s 3178692 Ola? “12!030 “ts.061 OLo0o Suzgo0 219193 219089 log TBya0 Taso (0.200 342600 21:9919 21'9789 0-08 32.970 35.516 (0:20 352600 2210999 22/0829 lor 33.810 57.225 “Phys. Chem. Ret Data, Vol. 16, No.4, 1987, ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE ant ‘Table 9; Camparinn cf ID cade (83) Mactado PoT dita with values calexted from. (6) ~ Concnued wT Gey agp PSC PP K moto tt iw Heo ia was 0.09 6M) 70.798 6.03 0.200 342.600 22.5415 22.5086 0.15 149.780 157-896 “5.14 0/200. 342°600 328117 22.7758 Ol16 218-730 228.680 “Ale (0:200 342.600 25.0373 22.998 0.18 240.920 293-280 “4.21 1200 342-600 23.2831 29.2334 0121 353-660 369°579, 1200 362°600 23.6824 23.627— 0.23 487290 507.091, 0200 382-600 24%osee 23/9908 0127 G15 06D 680.995, 0200 362-600 2413675 2413196 0:28 762-840 792-815, 0200 382.600 alesse 2416228 0137 S0016 932.172, 200 382.600. 2429629 2419087 0124 1038-430 1068.66 8000 402"340 3111083 alo8e30L09 “3a!oxD ""14!s0s, 0.000 402340 211482 211345 0.07 16.920 0:200 21[2390 22337010 32/990 :200 211433 21142220110 661470 0.200 216308 21.6100 0:10 101.080 0.200 aie hlesia 012 149/780 9200 Rims Bigs 013 28.70 83300 BN BSE 8388 01200 227036 2262 0.14 353.660 0.200 402340 22/9482 22.9113 O.14 424.610 (0.200 402°340 25:1364 25.1078 0.12 487.290 8.200 402,340 23.9082 23.886 0.32 763.800 744.311 :200 402.340 24.2341 34.1802 0:22 900-630 924.731, (0.200 402:340 2415235 2414757 0.18 1038-430. 1060-000 0:20 21610 20-4112 20°3682 0.11. "32-970 38.907 0:30 i610 3016689 doleser O14 ela70_Foceee (0:200 421-610 20-8963 2018653 0.15 101-080 106-044 0:200 421.610 21-1785 3113533 0132 149.780 154.332 8200 421-610 2115395 21.5108 0.13 218.720 224.696 OSto0 4zt“e1o Zie1a1 21.7988 0110 3a0c920 2857940 0200 421-610 221291 22.0901 O.14 353-660 361-860 0:200 2.6182 22'ssi1 0°16 487.290 8.486 0.300 25.0826 75.0133 0117 6a5l060 63R-SI 300 Biase Dace Olte Tease ecatT 8.200 Biv 37434 OS $00L68 91s.875 200 24.on4s 2410611 0:10. 20387430 1049-024 0.200 9.3686 19.3436 0113 32.970 35.273, 0.200 19.3874 9.8891 OL1k 33.090 56.748 21300 2010081 19-9957 0:16 301-080 308183 0.300 20,3813. 20133570108 149780 152.062 0.200 2017947 20°7678 0.13 218.720 224.432 0200 21-1183 21-100 9.07 240-920 263.727 ooo Bikes HUSig Lor 383900 3h TS 9200, 21.7679 21-7548 0.06 $24.610 427540 0200, 2210089 2119995 0-04 487/290 499.774 0:00, nriasii 24795 Olos 6251060 GaR leat 8:20, 23.3866 25.2098 0.08 900.630 905.256, 0°200 23.6143. 23.6156 0°01 10381430 1037.80, 0.200 18.2967 18.2679 “o-16 "83-850. 55.766 0°200 184623 16.4492 0107 6.470 6.007 0300. 463"060 19.3548 -0.08 149-780, 0200 463.060 199060 19°9017 “OLo2 218.730 219.331, 9:200 463.000 20.3089 20.3111 -0.01 280.920 340-554 0:200 463.060 207174 20.7233 “0103 353.660 382°802, 0200 463-0600 2110599 31:0986 010) aaacelo 431308 9:200 463.060 21.3368 21.3860 "0-00 487-290 487.469, 0.200 463,060 21/8701 2114969 -0.12 625.060 61-691, (0.200 463.060 22/3382 223620 “0.11 Yea.e40 955.395 0/300 4¢3:060 25.0083. 23.1418 70.20 1038.430 1020.32 (0:20 478.620 17-0241 16.9749 0.399.830 58.809 (o!200 4781620 17/3102 1712662 0136 6.470.580 | Phys. chem. Ret. Oats, Vol. 16, Mo 4, 1887 ROBERT D. GOODWIN Table 9 Comparsn of 1D cade (83) Machado J} data with valuercnewated Tram Ug. (6) Contin wT 7 Cale ae PGi P apr K movi ten 05 01.080 01.95 -0-60 fol 149.780 149c90a“0L1T 0) alo 219.398 “0.3 or 7 S:200 a7s.G20 17-897 17-3808 0. 0.200 4781620 18.5149 18°S130 0) 02300 W78.e20 19.182 19cTast 0. (0.200 4781620 19.6664 19l6885 Lol 280.920 2801623 0.11, (01200 478.620 20.1212 20.1427 “0:09 353-660 3800596. 0.87 0.200 478.620 20:si18 20/3405 “olts aa.eto 41901594130, 0:20 478.620 21-4128 rvaa7e “Ol1e Gaslo60. GlecissTa8 6-200 478.620 21-9023 21/9520 “0:23 T42-840TABLB48 194 (0:20 478.620. 22.3m18 2213928 “0137 900163 HBOL6O9 2.27 8.200 478620 22.7121 22.7855 10'32 038.430 1011565 2°66 9.200 488.860 16.2768 16.2198 0135 66.470 68-227 "2°57 (9:20 458.860 17-0769 17-0894 0-08 101.080 100.421 0.86 !200 4s8.860 1718795 17,8804 “OLO1 4491980 1497130104 200 488.860 19.1805 19.2118 “0.1¢ 280.920 316.997 1.4 0200, 19.6838 19.7387 “0.26 353.660 348.837 2126 200 2011126 20.1690 “0.28 24-60 act 2037 0.200 20.4382 20.5062 “035 487.290 473.523.2191 3°00, diisext bens “aaa Teale T7732 0:200 22.0884 2211366 “0:44 900-630 8691879354 0.200 niasr7 2'sa67 “alah 1038-430 10001396 3.81 TS a VTA Fae = OTR Sly weight = 028, OR TER = 4 Phys. Chem. et. Data, Vol. 16, No.4, 1987, ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE 833, “able 9k Compara of 1D cade (7) Ramey Py date with values cleloed from Ba, (6) Kt ‘moi Toor Said 0.0697 oor —3.05 Bloor 3931180 010939 0L0960 “2:21 D001 393.180 0.1106 O.1127 -1.87 Boor 398.180 O1I7S 0.1182 “0.86 Sloot ae3.tso on1ast ORM 175 D001 395.180 0.0779 0.0800 -2.66 oor 98:10 0.0959 0860 “2'20 Sloot 393.180 Os14os OS) “2.33, Biot dents OL1ass OLR 219 Bioor 393.180 Oc1s6s OLIS84 “aa loo 385.150 011873 0.1893 “1.06 0.001 393.150 02195 0.2200 “0:21 Olea 413.180 03068 013128 21-77 loo 413.180 0.3791 0.3767 0-1 2:00, 413.150 014080 0. 