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Summer 2010 Volume III

Cover Story:
Free Subscription
McQueen Universal Ministries - Summer 2010

astor Michael C. McQueen and As-

sociate Pastor Annmarie McQueen
have been ministering together since
November 1993, when they took over
leadership of Faith Ministries Inter-
national, Bamberg Germany. They
have been married for 29 years and
have three lovely children together,
Michelle 28, Michael, Jr., 25, and Mi-
guel 11 years of age.

The family had been on the mission field in Germany for 17 years,
with Pastor Michael serving as the senior pastor and Annmarie as the
associate pastor; until the family relocated to the US in July 2006.
They have continued to minister in Germany and Europe.

Pastor Michael is an ordained Elder in the Pentecostal Assemblies of

the World Inc. and a strong advocate of the Apostles doctrine which
he preaches and teaches under the anointed power of Jesus. He has
received a Associates degree in Biblical Studies from ICI University.
He is a veteran of the First Persian Gulf War, where he served as a

Pastor Annmarie is an anointed teacher and preacher of the Gospel

of Jesus Christ and holds a theological degree in Christian Education
as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in ISM, and a Master of Edu-
cation degree. Pastor Annmarie has been ministering the Word of
God as the Spirit gives utterance for over 25 years, is the author of
three books, and travels throughout Europe and the United States as
well as in Africa, preaching the Word of God and teaching His truth,
crossing cultural, educational, economical, and denominational lines,
and always doing those things that please the Father.

Together, they are committed to healing the broken-hearted, to

preach deliverance to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind,
and to set at liberty them that are bruised, and to leading God’s peo-
ple into victory living in spite of the obstacles.

Table of Contents
Cover Story:
“Manifestation of sonship”
Interview with Michelle McQueen by
Evangelist Donnett Ekwerike
Page 24

by Pastor Annmarie McQueen Page 8

2010 Prophetic Insight

by Pastor Annmarie McQueen Page 4

The Leader’s Voice: DESTINY

by Elder Derrick Carter Page 14

“We Heard the Voice of God”

Recap: 2009 Making A Difference Conference
by Heike Zilly Page 20

Fasting Can Change Your Life

by Minister Pearletta Johnny-Williams Page 6

A Pattern of Peace
by Michelle McQueen Page 32

How Belief Systems Affect Your Faith

by Minister Diana Roberts Page 29

Editorial Team

Publisher/Editor-in-Chief: Pastor Annmarie McQueen

Editorial Staff: Diana Roberts, Donnett Ekwerike,
Michelle McQueen, and Anke Stoye
4 McQueen Universal Ministries - Summer 2010

Prophetic Insight for 2010

by Pastor Annmarie McQueen

It is our time now. It is time for the sons of God to

manifest. The Word of God tells us that the whole
earth is groaning for the manifestation of the sons of
God. Why? Why is the earth groaning? Because,
with the problems the world is facing today, only
sons of God can bring real change. Many are calling
for change today. Change from what? Change from
the mess that has been made by man trying to do
what only God can do.

God designed this world to be run and operated by

His sons. Gen. 1:26-28. When man fell and lost his
connection to God, he was on his own. Now because
of Jesus, we have been reconciled and reconnected to
God. It is only now that we are equipped to run this
planet. Proverbs 16:25 tells us that there is a way
that seems right to man, but the end thereof are the

WAYS of death. This is the reason we are facing what

we are facing in our world today. Man has done
things his way. Now it is time to do it God's
way. Prov. 3:5-6 tells us that we should trust in the
Lord with all our hearts and not to lean on our own
understanding. In all our ways we are to acknowl-
edge Him and He will direct our paths. It is time for
us all to allow Almighty God to lead us through Jesus
Christ our Lord.

Only sons of God, those who have received Jesus (Jn.

1:12), can truly be led of the Lord. We, the sons of
God, must arise and allow the Lord to work through
us. We have the light that this dark world needs. We
have the life that the world seeks through medical
means, and we have the revelation the world seeks to
bring about change. It is time for the sons of God to

With wars and rumors of war, earthquakes, floods,

volcano eruptions, famines, and everything else that
the world is facing, only a son knows what the Father
is saying. Only a son can hear the Father clearly
enough to make godly decisions. It takes a son. Sons
of God, arise! It is time for the manifestation of son-
Let all women be comforted as I close-God
has male sons and female sons - Selah.
Galatians 3:28 +
6 McQueen Universal Ministries - Summer 2010

I greet you in the wonderful Name of Jesus. It is my honor to be

able to write this article on behalf of the people in Barbados who
has been blessed by the January Fast 2009 and beyond. For me
personally, life will never, ever be the same. I’ve always read
my Bible as it was the right thing to do as a Christian. I would
take my devotional and read the suggested passage and the les-
son and pray. This was my life. However, after returning from
Germany in December 2008, and getting the e-mail about the
fast, my first reaction was 'WOW!' Is this for real? NO MEAT,
SUGAR, FLOUR, SODA ETC. I wondered, was this humanly pos-
sible? I then decided to share it with some of my friends. After
much thought, I said, with the help of the Lord, I would try and I
would make it. Then the Week One lesson came—with a lot of
Bible reading. It was another 'WOW' moment. I asked myself
whether I would really be able to read all of this with my sched-
ule. But there was just something welling up on the inside of me
to do it!

