To See and Not To Be Seen

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To see and not be seen

K.L. Fuller, BSc(Eng), FEng, FlEE

Indexing terms: Radar and radionavigation, Eleclronic warfare

climbing up the other. Clearly, the first one to see the

Abstract: Surprise has always been an important other has the best chance of getting his spear thrust in
element of military tactics, and electronics must first, and has the chance of defeating his enemy without
make its contribution to the element of surprise. It giving him the opportunity to retaliate. The art of seeing
does this by radar, and by the various counter- without being seen is thus intimately connected with the
measures that can be used against radar. The element of surprise and the tactical advantages that can
paper discusses the parallel development of radar arise therefrom.
and electronic countermeasures and shows how To continue our story of Achilles and Hector, we can
the battle between them has worked with the laws introduce some advanced technology, and give Achilles a
of physics to define modern radar and counter- periscope. With this he can see over the top of the hill
measure systems. Radar was first used to see and watch Hectors movements before Hector can see
approaching enemy aircraft at long range, so that him, and thus he can gain the element of surprise, or does
fighters could ambush them. Radar allowed its he? What if Hector can see Achilless periscope before
user to see the enemy and to predict his move- Achilles can see Hector through it? Then the supposed
ments, without being detected himself. The initial advantage becomes a liability. Unless of course we give
advantage of the radar was reduced by the dis- Achilles a bent periscope so that it does not matter if
covery that the radars own transmissions could Hector does actually see it first; in fact it may be to
be heard at much greater ranges than those at Achilless advantage if Hector is deliberately mis-
which it could detect its targets, and that it was informed.
capable of being deceived by false targets. These We can continue this story of advancing technology
two principles lie at the heart of the art of for another 3000 years, until by now Achilles has a radar
countermeasures. The subsequent development of and Hector has a receiver with which he can listen for
military radar has been much concerned with transmissions from Achilless radar, The technology has
countering these countermeasures, which have
themselves grown progressively more sophisti-
cated. The importance of the parasitic relationship Hector and Achilles

between the two is emphasised. The paper

describes two of the latest developments: channel-
ised receivers that can intercept many radars
simultaneously, and the PILOT radar which has
been specifically developed to make its transmis-
sions virtually indetectable.


This paper is concerned with the tactical problem of

seeing what someone else is up to, without giving oneself
away while doing so. Although the paper deals with
radar and methods of detecting or countering radars, a
good way to introduce the subject i s perhaps to go back Fig. 1 Early use idradar
to consider two ancient heroes, Achilles the Greek and
his Trojan opponent, Hector. come up to date, but the tactical essentials are still the
Let us imagine Hector and Achilles hunting for each same.
other, with spear and shield in hand, preparing to do The first complete radar system for which the tactical
battle with each other outside the walls of Troy. Between uses had been properly worked out was the well known
the Greek ships and the town of Troy we can imagine a Chain Home system. It took the element of surprise away
hill, with Hector climbing up one side of it, and Achilles from the bomber and gave it instead to the fighter.
During the Battle of Britain the bombers were amazed
Paper 6910F (E15). to be delivered before the IEE Electronics Division
and disconcerted that wherever they went, there were
on the 11th October 1989 fighters waiting for them.
Mr. Fuller is Director of Philips Research Laboratories, Cross Oak Because the location of the British coast was well
Lane, Redhill, Surrey RH1 5HA, United Kingdom known, and the Chain Home system was switched on
IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. (37, Pi. F , N o . I , F E B R U A R Y l Y Y 0

