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of changes

Document history
Version Date Author Changes made
1.0 10/31/2008 Laurent SEYMAN Document creation
1.1 10/12/2009 Laurent SEYMAN Addition of AM_LOCATION and new template
1.2 7/18/2011 Laurent SEYMAN Historization of new fields
1.3 8/2/2012 Laurent SEYMAN Update and new template
1.4 8/12/2012 Laurent SEYMAN Update for EasyVista 2013

This document presents the list of fields, the content of which can be historized in EasyVista.

A. Definition....................................................................................9

B. Actions (AM_ACTION).............................................................10
B.1. Change the support in charge of the action...........................................10

C. Assets (AM_ASSET)................................................................11
C.1. Asset location change...............................................................................11
C.2. Automatic renewal change........................................................................11
C.3. Change CI Name / Network identifier.......................................................11
C.4. Change CI next version.............................................................................11
C.5. Change CI status........................................................................................11
C.6. Change CI version......................................................................................12
C.7. Change discard date..................................................................................12
C.8. Change last physical inventory date........................................................12
C.9. Change of available field 16..................................................................12
C.10. Change number of max. installations......................................................12
C.11. Change of pipeline status.........................................................................12
C.12. Change SLA of availability........................................................................12
C.13. Change scheduled end of contract..........................................................13
C.14. Change SLA................................................................................................13
C.15. Change start date of contract...................................................................13
C.16. Contract duration change.........................................................................13
C.17. Contract notice change.............................................................................13
C.18. Departments ASSET change....................................................................13
C.19. Due date expiration change......................................................................14
C.20. End of warranty change............................................................................14
C.21. Equipment configuration change.............................................................14
C.22. Equipment installation date change........................................................14
C.23. Equipment model change.........................................................................14
C.24. Equipment status change.........................................................................14
C.25. Equipment tag change...............................................................................15
C.26. License description change......................................................................15
C.27. License start date change.........................................................................15
C.28. License version change............................................................................15
C.29. Managed as CI............................................................................................15
C.30. Managed as service...................................................................................15
C.31. Next renewal decision change..................................................................15
C.32. Serial number change................................................................................16
C.33. Users asset change..................................................................................16

D. Attributes for assets (AM_ASSET_CHARACTERISTICS).....16

D.1. Add / delete an attribute............................................................................16
D.2. Change attribute value..............................................................................16
D.3. Change capacity value..............................................................................16

E. Asset links (AM_ASSET_LINKS)............................................17

E.1. Connection/Disconnection of equipment................................................17

F. Asset catalogue (AM_CATALOG)...........................................17

F.1. Change end date of the catalog................................................................17
F.2. Change of end of availability of the catalog............................................17
F.3. Change person in charge of the catalog.................................................17
F.4. Change the default amount of the catalog..............................................17
F.5. Change the default supplier......................................................................18

G. Installation type catalogue (AM_CONFIGURATION).............18

G.1. End of availability of an installation type................................................18

H. Departments (AM_DEPARTMENT).........................................18
H.1. Change default cost center of department..............................................18
H.2. Change department manager...................................................................18
H.3. Change department name.........................................................................18

I. Employees (AM_EMPLOYEE).................................................19
I.1. Change employee number........................................................................19
I.2. Change of available field 16..................................................................19
I.3. Employee arrival date change..................................................................19
I.4. Employee cellular number change...........................................................19
I.5. Employee cost center change..................................................................19
I.6. Employee department change..................................................................19
I.7. Employee departure date change............................................................20
I.8. Employee e-mail change...........................................................................20
I.9. Employee function change.......................................................................20
I.10. Employee IT correspondent change........................................................20
I.11. Employee location change........................................................................20
I.12. Employee login change.............................................................................20
I.13. Employee phone number change............................................................20
I.14. Employee supplier change........................................................................20
I.15. Employee VIP change................................................................................21
I.16. Last name employee change....................................................................21

J. Groups (AM_GROUP)..............................................................21
J.1. Change the service contract of the group...............................................21

K. Locations (AM_LOCATION)....................................................21
K.1. Change address 1......................................................................................21
K.2. Change address 2......................................................................................21
K.3. Change city.................................................................................................21
K.4. Change fax..................................................................................................22
K.5. Change location name...............................................................................22
K.6. Change of phone........................................................................................22
K.7. Change of ZIP code....................................................................................22