As we began on the first week, we decided on our weekly menu

so that it would be easier for us, and thus the journey started.
As the weeks progressed, the temptation to break the fast grew
less and less, the love for God’s Word increased. When we saw
each other or talked on the phone, it was all about the
Word. The revelations grew greater and greater. We were now
consumed with our study, we endeavored to stay up-to-date

which meant less sleep and taking whatever breaks we could

during the day to catch up. It was really exciting and, of course,
there was the benefit of losing those pounds. I myself lost thirty
pounds in that month. Our bodies felt clean and we had a burst
of energy that we never had before. Our strength and confi-
dence in God had grown by leaps and bounds and we were tak-
ing authority over situations that had been holding us captive.

For me personally, the fast has helped me in dealing with my

mother, who was diagnosed with breast cancer early in the year
2009. After having her first chemo, we were all expecting the
worst. We knew what the regular side effect could be, but then
the Holy Spirit began speaking to me. I declared to my mother
that in Jesus name she was not going to be sick and that she
would not be vomiting. She was already very frail and could not
afford to bring up what she didn’t have. I write here to all you
readers to let you know that my mother has had six bouts of
chemo and has not thrown up, not even once. Hallelujah! Glory
be to His Name! She is up and about and celebrated her 65th
birthday on March 05, 2010. Praise the Lord!

This fast has gotten us hooked on the Word, and thus we made
a request to continue with God’s Word, which Pastor Annmarie
has obliged to do. And so we thank God today that I have now
shared the fast with people from the various Caribbean island,
e.g. St. Vincent, Barbados, Grenada, Antigua and they in turn
have shared it with others—so that only eternity will reveal the
magnitude of this study. We are all blessed and count it a privi-
lege to be able to be a part of this work and study program. Our
lives will never be the same again.

Our walk with God is moving from glory to glory, new levels are
being reached, gifts are being stirred up and people are now
flowing in ministry. There is so much, but we share this for now.
On behalf of all of us from the beautiful island of Tobago and the
rest of the Caribbean we say, THANK YOU AND MAY GOD
CONTINUE TO BLESS, Pastor Annmarie and the McQueen Uni-
versal Ministry.
In His Service
Pearletta Johnny-Williams
8 McQueen Universal Ministries - Summer 2010

This is an excerpt from the book :

written by Pastor Annmarie McQueen


because of the March 20 Ey- Once we arrived in Amster-

jafjallajoekull volcanic erup- dam, Holland on Tuesday,
tion, which sent a cloud of ash April 20, there were long lines
through the skies and airways and frantic people. I found
myself in the lobby entrance
of Europe. However, it was
of one of the largest airports in
only on Thursday, April 15,
Europe. It was full of people--
2010, that it really began af- soldiers, attendants and every-
fecting the lives of people. No one else. I was told the air-
man was able to control it. All ways over Germany were
man could do was stay away closed and no flights would be
from it, literally. Almost all leaving that day. Hotels were
major airports in Europe were booked so we had to resort to
shut down. Millions of euros sleeping in the airport. I
were lost. Europeans who had found a good spot, plugged
travelled from everywhere my phone in and sat down to
were stuck. listen to the Word, read my
Bible and entertain myself.
Anke was able to book me a
flight to Frankfurt, Germany.
There were no flights going
into Europe for
I later changed this flight to
days. Americans and others in Nuremberg, Germany, to get
Europe could not leave Europe closer to home and because I
to go back home because, of felt unsure. After a while, I
course, no flights were leaving saw the attendants for the
Europe. A few hours earlier, Frankfurt plane go by.
at JFK Airport in New
York, nobody but those
that were willing to fly to
Amsterdam, Holland,
ONLY were allowed to
fly out. I was able to
board my originally
scheduled flight into Am-
sterdam, not knowing
how I would get home to
Germany from there.
10 McQueen Universal Ministries - Summer 2010

where there was absolutely no

one. I walked and prayed. I
thought of the Jericho wall and
began to shout out loud. I
shouted long and hard. I
shouted until I felt a release in
my spirit. I knew something
was happening. I began to de-
clare a few things. I declared,
"In the name of Jesus, the skies
Photo: Schiphol Airport over Germany will open up. I
will not be held hostage in any
"Oh," I thought. "Maybe I situations. I am free; I am a
should not have changed my son of God. I am not subject to
flight from Frankfurt to Nur- these earthly bounda-
emberg. Did I make a mis- ries. Plane, you will go in the
take? Oh Lord, what have I
morning. I will not take the
done?!" I talked to myself, en-
train for seven or eight hours."
couraged myself. "Don’t be
fearful. If you are in fear, your
faith will not work. Be strong,
believe." My fear had caused
me to not stay with the Frank-
furt flight. For a moment, I
was operating in fear instead of