6.02 Olont 433.180 0.0889 29 O:00 433.150 0.0936 227 Ose) BENS Oe zB 0:00; 433.150 0.3563, “94 0:00; 433.150 0:1871 8 as e001 433.180 0.2326 138 Ves 0.001 433.150 8.3607 Tae 1s OL00, 4335150014496 13s 1.08 floor 4331180 0:5092 is 0:90 loo 433.180 O:stee 8 0:93, Ol001 4531150 0° S065 1:96 10.880 1a loo, 4835150 0364s ae 12338135 loot 483.150, 133 14.766 10s O00 458.150, a ies 0-92 olo0r 433°150, ole aime O19 L001 483.150, co'st 2s 0159 L001 483.150, oat dear 0:70 floor 473°150, S180 216 Vat eceor 413.150, ie ase. Ler coo) 493°150, ist 28 eo Oc001 473.150 011562011585 143 siss7 loo, 473.150 Ol1Re9 01189135 7.006 o-oo) 473.150 012523 0.2353 “137 ed OlooL 473150083683 013688 ie lool 473.150 Ol4g9t 0.4540 “108 isie7s 0-001 473.150 015859 0°s889 | “0"s2 19°368, 1001 473°150 016808 0°4999 “402 221809 coor 473.150 OSeeae | O:8957 | ASS 36.626, coo) 473115010490 Tloase “Alo wont o.001 473.150 14954 315262 2 15 38-100 01001 4931150 OL7e1s 0.7891 0196 21300 6.001 493.150 1.5302 1.33 “.83 40.888 o:001 493.150 1177237822 “0156 a7932 loo, 493.150 211212 2lo980 321368 0.001 498.150 23516 2°3080 ‘4508 oLo0r 493.150 215739 2'sone es 6.351 oc001 493150 2/6189 2'smia st ‘6.67 foroor 4931150 dlee83 2iss 336 Sets Oc001 498.150 O-7RI4 0.7878 0-81 2810 Ocnor 498150 Toe? oer oka is.ai0 O-001 496.150 113300 113398 “0.73 41302 Oc001 498.150 L771 7S ont ‘cas ‘loo, 498.180 211306 251039 0.79 ‘4344 0.001 498.150 2.6380 2.5852 2-00 39.299 foloo) 4e8'is0 tose 2.988517, 0.505 ‘loo} 498.iso 2/9979 2.9088 or oun ‘.hys. hem. Ret. Dats, Vol. 16, No.4, 1887 836 ROBERT D. GOODWIN Teble 9k. Comparne of 1D code (67) Ramsey HT date with values ceuated ram Eg (6) ~ Continue La ee K moines oor 8.150 3.0391 DHT NBDE L001 4961150 3.0823 2.9887 4.28, aime Ca 02001 $03:450 020679070650 leo} §03:180 0.0913 0.0937 so “ate “20080 2°54 2 Mate S128 2135 fOc001 $03:350 0.1146 OL1I7? “2.62 TIT 4.65326 fdloot So31s0 011527 Disb “28S 629 IN 286 loot $0318 O23 01240 S61 9.091 2.97 0-001 503.150 0.2994 0.3070 isle. 2a Oc001 $03°180 0.3861 013656 13s 398s 252 ‘laoL $03:150 0.4389 014400 2 0.001 503.130 0.6752 0.6876 158 0.001 503.150 OcR234 0.8349 rar Oloo1 $03.150 10836 10608 ost 8.001 503.150 0.7814 0.7865 0.52 0:27 oot 03.150, 173297 1335 Oloo1 03.150 1771217678 001 303.150 33500 2/3188 Soar $031150 leas) 215826 0001 03.150 "k040 2.7134 901 08.1g0 29979 Sosciso her Soaliso 3476 3.205 Soaliso 3/3980 3/3006 50s.is0 0.7814 0.7500 13297 1.390 s0sciso 192 17074 Sosiiso 21202 2/0992 sosliso 203600 213380 8 Oioo1 $031150 110626 10666 2 2 228838) ji $05'150 "9979 28979 oss 33187 Sore nL Sosis0 34746 32754 S0slts) 3.7760 3.5088 i Sorciso OSbane 3°)892 268s $07.80 Yi0626 10663 “0.35 36.139 i Son-isO 13297 113353 “0.26 48.304 Sorts) 32 17605 $07,180 3.3800 2.207 Sorciso 2!eas9 2'stia $0r"150 2'99792'o103 Sovlisy Sams 303433 Soriiso id3s So7.ts0 412046 S091180 0°9812 309.350 150632 Sosciso 15292 So9ctso 17702 o9.ts0 21187 So9ctso 214336 So91150 ane So9.ts0 3.7760 So9ciso is 37086 9.48 $09180 415640 410006 14.08 Stilts 0g22 Toga “ole S115 113292 13300 “0:36 sitso 9702 19646 0°32 Sits 2.1187 21068 0.37 Stictso 2636 25860 V8 silts 299s1 29002 3.35 Sits Saray 3.3008 4.87 oat 28232282882 22eeee2222ieeeeeeeeseeeezees 4 Phys. Chem. Ret. Data Vol. 16, No. 4 1957 ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE 9 Compurien of 1D cade (87) Remeay Fy det with value culated from 13. (6)- Coalaues Toor sii.as0 49a sare Boot sticisd 415640 40926 Boot Siaciso ac7e2 0.7897 oor $1210 950622 1o700 Sloot sialis) 3a 1 3H9 o.oo $12.180 2.1187 2.1019 Boo $12"350 2.6336 26122 Sloot Sialiso 29931 2/9254 Ooo $1210 Sang S32 Sloot Siaciso alsea0 4.047 Blom $ia"3s0 $0996 Alagoa Bloor Sialiso $1499 41saa4 Bop) $1260 214336 2 6156 Bisel SES EST FSS Boor $12:680 3a 3.3512 Bloor si2eso 2.1528 3.8702 Boot Sialesd 415640 4.1239 Blom Sialesd Slyee7 44k Boor $13°550 6.0673 0-068 Sloot S13c380 010228 LOR Boor $13.1g0 610760 0.0775 0.001 $13,180 0.0915 0.0934 Boot $13.3s0 O14 O.113, Bloor S13lis0 011526 051565 Boor 18380 O17 OLE Bion Siactso Giga 0.3835 Boor $137250 023560. 03643 Bloor Siac3s0 dcaaRe LaaRD Boot Siaciso 8.6251 0.680 Door S13150 14618 14608 Boor S13l180 150632 Toe Boon Sialis0 113302 173389 Bloor Sialtso 19702117908 Bloor $180 24a 26109 Boor Salis0 299s 2908 Door 13.180 34745 3.3667 Boor Si3ts0 41395 3en8S D001 $i3-180 5.7687 4-723 Bloor $1318) Glued 4l82Ra D001 $13:150 71833549993 Se aie pee ae = TH weit = BOT % z z ‘ a i : : ‘ 8 i 3 5 : ‘ : “ 3 z 3 f i 3 3 er 15.798 29.358 Sriese th506 59348 soo 9.328 nso tas 53.955, secant 40°06, 76.061 Tse 1068 fists B16r4 x 3 & 3 3 ; : 3 3 H 3 es 2 835 4. Phys. Chem. Ret. Dat, VoL. 16, No.4, 1987 836 ROBERT D. GOODWIN Toble 91. Comparina of 1D coe (90) RDG / Zaberev Py data with values aleatel from F () wo eke aye PO A en ae 3.150 “rae S308 S36 433.150 Tise Sson Sas 53.50 N33 Sen Xow 73130 see sor 993.150 fo 3.9m 5031180 0.1000 0:1010, S109 W065 $13.10 0.1000 D110 “401 i961 Si4lts0 0.000 L100 “0173934116 517/950 0.1000 0-107 “om 'zas Lis $23:180 0.1000 0.1010 “0.99 412m 9.240, S118) Ol1000 011010 10343640 $53.10 0.1000 0.1010 “0.95 1s38 4.49 631180 0:1000 0.1010 “0'98 1625 4.580, Sraciso 0.1000 O.1010 1.004.964 AB4S0 6:00 O:20e9 V2 ak 88 43lts0 0.2000 013026 1130 680 4531180 02000 0.2001 “1103.7 Toss 473.180 0.2000 0.2012, 0.627. $031180 02000 013008 0182 8.036 509/530 0°2000. 