L. Shared elements (AM_SHARED_USE)...................................22
L.1. Add/delete a cost center............................................................................22
L.2. Add/delete other equipment......................................................................22
L.3. Add/delete other user................................................................................22

M. Suppliers (AM_SUPPLIER)......................................................23
M.1. Change the country for the supplier........................................................23

N. Continuity plans (CMDB_CONTINUITY_PLAN).....................23

N.1. Change the group in charge of the continuity plan................................23
N.2. Change the person in charge of the continuity plan..............................23

O. Release projects (CMDB_RELEASE).....................................23

O.1. Change person in charge of the project..................................................23

P. Configuration items links (CONFIGURATION_ITEM_LINK). 24

P.1. Attach / detach a CI....................................................................................24

Q. Budget allocations (EP_ANALYTICAL_CHARGE)................24

Q.1. Change closing date of analytical imputation........................................24

R. Invoices (EP_BILL)..................................................................24
R.1. Accounting date change...........................................................................24
R.2. Change Accounting number.....................................................................24
R.3. Change Invoice date..................................................................................25
R.4. Change Invoice number............................................................................25
R.5. Change Invoice status...............................................................................25
R.6. Change of available field 16..................................................................25
R.7. Change of Internal invoice number..........................................................25
R.8. Change of manager....................................................................................25
R.9. Change of Supplier....................................................................................25

S. Orders (EP_ORDER)................................................................25
S.1. Analytical cost allocation change............................................................26
S.2. Change of Invoicing department..............................................................26
S.3. Change of Delivery location......................................................................26
S.4. Change of Order manager.........................................................................26
S.5. Change of Supplier....................................................................................26
S.6. Closing date change..................................................................................26
S.7. Scheduled delivery date change..............................................................26
S.8. Send date change......................................................................................27

T. Incidents/request catalogue (SD_CATALOG)........................27

T.1. Change of net price....................................................................................27
T.2. Change of code..........................................................................................27
T.3. Change of Form..........................................................................................27
T.4. Change of SLA............................................................................................27
T.5. Change of support group of Service management catalogue..............28
T.6. Change of Workflow...................................................................................28
T.7. Currency change........................................................................................28
T.8. Default urgency change............................................................................28
T.9. Service management catalogue impact change.....................................28
T.10. Service management catalogue label change........................................28
T.11. Service management catalogue root cause change..............................28

U. Known Errors (SD_KNOWN_PROBLEMS)............................29

U.1. Change of manager Known errors...........................................................29
U.2. Change of support group of known errors.............................................29
U.3. Change of status of Known errors...........................................................29
U.4. Known errors impact change...................................................................29
U.5. Known errors urgency change.................................................................29
U.6. Known errors service management catalogue change.........................29
U.7. Public change.............................................................................................30
U.8. Question change........................................................................................30
U.9. Scheduled solution date change..............................................................30

V. Questionnaires (SD_QUESTION_RESULT)............................30
V.1. Change the response to a question.........................................................30

W. Incidents/Requests/Events/Problems (SD_REQUEST)........30
W.1. Change of external call..............................................................................30
W.2. Change of Request manager....................................................................31
W.3. Change of Request status.........................................................................31
W.4. Change of support group of request.......................................................31
W.5. Change project name.................................................................................31
W.6. Request urgency change..........................................................................31
W.7. Requests root cause change...................................................................31
W.8. Request service management catalogue change...................................31

X. Service levels (SD_SL_AGREEMENT)...................................32

X.1. Change the person in charge of the service level..................................32

Y. Adding fields in the history of changes.................................32

Z. Triggers.....................................................................................33

A. Definition
The history of changes allows tracking the changes made on the data of EasyVista tables. This process is based on triggers, as
description of which is mentioned at the end of the current document. The history configuration is made via the menu
Parameters/Rules for History Generation of the Administration module.

