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Salsa Moves


1. Cuban basic.
2. Rumba
3. Open
4. Cumbia
5. Progressive
6. Back step(basic)
7. Half turn
8. Left turn
9. Right turn
10. Slide
11. Dile que no

1. Agua al pozo
2. Agua con gas
3. Agua al pozo y baniala
4. Arriba
5. Abajo
6. Tarro/tarrito:Lift left arm up on 1234 and go under on 5678 to the next follower on the
7. Tarro hasta la tuya: tarro until your follower meet.
8. Tarro y no la sueltes (holding hands) and later
9. Mujeres arriba (men in and women arriba)
10. Dile que no with one spin: Step on 5678, the follower does one spin anticlockwise. The
leader should lift his left arm up and help the spinning by turning his body to anticlockwise.
11. Dile que no with double spin: Step on 5678, the follower does double spins
anticlockwise. The leader should lift his left arm up and help the spinning by turning his body
to anticlockwise.
12. Crossbody lead: Same as dile queno but the leader holds the follower on 5678.
13. Ni pa ti ni pa mi (forwards and backwards)
14. Dame una: Similar to Dile queno
15. (dame) Una con una
16. (dame) Una con dos: dame one and then go to second follower on the right
17. (dame) Dos con dos
18. (dame) Tres con tres
19. Dame arriba: dame one but stay with the same follower by stepping to the left side of the
original follower like same position as before dame arriba. Do a dame again.

20. Enchufla
Enchufla doble
21. Bola uno (enchufla and clap)
22. Bola dos
23. Bola tres

24. Candado
25. Cruzalo (cross right foot over on the 5,6,7)
26. Beso: kiss to a follower on your right
27. Abrazo: hug to a follower on your right
28. Apreton: big hug to a follower on your right

29. Festival (Bola 1, bola 2 and bola3)

30. Sombrero
31. setenta (70)
32. ochenta y cuatro (84)
33. ochenta (80)

34. El dedo

35. Al centro: men do rumba step, women do back step while turning body inside
and outside. 1234 step- men bring the back to the centre with left foot, push
the follower to the outside. 5678 step -men bring the back to the outside with
right foot, push the follower to the inside
36. While doing al centro:
37. Aspirina: the follower do a clockwise turn on 5678
38. while doing aspirina
39. Aspirina with kick
40. Aspirina with j ump
41. Pasa una: same as tarro but doing with al centro.
42. Pasa una hasta la tuya

43. Bola uno en el sitio

44. Bola dos en el sitio
45. Bola tres en el sitio
46. Festival en el sitio

47. Prima
48. Hermana
49. Familia

50. Fly
51. Media
52. Linea

53. Toma una (similar to dame una but men turn anticlockwise in the 1,2,3)
54. Toma dos
55. Toma una con una(toma one girl and clap once)
56. Toma dos con dos (toma two girls and clap twice)

57. Enchufla al centro

58. while enchufla al centro
59. una palmada (one clap)
60. dos palmadas (two claps)
61. hombre gira (men's turn)
62. mujer(chica) gira (women's turn)
63. hombre (chico) / mujer (chica)
64. derecha (men / women to the right)
65. hombre (chico) / mujer (chica)
66. izquierda (men / women to the left)
67. hombre (chico)/ mujer (chica) cero
68. hombre (chico)/ mujer (chica) ocho
69. La flor / la rosa
70. Levantala (lift the girl after la flor)
71. Al cielo
72. Treta tres
73. Treta tres convelt
74. El nudo: one clap+two clap+ holding both hands+enchufla123$men’s
enchufla567+arm lock123&men’s enchufla+men’s left hand up123& right
hand up567+men’left hand down123&right hand down567+enchufla
75. Yogurt :
76. Yogurt doble
77. Yogurt con cucharilla

78. Sombrero con mambo

79. Patin
80. Circula
81. Pasela
82. Croqueta
83. Director
84. Director doble
85. New york:
86. Spana
87. Partia
88. Enroscate
89. Enroscate intimia
90. Ping pong
91. Pancake
92. Encheveria
93. El cotico
94. Treta Tress
Rueda moves and calls
Basic moves for Rueda,

