Stage 2 Tec Application - Melinda Mees

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Tender Submission
Tender Application for: Poseidon Energy
Client: EMPACT
Project: Mars Lander/ Rover
Date: March 2017
Revision: A

Application written by Melinda Mees

Shaina Minchin (19182586) and Danielle Morris (19182201)
Melinda Mees (19179342), Nian Hui Ooi (19074858) and Syifa Fazwin (19148672)

Star Engineering Inc.

Executive Summary

This document has been created by Star Engineering in response to the criteria laid out by
the designing company Poseidon Energy on behalf of the client EMPACT. The purpose of this tender
is to prove to Poseidon Energy that Star Engineering is the most suitable option for creating
EMPACTs Mars Lander/ Rover by demonstrating understanding of the design and method of
construction, as well as adhering to Poseidon Energys Tender Evaluation Criteria as seen in their
document pog01_TEC_3.3.

Star Engineering rates itself highly when addressing each concern laid out by Poseidon
Energys Tender Evaluation Criteria. The designers of Poseidon Energy can be guaranteed that Star
Engineering has experience with work and tool handling as well as prototype modelling. All
contractors at Star Engineering have had experience in almost all the tools required for the project
through previous woodworking and construction courses. Star has provided the necessary evidence
of the outcomes of designing and creating a prototype model, in particular a model truck which is
highly beneficial to aid with constructing this Mars Lander/ Rover.

In addition to Star Engineerings experience in construction of prototype models, the

contractors within the company are all undertaking Mechanics as a part of their Bachelor of
Engineering degree at Curtin University. This satisfies Poseidons Certification criteria of having a
contracting company with at least one of their members having a base engineering certification.
Moreover, one of the contractors at Star Engineering has completed Units of Competency towards a
Certificate I in Construction.

Thirdly, Star Engineering prides themselves on their capable and professional staff. As part
of their woodworking and construction courses, all members of the company have the ability to use
precision equipment and tools without error. As the company has strong work ethic, Star
Engineering is determined to learn and gain experience in the tools listed by Poseidon that the
contractors may not have had experience with as of yet, such as the pot riveter.

Furthermore, Star Engineering holds the ability to communicate to high esteem. The
company has more than three forms of communication when reporting to each other and do so on
an almost daily basis. Poseidon Energy can be rest assured that during construction of the prototype
the company will have the ability to report to the designers in the event of any problems. These
have already been evidenced in the emails and follow up emails Star Engineering has sent when they
have not received a reply from Poseidon Energy.

Another reason why Star Engineering is highly suitable for the project is that all the tools
listed to be used during the construction of the Mars Lander can all be sourced from the contracting
company. This includes but is not limited to: appropriate equipment to glue parts together, a
hacksaw and pot riveter. Additionally, as part of undergoing the woodworking and construction
courses all members can complete the task not only in the required time frame, but in a safe
manner. In particular, one of the members at Star Energy has undergone Occupational Health &
Safety Training as part of her Certificate I in Construction and as a result has obtained a White Card.

While the design of the Mars Lander/ Rover seems to be effective there are a few flaws and
adjustments that could be made. In regards to the design flaws, Star Engineering would like to point
out that the length of the cargo is slightly too long for the cargo holder and that the cap for the

cargo holder may not be secured properly. While Poseidon has recommend the use of one strip of
duct tape over the cap, Star Engineering recommends using two strips of Velcro in a cross shape
over the cap instead. The Velcro would also allow for easier accessibility to the cargo than the duct

There are few adjustments Star Engineering would recommend during the construction
phase of the prototype. While the company can provide all the tools required it does not take into
account the preferred tool used for cutting which is the Dremel Rotary tool. Star Engineering has
instead opted to use the hacksaw, which will in no way affect the quality of the design.

Star engineering have also suggested that using cable ties to secure the axles on the rover
body could be a more cost efficient option. This will reduce having to buy rivets and saddle clips, as
well as allowing a much tighter fit for the bottle in the cargo cylinder.

Star Engineering has a staff experienced in woodworking and construction and is committed
to continually learning and striving for the best outcome. By considering Star Engineering as the
contracting company, Poseidon Energy can be guaranteed that the Mars Rover/Lander will be
created in a safe manner and to the highest quality within the designated time frame.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 4
2.0 Design Package Review .......................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Understanding of Design & Construction Method .............................................................. 4
2.2 Client Brief Compliance ...................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Concerns and Solutions ...................................................................................................... 5
3.0 Addressing the Tender Evaluation Criteria.............................................................................. 6
3.1 Experience ......................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Certification ....................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Capability .......................................................................................................................... 7
4.0 Appendices .......................................................................................................................... 10
Appendix 1 .................................................................................................................................. 10
Appendix 1A ............................................................................................................................ 10
Appendix 1B ............................................................................................................................ 10
Appendix 2 .................................................................................................................................. 11
Appendix 2A ............................................................................................................................ 11
Appendix 2B ............................................................................................................................ 11
Appendix 3 .................................................................................................................................. 12
Appendix 3A ............................................................................................................................ 12
Appendix 3B ............................................................................................................................ 13
Appendix 3C ............................................................................................................................ 14
Appendix 4 .................................................................................................................................. 15
Appendix 5 .................................................................................................................................. 16
Appendix 6 .................................................................................................................................. 17
Appendix 6A ............................................................................................................................ 17
Appendix 6B ............................................................................................................................ 17
Appendix 7 .................................................................................................................................. 18
Appendix 8 .................................................................................................................................. 19

1.0 Introduction
This document contains the Star Engineering tender submission for the construction of
EMPACTs Mars Lander/ Rover. The purpose of this document is to respond to Poseidon Energys
Tender Evaluation Criteria in their Stage 1 Package Design document pog01_TEC_3.3., developed on
behalf of EMPACT.

