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CEPA-English Practice Exam Version 2012 C

Part 1 Grammar, Word Forms and Vocabulary

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You should spend about 45 minutes on this part . 45
of the test.

Questions 1 85 are incomplete sentences. . 58 1

Choose the best word or phrase to complete each .

Fill in the circle on your answer sheet corresponding D C B A
to the letters A, B, C or D. .

1. Roger Federer __________ 18 tennis matches so far this season.

A) won
B) has won
C) had won
D) have won

2. My seven-year-old son can tie his shoes all by __________.

A) himself
B) itself
C) ourselves
D) themselves

3. Alia does not like the noise __________ the traffic.

A) up
B) at
C) on
D) of

4. I dont think you __________ the answer, do you?

A) know
B) are knowing
C) to know
D) knows

5. Ali is the person __________ studies the hardest in my class.

A) whose
B) who
C) which
D) whom

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Practice Exam Version 2012 C CEPA-English

6. Nasser is __________ that you can really trust.

A) everyone
B) someone
C) everybody
D) something

7. I havent seen my uncle __________ June.

A) since
B) until
C) before
D) while

8. Please return the money to __________ as soon as you can.

A) I
B) you
C) it
D) me

9. My family eats dinner __________ night at 8:00 p.m.

A) all
B) every
C) the whole
D) some

10. Which sentence is correct English?

A) Classical music do you enjoy listening to?

B) Enjoy listening do you to classical music?
C) Do you enjoy listening to classical music?
D) Do you classical music enjoy listening to?

11. __________ me if you need any help.

A) Called
B) Calls
C) Calling
D) Call

12. They are building a mall in Dubai __________ will be the largest in the world.

A) who
B) what
C) which
D) where

13. Which sentence is correct English?

A) Our teacher gave a great lesson today.

B) A great lesson our teacher gave today.
C) Today a great lesson our teacher gave.
D) Gave today our teacher a great lesson.

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14. My grandfather was very good __________ telling stories.

A) on
B) in
C) at
D) with

15. Sally is __________ a good dancer.

A) fairly
B) pretty
C) quite
D) very

16. She can read more __________ now than she could a year ago.

A) quickly
B) quick
C) quicker
D) quickest

17. I am interested in __________ more about computers.

A) learns
B) learning
C) learn
D) learned

18. When my sister was little, she only __________ sweets for dinner.

A) wanted
B) will want
C) wants
D) had wanted

19. They are __________ a very long discussion.

A) having
B) has
C) have
D) had

20. __________ of these ice creams do you want?

A) What
B) Who
C) Which
D) How

21. We need __________ because the taxi is waiting for us.

A) hurrying
B) to hurry
C) hurry
D) hurries

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22. My sister __________ rice.

A) dont like
B) doesnt like
C) do like
D) like

23. __________ a pen on the floor. Please pick it up.

A) There are
B) There is
C) Its
D) It

24. I broke __________ of my pencils during the exam so I had to borrow one.

A) none
B) nor
C) neither
D) both

25. If your car isnt repaired by tomorrow you can use __________ for your trip.

A) my
B) mine
C) our
D) us

26. We have got __________ sugar left on the table.

A) some
B) none
C) any
D) many

27. Im very tired today __________ I stayed up too late last night.

A) because
B) so
C) although
D) while

28. People today seem to spend __________ time with their families than in the past.

A) little
B) less
C) few
D) least

29. Leila had __________ orange for lunch.

A) a
B) ones
C) an
D) these

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30. You __________ do much better at school if you worked harder.

A) able to
B) can
C) must
D) could

31. I have neither the time __________ the money to take a holiday now.

A) and
B) or
C) nor
D) both

32. John is tired because he __________ in the garden all day.

A) has work
B) is working
C) has been working
D) was worked

33. __________ you ask your mother if you can come to my party?

A) Did
B) Do
C) Does
D) Dont

34. There are __________ of tall buildings in Dubai now.

A) a little
B) much
C) a lot
D) more

35. The final exam will be __________ by two teachers.

A) mark
B) marked
C) marking
D) marks

36. He started __________ as soon as he saw the birthday cake.

A) smiled
B) smiles
C) smile
D) smiling

37. You will not pass the exam __________ you spend more time studying.

A) so
B) whereas
C) since
D) unless

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38. My parents __________ to Oman next month.

A) goes
B) gone
C) is going
D) are going

39. Many birds fly through the Middle East __________ the fall.

A) into
B) from
C) in
D) on

40. Mariam worries about her grades, __________ she always gets good marks.

A) or
B) nor
C) yet
D) since

41. Latifas father spoke to her __________ about her future plans.

A) encouragement
B) encouragingly
C) encourage
D) encouraging

42. After spending a week in the desert, it was nice to get back to __________.

A) civilize
B) civilization
C) civil
D) civilly

43. The singer was __________ nervous before the show.

A) observe
B) observation
C) observably
D) observable

44. I forgot your name again! My __________ is terrible.

A) memorize
B) memory
C) memorable
D) memorably

45. I have to __________my younger brother with his homework.

A) helpfully
B) helper
C) helpful
D) help

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46. Ahmed closed his business because it was not __________ .