All of a sudden I was up-

set. "You can’t do this to me,
you devil. I will not stand for
this delay any longer. I am a
child of God, I am a son of
God, I have authority and I will
use it." I began to walk, going
where the Spirit of the Lord led
me. I ended up in a hallway
Photo: Schiphol Airport

I repented for not praying this times. He told me that what-

prayer earlier. I repented for ever happened, I should not be
allowing the enemy to waste overwhelmed but trust Him. I
24 hours of my time. I trusted wondered what was coming up
and believed that God would in my life why I needed such
call upon my angels to blow words. Then I heard about the
away the ash over Germany volcano and that airports were
and I declared that my plane closed. I was at my mother’s
would go in the morning, not house at the time. She does
in the afternoon of the next not have access to CNN news
day. I declared, "All princi- or anything much in her small
palities and powers in this town of Amsterdam, New
situation are now subject to me York. She was not really
for I am a son of God and I watching much TV as she was
have authority over you." I not well and I was too busy
went on like this for forty-five caring for her. We did not get
minutes. It was done. I knew the "breaking news" like others
it. I felt the release. The Spirit did. That night I had prayed all
moved on me to write all of it. night. I was not sure why I
needed to stay up and pray but
I did and got the word from
WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? Nahum. When I got the news,
I remembered what the Lord
Does this all mean any- had said to me. I was calm and
thing? Was it just a volcanic sure. I walked through the en-
eruption, a natural disaster, no tire process rather calmly. I
big deal? I think not. I believe saw the favor on my life and
this situation had meaning and the open doors.
should not be ignored. My
mother put it this way, "War in The Spirit led me to under-
the heavenlies." stand that there would come
painfully difficult times, yet
The Lord led me to Nahum we, who are His, should not be
1. I read it over and over. He overwhelmed but TRUST.
told me to remember that He
knew exactly where I was at all
12 McQueen Universal Ministries - Summer 2010

There would be times when talked about those who bring

things would happen that NO the Gospel. The powers are
MAN would be able fix or al- trying to stop free transport of
ter, but we, the sons of God, the word. He is trying to put
should TRUST AND RISE fear into travelers. He knows
UP AND CHANGE what we the scripture that Jesus will
are led to change. We, the return when the Word is pub-
sons of God, do not have to be lished in all places. The en-
subject to every evil plot or emy is the prince of the pow-
wicked device released upon ers of the air and he has been
the earth because of sin. We working to take preachers off
can and should live above the the airways and put on more
circumstances of the and more of his stuff.
times. The volcano was only
one example of what could
happen over and over again; Watch and pray, we have
only supernatural intervention been commanded to do this.
would alter it. Would this Pay attention, my sister, my
force the nations to their knees brother, the enemy will do
or into chaos and fear? anything to stop our voices. I
could say more but I will stop
The enemy is using fear to here.
control people. The fear of Pastor Annmarie McQueen,
the unknown or the supernatu- son of God
ral or the spectacular is all
around us, but we must not
be moved by what we hear
or see. I say, It is time for
nations and people to sub-
mit and admit that there is a
higher power and that there
is ONE greater than
man. In this situation man
was paralyzed.

Could something like this

be used to stop the Gospel
from going from America
to Europe or anywhere else
in the world? Nahum Photo: Annmarie on the flight home

Receive encouragement, strength

and enlightenment while reading
this faith shaking account. To cap-
ture this exciting and soul-searching
God encounter, get your copy of the
latest book by Pastor Annmarie
McQueen, “I Was There!” Coming
out fall of 2010.

‘Wisdom From Above’ with your host, Pastor Annmarie. Tune in and hear the
sound teachings on a daily basis that can literally save your life! Glean over and
over again in God’s time-tested wisdom. ‘Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by
the word of God.’ Romans 10:17 Listen, apply and then go forth in what you will
hear from this podcast. Over 60 short lessons available for you to enjoy.

For Cds contact:

14 McQueen Universal Ministries - Summer 2010

Written by Elder Derrick Carter

The Bible speaks in Ecclesiastes 9:2 that ―All share a common

destiny-the righteous and the wicked, the good and the bad, the
clean and the unclean, those who offer sacrifices and those who
do not…‖ (NIV).

Destiny is predetermined, often based on our actions which set in

motion our end. In Genesis after the fall of man, God put into
place a predetermined course to return man back to him-
self. Genesis 3:15 was prophetic in that it announced the end of
the power of Satan and set in motion the redemptive plan of God.

In the beginning God had a destiny for man which first started
with Adam, who was given four clear and distinct ―Destiny‖ direc-
tives which we find in the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

Genesis 2:15 – ―...God took the man, and put him into
the garden to dress it and keep it‖
Genesis 2:17 – ―…the tree of the knowledge Good and
Evil thou shalt not eat..thou shalt surely die‖
Genesis 2:24 – ―Therefore shall and man leave his
Father and Mother, and shall cleave unto his wife:
and they shall become one flesh‖
Genesis 1:28 – ―…Be fruitful, and multiply and replen-
ish the earth‖

From the very beginning God has set in motion a place for us to
begin and end our relationship with him. This motion that God
began looks past where we are now and speaks to our future-–
Destiny. If we look at Genesis 1:28, God gives a clear mandate

of destiny which is to be fruitful and multiply and the purpose of

that is to replenish the earth. As we look at the Bible, it estab-
lishes his Word by defining the Destiny that he has for us.