0.1981 0.958 5.152 313.150 0.2000 0.2007 0.378 bai Si41s0 0°2000 011997 ols 8 #236 $19:350 8°00 0.1987 OF 5:38 3231180 0°2000 012008 0.39 5.399 $331180 012000 012009 ols 8 81595 543.150 0°2000 0.2009 “0:46 19 Seadso 0.2000 012007 9.36 Stor 513.180 0.2000 0.2009 “0.8 ois 433.150 0°5000 0.4977 “oL87 wine 4531180 0°00 075022 0148 18.168, {3.150 0:s000 0.4987 0.26 18.605 503.180 0°5000 0.4965 0.7 19.186 09/530 0°00 O.aste 386 191499, Si3%is0 6°$00 014955 "92 13.601 SHS) 8'S000 9°49 358 13.004 17/980 0!$000 014902 Don 19'943, S2n:180 01S000 O149s7 ls? 202212, 05000 0149590183 0.5000 O.494s 14 05000 014949 1.02 So3l150 0°s000 014957 0186 4531180 T0000 019819118 4931150 10000 0199620138 503.150 10000 0.9915 0.86 0.001 $091530 10000 0.9409 6.28, 0.001 513.150 10000 0.9863 139 coo, $18:150 10000 8.9660 3°32 ‘1001 $17°980 10000 0.9725 21a 0-001 $25180 1.0000 0.9872, 1.29, 0.001 §33°150 10000 0.9870 132 8.001 §53.150 1.0000 0.9823 1.80, L001 $63.380 10000 0.9838 16s loot §73:150 10000 0.9881 al 0.001 4935150 20000 1.9996 0-02 0-001 309530 0000 Tauos 636 1001 513.150 20000 19820 0:40 foloo, Stalag dono 19222 05 001 17°90 20000 19743130 Oloo1 5255150 0000 19036 OTs Loo, $33.18 20000 19508 0-46 loo §431150 470000 19908. 4 Phys. Chem. Ret. Data Vol. 16,No. 1987 ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE 837 ‘Tole 91. Comparion of ID ende (90) RDG / Zaburev Fy dat with values atelated trom Bx. (6) - Continued mF eG agp PSG Pa Kwinana S.001 $55.150 7.0000 1.98) 0.8. 1001 $63.10 3.0000 19887 0:87 72.037 T2329 “0-40 Oiool Syactso 3como 199808195 c7Ta 74.909 “ote 001 $03:180 30000 29991 0.03, 6ar708 64.712 “0-01 floor 097830 3-000 2'9168 2°85 Tes 68.353 “1-04 0.001 13.180 3.0000 3.0078 0.28. 70.418 010 L001 17-880 3.0000 3.0088 -0.20 72-983 0108 0001 $23:150 30000 2.9963 “0.12 75.609 0:08 Oloo1 $3a:180 30000 3'9950 0.17 40.610 0:08, 2001 43"150 3.0000 219972 0.09 Bs.436 0:05 loo $53:180 3.0000 30010 0:03 90/110 O02 Sloot $62:180 3.0000 Solol “0.34 94741 0:30 0001 $93.380 3.0000 3.0181 “0.60 99.247 08 001 091530 40000 4.2407 “6°86 751106 125 S001 Sttts0 4.0000 3.3928 “5.466.672 36 L001 $17"980 420000 0201 -0°30 0-700 [ary 001 523-150 4.0000 3.9607 0.994180 On 0001 $33-150 4.0000 319698 0.76 91-248 2039 Sloot $3180 Coors 0.04 100/982 0.02 2001 563-180 foiss “ose tsa 020 001 $13-150 ‘ots “046 117/887 0135, 0000 $09°830 12.gers 60133 “78° 766 29 82809 S13388 536053 “60:86 8088 3:8 Oloo1 $4180 Soars S76 800363 08 Sloot 817/980 Sooo -0.12 84.030 002 Sloot $23:180 ‘oto. “183 90m 038 Soot $33:150 Coe 140 oats 0.40 Boor $43:150 259590 0°83 1081983 2033 oot $53:180 99060118 11s:791 135882 “008 8.001 $631180 Sloono -0.36 24.370 130.299 “olor Bloor $73.80 979 “oloe 133.99 2.890 -0.02 Sloot Stasis sites 3.13 033 Boot $191980 ions 0:34 0:03, loot $23:159 Sioaue Var S2iaeo Sloot $33:150 si9a3¢ 1128 103.079, 0.001 553.180 §.0000 $9915 Old taeda 124.205, 001 $62:150 6.0000 O17 ats toa. 001 $93:180 $0000 Ose 144.695 144 938 8001 $13-189 T0000 age “Wee "His 8:00) SHS F:o000 13:0) SB 0.001 $17/980 70000 1s ah ees s7. 59 0.001 $23:150 7.0000 Toe acon 98°s67 05001 $33:130 7/0000 0138 106.282 1061389 6.001 $$3.180 7.0000 02 ae ier 001 $63:150 7/0000 Cole Mala1e Lasisre 0.001. $73:180 7/0000 0151 155.593 155.978 0.001 $13:150 5.0000 16.87 ‘si-e12 ‘#1664 8.001 517/980 #0000 TUS) 840s asian 8.001 $25:150 #0000 TE gsisas $size 001 $33:180 #70000 [025 109/366 s09!201 loot $43.180 $.0000 S017 sas 13330 8:03 $55:350 congo Ob TRS 0°00%. 563-150 #0000 Cola) asala19 tsa" 8.001 $731180 #70000 0:70 166.194 166.807 O.001 513.180 1509 "rans "si 656 0.001 517-950 Chay $6.54 8.390 coo: $25°380 Eb 98i8 95°80 loo, $33.18 [0°33 109/880 1091772 0.001 543.150 To'12 taacsst 124!2e4 toni Woo 828 "022 aselits 183°986 oor $93.180 $2000 81388 0°75 L6s.asi 169.037 «Phys, Chem, Ret Date, Vo. 16, No 4, 1987, ROBERT D. GOODWIN ‘Table 9 Comparion of ID cae (0) RDG / Zabaew Po data with values calelaed from By. (6) ~ Cotinuet 313.180 Siaaso 3171950 525180 533.150 543150 563.480 5731150 513.150 L001 $14.150 O00 3235350, o.oo 533.150, 0001 543.150, Goat 53.180, 8801 583:159, o.oo $13.150 L001 513.150, 000% 5141150, S001 523.350 2.001 $33.150 001 543.150, 573.150 Si3.1s0 Sia is) 5171980 52550 533.450 s43.380 ss2l180 gi888 S33.180 513.180 ‘509/530 sais0 14.150 380, 533.150 3223239333333 3 ° °. 8 8 °: °. 8 o. °: 4. Phys. Chem. ef. Data, Vol. 16, No. 4, 1987 #8000 SESE23820828 3 uu Ga | 9.7708 ast 87790 #5604 80087 $4083 bane 8.3526 sais isa $0098 sor hon 515260 siaon2 S938 S697 10.1681 10.0229, 9.9569 gost? Sosa Site 113046 olaest 110603, ions Ww'9248 10.916? 145590 20 12.0074 aie 119999 9a bse 13%0002 1.0 13.0073 1306 12.9790 Tao 43 0.36 B48 os as foie 0.38 0:00 8:8 0-87 23 a8 cose Beneeakeek REsseseeseR WaT B33 1.602 96.043 110438, 138.258, iss.e71 170.535 9 132 36.299 an1.os7 126.199 ies 12°53, ee 33.150, 981889 111.68 Briss ara iss:ter 175.012 suet 831130 36.838 aaa 144526 ine e047 ery sone) nistese iasceks 152.209 7 te2on tea. “35.808 essa tean9 beste is:64t 138.304 151.203, 1751400 Faaloas 20.200 m9 37 98 69 GP anP W707 0.16 oss as aes 0.38 9s.gi4 0.28 anorast 0°08 125.253, 0-02 135.954 0.08 T7104 0:45 a9 ote 83:130 0:00 96.055 0.22 10.97 0-08 126.200 0-00 dae “Oca W361 0°30 a 0.18 83.166 0.08 : 0.20 0:08 0°08 “$t 0°54 ons 0.09 outs 0.08 waai3-0.08 144635 [0.08 178.385 -0.60 ony Bey 0.31 O08 0 tains “0.28 Bien 4 1a2900 185.000, bilo 30.299 ss673, 51 bee 13.0 Moos ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE 839 Tosle 9, Comparisn of HD code (90) ROG / Zotarev Ae doen with values sstslted roe (6) » Continued 7 Ge PnP Te6.508 167.57 0.58 2.782 1neasi “0.98 basen S060 “188 T1563 “71.455 0.14 fan a7 Ole T4lo000 13/9821 woe 300.739 -025 14!0000 14.0191 H3l007 2.698 “0.27 1410000 1470196 12a? 128106 0-28 14'0000 133660 157610 138.620.0049 14.0000 139843 189.308 190°267 “o"s1 140000 140813 nals 22.ase 0.75. 