2.0 Design Package Review

To ensure Star Engineering has a complete understanding of the project, a review of
Poseidon Energys design package has been performed.

2.1 Understanding of Design & Construction Method

The construction method involves four main parts which include: material preparation, axle
and wheel assembly, body assembly and project testing. The first step, material preparation, is an
inspection of all the materials to be used. Also with this process, it is recommended by Star
Engineering not to only assess the materials used for construction, but the tools as well.

While all tools can be supplied by Star Engineering, this does not include the preferred
Dremel Rotary tool. Star Engineering has opted to use the alternative hacksaw which is more readily
available. Once all the materials have been inspected and cut to length as specified in the design
package, we proceed to step two of the construction method.

Four 145mm length threaded rods are to be used as the axles. These are suitable to the
design as the washers and nuts can be screwed onto the rods and not slide along the axle such as if a
smooth rod was to be used. By having the washers and nuts on either side of the wheel it will keep
the wheels in position and reduce the chance of them sliding up and down the rod which can affect
the alignment of the wheels and the movement of the rover.

The inner parts of the wheels themselves are created from bearings which are particularly
useful in causing the wheel to spin and move down the ramp. The outer part of the wheel is covered
by pipe insulation which could also help cushion the impact of the fall. However there are issues
which can arise from using the pipe insulation which are outlined in section 2.3 below. During the
body assembly the remaining piece of pipe insulation of dimensions 40mm x 200mm is attached
between the cylinder and axle to act as axle suspension. This will aid the rover in withstanding the
drop and absorb the impact from damaging the cargo holder and cargo inside.

2.2 Client Brief Compliance

The client brief calls for a design that can contain the cargo of dimensions 70mm x 205mm
and with a volume of 600ml. The stacked chips container holding the cargo has a length of 200mm
and inside diameter of 76mm. The bottle will be secured in the holder, however there may be issues
arising with the 5mm excess which will be detailed in section 2.3 below. The assembly of the bottle
must not be complex, which the design has followed with a simple cap cover and duct tape to fasten
the bottle in place.

According to the client brief, the prototype vehicle is to cost less than $30. The Total cost for
Poseidons design is above this limit at $42.22. However, the theoretical cost complies to the client
brief and is at $26.34

The client calls for a design that can roll down a slope of incline 30-45 for two metres self
guided and fall a vertical drop of one metre with at least one set of wheels on the ground and no
significant damage to the cargo. As the design has four axles and eight sets of wheels, the possibility
of landing on four wheels is higher than most. This also complies with the client brief that there must
be a minimum of two axles on the rover design.

The Client Brief calls for a design that fits within the margins of an A3 sheet of paper. This
has a length of 420mm and a width of 297mm. The maximum height of any portion of the rover is
not to exceed more than 210mm. The dimension of Poseidons design, Table 1, does fall within these

Table 1: Rover Dimensions

Dimension Value (mm)
Rover Length- Horizontal 213
Rover Width- Horizontal 145
Rover Height- Vertical 117

2.3 Concerns and Solutions

Star Engineering has a few concerns with the design of the Mars Lander. The first concern is
that the cylinder holding the cargo is slightly too small for the cargo itself. With a 5mm difference
between the height of the cargo and the cargo holder it would be difficult to secure the cap of the
cylinder properly without using excess tape. However in complying with the client brief, the design
cannot have a complex assembly which could result from using excess tape to secure the bottle. As a
recommendation, it could be more efficient to use two strips of Velcro to attach in a cross shape
over the cap to fasten it in place and to gain easy access to the cargo. Extending the height of the
cargo is also another option.

There were initial concerns with the wheels being made of pipe insulation which could easily
deform under a heavy weight such as a 600ml water bottle. However as there are eight wheels the
weight could be evenly distributed and it is thought that the bearings will also help keep it in shape.

While the use of the saddle clips are effective, as a recommendation Star Engineering have
thought that cable ties to secure the axles to the cargo cylinder could be a much more cheaper
option. This will prevent having to buy the saddle clips and rivets. The cable ties could also make the
fit for the bottle within the cargo cylinder tighter and prevent any movement of the cargo within.

Lastly, Star Engineering is concerned that the length of the cylinder is too big for the length
of the wheels. Our concern is that when the rover drops to the ground it could fall head first and the
cushioning of the front wheels being 6.5mm further in front from the cylinder may not be enough to
protect the cargo. Especially if the design factors in the extra 5mm required of the water bottle
length itself.. A simple solution to this problem without changing the whole design could be to
extend the aluminium flat bar itself and space out the axles further apart.

3.0 Addressing the Tender Evaluation Criteria
The Poseidon Energy criteria are listed in italics and Star Engineerings response is in normal
text below.

3.1 Experience
Fabrication Work and Tool handling:

The Rover Prototype will require minimalistic, yet some fabrication work. The construction of the
prototype requires that persons involved in the tender are safely and effectively able to use the tools
listed below. If there are any issues as to the use of these tools, or alternative methods, contact and
approval from at least 3 Directors will need to be made before changes are to occur during the
construction of the Rover Prototype.