In order to fully understand destiny, you must understand respon-

sibility. Responsibility requires us to be accountable and trust-
worthy. In the beginning God trusted Adam to build a family ac-
cording to his Word to be fruitful and multiply and to stay away
from the evil thing. This theme is carried even today; the two ba-
sic principles of God as it relates to our destiny are (1) seeding
into the lives of those around us and (2) being fruitful and multi-
plying. This multiplication was not only in the physical, but in the
New Testament was strongly driven by the spiritual. We were
developed to seed into the lives of those around us: our destiny is
to aid, watch and strengthen our families so that they grow into
the image of God and understand the power of God in their life.

Some people say, ―You don't control

your destiny‖. I disagree - because
everything that you do and everything
that you say speaks to the position in
your life and your future in Christ.

Your destiny is driven by your words,

your thoughts and your actions. When
God spoke to Adam, his destiny was
not only to work in the Garden of
Eden, but also to live within everything
that God had provided. However, his
actions changed his destiny and his
relationship with God. How many of
you have by your very words or ac-
tions changed your destiny in your
life. Some things you wish you would had never have said or
some things you wish you had never done. But in the end you
said it and you did it, and, because of those words and actions,
the course of your life was changed. However, his actions
changed his destiny and his relationship with God. How many of
you have by your very words or actions changed your destiny in
your life. Some things you wish you would had never have said
or some things you wish you had never done. But in the you
16 McQueen Universal Ministries - Summer 2010

said it and you did it, and, because of those words and actions,
the course of your life was changed. The family of God is built
upon the words and actions of the people of God. We are
planters and tillers of the Garden of God. Our destiny and our
hope in the end is to reign with God for all eternity.
In the book of Philippians chapter 3:17-20 it reads, ―…
Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them
which walk so as ye have us for an ensample. 18(For
many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell
you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the
cross of Christ: 19Whose end is destruction, whose God
is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who
mind earthly things.) 20For our conversation is in
heaven; from whence also we look for the Savior, the
Lord Jesus Christ:
You are to be an example unto man. Your conversation should
show the love of Christ and His operation in your life. Your
destiny, if you live in Christ, is to reign with Him in glory. The
Bible speaks clearly of those who, by choice of words and ac-
tions, disregarded the love and the calling of Christ upon their
life. As the family of God operating under the power of God,
you have a choice to reign with Him in glory or to follow the fate
that leads to eternal damnation. God loves the family, He loves
the man and He loves the woman.
In the final observation, the greatest and most important rela-
tionship that we can ever have is that we are in the body of
Christ and, because of this relationship, we feel and experience
God's love. The Bible states in St John 3:16 -
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but
have everlasting life.

Love is God, the people of God are made in the image of God,
and therefore our destiny for life in Christ is to love yourself,
love your wife, love your husband, love your children and love
the people whom Christ brings in your life.
Your destiny by design is life; let your choice be life and not
death. Your Destiny depends on your choice.
18 McQueen Universal Ministries - Summer 2010
20 McQueen Universal Ministries - Summer 2010

This conference truly made a difference. Those who really got

into it, went home changed. Over and over again, the table was
richly laid and everybody could go there and help them-
selves. For me, Friday night served as a great opportunity to
meet with God. Everyone honored our great God in their own
way: out loud or softly, in the dance, dedicating themselves to
Him. There was time and room for everybody. This intensive time
spent with Him served as a cleansing for the following two days.

Friday night’s upper room service.


Saturday and Sunday

were filled with teach-
ing sessions. Elder
Derrick Carter took us
with him, showing us
his passionate life for
and with Jesus. "Man
was made as a by-
Elder Derrick Carter accompanied by Anke Stoye product of creation",
interpreting in the German language.
we learned. God's
glory created a FAMILY. Now, we can work the root soil all over
the world. By prayer, fasting and giving, we can sow seed into
the ground so that fruit can develop. All form part of the 'whole
thing'. Everybody has their position and everyone is important as
they give themselves to Him and serve Him.
The question and answer session with Pastor Annmarie was
handled so very personally, that every single solitary woman was
touched in the depth of her soul. All of the leaders, male and fe-
male alike, took a
lot of questions
home with them.
Brother Derrick's
were very plain:
What do my rela-
tionships look
like? How much of
the world can come
i n t o m y Pastor Annmarie McQueen and Anke.
22 McQueen Universal Ministries - Summer 2010

Photos: CVJM-Lebenshaus Schloss Unteröwisheim

I was fascinated because I met so many brethren with different

backgrounds. No matter the nationality, we have the same Fa-
ther, the same foundation - which made it possible to have quite
involved direct conversations, even though a language barrier
had to be overcome. The weekend was so good for me. This
very intense time together was embedded in the ambience of the
YMCA Castle in the town of Unteröwisheim where we were pam-
pered with good food as well. There are countless reasons to
join us for the 12th Annual Conference from December 3-5, 2010
24 McQueen Universal Ministries - Summer 2010

by Evangelist Donnett Ekwerike

This is the first in a series of profiles featuring the staff of

McQueen Universal Ministries (MUM). Fittingly, we will begin
with Michelle McQueen, daughter of Pastors Michael and
Annmarie McQueen, secretary for MUM. Just like Jesus declared
the Father to us, Michelle is an extension of her mother; there-
fore, this is a firsthand example of the manifestation of the sons
of God.