1$'0000 180483 6.260 "45.296 1.13 1$!0000 1479976 wOsl8St 1051907 0.08 1S!0000 18-0069 RLM 12m Os loot $17°980. 15-0000. 15.0136 1Misa3 1341156 0.28 0.00 $23°150 15-0000. 18.0172 132.633 152.110 0.38 0.00% §35.159 1.0000 14.9918 187-260 187-51 0-16 itor S189. i8s0003. roses ARES 259) “Se 0.001 498:180 16-0000 Bas 75.452 11.93 ‘8:001 $03°150 160000 AI 112'250, 0:46 0.001 16.0000 135.696 1361591 0.66 8.001 16.0000, Telass 154.600 1:89 :001 16.0000 1yolgs 169619 0.60 °001 16.0000, Tian ola 0.70 :001 16.0000, 2361265 231267 2.16 8.001 17.0000 Asean isesa3e 1.34 8.001 170000 Wiad 186.626 2:38 8.001 170000, nou'gr4 2021982 1.00 8.001 18.0000, 76.700 85.390 8.02 frs.ig0 8001 43.480 t8:0000, wesisie 180-088 “lo (loot $082180 18.0000. 18.055, 2slowe 230.354 2"02 Tea RE GA Tae = ER, p= AI FT = OT ‘Phys. Chem Ret. Dats, Vo. 16, No 4, 1987 840 ROBERT D. GOODWIN “able 9m, Comparison of 1D sate 03) Amogat Fy cat with valves ekeulted from 1 (6) Be ae ee TH) 95-5166 35.581 0.1) 01.8 90.307 72.20, 150 45.7394 25.983 "0°19 doalesd aLless 11 450 6.1393 36.2183 “0.30 405/300 Geel 10.63 180 26.3216 26.4162 “0.85 506.625 487.597 10-73 150 3614929 26.6041 “0.42 6091950 $47:268 11.09 130 26.6875 26.7536 "0°47 Too 275 Ganon L124 130 36.9695 2711208 “bls? Sitges 817.983 1N.SL 38027-1128 372801 10°62. 1013280 906.482 11-78 180 3713423 2715827 “0173 121/900 v0801207 12.56 150 27.7642 2400010 “plas tsi9le7s tu4t.az2 13.09 150 6.3805 26.6828 "1-06 2026.S00. 1775-480 iat 350 25/s012 2818358 “0113. ‘a02.es0‘InB.ia? 9.71, ‘350 25.7139 25.7657 0-20 303.975 R0'SI0. 8.37 380 25.9112 28.9809 “026 40s.300 393.208 8160 350 26.2806 2613963 “olde orl9s0 30.924 Lie 350 2614839 2615599 “ol40 9091295 50.182. 9.09 380 26.6156 26.7356 10.45 $10.60 740-837 9.42 Ooi 42.350 36.97 619083 “0150 S1T.99s aTaIO 971 ‘OcooL 3e2:380 ecsi8) 2r.oser “0:38. 1013/250 920.942 10.08 ‘o-0ot 252350 27!2025 3713952 0.63. 12157900 1100-781 8.001 2627380 3715945 29/8033 “019s 519.878 13681239 0.001 262.350 28.1652 2814443 (0.99 2026.500 17961505 12.80 0.001 297.000 38.3631 28.d0s6 0.17 08.300 348.869 0.001 297.000 25/7610 2818104 0.22 $06.625 479-079, 0:00 3971000 25/9514 26.0198 0135 6071950 $73.906, 0.001 397000 36.1339 96.2080 9138 909.278 609.299, ‘0-001 287%000 2614622. 26.s6ce 0°38 911.925 552.060, 8.001 299-000 26.6126 26.7321 “0148 10191250 940-458 0.001 397°000 3s/9043 37/0802 “0°34 918 900 1131 238 9:00: 297°990 37.3083 27°4908 “0'66 Is19's78 1390-677 Sido, 391.000 2F:s0t 3ec18t “0:88 one’ s00 Tete: 954 6:00, 303.200 25.2238 25.4497 0/88 “405.300 "306.492 (0:00; 303.200 25.4242 2516632 0°93 506.625 394.640, ‘0-001 303°200 25.6123 25°8669 0198 607°950 482.120 6-10 0.001 303.300 25.9728 26.2451 “4-04 810.600 662.776 0:00 303°300 3611420 36.4291 108 9111935 953.459 (0.001 303:200. 36.3082 108 1015-280 B44.s18 0.00% 303°200. 26.4098 113 1215-900 1023-944 (Oloo1 03.200 2716337 aelozee 140 2026500. 1990.02 17.82 a pints apa ts = O68, Gplp av > OSPR LBAPT BN. = 12a wepht — an “4. Phys. Chom. Ret. Data, Vol. 16, No.4, 1 ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE able $0, Cmpanann of ID ene (99) Staty FoF date with values elated an (6) ee Fao aaa aos Lone 0. 50-19 Hom 48e-158 2.0605 2.0807 “0-08 ‘ier 0-02 Nooo Spelis) 2iose2 Zora 0.92 s3.495 ¥o00 $03:396 ese 2.0768 “0.86 ‘5.337 Yoo) $08/20¢ 208m 2.073 “0.79 Hoo) $131306 210593 om “0.72 Nooo St8:b85 dtser 2:0nka “0.70 V0 523.176 2'oseo 2.0668 “0-82 00 $26:360 Passe 2.0673 “0.58 Vioo0 $33.187 2'0st@ 20619 “0.34 Hove S$3:208 2.0524 2.0588 “o.ts Hooo Se96 Dlosiz 2.0847 0.17 ¥o00 $73.75 insto 2.0849 20.34 Mov d9aise 2511 Rose oce2 Hom ivelie 2504 i002 0148 ‘oop Sonos? 211097 21188-0139 {000 Son-ose 234091 a.1ts: “0.38 Hoo Salem Foe ui “0338 Vom Sis.o9 2tore 2uis2 “0.36 1s ¥o00 $2319 24107121106 “0:16 10 Hom $2e:t96 210s 21109 “0.21 13 eee Stair Eos Z.tost “0.08 o: loo $s2:162 31033 351085 “0°33 oF eee $65:210 211021 3.1000 “0.48 13 Nooo 573.139 2 ios 20:36 3 1.000 93.122 2. 2.6119 tooo S9e.179 2 Dest oe Stasi? 2 Hesse 800 St3.99 3 eet een St8:30¢ 3 26102 oo $3140 3 emt 1000 528'196 2) Vom 1000. 513.308 3 26hon tooo Sss:20r 2 ent 1000 $63:009 3 iets Vom Sian 3 2636 1000. 508.115 351868 9.251 000 513/189 3200 nia 1am S159 se Ton 1000 $28.137 3.2093 80.843 Yoo $38:101 Sus 55.529, 1.000 $43.110 sist 8.762 Hooo $63:206 She 1000 573.184 32198 108.575 108.357 1.000 $08.44 2 on ms 7.679 Vi000 518.155 318695 014379984 50.083 Vo00 $23:150 Sisene 04S ga1s03 B56 V000 5281167 Sikes) 0140 $6985 grunt Veo. §33.137 Sand 0:30 90.348 50-483 1900. §53.151 3.8795 -0104 103.368 103.346 000 543.165 Sisen2“ols7 08/375 tos a7s ¥000. §13.152 Sisesi “0.25 115.367 115.403 1.000 508.162 45195 0.28 74.606 14.627 Vom 513°203 esas ola T9010 785135, “Phys. Chem. Ret. Data, VoL 16, No.4 1987 42 ROBERT D. GOODWIN ‘Tobie 9, Canparian of MD onde (99) Stoty Fy dot with value elated ‘oo Ba (6) ~ Continued Fae age ag Y.000 518.147 4.5827 4.5433 0.87 S977 ae -O8 12000 5$43:117 415758 4°SS10. 