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Installation Guide
Version: 1.6 - 556357

4 July 2013
ONE270 Copyright, feedback 2
Installation Guide

Document Properties

Subject ONE270

Manual type Installation Guide

Version 1.6

Code 556357

Modification date 4 July 2013 OneAccess

Copyright Notice

The information and descriptions contained in this publication are the property of OneAccess. Such infor-
mation and descriptions must not be copied or reproduced by any means, or disseminated or distributed
without the express prior written permission of OneAccess.
This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors, for which OneAccess never
can or shall be held liable. Changes are made periodically to the information herein; these changes will
be incorporated in new editions of this publication. OneAccess may make improvements and/or changes
in the product(s) described in this publication at any time, without prior notice.

OneOS Operating System

The OneOS is a feature-rich operating system that guarantees a common feature set across the different
OneAccess product lines and a uniform support by maintenance and management tools.
The OneOS manual, which is a separate manual, describes the features of the latest version of the
OneOS operating system.

Your Feedback

Your satisfaction about this purchase is an extremely important priority to all of us at OneAccess. Accord-
ingly, all electronic, functional and cosmetic aspects of this new unit have been carefully and thoroughly
tested and inspected. If any fault is found with this unit or should you have any other quality-related com-
ment concerning this delivery, please submit the Quality Comment Form on our web page at Support Quality Comment Form.
ONE270 Table of contents 3
Installation Guide

Table of contents

1 Safety Instructions ..............................................................................................5

1.1 Safety Information / Consignes de Scurit ............................................................... 6
1.2 Unpacking ................................................................................................................ 11
1.3 Selecting a Site ........................................................................................................ 12
1.4 Connection Precautions ........................................................................................... 13
1.5 Back Panel Earth Connection .................................................................................. 15

2 Directives and Standards..................................................................................16

2.1 Statements ............................................................................................................... 17
2.2 Environmental Information ....................................................................................... 18
2.3 Safety Compliance ................................................................................................... 19
2.4 Over-Voltage and Over-Current Protection Compliance .......................................... 19
2.5 EMC Compliance ..................................................................................................... 19
2.6 Environmental Compliance ...................................................................................... 20

3 Device Description ............................................................................................21

3.1 What is the ONE270?............................................................................................... 22
3.2 ONE270 Router Family Overview ............................................................................ 23
3.3 Hardware Description............................................................................................... 24
3.4 The Front- and Back Panel LED Indicators.............................................................. 25
3.5 Rear view of the ONE270......................................................................................... 29
3.6 The ONE270 Motherboard ....................................................................................... 37

4 Interface Description .........................................................................................38

4.1 Connectors of the ONE270 Back Panel ................................................................... 39
4.2 WAN SFP Interface Specifications........................................................................... 42
4.3 WAN Ethernet Interface Specification ...................................................................... 43
4.4 SHDSL Line Specifications ...................................................................................... 44
4.5 VDSL Line Specifications ......................................................................................... 45
4.6 E1/T1 interface specification .................................................................................... 46
4.7 LAN 4 port Ethernet Switch Specifications............................................................... 47
4.8 WLAN Interface Specifications................................................................................. 48
4.9 ISDN PRI Interface Specifications............................................................................ 49
4.10 ISDN BRI Interface Specifications............................................................................ 50
4.11 FXS Analog Interface Specifications ........................................................................ 53
4.12 FXO Analog Interface Specifications........................................................................ 55
4.13 Console Port Specifications ..................................................................................... 56

5 Technical Characteristics .................................................................................57

5.1 Power Requirements................................................................................................ 58
5.2 Dimensions............................................................................................................... 58
ONE270 Table of contents 4
Installation Guide

6 Installing the ONE270 ........................................................................................59

6.1 Opening and Closing the Housing............................................................................ 60
6.2 Installing the WLAN Antennas.................................................................................. 61
6.3 Mounting the ONE270 on a Wall.............................................................................. 62
6.4 Mounting an Anti-Theft Security Cable..................................................................... 64

7 Powering up the ONE270 ..................................................................................65

Annex .................................................................................................... 66
Annex A:Console Cable ..........................................................................................67

Index ...................................................................................................... 68
ONE270 Chapter 1 5
Installation Guide Safety Instructions

1 Safety Instructions
This chapter gives some important safety instructions to take into account when using and installing the
ONE270. The following gives an overview of this chapter:
1.1 - Safety Information / Consignes de Scurit on page 6
1.2 - Unpacking on page 11
1.3 - Selecting a Site on page 12
1.4 - Connection Precautions on page 13
1.5 - Back Panel Earth Connection on page 15
ONE270 Chapter 1 6
Installation Guide Safety Instructions

1.1 Safety Information / Consignes de Scurit

Information to user Informations envers l'utilisateur

Changes or modifications not expressly Tout changement ou modification non

approved by the party responsible for compli- expressment approuv par l'instance com-
ance could void the user's authority to operate ptente responsable pour la vrification de la
the equipment. conformit de l'quipement peut invalider
The external power supply may be delivered l'autorisation accorde l'utilisateur de mettre
together with the ONE270. l'quipement en service.
This equipment has been tested and found L'adaptateur ou le cble d'alimentation lec-
to comply with the limits for a Class A dig- trique prescrit par OneAccess peut tre livr
ital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC d'origine ou non avec l'quipement.
Rules. These limits are designed to pro- En France, l utilisation de l option WiFi de cet
vide reasonable protection against harmful quipment est restreinte un usage intrieur.
interference when the equipment is oper- Cet appareil numrique de la classe A est con-
ated in a commercial environment. This forme la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
equipment generates, uses, and can radi-
ate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the
instruction manual, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications.
Operation of this equipment in a residential
area is likely to cause harmful interference
in which case the user will be required to
correct the interference at his own
This Class A digital apparatus complies
with Canadian ICES-003.

IEEE 802.11b/g/n operation of this product in L'utilisation du mode IEEE 802.11b/g/n (WiFi)
Canada is firmware-limited to channels 1 de ce produit au Canada est limite par pro-
through 11. gramme aux canaux 1 11.

FCC Radiation Exposure Statement

This equipment complies with FCC radiation

exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
This equipment should be installed and oper-
ated with a minimum distance of 20cm
between the radiator and your body.
This transmitter must not be co-located or
operating in conjunction with any other
antenna or transmitter.
IEEE 802.11b/g/n operation of this product in
the USA is firmware-limited to channels 1
through 11.
ONE270 Chapter 1 7
Installation Guide Safety Instructions

Connecting the power supply Raccordement l'alimentation

To connect the power supply, always respect fol- Pour alimenter l'quipement, toujours respecter
lowing steps: les tapes suivantes:
1. Plug power supply connector in the corre- 1. Enfichez le connecteur d'alimentation dans le
sponding device's input power connector. connecteur d'entre d'alimentation correspon-
2. Secure power supply cable by looping it once dant de l'quipement.
around holding clip foreseen on device to 2. Rebouclez le cble d'alimentation autour de la
avoid unwanted power supply cable discon- bride de maintien prvue cet effet sur le pan-
nection. (Only valid if device is equipped with neau arrire pour viter l'arrachage accidentel
such a holding clip). du connecteur d'alimentation. (Uniquement
3. Connect the power supply plug to the electrical pour les quipements qui sont pourvus d'une
power network; refer to 5.1 - Power Require- bride de maintien)
ments on page 58. 3. Branchez la fiche d'alimentation au rseau
d'alimentation lectrique (voir 5.1 - Power
Requirements on page 58).

