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Left alone

Tully Potter Collection

Mark Bebbington
f all the works for piano mood and atmosphere are often striking.
left hand associated with Paul One of Sinfonias principal themes (Bubis
discusses a little- Wittgenstein (the concert pianist
who had the extreme misfortune of losing
theme) is developed throughout. Strausss
publisher was only just safe from copyright
known left hand his right hand when in action on the
Eastern Front during the First World War,
infringement, however, citing the three
bars that drew directly from Sinfonia as an
work by Richard see pp18-23), perhaps the least known are ide fixe rather than a direct quotation!
Although the Sinfonia Domestica was
Strauss that will
the two works he commissioned from
Richard Strauss, Parergon zur Sinfonia a clear inspiration, Strauss also draws

receive a rare Domestica and Panathenenzug.

Both of these works have suffered almost
on several other of his works, often in
the subtlest of transformations: the

performance at total neglect in the concert hall and on

record, possibly as a result of Strausss
ominipresent C sharp in Parergon is often
cloaked in the same threatening rhythm
Carnegie Hall reticence in writing for solo piano (there
are but a handful of significant works).
as Tod und Verklrung, while further
developments of this motif relate to the
this year However, a collaboration with the
pioneering conductor Leon Botstein and
child theme from Intermezzo and the
forgiveness theme in Arabella. Telling
his American Symphony Orchestra has instances, then, of cross-fertilisation across
Rama Knight

afforded me the opportunity to give a rare Strausss operatic and orchestral works.

performance of Parergon at Carnegie Hall
this October. he work is in five sections,
The genesis of the work is of interest. but Strausss working out of motivic
Strauss was first approached by cells and rhythmic fragments
Wittgenstein to write a concerto for him is at such a concentrated level that any
when he was a guest in Wittgensteins feelings of structural disunity are instantly Although the Sinfonia
house. Although the idea of such a work dispelled. The cells are centred around the
in an abstract idiom didnt greatly interest gravitational key centres of F sharp/C sharp Domestica is a clear
Strauss, he agreed to Wittgensteins request and F natural (the former representing a
some years later, sparked by domestic threat to Bubis convalescence, the latter a
circumstances that had for a time caused
him considerable anxiety.
return to full health).
The onus on the composer to write in
Few pianists would disagree that
arduous single line textures place keener
nursery tune from Sinfonia Domestica,
and one or two moments of respite in the
Although the Sinfonia
Strausss son, who was always referred
to by both parents as Bubi, had recovered
an idiom that combines the virtuosity of
two hands with a kaleidoscopic range of
demands on left hand articulation than
equally florid writing shared between
finale, the piano plays constantly and for
much of the time battles against a thick
Domestica is a clear
from a serious illness and Strauss decided keyboard colour and textures calls for a the hands. Theres a relentless quality and elaborate orchestration with inspiration, Strauss
to fulfill Wittgensteins commission with a real compositional sleight of hand; Ravel to the piano writing towards the close arpeggiando passage-work and torrents of
concerto-type work inspired by his return is probably supreme in this regard, his left of Parergon and when matched against consecutive octaves. also draws on several
to health. Towards the end of January 1925, hand concerto representing one of the the gloriously full orchestral sound, The physiology of the body has to adapt
Strauss had completed the work not a pinnacles of 20th-century piano repertoire. the soloist must fight hard to be heard. to continuous left hand use, too; the torso, other of his works
conventional concerto, but a substantial Its uncertain whether Strauss consulted Strausss beloved use of an encompassing for example, needs to shift well towards
work nonetheless and Wittgenstein Wittgenstein over the highly specialised vocal line in his operas translates here the upper register of the keyboard in weaker third and fourth fingers. These
premiered it the following October in nature of solo left hand piano writing, into widely arching hand spans that are order to negotiate the passagework from a make punishing demands and aside from
Dresden under Fritz Busch. but the repeated parallel semiquaver largely impossible to manage in one central pivotal position. Strausss greatest its musical merits, Parergon could well serve
The strange title gives an inkling of chords towards the close of the work single lateral gesture. Multiple hand demands on the player are hammered- as a fine obligatory left hand study for
the association with Strausss Sinfonia show a startling kinship with Ravels left movements are called for in order to out extended chordal passages involving advanced students at conservatoire level.
Domestica tone poem. Parergon in its true hand concerto at this very point. Ravels manage the leaps successfully. quick changing hand positions and
sense means an offshoot or, in this context, concerto was commissioned shortly after Strauss makes few concessions to the requiring a degree of forearm stamina Mark Bebbington performs Parergon zur
a companion work. Although it doesnt the completion of Parergon, so perhaps soloists reduced weight of tone nor, and extensive continuous semiquaver Sinfonia Domestica by Strauss on 15 October
match the earlier work in its happy Ravel had seen the Strauss score courtesy indeed, to his stamina. With the exception patterns that necessitate highly developed at Carnegie Hall with the American Symphony
evocation of family life, the parallels in of Wittgenstein? of the introduction, which includes the finger articulation, particularly for the Orchestra, conducted by Leon Botstein

24 International Piano July/August 2014 July/August 2014 International Piano 25

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