The content of the following tables can be historized:

Assets (AM_ASSET) contains equipment, licenses, contracts and CIs (Configuration Items)

Attributes (AM_ASSET_CHARACTERISTICS) characteristics of assets

Asset links (AM_ASSET_LINKS)

Departments (AM_DEPARTMENT)

Employees (AM_EMPLOYEE)

Locations (AM_LOCATION)

Shared elements (AM_SHARED_USE)

Configuration items links (CONFIGURATION_ITEM_LINK)

Invoices (EP_BILL)

Orders (EP_ORDER)

Incident/requests catalogues (SD_CATALOG)

Known errors (SD_KNOWN_PROBLEMS)

Questionnaires (SD_QUESTION_RESULT)

Incidents/Requests (SD_REQUEST)

Actions (AM_ACTION)

Asset catalogue (AM_CATALOG)

Installation types catalogue (AM_CONFIGURATION)

Groups (AM_GROUP)

Suppliers (AM_SUPPLIER)

Continuity plans (CMDB_CONTINUITY_PLAN)

Release projects (CMDB_RELEASE)

Budget allocations (EP_ANALYTICAL_CHARGE)

Service levels (SD_SL_AGREEMENT)

Projects (SD_REQUEST)

By default the Rules for the creation of history menu, only displays fields for which the history of changes is currently
activated. In order to historize other fields, the default filter has to be deactivated (Fields in history), the full list of fields will be

visible so. Check the box of the field to be kept in history before saving the changes with . All changes must be made before
selecting the next page.

Once made, the changes will be visible on the related tab:
History of changes (equipment, licenses, contracts, configuration items, orders, incidents catalog, requests
catalogs, consumable catalog, known errors, incidents, actions, employees, groups, invoices, change requests,
investment requests, continuity plans, budget allocations, Projects, Release projects, Service levels)

Note: History of changes is triggered by manual operations or data integration. Changes made through wizards are
taken into account, as well.

B. Actions (AM_ACTION)
The table of actions contains all the information relative to the actions of incidents, service requests, change requests,
problems. No field in this table is historized by default. The changes made are visible on the Life Cycle tab displayed in the
upper part of the action form.

B.1. Change the support in charge of the action

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field DONE_BY_ID (support person) when assigning the action to
a technician.

C. Assets (AM_ASSET)
This table contains equipment, licenses or configuration items data. This is the reason why some history parameters are used
by many elements such as the location change whereas others are specific to an article type such as the license start date.

C.1. Asset location change

The value of this field is historized by default.
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field LOCATION_ID (Location) present on the forms for items of
equipment, licenses, contracts or configuration items.

C.2. Automatic renewal change

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value of the Boolean field AUTOMATIC_RENEWAL (Tacit renewal) visible only on the
form for a contract. When this box is checked, this means that the contract will be automatically renewed if it is not terminated
before the limit date for termination (calculated by subtracting the notice period from the specified end date).

C.3. Change CI Name / Network identifier

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field NETWORK_IDENTIFIER visible on the form for an item of
equipment (Network Identifier) or a Configuration Item (Name). When a workstation or a server is promoted as a Configuration
Item, its network identifier will be used to name it.

C.4. Change CI next version

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field NEXT_CI_VERSION (Next Version) visible only on the form
for a Configuration Item. Changing the CI version can be prepared using the Version: Prepare wizard. The Version: Update
wizard will be used later in order to complete the change.

C.5. Change CI status

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field CI_STATUS_ID (CI Status) visible only on the form for an
item of configuration. The status of the CI is independent of that of any items of equipment that might be associated with this CI
and with the temporary unavailability of this CI.

C.6. Change CI version

The value of this field is not historized by default

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field CI_VERSION (Current Version) visible only on the form for a
Configuration Item. Changing the CI version can be made with the Version: Update wizard after use of the Version: Prepare
wizard. These wizards can be used from the list or, directly, on the form of a Configuration Item.

C.7. Change discard date

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field REMOVED_DATE present on the forms for items of
equipment (Discard Date), licenses (End) or contracts (End date). Remember that completing this field with a date prior or equal
to the current date has the effect of archiving the corresponding item.

C.8. Change last physical inventory date

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field LAST_PHYSICAL_INVENTORY (Last Physical Inventory)
visible only on the form for an item of equipment. This field must not be confused with that which is automatically completed
during reports from Discovery Inventory (last automatic inventory).

C.9. Change of available field 16

The value of this field is not historized by default
Changing the value contained in the fields AVAILABLE_FIELD_1 to AVAILABLE_FIELD_6 triggers recording. These fields are
not visible on the standard interface, but may be displayed via the "edit" mode on the form for an item of equipment, a license, a
contract or a configuration item. Activating historical recording on Available Field 1 on the equipment form also activates
historical recording on Available Field 1 visible on the other menus (licenses, contracts, configuration items).

C.10. Change number of max. installations

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the date contained in the field MAX_INSTALLS (Maximum Installations)

C.11. Change of pipeline status

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field PIPELINE_STATUS_ID (Pipeline Status) visible on the form
for a service pipeline.