The tools required for the construction are listed below:

1. Hack Saw;
2. Stanley Knife;
3. An Electric Drill (With 4mm Drill Bit);
4. Pot Riveter (With Standard DIA: 4mm, LTH: 12.5mm Rivet), and;
5. A steady hand.

All members of Star Engineering are able to use all tools listed apart from the pot riveter. Syifa
Fazwin & Nian Hui Ooi has used tools 1-3 during their 2012 Woodworking course at a secondary
institution. Appendix 1A & 2A details what the courses entailed and their outcomes. In 2014 Melinda
Mees underwent a Vocational Education & Training course in construction which entailed learning
how to use tools 1-3 as part of the program content. Consequently, Mees has received Units of
Competency towards her Certificate I in Construction which is highlighted in Appendix 3A. Please
refer to Appendix 3B for the program content for the course.

As a result of our experience and exposure in using tools 1-3, all members are deemed to have a
steady hand. At this moment in time no members have had experience with the use of the pot
riveter, however we are all committed to learning how to use the tool.

Prototype Modelling:

Prototype modelling is any work related to the construction, design and implementation of prototype
projects, which have been successful or assessed as efficient and capable. In the event there are
limited person(s) who possess the experience with prototype modelling, a member of Poseidon
Energy will arrange necessary information and practises in order for the tender to be correctly carried

Star Engineering staff has all possessed experience in prototype modelling. During her 2012
woodworking course, Fazwin has designed and constructed a model truck (refer to Appendix 1 B for
an image of the model). While made entirely out of wood, the model truck can perform well, moving
backwards and forwards. This highlights Fazwins capability with understanding how to construct a
design, with particular focus on the axles of the truck which can aid with creating the axles on
Poseidons Mars Lander.

Nian Hui Ooi has also created a model house which doubles as desk storage as seen in Appendix 2B.
As parts of the units of competency towards her Certificate in Construction highlighted in green in

Appendix 3B, Mees has also had to carry out measurements and calculations (CPCCCM1015A), read
and interpret plans and specifications (CPCCCM2001A) and undertake a basic construction project
(CPCCVE1011A) which was creating a bookshelf (refer to appendix 3C).

3.2 Certification
Base-Level Engineering Certification:

Due to the nature of the project, and the sensitivity of the prototype both during construction and
during the testing phase, will require previous experience and knowledge of such activities. The
standard has been set and the required certification has been listed below:

NOTE: At Least One Member must possess one of these qualifications:

1. Certificate ( Level 1) of Engineering;

2. Certificate ( Level 1) of a technical qualification (The submitted document will be assessed
amongst the board of directors), and/or;
3. Technical / Trade Studies undertaken at any tertiary institution including TAFE or a similar

As previously explained, one of the contractors of our company possesses a Certificate I in

Construction which was undertaken at a secondary institution. Please refer to Appendix 3A where
the accreditation for the Units of Competency for Certificate I in Construction and the highlighted
sections of 3B of the Course Information where the relevant information can be found.

As of current, all of our members are undertaking their first year in a Bachelor of Engineering at
Curtin University. As a result, all the members are currently undertaking the Mechanics course
(MCEN1001). Please refer to Appendix 4 for evidence of enrolment.

3.3 Capability
Capable and Professional Staff:

The basis upon the chosen company for the tender is largely dependent on the following factors:

1. Presentability;
2. Work Ethic;
3. Experience, and;
4. Ability to communicate.

In the event the criteria for one or more of these factors are not met, a reassessment of the tender
agreement between the tenderer and Poseidon Energy Group may take place. Time restrictions and
supervision will be enforced if prototype deadlines are not being met within the required time frame.

Presentability: Our company takes pride on our presentability. This can be seen in how we dress, act
and also extends to our standard of work. We dress appropriately depending on the events taken
place. One of our members was a School Captain in 2016 and has had experience with dressing and
acting formally during ANZAC Day & Bombing of Darwin Ceremonies and whilst greeting

distinguished guests such as Honourable members of parliament (see Appendix 5). The level of
professionalism also extends to our work, such as writing formal emails (see appendix 6).

Work ethic: At Star Engineering we have strong work ethic. Our tasks are done to the best of our
ability and we share the work load. We have achieved this by having focused team meetings and
completing task such as our own Stage 1 Package Design within a time frame and to a high standard.
This can also be vouched by Inge Gardiner, Melinda Mees teacher of two years who can be
contacted on 0404 461 499.

Experience: Star Engineering staff have the ability to use precision equipment and tools without
error as evidenced by their previous experience in woodworking and construction courses. This can
be seen in the successful completion of the models constructed during those courses. (Refer to
Appendices 1B, 2B & 3C for images of completed models).

Ability to Communicate: At Star Engineering we believe we have a high level of communication.

Within our own company we have more than one means of communication including face to face
meetings, text messaging, Facebook and emails. We guarantee we can report to Poseidon Energy,
particularly in the event that we cannot supervise at the time of construction, so everyone is up to
date with the latest developments. We believe we have strongly evidenced this already in our
current communications. While Star Engineering did not receive a reply on setting up a meeting in
our first email (refer to appendix 6A), we sent a follow up email within a suitable time frame to
determine whether it has been received (refer to Appendix 6B). We also included all three
contractors emails addresses in the email. Therefore in the event that one of us cannot be reached,
there are two others Poseidon can contact.