A) rusted
B) noisy
C) admirable
D) profitable

47. __________, I was not in favor of the new law.

A) Personally
B) Usefully
C) Closely
D) Comparatively

48. We cant fix the __________ in that car because we dont have the spare parts.

A) exit
B) marriage
C) motor
D) staff

49. I __________ my parents a postcard from France.

A) covered
B) sent
C) watched
D) offered

50. Fahads house is __________. It has more than 20 rooms!

A) urgent
B) immense
C) ugly
D) bare

51. It would be __________ to work any more on this project. Its as good as it can possibly be.

A) powerful
B) unfamiliar
C) unhappy
D) senseless

52. Thank you for lending me the money. Ill __________ it as soon as I can.

A) differ
B) deepen
C) repay
D) disappear

53. The school is building a new __________ because there are too many students.

A) extension
B) salary
C) cow
D) calendar

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54. An experienced photographer can take good photos with little or no __________.

A) death
B) letter
C) effort
D) society

55. It is better to build a house on __________ ground than on sand.

A) firm
B) able
C) modern
D) entire

56. The house was damaged in the storm and needed __________ repairs.

A) northern
B) ill
C) factual
D) extensive

57. I finished the assignment __________, so I have nothing to do now.

A) agent
B) reference
C) leadership
D) yesterday

58. Khalil Gibran was a famous Lebanese __________. His writing is beautiful.

A) urgency
B) satisfaction
C) defense
D) poet

59. I sent him an email but he didnt __________ to it.

A) refuse
B) reply
C) excite
D) replace

60. Our children always __________ their hands before eating food.

A) attend
B) push
C) prevent
D) wash

61. You must always __________ the street at the pedestrian light.

A) fly
B) clothe
C) eat
D) cross

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62. Please help me __________ the vegetables up for our dinner.

A) inform
B) happen
C) deal
D) cut

63. I cannot __________ you the job because Im not the boss.

A) arrange
B) express
C) promise
D) hang

64. The __________ of his work is much higher than it was last year.

A) police
B) quality
C) relation
D) machine

65. My __________ hurts.

A) prevention
B) nest
C) jaw
D) bargain

66. Many people believe that the __________ of a countrys youth is the key to development.

A) education
B) peace
C) history
D) rate

67. It is everyones __________ to keep parks and streets clean.

A) circle
B) duty
C) building
D) spot

68. I forgot my new friends name. What a very __________ situation!

A) ambitious
B) awkward
C) customary
D) theatrical

69. When my brother tells a __________ everyone laughs.

A) joke
B) dish
C) stuff
D) beam

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70. You cant go that way. Its an exit, not an __________.

A) entrance
B) suggestion
C) commerce
D) host

71. The cat drank all the __________ milk on the floor.

A) merciful
B) spilled
C) puzzled
D) stained

72. I need to do my homework but I cant __________ playing a few more video games.

A) resist
B) straighten
C) decrease
D) owe

73. You should dress __________ when you go to a wedding.

A) courageously
B) unimportantly
C) angrily
D) formally

74. The most common ingredient in bread is probably __________.

A) persuasion
B) discomfort
C) wheat
D) basin

75. You shouldnt smoke __________ because its not good for your health.

A) stove
B) arrow
C) tobacco
D) educator

76. Its such a __________ day. Lets go for a drive in the countryside.

A) plain
B) finished
C) fat
D) nice

77. Sometimes my boss has __________ that our department cant meet.

A) demands
B) disagreements
C) vehicles
D) leadership

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78. The snow and ice have made the roads very __________.

A) motherly
B) slippery
C) rotten
D) uppermost

79. Loud music can hurt your ears. It can even _________ you.

A) deafen
B) brighten
C) ripen
D) tame

80. Serious illness can __________ the body.

A) reproduce
B) heal
C) weaken
D) suck

81. The boat is very close to the __________.

A) shore
B) pocket
C) card
D) shoe

82. The teacher thinks very __________ of her new students.

A) directly
B) highly
C) permanently
D) privately

83. The child cried __________ when she lost her favourite doll.

A) miserably
B) morally
C) gradually
D) rudely

84. The __________ of our summer holiday is 45 days.

A) hospital
B) length
C) pool
D) base

85. All the factories and workshops are in the __________ area of town.

A) parked
B) industrial
C) copied
D) classified

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Part 2 Reading

You should spend about 45 minutes on the four
texts in this part of the test. . 45

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D according to D C B A

the information in the text.
Fill in the circle on your answer sheet D C B A
corresponding to the letters, A, B, C or D.