Over-current Protection Protection contre les surcharges

Do not use another type of power supply than Ne pas utiliser d'autre type d'adaptateur que
the one delivered or prescribed by OneAc- celui livr ou prescrit par OneAccess.
cess. Toujours utiliser un type de cble d'alimenta-
Always use a power cable approved for this tion agr pour cet usage comme celui livr ou
use as the one delivered or prescribed by prescrit par OneAccess.
OneAccess. La protection contre les courts-circuits de cet
This device requires that the building's electri- quipement dpend de l'installation lectrique
cal installation is designed for protection du local laquelle il est raccord. Vrifier
against short-circuit (over-current) protection. qu'un fusible ou disjoncteur de maximum 10A
A fuse or circuit breaker no larger that 10A est install sur le conducteur de phase (AC) ou
must be used on the phase conductor (AC) or le conducteur actif par rapport la terre (DC).
the active conductor with respect to the protec-
tive earth (DC).
ONE270 Chapter 1 8
Installation Guide Safety Instructions

Use Precautions Prcautions d'usage

To avoid damage to the device, please Pour viter d'endommager l'quipement,

observe all procedures described in this chap- veuillez respecter toutes les procdures
ter. dcrites dans ce chapitre.
Disconnect the power supply before installing, Dbranchez l'alimentation de la prise rseau
moving or servicing the device. Always discon- lectrique avant d'installer, dplacer ou inter-
nect the electrical power supply first. venir sur l'quipement. Dbranchez toujours
Ensure that the unit and its connected equip- l'alimentation rseau lectrique en premier.
ment all use the same power and earth wiring, Assurez-vous que l'quipement et ses
to reduce noise interference and possible priphriques soient tous branchs sur un
safety hazards caused by differences in earth mme rseau d'alimentation lectrique et une
potentials. quipotentielle de terre afin de rduire les
If an earth stud is present, it is essential that interfrences perturbatrices et de possibles
the earth stud, marked with , is effectively risques de scurit causs par des diffrences
connected to earth. Otherwise, in case of elec- de potentiel entre prises de terre.
trical problems, other devices connected to the Si prsente, il est essentiel que la borne de
ONE270 could be damaged. terre, marque avec , soit effectivement
Also refer to 1.5 - Back Panel Earth Connec- raccorde la terre. Autrement, en cas de
tion on page 15. dfaut lectrique, d'autres quipements con-
nects au ONE270 pourraient tre endom-
Voir aussi 1.5 - Back Panel Earth Connection
on page 15.


The following warning is applicable to devices L avertissement suivant est applicable aux quip-
equipped with an RJ21 FXS connector: ments pourvus d un connecteur FXS RJ21:
Warning - High leakage current - Earth connec- Attention - Courant de fuite lev - Raccordement
tion essential before making Telecommunication la terre indispensable avant le raccordement au
Network Connections. rseau de tlcommunications.
ONE270 Chapter 1 9
Installation Guide Safety Instructions

Limitations notice Restrictions concernant le raccordement de


Compliance Conformit

This equipment meets the applicable Industry Le prsent matriel est conforme aux spcifica-
Canada Terminal Equipment Technical Specifi- tions techniques d'Industrie Canada applicables
cations. This is confirmed by the registration au matriel terminal. Cette conformit est con-
number. The abbreviation, IC, before the regis- firme par le numro d'enregistrement. Le sigle
tration number signifies that registration was per- IC, plac devant le numro d'enregistrement, sig-
formed based on a Declaration of Conformity nifie que l'enregistrement s'est effectu con-
indicating that Industry Canada technical specifi- formment une dclaration de conformit et
cations were met. It does not imply that Industry indique que les spcifications techniques d'Indus-
Canada approved the equipment. trie Canada ont t respectes. Il n'implique pas
qu'Industrie Canada a approuv le matriel.

Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) Indice d'quivalence de la sonnerie (IES)

The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this L'indice d'quivalence de la sonnerie (IES) du
terminal equipment is 01B. The REN assigned to prsent matriel est de 01B. L'IES assign
each terminal equipment provides an indication of chaque dispositif terminal indique le nombre max-
the maximum number of terminals allowed to be imal de terminaux qui peuvent tre raccords
connected to a telephone interface. The termina- une interface tlphonique. La terminaison d'une
tion on an interface may consist of any combina- interface peut consister en une combinaison quel-
tion of devices subject only to the requirement conque de dispositifs, la seule condition que la
that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence Numbers somme d'indices d'quivalence de la sonnerie de
of all the devices does not exceed 5. tous les dispositifs n'excde pas 5.
ONE270 Chapter 1 10
Installation Guide Safety Instructions

Limitations notice


The ONE270 complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by the ACTA. On
the bottom of this device is a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier in the
format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. If requested, this number must be provided to the telephone company.

Ringer Equivalence Number (REN)

The REN is used to determine the number of devices that may be connected to a telephone line.
Excessive RENs on a telephone line may result in the devices not ringing in response to an incoming
call. In most but not all areas, the sum of RENs should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of the
number of devices that may be connected to a line, as determined by the total RENs, contact the local
telephone company. For products approved after July 23, 2001, the REN for this device is part of the
product identifier that has the format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. The digits represented by ## are the REN
without a decimal point (e.g., 03 is a REN of 0.3). For earlier products, the REN is separately shown
on the label.

Harm to the telephone network

If the ONE270 causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in
advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. But if advance notice isn't practi-
cal, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. Also, you will be advised of
your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.

Changes made by the telephone company

The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations or procedures that
could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens the telephone company will provide
advance notice in order for you to make necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service.

In case of problems

If trouble is experienced with the ONE270, for repair or warranty information, please contact OneAc-
Telephone: 866.533.3331
If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that
you disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved.

Repair by the customer

The ONE270 is of a type that is not intended to be repaired by the customer.

Party lines

Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs. Contact the state public utility commission,
public service commission or corporation commission for information.

Alarm dialing

If your home has specially wired alarm equipment connected to the telephone line, ensure the instal-
lation of the ONE270 does not disable your alarm equipment. If you have questions about what will
disable alarm equipment, consult your telephone company or a qualified installer.
ONE270 Chapter 1 11
Installation Guide Safety Instructions

1.2 Unpacking

Checking the shipping carton

Rough handling during shipping causes most early failures. Before installation, check the shipping car-
ton for signs of damage:
If the shipping carton is damaged, please place a claim with the carrier company immediately.
If the shipping carton is undamaged, do not dispose of it in case you need to store the unit or ship it
in the future.
ONE270 Chapter 1 12
Installation Guide Safety Instructions

1.3 Selecting a Site

Warning Avertissement

Always place the unit in such a way that the air Placez toujours l'appareil de sorte que les
vents are not blocked. oues d'aration ne soient pas obtures.
To improve the quality of radio transmission, Pour optimiser la qualit de la transmission
be careful to install the product in a location radio, prenez la peine d'installer l'appareil
with limited electromagnetic shields such as dans un endroit peu protg contre les
metallic frames, cabinets, Otherwise, an champs lectromagntiques en vitant les
external antenna with an extension cable structures mtalliques, armoires,
should be used. Dans le cas contraire, une antenne externe
avec un cble d'extension devrait tre utilise.

Caution Attention

Install the unit in an area free of extreme tem- Installez l'appareil dans une zone exempte de
peratures, humidity, shock and vibration. Posi- tempratures extrmes, d'humidit, de chocs
tion it so that you can easily see and access et de vibrations. Positionnez-le de sorte que
the front panel and its control indicators. Leave vous puissiez aisment accder au panneau
enough clearance at the back for cables and avant et voir ses tmoins de contrle. Laissez
wires. suffisamment d'espace l'arrire pour les fils
The AC/DC adapter is used to switch the et les cbles.
device on or off by plugging it in or disconnect- Le convertisseur dalimentation AC/DC est uti-
ing it, respectively. lis comme dispositif interrupteur.
The socket outlet shall be installed near the La prise de courant doit tre installe prox-
device and easily accessible. imit de lappareil et facilement accessible.
ONE270 Chapter 1 13
Installation Guide Safety Instructions

1.4 Connection Precautions


The circuit boards are sensitive to electrostatic discharges (ESD) and should be handled with care. It is
advisable to ensure an optimal electrical contact between yourself, the working area and a safety ground
before touching any circuit board. Take special care not to touch any component or connector on the
circuit board.

