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The Sojourners Jeesh, a Timelost series.

1. TAKEZO N'A'AISEN Samurai Cat-man with a pair of stellar diamond

handachi with blue star daylight effect / blast

2. Chakta 8 tall pseudo-Mok with a 9 Kentucky Long Rifle, axe.

3. Timberline / Venture / Longstrider / Ranger / Wind-singer: Skaara the

ranger, 9 tall giant.

4. Starlock - Morgaine the caint. Caint, Dychanwr satirist and magician,

master of chants, invocations, blessings & curses, execrations & banishments

5. Warhorse Henry Jesus Aranador-Messerman (or Tessman?). While in

the service of the wizard Martigan, his legs were crushed saving his patron.
The wizard, feeling indebted to the young man, made him mobile again by
grafting his horse to him, making him a Centaur. After leaving the wizards
service, Henry acquired a magic item (ring? Amulet?) that allows him to
transform back into a man, but the effect is limited to hours, and any
disruption ends the effect. He is typically armed with a Morningstar mace
and holy-water sprinkler, over-sized saber, lance, shield, and set of javelins
of lightning.

6. Stellar Michael Dionofrio, mutant bonded to a class O-1 or WN star

7. Invictus - Romulus Caelius Ancellius Aelianus Apollonius, Mithraist w/ solar

claymore brilliant sunblade, sunlight effect, strength of the bull, cant be
blinded. Raven tattoo on forehead. Sunspear, pillar of the sun, sunbird.

8. Tellus geomorph grows to 10 tall, Antaeus connection, and can animate

rock & Earth. Familiar: RQ Earth Elemental sub-sentient rock that can roll,
tunnel, or phase through natural earth and stone.

9. Reiko, Takezos cousin.

10. Alun Brijjuh, Horse Tribesman

11. Wind Maiden Celtic Valkyrior / Hanesydd historian, analyst,
genealogist, military heraldry, tactics/strategy advisor, military envoy, war-
related divination. Sidhe Avariel with a footbow. Aerial Recon / Skirmisher

12. Lady Dangerous - Warrior Witch

13. Fata Morgana - Corrguinech (Druidic sorceress)

14. The Living Flame (The original Human Torch resurrected as a

disembodied plasma field)

15. Modern Morrow Project type

16. Dai Dyrnaeth, Soul Sword wielder enhanced speed, strength, endurance,
regeneration, resistance to magic, dispels magic blade contacts, resistance
to illusion, enhanced senses, enhanced perception of magic, able to see weak
spots in magic. Flight? Energy absorption? Unaging or longevity?

17. Nemo / Shade - Avaran Quinn invisibility, phasing. Tall, slender black
man based on Cary.

18. Meleia, Naraya, Amazon champions heroic men reborn through Anatha
as 7 tall Elfin warrior-sorceresses. Naraya remained behind supervising the
spell sending them through.

19. Ruslan PetrovichTamerlaine, Molokoyan (Bear-man)

20. Gaesatae elite spearmen, similarities to samurai, with a spirit spear

21. Fidhliaig healer using herbs, surgery, magic, astrologer, augur

22. Skeek Otter-man Thief

23. Riastarthae / Gutuatr speakers to the gods / Voices of the


24. FLEX - Elastic Ugh / Half-man mutant

25. Warbler: Sonic disruptor power

26. Ballard immortal gunslinger from the old West. Trapped in suspended
animation in a collapsed mine from 1899 (0r 1904?) till 2419ish.

27. Questor / Hound Bowzer 1m tall dog-man (Hobbit-dog?). Carries a

spear, small short sword, shield.
A.) Psi-Tracker (power mixed of Telepathy / Empathy / Clairvoyance /
Clairsentience / Psychometry, but not able to be used as separate
B.) Touch-teke flight, strength, skin-field, can push doors or pick locks, no
C.) use TK to shape sand, wood shavings, or steel / silver / etc. filings into a
sword, axe, bo, or other object.
D.) Psychometry.
Can only use one of the above packages at any given time.