Authorized licensed use limited to: Teknillinen Korkeakoulu. Downloaded on May 12, 2009 at 06:44 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
continuously, there was little to be learnt from knowing builds up a so-called plan position indicator (PPI)
where the transmissions were coming from. picture; i.e. a radar map of its surroundings. This
Immediately the radar is placed on a moving platform, describes a basic search radar, but other variations in
however (a ship, or a ground vehicle, or especially an radar designs and uses are almost limitless. Radars can
aircraft) the transmissions from the radar can give away also measure height by scanning the beam in elevation,
the location and intentions of the platform, if the radar and some can measure the speed of approach, or regres-
user is unlucky or unwise in the use of his radar, and the sion, of their targets by making use of the Doppler effect,
listener has the resources to understand what he hears. In whereby the frequency of the signal that comes back to
the first place, if the radar can be heard at all, it indicates the radar is shifted relative to that which was transmitted
that the platform is out there. Secondly by tracking the by an amount proportional to the speed of the target.
direction to the radar, the course of the platform can be The first element of any countermeasures system is the
estimated; thirdly by identifying the type of radar the intercept receiver, the system that listens to the radars
platform itself can often be identified, and its intentions transmissions in order to try to deduce what the radar is
can be deduced. For example, search radars are generally doing. This receiver is generally sensitive to a wide range
considered relatively harmless, whereas trackers mean of radio frequencies and uses antennas that can receive
that the use of the radar has a definite interest in the signals arriving from most or all directions, so that it can
target he is tracking which is generally not benign. detect all the radars which might pose a threat to its user.
I hope it is now becoming clear why one should wish The receivers are broadband and the antennas are wide-
to see without being seen, and also to know when beam. Because of the distinctive nature of radar signals
someone is watching you. This battle is of great impor- and of the way in which they are used, radar intercept
tance to the design of radars, but if you try to learn about receivers are almost always separate systems from com-
radar in most text books, they will tell you all about how munications intercept receivers.
to design the radar to the last detail, but with scarcely a The various other countermeasures that try to disable
reference to possible countermeasures, unless such a or deceive the radars rely firstly on the intercept recei-
mention is relegated to one of those obscure chapters at vers. The use of other countermeasures (e.g. jamming)
the end of the book along with sections on detecting the without first finding out whats out there is likely itself to
Loch Ness monster and other improbable fairy tales. attract unwanted attentions in the same way as might the
In a similar way, the study of countermeasures often careless use of radar transmissions.
takes only a passing interest in what the radar is actually The intercept receiver, together with the system for
trying to d o by transmitting all those signals. interpreting its output, are known somewhat cryptically
There is a strong and dangerous tendency to see radar as electronic support measures (ESM). This receiver can
and countermeasures as independent of one another, have directional antennas and can calculate the direc-
despite their obvious interaction. To try to overcome this, tions from which the intercepted signals are coming, but
at Philips Research Laboratories, we have put the radar it cannot measure the range or location of the transmit-
people and the countermeasures people in the same ters, although various schemes are sometimes used to try
laboratory to help and encourage each other, but none- to estimate these, either from the strengths of the received
theless it sometimes seems that each group can be largely signals, or by triangulation from several receivers.
ignorant about what motivates the other. The great advantage possessed by the ESM system
In fact, however, the relationship between counter- however is that the signals it receives are much stronger
measures and radar can accurately be described as para- than those received by the radar. This is because the
sitic. If there were no radar, there would be no radar signals have to travel to the target and be partially
countermeasures to it, but equally the countermeasures reflected back to the radar, whereas the ESM receiver can
constantly threaten to incapacitate their hosts. In prac- intercept them after only a single trip.
tice, however, countermeasures can never render radar
completely useless, because then they would lose their The radar range equation
own reason for existing, and so both evolve from the con- The reflection of the radar signal generally involves the
tinuous vital struggle between them. target intercepting only a small amount of the transmit-
The aim of this paper is therefore to consider the radar ted signal, and then scattering it over a wide volume.
and the countermeasures together, to see how both are
trying to discover similar information by making the best
use of the very different strengths available to them. power o f radar
as seen by E S M
The radars aim is to see the platform carrying the
countermeasures before it is detected by those counter-

Radar size o f target

as seen by radar
In order to examine this battle between the radar and the
countermeasures in greater detail, we must look more
closely at the two protagonists. I