The connectors of the ONE270 should only be connected to the following circuit types:

Interface type Interface identification Connector type Circuit type

RS2321 Console RJ45 SELV

LAN2 ETH 0/0 ... 0/3 RJ45 SELV




WAN SFP + UTP SFP 1/0 SFP slot -


FXS On ONE270-8V: RJ11 TNV-2

FXS 5/0 ... 5/7

On ONE270-16Vg-1Og: RJ21 TNV-2, TNV-33

FXS 5/0 ... 5/15

FXO FXO 5/16 RJ45 TNV-3



E1/T1 E1 0-2 1-3 RJ45 TNV-14

Earth stud Screw hole Earth

1. V.24
2. 10/100/1000 Mbps interface
3. The first FXS port beside the FXO port is TNV-3, the other FXS ports are TNV-2.
4. For US devices: circuit type = SELV
ONE270 Chapter 1 14
Installation Guide Safety Instructions

Inside building circuit: Circuit remaining inside building and not subject to telecom network primary
nor secondary lightning strikes.
Outside building circuit: Circuit routed going outside building and possibly subject to telecom network
secondary lightning strikes.
SELV or Safety Extra Low Voltage: Inside building circuit designed to not exceed safe voltage value.
TNV or Telecom Network Voltage: User's accessible internal circuit designed to not exceed specified
voltage limits:
- TNV-1 : Outside building circuit respecting SELV voltage limits
- TNV-2: Inside building circuit exceeding SELV voltage limits but respecting TNV voltage limits
- TNV-3: Outside building circuit exceeding SELV voltage limits but respecting TNV voltage limits
ONE270 Chapter 1 15
Installation Guide Safety Instructions

1.5 Back Panel Earth Connection


Some configurations of the ONE270 are equipped with an FXO and/or FXS interface, and will need
a hard wired Protective Earth connection between the earth stud on the back panel and the protective
earth of the load centre.
This connection must be permanent, secure and protected against corrosion.
The earth wire must be mechanically protected when crossing floors and walls and never be built
The connection must be made with a green/yellow wire of at least a 1 mm section.
The following figure indicates the location of the earth stud on the back panel:

For safety reasons it is essential that the hard wired Protective Earth connection is installed before
connections are made to any of the FXO/FXS ports.
The hard wired Protective Earth connection must be carried out by authorized service personnel.

Earth Connection

To connect an earth wire to the screw hole on the back panel, use:
1 M3 spring or lock washer
1 M3 ring tongue
1 M3 screw
Proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 If not already done so, the earth cable that will be connected to the screw hole, must be
equipped with the M3 ring tongue.

2 The spring/lock washer must be mounted between the M3 ring tongue and the M3 screw;
this is necessary because the M3 ring tongue must make direct contact with the back

3 Use the M3 screw to fix everything; make sure that it is firmly fixed.
This makes sure that the three parts are firmly fixed against the back panel, and cannot
get loose anymore.
ONE270 Chapter 2 16
Installation Guide Directives and Standards

2 Directives and Standards

This chapter details the list of standards, which the ONE270 complies with. The following gives an over-
view of this chapter:
2.1 - Statements on page 17
2.2 - Environmental Information on page 18
2.3 - Safety Compliance on page 19
2.4 - Over-Voltage and Over-Current Protection Compliance on page 19
2.5 - EMC Compliance on page 19
2.6 - Environmental Compliance on page 20
ONE270 Chapter 2 17
Installation Guide Directives and Standards

2.1 Statements Support Download Center Technical Downloads

Choose a product Choose Product certificates Search

Hereby, OneAccess declares that this ONE270 complies with the essential requirements and other rel-
evant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.

Hierbij verklaart OneAccess dat deze ONE270 overeenstemt met de essentile vereisten en andere rel-
evante bepalingen van Richtlijn 1999/5/EC.

Par la prsente, OneAccess dclare que ce ONE270 est en conformit avec les exigences essentielles
et autres articles applicables de la Directive 1999/5/EC.

Hiermit, OneAccess erklrt da dieser ONE270 in Fgsamkeit ist mit den wesentlichen Anforderungen
und anderen relevanten Bereitstellungen von Direktive 1999/5/EC.

Mediante la presente, OneAccess declara que el ONE270 cumple con los requisitos esenciales y las
dems prescripciones relevantes de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.

A OneAccess declara que o ONE270 cumpre os principais requisitos e outras disposies da Directiva

Col presente, OneAccess dichiara che questo ONE270 in acquiescenza coi requisiti essenziali e stip-
ulazioni attinenti ed altre di Direttivo 1999/5/EC.

OneAccess ONE270

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Cet appareil numrique de la classe A est conforme la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
ONE270 Chapter 2 18
Installation Guide Directives and Standards

2.2 Environmental Information

The crossed-out wheeled bin means that within the European Union the product must be taken to separate
collection at the product end-of-life. This applies to the device but also to any accessories marked with this symbol.
Do not dispose of these products as unsorted municipal waste.
If you need more information on the collection points where you can present your end-of-life equipment for
recycling, please contact your local importer.
For Belgium, you can contact

De doorstreepte container wil zeggen dat binnen de Europese gemeenschap het product voor gescheiden afvalverzameling moet
worden aangeboden aan het einde van de levensduur van het product. Dit geldt voor het toestel, maar ook voor alle toebehoren
die van dit symbool voorzien zijn. Bied deze producten niet aan bij het gewone huisvuil.
Indien u meer informatie wenst over het inzamelpunt waar u afgedankte apparatuur kan aanbieden voor recyclage, gelieve dan
uw lokale importateur te contacteren.
Voor Belgie kan u contact opnemen met

Le symbole de la poubelle sur roues barre d'une croix signifie que ce produit doit faire l'objet d'une collecte slective en fin de vie
au sein de l'Union Europenne. Cette mesure s'applique non seulement votre appareil mais galement tout autre accessoire
marqu de ce symbole. Ne jetez pas ces produits dans les ordures mnagres non sujettes au tri slectif.
Si vous souhaitez plus d'information concernant le point de collecte o vous pouvez apporter vos appareils usags afin qu'ils soient
recycls, veuillez contacter votre importateur local.
Pour la Belgique, vous pouvez prendre contact avec

Das Symbol der durchgestrichenen Abfalltonne auf Rdern bedeutet dass das Produkt in der Europischen Union einer
getrennten Mlsammlung zugefhrt werden muss. Dies gilt sowohl fr das Produkt selbst, als auch fr alle mit diesem Symbol
gekennzeichneten Zubehrteile. Diese Produkte drfen nicht ber den unsortierten Hausmll entsorgt werden.
Falls Sie weitere Ausknfte brauchen im Betracht der Sammelpltze fr ausrangierte Apparate, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren
rtlichen Importeur.
Fr Belgien, bitte kontaktieren sie
ONE270 Chapter 2 19
Installation Guide Directives and Standards

2.3 Safety Compliance

EN60950-1: Safety of information technology equipment, including electrical business equipment.

Class II equipment.

2.4 Over-Voltage and Over-Current Protection Compliance

The over-voltage and over-current protection complies with ITU-T K.44 and ETSI EN 300 386 recom-

2.5 EMC Compliance

FCC class A
EN55022 Emissions
EN55024 Immunity
EN61000-3-2 Harmonics
EN61000-3-3 Voltage fluctuations and flicker
EN61000-4-2 ESD
EN61000-4-3 Radiated immunity
EN61000-4-4 EFT/burst
EN61000-4-5 Surge
EN61000-4-6 Conducted immunity
EN61000-4-8 Power magnetic field immunity
EN61000-4-11 Voltage dips & drops
EN300386 EMC Requirements
ONE270 Chapter 2 20
Installation Guide Directives and Standards

2.6 Environmental Compliance

Storage conditions: ETSI ETS 300 019-1-1 Class 1.1. In addition, the storage temperature has to be
between -25 and +70C, with a relative humidity between 0 and 95% non-condensing.
Transport conditions: ETSI ETS 300 019-1-2 Class 2.3.
Stationary use conditions: ETSI ETS 300 019-1-3 Class 3.1. In addition, a relative humidity between
5 and 80% non-condensing and an ambient operational temperature between 0C and 45C is sup-
International protection (IP) class of protection against solid and liquids: IP30
ONE270 Chapter 3 21
Installation Guide Device Description

3 Device Description
This chapter describes the ONE270 front and back panels, and the associated technical characteristics.
The following gives an overview of this chapter:
3.1 - What is the ONE270? on page 22
3.2 - ONE270 Router Family Overview on page 23
3.3 - Hardware Description on page 24
3.4 - The Front- and Back Panel LED Indicators on page 25
3.5 - Rear view of the ONE270 on page 29
3.6 - The ONE270 Motherboard on page 37
ONE270 Chapter 3 22
Installation Guide Device Description