Appropriate Equipment:

The tenderer must supply and be responsible for the obtainment of equipment for the rover
prototype construction. In special cases whereby the tenderer does not have access to the equipment
specified, a formal request may be made to Poseidon Energy Group, who will formulate the desired

The equipment other than what is referred in Section 3.0 [3.1], is listed below:

1. Gloves (Latex);
2. Safety Glasses/Goggles;
3. Leather/Safety Gloves, and;
4. A first aid kit.

Star Engineering can supply all the equipment listed in Section 3.0 [3.1] and listed above apart from
the pot riveter. Images of the tools in our possession can be seen in Appendix 7. As part of Poseidon
Energys Tender Evaluation Criteria Summary (refer to Appendix 8 Section 2.0) Star Engineering
needs to have appropriate equipment in order to: a) Glue parts together; b) Saw wood where
required; c) Use a pot riveter, and; d) Complete the required task in a safe manner.

To successfully complete a) we can supply super glue, which has been mentioned in the Poseidon
Group Section 4.2 of the Process of Construction seen in Appendix 8. To saw wood where required
Poseidon has announced that a Dremel Rotary tool would be ideal, however Star Engineering will
have to opt for the alternative of the hacksaw. As mentioned, Star Engineering will endeavour to

learn how to use a pot riveter and has access to the tool thanks to one of our designers. During the
woodworking and construction courses all members of Star Engineering have had to familiarise
themselves with learning to use tools in a safe manner and safety procedures. This is particularly
crucial in obtaining the units of competency towards the Certificate I in Construction, as the course
requires the students to undergo Occupational Health & Safety Training and receive a White Card as
a result. This is outlined in the yellow highlighted section of Appendix 3B.

4.0 Appendices

Appendix 1
Brief overview of the details and outcomes of Syifa Fazwins woodworking course in 2012.

Appendix 1A
In 2012, I did woodwork as one of my year 8 electives in semester 2. During that time I participated
in a few projects including making a pencil holder and a model truck. We were not given
written instructions to follow, instead the teacher would demonstrate the steps and we would try to
follow him and make the models on our own with some help from the teacher along the way. I
learnt to use various tools such as a hand saw, a clamp, a chisel, a try square and others. For the
process of making the model truck we were also required to use a wood turner and a chisel to carve
out the wood into a cylinder shape for the body of the truck. The same was done for the wheels.
Lastly, sandpaper was used to smooth out the surfaces to complete the project.

Appendix 1B
Model truck created by Syifa Fazwin in 2012.

Appendix 2
Brief overview of the details and outcomes of Nian Hui Oois woodworking course in 2012.

Appendix 2A
We were required to follow the given procedure. First of all, clamp and cut the wood into pieces
with a handsaw. Nail them and drill them together with a hammer or electric drill as shown in the
diagram given to us. Safety precautions were taken during the woodworking. Perspex glass had been
given in correct dimensions. Sand both grooved woods so that the acrylic glass can be slotted into
the grooves and slid left and right smoothly.

I took a wide range of course which included learning the design, realisation and production of the
project. I studied the course from 2011-2013. Theoretically, I had learned the uses, advantages &
disadvantages of materials in construction and the types of binders and fasteners. I also learned the
types of hand and power tools and the uses of each tool.

Appendix 2B
Image of Nian Hui Ooi model house/ desk storage created in 2012.

Appendix 3
Details on Melinda Mees Certificate I in Construction course in 2014.

Appendix 3A
Record of Achievement

Appendix 3B

Appendix 3C
Image of bookshelf Melinda Mees created in 2014.

Appendix 4
Evidence of enrolment in Mechanics at Curtin University 2017.

Appendix 5

Displaying presentability through the dress code and professionalism when speaking to Northern
Territory Minister for Education Hon. Peter Chandler 2016.

Appendix 6
Emails from Star Engineering to Poseidon Energy including the initial email (Appendix 5A) and the
follow up email (Appendix 5B)

Appendix 6A

Appendix 6B

Appendix 7
Images of the tools Star Engineering can supply. Please note that not all tools can be photographed
at present.

Appendix 8

Client Brief
Mars Rover/Lander Prototype

Product Specification

January 2017
1. Background
EMPACT is a sub division of the Australian Space Agency (ASA) that
specialises in the mars rover project. EMPACT requires that a design for a
prototype Mars Lander/Rover be made, for an upcoming bid to be a part
of an international space exploration consortium. The company must
design, construct and test a small-scaled vehicle that is capable of
deployment and withstanding a vertical drop.

2. Requirements
The design must fulfil the following requirements:

Contained Cargo 600ml Bottle containing a liquid of
density 1 kg/m3
Specified Dimensions Not to exceed (Meters):
(w, l, h) 0.21m x 0.297m x 0.21m
Temperature Operating Range 10 - 35 C

Operating Pressure Specifications 1 Bar OR Atmosphere(s)

Units of Measurement mm

Unit of Temperature Degrees Celsius (C)

Angle of Slope 30

Budget $30 AUD

3. Environmental Considerations
Waste is to be minimised during the design and construction of the unit.
Where possible material that can be recycled/reused is preferable. The
design and construction should take into account the distance that
components have to be shipped the shorter the shipping distance, the
better environmentally.

peg_ClientSpec.pdf Page 1 of 1
Poseidon Energy
Innovating and implementing the future of
B215 R301,
Curtin University.