C.12. Change SLA of availability

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field AVAILABILITY_SLA_ID (SLA for Availability) visible only on
the form for an item of equipment. The SLA for availability sets the availability objective for a Configuration Item on the time
interval defined by a calendar in order to allow calculation of discrepancies.

C.13. Change scheduled end of contract
The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the date contained in the field SCHEDULED_END (Scheduled End) visible only on the form
for a contract. This field must not be confused with the end date, which is used for archiving a contract.

C.14. Change SLA

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field SLA_ID (SLA) visible on the form for an item of equipment or
for a configuration Item. This SLA substitutes for that inherited from the catalogue by default on an incident provided that its
duration is shorter.

C.15. Change start date of contract

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the date contained in the field ENTRY_DATE (Start Date) visible only on the form for a
contract. Note that in the case of a contract including a payment schedule, the dates of payments are calculated from the initial
start date. A change to this does not cause changes to existing payment due dates (unless a new payment schedule is

C.16. Contract duration change

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the date contained in the field MONTH_DURATION (Duration) visible only on the form for a
contract. As this field is read-only on the contract form, it can only be updated using the contract-renewal wizard.

C.17. Contract notice change

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the date contained in the field NOTICE (Renewal Notice) visible only on the form for a
contract. This value, expressed in months, is used to set the maximum date when the contract may be terminated.

C.18. Departments ASSET change

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field DEPARTMENT_ID (Department) present on the forms for
items of equipment (Main user), licenses (person in charge), contracts (person in charge) or configuration items (person in

C.19. Due date expiration change

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value of the Boolean field FALLEN_TERM (Expiry Fallen Term) visible only on the form
for a contract. When the box is not checked (the value by default), the contract is payable, meaning that amounts due in relation

to it are payable at the beginning of the period. If it is payable in arrears, amounts due in relation to it are payable at the end of
the period.

C.20. End of warranty change

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field END_OF_WARANTY (End of warranty) visible on the form
for an item of equipment or a license.

C.21. Equipment configuration change

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field CONFIGURATION_ID (Installation type) visible only on the
form for an item of equipment, because only items of equipment are subject to having an installation type associated.

C.22. Equipment installation date change

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the date contained in the field INSTALLATION_DATE (Installation date) visible only on the
form for an item of equipment. The current date is assigned to this field when an item of equipment is manually created.

C.23. Equipment model change

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field CATALOG_ID present on the forms for items of equipment
(Model), licenses (Software), contracts (Reference) or configuration items (Model). The value of this field can also be changed
using the Update wizard.

C.24. Equipment status change

The value of this field is historized by default.
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field STATUS_ID (Status) present on the forms for items of
equipment. Note: this field is not for CI status change

C.25. Equipment tag change
The value of this field is historized by default.
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field ASSET_TAG present on the forms for items of equipment
(Asset Tag), licenses (license number), contracts (contract number) or configuration items (CI number).

C.26. License description change

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the date contained in the field ASSET_LABEL (Comment) visible only on the form for a

C.27. License start date change

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the date contained in the field ENTRY_DATE (Start) visible only on the form for a license.
This field is not completed by default.

C.28. License version change

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the date contained in the field LICENSE_VERSION (Version) visible only on the form for a

C.29. Managed as CI
The value of this field is not historized by default
Changing the date contained in the field IS_CI triggers recording. This field is not displayed on the CI form.

C.30. Managed as service

The value of this field is not historized by default
Changing the date contained in the field IS_SERVICE triggers recording. This field is not displayed on the CI form.

C.31. Next renewal decision change

The value of this field is historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value of the field RENEWAL_DECISION_ID (Next renewal decision) by selecting a
value present in the list (Yes, No, To be determined, Negotiation in progress).

C.32. Serial number change

The value of this field is historized by default.
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field SERIAL_NUMBER (Serial Number) present on the forms for
items of equipment or for licenses.

C.33. Users asset change

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field EMPLOYEE_ID (Employee) present on the forms for items
of equipment (Main user), licenses (person in charge), contracts (person in charge) or configuration items (person in charge).

D. Attributes for assets

The table of attributes contains all the links between attributes and assets. No field in this table is historized by default.

