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SAP Support Patch Up gradation:-

1. User Lock except: Basis, Atul, Praveen, Sarbani, prasanta

2. Background job suspend

Download Compatible support patches from SAP Service market place in .Sar format
and save it to the Desktop

After That login with DDIC user in DEV Client 000 (Upload the patches in server)
After that select the patches in increasing order.
Then select allow option
Then select decompress option.
To Start the Upgrade activity
Select Display/Define Button
Then Select patch which you want to upgrade

Like SAP_HR (Double Click on that)

Then Select No option
Start in Background immediately (Second Option)
After that truck symbol show like(Disable)

After that it will take time to comlete .

If upgrade process is not completed successfully, then run the same process with
Dialog Immedietly .

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