Dear Clive Maynard,

Poseidon Energy Group is delighted to bring forward our documentation package
for the construction of your MARS Rover Prototype. This package consists of the
following documents:

Document Name Document Title Revision
Drawing Package EMPACT01_draw_final.pdf B
Design Specification pog01_DesignSpecification_4.0.pdf
Risk Management Plan pog01_RMP_2.4.pdf 2.4
Tender Evaluation Criteria pog01_TEC_3.3.pdf 3.3

We guarantee that the requirements outlined in your client brief,
poe01_ClientSpec.pdf, have been met successfully, and all information required for
the design, implementation, tendering and construction purposes have been
included in the documents within this package. This work is entirely the property of
Poseidon Energy. If there are any questions regarding the procedures or design
package, do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind Regards,

J. Laborde B.Eng(Mxeng) A. Lewington B.Eng(Mxeng)
D. Leong B.Eng(Mech) R. Mohamed B.Eng(Mech)
R. Jiandani B.Eng(Mech) A. Chinyani B.Eng(Chem)

Poseidon Energy Group

Curtin University B215 R301
pog01_CoverPage_1.pdf Kent St, Bentley WA 6102
Phone: (04) 3496 4941
Poseidon Energy

Drawing Package

Project Mars Rover
Date 02/04/17
Revision B

Poseidon Energy Technologies
Curtin University B215 R301
Kent St, Bentley WA 6102
EMPACT01_draw_final.pdf Phone: (04) 3496 4941
Table of Drawings

Drawing Title PAGE
EMPACT01_draw_01 Mars Rover 01
EMPACT01_draw_02 Main Can 02
EMPACT01_draw_03 Rover Axel and Wheel assembly 03

EMPACT01_draw_final.pdf Poseidon Energy Technologies

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8





25 56
145 213




Dept. Technical reference Created by Approved by

EMPACT01_draw_01 Poseidon Energy 31/03/2017 A. Lewington 010417

Document type Document status

Title DWG No.

F Mars Rover 01

40 Rev. Date of issue Sheet

2 020417 1/2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8






Dept. Technical reference Created by Approved by

EMPACT01_draw_02 Aiden Lewington 4/2/17 Douglas Leong 02/04/17

Document type Document status

Title DWG No.

F Main Can 02

Rev. Date of issue Sheet

02 02/04/17 2/3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




25 27




Dept. Technical reference Created by Approved by

EMPACT01_draw_03 Douglas Leong 02/04/2017 Aiden Lewington 02/04/17

Document type Document status

Title DWG No.

F Rover Axel and Wheel assembly 03


Rev. Date of issue Sheet

02 02/04/17 3/3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Poseidon Energy

Design Specification

Client: EMPACT
Project: Mars Rover Prototype
Date: 02/04/17
Revision: 4.0

Poseidon Energy Technologies

Curtin University B215 R301
pog01_DesignSpecification_4.0.pdf Kent St, Bentley WA 6102
Phone: (04) 3496 4941
Contents of Document:

Introduction....................................................................................................... 3

General Dimensions Summary..........................................................................3

Bill of Materials.................................................................................................4

Process of Construction..................................................................................... 5

Material Preparation.......................................................................................... 5

Axel and Wheel assembly................................................................................. 5

Body Assembly................................................................................................. 6

Project Testing...................................................................................................6

Index of Tables:
Table 1: Dimensions Summary......................................................................... 3

Table 2: Bill of materials................................................................................... 3

poe_DesignerSpecification_spec_4.0.pdf 2 Poseidon Energy

1.0 Introduction
The specifications for the construction and design of the Poseidon Energy Mars
Rover are held within this document. Using the following information provided,
any construction company with appropriate resources and skills as mentioned by
the TEC will be able to manufacture the Mars Rover project while meeting the
guidelines and requirements for the client EMPACT that have been outlined in the
Client Brief.

2.0 General Dimensions Summary

Dimension Value (mm)
Rover Length - Horizontal 213
Rover Width - Horizontal 145
Rover Height - Vertical 117
Wheel Width 25
Cylinder thickness 2
Cylinder length 200
Cylinder Diameter (OD/ID) 80/76

poe_DesignerSpecification_spec_4.0.pdf 3 Poseidon Energy

3.0 Bill of Materials
Material Dimensions Cost Unit Total Total Theoretical Notes Source
(mm) ($) Cost Cost ($)
Stacked 200 x 80 1.00 Each 1 1.00 0.50 A. Coles/
Chips Can Recycled

Metal flat 25 x 1 x 4.50 Each 1 4.50 0.04 Bunnings

bar 1000
M8 8 x 1200 5.19 Each 1 5.19 4.19 Bunnings
M8 Nuts ID 8 0.22 Each 16 3.52 1.44 Bunnings
M8 Washer ID 8 0.28 Each 16 4.48 0.84 Bunnings
Pipe 21ID 5.04 Each 1 5.04 5.04 B. Bunnings
insulation 45OD x
Bearings ID 8 x OD 7.00 Pkt 1 7.00 7.00 C. Beyond
22 x 7 Skate
Rivet 4 x 12.5 3.29 Pkt 1 3.29 3.29 Bunnings
Saddle clip 8 U, 460 0.80 Each 4 3.20 1.60 Supplied
/Bracket x 2 x 10 /Bunnings
Super Glue NA 3.20 Bottle 1 3.20 0.60 Provided

