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Colegio Marista Castilla (PALENCIA)

Science 3 - Educacin Primaria. Teacher: Sara Dios Puebla


Contenido mnimo para estudiar:

We live in different places: (vivimos en lugares diferentes)

- URBAN AREAS (zonas urbanas):

1. CITIES (ciudades grandes):

- They are very large areas with many people and public services.
(Grandes reas con mucha gente y servicios pblicos).
- Cities have tall buildings (las ciudades tienen edificios altos).

- The streets are long and wide (las calles son largas y anchas).

2. TOWNS (ciudades pequeas):

- A town is smaller than a city (ms pequea que una gran ciudad).

- Towns have less people (tienen menos gente).

- There are squares, parks, shops and churches (hay plazas, tiendas e iglesias).

- RURAL AREAS (zonas rurales):

1. VILLAGES (pueblos):
- A village is a small place with few people (un pueblo es un lugar pequeo con pocas personas).

- A village is smaller than a town

- There are few public services and shops (hay pocos servicios pblicos y tiendas).

2. HAMLETS (aldeas):
- It is a very small place with few people and few houses (es un lugar muy pequeo con pocas personas y casas).

AREAS OF A CITY (reas de una ciudad):

1. CITY CENTRE (centro de la ciudad):

- It is the oldest part of a city. (Es la parte ms vieja de una ciudad).

- The streets are narrow and the buildings are old (las calles son estrechas y los edificios son viejos).

- Some streets are only for pedestrians (algunas calles son slo para peatones).

- We can find the main square, churches and the city hall.
(Podemos encontrar la plaza mayor, iglesias y el ayuntamiento).

2. MODERN NEIGHBOURHOODS (barrios modernos):

- It is the new part of a city. (Es la parte ms nueva de una ciudad).

- The streets are wide and the buildings are new (las calles son anchas y los edificios son nuevos).

- We can find lots of homes, offices and shops (podemos encontrar muchas casas, oficinas y tiendas).

3. THE OUTSKIRTS (las afueras):

- They are areas outside the city. (Son reas fuera de la ciudad).

- There is a lot of space (hay mucho espacio).

- We can find airports, factories or hospitals (podemos encontrar aeropuertos, fbricas u hospitales).

Plaza Espaa, 1. 34002. Palencia Tlf. 979 720 850 Fax.:979 725 776 Url:

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