Green dog

Crystal teardrop light weapons

Someone on team working to prevent changing the timeline (Meleia? Or

someone else?) this is why the use of Stonehenge to teleport back, which
draws todays Stonehenge to the top of Pikes Peak, setting things up for
Anathas victorious post-apocalyptic timeline.

Rio Dantieri, Ainsley Bowen, Taraji, Aredan, Aramath, Tanjin, Tindrack,

Summersky, Elenath, Cunoval. Corvette, Destroyer, Jindal Lalaith Larethian?
Tundra, Wind / Windsong / Quaestor, Venator (hunter), carabineer,
Cannoneer / Carabinier / Chasseur / Cuirassier / Dragoon / Grenadier /
Hussar / Jger / Lancer / Musketeer / Uhlan, Scara Locke Fierce Coriolanus
Lucianus Aurelianus Tiberius Nova Roman officer. Dall Garrett, Ran Dane, Haral Dane
The Magnificent Raiders / Legion of Light / The Holocaust Raiders / Raiders of the Sun / Sunraiders /The

Mystic Elementalist transform into any mystic element. Much like the entire team of The Elementals in one body.

Various Jeeshes:
The Bear Collective (Sojourners smashed this group which enslaved the Molokoya)
The Heroes of the Peak
The Invincibles
The Blood Brothers
The Company of the Stag
The Companions of the White Hart

LUCIFER: This is the Latin translation of Hebrew Heylel (Greek Eosphoros), a name used by Jerome in the
Vulgate Bible; for example, in Isaiah 14:12, it is an honorific title of a Babylonian king. It is composed of the
elements lux (gen. lucis) "light" and ferre "to bring," hence "dawn-bringer" or "light-bringer." It became the Old
English name for Satan and a name for the morning star Venus.

Panel 1 Midnight, All Hallows

Eve. The Pikes Peak Summit
House. 14,110 feet above sea
level. From this perch on
Americas most famous
mountain, you can see into

Panel 2 Simultaneously, it is 7 in the

morning at Stonehenge. The
Warders of English Heritage are
preparing for another day guiding
tourists and protecting the ancient
Panel 3 They never expected their
sacred charge to go walkabout, even
less to gain a new one. [The top 50 feet of Pikes Peak materializes in place
of Stonehenge amid a flash of light]

Panel 4 Back in Colorado, the now truncated mountain is crowned by the

ancient standing stones of the Giants Dance. But they are not deserted.
Surrounding the altar stone, a glow announces new arrivals. [The Sojourners
appear in the secondary glow, as the whole of Stonehenge is wrapped in its
own glow]

Panel 5 Morgaine: Did we make it?

Meleia: We did.
Skaara: But Stonehenge wasnt supposed to be here until the War.

Panel 6 Chakta: Raaawar ar kahakat <there are lights below>

Takezo: Yes, Chakta, the city is lighted, just like Mike said they would be. I
believe we must be when we wanted to be.
Meleia: I think our gateway spell brought Stonehenge here early.

Panel 7: Skaara: Well, wed better find our way down and hide before anyone
comes to investigate. Morgaine, do you have that map?
Lucullus: Form up for column march!

Panel 8 30 men and women and their horses should not be able to disappear
easily. But they are experienced and well trained, and as they ride down the
paved Pikes Peak Highway, riders peel off the road individually, to eventually
rendezvous at the hiding place. A capricious wind plays across the plain atop
the mountain, then down the road, erasing tracks as it goes, even the hoof
prints of neo-percherons [show wind-borne pixie dust following the riders]

Panel 9 [Colorado Springs Police Department]

Police Sergeant: Lieutenant, the pilots not here yet.
LT: Then go get him! I want him up there finding out what happened pronto!
And call the Park Rangers, see if they can get a car up there!

Panel 10 Peterson Field AFB [2 jets take off, helo launching]

Panel 11 [News chopper] Kayla Valentine: any ideas what were going to find?
Pilot: I just fly this thing, you newsies figure out whats what.