The most typical form of radar is the rotating antenna 0 1 2 4

forming a relatively narrow beam which is scanned relotive range
through space, and along which the radar transmits a Fig. 2 Fall o f f o f aignal with incrensing range
series of pulses of radio-frequency energy. Range is mea-
sured by seeing how long it takes for the pulse to reach This process is very different from specular reflection
the target, be reflected off it and return to the receiver. from a mirror, and the effect is very different from just
From the measured range, and knowing the direction of doubling the path length. It changes the fall off in signal
the beam when any echo is received, the classic radar strength with range from a square-law process to one fol-
I E E P R O C E E D I N G S , Vol. 137, P i . F, N o . I , F E B R U A R Y 1990
lowing a fourth-power law. This generally makes life pulse allows the receiver to be sensitive to small signals
much easier for the ESM receiver and makes it always a without being overloaded by the transmitter. Some iso-
severe struggle to get the full range performance from the lation is provided by a device called a circulator which
radar. routes power travelling from the transmitter through to
It can be seen that an obvious way to try to defeat the the antenna while at the same time routing waves
radar is to try to reduce the reflectivity of the target. This received in the antenna back to the receiver. As a final
is the subject known as stealth which is currently of precaution the receiver is preceded by a shunt diode lim-
great interest, not least in the USA, where the motivation iting circuit that goes short circuit should any excessive
of the design of the B2 bomber, which is far and away the transmit power be reflected back from the antenna
worlds most expensive aircraft, is to minimise its radar towards the receiver.
and other signatures. The full study of stealth is a very We shall see later that this struggle between the effects
big subject, but an obvious effect of it in the battle of a single-way propagation and the ESM receiver mis-
between radar and countermeasures is that it is obviously match to the radar is at the heart of the current elec-
no use reducing the radar signature of a platform if you tronic battle to see and not be seen.
then mount a large, highly visible, radar on it, broad- The ESM does not have things all its own way
casting a signature to the countermeasures community however, because the radar has control of its own trans-
like a big neon sign saying look, here I am. missions, and knows exactly what its received signal
The very high path loss of the radar signal means should look like, whereas the ESM receiver has only an
that the long-range radars must transmit very high approximate idea of the radars characteristics, and must
powers from high-gain antennas and receive the reflected be general enough to be able to detect a wide variety of
signal with very low noise receivers. At this point some different radars. This means that whereas the radar recei-
ver is optimally matched to receive its own transmissions,
the ESM receiver is poorly matched to the radar, and
this takes away much of the advantage which it had
gained from the one-way propagation discussed above.

One of the most common reasons for the radar to want
to control its transmissions adaptively is to employ what
is known as moving target indication (MTI).
Besides getting back reflections from their intended
targets, radars frequently receive unwanted echoes from
the land or from the sea surface. Such unwanted echoes,
as well as echoes from rain or snow, are known as
clutter. Fortunately the wanted echoes are generally
from targets moving at higher speeds than the back-
ground clutter, and by measuring the Doppler shifts
associated with the target, the targets of interest can be
separated from the clutter.
Although this can be done without affecting the
radars sensitivity, it does not come entirely free. In order
to get good range information from a radar, we need to
Fig. 3 L A R 2 air route surveillance radar use a low pulse repetition frequency (PRF) so that all the
echoes from one pulse have come back before the next
numbers may he included to indicate the scales we are pulse is transmitted, so that there is no ambiguity about
talking of. As an example we may take a large air-route the pulse with which the echo is associated. Unfor-
surveillance radar such as the Signaal LAR 2, as can be tunately this does not allow good MTI performance.
seen at Heathrow airport. The radar receiver effectively recovers a difference fre-
This transmits a peak power of 150 kW at a frequency quency between the transmitter frequency and the,
of about 1.3 GHz, or 23 cm wavelength, through an Doppler shifted, received frequency. Because the trans-
antenna of 75 m2 aperture, with 35 dB gain. The trans- mitter is pulsed, this notional beat frequency can only
mitter device is a high-power travelling-wave-tube ampli- actually be sampled when the echo pulses from the target
fier. It can detect a small airliner at about 450 km range. are received. Thus in order to have an accurate practical
The received peak power is then about 6 fW (6 x reconstruction of the ideal Doppler signal a lot of pulses
W), and the overall attenuation between the transmitter must be transmitted in a short time; i.e. a high PRF must
and the receiver is about 195 dB. The receiver noise be used. This in turn can lead to range ambiguities. In
figure for the system is better than 3.5 dB, giving a system fact it is a general principle that good range resolution
noise floor of about 3 x W. and good Doppler resolution tend to be incompatible,
A small burglar alarm, however, which works over a and compromises are needed.
range of only a few metres may transmit only a few milli- The radar can thus choose its mode depending on the
watts from an aperture of a few square centimetres. These quality of moving target indication which it requires.
large differences in transmitter and antenna parameters This is particularly true of modern airborne radars with a
are almost entirely accounted for by the r4 power fall off look down capability which try to find small targets
with range. against a heavy clutter background. Because the ESM
The problem of transmitting high powers without has only relatively inaccurate information about the
damaging sensitive receivers connected to the same radars transmissions it cannot coherently detect its
antenna can, not surprisingly, be very severe. Switching signals and cannot measure the radars velocity by means
in the receiver circuits only after transmitting the RF of the Doppler shift. This is not in itself a problem for the
IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 137, P t . F , N o . 1. F E B R U A R Y I990 3
ESM receiver because it is not affected by clutter. We mode make life more complicated for the ESM which is
shall see later, however, that this lack of coherence trying to classify the radars, and the high PRF modes can
severely restricts the ESMs ability to intercept the trans- threaten to overwhelm the ESM systems processing
Having looked at some of the basics of radar, and sug-
gested how the radars design can affect the task the ESM
has in detecting it, perhaps we should now look in
greater detail at the ESM system itself.

