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Student-Teacher: Hiya Ibrahim Date:

Primary EPC 2403 Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 1

Grade Level: 1
Subject: Math
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this lesson students will be able to:
-Understand and use the terms greater than, less than and equal to.
-Understand the corresponding symbols >, < and =.
-Use these symbols and terms in an appropriate context.

Resources Preparation (what do you need to do/make before class?)

flash cards
online song
student book
sheets Key vocabulary/ Target Language
less than, greater than, equal to..
This sign always eat the bigger number.

Time:Small Time: 10 minWhole

-I will start the lesson by reviewing the previous lesson in order to create connections between the lessons.
-After that I will introduce the new lesson by showing them the alligator song to motivate them and give them an idea of
the new lesson.
- I will write the numbers 35 and 53 on the board, and ask my students to identify the bigger, or greater number.
-Ask them to explain how they know which number is greater.

-Give the students group work which is an activity where they have to cut the correct sign and paste it in the correct place.
-Solve the questions in the work book.
5 minWhole


Ask a volunteer to summarize how to compare 2-digit numbers. And have another student come
up with numbers to ask the rest of the class to compare.

I will ask the students a comparison question. For example: How do you compare 80 with 88 using >, <,
or an equal sign? Explain.

Reflection WWW/EBI
The things that went well is that the students was motivated in the beginning of the lesson because I choose the learning style that
they like which is musical, so thats what make them excited and transfer the new information easier in the way that they like.
I think its better if I didn't use the bell to get their attention because I think its kind of distributing.
Next Steps in learning and teaching
One of my next steps to improve my teaching is to plan my lesson activities according to my students needs exactly, so what I want
to do is to know more about my students and discover all the ways that they like to learn through it, so I can implement more than
one learning style in the lesson which will make the learning fun.

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