Casino or Guapea step: Lady on men's left, ladies do there basic step, men do a reversed basic (back on
1)with a small turn towards each other on the 5 while pushing off each other with outside hands. The end
result should be a mirror image of each other. 
Adios: right hand to her waist, lift her right with your left, go under and on to next partner.
Dile Que No:  Moving the lady from the men's right side to his left
Dame:  As a Dile Que No but picking up new partner to men's right
Dame Dos:  As Dame but passing the first and picking up the second partner to the man's right.
Pimienta: A clockwise turn for the lady, men's left to ladies right hand ( moving from men's left to right side
followed by Dile Que No )
La Cuchara: A clockwise turn for the lady, men's changes hand to right to ladies right. ( moving from men's
left to right side followed by Dile Que No )
Vacilala: A clockwise free turn for the lady, lead from the men's left to ladies right. men's steps back to
check her out and Dile Que No
Coca Cola: Dile Que No, but the man turns the lady with his right  hand to her right shoulder on the 5 anti
clockwise, he turns left facing her then another Dile Que No
Sacala: From Curhara position before Deli Que No, turns ladies clockwise on 5 and 1
Son position: Close hold
Arriba: Men move forward
Abajo:  Men move back. The beginning of abajo step forward on beat 1 and then continually moving back  
Photo: Enchufla al centro and then pose for a photo during the 8 beats and then Dile queno.
Mosquito: Enchufla al centro with the follower behind you and then looking for mosquito from the left to
right during the 6 beats 7beat clap and then Dile queno.
Cuncun: (spinning top)Starts as a Lola after ladies turn go under your left arm and back out of the hold.
turn the lady twice from above and finish with a sombrero. Carefull as this is not a simple move
Mariposa: (butterfly) starts as part setenta. Unwind lady go under left arm, Part turn left and wind left arm
over ladies head. Part turn right and wind right arm over lady then take over own head. Double handed
enchufle to sombrero.
Toalla: (towel) Double handed slow clockwise turn, double hand enhufle out, mariposa but with double
handed enhufle to dile que no
Borracho: (drunk) vacilala, pick her up with strong hold with left hand to her shoulder. dame her to outside
of wheel lean on her keeping feet together inside wheel as a drunk! fall to her left side and finish with dile
que no.
Avansado: (Hang man, check spelling)
pimienta, encufla to outside,walk anti clock wise into your arm. leave ladies arm around neck while you
continue turning anti CW while she walks around you CW traling her hand on your neck, pick her up with
Dile que no.
Buen Viaje: Enchulfe then lead partner around you clockwise with left hand over your head. Lead around
again this time keeping left low. with right hand reach to your left to take her other hand let go with left.
Clock wise turn her into gancho on right. Dame.
Tornilla:(screw) Cuchara, enchufle on outside of wheel, turn clockwise to back into ladies right arm moving
his right arm over his head. left arm over ladies and then picks up her left hand between them. lift your right
arm over your head and turn lady slowly out while walking around her and into somberro !
Escalera: Dame, dos arriba, dame dos, arriba,dile que no.
Directo: From the basic of Guapea, men go to next partner on the left side of his partner and carry on
Guapea on step 5.
 Directo double: Same as Directo, but men go to second partner passing the first partner inside and carry
on Guapea with the second partner on step 2.
Combincion: take hand of girl to right, pull across as a dame, let go, but move into wheel and pass
another girl, back out of wheel taking hand of girl to your left, moving her across to your right as you move
back out of the wheel. Move back into wheel pass girl to left and behind next girl moving her to your right
for dame.( OK maybe I need to video this !)

Mentira: The lie, ie don't do the move I have just called go back to where you were before. ( this probaly
means the caller has just called a move he can't remember !! )
Bulla: make a noise
Fly: Clap on the 1
Mambo: Mambo steps ( 8 beats) put in anywhere the called pleases. Don't look at your feet and do not
forget to dance it with the your whole of your body not just a tap of the foot on the 1,3 5,7 !! easily put with a
Otro: another, do the same move again. (  possibly for some of them meaning, get it right this time )
Unas Tocas la rodilla: ( touch Knee of right hand girl )
Siete: left to right hold, roll her in clock wise 123 right hand to shoulder roll out on 567.

Adios con la harmana: Adios stay linked turn ACW, enchufla.

Sigueme: (follow me) pimienta turn into close hold and follow the caller into a row until he calls another
move. ie  No - into casino step with all coulpes in a line. Sigueme to get back into a wheel.
Directo: On guapea, men move to a follower on the left on 2,3,4 and then carry on the guapea with the
new follower on 5678.
Directo doble: On guapea, men move to a follower on the left on 2,3,4 and then carry on the guapea with
the new follower on 5678
Directo pa'abajo: push off on the 5, this time back up inside the wheel to carry on the guapea with next
partner. ( total reverse and opposite of Directo.)
Ida y vuelta: Enchufle with dame dos after dame dos, on 1 pull girl around wheel as you travel back to
center of wheel with CW turn reaching out behind with right hand to dame original partner. 
Adios con vuelta: right hand to her waist, lift her right with your left, go under and on to next partner with ACW
turn on the way.

Yogur!!!  (Yoghurt)
Leader does backbreak, moves in close on third beat to partner and lowers knees, gradually straightening
up with emphasis on hip movement in the remaining five beats. The follower does a backstep and then with
knees together, a body roll

Yogur con azucar!!! (Yoghurt with sugar!!)

The same as Yogur except an extra eight beats for the leader to straighten

Yogur con mango!!! (Yoghurt with mango!!)

Yoghurt with side on body roll to partner.

Enchufla con aspirina (with an aspirin)

Bring Follower to R side and clockwise turn her in circle.

Con puente (with bridge)

With L. arm up, the Leader brings Follower to their left side "under the bridge" (their left arm)
Paseo (a walk)
Enchufla then Follower walking around the Leader anticlockwise.

Enchufla quatro: enchufla and then slide step with the follower on the right. Men turn anti-
clockwise 90 degree each time with one clap(1,2-3,4-5,6,7,8) and then dile queno

La rosa: when people do a al centro after the enchufla, do a la flor but men hold each other’s hands
and bring over follower’s back to create big close circle. Walk to the left together.

El cotico: at the end of enchufla, the men hold the next partner’s wrist and do dame until other calls

El cotico cor: during the El cotico, point the finger to opposite person.
La Rueda moves..
Abanico complicado
Adios con la harmana
Adios con vuelta
Arco Iris
Coco cola por atras
Coco cola doble por atras
Dame con sopresa
Dedo guarapo y bota
Dedo saboreado
Dos con Cuba
Enchufle y casate
Estella doble
el beso
el dos
el guapo
el pulpo
el uno
Guapea complicado
la completar
la cuadra
la formosa
la jenny
la rosa
Llevala pa'bajo
Media noche
Media prima
Paseala pa'arriba
Paseala por el Parque
Ping pong
Ponta Sabor
Prima con la hermana
Prima con la hermana la familla
Setenta y cinco
Setenta y uno
Setenta complicado
Setenta uno complicado
Sieta con coco cola
Siete Loco
Siete Loco Complicado
Siete Moderno
Treinta y tres
Vacilala con cerro
Vacilala doble
Vacilala uno

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