Fig. 5 Ships mast showing ESM receivers below radar antenna and
trucking radar in foreground

Electronic support measures (ESM)

Electronic support measures is the blanket term to cover

the art of electronically detecting the intentions of a
scenario. In general, the ESM system to achieve this
would consist of the following subsystems:

Receiver: (e.g. an antenna system) to intercept the air-

borne signals and provide electronically useable signals

Detector: to detect and demodulate the information con-

tained in these signals

Identifier: the characteristic information contained in

these signals is measured/memorised e.g. pulse radio fre-
quency, pulse repetition interval, amplitude, direction,
intrapulse modulation, duration, amplitude.

Sorter: for each emitter there will be a stream of data and

it is only necessary to store these data when a noticeable
change occurs. The emitters are therefore sorted out on
an historic basis, nonchanging inputs being ignored.

Fig. 4 Clutter reduction with M T l The easiest case to imagine is the situation with a high-
a NoMTI power (say tens of kilowatts) pulse radar used as a sur-
h MTI an veillance system. Remembering the radar fourth-power
law which gives ESM its range advantage, and adding to
missions from frequency-modulated continuous wave this the fact that the short pulse lengths used means that
(FMCW) radars, which can be thought of as pseudo- the radar must transmit a high peak power, the transmis-
Doppler systems. sions become very easy to see using even the crudest lis-
The use of MTI, and especially so-called multi-mode tening techniques. In addition, other parameters of the
operation of the radar, can however also cause significant pulsed radar, such as a pulse repetition interval, pulse
processing problems for the ESM. These changes of width etc., are easy to identify.
4 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 137, PI. F, N o . I , F E B R U A R Y 1990

Authorized licensed use limited to: Teknillinen Korkeakoulu. Downloaded on May 12, 2009 at 06:44 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
As an example, the simplest ESM receiver could (d) Attenuation caused by atmospheric gases such as
consist of a crystal detector and an earphone! The fre- oxygen and water vapour (which prevents certain spot
quency of the detected buzz, which tells us the PRF, is frequencies such as 60 GHz from being used), and also by
often in itself enough to identify the radar. A simple scattering from airborne water droplets e.g. rain and fog
direction finding system can be made by fixing four such etc., which leads to attenuation that rises steadily with
receivers together at right angles and checking which frequency.
receivers have the loudest incoming signals.
Three more sophisticated examples of ESM receivers We have seen that the interaction between radar fre-
are: quency and the antenna design is frequently critical to
the choice of frequency.
IFM-instantaneous frequency measurement: This is a The purpose of the antenna is to focus the radar
subsystem to measure the radio frequency (RF) of each energy. The classic form of antenna consists of a point
feed, with the radiation being focused by a parabolic
emitter; it does so sequentially by using direct frequency
discriminators. It offers a high probablility of intercept, reflector, in a manner rather like a car headlamp. Lenses
but has limited sensitivity and overloads easily since it are little used for focusing radar signals because at the
can only handle one signal at a time. wavelengths involved they tend to be very bulky, certain-
ly more so than a reflector. The number of antenna
Superhet: this is a frequency-conversion system to
designs is limitless, but a couple of examples are worth
measure RF, based on the known basic superheterodyne mentioning.
principle. It provides a very sensitive, but narrowband One variant of the reflector antenna is the slotted
system. waveguide, where many small apertures along the length
of the transmission medium are arranged to radiate in
Channelised receivers: this is a system of many narrowly phase to form a narrow beam. The slotted waveguide
spaced receiving channels used to measure RF. This aims
to give the best of both worlds, having a large probability
of intercept with a high degree of sensitivity. Each
channel is a complete radio receiver tuned to a particular
filter characteristic an the assembly of many channels
constitutes a fully parallel receiver with inherently high
data rate capabilities.