Turn to the next page for Text 1

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Calling all photographers

Great light makes great
from beginners to experts . . .
photos. Try to capture the
Take digital photographs of the light of early morning or early
natural world around you. Send evening.
your best photograph in to the Dont be put off by bad
International Photography weather. Some of the best
Competition and win great prizes. Last years winning photograph
(by L. Hartley) photographs are those taken
in rain or on a foggy day.
Pictures of scenery need a
point of interest. Your eye
needs something to look at,
The prize for first place is
such as a tree, a flower or a
a seven day safari in Kenya. cloud.

The prize for second If your point of interest is

place is a weekend in in a shadow on a bright
sunny day, use your flash.
Place the point of interest of
Three runners up will receive an your picture to the right or left
F90 ClearShot digital camera - the of the center.
camera that makes every photograph
a winner.

Nature Photography Competition Application Form

Name Caption describing the picture

Postal address

I certify that I took this photograph myself and it has not

been published anywhere else.

Telephone number Signature

Terms and conditions: Only one entry per person. Photographs may be colour or black and white
and any size. Images must be submitted on CD and posted to Around the World, PO Box 7990,
London, NE15 5AZ, UK. Winning photographs will be chosen according to creativity (50%) and quality
of the photograph (50%). The closing date for all entries is 5 th March. Winners will be announced in
the June edition of Around the World.

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58. Which of the following can you photograph for this competition?

A) football matches
B) buildings
C) weddings
D) trees

58. How many people can win prizes in this competition?

A) 2
B) 3
C) 5
D) 7

55. The word capture in Tip 1 means __________.

A) catch
B) get up
C) miss
D) switch on

58. The author recommends using a flash when __________.

A) taking pictures at night

B) choosing a point of interest
C) the point of interest is in shadow
D) taking part in photography competitions

90. For the competition, photographers may only send __________.

A) a colour photograph
B) one photograph
C) a recently published photo
D) a photograph using flash

91. The names of the winners will be announced __________.

A) 3 months after the close of the competition.

B) during the seven-day safari in Kenya.
C) In the International Photography magazine.
D) on 5th March.

92. What is the main purpose of this text?

A) to advertise cameras
B) to help people take better photographs
C) to tell people about a competition
D) to feature last years winning photo

Turn to the next page for Text 2

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Text 2

In the Middle East and North Africa, camels used to be an important part of the culture. In addition to
being a source of food and transportation, they were also used in races for entertainment during
holidays and festivals.

With the discovery of oil in the Middle East, along with the fast growth of technology, there was no
longer much need for camels as food or transportation, but camel racing is still very popular. The
United Arab Emirates, for example, built 12 new camel racetracks in the 1990s, currently has about
14,000 racing camels, and holds many camel races each year. Winners of these races often get big
prizes such as expensive luxury cars, and the winning camels are worth millions of dirhams.

The camel racing season in the UAE is about the same as its cool season, from late October to early
April. Workers who take care of the camels and the tracks usually come from neighboring countries,
such as Oman and Pakistan. In the past, the people who rode the camels during races, known as
jockeys, also came from other countries. These camel jockeys were boys about six or seven years
old, and they weighed only about 20 kilos.

Several years ago, however, many people began to say it was wrong for these young boys to race the
camels. So the UAE changed the rules for camel jockeys, stating that the jockeys must be at least 15
years old, and weigh at least 45 kilos. Also, in 2005 the Emirates began to use robots instead of
people as camel jockeys. These are small automatons that weigh about 15 kilos and are controlled by
computers. The robot jockeys cost about 7000 dirhams and are built in Asia, but someday the UAE
wants to start making them.

Recently, camel racing has also become popular outside of the Middle East and North Africa. A
yearly camel race now takes place in Nevada, USA, and in the past 30 years camel racing has become
popular in Australia, too; for example, they hold the yearly Camel Cup race in Alice Springs.
Australian camel racing is not quite the same as in the Emirates. In Australian races, the camels are
slower and do not run as far, and, unlike in the UAE, the Australian camel jockeys are usually

93. According to the text, how many camel racetracks did the UAE build in the 1990s?

A) ten
B) twelve
C) fourteen
D) twenty

94. The main point of paragraph 2 is to __________.

A) talk about winners and prizes in the camel races

B) discuss the number of racing camels in the UAE
C) show that camel racing is still popular in the UAE
D) give details about oil discovery and technology

95. The word automatons in paragraph 4 means __________.

A) camels
B) people
C) robots
D) kilos

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96. About how many kilos did the boys who raced camels weigh?