3.1 What is the ONE270?

The ONE270 Integrated Access Device combines broadband IP access with high speed IP routing and
integrated voice capabilities. The ONE270 multi-play router has a multi-uplink approach. The uplink con-
sists of one or a combination of the following interfaces:
SHDSLbis 4 or 8 wires
Fast Ethernet (Electrical/Optical)
4 E1/T1 ATM IMA interfaces
These interfaces offer a high-speed connection to next generation access networks. The available band-
width allows for a variety of services over the broadband network including IP VPN, Voice, Internet
access and WIFI.
With its Fibre and SHDSLbis or ADSL2+/VDSL2 interfaces, the ONE270 offers a high symmetrical/
asymmetrical bandwidth in various access networks and at various local loop distances.
The Fast Ethernet uplink is available for copper and fibre. The different flavours of SFP fibre modules
provide a solution for many fibre types and lengths at Fast Ethernet line rates.
The SHDSLbis interface with up to 4 copper pairs provides line rates up to 22Mbps on short distances
and up to 10Mbps on operator standard loop lengths. The SHDSLbis interface readily supports ATM and
EFM modes. The various pair bonding techniques make it suitable for any type of DSL infrastructure.
The ADSL2+/VDSL2 interface offers asymmetric download speeds of up to 100Mbps over a single two-
wire unconditioned unshielded twisted-pair cable.
The ONE270 inherits all the voice capabilities of the ONE180 and more. With various signalling protocols
(H.323 or SIP) for delivery of voice over IP networks, the ONE270 is a secure choice in today's networks.
Embedded voice quality audit functions, monitoring voice frame jitter and throughput delay, ensure a
simplified troubleshooting. Mean Opinion Score (MOS) statistics provide a valuable network service
monitoring tool. It offers also Integrated Business Communication (IBC) with an extended IP PBX feature
set. With the VoIP proxy function, a variety of IP phones can be seamlessly connected to the Telco's
The ONE270 can be equiped with 8 BRI interfaces, 1 or 2 PRI interfaces, 8 or 16 FXS interfaces, an
FXO port, and supports up to 60 voice channels.
ONE270 Chapter 3 23
Installation Guide Device Description

3.2 ONE270 Router Family Overview

Different versions exist of the ONE270. The name of each version indicates the hardware characteristics
according to the following table:

Characters Description

-<n>B BRI ports for voice; <n> is the number of ports starting from 1.

D 2 pair SHDSL

g Ground start on FXO/FXS ports. This indication can appear behind

-<n>O or -<n>V, e.g. -16Vg-1Og.

Gb Gb Ethernet Fibre

M 4 pair SHDSL

-<n>O FXO ports; <n> is the number of ports starting from 1.

-<n>P PRI ports for voice on E1 interface (30 B channels); <n> is the number of ports
starting from 1.

-<n>Pt PRI ports for voice on T1 interface (23 B channels); <n> is the number of ports
starting from 1.

<n>T Gb Ethernet UTP ports; <n> if more than 1 port

-<n>V FXS ports; <n> is the number of ports starting from 1.

W WIFI option 802.11 b/g


ONE270-8B DGb5T
This is a ONE270, with:
8 BRI ports for voice
2 pair SHDSL
Gb Ethernet Fibre
5 Gb Ethernet UTP ports
ONE270 Chapter 3 24
Installation Guide Device Description

3.3 Hardware Description

The ONE270 motherboard is by default equipped with the following interfaces:

Console port
Managed 4 port switch with 4Gb Ethernet ports 0/0 ... 0/3
Fast Ethernet UTP port 1/0
Optional interfaces are:
Fast Ethernet SFP slot 1/0
SHDSL port (2 or 4 pairs)
ISDN PRI connectors
ISDN BRI connectors on daughterboard
E1/T1 interfaces
FXO and/or FXS connectors
Wireless LAN 802.11b/g, ready for 802.11b/g/n
ONE270 Chapter 3 25
Installation Guide Device Description

3.4 The Front- and Back Panel LED Indicators

This section gives an overview of the front- and back panel LEDs and what they indicate. The following
gives an overview of this section:
3.4.1 - Introducing the Front- and Back Panel LEDs on page 26
3.4.2 - LED states on page 27
ONE270 Chapter 3 26
Installation Guide Device Description

3.4.1 Introducing the Front- and Back Panel LEDs

When all the connections are made and the ONE270 is powered, the LEDs on the front- and back panel
reflect the actual status of the device.
The following figure shows the front panel LED indicators of the One270:

The figures in 3.5 - Rear view of the ONE270 on page 29 show the back panels of the One70 and

LED states

One LED can reflect different status modes by the way it lights up. The LEDs can light up as follows:

LED state LED duty cycle Description

OFF 0% The LED never lights up.

ON 100% The LED lights up continuously.

blinking 50% The LED is alternating 0,5 seconds ON, and 0,5 seconds OFF.

flashing 25% The LED is alternating 0,25 seconds ON, and 0,75 seconds

flashing2 6,25% The LED is alternating 0,25 seconds ON, and 3,75 seconds
ONE270 Chapter 3 27
Installation Guide Device Description

3.4.2 LED states

The following LED is present on the front panel:

LED name Colour Description

Status Bicolour OFF: No input power.

ON - green: Switched on and operational.
ON - red: Switched on and not operational.
Blinking green: (Re)boot in progress.

The following LEDs may be present on the back panel:

LED name Colour Description

STATUS Bicolour OFF: No input power.

ON - red: Switched on and not operational.
Blinking green: (Re)boot in progress.
ON - green: Switched on and operational.

SHDSL Bicolour OFF: The WAN interface is not configured.

ON - red: The WAN interface does not get any reaction of the other
side of the link (on any of the line pairs in case of SHDSL).
Blinking green: The WAN synchronisation is in progress.
This means, in case of EFM or IMA on the SHDSL link, that less
than the necessary minimum amount of DSL line pairs are up, to
let the SHDSL link become active.
ON - green: The WAN link is synchronised.
This means, in case of EFM or IMA on the SHDSL link, that at
least the necessary minimum amount of DSL line pairs are in use.

IP Bicolour OFF: No configured IP interfaces.

ON - red: All configured IP interfaces are down.
Orange: At least one IP interface is up and at least one is not up.
ON - green: All configured IP interfaces are up1.

WLAN Green OFF: Not in use.

Blinking green: Traffic in progress.
ON - green: The WLAN interface up.

ETH 0/0...0/3 Green OFF: Link inactive.

UTP 1/0 ON: Link active.
The LEDs are integrated in the UTP RJ45 connectors.

Yellow OFF: No traffic in progress.

ON: Traffic in progress.
The LEDs are integrated in the UTP RJ45 connectors.
ONE270 Chapter 3 28
Installation Guide Device Description

LED name Colour Description

SFP 1/0 Bicolour OFF: The SFP interface is not configured or no SFP module is
ON - red: The SFP interface does not receive an optical signal or
it is below the power threshold of the SFP module (depends on
optical budget).
ON - green: The SFP interface is up.
Blinking green: Traffic in progress.

Aux Green OFF: CWMP (CPE WAN Management Protocol) not configured.
ON - green: CWMP update in progress or successfully finished.
Blinking green: CWMP update has failed.

Com Multicol- OFF: no voice/PWE3 service on any of the voice/PWE3 ports.

our ON - green: voice/PWE3 service available on any of the voice/
PWE ports.
Blinking green: no default at least one voice call in progress.
ON - red: Voice service not fully operational (physical layer issue).
Blinking red: At least one call in progress with default.
ON - orange: Voice Test didn't work at the end of installation (local
call available).

1. An IP interface is a physical or logical interface (e.g. ATM PVC, PPP session, VLAN) which is
configured for IP traffic (routed mode).
An IP interface is up if its interface is up on layer 2 and it has either obtained a dynamic IP
address (e.g. from IPCP or DHCP) or a static IP address is configured.
If the IP or PPPoE/PPPoA session is dropped due to an idle or lease timeout, the LED will
remain green if the layer 2 is still present on this interface. If the session is dropped for any
other reason, the LED is turned off.
ONE270 Chapter 3 29
Installation Guide Device Description

3.5 Rear view of the ONE270

This section describes the various types of ONE270 back panels, so that the user can identify the inter-
face type and port numbering:
The following gives an overview of the different models of the ONE270:
ONE270-8B G on page 30
ONE270-8B 4E1 M on page 31
ONE270-1P G on page 32
ONE270-1Pt M on page 33
ONE270-1P-1P G on page 34
ONE270-8V AV2 on page 35
ONE270-16Vg-1Og M on page 36
ONE270 Chapter 3 30
Installation Guide Device Description

ONE270-8B G

The following figure shows the back panel:

Following connectors are present:

Interface type Interface identification Type Function

SHDSL SHDSL 1-2 RJ11 SHDSL line connector

Console CONSOLE RJ45 V.24 DTE interface

SFP slot SFP 1/0 SFP Fast Ethernet SFP slot

UTP port UTP 1/0 RJ45 Fast Ethernet UTP port

4 port Ethernet ETH 0/0 0/3 RJ45 Gb Ethernet LAN connectors


ISDN BRI 5/0 5/7 RJ45 ISDN BRI connection, TE pinout

WLAN WLAN SMA Wireless LAN connectors, optional

Power 12VDC-2,2A DC input Power input

ONE270 Chapter 3 31
Installation Guide Device Description

ONE270-8B 4E1 M

The following figure shows the back panel:

Following connectors are present:

Interface type Interface identification Type Function

SHDSL SHDSL 1-2 RJ11 SHDSL line connector (optional)

SHDSL 3-4 RJ11 SHDSL line connector (optional)

Console CONSOLE RJ45 V.24 DTE interface

UTP port UTP 1/0 RJ45 Fast Ethernet UTP port

4 port Ethernet ETH 0/0 0/3 RJ45 Gb Ethernet LAN connectors


E1/T1 E1 0-2 1-3 RJ45 4 E1/T1 interfaces

ISDN BRI 5/0 5/7 RJ45 ISDN BRI connection, TE pinout

WLAN WLAN SMA Wireless LAN connectors, optional

Power 12VDC-2,2A DC input Power input

ONE270 Chapter 3 32
Installation Guide Device Description

ONE270-1P G

The following figure shows the back panel:

Following connectors are present:

Interface type Interface identification Type Function

SHDSL SHDSL 1-2 RJ11 SHDSL line connector

Console CONSOLE RJ45 V.24 DTE interface

SFP slot SFP 1/0 SFP Fast Ethernet SFP slot

UTP port UTP 1/0 RJ45 Fast Ethernet UTP port

4 port Ethernet ETH 0/0 0/3 RJ45 Gb Ethernet LAN connectors


ISDN PRI 5/0 RJ45 ISDN PRI connection, NT pinout

WLAN WLAN SMA Wireless LAN connectors, optional

Power 12VDC-2,2A DC input Power input

ONE270 Chapter 3 33
Installation Guide Device Description

ONE270-1Pt M

The following figure shows the back panel:

Following connectors are present:

Interface type Interface identification Type Function

SHDSL SHDSL 1-2 RJ11 SHDSL line connector (optional)

SHDSL 3-4 RJ11 SHDSL line connector (optional)

Console CONSOLE RJ45 V.24 DTE interface

SFP slot SFP 1/0 SFP Fast Ethernet SFP slot

UTP port UTP 1/0 RJ45 Fast Ethernet UTP port

4 port Ethernet ETH 0/0 0/3 RJ45 Gb Ethernet LAN connectors


ISDN PRI 5/0 RJ45 ISDN PRI connection, NT pinout

WLAN WLAN SMA Wireless LAN connectors, optional

Power 12VDC-2,2A DC input Power input

ONE270 Chapter 3 34
Installation Guide Device Description

ONE270-1P-1P G

The following figure shows the back panel:

Following connectors are present:

Interface type Interface identification Type Function

SHDSL SHDSL 1-2 RJ11 SHDSL line connector

Console CONSOLE RJ45 V.24 DTE interface

SFP slot SFP 1/0 SFP Fast Ethernet SFP slot

UTP port UTP 1/0 RJ45 Fast Ethernet UTP port

4 port Ethernet ETH 0/0 0/3 RJ45 Gb Ethernet LAN connectors


ISDN PRI 5/0 5/1 RJ45 ISDN PRI connection, NT pinout

WLAN WLAN SMA Wireless LAN connectors, optional

Power 12VDC-2,2A DC input Power input

ONE270 Chapter 3 35
Installation Guide Device Description

ONE270-8V AV2

The following figure shows the back panel:

Following connectors are present:

Interface type Interface identification Type Function

VDSL VDSL/ADSL RJ11 VDSL/ADSL line connector

Console CONSOLE RJ45 V.24 DTE interface

SFP slot SFP 1/0 SFP Fast Ethernet SFP slot

UTP port UTP 1/0 RJ45 Fast Ethernet UTP port

4 port Ethernet ETH 0/0 0/3 RJ45 Gb Ethernet LAN connectors


FXS FXS 5/0 ... 5/7 RJ11 8 analog telephone interfaces

WLAN WLAN SMA Wireless LAN connectors, optional

Power 12VDC-2,2A DC input Power input

ONE270 Chapter 3 36
Installation Guide Device Description

ONE270-16Vg-1Og M

The following figure shows the back panel:

Following connectors are present:

Interface type Interface identification Type Function

SHDSL SHDSL 1-2 RJ11 SHDSL line connector

SHDSL 3-4 RJ11 SHDSL line connector (optional)

Console CONSOLE RJ45 V.24 DTE interface

SFP slot SFP 1/0 SFP Fast Ethernet SFP slot

UTP port UTP 1/0 RJ45 Fast Ethernet UTP port

4 port Ethernet ETH 0/0 0/3 RJ45 Gb Ethernet LAN connectors


FXS FXS 5/0 ... 5/15 RJ21 16 analog telephone interfaces

FXO FXO 5/16 RJ45 1 analog telephone interface

WLAN WLAN SMA Wireless LAN connectors, optional

Power 12VDC-5A DC input Power input


Earth stud Screw Earth connection

ONE270 Chapter 3 37
Installation Guide Device Description

3.6 The ONE270 Motherboard

The figure below shows the motherboard and daughterboard with 8 BRI connectors, and the position of
the straps:
ONE270 Chapter 4 38
Installation Guide Interface Description

4 Interface Description
This chapter gives an overview of the different connectors on the back of the ONE270. The following
gives an overview of this chapter:
4.1 - Connectors of the ONE270 Back Panel on page 39.
4.2 - WAN SFP Interface Specifications on page 42
4.3 - WAN Ethernet Interface Specification on page 43
4.4 - SHDSL Line Specifications on page 44
4.5 - VDSL Line Specifications on page 45
4.6 - E1/T1 interface specification on page 46
4.7 - LAN 4 port Ethernet Switch Specifications on page 47
4.8 - WLAN Interface Specifications on page 48
4.9 - ISDN PRI Interface Specifications on page 49
4.10 - ISDN BRI Interface Specifications on page 50
4.11 - FXS Analog Interface Specifications on page 53
4.12 - FXO Analog Interface Specifications on page 55
4.13 - Console Port Specifications on page 56
ONE270 Chapter 4 39
Installation Guide Interface Description

4.1 Connectors of the ONE270 Back Panel

The following table gives an overview of the connectors located at the back of the ONE270 and explains
their function:

Interface identi- Interface function


ETH 0/0 ... 0/3 These RJ45 connectors are the Ethernet LAN connectors. There are 4 Ethernet
LAN connectors on the ONE270. The Ethernet switch is VLAN manageable.
Connect one side of an Ethernet LAN cable to the LAN connector of the ONE270
and the other side to an Ethernet network outlet. Each LAN interface supports 10/
100/1000 Mbps auto-sense and auto cross-over.
Refer to 4.7 - LAN 4 port Ethernet Switch Specifications on page 47 for more infor-

SFP/UTP 1/0 Port 1/0 is either used with an SFP module or as a Fast Ethernet UTP port:
SFP: Connect one side of an optical cable to the SFP module inserted in the
SFP slot; connect the other side to a local optical network outlet.
UTP: Connect one side of an Ethernet LAN cable to the LAN connector of the
ONE270 and the other side to an Ethernet network outlet. Each UTP LAN inter-
face supports 10/100 Mbps auto-sense and auto cross-over.
Refer to 4.2 - WAN SFP Interface Specifications on page 42 for more information.

PRI These RJ45 connectors are ISDN PRI connectors. The number of ISDN PRI con-
nectors will vary depending on the model of the ONE270.
5/x ... 5/y
Connect one side of an ISDN cable to the ISDN PRI connector(s) of the ONE270
and the other side to an ISDN outlet.
Refer to 4.9 - ISDN PRI Interface Specifications on page 49 for more information.

SHDSL 1-2 These RJ11 connectors are the SHDSL line connectors.
The second SHDSL connector, SHDSL 3-4, is only present on the 4 pair version
of the device.
Connect one side of an SHDSL line cable to the LINE connector of the ONE270
and the other side to an SHDSL outlet.

For optimum performance, the used line pairs have to be properly twisted.

Refer to 4.4 - SHDSL Line Specifications on page 44 for more information.