Choice of radar frequency

It was assumed when considering ESM receivers that

they had to be wideband to accommodate the range of
frequencies used by the radars. But what is it that deter-
mines the operating frequency of the radar?
Conceptually, a radar system can be designed to
operate on almost any frequency, but in practice the Fig. 6 Typical marine slotted waveguide antenna
choice is limited by the particular application and by
practical considerations. Factors that affect the choice
are, for example, the acceptable size of the antennas, the gives a compact, cheap, design which is ideally suited to
size and nature of the targets, the required range per- civil marine radar applications, where its use is now
formance of the system and the extent to which low- almost universal.
elevation coverage is important. Another variant which is currently much discussed is
Antenna size is a function of operating frequency in the active electronically steered phased array antenna,
that in order to achieve sufficient gain and beamwidth where a whole face of small radiators is controlled so that
the antenna aperture will generally not be smaller than all the elements radiate to form a narrow beam in the
15-20 wavelengths wide: this is about 1-2 m in the chosen direction. By controlling the phases in real time
microwave bands, but in excess of 150 m at HF. completely electronic scanning can be obtained and the
The size and nature of the intended targets are rele- conventional mechanical tuning gear can be completely
vant because the reflection characteristics involved are eliminated.
strongly dependent on the carrier frequency. The electronically steered phased array is sometimes
Given that the antennas can be made suitably large, seen as the ultimate in antenna design and an enormous
the range performance of a radar can be most severely amount of effort is currently being expended in this area.
affected by the losses suffered during the propagation of Although there is no doubt that this approach is well
the signal from the transmitter to the target and back to suited for some applications, the economics of some of
the receiver. The four effects that dominate are as the current phased array projects must be in doubt.
follows : Phased arrays are very complex and expensive, whereas
(a) Refraction through the lower atmosphere, caused mechanical turning gear is cheap and simple. Before a
by changes in air density with height, results in the earth steerable phased array solution can be recommended for
appearing flatter than it is in reality a problem the cost performance trade-offs must be care-
(b) Reflections from the earths surface lead to a fully considered, and the glamour factor must be dis-
reduction in the low-elevation coverage of the radar, an counted.
effect which worsens as the frequency is reduced The frequencies that are used for operational radars
(c) Diflraction around the curvature of the earth, which range from HF (30 MHz) to millimetre waves (100 GHz).
allows low frequencies to enjoy enhanced propagation HF radars, because of their size and limited application,
IEE P R O C E E D I N G S , Vol. 137, PI. F , N o . 1. F E B R U A R Y 1990 5
are rare. The most common application is over the Tracking radars
horizon radar (OTHR), which relies on propagation via
the upper reaches of the atmosphere (the ionosphere) to A tracking radar differs from the search radars we have
achieve very great ranges of 300 km or more). been implicitly discussing up to now because instead of
VHF/UHF radars (frequencies of hundreds of MHz) the antenna rotating continuously it stares continuously
were among the first to be employed, and they still have at one target, moving only as required to keep the target
a use today in long-range search applications such as air within its beam. This is done so that more information
traffic control, air-route surveillance radars. It is easy to can be obtained from the single target than if the radar
generate large powers at these frequencies, but the were scanning. This extra information translates into the
antennas are still rather cumbersome, and ground reflec- precise estimates of the targets position and velocity,
tions prevent this type of system from being able to which are typically needed for fire-control applications.
detect low-elevation targets. An interesting future use of
VHF radar is for detecting stealth targets such as the B2 FMCW radar
bomber, as stealth techniques are much less effective at
these frequencies. CW radars have very simple transmitters, but in their
Following this progression upwards in frequency, the basic form they cannot measure range. Consider,
microwave bands (approximately 1-20 GHz) offer the however, the case of a stationary target, with zero
greatest promise for radar systems. Within these bands it Doppler shift, which cannot be seen by a CW radar. By
is possible to achieve reasonably high gains and narrow analogy with the process which generates the Doppler
beamwidths with relatively small antennas; the effects of shift, if, instead of the target moving, we change the
ground reflections become progressively less noticeable, transmitter frequency in a linear manner, we can in fact
and the frequencies are sufficiently low not to suffer generate a range beat which is analogous to the Doppler
excessive atmospheric attenuation. Generally, the lower beat which we get from a moving target. This is the basis
part of this band is used for long-range applications such of the frequency modulated CW (FMCW) radar. This
as search radar, and the higher part for shorter-range technique has long been used in radioaltimeters.
navigation and tracking roles. For multiple target radars, Fourier analysis is used to
Finally we come to the millimetre wave part of the process the frequency information into range informa-
spectrum, which extends from 30GHz to more than tion.
100GHz. Radars operating on these frequencies are for
specialised applications only. The major advantage is
that very narrow beamwidths (hence high angular
resolutions) are attainable using very small antennas, for
example, a typical parabolic reflector antenna would be
only 15 cm in diameter. However, it is difficult to gener-
ate RF power at these frequencies, and the attenuation
caused by the atmosphere is high, and so these radars
generally are limited to a maximum range of a kilometre
or so. Applications for millimetre wave radar include
weapons guidance, obstacle avoidance and radar
We have examined the relative merits of the whole
spectrum of frequencies that are employed in real radar
systems, but to conclude this aspect it is important to
state that at least 95% of all operational radars work in
the 1-10 GHz band, using frequencies roughly centred
around 1.5 GHz (L-band), 3 GHz (S-band), or 10 GHz
This observation is often itself used to restrict the
coverage of ESM receivers to simplify their design. In fact
about half of all radar systems operate in the X-band,
and most other threats to airborne radars are crowded in
the band 6-18 GHz, so the coverage of simple aircraft
radar warning receivers, which merely warn of direct
threats to the platform, is frequently restricted to that
Fig. 7 P I L O T F M C W navigation radar
CW radars

