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Euthanasia in Perspective of Criminal Law

Euthanasia arrangements contained in the Criminal Code, the second book in Chapter XIX on
crimes against human life, Article 344, which reads :
Barangsiapa menghilangkan nyawa orang atas permintaan sungguh-sungguh orang itu
sendiri, dipidana dengan pidana penjara selama-lamanya dua belas tahun.

Euthanasia is generally divided into two kinds, namely:

1. Active euthanasia
The definition of active euthanasia is an action directly from a doctor with the consent
of the patient or family to hasten the death of the patient, so that apart from long

2. Passive Euthanasia
The definition of passive euthanasia is an act indirectly from a doctor with the consent
of the patient or family to stop all medical efforts that are considered not make a
difference to patients.

Active euthanasia
Pasal 344 KUHP observed that there are some elements contained in it, namely:
Action: loss of life
Objects: the lives of others
At the request of the person himself
Clearly stated in earnest.

The above elements must be met to declare an act is an act of euthanasia. Therefore,
these elements must be proven in order to ensure that action is indeed an act of euthanasia.
As already mentioned before the request is in the form of a statement of intention addressed
to another person, that other person perform certain acts for the benefit of those who ask. As
for those who asked, there is freedom to decide his will, whether the victim requests a clear
and declared solemnly that will be met or not.
If the doctor approves what is requested by a patient (dead request) directly then, the
doctor may apply Pasal 344 KUHP of the Criminal Code. Such measures must already be
proven in advance and that action had already occurred and the actions of the doctor has met
the requirements of punishment such as:
There have been arrangements in advance
The deed
The act was unlawful
The existence of the error, and
Can be accounted for

In addition, doctors also have violated the provisions of the Code of Ethics of Medicine,
Indonesia, in accordance with Pasal 10, which reads:
Seorang dokter harus senantiasa mengingat akan kewajiban melindungi hidup makhluk

For active and passive euthanasia without request, there are several articles related or can
explain the legal basis to do euthanasia for people or families who propose to do euthanasia:
1. Pasal 340 KUHP
Barang siapa yang dengan sengaja dan direncanakan lebih dahulu menghilangkan
jiwa orang lain, dihukum, karena pembunuhan direncanakan (moord), dengan
hukuman mati atau pejara selama-lamanya seumur hidup atau penjara sementara
selama-lamanya dua puluh tahun.
2. Pasal 359
Barang siapa karena salahnya menyebabkan matinya orang, dihukum penjara
selamalamanya lima tahun atau kurungan selamalamanya satu tahun.
3. Pasal 345
Barang siapa dengan sengaja menghasut orang lain untuk membunuh diri,
menolongnya dalam perbuatan itu, atau memberikan daya upaya itu jadi bunuh diri,
dihukum penjara selama-lamanya empat tahun penjara.

Are nominally in positive criminal law in Indonesia is only known two forms of euthanasia,
ie euthanasia carried out at the request of patients or victims themselves and euthanasia
deliberate impunity patient / victim as explicitly stipulated in Pasal 344 dan 304 KUHP.
Pasal 344 KUHP :
Barang siapa merampas nyawa orang lain atas permintaan orang itu sendiri yang jelas
dinyatakan dengan kesungguhan hati diancam dengan pidana penjara paling lama dua belas
Pasal 304 KUHP :
Barang siapa dengan sengaja menempatkan atau membiarkan seorang dalam keadaan
sengsara,padahal menurut hukum yang berlaku baginya atau karena persetujuan dia wajib
memberi kehidupan,perawatan atau pemeliharaan kepada orang itu,diancam dengan pidana
penjara paling lama dua tahun delapan bulan atau pidana denda paling banyak empat ribu
lima ratus rupiah

Contrary to the provisions of Pasal 344 dan 304 KUHP, that murder by intentionally letting
miserable and at the request of the victim remains punishable even for the culprit.
Thus, in the context of positive law in Indonesia euthanasia would still be considered a
prohibited act. Thus, in the context of positive law in Indonesia, it is not possible to do
"termination of a person's life," even at the request of the person himself. Such actions remain
qualified as a crime, namely as an act punishable by criminal for anyone who violates the

Euthanasia seen in the Code of Ethics, namely:

1. Active euthanasia is an act that is prohibited by Kode Etik Kedokteran Indonesia
Pasal 10: Seorang dokter harus senantiasa mengingat akan kewajiban melindungi
hidup makhluk insani.
2. Passive euthanasia is permissible if it can be proved precisely and accurately various
conditions. For example, such as: the disease is not curable anymore (no medical
efforts gunannya again if treatment was forwarded).

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