Michelle holds a Bachelor‘s degree in Political and International

Studies, with a Minor in German, and a Master‘s in International
Relations. She is currently active in several areas of ministry,
including liturgical dance, Choir, children‘s ministry, and outreach
to the homeless.
The Bible says:
Train a child in the way he should go, and when
he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

Meet Michelle McQueen:

Train up a child: A godly heritage

You are the daughter of a very anointed man and woman of

God. How has that uniquely prepared you to live out your
life’s passion?

My parents were attending church before I was born. The pastor

and wife of my parent‘s church were like my grandparents. My
parents had a close relationship with them. My mother had pow-
erful friends. I always had prayer warriors and great people of
influence around me. The decision my parents made to live in
Germany was the best decision they made in my life. I grew up
in an environment with few friends and very little distractions. My
parents taught me how to have fun with what God has put inside
of me.

My family‘s ministry grew, esp. my mother‘s. I watched my

mother closely. She prayed all the time. There were times in the
car, she‘ll start speaking in tongues for no apparent reason.
Everyday before going to school and every night before going to
bed my brothers and I were carefully prayed for. I can still feel
my father‘s firm hand on my forehead. We even prayed before
driving anywhere in the car. With my parent‘s love and shelter I
learned that Jesus was the only way anybody could survive.
Any other way was pointless to me. I learned to love the Lord. I
easily read the Word night and day because I loved the Word. I
knew my mom loved the Word, too. Sometimes I would read the
Word to her as she went to sleep. Knowing that my mom loved
the Word and I loved the Word made me feel closer to her and
the Lord at the same time. She let the Lord raise me. She kept
me from going too far to the right or to the left, kept me on the
straight and narrow. She showed me how to delight myself in
the Lord. By the time I went off to college, I was well-
prepared for life and its challenges. My college was very far
away and everything I had been taught had to suddenly be put
to practice. I had to acknowledge God in all my ways for Him to
direct my paths. I also learned that living for God was not my
parent‘s religion but the only way I was going to survive college
or better, life itself!
26 McQueen Universal Ministries - Summer 2010

As Michelle grew in God and experienced different things, her

journey of self discovery unfolded.

Finding her own path.

What is your passion and when did you discover what you
wanted to do with your life?

While growing up, my family took their fun by fellowshipping with

the brethren no matter how far away they were. We would travel
to different countries in Europe just to be with the brethren. I saw
smiling faces everywhere! I fell in love with all the countries, cul-
tures and people we visited. That very same love has grown. By
the time I had to choose my major for college, I knew it had to be
something international. I took a course named ―Political and
International Studies‖ and loved every minute of it. Many of my
college assignments had to do with foreign aid and humanitarian
rights. Over time during this course I learned that my heart was
to help and share Jesus with as many people as I could all
around the world.

My second passion is worship. My parents are worshippers.

They love to sing, dance and play instruments. My brothers and
I naturally picked up our inheritances. My mother is a praise
leader, my father is a keyboardist and bass player, my brother is
an accomplished drummer and I naturally worship in the art of
singing, dancing and piano playing from the age of 7. My par-
ents encouraged each of my gifts all the way. I could see their
genuine love for what I did. They taught me how to use these
gifts in its purest form for God. And today this is where I thrive
and use it to God‘s glory.

Walking the path in the here and now...

So, are you living your passion at the moment?

Well, there are still many visions and dreams I still look forward
to accomplishing in my life. I am living it to a degree by helping

the homeless. In the way of worship, I am still singing and danc-

ing. However, right now I am helping my parents in ministry. So I
am not fully engaged in doing all the things I want to do.
I've tried to push some doors open but they have not
opened, yet. One of the doors I am waiting to open, is the door
to governmental employment. I desire to work in governmental
education and help make decisions about children‘s education on
a more impactful level. I am currently doing mission work right
here in my city but I also really look forward to travelling and do-
ing ‗hands-on‘ mission work abroad. I believe with God‘s power,
it can be done. God has given me health, strength, worship abil-
ity and a willingness to give it to the those in need all over the

Michelle discovered very early in life that relying on the Word of

God establishes us to stand in the midst of any circumstance.

Living the Word...

Do you have a scripture that you live by?