Panel 12 [2 jets buzz the peak]

Pilot 1: Ah, Tango Foxtrot Bravo, this is Tango Foxtrot 1-1, over target now.
Something sliced off the top of the flaming mountain and stuck a cake
decoration in its place!

Panel 13 [news chopper] Kayla: This is Kayla Valentine reporting from above
Pikes Peak. The mountain that inspired Kathy Bates has been mutilated by
some unknown power. The top has been removed, and what looks like
Stonehenge is now at the summit! No people are visible, no sign of a
supervillain or mutant taking credit.
Pilot (thought bubble): This ditzie broad cant even get the name right.

Panel 14 [police chopper] Officer (speaking into radio) All non-official

aircraft are ordered to depart the scene. This is an official investigation. I
say again, clear the area!
Kayla: Ignore him, keep circling. I need more film.
News Pilot: Lady, I dont wanna lose my license!
Kayla: You wont. He knows hes giving an illegal order. Freedom of the press
means more than an officers career is worth.

Panel 15 News Pilot: You better be right about that.

Kayla: I am [I hope].

Panel 16 [police chopper] officer (into radio): News copter, this is the
Colorado Springs Police Department. You have been ordered to clear the
area. You are subject to arrest and criminal and civil penalties if you fail to
obey this order.
Jet Pilot: Police helicopter, this is USAF Tango Foxtrot 1-1 aint you out of
your jurisdiction, fella? Besides, I think the Air Force is gonna claim this
one, so you might wanna scram.
Officer (to police pilot): doesnt anybody respect a badge anymore?

Panel 17 [police chopper] officer: Negative on that, Tango Foxtrot 1-1.

Suggest you see your proctologist after calling your boss to clarify your
TF 1-1: ah, gee, Smokey, looks like I have an inflight emergency that means
Im gonna do Mach 2 about 50 feet off your right side.
Officer: Do NOT, I repeat, do not buzz what are you doing?
Police pilot: Im not getting knocked out of the sky by a sonic boom, loot! You
keep arguing with that guy and were gonna be climbing down this mountain.

Panel 18 [news copter, search light playing on Stonehenge] news pilot: Thanks
for the assist, Tango foxtrot 1-1!
Kayla: I thought I saw tracks down there, but theyre gone now. We might as
well head back.

Panel 1 [Dialog box] (Small blue face with electric blue hair in upper corner
of box, collage of superheroes & supervillains in panel)
Most people on Earth have no idea what causes someone to have powers, let
alone what fuels them.

Panel 2 [Dialog box] {Scene of First Host)

Millions of years ago, the Celestials tampered with our genes, creating the
Eternals and the Deviants, and planting the potential for mutation in the
main branch of Humanity.

Panel 3 [Dialog box] (collage of Eternals and Uni-Mind)

The Eternals were created with specialized cells that were sensitive to
Cosmic Radiation, and absorbed limited quantities, which they could channel
for minor healing and regeneration, modestly improved strength, speed, and
stamina, and some similar uses.

Panel 4 (scene of Kronos accident)

I dont think the Celestials expected or planned for the incident that
amplified the Eternals original abilities a thousand-fold. Either way, before
or after the incident, children of mixed Eternal and mundane Human
parentage did not normally inherit their Eternal parents powers.

Panel 5 (collage of Havok, Living Monolith, Fantastic Four, U-foes)

They did, however, pass on a sensitivity to cosmic radiation that might

explain why some mutants and mutates draw from cosmic radiation rather
than zero-point energy. ZPE, you ask? Yah, turns out generating enough bio-
energy to fuel a ten-ton concussive beam would burn out the nervous system
of just about any human or near-human species. It seems that mutant
powers involve a structure in the brain that accesses quantum energy states,
and thats where all the energy comes from.
Panel 6 (collage of Hiroshima, Project: Rebirth, Gamma explosion, and the
Of the few who are aware today that the Celestials tampered with our DNA,
some realize nuclear weapons were supposed to be a trigger for mutation.
Almost none know that the first A-bomb was merely the first-stage trigger.
Selected frequencies of gamma radiation that seldom appear in nature was
the second part of the final trigger. Frequencies that Doctor Erskine
dubbed Vita-Rays, that Doctor Banner theorized would appear when his
Gamma Bomb detonated.