We have seen that high PRF radars give good MTI per- FMCW modulation is used in the new Signaal/Bofors
formance and can complicate ESM receiver design. An PILOT radar because it turns out to be very difficult for
extreme case of this would be to go to one continuous ESM systems to cope with, I mentioned earlier that high
pulse or continuous-wave (CW) transmissions. PRF radars posed problems for ESM systems, and
The earlier applications of CW radars were to give implied that the same might be true for CW radars. It is
good MTI for tracking radars. A CW radar has a perfect certainly true for FMCW radars.
ability to classify targets according to speed, by analysing The key is that the radar can integrate its CW reflec-
the Doppler shift. Also, by working out positive and ted signals coherently over the whole of the frequency
negative Doppler shifts, the received signals can be sorted sweep, thus narrowing the receiver noise bandwidth and
into approaching and receding targets. increasing its sensitivity. I mentioned above that the
6 IEE P R O C E E D I N G S , Vol. 137, PI. F , N o . I , F E B R U A R Y 1990

Authorized licensed use limited to: Teknillinen Korkeakoulu. Downloaded on May 12, 2009 at 06:44 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
ESM cannot coherently detect the radars signals and Chaff was used with devastating effect during the Second
hence it cannot narrow its bandwidths in the same World War, but its effectiveness since then has been
manner. We shall see below, in the discussion of the much reduced by the use of MTI to find the targets
PILOT radar, that this can reduce the detectability by amidst the chaff clouds since the targets are usually
something like 40 dB, and can more than compensate for moving at a different speed from the chaff. In fact the first
the radars r4 propagation losses. MTI radars were built by the Germans towards the end
One problem with CW radar is that of separating the of the Second World War as a counter to Allied chaff.
transmitted and received signals. Chaff can still be very effective, however, for short
Because the radar is transmitting and receiving simul- periods of time if used in the critical phase of an engage-
taneously, it is difficult to stop leakage of the transmitted ment as part of a sophisticated countermeasures plan in
signal swamping the targets in the receiver. Traditionally order to decoy radar-guided missiles or guns.
the transmitter has been isolated from the receiver by A more subtle approach to deceiving a tracking radar
using separate antennas. but this is not always a practical is the technique called range gate pull-off (RGPO). This
solution. Today work is being carried out on single- relies on the fact that, when most tracking radars look
antenna CW radars that adaptively cancel out the trans- for the return from the target after each pulse is trans-
mitter leakage in the receiver. This solution is used mitted, they only look over a short range interval
successfully in the PILOT radar. around the last known position of the target. This simpli-
This concludes the consideration of the design of fication is made to reduce the complexity of the sub-
radars and passive countermeasures. However, in addi- sequent processing. The range interval over which the
tion to the detection of the radars transmissions, it is
also possible to take direct actions against the radar.
Such activity is called active countermeasures, or elec- &
g& <,+:?$. ?:

tronic countermeasures (ECM).

Active countermeasures

As well as listening to the radars transmissions, the use

of active countermeasures can give away information
about the user. It can alert the radar operator to the fact
that the enemy is there, and it can also alert him to the
fact that the enemy is aware of his presence.
4-J- R x pulse