The example I follow is in Ezekiel 47:12: “Fruit trees of all kinds

will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither,
nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear, because the
water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for
food and their leaves for healing.” NIV
28 McQueen Universal Ministries - Summer 2010

God has called me to be a fruitful tree. No matter what season I

am in, I pray that Jesus always finds fruit in me to eat from—to
help someone. There will always be different seasons, but when
God calls me, I will be ready. I grew up in the sanctuary; the fruit
that is growing off of me will be meat for others. My prayer is that
people will find fruit and be able to eat from me-to find comfort
and strength. My prayer is that my leaves will be medicine to
heal people and God will be pleased.

Fruit that lasts: leaving and building a legacy

Michelle, what do you want people to remember most about
you? Do you attempt to share or impart those values to oth-

When people think of me, I want them to think of God‘s unselfish

love. I aim to think of others before myself, all the time. As far as
sharing my core values, going to college taught me that my right and
wrong is not everyone else‘s right and wrong. I don‘t impose my val-
ues but I aim to plant God‘s Word, then let God give the increase.
I‘ve learned that not everybody sees God as the only solution as I
do. I stand my ground, though, and let God use me as His light to
help others to apply His goodness to their life, just as He does in
mine. I aim to let God‘s power manifest through me, His daughter!

Your belief system is the set of principles from which you live
your daily life, those which govern your thoughts, words, and ac-
tions. Believe it or not, who we are, how we act, and what we
believe is defined by our belief systems. Faith which comes from
God is the substance and vehicle used to manifest our beliefs.
Many of God‘s children have learned to completely trust Him.
They are known by the manifestation of God‘s love in them that
brings Christ-like change to the lives of everyone around them.
Furthermore, they are known by their refusal to relinquish or
compromise the God-given peace, contentment, and harmony
produced by their total surrender to Him. In contrast, many be-
lievers fail to realize their lack of joy, peace, and self control, etc.
is because of a belief system that is contaminated, and infiltrated
by the world and the enemy of our soul.

Factors which control our belief system can be those put in place
by the parents who raised you—that is people, both dead and
alive, whom we have allowed to voice opinions, speak life and
death into our history, our inheritance, and our present state of
being. These results can be both positive and negative depend-
ing on what we have chosen to adapt as life principles. Then, as
these same principles are played out in our everyday lives, they
contagiously affect and infect everyone around us. The seed can
be carried into future generations.

Matthew 12:33 Either make the tree sound (healthy and

good), and its fruit sound (healthy and good), or make the tree
rotten (diseased and bad), and its fruit rotten diseased and
bad); for the tree is known and recognized and judged by its
fruit. Amplified Bible

How you obtain your visions, dreams, desires, imaginations, both

good and bad, are filtered through your belief systems. Every-
one is controlled by their individual belief system. We under-
stand the word of God is TRUTH, however, there is a dark, de-
ceiving counterfeit which is as real as you allow it to become.
30 McQueen Universal Ministries - Summer 2010

The motive of your outcome of success or failure comes to life

through your belief system. For us, as true believers, it is para-
mount that our belief system is saturated and led by God and
God alone. Know that anything else in charge breeds corruption.
There must be a singleness of mind. Moreover, double-
mindedness, being wishy-washy and unstable is the work of the
enemy because it breeds ineffectiveness. God gives restful
peace, discipline and a sound mind.

Some belief systems are laced with emotional baggage, often fed
by dark fantasies, bitterness, hatred, and rehearsed thoughts of
revenge. Many immature judgments are made which become
bitter roots causing a hardness of the heart. This not only
freezes the heart in place, it freezes these thought patterns in
time. These belief systems are time-stealing distractions which
delay and mislead us, deterring us from completely capturing
God‘s abundant, wholesome peace. They are blinding us from
our God-given destiny and purpose, rendering us paraplegic in
His service and ministry.

Romans 12:2 Don‘t copy the behavior and the customs of this
world, but let God transform you into a new person by chang-
ing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants
you to do and you will know how good and pleasing and per-
fect his will really is. NLT

Many believers unknowingly are often stuck not knowing how to

gain deliverance. These are the very systems which control our
hearts and minds. They are firmly supported by our emotions and
manifested by our will. The question here is, ―Do I truly under-
stand and fully recognize in whom I have placed my faith?‖ The
voices of dark belief systems are often hidden and still secret to
the conscious mind, yet physically played out by the subcon-

In reality, the fear of exposure and the fear of change are the
mind-cement which anchors these false belief systems securely
in the psyche, heart and continued behavior. Worldwide human
secularism has conditioned us to believe lies - such as pleasing
ourselves first. This independent attitude is limiting at best, leav-
ing everyone who participates isolated from dependence on the
true and living God. People are abusing their God-given faith to
live in sin, instead of using the same faith to overcome sin.

They are frozen in their past, like words

chiseled in stone, and they are consumed
by fiery trials instead of being purified and
proven by them.