A) fifteen
B) twenty
C) twenty-five
D) thirty

97. According to the text, where are most of the robot jockeys built?

A) the USA
B) the UAE
C) Australia
D) Asia

98. The word them in paragraph 4 refers to __________.

A) 15 kilos
B) robot jockeys
C) 7,000 dirhams
D) computers

99. What is the name of a well-known camel race in Australia?

A) Camel Cup
B) Alice Springs
C) Nevada Race
D) Aussie Camel

100. According to the text, what is one difference between Australian and Emirati racing camels?

A) Emirati camels are bigger.

B) Australian jockeys are usually men.
C) Australian camels run further.
D) Australian camels are slower.

101. The main point of the text is to __________.

A) talk about different types of jockeys

B) discuss camel racing in the United Arab Emirates
C) look at racing sports in the world
D) provide information on camel racing around the world

Turn to the next page for Text 3

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Text 4

Known as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, the Empire State Building is located in
New York City. It has 102 stories, which made it the tallest building in the world until 1972.

In the 1700s, the land where the Empire State Building is now located was the John Thompson Farm.
In the 1800s, a luxury hotel, the Waldorf Astoria, was built there. Then, in the late 1920s, the land was
bought by the Bethlehem Engineering Corporation for about $16 million (approximately 58 million
Dirhams), and in 1930 construction of the Empire State Building began.

At that time, the Empire State Building was in a world competition, or race, to be the worlds tallest
building. The Eiffel Tower, built in 1889, was 295 meters tall. About 3,400 workers, mostly from
Europe, built the Empire State Building. Also helping on the project were hundreds of Native
Americans who were very good iron workers. Five workers died during the construction of this
building. It was finished on 1 May 1931, with a height of 443 meters, making it 148 meters taller than
the Eiffel Tower. For the time, the Empire State Building was a huge building, with 85 floors for
offices, 73 elevators, 6,500 windows, more than 100 public toilets, and 1,576 steps from bottom to

The Empire State Building is one of the most famous buildings in the world, and there are many
interesting stories about it. For example, in the race to be the tallest building, the designers had to add
five floors at the last minute to make sure it would be taller than the Chrysler Building, also in New
York. And since the 102nd floor was originally designed to be a landing platform for gas-filled
airships, they decided to add a tower to tie the airships on to, just to make sure that it remained the
tallest building. Another story about the building is that of Elvita Adams, who jumped from the 86th
floor but was saved when high winds blew her back into an 85th floor window. And did you know
that the last rivet, or bolt, put into the building is made of solid gold?

Today, about twenty thousand people work in the Empire State Building, and about four thousand
tourists a day go up to the buildings observatory to enjoy a wonderful view of New York City. There
is also a race every year, called the Empire State Building Run-Up. In this competition, runners race
up the steps to the top of the building. The fastest time was in 1978, when Australian runner Paul
Crake ran up the 1,576 steps in only 9 minutes and 33 seconds.

Although there are now several buildings in New York that are taller than the Empire State Building,
it is surely one of the best-known and best-loved landmarks in the city.

102. The word stories in paragraph 1 refers to __________.

A) plans
B) books
C) buildings
D) floors

103. The Empire State Building was the worlds tallest building for about how many years?

A) 30
B) 40
C) 60
D) 70

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104. According to the text, what was the land last used for before the Empire State Building was
built there?

A) apartments
B) a hotel
C) a farm
D) a factory

105. The Native Americans mentioned in the text were very good at __________.

A) building the stairs

B) putting in windows
C) working with metal
D) making the observatory

106. How many workers died during the construction of the Empire State Building?

A) less than 10
B) between 20 and 30
C) just over 50
D) nearly 100

107. Where in the text is the best place to put the sentence, It took about 15 months to finish?

A) beginning of paragraph 2
B) middle of paragraph 3
C) beginning of paragraph 4
D) end of paragraph 5

108. What is the main theme of paragraph 4?

A) stories about the Empire State Building

B) the history of the Empire State Building
C) the 85 floors of the Empire State Building
D) accidents at the Empire State Building

109. According to the text, which one of thse statements is true?

A) Many people still work at the Empire State Building.

B) The Eiffel Tower is taller than the Empire State Building.
C) Tourists are not allowed to go up to the observatory.
D) A luxury hotel will replace the Empire State Building.

110. What is the record time for the Empire State Building Run-Up (in minutes:seconds)?

A) 15:76
B) 19:78
C) 20:00
D) 09:33

Turn to the next page for the writing task

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Part 3

Instructions: :
You should spend about 30 minutes on 30
this part of the test. .

Write your essay on the back of the .

bubble sheet.

The essay should be 150 to 200 words 200 150

long and may not exceed one page.
Write about the following topic: .

People have different views of what

makes a person successful. .

In your opinion, what makes a person

successful? Explain why. .

You could write about any of the :


Please write in English

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