D.1. Add / delete an attribute

Recording is triggered by inserting a link between an attribute and an asset characterized by the appearance of a new value for
the field CHARACTERISTIC_ID. For an item of equipment, the changes made are visible using the Life cycle tab displayed in
the upper part of the form. An attribute is associated with an item of equipment using the Technical tab and the Attributes sub-

D.2. Change attribute value

Changing the value contained in the field DATA_1 triggers recording. For an item of equipment, the changes made are visible
on the Life cycle tab displayed in the upper part of the equipment form. Changing the value for an attribute is processed via the
Attributes tab.

D.3. Change capacity value

Changing the value contained in the field CAPACITY_VALUE triggers recording. For an item of equipment, the changes made
are visible on the Life cycle tab displayed in the upper part of the equipment form. Changing the value for a capacity is
processed via the Capacities.

E. Asset links (AM_ASSET_LINKS)

The table of links contains all the connections between equipment and equipment, equipment and contracts, and equipment and
licenses. No field in this table is historized by default.

E.1. Connection/Disconnection of equipment
Recording is triggered by inserting a link between two items of equipment, between a contract and an item of equipment,
between a license and an item of equipment or between a license and a contract, which has the effect of changing the value of
the field PARENT_ASSET_ID.

F. Asset catalogue (AM_CATALOG)

The asset catalogue (Equipment, Software, Contracts) contains all the models of assets in use in EasyVista. No field in this
table is historized by default. The changes made are visible on the History of changes tab displayed in the upper part of the
catalogue form.

F.1. Change end date of the catalog

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field END_DATE (End of availability) i.e. when archiving a
catalogue reference.

F.2. Change of end of availability of the catalog

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field END_OF_NEWS (End of announcement) visible on a service
request catalog form.

F.3. Change person in charge of the catalog

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field MANAGER_ID (Manager) i.e. when changing the catalog
topic manager.

F.4. Change the default amount of the catalog

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field NET_PRICE (Market Price) i.e. when changing the market
price of the item.

F.5. Change the default supplier

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field USUAL_SUPPLIER_ID (Regular supplier) i.e. when
changing the regular supplier.

G. Installation type catalogue
The installation type catalogue contains all the models of installation types to be related to equipment. The changes made are
visible on the History of changes tab displayed in the upper part of the form.

G.1. End of availability of an installation type

The value of this field is not historized by default. Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field
AVAIL_END (End of availability) i.e. when archiving a model of installation type.

H. Departments (AM_DEPARTMENT)
The table of departments contains all the information relative to departments defined in the EasyVista database. No field in this
table is historized by default. The changes made are visible on the History of changes tab displayed in the upper part of the
departments form.

H.1. Change default cost center of department

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field DEFAULT_COST_CENTER_ID (Cost Center) present on the
departments form.

H.2. Change department manager

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field MANAGER_ID (Manager) present on the departments form.

H.3. Change department name

The value of this field is not historized by default
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field DEPARTMENT_$Lng (Department) present on the
departments form.

I. Employees (AM_EMPLOYEE)
The table of employees contains all the information relative to users defined in the EasyVista database. No field in this table is
historized by default. The changes made are visible on the History of changes tab displayed in the upper part of the employee's

I.1. Change employee number
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field IDENTIFICATION (Employee Number) storing the
employees corporate number.

I.2. Change of available field 16

Changing the value contained in the fields AVAILABLE_FIELD_1 to AVAILABLE_FIELD_6 triggers recording. These fields are
not visible on the standard interface, but may be displayed via the "edit" mode.

I.3. Employee arrival date change

Recording is triggered by changing the date contained in the field BEGIN_OF_CONTRACT (Arrival). When an employee is
manually entered, this date is specified using the current date.

I.4. Employee cellular number change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field CELLULAR NUMBER (Mobile) storing the employees
mobile phone number.

I.5. Employee cost center change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field DEFAULT_COST_CENTER_ID (Default Cost Center) storing
the employees cost center. The cost center is used for internal re-invoicing of equipment, licenses, contracts or actions. When
equipment is assigned to a user, the equipment automatically inherits the associated user's cost center.

I.6. Employee department change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field DEPARTMENT_ID (Department) storing the employees

I.7. Employee departure date change

Recording is triggered by changing the date contained in the field END_OF_CONTRACT (Departure). Remember that
completing this field with a date prior or equal to the current date has the effect of archiving the employee.

I.8. Employee e-mail change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field E_MAIL (Email) storing the employees e-mail address.

I.9. Employee function change
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field FUNCTION_ID (Function) storing the employees job

I.10. Employee IT correspondent change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the Boolean field IT_CORRESPONDENT (IT Contact). This is for
information only, signifying whether or not the user has the capacity of IT correspondent.