The mistakes many make is that they

misuse the strength of their belief system by believing wrong
things. The mistake lies in our lack of the reverence for God,
commitment in reading His Word, and then hiding His Word in
our hearts! In the body of Christ, this short-coming is most detri-
mental to spiritual growth and awareness, and our overall well-
being. We must with the whole-heart, mind, body and soul, have
faith, trust, and confidence in God. This is the only line of de-
fense to overcoming this common, yet blinding pitfall. We can
renew our minds by believing and receiving God‘s word:

Philippians 4:4-8 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again:

Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is
near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by
prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests
to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all under-
standing, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Je-
sus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble,
whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, what-
ever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think
about such things. NLT

Friendship and fellowship with Christ; it is the only way to faith-

fully stand as kingdom ambassadors and kingdom builders. It is
part of ―Let your kingdom come, let your will be done in earth”,
which must our hearts! Thanks be to
God, He ―IS‖ the answer if we are willing to change, whether sin-
ner or saint. It is the ultimate goal of every believer to please the
Father! The Word declares, ―Without faith, it is impossible to
please God‖. Not just with any kind of faith, but with gloriously
weighty faith that is directed towards God, who is righteous, holy
and just. Therefore, we must examine ourselves carefully, with
utmost urgency, always measuring our faith weight against the
Word of God. When Christ returns for His church, we can only
be connected by the powerful substance called FAITH.
Written by Minister Diana Roberts
32 McQueen Universal Ministries - Summer 2010

Back in August 2009, the Lord began to talk to me about

peace. He gave me Ephesians 6:15. I researched how important peace
is and how I could apply it more vividly in my life. About two days
later, I was sitting in a prayer service and the preacher opened up the
service with Ephesians 6:15. My ears perked up!! The person ex-
plained and explained the verse, much of which I had already discov-
ered in my research but then the preacher said, “Peace, means to be at
ONE with God.” I was floored. I knew that this is what God was try-
ing to get across to me. My lack of peace was due to my lack of coop-
erating with His Will. I was using way too much of my own natural
reasoning in life's questions. I began to meditate on this definition.
During our January 2010 fast, God brought me back to this topic of
“Peace”. He showed it to me in church messages, in dreams and
throughout the whole fast. I had to listen.

MY CHILD, BE SURE IN ME.: God was teaching me

about being sure in HIM. Many times I would second guess my deci-
sions not sure if what I just did was God's will. Confusion would set
in easily and I would start looking to see if somebody could help me
figure out what direction I should go. I would always find myself at a
crossroads in life and not knowing what to do. Every way seemed like
the right way, or the wrong way. God started to show me that I needed
to get closer to HIM so that I could clearly see and know what HIS
will for me is.

I started to confess: In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust: let me never be

put to confusion. Ps 71:1, The city of confusion is broken down, I will
not be broken down but stand strong on God's Word. Is 24:10a and,
God is simple, Satan is complicated. I am of God and not of the carnal
realm. 2 Cor. 11:3. God said to me: Stand in the ways (crossroads),
and see,...where is the good way, and walk therein, and you will find
rest for your soul. - And I confessed that I would walk therein!! God
continued: Also, I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the
sound of the trumpet. - And I confessed: I will walk therein!!
Jeremiah 6:16-17. He said on His path there would be watchmen
guarding and protecting me so I had nothing to fear once I was on
HIS path. The Lord was maturing me for the many decisions I
would make in the future and indeed I have made many since the fast.
Since then God miraculously has given me a sound mind to be at
peace with the decisions He allows me to make everyday.
34 McQueen Universal Ministries - Summer 2010
Recognize the Oneness be- learned, received, heard and saw.
tween Jesus and the Fa- Jesus said it was the Father in HIM
that was doing the works, as the Fa-
ther: Jesus was our divine exam- ther gives HIM commandment, so
ple on earth. He pleased the Father. HE did!! (John 12:50, 14:10, 31)
With all HIS purity and wisdom HE Jesus learned from His Father, He
still did everything the Father told received from His Father, listened to
HIM to do. No one else on this earth His Father and watched His Father.
is purer than Jesus who was born by God wants us to be so at one with
a virgin, yet He still said whatever HIM, just like Jesus was, so that
the Father told HIM to say and went when it comes time to do what He
wherever the Father told HIM to go. calls us to do, we JUST DO IT!!!
John 5:19-21. The Father was in
Jesus and Jesus was in the Father.
John 10:38 If you saw Jesus, you
saw the Father. He is the Light of MY SON PRAYED FOR
the world. John 12:45-46. Jesus YOU: One of the first things I
showed us how to be at ONE with learned in this research was how
the Father. Just do what He did. He Jesus prayed that we would be at
was teaching me how to represent one with HIM, just as He and the
HIM on this earth. To be at PEACE Father is. “...Holy Father, keep
with HIM and the Father. With this through thine own name those whom
fellowship people will see God in thou hast given me, that they may be
me and be drawn to worship HIM, one, as we are....That they may be
just like in Moses' day. Ex 33:9-16. one; as thou, Father, art in me, and
I in thee, that they also may be one
in us:...And the glory which thou
gavest me I have given them; that
JUST DO IT!!!: Jesus con- they may be one, even as we are
fessed that whatever the Father one:...I in them, and thou in me, that
speaks, so HE spoke. God's Word may be made perfect in one; and
orders us to be speak as oracles of that the world may know that thou
God and to minister through His hast sent me, and hast loved them,
ability. God has commanded us to as thou hast loved me:” John 17:11,
prophesy on this earth. Reflect 20-23
Heaven on earth. Those things,
which ye have both learned, and Jesus did not count me out even
received, and heard, and seen in me, though I was born in sin. As soon as
DO IT!!: and the God of PEACE I was born again, He included me in
shall be with you. Philippians 4:9 In His Group!! The Father, The Son
order to do what I have learned – and the Holy Ghost – which lives in
God has to be my Teacher. In order side of me.1 John 5:7 God showed
to receive, God has to be your me to walk with HIM and to talk
Giver. In order to hear, you have to with HIM because Jesus prayed that
be listening. In order to see, you I be at one with HIM. I have learned
have to be watching. God has to be to pray more because prayer is the
all of these things in your life, then key that helps us to find what God
you can go do what you have wants.
It helps us to know HIS heart and Great PEACE have they which love
HIS mind. It makes us at one with Thy law, nothing shall offend them,
HIM. And I will raise me up a faith- nothing shall move them, nothing
ful priest, that shall do according to shall frustrate them, nothing shall
that which is in Mine heart and in confuse them or aggravate them,
My mind: and I will build him a etc. (Put in own confession) Ps
sure house; and he shall walk be- 16:8, 17:5, 18:43-45 Ezekiel 47:12
fore mine anointed for ever. 1 Sam- For this divine peace, I have learned
uel 2:35 and 1 King 11:38 to put my love in God's law and His


