A Proposal Sample Template

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A Proposal Sample Template

In discussions of childhood obesity, one controversial issue has been
lack of education in nutrition. On the one hand, one may argues that
overall, schools focus on increasing students' knowledge about what
is meant by good nutrition, with less emphasis on influencing
students' motivation, attitudes, and eating behaviors. On the other
hand, one may contend that it is the parents who have the greater
impact on their childrens knowledge of physical fitness. Others even
maintain that food marketing to children should remain unchanged.
However, in my own research I hope to demonstrate that there is a
need for better promotion of physical awareness and nutrition in
specifically childhood obesity.

Topic and Related Issues: [An exploration of ________(topic), warrants

an acknowledgment of at least _________, __________, and
_________(related issues).]
An exploration of childhood obesity, warrants an acknowledgment of
at least lack in education nutrition and fitness in schools, parental
influence, and the public.

Purpose of Project: [I propose an extended investigation of this topic

because _________, (or, in order to________).]
I propose an extended investigation of this topic because in order to
find the most efficient solution to preventing obesity among children.
My topic or issue has been around since the 1980s and has been
increasing dramatically as obesity rates have been doubling
throughout the past few years. In fact just over one-third of U.S
adults are obese in todays world. And the fact is its not going to get
better unless more attention is paid towards the global issue.

Existing Knowledge:
My topic occurs because of a lack of emphasis on nutrition education.
Affordable healthy food is also an issue for why the childhood obesity
is a growing subject. Fast food, and unhealthy options are more
affordable and cheaper for families. The drastic increase in the past
10 years of the topic has made an impact on the awareness for
childhood obesity.

Existing Perspectives:
- More efficient to improve parental influence on their
childrens health
- More efficient to improve school education on nutrition
and physical awareness
- More efficient to improve public awareness through
advertising and resources on childhood obesity

Points of agreement:
Childhood obesity is a rising epidemic/issue
There is a way to prevent childhood obesity
Points of divergence:
Nutrition education in schools
Parental education of their childrens health
Public influence on childhood obesity

Inquiry and Method

Topic of Investigation:
Childhood obesity and prevention

Research Questions:
What are the best solutions towards preventing childhood obesity?
How does childhood obesity begin? What causes a child to become
overweight or obese? To what extent can one help prevent childhood

Conduct research on each three main types of prevention of
childhood obesity specifically to find which source of prevention has
the best outcome for success in preventing childhood obesity.
Keywords, Sources, and Databases:
Obesity, nutrition, school education, health, public health, funding,
personal health, educational laws, FDA (Food and Drug
Administration), CDC (Centers for disease control and prevention)

Childhood obesity is a rising issue that is occurring in todays
society. If quality preventative measures are not taken place, obesity
can be a leading cause in multiple aspects of a way of living.

Why now? So what? and What is ultimately at stake?:

Now is the time to take a look at childhood obesity because it is so
recent, and happening as we speak. If the problem is not taken care
of, ultimately many children will die from obesity.

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