I.11. Employee location change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field LOCATION_ID (Location) storing the employees location.

I.12. Employee login change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field LOGIN (Login) storing the employees login. The employees
login must be unique. Only employees having a login will have the ability to connect to EasyVista.

I.13. Employee phone number change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field PHONE_NUMBER (Phone) storing the employees fixed
phone number.

I.14. Employee supplier change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field SUPPLIER_ID (Supplier). The employees for whom this field
is completed are considered as external users delegated to the company for assignments of various durations. They can also
be displayed via the From Other Companies filter available on the list of employees.

I.15. Employee VIP change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field VIP_LEVEL_ID (VIP Level) storing the employees VIP Level
(VIP or VVIP). Users having the status of VIP take priority in the process of resolving incidents or supplying services.

I.16. Last name employee change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field IDENTIFICATION (Name), which may happen in the case of
a woman changing her name after getting married, etc.

J. Groups (AM_GROUP)
The groups directory contains the list of groups to which actions can be assigned. No field in this table is historized by default.
The changes made are visible on the History of changes tab displayed in the upper part of the groups form.

J.1. Change the service contract of the group

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field SLA_ID (Default OLA) i.e. when changing the OLA
(Operational Level Agreement) related to the group. This OLA is used to calculate the latest possible intervention date for
actions generated out of the workflow.

K. Locations (AM_LOCATION)
The table of locations contains all the information relative to locations defined in the EasyVista database. No field in this table is
historized by default. The changes made are visible on the History of changes tab displayed in the upper part of the locations

K.1. Change address 1

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field STREET_ADDRESS_1 (Address 1).

K.2. Change address 2

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field STREET_ADDRESS_2 (Address 2).

K.3. Change city

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field CITY (City).

K.4. Change fax

Recording is triggered by changing the fax number contained in the field FAX (Fax)

K.5. Change location name

Recording is triggered by changing the location contained in the field LOCATION_$lng (location)

K.6. Change of phone

Recording is triggered by changing the phone number contained in the field PHONE (Phone)

K.7. Change of ZIP code
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field ZIP_CODE (Zip Code).

L. Shared elements (AM_SHARED_USE)

The table of shared items contains all the information relative to the other users of an item of equipment, a user's other items of
equipment and the cost centers for an item of equipment. . No field in this table is historized by default.

L.1. Add/delete a cost center

Recording is triggered by inserting a value in the field COST_CENTER_ID when connecting a cost center with an item of
equipment. The connection is processed through the Amount charged back tab displayed in the upper part of the equipment's
form. The changes made are visible on the Life cycle tab.

L.2. Add/delete other equipment

Recording is triggered by inserting a value in the field ASSET_ID when assigning a secondary item of equipment to an
employee. The connection is processed through the Other equipment tab displayed in the upper part of the employee's form.
The changes made are visible on the History of changes tab.

L.3. Add/delete other user

Recording is triggered by inserting a value in the field EMPLOYEE_ID when connecting a secondary user to an item of
equipment. The connection is processed through the Other Users tab displayed in the upper part of the equipment's form. The
changes made are visible on the Life Cycle tab.

M. Suppliers (AM_SUPPLIER)
The suppliers directory contains the list of suppliers for equipment, licenses, contracts, consumables The changes made are
visible on the History of changes tab displayed in the upper part of the suppliers form.

M.1. Change the country for the supplier

The value of this field is not historized by default. Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field
COUNTRY_ID (Country).

N. Continuity plans (CMDB_CONTINUITY_PLAN)
A continuity plan is an organizational document: It consists of an action plan listing necessary procedures and systems for
continuity or the restoration of an interrupted or disrupted service. No field in this table is historized by default. The changes
made are visible on the History of changes tab displayed in the upper part of the continuity plans form.

N.1. Change the group in charge of the continuity plan

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field GROUP_ID (Group in charge).

N.2. Change the person in charge of the continuity plan

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field EMPLOYEE_ID (Person in charge) which is not displayed as
standard on the form.

O. Release projects (CMDB_RELEASE)

The release projects are used in order to deploy configuration items. No field in this table is historized by default. The changes
made are visible on the History of changes tab displayed in the upper part of the release projects form.

O.1. Change person in charge of the project

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field EMPLOYEE_ID (Manager).

P. Configuration items links

The table of CI links contains all the connections between configuration items. No field in this table is historized by default.