VDSL/ADSL This RJ11 connector is the ADSL2+/VDSL2 line connector.

Connect one side of a VDSL/ADSL line cable to the ADSL2+/VDSL2 connector of
the ONE270, and the other side to an VDSL/ADSL outlet.

For optimum performance, the used line pairs have to be properly twisted.

Refer to 4.5 - VDSL Line Specifications on page 45 for more information.

ONE270 Chapter 4 40
Installation Guide Interface Description

Interface identi- Interface function


E1 0-2 1-3 These RJ45 connectors are 4 E1/T1 interfaces:

A split cable (Y) is needed to connect each RJ45 to the RJ45s of 2 baluns (120/
75 external adapter); this cable is delivered with the device.
A crossed PRI cable can also be used in case of single PRI connection.
Refer to 4.6 - E1/T1 interface specification on page 46 for more information.

BRI These RJ45 connectors are ISDN BRI connectors.

5/0 ... 5/7 Connect one side of an ISDN cable to the ISDN BRI connector(s) of the ONE270
and the other side to an ISDN outlet.
Refer to 4.10 - ISDN BRI Interface Specifications on page 50 for more information.

FXS The FXS connectors enable the connection of analog telephones.

Depending on the version of the ONE270, the FXS connectors and labels vary:

5/0 ... 5/7 ONE270-8V

The RJ11 connector enables the connection of up to 7 analog telephone lines thus
providing up to 16 analog voice interfaces.

5/0 ... 5/15 ONE270-16Vg-1Og

The RJ21 connector enables the connection of up to 16 analog telephone lines
thus providing up to 16 analog voice interfaces.

Note that the ONE270 with FXS and FXO interfaces is equipped with an
earth stud. This must be permanently connected to the main protective

Warning - High leakage current - Earth connection essential before making

Telecommunication Network Connections.

Refer to 4.11 - FXS Analog Interface Specifications on page 53 for more informa-

FXO 5/16 This RJ45 connector is used to connect the analog telephone line.

Note that the ONE270 with FXS and FXO interfaces is equipped with an
earth stud. This must be permanently connected to the main protective

Refer to 4.12 - FXO Analog Interface Specifications on page 55 for more informa-

WLAN You may find the WLAN antennas in a plastic bag in the box of the device. Refer
to 6.2 - Installing the WLAN Antennas on page 61 for the installation instructions.
Refer to 4.8 - WLAN Interface Specifications on page 48 for more information.
ONE270 Chapter 4 41
Installation Guide Interface Description

Interface identi- Interface function


CONSOLE This RJ45 connector is a V.24 DTE interface. This enables you to manage the
ONE270 locally.
Refer to 4.13 - Console Port Specifications on page 56 for more information.

12VDC-2,2A This is the power input. Insert the plug of the external power supply in this socket.
Secure the power supply connection by installing the DC power supply cord into
the holding clip provided on the back panel.
Refer to 5.1 - Power Requirements on page 58 for more information.

This is the earth stud. Connect the earth wire to this screw hole.
Refer to 1.5 - Back Panel Earth Connection on page 15 for more information.
Contact the appropriate electrical inspection authority or an electrician if you are
uncertain that suitable grounding is available.
ONE270 Chapter 4 42
Installation Guide Interface Description

4.2 WAN SFP Interface Specifications

Fibre SFP Fast Ethernet slot

INF-8074 and SFF-8472 compliant
Applicable standard: IEEE 802.3u (100Mbps Ethernet)
OneAccess branded SFP modules, fully supported:

Description Rate (Mbps) Mode Fibre Distance (km)

SFP-100BASE-FX 100 MM 2FO 2

SFP-100BASE-LX15 100 SM 2FO 15

SFP-100BASE-LX50 100 SM 2FO 50

SFP-100BASE-BX101 100 SM 1FO 10

SFP-100BASE-BX201 100 SM 1FO 20

SFP-100BASE-BX401 100 SM 1FO 40

1. Modules for single fibre must be used in pairs: BX at one side and BX-D at the other side
of the link.

Please contact OneAccess for availability conditions.

ONE270 Chapter 4 43
Installation Guide Interface Description

4.3 WAN Ethernet Interface Specification

Connector: RJ45 (EIA/TIA 568B)

Cable to be used: standard Ethernet cable, minimum category 5
An Ethernet cable with label 4022 991 V00 is included with the device
Applicable standards:
- IEEE 802.3 (10Mbps Ethernet)
- IEEE 802.3u (100Mbps Ethernet)
10/100 Mbps auto-sense
Auto cross-over DTE/DCE (MDI/MDI-X, for connection to a terminal or switch)
The following LEDs are available built-in on the Ethernet connector:

Colour Description

Green OFF: link inactive.

(left1) ON: link active.

Green OFF: no traffic in progress.

(right1) Blinking: traffic in progress.

1. Defined as looking from the back.

The following table shows the connector layout of the RJ45 Ethernet LAN interface connector:

Pin Signal DTE DCE Figure

1 transmit (+) Out In

2 transmit (-) Out In

3 receive (+) In Out

4 not used -

5 not used -

6 receive (-) In Out

7 not used -

8 not used -
ONE270 Chapter 4 44
Installation Guide Interface Description

4.4 SHDSL Line Specifications

Single pair or dual pair line access with 1 SHDSL line connector (SHDSL 1-2)
4 pair line access with a second SHDSL line connector (SHDSL 3-4)
Connector: RJ11
Impedance: 135
Cable to be used: CAT5E twisted pair, min. No. 26 AWG
Following SHDSL cable(s) may be included with the device:
- SHDSL cable RJ11-RJ11 with label 4022 992 U00
- RJ45 - 2*RJ11 split cable
Coding: TCPAM, compliant to ITU-T G.991.2; G.SHDSL, and G.SHDSL.bis via TCPAM-16 and
Line speeds:
- Single pair: 192 5696 in steps of 64kbps
- Two pair: 384 11392 in steps of 128kbps
- Four pair: 768 22784 in steps of 256kbps
Handshaking: compliant G.994.1 (automatic speed negotiation) or fixed speed
Performance monitoring: compliant G.826 (errored seconds, severely errored seconds, unavailability
In single and dual pair modes, the data link layer is configurable as ATM (G991.2) or EFM (G998.2).
In four pair mode, the data link layer is configurable as ATM IMA or EFM (G998.2).

The line connector lay-out

The following table shows the connector layout of the RJ11 line connector for SHDSL pair 1-2:

RJ11 position SHDSL pair 1-2 Figure

2 line pair 2

3 line pair 1

4 line pair 1

5 line pair 2

The following table shows the connector layout of the RJ11 line connector for SHDSL pair 3-4:

RJ11 position SHDSL pair 3-4 (only on 4P version) Figure

2 line pair 4

3 line pair 3

4 line pair 3

5 line pair 4
ONE270 Chapter 4 45
Installation Guide Interface Description

4.5 VDSL Line Specifications

Single pair line access

Connector: RJ11
Impedance: 135 ohm
Cable to be used: CAT5E twisted pair
Coding compliant to:
- ANSI T1.413 Issue 2
- ETSI TS 101 388 v1.3.1
- ITU-T G.992.1 (ADSL G.dmt), ITU-T G.992.2 (ADSL G.Lite), ITU-T G.992.3 (ADSL G.dmt.bis),
ITU-T G.992.4 (ADSL2), ITU-T G.992.5 (ADSL2plus) - annex A & B
- ADSL2+ Annex M (optional)
- ADSL EOC and HLOG (attenuation)
- ITU-T G.993.1 (VDSL), ITU-T G.993.2 (VDSL2); VDSL2 profiles 8a, 12a, 17a & 30a annex A & B
with ADSL2+ fallback
- VDSL2 Interop: Ikanos and Broadcom (UPBO and EL)
Performance monitoring: compliant G.826 (errored seconds, severely errored seconds, unavailability

The line connector lay-out

The following table shows the connector layout of the RJ11 line connector:

Pin Signal Figure

1 not used

2 Tip

3 Ring

4 not used
ONE270 Chapter 4 46
Installation Guide Interface Description

4.6 E1/T1 interface specification

The ONE700 motherboard is equipped with 2 E1/T1 connectors; each connector comprises 2 E1/T1
- 2 RJ45 connectors => 4 E1/T1 interfaces
- DCE / NT type
- 120 impedance; a 120/75 external adapter can be used
ITU-T G.703/704 compatible
ITU-T I.431 compatible
ITU-T I.421, I.412, I.431, Q.920, Q.921, Q.930, Q.931 complaints
The following table shows the connector layout of the first RJ45 E1/T1 connector, labeled E1 0-2:

Pin NT function Figure

1 Receive A (+) port 0 output

2 Receive B (-) port 0 output

3 Receive A (+) port 2 output

4 Transmit A (+) port 0 input

5 Transmit B (-) port 0 input

6 Receive B (-) port 2 output

7 Transmit A (+) port 2 input

8 Transmit B (-) port 2 input

The following table shows the connector layout of the first RJ45 E1/T1 connector, labeled E1 1-3:

Pin NT function Figure

1 Receive A (+) port 1 output

2 Receive B (-) port 1 output

3 Receive A (+) port 3 output

4 Transmit A (+) port 1 input

5 Transmit B (-) port 1 input

6 Receive B (-) port 3 output

7 Transmit A (+) port 3 input

8 Transmit B (-) port 3 input

ONE270 Chapter 4 47
Installation Guide Interface Description

4.7 LAN 4 port Ethernet Switch Specifications

Number of ports: 4
Connectors: RJ45 (EIA/TIA 568B)
Each UTP Ethernet port supports the following:
Applicable standards:
- IEEE 802.3 10Mbps Ethernet Half Duplex or Full Duplex
- IEEE 802.3u 100Mbps Ethernet Half Duplex or Full Duplex
- IEEE 802.3ab 1000Mbps Half duplex and Full duplex (except on uplink Ethernet port)
10/100/1000 Mbps auto-sense
Auto cross-over MDI/MDI-X for automatic connection to a terminal or switch
The following LEDs are available built-in on each Ethernet connector:

Colour Description

Green OFF: link inactive.

(left1) ON: link active.

Green OFF: no traffic in progress.

(right1) Blinking: traffic in progress.

1. Defined as looking from the back.

Cable to be used: standard Ethernet cable, minimum category 5

An Ethernet cable with label 4022 991 V00 is included with the device
The following table shows the connector layout of the RJ45 Ethernet LAN interface connectors:

Pin Signal 10/100 BASE-T DTE DCE Signal 1000 BASE-T Figure


1 transmit (+) Out In BI DA+ BI DB+

2 transmit (-) Out In BI DA- BI DB-

3 receive (+) In Out BI DB+ BI DA+

4 not used - BI DC+ BI DD+

5 not used - BI DC- BI DD-

6 receive (-) In Out BI DB- BIDA-

7 not used - BI DD+ BIDC+

8 not used - BI DD- BI DC-

ONE270 Chapter 4 48
Installation Guide Interface Description

4.8 WLAN Interface Specifications

Compatible with IEEE 802.1b/g (mode can be forced via configuration)

Compliant with the IEEE 802.11-2005 recommendation
Data rates (Mbps): 54, 48, 36, 24, 18, 12, 9, 6 with automatic data rate fallback
Network topology: access point
Frequency: 2.4 - 2.4835 GHz
Modulation: CCK, OFDM
Dual removable antenna (SMA connector)
Channel selection: range of 1-14 (channels 12, 13, 14 can be barred for compatibility with North
American and European requirements)
Optional deactivation of broadcast SSID (BSSID), Supports at least 3 SSID s
Emission power: up to 20 dBm (16 dBm at 54 Mbps), can be reduced via configuration command
Encryption options WEP, WPA 1.2 (TKIP) and WPA 2.0 (802.11i, AES-CCMP)
WEP key length: 64, 128, 256 bits
Up to 4 WEP keys configurable
Authentication options WPA-PSK (pre-shared key) and 802.1x with a RADIUS server
802.1x authentication via PEAP, EAP-SIM, EAP-TLS and EAP-TTLS
Power save mode: legacy power save and U-APSD (Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery)
ONE270 Chapter 4 49
Installation Guide Interface Description

4.9 ISDN PRI Interface Specifications


The ISDN PRI connectors on the option boards are established via a RJ45 female connector (8 posi-
tions, 8 pins).
Compliant with ITU-T I.431
Connector: RJ45 connector, 1 connector per interface
Cable to be used: shielded cable

The pinout of the PRI connector on the ONE270 is of NT type. To connect to a PBX, you must use a
straight RJ cable; to connect to the network, you must use a crossed RJ cable.
This is a different pinout than on the ONE300.

Connector Layout

The following table shows the connector layout of the RJ45 ISDN connector:

Pin NT function Figure

1 Transmit A (+) output

2 Transmit B (-) output

3 not connected -

4 Receive A (+) input

5 Receive B (-) input

6 not connected -

7 not connected -

8 not connected -
ONE270 Chapter 4 50
Installation Guide Interface Description

4.10 ISDN BRI Interface Specifications


The ISDN BRI connectors on the option boards are established via a RJ45 female connector (8 posi-
tions, 8 pins).
TE mode
Compliant with ITU-T I.430 section 10
Connector: RJ45 connector, 1 connector per interface
Cable to be used: shielded cable

The factory configuration of these interfaces is T0 mode (connection to PBX). Do not connect the
interfaces with a public ISDN access without ensuring that the strap positions are correct. The prod-
uct can be irreversibly damaged otherwise.
You can connect/disconnect the power supply of all ISDN ports by using the command CLI(voice-
port)# [no] power-source-one without changing the default factory strap settings.
Cables connected to the T0/S0 (ISDN/BRI) interfaces must always be shielded, in order to respect
the environmental norm.

Connector Layout

The following table shows the connector layout of the RJ45 ISDN connector:

Pin TE function Figure

1 not connected -

2 not connected -

3 Receive A (+) input

4 Transmit A (+) output

5 Transmit B (-) output

6 Receive B (-) input

7 not connected -

8 not connected -
ONE270 Chapter 4 51
Installation Guide Interface Description


Every ISDN interface has a strap (J2, J4 ... up to J16) making it possible to configure the following
100 Ohms impedance adaptation
Power-feeding for ISDN phones
Refer to 3.6 - The ONE270 Motherboard on page 37:
The figure there shows the ONE270 motherboard with daughterboard, on which the position of these
straps are indicated.
Strap ST3 is also indicated there. This watchdog strap must always be present to guarantee the cor-
rect operation of the ONE270.


All 8 straps allow:

To connect a 100 Ohms impedance adaptation or not. The straps can be used in sending, in receiving
or in both sending and receiving direction. The 100 Ohm adaptation is required on a S-bus (connec-
tion to ISDN phones) with a distance above 50 meters. By default, these straps are set.
To connect the power supply for ISDN terminal (30 volts) or not. This is required for connection to
ISDN phones. Sometimes it is also required for connection to a PBX. By default, these straps are set.
Straps operate in pairs:
- No power feeding: both straps must be removed.
- With power feeding: both straps must be set.
The following figure illustrates the functions of the straps:
ONE270 Chapter 4 52
Installation Guide Interface Description

Examples of configurations

Configuration 1:

Strap settings Description

100 impedance adaptation disconnected.

Power feeding for ISDN terminal disconnected.

Configuration 2:

Strap settings Description

100 impedance adaptation connected, for both

transmission and reception.
Power feeding for ISDN terminal disconnected.

Configuration 3:

Strap settings Description

100 impedance adaptation disconnected.

Power feeding for ISDN terminal connected.

Configuration 4:

Strap settings Description

100 impedance adaptation connected, for both

transmission and reception.
Power feeding for ISDN terminal connected.
ONE270 Chapter 4 53
Installation Guide Interface Description

4.11 FXS Analog Interface Specifications

If there is an earth stud on the back panel of the ONE270, always connect this to the main protective

Warning - High leakage current - Earth connection essential before making Telecommunication Network

Line impedance: 600 Ohms or complex

Frequency range of the ringing signal: 20Hz to 60 Hz
Voltage of the ringing signal (in min level configuration): > 40VRMS for a load of 3 REN (3 x 4K + 1F
@ 20Hz) in the frequency range
Line current: 30 mA maximum for a line resistance <1000 Ohms
Polarity inversion of the TIP and RING pins
Line current <2mA in the power-down mode
Q.23 dialing
Ringer Equivalency Number (REN): 3
Cable to be used: unshielded cable with one twisted pair

Depending on the version of the ONE270, the FXS connector is either an RJ11 or RJ21 connector:

RJ11 FXS connector

Connector: RJ11, 1 connector per FXS interface

The following table shows the connector layout of the RJ11 FXS connector:

Pin Signal Figure

1 not connected

2 not connected

3 ring

4 tip

5 not connected

6 not connected
ONE270 Chapter 4 54
Installation Guide Interface Description

RJ21 FXS connector

Connector: RJ21, 1 connector for 16 FXS interfaces

The following table shows the connector layout of the RJ21 FXS connector:

FXS port Pin number - Pin number - Figure

number ring tip

1 1 26

2 2 27

3 3 28

4 4 29

5 5 30

6 6 31

7 7 32

8 8 33

9 9 34

10 10 35

11 11 36

12 12 37

13 13 38

14 14 39

15 15 40

16 16 41
ONE270 Chapter 4 55
Installation Guide Interface Description

4.12 FXO Analog Interface Specifications

There is an earth stud on the back panel of the ONE270. Always connect this to the main protective
When an existing FXO port is used to connect to the PSTN phone service, emergency numbers must
be configured in the voice routing table (refer to User Guides).