Fig. 8
Ranyr yare pull off
increase delay t o pull o f f

If the radar is a real threat either to oneself or to ones radar looks for the target is called the range gate. Range
friends, however, the disruption of its operations can gate pull-off involves retransmitting a delayed version of
often give a sufficiently great tactical advantage to over- the radar pulse to persuade the range gate to follow this
come the disadvantages. An extreme case is when the pulse rather than the true return. The actual range is nor-
platform carrying the countermeasures is under attack mally only a second-order parameter for the tracker, but,
from a missile using radar guidance, in which case it is once the range gate has been pulled off the target, the
obviously sensible to use every possible means to try to artificial target can be switched off, and the tracker will
disrupt the operation of the radar. then realise that it has lost its target.
The simplest conceptual way of jamming a radar is to The use of range gate pull-off, and the countering of
broadcast noise at it, some of which will get into the the countermeasure, is an interesting and illuminating
radars receiver and degrade its sensitivity, so that targets skirmish in the war between radar and countermeasures.
begin to be lost under the higher receiver noise level. This The simplest RGPO can be defeated by tracking the
noise jamming can sometimes be countered in turn by leading edge of the returned pulse, so that false targets
keeping some of the radars output power in reserve spe- behind the true one are ignored. The leading edge tracker
cifically to give a capability for burning through the can itself be countered by delaying the pulse by an
jamming. Noise jamming can also be countered by amount just slightly less than the radars pulse repetition
increasing the radars transmitter bandwidth forcing the interval, so that it appears before the true reflected signal
jammer also to spread his power over a wider bandwidth, associated with the next pulse.
and reducing the spectral density of the noise which he This tactic can again be countered by jittering the
can inject into the radar receiver. radars pulse repetition interval, but if the jitter is not
Jammers, and countermeasures generally, can be truly random, the RGPO can predict it and take into
divided between self-protect devices, which are designed account when determining how much delay to give the
to counter radar threats t o the same platform as that on retransmitted pulse.
which the countermeasure is mounted, and stand-off Intelligent trackers can also ignore the pull-off signal if
devices, which are designed to attack radars which pose a the genuine pulse is still present, and can reject false
threat to other friendly forces, rather than to the carrier pulses if they are too large to be the returns from a
of the countermeasures itself. genuine target. Coherent radars also force the delay
Noise jamming is the oldest countermeasure to radar. circuit to preserve the phase structure of the signal it
The second oldest, which also achieved great notoriety delays, and CW radars can further complicate the design
during the Second World War, is the use of chaff or of the delay circuit.
window to completely white out the radar picture. The most drastic countermeasure to a radar is to
Chaff consists of a great many (millions) of short pieces of attack it with a missile designed to home onto its own
metal which are resonant to the frequency of the radar to transmissions. The counter to this is to control the
be jammed. These have a very large radar reflectivity for radars emissions so that it does not transmit for long
their weight and volume, and large clouds of chaff can enough for the missile to get accurate guidance informa-
form extremely large radar targets over very large areas. tion - in short, to switch the radar off. The principle of
IEE P R O C E E D I N G S , V o l . 137, Pt. F, Nu. I , F E B R U A R Y I990 7

Authorized licensed use limited to: Teknillinen Korkeakoulu. Downloaded on May 12, 2009 at 06:44 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
the antiradiation missile (ARM) can also be used by mis- signal in order to integrate the received power coherently
siles using radar seekers, by giving them a home-on-jam over the whole sweep period of 1 ms, so that the receiver
capability, to home in onto jammers. If the jammer itself noise bandwidth is only 1 kHz. This allows the transmit-
is a stand-off jammer, however, the missile will then still
miss its target, but it then stands a t least some chance of own ship with radar other ship w i t h E S M
destroying the jammer, which may sometimes be a (target f o r r a d a r )
worthwhile aim in itself. So far, antiradiation missiles are
large and expensive devices, but the prospect of smaller,
cheaper systems will make them a threat which will need
to be considered by more types of radars.
One solution to the problem of the antiradiation awn ship radar ( F M C W or pulse)
missile is the use of bistatic radar. In bistatic radars the detects target a t 15km range