Duct Tape 180 0.01 mm 180 1.80 1.80 Bunnings

Totals 42.22 26.34

A) Empty the cans contents
B) Elasto k-flex 13x19mm
C) ABEC 1 Skateboard Bearings

poe_DesignerSpecification_spec_4.0.pdf 4 Poseidon Energy

Process of Construction
4.1 Material preparation

a) Prior to any construction, inspect the materials used in the construction process
to ensure quality and safety. Make sure that the M8 rod is straight, bearings
rotate smoothly, insulation foam is not deformed and that the nuts are threaded

b) Using a Dremel rotary tool (preferably) or a hacksaw, cut 4 pieces from the
1200mm M8 threaded rod to 145mm in length, as per drawing
EMPACT01_draw_01, later to be used in the axel assembly.

c) Take the pipe insulation and cut 8 wheels making sure each have a width
specified in the drawing EMPACT01_draw_03

d) Cut a piece of the Aluminium flat bar to the length shown in drawing
EMPACT01_draw_02 using a Dremel rotary tool (preferred) or a hacksaw.
e) Proceed to drill the eight holes in the bar in positions also shown in drawing

f) Continue to drill eight holes on the cylinder in the positions shown in Drawing
EMPACT01_draw_02, checking to make sure that the holes in the piece of
aluminium flat bar align with those in the cylinder.

g) Using the remaining pipe insulation, with an accurate cutting tool (Dremel or
scissors), cut a 40mm wide and 200mm long piece, that will later be used as axel

4.2 Axel and Wheel assembly

a) Take one of the threaded rods that have been cut, and arrange 2 M8 Nuts, 2 M8
washers and an ABEC 1 bearing in the order and position shown by drawing
EMPACT01_draw_03. Do this twice for each axle (four axles in total).

b) On top of each bearing, apply a coating of super glue, to which slide on a piece
of the pipe insulation previously cut to a width of 25mm so that the bearing is
directly in the middle of the wheel. These will act as the wheels. Let the glue dry
for a sufficient amount of time (at least one hour).

c) Repeat this process three more times, so that you have four complete axels to
later attach to the body (cylinder) of the rover.

poe_DesignerSpecification_spec_4.0.pdf 5 Poseidon Energy

d) Each axel should be identical in measurement as shown by drawing

4.3 Body Assembly

a) Place the Aluminium bar (196mm in length) inside of the cylinder as

reinforcement for the rivets, aligning the previously drilled holes with each other.

b) Using the saddle clip bracket fixings and a pot riveter, attach the axels across the
body of the can with the foam suspension in between, riveting on the saddle
clips, creating a solid bond between the clip, axel, foam, cylinder and metal bar,
as shown in drawing EMPACT01_draw_01.

c) Repeat this process until each four axels are properly attached to the cylinder.

d) The cap of the cylinder, will be attached using duct tape, applied horizontally
across the face of the cap and covering 50mm on each side of the cylinder.

4.4 Project testing

a) To ensure that the Rover performs adequately there should be various tests
taken before final use.

b) Test to make sure that the wheels are aligned straight by recording the path
travelled by the rover. If the rover travels straight, then the wheels are aligned

c) There is an adequate amount of room for the water bottle (carried load) to sit
inside of the cylinder.

poe_DesignerSpecification_spec_4.0.pdf 6 Poseidon Energy

Poseidon Energy

Innovating and implementing the future of


Risk Management Plan

Client: EMPACT
Project: MARS Rover/Buggy
Date: 02/04/17
Revision: 2.4

Poseidon Energy Group

Curtin University B215 R301
Kent St, Bentley WA 6102
Phone: (04) 3496 4941
Table of Contents


Purpose: ......................................................................................1

Risk Assessment Matrix: ................................................................ 1

Risk Management Plan........................2

Poseidon Energy Group

Curtin University B215 R301
Kent St, Bentley WA 6102
Phone: (04) 3496 4941

This document outlines the risk management strategy associated with the
development of the Mars Rover by Poseidon Energy. It identifies the risks
associated covering their probability and mitigation approach. The risks are
identified for all three phases of Design, Construct and Test.


The purpose of this document is to let the team members understand the risks
involved in this project and participate in the risk mitigation and elimination to
negate the impact of the risk and contribute to project success.

Risk Assessment Matrix:

Poseidon Energy has developed and implemented a risk assessment process

that is consistent with the requirements of Engineering Standards.
All identified hazards and impacts will be assessed using the Risk Analysis
Matrix to determine the level of risk.

Likelihood or Consequence Severity

Frequency Low Minor Moderate Major Critical

Almost Certain High High Extreme Extreme Extreme

Likely Moderate High High Extreme Extreme

Possible Low Moderate High Extreme Extreme

Unlikely Low Low Moderate High Extreme

Rare Low Low Moderate High High

Source: EFPC Contents, Curtin University.

peg01_RMP_2.4.pdf Page 1 of 4 Poseidon Energy Group

Risk Management Plan

Mitigation Residual
Stage Risk Hazard Likelihood Severity Consequence Mitigation
Responsibility Risk

Inability to submit members of
due to Server or
Technological drawing package the company
hardware, Possible Extreme Designer network
failure and design have access to
network or issues.
specifications. the documents
required for

Ineffective and
Software, design with Inability to
obscurement of
Design design or expected detect
Likely High design. Delay of Designer
Design deviation printing
design and design
errors. check for flaws.
/ errors.