Panel 7 (scene of characters around a campfire)

Mariah: Wait what do we need to know all this for? This sounds like a lotta
data dump!
Stellar: You need to hear all this so you can understand what Im going to
tell you.
Mariah: So theres gonna be a test, huh?
Stellar: As I was saying, besides cosmic radiation and zero-point energy,
theres one other major source of superpowers

Panel 8 (aerial view of the Well)

The Wellspring of Worlds, a leftover from the Big Bang. The Celestials
tend to select worlds with a Well on it for their genetic experimentation.
Earth has an unusually strong Well.

Panel 9 (view of Rick Jones creating heroes during Kree-Skrull War)

Our Well is also entangled with the Destiny Force, for some reason lost to
antiquity, perhaps related to the ancient Guardians of the Galaxy that were
empowered by various power stones derived from our Well.

Panel 10 (scene of Eternals being worshipped)

Back before recorded history, the Eternals and Deviants both sometimes
played the god game, before the Well produced some gods to fit the bill

Panel 11 (scene of a primitive man engaged in mystic rituals before the glow
of the Well)
At a guess, some shaman sacrificed people to the Well to provide the hosts,
and the Well empowered them. The shamans spells would have ensured the
newborn godlings would have the memories of the fictitious lives they were
supposed to have led, instead of the memories of their hosts. They also
could not perceive or draw on the Well; seeing it might waken those

Panel 12 (scene of gods striding forth)

Im guessing that other tribes replicated the feat as they saw their
enemies sponsored by real, live, breathing gods, and so the Well eventually
populated the entire pantheon of heavens with all the gods known to have
walked the Earth at any time

Panel 13 (scene of Anathas triple aspect)

One of the earliest gods was Anatha, a triple goddess Mother, Wise
Warrior-Virgin, and Crone. She presided over matriarchal tribes in what
later became Libya, until the Greeks came to conquer.

Panel 14 (scene of African women warriors fighting Greek Hoplites, with

Zeus and Anatha in the foreground)
In those days, the gods had to be more upfront and hands-on, so the gods
joined the fight. No-one was sure yet what it took to kill a god with active

Panel 15 (scene of Zeus looming over Anathas Mother aspect, Amazons in

So they took her worshippers away. Zeus forced Anatha to marry him, in
her Mother aspect.

Panel 16 (scene of Anatha gleefully saying something nasty to upset Zeus)

When he got her pregnant, she prophesied that her son would kill Zeus. To
prevent that, he ate her, absorbing her creative powers to give life to
Athena, springing from his temple full-grown. By doing this, he destroyed
her Mother aspect and recreated her Warrior-virgin aspect as a loyal

Argent: hell of a nice guy!

Panel 17 (scene of the Crone growing snakes for hair, above Amazons being
whipped and chained)
That left Anatha only the Crone aspect. While her worshippers were
enslaved and degraded, Zeus transformed Anatha into a hideous monster.
More importantly, he also spread a new myth about her. In his arrogance, he
even told her that once the new myth displaced her own enough to ensure
that she could die, he would raise up a hero to slay her.

Panel 18 (scene of masked woman with Hephaestus at the forge)

Not all the gods were so cruel to her, though. One god had been mistreated
by his wife and siblings, and showed Anatha some kindness. He made a mask
which, when worn by a mortal, empowered them and gave them Anathas
altered seeming. A suitable proxy was found to wear the face of Medusa and
take her place in prison.

Mariah: I was wondering who she was supposed to be. Still dont see why I
should care. Didnt Percy Jackson kill her anyway?

Panel 19 (scene of a woman shifting faces, collage of gods)

With this freedom, Anatha approached other gods, orchestrating mortal
and divine wars, feuds, and quarrels as revenge.

