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Technical data sheet

Version 2013-11-11
Sika Microfine 20

Sika Microfine 20
Micro cement for injection
Product Microfine 20 is a chromate reduced Portland cement. It is micro cement with
description maximum particle size, d95, 20 m.
Microfine 20 complies (with the exception of setting time) with the requirements in
SS-EN 197-1, part 1: Composition, Specifications and Conformity Criteria for

Common Cements.
Designation in accordance with SS-EN 197-1, SS 13 42 03 and SS 13 42 04;
CEM II A-LL 52,5R.
Uses Cement based injection
Product data
Packiging Bag 20 kg, bigbag 1000 kg and bulk.

Storage conditions Microfine 20 is a finely ground product. Its high reactivity makes it more sensitive
than normal cement. Storage in environments with damp air or direct contact with
ground moisture damages the cement quickly (within days or weeks) and should
therefore be avoided.
Shelf-life The reduction of chromate means that it successively loses its effect and Microfine
20 should therefore not be stored for longer than 6 months.
Technical data
Compact density Approx. 3100-3200 kg/m
Bulk density 800-1500 kg/m
particle size, d95 20 m
Specific surface (BET), 2650 m2/kg
Specific surface (Blaine), 810 m/kg
SO Max 4,5 % by weight
Chlorides, Cl Max 0,1 % by weight
Manufacturing Microfine 20 is manufactured at Cementas Degerhamn plant. The grinding is done
in mills specially developed for Ultrafine cement.
Contact Sika Sverige AB
Domnarvsgatan 15
SE-163 08 Spnga
Dangerous substances See separate safety data sheet.
Legal Notes Any information or suggestions for use concerning Sikas products, which we either in writing
or orally have given buyers or end-users of the product have been given in good faith based on
our own experiences and based of approved praxis and the technological and scientific
knowledge on the time of giving such suggestions and information, which are given without any
type of guarantees, and which do not lead to any further responsibility from Sika Danmark A/S,
besides what is stated in the sales agreement in question. The buyer or end-user should
themselves investigate or otherwise make sure that our products are suitable for the use in
question and further make sure that the products are kept and used correct and in agreement
with the published rules and considering the actual conditions in order to avoid damages or
less satisfactory results. Any order is accepted and any deliverance is effected according to the
general terms of sales and delivery from Sika Denmark A/S, which are considered known and
accepted, and which could be handed out when asked for. Our catalogues are not up-dated
automatically. The present product data sheet is only for use in Denmark. Values stated in the
present product data sheet should be seen as recommended, unless stated otherwise.

Sika Danmark A/S

Praestemosevej 2-4 Phone +45 48 18 85 85
DK-3480 Fredensborg Telefax +45 48 18 84 96
Denmark 1 - e-mail: Sika Microfine 20 1/1

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