UNTO GOD: After I learned to GHOST gives you Christ's
be at one with Christ and His ways,
I began to dig deeper into the bene-
PEACE: And He said, “My pres-
fits. In John 5:19-23, Jesus con- ence shall go with thee, and I will
fessed Himself that He could do give thee rest.” Exodus 33:14. With
nothing of Himself, but what He this lesson I make sure God is with
sees the Father do. Then Jesus told me everywhere I go, or better yet, I
us in John 15:4-5, abide in Me and go where ever He goes. No shop-
you will bring forth much fruit, ping if God ain't there!! Jesus said
without Me you can do nothing. He gives us the Comforter that will
Since I desired to do something on abide with us forever. John 14:16-
this earth, I might as well do it 17. We have the Comforter that
through Christ, because without abides with us, teaches us, brings
Him I can do nothing. Abiding in things to our remembrance and
Christ's love brings fruit. John 15:9- gives us peace. Jesus said: Peace I
11, Rom 7:4, 1 John 2:28, 1:3-4 leave with you, My peace I give unto
When we fellowship with the Father you; not as the world gives, give I
and with the Son Jesus Christ, our unto you. Let not your heart be trou-
joy is made full. God was not only bled, neither let it be afraid. vs.26-
teaching me how to have peace, but 27, Rom 8:6
how to have love and joy, too!!! He
said to root and ground my emo-
tions in His love and I will see the – If you flow in God's Spirit of life
fruits. Eph 3:17. In the secret place and not out of your head then you
of God, you can live in a shaky will be free from the carnal realm.
world and be unshakable. You can Thank God we are redeemed from
bring forth fruit in the midst of a the curse of law and can ever learn
drought. You can bring happiness to to know His peace. When you pray
an unhappy person. You can bring to the Father and in the Holy Ghost
hope to a hopeless people. Since I you are free from time and space.
desired fruit in my life that would With this lesson and ever still learn-
never grow dry, especially in these ing, may life and peace always be
last days, I knew the only way was on your day's agenda.
to abide in HIM. Isaiah 58:11, Written by Michelle McQueen
Jeremiah 17:7-8. Ps 119:165
36 McQueen Universal Ministries - Summer 2010

Dear Partners and Friends,

I would like to take this opportunity to say a very big
Thank You
to all of you who are partnering with us in
this ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I have been and continue to be deeply touched and greatly encour-
aged by the feedbacks we have been getting from every side. Please,
read those wonderful uplifting and encouraging testimonies from our
participants. We are sure someone will be blessed by them!
I would also like to explicitly thank you for your prayers and your fi-
nancial support for McQueen Universal Ministries. I want you to know
that I am praying special prayers for you. Your seed shall yield a rich
crop according to Ephesians 3:20. Being convinced beyond the
shadow of a doubt, I declare again in Jesus Name that my great God
and loving Father shall supply all of YOUR needs according to His
Riches in Glory!
With my love in the Lord Jesus I faithfully remain Yours in the
King’s Service,

Pastor Annmarie McQueen

If would like to take part in the blessing of McQueen Universal Ministries

come and partner with us by sowing your seed, write to: McQueen Universal
Ministries * P.O. Box 34082 * Fort Worth, TX 76162-4082

Contact Us: or email:

McQueen Universal Ministries
P.O. Box 34082
Fort Worth, TX 76162-4082

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