Connection to an analog telephone line in the network

Cable to be used: unshielded cable with one twisted pair
Connector: RJ45
The following table shows the connector layout of the RJ45 FXO connector:

Pin Signal Figure

1 not connected

2 not connected

3 not connected

4 ring

5 tip

6 not connected

7 not connected

8 not connected
ONE270 Chapter 4 56
Installation Guide Interface Description

4.13 Console Port Specifications

Connector: RJ45 (EIA/TIA 568B)

V.24 DTE interface
- RS232
- 9600 bps
- 8 data bits
- no parity
- 1 stop bit
The following table shows the connector layout of the RJ45 Console connector:

Pin Abbreviation DCE Figure

1 TX Out

2 RX In

3 GND -

4 NC -

5 NC -

6 NC -

7 NC -

8 NC -

A console cable for router configuration and maintenance only requires TX, RX and GND to be con-
nected; refer to Annex A: - Console Cable on page 67 for more information about the cable.
ONE270 Chapter 5 57
Installation Guide Technical Characteristics

5 Technical Characteristics
This chapter describes technical characteristics of the ONE270. The following gives an overview of this
5.1 - Power Requirements on page 58
5.2 - Dimensions on page 58
ONE270 Chapter 5 58
Installation Guide Technical Characteristics

5.1 Power Requirements

Power adapter to be used:

Switched Power Module 100-240 Vac; 1,2 A; 50/60 Hz
Vout=12 Vdc, Iout=3 A; for devices with 16 FXS ports, Iout=5 A

Optionally, the device can also be powered by 48V direct current (48 Vdc).
Please refer to your local reseller if needed.
External DC/DC converter: 18-60 Vdc / 45W (12 Vdc - 2,9 A).

Do not use another type of power supply than the one recommended by OneAccess.

5.2 Dimensions

Desktop metal housing

Height: 67 mm
Width: 333 mm
Depth: 218 mm
Weight: 2,7 kg (without power adapter)
ONE270 Chapter 6 59
Installation Guide Installing the ONE270

6 Installing the ONE270

This chapter explains how to install the ONE270. The following gives an overview of this chapter:
6.1 - Opening and Closing the Housing on page 60
6.2 - Installing the WLAN Antennas on page 61
6.3 - Mounting the ONE270 on a Wall on page 62
6.4 - Mounting an Anti-Theft Security Cable on page 64
ONE270 Chapter 6 60
Installation Guide Installing the ONE270

6.1 Opening and Closing the Housing

To open the housing of the ONE270, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 Disconnect the external power supply; always disconnect the AC input first, then discon-
nect the DC input jack on the device itself.

2 Unscrew both screws at the bottom of the unit and remove them.

3 Slide the cover backwards and remove it, but always keep the following in mind:

Slide the cover backwards by pressing underneath the wall mounting holes, as shown in
the picture below (which actually shows a OneCell35).

To close the housing of the ONE270, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 Slide the cover back over the device.

Do not close the housing while holding it upside-down.

2 Fasten both bottom screws.

3 Reconnect the external power supply; first, connect the DC input jack on the device itself,
then connect the power supply to the AC mains.
ONE270 Chapter 6 61
Installation Guide Installing the ONE270

6.2 Installing the WLAN Antennas

The WLAN antennas have to be installed by the user. They can be found in a plastic bag, in the box in
which the device is delivered.
Screw on the antennas, and raise them in a vertical position as shown in the following figure (which actu-
ally shows a One80XM):
ONE270 Chapter 6 62
Installation Guide Installing the ONE270

6.3 Mounting the ONE270 on a Wall


The bottom plate of the ONE270 has 2 mounting holes in order to enable wall mounting. Refer to the
figure below, for the position of these notches. By installing two screws at the required distance, the
device can be hung on any vertical surface.
In order to do so, proceed as follows, also refer to the figures below:

Step Action

1 Drill two holes in the wall, according to the following specifications:

hole diameter: 5 mm
distance between the holes: 160 mm
hole depth: at least 50 mm

2 Insert two standard wall plugs in the holes. The plugs should have the following dimen-
diameter: 5 mm
length: < 50 mm

3 Screw in two standard screws in the plugs. Leave a distance of 5 mm between the wall
and the head of the screw. The screws should have the following dimensions:
diameter: 3 mm
length: 30 mm
The head of the screws may have a diameter of maximum 8 mm.

4 Slide the ONE270 over the screws until it touches the wall, and gently push it down. If
necessary, adjust the screws in the notches of the device.

Wall mounting
ONE270 Chapter 6 63
Installation Guide Installing the ONE270

Bottom plate of the ONE270 with mounting holes

ONE270 Chapter 6 64
Installation Guide Installing the ONE270

6.4 Mounting an Anti-Theft Security Cable

The ONE270 has been equipped with a standard Kensington security slot to which a security cable can
be attached. The T-bar lock of the security cable provides very efficient theft prevention by allowing to
lock down the ONE270 to an anchor point.
The following figure (which actually shows a One150 with identical housing) indicates the position of the
security slot:
ONE270 Chapter 7 65
Installation Guide Powering up the ONE270

7 Powering up the ONE270

Power up

To power up the ONE270, always follow these steps:

Connect the DC power input jack from the power supply to the DC power input of the rear panel of
the device.
Connect the power supply to the AC mains.

Self test

A few seconds after the power is switched on, the ONE270 performs a series of self-tests and loads the
software into memory (RAM), during which the Status LED on the front panel blinks.
At the end of the software loading, after about 30 seconds, if:
the Status LED remains green continuously, it means that the software initialization was successful.
the Status LED blinks, it means that:
- the software was absent,
- there was an error during the software loading process.
Refer to the OneOS User Manual for more information.
ONE270 66

ONE270 Annex A: 67
Annex Console Cable

Annex A: Console Cable

The following figure shows the console cable assembly, labeled 4022 332 B00
ONE270 Index 68

Index WAN SFP interface 42

WLAN interface 48
the device 22
anti-theft security cable
installing 64 L
LED indicators 25
introduction 26
back panel earth connection 15 LED states 27

C line
connecting the different parts of the device 39 connector lay-out 45
connection precautions 13
console cables 67
motherboard, position of the straps 37
copyright notice 2
OneAccess Router
description 21 family overview 23
dimensions of the device 58 OneOS
document version 2
copyright notice 2 what is 2
environmental information 18 opening and closing the housing 60
properties 2
statements 17 overview
your feedback 2 OneAccess Router family 23
over-voltage and over-current protection compli-
E ance 19
EMC compliance 19
environmental compliance 20
parts of the device 39
environmental information 18
power requirements 58
F powering up the device 65
feedback 2 self test 65

Hardware description 24 Rear view of the device 29
housing S
opening and closing 60
I compliance 19
instructions 6
anti-theft security cable 64 selecting a site 12
the device 59 specifications
the WLAN antennas 61 dimensions 58
interface description 38 EMC compliance 19
console connector 56 environmental compliance 20
FXO connector 55 line
FXS connector 53 connector lay-out 45
ISDN BRI interface 50 over-voltage and over-current protection
ISDN PRI interface 49 compliance 19
SHDSL line interface 44 power requirements 58
VDSL line interface 45 safety compliance 19
WAN Ethernet interface 43 statements 17
ONE270 Index 69

position on the motherboard 37

technical characteristics 57

unpacking 11

wall mounting 62
earth stud 15
ESD 13
WLAN antennas
installing 61

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