Sign non-
Storage on disclosure
electronic agreement
media and and highlight
inadvertent No credit for in weekly Designer,
Plagiarism Unlikely High ideas
sharing of original work team Contractor
the design meetings.
their design
by team Password
to other
members protect
electronic files

peg01_RMP_2.4.pdf Page 2 of 4 Poseidon Energy Group

Mitigation Residual
Stage Risk Hazard Likelihood Severity Consequence Mitigation
Responsibility Risk

Incomplete and
Insufficient preparation
Delay in unusable product Certain degree of
skills to deliver training and
prototype Possible High leading to project Contractor inexperience may
a complex team support
delivery failure and budget cause issues.
model during

Rover does not
specifications Improper use of
Gap Ineffective meet the
and scope, equipment or
between communication requirements or
regular and Designer, tools,
design between Possible High design of the
Construct and designers and prototype
effective Contractor miscommunication
meetings and results in more
model contractors produced by the
iterative design errors.
follow ups.

Left in an responsibility
unsupervised to supervise
subject External factors
location, Inability to submit at all times, Designer,
to Possible Extreme (natural disasters,
improper use a working model work in a Contractor
damage arson)
of tools or safe and
or theft
materials protected

peg01_RMP_2.4.pdf Page 3 of 4 Poseidon Energy Group

Mitigation Residual
Stage Risk Hazard Likelihood Severity Consequence Mitigation
Responsibility Risk
Team adequate
members not time for
Likelihood of the conditions
Test plans available for testing and
model not and final
are not testing or do document Designer,
Unlikely High functioning when evaluation
carried out not possess test plans Contractor
presented for conditions
properly adequate with expected
evaluation may be
skills to test results and
rigorously pass and fail
principles are
and do not The expected
Model not roll in outcome of
functioning synchronicity; testing would not Designer,
Test Unlikely High construction N/A
as per bottle may be met, and Contractor
of prototype
design dislodge result in a failed
and repetitive
while the prototype.
Rover is in
performed at
every stage
Wheels Prototype unable design
Prototype disengaged/ to meet required standards
fails material standard for with the Designer,
Unlikely High N/A
quality fractures testing, and may materials Contractor
check under stress result in poor used. Subject
during testing performance. prototype to

peg01_RMP_2.4.pdf Page 4 of 4 Poseidon Energy Group

Poseidon Energy
Innovating and implementing the future of

Tender Evaluation Criteria

Tender Evaluation: Poseidon Energy
Client: EMPACT
Project: MARS Rover/Buggy
Date: 01/04/17
Revision: 3.3

Poseidon Energy Group

peg01_TEC_3.3.pdf Curtin University B215 R301
Kent St, Bentley WA 6102
Phone: (04) 3496 4941
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction. 1

2.0 Criteria Summary...1

3.0 Criteria Explained In Depth.. 2

3.1 Experience 2

3.2 Certification.. 2

3.2 Capability.. 3

Poseidon Energy Group

peg01_TEC_3.3.pdf Curtin University B215 R301
Kent St, Bentley WA 6102
Phone: (04) 3496 4941
1.0 Introduction

This document contains the criteria that will be used to evaluate

potential construction modeling companies for the manufacture of
EMPACTS M.A.R.S Rover Protytype. The chosen tenderer for
the manufacture will be the most adept, professional and successful
in satisfying the criteria listed below.

2.0 Criteria Summary

Criteria Title Criteria Details Mark

Experience 1. Experience in: /20

a) Fabrication work and tool handling, and;
b) Prototype modeling.

Certification 1. Preferably a base engineering /20

certification. This can be something such
a) Engineering Cert I, II or III, and;
b) Undertaking studies in mechanics or a
relevant course at a tertiary institution.

Capability 1. Capable and professional staff; /60

a) Ability to use precision equipment and
tools without error, and;
b) Ability to report to the designers in the
event they cannot supervise at the time
of construction.

2. Appropriate equipment in order to:

a) Glue parts together;
b) Saw wood where required;
c) Use a pot riveter, and;
d) Complete the required task in a safe

Total /100

peg01_TEC_3.3.pdf Page 1 of 3 Poseidon Energy Group

3.0 Criteria Explained In Depth

3.1 Experience
Fabrication Work and Tool handling:

The Rover Prototype will require minimalistic, yet some fabrication work. The
construction of the prototype requires that persons involved in the tender are
safely and effectively able to use the tools listed below. If there are any issues as
to the use of these tools, or alternative methods, contact and approval from at
least 3 Directors will need to be made before changes are to occur during the
construction of the Rover Prototype.

The tools required for the construction are listed below:

1. Hack Saw;
2. Stanley Knife;
3. An Electric Drill (With 4mm Drill Bit);
4. Pot Riveter (With Standard DIA: 4mm, LTH: 12.5mm Rivet), and;
5. A steady hand.

Prototype Modelling:

Prototype modelling is any work related to the construction, design and

implementation of prototype projects, which have been successful or assessed
as efficient and capable.

In the event there are limited person(s) who possess the experience with
prototype modelling, a member of Poseidon Energy will arrange necessary
information and practises in order for the tender to be correctly carried out.