Panel 20 (scene of a tomb)

But eventually she caused too much strife, and those other gods turned on
her. Entombing her, they thought her dead. She slept through the Roman
hegemony and fall, the Dark Ages, the Medieval Period, the Renaissance, and
the discovery of the New World, waking in the 18th century when tomb
robbers desecrated her grave.

Panel 21 (scene of Celestials in council with godheads)

But most importantly, she slept through the Third host, when the Celestials
told the gods of the various pantheons to stay out of mortal affairs. We had
grown to the point that the Celestials feared religion tainting the outcome,
and Anatha knew nothing of it.

Argent: And this is bad because?

Stellar: Im getting to that.

Panel 22 (collage of druids, wiccans, etc.)

She fostered the romantic revival of the Old Religions as a source of
power, but only a small fringe partook, so she looked for another lever

Panel 23 (collage of protests)

And she finally found it in the Green Movement, many of whom were also
involved in the recreated religions she had nurtured. She began to harvest
power from environmental activists, not just from her small bands of
worshippers. It was less efficient, but more widespread. It was also still not
enough for her. By this time, she wanted to be the one, true, and only god on
Earth. She didnt know why the others stayed out of mortal affairs, but she
also didnt investigate. She simply planned on taking advantage.

Panel 24 (scene of flying missiles, nuclear explosions)

She manipulated events until, sometime in the 21st century, she touched off
a nuclear war. Her agents in military complexes had changed the coordinates
so some missiles were targeted on the interface between Earth and
Olympus, Bifrost, and other divine homes. Her spells ensured those missiles
passed the veil to the divine realms before detonating. The gods, no longer
much worshipped, died in droves.

Panel 25 (Anatha waving a hand to produce food for wasted, naked people)
Claiming to have been woken by the cataclysm, Anatha ministered to and
healed people, building her worship openly in her own name again

Panel 26 (post-apocalyptic Earth)

By the time I returned to Earth, 500 years after leaving, there were
Moreau-esque races everywhere, the nations had been broken up, and the
remnants of the gods had plagued the survivors with even more death,
disease, and destruction in their bids to defeat Anatha and to survive each
others assassination attempts

Panel 27 (view of the Sojourners Jeesh)

The Sojourners were the pre-eminent Jeesh, having built coalitions and
armies to weld together a new nation out of disparate peoples in the
Southwestern US. They also had worked with Anatha on occasion, as she was
playing the concerned Mother role. They had only just begun to see behind
her faade when I returned with my warning.
Argent: Now, do we get to hear what the problem is?

Panel 28 (Stellar in space with an Eternal that didnt stay)

I met the Eternals that left Earth. Apparently, the Celestials always
intended to force them off the planet to serve as agents for the Celestials.
Ysee, the Celestials live for millions, maybe billions of years, and normally
dont think in such a short timescale as we do. They speed up their thinking
when theyre on a Host, but otherwise live and think in deep time. So they
need servants able to live in our timeframe, but long-lived enough to be a
familiar face when they meet with their masters. Now that the Eternals
have seen what Anathas done to Earth, and is about to do, theyre preparing
to reassemble the Fourth Host and judge Earth again. According to Phastos,
theyre almost certain to end it by summoning the Fifth Host.

Argent: and just what is Anatha about to do?

Mariah: Fifth Host?

Panel 29 (scene of women floating around the Well, beams passing through
them up to Anatha)
Anatha has bred women priestesses who can absorb and convert the power
of the Well to pass it on to her. Its made her strong enough in the future
that I couldnt kill her or even take her down without also destroying the
whole planet.

And the Fifth Host is Galactus. Hes only supposed to consume the parts of
the biosphere that the Celestials have determined are tainted, so they can
reseed for the next sophont species to arise on that world, but in recent
centuries has exceeded his mandate. At some point, the Celestials are going
to realize how much hes done and rat him out to the conceptuals, the only
beings above him, but Earths gonna be long gone by then, unless we stop
Anatha before she starts the war. We cant kill her then, but if we can find
her, we can kill her or stop her now.

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