0155 103.638 103.884 0.21, 15000 $33.129 5.3420 $.3276 0.27 100.189 100.259 -0.07 EB SEM ORG GES Us REF Rel oie 42000 573:161 6.6891 6.6572 0.38 152.396 152.634 -0.16 1.000 $63.124 6.7359 6.7323 "0.08. 141-227 141.258 -0.02 000 523.187 8.3647 6.5398 2.05 96.057 95.820 0.25, Ree) cece ere eee nee 000 $63.218 8.3447 5.3011 0.53 154.965 155.358 -0.25 ISM ESS ERE SR GSE Ea 2B 1000 553.211 9.7884 9.7121, 0.45 150.334 0.24 12000 $33:172 12.3671 12.3439 0119 131.758 132.011 -0.19 ‘Phys. Chem. Ret. Data, Vol. 16, No.4, 1967 ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE. 343 ‘ebie $n. Companion of ID case (98) Sraty PT uta with values cleulatet ‘rom (6) ~ Continues 3833228333 B8:888888888s 88222828882888 8 ‘on 7 k 35.059 Suns 573.200 508.166 525-168 S188 s33.127 saint seul? Sr prarel ‘ossi31 508.109 sisci19 shan S2.175 33193, Senior Sea/305 sr3iat ag8.n17 aan Seige 50.125 508.189 Sinton Sanus 528.086 533.210, 531205 78.100 fests 3.186 aie 303.104 508.170 Sta. Sis. t22 23.107 Stes 338.116 sae. hie as81137 463.168 Ses.i0 3.118 deon aa 48.109 sain 508-165 svt ia.39e 2.3801 123393 sa.a68 13.aoaa 33.400 13.3989 13.3795, 13nd 13600 14.2591 14.9544 18.7496 14.2403 pared wn 147008 14.6909 ist 181003, ie.1017 16.0965, te.on12 8.0810 16.0059, 16.0708 16.0657 is.ous7 1.008 Toto 110043 16.9987 16.9952 16.9876 teo9s28 16.9969 isons 18.9662 16.9585 16.9588 iene is.siee 18.8077 18.7949 18.1886 8.7833 18.7762 18.7902 183581 18.1820 17.3007 287 ite 14a is naa nana 13008 13.3600, 13.2300, srs 18.001 20 11337 147303 1456999, pend Wea t6.1009 16.1253 16.1160 iene testoae 18.0899 18.0852 3620512 wor Toss 10gss 10682 17-0638 170569 Hos ioe iro ioe 1-081 17.0035 isos isin issu 18.8059 18.8036 304s i808 4.8050 is.8075 isiai09 esis °: °. 5858 BSe835e8 vr 156.007 11.038, ah2.i08 pan H8638 aioe 15.929 202.816 asnast 3611990 65.474 409 96.712 145s 161.501 ie 23s 306 37/906 61.083 3.004 or sts 16398 uss Hie ais!sis Sie ceae 55.934 os 118.268 139.405 tena 184.048 300°303 aris asia inns bison 319.210 Bae 0.78 36.198 nn 09s 148.291 ie 229.486 251-050 33 aes ter 182.646 236.282 p.613 118.652 iho 196.324 2086 ns.255, 366.207 66.051, tole an 366 Mise 06 161-557 -0.03 W866 “0.19 sie "0.3 Basiacs “0.98 5aicsse “111 714 0.86 58.523 lee 97052 Ost 115.682 O58 1islo08 0140 aia eae Phys. Chem. Ret Data, Vol. 16, Na 4, 1967, 844 ROBERT D. GOODWIN from 1g (6) Continues Tei 19.2654 Meh 19.3994 19 15 9stase 19 15319-1788 19 i 19.178 19 184 19.1659 19.18 121 19.147 9 104 19.1409 19 140 19.1307 9 112 20.3080 20. 132 30.0935. 30, 134 0c083. 30 164 22.1156 22. iis dalosie 22 132 daloasi 22 142 32.0293. 22. 144 32-098 2 ‘eght = Siem absolut relative pressure deviations in percent, The weight aives the relative least-squares weight assigned to this data source, obtained as the stim of weights for all of his points, divided by the sum of weights forall ofthe 400 data used, in Percent. The largest relative density deviations inthe data of Straty® at ID=99 in Table 9 apparently occur near 0p = U.s2> rather than near @ = 1.0, the critical density Behavior of the calculate critical isotherm is given in ‘Table 10. Asa consequence of constraints on the EOS, there are no negative slopes, (AP /dp) ,, along this isotherm. 3. Thermal Properties and Computations 3.1. Functions for Ideal Gas States For the hypothetical ideal gas states at P” = 1.013 25 ber (1 ate), spectroosepie apecifc heats, enthalpic, and entropies have been generously contributed by Dr. Jing CChao."" His “molecular model treats the methanol vapor as 1 mixture of monomers, dimers, and tetramers.” We have formulated these data (Table 11), and have given interpolat- ed results in Table 12. Enthalpies are represented by using x(7) “/100, [ID -EGYRT= 44 S Alex), mere ‘4. Phys. Chem. Ret. Dat, Vol 16, No 4, 1987, 1 9n. Comparison af AD case (9) Stray FT data with valves eat * aS ada wine S26 “S16 102.300 104.729 “2.32 129.056 1512255 “168 156.869 1se.a0) “16 Weel319 15.698 “0.74 269.660 268.592 0-40 donisea ee.s1s Ole Sosie1 asis21 87 63.077 65.763 4.08 120/89 123.607 “2133, Jolie Saechos 9138 26.2S 28.396 7.29 Sr2sSi195 “0-10 sisless 13tlo8) “2100 155.008 1567820, “2543, iersas 92.787 “2's 133 32-0009 259.081 es.350 “2.37 150 31.9976 31 des'ste ono 2" 419903 31 S51199 338.730 1.99 eines ayia pas = OBER aly w= OO BNP seaneiea, 44= - 0687, caiansae, > asamt wr 0,” A= ~ ate, arascios, = se, voscon a8 Sree ohied om C3(7) = de Enon se repentcdusig (D7, sn wir aise nase 3a (Ea) an Sxy= VU +d in(1 + 1/x)), wee 02, d=025 nd Bie 49869887, Bya 14031658, Ro lassm, no aesrsson Bo -manien ma —demm Ro insta, a H6T8 36 Ro mnies sa ‘The rms relative deviations in percent are given at the bot tomof Table 11, where for C;(T)/R the first three data are ignored. ‘3.2. Ine Homogeneous Lorain ‘The homogeneous domain of Fig. 1 includes all regions hich can be reached by integration along isotherms, start- ing at zerodensity, without evosing the vapor-liquid coenis- ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE 045, ‘uble 10 The erital inter for methasl @ ava yar anor stmore viol) oma tanked a Gain .78isi -0.21836500 0.80804 -0, 004438 0.82 Ol4ieT2 325866 “0‘aseaEv00 o:B4I96 “0.004460 0.86 Oldaage 2181305 “olaysatio Ol9060S “0.000399 ose Ol38i7s asses “0145626400 0.93787 “0.004310 0.60 137083 13364) 0758636000 0.96768 “0.008181 982 0.35979 1 4eoes “0° 65226+00 0.99634 “0.004010 88h B88 FHS TOSSED TcoRSet P, are expected, due to change {n the baths of computation from T'< T. to T'>T.., See. 3. 