E S M detects pulse radar at > 2 5 k r n range

ESM detects FMCW radar
a t only 2 5 k r n range

Fig. 10 P I L O T range aduanruge against E S M

ted power to be reduced to 1 W. This low power level is

very dificult for ESM receivers to detect.
For example, a typical good naval tactical ESM
system on a small boat could detect PILOT at only
2.5 km range instead of the range of more than 30 km at
which it could detect a conventional radar of similar per-
formance. PILOT on the other hand could detect the
ship carrying the ESM at typically 15 km range, the same
as a typical pulse radar. The essential point, however, is
Tx RX that the ESM can detect the pulse radar before the radar
Fig. 9 Eistafir radar principle can detect the boat. This is the usual tactical situation
between ESM equipments and pulse radars. PILOT
transmitter and the receiver are separated by a distance however has reversed this. The range at which it can be
comparable to the range of the target. In use the receiver detected is now much less than that at which it can see its
would be placed where the information from the radar targets. It is truly a radar for seeing without being seen,
will be used (for example, near the anti-aircraft battery) and can be said to be tactically indetectable, in that the
and a number of cheap transmitters would be placed intercept range is sufficiently short to be tactically useless.
some distance away. An ARM would then attack the Although the main incentive for developing PILOT
transmitter, but would not harm the receiver or the anti- has been to make it difficult to detect, the use of FMCW
aircraft battery. If reserve transmitters were available at modulation has also enabled it t o have a completely
other sites, the ARM would have done no damage to solid-state transmitter at low cost and has given it
radar system. If the transmitters can be made cheaper superior range resolution to equivalent pulse radars.
than the ARMS, it will not be cost-effective to knock Although the technique has first been employed for naval
them out. Such systems also offer some immunity to surface ships, it is also very relevant to submarine and
jamming and other countermeasures techniques. The use airborne search radars.
of bistatic radar is complicated by problems of geometry Any future ESM system which tries to detect PILOT
and of synchronising the transmitter and the receiver; still cannot know the radars waveform as accurately as
such radars are therefore still in the research phase but the radars own receiver does, and must therefore operate
are an exciting idea offering a new degree of flexibility to in a noise bandwidth equal to the radars transmitter
the radar designer. bandwidth of 50 MHz, rather than in its receiver band-
width of 1 kHz. The ratio between these two bandwidths,
The PILOT radar 50000:1, means that the ESM will never regain all the
advantage it has lost to the radar with the invention of
From ideas still in the research phase we can move to an PILOT.
example of a radar, designed specifically as a new
advance in the To see and not be seen battle, which has Philips channelised receiver ESM system
recently moved from research, through development and
into production. The state of the art in ESM receivers can similarly be
This is the Signaal/Bofors PlLOT FMCW tactical illustrated by the Philips channelised receiver which is
naval radar. PILOT has been designed using FMCW currently being developed by PRL and MEL. Channel-
transmissions primarily because its waveform is very ised receivers are used to measure the frequency of trans-
badly mismatched to current ESM receivers. missions by monitoring simultaneously contiguous
PILOT makes use of the ease with which FMCW frequency slots. These slots are carefully chosen to cover
radars can use frequency agility, and spreads its signals fully a band or bands of interest. A typical receiver
over a bandwidth of up to 50MHz. Its receiver however intended for radar monitoring might consist of 100 chan-
can make optimal use of its knowledge of the transmitted nels covering a total of 1 GHz. Utilising in-channel pro-
8 I E E PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 137, P t . F , N o . I . F E B R U A R Y 1990

Authorized licensed use limited to: Teknillinen Korkeakoulu. Downloaded on May 12, 2009 at 06:44 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
cessing means that frequency is measureable down to a (iv) fast time-domain response to detect short pulses
1 MHz resolution. The channelised approach gives rise to (v) good adjacent-channel frequency selection
a number of very significant advantages. Above all else it (vi) good signal processing (one report out for one
signal in)
PRL has pioneered a new approach to frequency chan-
nelisation based on the use of single chip radio-receiver
techniques to include all the above features. This solution
provides better performance at lower cost than acousto-
optic and SAW frequency channelisers, which have
achieved only modest dynamic range over limited band-
widths even after many years of development. In addition
to the fundamental performance advantages, the single
chip approach provides a neat, fully integratable, cost-
effective and reliable solution.

70 time, ps
Fig. 11 Pulse response ofparollel channels of channelised receivers
Transients are removed in subsequent processing Of course neither PILOT nor the channelised receiver
can be the end of our battle between seeing and being
makes frequency measurement possible in high density, seen, since as each advance is made in either radar or
high dynamic range and high data rate environments countermeasures, so it is itself countered. But we have
where conventional one-signal-at-a-time systems would also seen that things never quite go back to where they
fail. Another, related, advantage is that they are equally started from. In the case of PILOT for example, the ESM
at home with CW or near CW signals, and can handle will never be able to regain all it has lost, and any
pulse and CW signals simultaneously with no loss of attempts to counter PILOT will raise the cost of ESM
data. A good channelised receiver must have the follow- systems substantially, whereas PILOT itself is essentially
ing features: a low-cost system, so that here the forces of economics
(i) low cost per channel are, for once, very much on the side of the radar. On the
(ii) low intermodulation distortion to avoid spurious other hand, where the platform is of higher value, the
response channelised receiver represents a real advance over exist-
(iii) high dynamic range ing ESM systems.

IEE PROCEEDINGS, V o l . 137, Pf.F , N o . I , FEBRUARY 1990 9

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