3.2 Certification
Base-Level Engineering Certification

Due to the nature of the project, and the sensitivity of the prototype both during
construction and during the testing phase, will require previous experience and
knowledge of such activities. The standard has been set and the required
certification has been listed below:

peg01_TEC_3.3.pdf Page 2 of 3 Poseidon Energy Group

NOTE: At Least One Member must possess one of these qualifications:

1. Certificate ( Level 1) of Engineering;

2. Certificate ( Level 1) of a technical qualification (The submitted document
will be assessed amongst the board of directors), and/or;
3. Technical / Trade Studies undertaken at any tertiary institution including
TAFE or a similar authority.

3.3 Capability
Capable and Professional Staff:

The basis upon the chosen company for the tender is largely dependant on the
following factors:

1. Presentability;
2. Work Ethic;
3. Experience, and;
4. Ability to communicate.

In the event the criteria for one or more of these factors are not met, a
reassessment of the tender agreement between the tenderer and Poseidon
Energy Group may take place. Time restrictions, and supervision will be enforced
if prototype deadlines are not being met within the required time frame.

Appropriate Equipment:

The tenderer must supply and be responsible for the obtainment of equipment for
the rover prototype construction. In special cases whereby the tenderer does not
have access to the equipment specified, a formal request may be made to
Poseidon Energy Group, who will formulate the desired outcome.

The equipment other than what is referred in Section 3.0 [3.1], is listed below:

1. Gloves (Latex);
2. Safety Glasses/Goggles;
3. Leather/Safety Gloves, and;
4. A first aid kit.

peg01_TEC_3.3.pdf Page 3 of 3 Poseidon Energy Group

ID Task Task Name Duration Start Finish Resource % Complete Mar '17 Apr '17 May '17 Jun '17 Jul '17 Aug '17
Mode Names 20/0227/026/0313/0320/0327/033/0410/0417/0424/041/05 8/0515/0522/0529/055/0612/0619/0626/063/0710/0717/0724/0731/077/0814/0821/0828/08
1 Project Initiation 1 day Thu 2/03/17 Thu 2/03/17 Aiden,Audrey,Douglas,Joshua ,Rihan,RohanAiden,Audrey,Douglas,Joshua ,Rihan,Rohan

2 Team Action Plan 2 days Fri 24/03/17 Mon 27/03/17 Aiden,Rihan,Rohan 100% Aiden,Rihan,Rohan

3 Stage 1 Design Package 15 days Mon 13/03/17 Sun 2/04/17 100%

4 Drawings 6 days Mon 20/03/17 Mon 27/03/17 Aiden,Douglas,Rihan 100% Aiden,Douglas,Rihan

5 Specifications 6 days Tue 21/03/17 Tue 28/03/17 Aiden,Douglas,Rihan 100% Aiden,Douglas,Rihan

6 Tender Evaluation Criteria 8 days Mon 13/03/17 Wed 22/03/17 Joshua 100% Joshua

7 Materials List 4 days Mon 13/03/17 Thu 16/03/17 Aiden,Douglas,Joshua 100% Aiden,Douglas,Joshua

8 Risk Management Plan 6 days Fri 24/03/17 Fri 31/03/17 Rohan 100% Rohan

9 GANTT Chart 1 day Sun 2/04/17 Sun 2/04/17 Audrey,Rohan 100% Audrey,Rohan

10 MCEN-1000 Mid Semester test 1 day Wed 29/03/17 Wed 29/03/17 100%

11 Stage 2 Tender Finalisation 23 days Wed 5/04/17 Fri 5/05/17 0%

12 Contractors Tender Application 11 days Wed 5/04/17 Wed 19/04/17 Audrey,Joshua 0% Audrey,Joshua ,Rohan

13 Designers Tender Evaluation 13 days Wed 19/04/17 Fri 5/05/17 Aiden,Douglas,Rihan 0% Aiden,Douglas,Rihan

14 Renewable Energy Assignment 10 days Mon 17/04/17 Fri 28/04/17 0%

15 Stage 3 Prototype Testing 12 days Sun 7/05/17 Tue 23/05/17 0%

16 Assignment Handovers 8 days Sun 7/05/17 Tue 16/05/17 Aiden,Audrey,Douglas,Joshua ,Rihan,Rohan

0% Aiden,Audrey,Douglas,Joshua ,Rihan,Rohan

17 Prototype Testing 13 days Sun 7/05/17 Tue 23/05/17 Aiden,Audrey,Douglas,Joshua ,Rihan,Rohan

0% Aiden,Audrey,Douglas,Joshua ,Rihan,Rohan

18 Stage 4 Presentation and Reflection 12 days Mon 15/05/17 Tue 30/05/17 0%

19 Peer Presentation Feedback 7 days Mon 15/05/17 Tue 23/05/17 Aiden,Audrey,Douglas,Joshua ,Rihan,Rohan
0% Aiden,Audrey,Douglas,Joshua ,Rihan,Rohan

20 Engineering Identity reflection 7 days Mon 15/05/17 Tue 23/05/17 Aiden,Audrey,Douglas,Joshua 0% Aiden,Audrey,Douglas,Joshua ,Rihan,Rohan

21 Unit Reflection 7 days Mon 22/05/17 Tue 30/05/17 Aiden,Audrey,Douglas,Joshua ,Rihan,Rohan

0% Aiden,Audrey,Douglas,Joshua ,Rihan,Rohan

22 Oral Presentations 7 days Mon 22/05/17 Tue 30/05/17 Aiden,Audrey,Douglas,Joshua ,Rihan,Rohan

0% Aiden,Audrey,Douglas,Joshua ,Rihan,Rohan

Page 1

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