5. Comments ‘The consistency among various data for saturated va- por densities in Table6 (see Fig. 2) is very poor, and the EOS, representation of some ofthe Straty %pT" data (at reduced rr rr ieee eer et tek treme) Vino! Ymal_—_iot) Minsk) nc) Kiar me Tae oto 16s SEATS 0.1 0.6 WHE Ha 0. cooo 0.059 Friteaks Olooose 18034390 M40.Is03 1108.0 1087 951843 $9.03 Hiidsoes Odoodd 14l44S894 44815049 8's IBD? 99.212 $8.98 Fr 1e396 000002 13770608 2SEs8 2566.6 102.600 39°06 Ze.aeons boost 13-149702 Hone bs'h tosi9e 59.37 ©.co008 “0.0398 coon 0.0896 8.00294 0.0399 decaasto Olo00ae 12.044138 isa Mel aad 60.88 Oconnbs 0.0382 25.9599 000039 11-5e8272 sulle se o%03964 “o:osre Ys\eei6e olovose 11084271 ares a's: loses 0368 2sigrin2 o:oo0ss 10.6e8288 on 3.68 0.15403 .0355 2e°3bes9 loess "Sceeriss ueus 636 esta olen 3etpsai bloooss | Scenaaar 3308.3 ore o:sesa7 0319 BiC%sase loons 9ctnet06 9a ors Olpases 00319 bleores 0.97008 OLooosKG 34°FoO3 asasl6 sacs Dstctee 31 0193986 0502 00770 0.97642 0.000557 25\70n8 4a9i0.7 sone 255.989 38.34 oipaoe> :1392 Olooras 097614 0000532 265888 Gsg00.1 793.9 287.482 38.76 olsasse 1 tan6 Gorge 9'gr9s7 9-009 27-4733 4sey3-7 auea'9 2sR-Ae2 39.29 Sissi? 29810 Sreossh 0.98199 Oost 29.307 Mees7.3 ase-t Der-ees 40.56 0195063, 1010503 ogee? 0:9¢268 0000854 Y0.064s Mesos? oost-s des.oa2 41.36 oissass "/si19 Ocoee 038549 oLooosse Go.9i72 ans26.9 souat.a deh.aez 41.99, 0195406 $7501 8 ° 4% Sonat Beles 2°74 e3seor Ei ° ° Sigee9 See ae oisses7 29 ° °. Susie. aevsr s.07 9001 ° Si0se's 370.80 45-86 oloeis? Seo‘! araiooe 46.66 2.9608 0.96492 ssusa.e 275 $9.05 0136592 ssa. 217 Bis igen? Sigs. 218 $083 0.36096 irese.5. 380. a0 oipesue 8 sro8s hess 8.3n98 es.t66 ogra Bios b.3rs33 sas orate Bras 8.5rnae Oconss7 0i3sane oLooen96 Se-a0rs 63407"9 be. 0:37309 Scoosus O:99ai9 Oconoats $7.67 4707-5 sorsoe ogress Olenss? 099973 OLooeako $9°3480 64032" 304.004 0:38063 ‘sooat0 0.99837 | B.oanask 64gsn2 0149.9 pio b.3east ‘00203 0199386 Dlonnass 519981 T1568.6 Biase 0°38316 4 Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol 18, No.4 1 ase ROBERT 0. GOODWIN Tbe 17. Proper of methanst wang betas - Coit Knot ‘wv/k berm) enol Yelk) Sen) MentKD Kir ovis Str Te HR Rw eM a 04 14 Ban Sa Tee Pee H:683 FEGHSEE SGOT IS RES BES ods SH S:toor 70:0387 er {90-000 27"n64tH OlOorne 15.199295 480.2852 1102. 1704.6 9S.SL $803 0.00003. “0.0398 1341 200-000 27548127 Ooo110 14449090 4eS.eN77 1843 MST 981258195 O.o0013 “0.0398 I32L Sio-00o 27°14362 Oloolos i2-7ana3 «Stine 2ses.8 aseri4 sonece 59.06 o.0004 “0.0396 1301 SSbiss s-do09 Mech Many tonana ae B.Gos0s “0.0388 et ‘Ssope $esieess Suai-d Suia.a Nis.33 lea? Dieise? “o.oare 9 Sioa fost Host ase LSS oie Reve seo used inees 6626 2080s Taeiat 3os.1H2 soise % Ti2lost 68.03 3ssa72 287.Shat HN0S2.5 HH0st.6 134.952 30.58, Osi oor7ss 24.8889 4758.6 oo1ese 35.8695 4512514 oissa 34-470 900.3 ooiers 26.9578 4630.2 worst docsesn ase. Oorase 33499 assis (oi2as 34.0519 ous ponies 37.as9s sosea- whe Syn wo.khos S2490°3 ase 47 hes ies 45 Bes tes hos ieee ioven 4557 re mrrery 28 is ‘io:000 blo “90st ‘20.000 olotase olsniaa ‘Siolon0 oloaae 0/9220 iso:000 0.01389 ou9na83 8. Weo:o00 0°0136 Osea. ‘70-000 0°01299 98462. ‘to:o 0012” olsesio 8. st0-000 0701220 0198594. ®: Si0-c00 8.01198 0.982 Giger Sani ine Sisiomo Ocotiss 0.9830 fnlosso Shee se $20°000 0.01172. 9neen ‘asm pacin $0.00 O:o11a8 98792 iiss He: 00:00 0°01087 0.96989 asiaste He. St0.000 O:o1089 O.9eeel GcoooeraS7.sa4s sacs ia foo conte olgesan Loot 9.2681 $4428 3 es Si0:600 0.60948. 0.90 S2'sito Gone} aur ‘660:000 0.00820 o:99006 Sioa Goma oo. 180.000 00899 SS.s00 G23e6:8 332. feo.coo ous? 5715099, Gaote 8 be 520.000 6.00880 tongs) 60.8863. 640 iss, 0-000 0:0098 bongs: 62°83 10.8 Soo! 710.000 0.00777 ‘oosts Stcagea 0110.2 sonsns S00"000 O"G0756 0.99208 OLowERS —ESLASIO 72599°0. i716 304 SD o.sna87 o'Sa015 ent} bisanss b3aa6 o'paeie olpsass o'3s381 ocssiss biaseee o°3e387 8:3ee96 856511 ogra Oobhase 8°37600 ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE 859 Title 1% Propates of metal slong sabre - Comins 7. 7 anor 9M reese: a oP sw a) eK tlio) Wollman) Mind) Khare eae wae cone es Maw a8 RTS Ge 50.000 37-76ss4 010028 1$.1999%0 aeo"siss rons 106.0 95.579 $9.03, 70.87 0.0002 oo.000 37.asese O.ooaa2 }4.454s52 aesido? LMS Igtd.s 99.308 $895 TOlks 0.00006 10.000 a7.t4ize .oeaie 13:77097H asives0s 2568-1 2568.8 ro2.6e $9105. 71-04 0.00020 Haoctoo Ge‘aaor ovmoe ia.isten darcenes ani“e sig fosiomo — 1-44 nse bo.000 36.2478? Loni9s 12.0SI702 aO9.9246 4aIeS ATHB.3 117.259 GS 72.99 0.00387 Ho-m00 3s\aseo0 Ocoorge 1t-ssseeo Jescames Siaol? Sudd.e Tis.aet GLa) 75.99. 