P.1. Attach / detach a CI

Adding or deleting a value contained in the field PARENT_CI_ID triggers recording. The connection is processed through the
CIs tab displayed in the upper part of the Configuration item's form. The changes made are visible on the Life Cycle tab.

Q. Budget allocations
No field in this table is historized by default. The changes made are visible on the History of changes tab displayed in the
upper part of the budget allocation form.

Q.1. Change closing date of analytical imputation

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field END_DATE (End date).

R. Invoices (EP_BILL)
The table of invoices contains all the information relative to recorded bills. According to its status (Pending or Closed), the
displayed fields will be editable or not. All fields present in this table are historized by default. The changes made are visible on
the History of changes tab displayed in the upper part of the form.

R.1. Accounting date change

Recording is triggered by changing the date contained in the field ACCOUNTING_DATE (Accounting Date). The accounting
date is associated with the accounting number.

R.2. Change Accounting number

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field ACCOUNTING_ID (Accounting Number).

R.3. Change Invoice date

Recording is triggered by changing the date contained in the field BILL_DATE (Invoice date).

R.4. Change Invoice number

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field BILL_NUMBER (Invoice Number). It is the number of the
invoice in the supplier's accounting system, in contrast to the internal invoice number.

R.5. Change Invoice status

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field BILL_STATUS_ID (Accounting Number). This field is not
visible on the standard interface, but may be displayed via the "edit" mode. During entry, an invoice has the status Pending,
allowing it to be modified. On the other hand, invoices with the Closed status can no longer be modified.

R.6. Change of available field 16
Changing the value contained in the fields AVAILABLE_FIELD_1 to AVAILABLE_FIELD_6 triggers recording. These fields are
not visible on the standard interface, but may be displayed via the "edit" mode.

R.7. Change of Internal invoice number

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field INTERNAL_BILL_ID (Internal Invoice Number). The internal
number corresponds to that assigned to the invoice in the company's accounting system.

R.8. Change of manager

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field MANAGED_BY_ID (Person in charge). The person
responsible for an invoice is, by default, the user who recorded it.

R.9. Change of Supplier

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field SUPPLIER_ID (Supplier). The accounting date is associated
with the accounting number. The invoices relating to a delivery reception inherit from the supplier of the order.

S. Orders (EP_ORDER)
The table of orders contains all the information relative to orders. No field in this table is historized by default. The changes
made are visible on the Life Cycle tab displayed in the upper part of the order form.

S.1. Analytical cost allocation change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field ANALYTICAL_CHARGE_ID (Budgetary Commitment). This
field contains the name of the analytical account against which the amount of the order will be booked. Charging will be effective
following the invoicing phase.

S.2. Change of Invoicing department

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field BILL_DEPARTMENT_ID (Invoicing) corresponding to the
invoicing department.

S.3. Change of Delivery location

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field DELIVERY_LOCATION_ID (Delivery) corresponding to the
delivery location.

S.4. Change of Order manager
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field VALIDATOR_ID (Person in charge). The person in charge of
an order is, by default, the person who entered this order.

S.5. Change of Supplier

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field SUPPLIER_ID (Supplier) corresponding to the invoicing
department. The supplier is specified when the order is created but it may be changed subsequently.

S.6. Closing date change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field CLOSE_DATE (Closing Date). Orders with a closing date
specified are considered as settled and therefore no longer have pending deliveries lines.

S.7. Scheduled delivery date change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE (Scheduled Delivery date).
This data is only as a rough guide. It represents the estimated delivery date for the order and does not in any way prejudice the
actual delivery date.

S.8. Send date change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field SEND_DATE (Transmission date). When the data is not
specified, a message (non-blocking) is displayed when the items ordered are entered into stock.

T. Incidents/request catalogue (SD_CATALOG)

The incident/request/investment catalogues contain all the information relative to incidents typologies and proposed services.
No field in this table is historized by default. The changes made are visible on the Life Cycle tab displayed in the upper part of
the incident, service or investment catalogue form.

T.1. Change of net price

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field NET_PRICE visible on the incidents catalogue (Unit price)
and on service requests catalogue (Amount Charge Back). This field, which is not displayed in the investments catalogue, is
used for statistical purposes for calculating the cost of an incident/request.

