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CAPWAP Software Overview Webinar

August 20 at 9:00 AM Eastern Time (GMT/UTC 5 hours), lasting approximately 1 hour

Background: CAPWAP (the Case Pile Wave Analysis Program) has been in routine use since the
early 1970s and is the most widely relied upon software for the evaluation of dynamic pile testing
records. The primary objective of this analysis method is to transform dynamic signals obtained
during a hammer blow into a simulated static load vs displacement graph as it would be obtained
during a much longer lasting static pile load test. CAPWAP is a part of the Pile Driving Analyzer
(PDA) system. It uses the PDA measurements of force and velocity and performs a signal matching
procedure (in either an automatic or interactive manner) which has been proven over the years by
extensive correlation studies to lead to reliable pile bearing capacity predictions and soil resistance
distribution results.
The basic procedure of this signal matching effort involves setting up models of pile and soil and
using one measurement quantity (e.g. velocity or wave down) to compute its compliment (e.g. force
or wave up), and then improving the match between computed and measured pile top quantities by
adjusting the soil model parameters. Originally, this work was done for uniform piles and a very basic
Smith soil model. However, experience has shown that many pile driving project presented new
complexities such as non-uniform piles, variable pile material properties, splices and cracks, among
others, and required much more flexible pile modeling techniques. These modeling features allow
the analyst to not only provide for bearing capacity predictions, but also to investigate the location
and extent of unexpected cross sectional variations, i.e., flaws or defects. The complexities
encountered in the real construction world were even more varied for the soil behavior than the pile
properties which made it necessary to provide for more detailed static loading and unloading
parameters, end bearing at more than one location, soil mass effects, and a variety of soil damping
approaches including radiation damping. Also it was necessary to provide for analyses that
considered residual stresses remaining in pile and soil at the end of the impact event.

Who should attend: It is recognized that, while CAPWAP is basically a relatively simple one-
dimensional approach, it may be confusing to those who are not intimately involved with its input
parameters, procedure and results. The webinar, therefore, offers a big picture look at its capabilities
for those involved in pile design and construction and those specifying dynamic testing. This
is done by demonstrating various program features by examples covering both driven piles and cast-
in-situ piles. The latest developments will also be explained for those who are users of this
technology who may be interested in going beyond their typical basic applications.

Learning objectives: At the end of the webinar, the beginner participant will be able to identify
CAPWAP capabilities, input parameters, procedures and results. The experienced participant will
be able to recognize recently developed features.

Lecturer: Dr. Frank Rausche, PhD, PE is a principal of Pile Dynamics, Inc, a founder of GRL
Engineers, and was its president from 1977 to 2011. Frank has been continuously involved in the
research and development of dynamic foundation testing and analysis methods since the mid-
1960s. He derived the Case Method equations for dynamic pile testing, developed the
CAPWAP and GRLWEAP programs, holds five patents, has had more than 50 of his papers
published in journals and conference proceedings and has traveled the world providing foundation
testing services and educating engineers on dynamic testing.
CAPWAP Software Overview Webinar
Registration Form
(Please email form to

Registration must be received on or before August 13, 2014

Learn from Dr. Frank Rausche without having to leave your desk.

When: August 20, 2014

This webinar will begin at 9:00 am Eastern Time (New York Time, GMT/UTC 5 hours) and will last
approximately 1 hour, depending on the number of questions from participants.

Questions from participants have to be submitted during the webinar in written form (use chat-box or
email) and will either be discussed during the seminar or in personal communication depending on
the general interest of the question.

This is a complimentary webinar, but registration is mandatory:

Organization: _University National of Cordoba_

Name: _CristianSandoval_Civil Engineering student_____________
City:_____Cordoba_________ State/Province: __Cordoba__
Postal Code:____5000_______ Country:______Argentina____
Phone: _0351-15-6542539____ Fax:_________________




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