0.00784 2eo-o00 asieese1 .o0isa iNcoplees aeilesoe clve.9 gia2.s Misi89 G'S 75.23 O.o1etE Hfo‘aoo oonits to.essee r.oned Gta Ged Uaose gy Tocoe Comat $90,000 24°79ia1 boniz0 'Sissipe2 Saelb09 Bw93.3 boT.A Tae.eal 66.26 79.46 0.1017 to-000 3e.ao74 .ontes 9c4Ry9¥6 Hai-3s%6 $3041 ShOW2 Ta8.3ts Sed BL.e2 OLITI0R 310-000 3430083 looted 9.124387 305° 3698 0136.0 wo140.1 Tan.ors 9.02 —ab.a7 0.39820 320-000 2s\gooue .onise ec7er7a dap.oa00 ionae.9 lonma.a 13076 fora 48.99 0143950 397-668 25.35181 0.00185 8.215387 259.3256 6 9 139.437 72.86 88.97 0.90139 337.668 0.03813 0.94648 0.003714 25.3476 45152.8 47H10.0 243.856 46.35, BiSabas O:98806 SAT RS HS ASH Se D'9eo1? 0008199 27/9469 MetH9-1 a906s11 19-492 44.08 * Disetis Osnoio4a 28.9868 Meee. aBqoe.3 a4R.9RO 43.94 x ise) Osooasia 39-9891 7099.3 Sous'8 gn 44.30 é Gryaes S:0les ges ised REST SS Se ® 090s Olomagis In'sont deus!) Site. dees Sa, ‘ igre? Olooaaea 3alsye3 9089 SaNTT & te66 x Siooaie delonia Stalz-a Ssias.9 ar 23s 3 Siooai6s 38.9388 SIBI3.8 $8731.2 sot ane Hr Gloss? “B'3er SonH9.2 Shhea’8 oecaee SOT Sas Lem 381 ‘$0!000 Sioo19a7 a sient jenast | Sia 0135099 soi dos Sé0o00 Scoorsse 2 éeece's aes Seti oissass 3855 os to-000 o:00172 4 Gio9s's Hsiao $95 Osea 1380 nt {600.000 Soom 9 Gasio.o a7sol $8.98 O'ssei7 000 8 Se't0 Gloonase SOLNet S9sKs.0 Gasrt’9 yel904 60.34 Oise Ca oe 60.000 Grooissa $0595 Ghose’ Grates decay Gaon o:se287 ose 7 S.0m Oronisos 5.1166 game's sisie.2 eez6e — Ge.3t Oise Toon 40. 720.000 Oieora20 $8.0m80 Gsessi4 Tiey7.2 goose 66.80 Osos? guar ss 160.000 Ocooises 62.3960 gsare.s Tabi. d9aeae S808 bi3e83 09010 te? 790.000 Oro0r310 640396 Toord'g Tease. 396.656 70.32 O'se9n Osta 2 {00:000 Oloora7? 6519089. F1490,9 Tenet: age.eea Thad O'st01s olsen 6 4. Phys. Chem. et. Data, Vol. 16, No 4, 1987, ROBERT D. GOODWIN tek trial) Yt ak Mt) 2) me 180.000 28.08898 0.00387 6.010031 496.0467 342.8 347.8 SIT 59.26 {Wolo90 3936656 Olonsea 1S.198363 WB0.7347 LToH.8 wloy.e osist? $9.08 200-000 27.assea Ooos29 14459923 266.0801 1H0-4 1445'9 99.208 S48 20.000 2y-laste Olooste tacpazess ssteseag 250407 2500.2 teaceet 58.08 20.000 2e.sauar 6.00095. 12.580901 Bd Gs 158 3. Jso.o00 35195623 0.00298 T1-s60002 suo Sus9 lisas) ela? 2e0:000 25\eesoe 000270 11099969 Sima Gael iis a's 20.000 38.0403 0.00259. to-200099 faa Tana lanaeh G9 330.000 24°79285 OLooast "9 astons S27 Mise. tne'ess eae 5oo‘000 4"te9n6 Gceoaes SceeToad Sosa Suns Wess Blom je:zoae oon Sizes ssweo 101382 sons He Ge 530.000 23"soiot o.o0as: aleqaer? a72.ssi3 tiael\d liseh a aoe Lat Yolo 23.370 Osoomse Riaaera 258-Se48 1215809 1200.9 Tuoleas TIT Serigts 23.ones olooms Favasso dancalon 134800 13ine.s Lease 44.24 350.000 0.08497 0.93794 0.003865, ‘3 48703.2 2aL.903 49.23, Se0-000 0108295 Ope? Oeasit9 fo assis7 algo as 0.000 | Olesin6 0.95909 0.000788 9 aio des? a8 Solano Sloess ocssmngoconasy 9 Gye her Ast Sio-o00 Oloasri OlossetOeaats2 Shor) eles 4555 ‘10-000. Oloasee O°9eer 0009996 3 Stese: dsiiose 4e:3 ‘20000 O"04ars 0°9r0n1 b*eo3ea8 3 sunr's dela 4635 Dlokgie Ogres | Blegamie 3 Sas asm 8:oni08 0193599. oconaso0 3 Sinte deease taat Blows 0.97698 tconstes 3 Suse.e deriens 9. Slogsas olozea3 oon © Ss005.0 Gsbiser 8°99 2103439 0.99499 oLonaan? © Sse aeecler $0.08 0.03680 :ea9099 § Ses dese $130 8.03608 Oiooaoat & Srao.t aed.tss Sage Srasse ocomssr fies Seas BN 0.03399 ° S s303.9 detain Sa.98 Sats . { focso-e be9cee S638 sioanss 8 Guns ime Solon 600.000. 6.03458 ‘. 3 Seow aie 6193 20:00 0°03170 ° 3 Grats’ Gto‘eae 63.05 180:000 0.02687 SSieaer G1abe.t gaayT.9 287.980 6033 Pr foo:a00 ean Sta9m Susan's Foxss.4 as to? 6s'89 “ 0.000 8a Go.cest inane seed 9.209 802 ct teo.000 0:03379 Diooisor 6S.cias 7192-4 Mosa.9 298.997 THALTBLRS OlBWBeL Le TE 1 Bry Cham Rak Rate Vat 16 Na ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE, 861 “etic 17. Popes of eho! sleog Hoban Cini ir gsgsue Tone te te Po mee ony ove ee eee sea c= can el eet nee kaw MHK barn) Wl Vol Mima) Mma) i) Kier is isso aa He Ramon ISS TE a 490.000 37:74760 {SiSoanes Mto9s6 1016 vios.é 95.575 S802 To"e? 0 "Oooo! 200.000 37.4549 341465028. 4663009 14u0‘0 I4arl3 99°24 58.98 8.00008 holo 3r"iaes 1aiteonco Hs0c0nnD 2860.3 2571.6 102.683 $9.08 2:09010 0.000 26.842 1achense? Aae116s aw. 3aHe.2tesl9as 86 2.0030 2tol000 3e!as028 iarecous Wio.ss0e iss Taki 13s sb Sloot 320:000 35.93748 Hiseiss6 Joes Supe Suara Tiss? Ste 0100398 2e0.000 35.6069 Hr/300199 Saaosst S177" Glass Meliss 6250 o:o08t? yro.000 3s! 37612 loleeatnd dersiel eal.0 ened Laos Ge olonses Bolom 3c eae Giagaase arlaoet | 82°0 Sse eas o°0si58 So0.000 34° So0st Subir Gait. Buon? Sm ora Sloe 5S10:000 24: 20406 Sideers Sasieie so1sese os lon petits aolo0o 25%30ae Sitesute daplane 10387" fat Toa oa Bio.o0o 23.38ise Sets Hes. Ie} hess a0 Sie558i a'ssiar Hasenaa as.seie 3068's 1361722 ws o'7939 sen Tésttes 228.048) ass) 15509 15330 olba36 B.erivs @.23040 OooneaL tSr0.3 isaese Ge0.10 58 S.oupir O'saore 0058s) tae Spite e's 9129 Biowees Closing eons fia’) So's esis Se 0.08890 8 oosaes fiend Solna) 29.6 oiosta9 S%basose emt 3st cesses Slooasee soror:s isssiao SET Olaaves ovoser ocooea73 si0.8 Bete SN Ois5n0s Scostat 8 + iste O.35 0932 Slots °: S Bele Gi'sF 053998 Sees 8 > Stree: Ban 61.90 8!5a089 ‘Bolom olor 8 @ ghee 3.710 2.8 O's $60.00 O:4a73 1 Gospr 7 aor 336 Obata 580.000 | Oco4aie + loan 0°34990 600.000 Bowne 98410 + Is o:sszie ‘20000 oes 0 9878 + aon O°3sai9 80.000 0103657. Oloesne 1 Sraai-o aa.a3 ocssras S20:000 O°03se7 0.98630 6 Ghaeed 40577 erry ‘oo.000 OLosas3 Ol9eens olocana Sriaasaeasio.a fonoa-t_ 282.904 seer" 40-000 Ocoaase O'9eTi2 Oo0007 Ski9010. 6Sb18.S THeaK.8. 284.807 0'3a209 60:00 Oosgo4 Olge7na Gcocnes7Gziaaat sacao.? assis 288.998 erty 80-000 Oc03121 O:9eeie 0002587 63.8849. 006-6 Yeats. 290.968, 0.30617 S00"000 003042 Opens Oc00a502 | ES"SeSe THases0 feodoce 290.995 ocsen9 4 Phys. Chom, Ret Dats, Vol. 16, No 1987, ROBERT D. GOODWIN Conn i Shae Hae Sour aoe Gee wet aT Bel BS AO ey oGa Ene ae ees eee Be Bie 05S! 3g BME Ee Be ee ee Be Bias Shor Sin Re Rene Ga ERT BE BS Be Sea BE koe Sat Sh SS GREY ag coe 28 338 isis AHS GEE et ESS 32a Set Be Hes as Seals Hees BE ae et oe feet ee aaa ay os ami 2s eae) SHH SEL Hae Hea 2a ime Ee Ee ie Be Hr sa Boe Ge ge sae ieee Eo, Oe tee fea Set eer eect fea 8 ae Get Bos SH Sas erica feces eo eet BH the mie fea Sip ae) a £2 oS Be ise SR, ag oa the SS Las 2 Ge gee Sa sae Sees eee ot ete Ba Ge BS ise fat ee He Oe Se ise Ha Gee aoe Ee eS RS ah ie ee eee ES Sie Be is Sor eT na ete Hae) HE Be So GES SRN GREE RR IRg3 IE ae “4 Phys. Chem Ret. Data, Vol. 16, No.4, 1987, ‘THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF METHANE 863, Tate 1% Proper of metho slang tare ~ Canine a ‘wc7K tai) iol Yon) sk) nd Kha we 26.880 HEcGiows Sitower Hees Bees ade ST SBT. let 0.000 37°71175 Olo0pi2 Is.22s9K6 4H dod iss 951567 Se.a2 70°87 0.90000 Hrasive Osoomm6 haces6i79 de7-1817 | TH3He 1483.0 99.996 $99 OLAS. Oooo o.oo 2r-isise Olootee 13:809406 452.9531 2862'S 2877'S aoal6st — S8lOk—THG3_C-oooos 266 Oloome 13187208 B4"9KI0 atH'9 aes" tosl9e? 8135 THa4 Caos HHolom 2e°Ss0s0 loons 12"s12511 Lasctose soa. Atos’ tos" 1ss Seige Tao7 Ocamnas 4Mo:o00 decassis o.o0%63 1aco79R36 HNT-2100 Tile fae. 1132) GOs? Taga DcoOosE Beinn Sei Stone HN Sasey or tse S'S Sen's aig has 3°98. 8-00 Prolom 3s. suise 000702 olson Joe ans? one's Wee's tal'ow2 les Jelas Ocooras Holo Ascoslss Olooees ocseniea Sesctiso Seiwa Tris. HasseseGxSE acta Oconees 230.000 22°30026 0 S.amtsae 38adI3 ald Osa 126.60) Gate 8b OLOaS 50.000 24°s0702 Sisorees 322lesi2 9298!) suie0 129/360 GT a1 ast Solo Ze 3103p Olooee: 9Uisaeae 306.0179 0151-2 0147-8 132.063 69.00 ‘ona, ‘olong 24:s097 190629 S.812131 do0.3840 lones'e Siea0.g 134-440 Jo-sg Ws SB8ce00 HE-GERTS ScORES EBERT RES HSS IB Tag ‘Wolo 23120936 loose $iei2t1 256.7851 :2750'9 tates. T ta0l033 73.5 3eocn00 bacesn87 Olo0s00 Tisaoone 22.0189 Lusbeld MMEl4O 145.290 75.99 aes 0.8907 0.017587 24 4067 o\so00rO"o14es9 3s tue o.ples Oloubie ar iness Olbuaa Ocoldsee Be 12120 6.94810 O.01I%63 3 ‘sen6's tans 4 asa 63.38 Theta 645 one: oes 538 fase Sion!) 2etles3—5a90 8.5 Slees.9 3es.300 SLL fison's Suan. Bein Stlas HH98 o-9ssHe Ololose? anne gaatca Sapat.a Bue.i7s $1.38 HEM GcSSS08 S:01G8R2 SESS Betleg BG MS a8 1OBSE 0.96320 0.009738 3e.0n1S Soun?.7 S4I7L.? 248.932 51.33 10596 0-94eo0 Olo0soea y-ome Solace S4789.6 250.261 $1.88 osine 3s0 0-96857 O"o0p08a 3al0i36 Sisus-e Ssaon'S ast"soe S22 0193088 11s O-97039 Gcoueeo? 4acg7a1 saonsey Seont.t aenlaue S262 bigasee douoe 8:57ai3 8088S SST GT SM HN 3:98 o:s368 (op6eo 0°97363 Oco0nsa4 40.eMO S2151.9 SraRO.4 255.03 $3.78 0193860 o9ste L974s0 Sloot ta abo $3ea9'S S7s88"8 3ss90) Sad carte (e90 0191099 Oloontta atcnen3 SueeT.2 Staia.e ase.srs Suita o°33on8 ‘gm 0:90? 9Le0rvis 424410 Sta4T'9 ShSes 1 387.708 S493 o-3n98 ‘pins 0:30) Sloorssh AacSaay Saanecy Svist-o Gebcoas $34 83a (sina 0°94t13 Ocoosnsa fa.nies. Stuer (rao 0°94ao, essay SO.4uNS S9477 Greed B:3ER 888583 BL SAG (Ora12 0.98539 Oasis 53.7019 41957 O7190 0.98395 Oostes $514422 43236 uss O'Suace O.oosNs S21079 aseh SEE ORF 8808 TES SEE, lose? 098564 O-ons318 62.0878 Gusto. Tasac:a ast-ida 69.24 oi0sase 0.9507 loasi7a 63.7443 Sopse.a Taabels aasiits 0.37 0.04087 0.98629 OLoosote S513598 Thales TH9t9 JENS Hae Gou51'S aetis2 $680 Stan's designe Seio0 siier't es'9s9 $8139 SST EIR 8:88 ons Ime Ga tie00%0 2s Gate Fg3 wee geet MSS 8B 8. boas 838834 0°35156 o'9ssia 19507 O36? 0136358 3 | 4: hve, Chem, Ret Data, Vo. 6. No.4. 1887 864 ROBERT D. GOODWIN. 17, Prope of metal sng sobars~ Connon’ rr rr PW on wr 460.009 Z8-oRs00 Nola? te-osiase aye ait ols oe 1s 3oo.c0o 3746206 Ocorate La-donioe deelos#9 fane.7 18586 sro 133 Sio.oo yiss77 Oco1aes 1a-eaveae sh-si0s 2540.8 3582.9 a0 fs Zi0.000 6.55500 0.01182 I2.@ie0 ‘as.96n 81-S owed 38s Somme cokes ee 350.000 sioeis6 O.o1t12 Hi-sooest ee.0s% sexs.) Susea eae Siooise “00a 1222 Beo.o0m Asiereee colons iN-tasaza ah9ea9 6193.2 6l96.3 ois cone 0868 1300 5-seese Ocovusa Loceanaos 05 Grn6.t saen? Sse S-onss2 0:0386 1177 380.000 35:09709 o.o10a7 10-a4s9r1 e389? e086 Ta0.S e90 Soom loses tise Brococo soot Slaton "9985905. Settor Gene's a 8 Scars “oss thay 3oo.000 2e:stia1 o-sosnl 9.524036 as.sy9 Saye.8 B321.3, 80 .t912 0.0820 bs 310.000 24:21710 Gcooset Sanit 3or.eise 0128.2 0152.9 a9 0104936 “0.0006. 1077 520.000 35:s)464 00909 Saaeas 391.2924 Lom8o.s 1008.6 5038 Sloe ooo 100 Bo'ooo glows O'nuvae Elusasts 2yege2 Tiesa'e 11879.9 nH Sittaae “gone toat WO. BGT OBE EARS BE EES HES Be States 00888 380.000 22.97492 0.00097 7869200 10-4548 1359.8 13605.9 we 8.24120 “0.0008 $60 360000 22.64i86 o.ooses senasaZa2.97m1 Lashh-e asts.1 a Scans

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