T.2. Change of code

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field CODE (Code). The code is associated with the topic and, for
this reason; it must be unique in the entire catalogue. When an incident is qualified, the topic can be chosen using the tree-
structure of topics or by entering the code (which leads to the associated subject being copied onto the incident/request). The
code for a service is also visible on the list of services displayed on the self-service interface. The code for an investment is
displayed on the list of investments visible when an investment request is entered.

T.3. Change of Form

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field FORMS_ID (Form) visible in the request for change or
request for investment catalogues. This field is not displayed, by default, on the incident or service request catalogue but may
be displayed via the "edit" mode on the form. The form is displayed during the process of entering an incident/request so that
additional questions can be asked.

T.4. Change of SLA

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field SLA_ID visible on the incident, service request and
investment catalogues (SLA). By default, the SLA for an incident/request is inherited from the catalogue. For incidents only, it
may be replaced by an SLA of shorter duration, associated with the location, a department, an item of equipment, etc., involved
in this same incident.

T.5. Change of support group of Service management

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field GROUP_ID (Group in charge) visible on the incidents and
service requests catalogue. This field is not displayed in the catalogue of investments. It allows definition of the group to which
the action for a workflow will be assigned via the @Catalog group system role.

T.6. Change of Workflow

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field WORKFLOW_ID (Workflow) visible on the incident,
service request and investment catalogues. Only changes to the main workflow are historized, with the exception of the
immediate resolution or closing workflows.

T.7. Currency change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field NET_PRICE_CUR_ID visible on the incident catalogue
(Currency). This field is not displayed on the investment catalogue or on the service requests catalogue in the absence of the
field displaying the associated amount.

T.8. Default urgency change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field DEFAULT_URGENCY (Default Urgency) visible on the
incident, service request, request for change and investment catalogues. The urgency of an incident/request is defined from that
specified in the catalogue. It may nevertheless be increased according to the VIP status of the recipient or the critical level of the
equipment associated with the incident/request.

T.9. Service management catalogue impact change
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field IMPACT_ID (Impact). The incident impact is inherited from
the catalogue. Combined with the urgency, it allows a priority to be defined for an incident/request.

T.10. Service management catalogue label change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field TITLE_$lng (Description). This name is the one that is
displayed during qualification of an incident, the choice of a service or an investment.

T.11. Service management catalogue root cause change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field DEFAULT_ROOT_CAUSE_ID (Root cause) visible only in
the incident catalogue. The root cause associated with the subject in the catalogue will be inherited when the incident is
qualified using this same subject, but it may be modified when the incident report is entered.


The table of known errors contains all the information relative to users defined in the EasyVista database. No field in this table is
historized by default. The changes made are visible on the Life Cycle tab displayed in the upper part of the Known errors form.
In spite of their name, all of the parameters only concern known errors. Since version 2009, problems have been managed in
the table of incidents/requests.

U.1. Change of manager Known errors

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field MANAGER_ID (Person in charge) visible on the known
errors form.

U.2. Change of support group of known errors

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field GROUP_ID (Group) visible on the known errors form.
Associating a group with a known error allows it to be displayed via the Known errors of my groups menu, providing that a group
that the connected user is a member of manages the problem.

U.3. Change of status of Known errors

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field PROBLEM_STATUS_ID (Status). The status of a problem
indicates its state of progress. It may only be modified using the Update or Update status wizards.

U.4. Known errors impact change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field IMPACT_ID (Impact). This is for information only.

U.5. Known errors urgency change
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field URGENCY_ID (Urgency). This is for information only.

U.6. Known errors service management catalogue

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field SD_CATALOG_ID (Topic) visible on the known errors form.
The topic of a known error allows the solutions accessible when a call is taken to be filtered according to the topic of the incident

U.7. Public change

Recording is triggered by checking or unchecking the Boolean field IS_PUBLIC (Public). The known errors (and their solutions)
for which this box is checked will be visible to users consulting the knowledge base from EasyVista's self-service module

U.8. Question change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field QUESTION_$lng (Query) visible on the known errors form.
The query corresponds to the title of the known error that will be displayed in the list or in the tree-structure.

U.9. Scheduled solution date change

Changing the date contained in the field EXPECTED_RESOLUTION_DATE triggers recording. This field is not visible on the
standard interface, but may be displayed via the "edit" mode on the form of a known error.

V. Questionnaires (SD_QUESTION_RESULT)
The table of answers to questions contains all the changes made on the answers of a questionnaire. All fields present in this
table are historized by default.

V.1. Change the response to a question

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field RESULT (Result). All the changes made to an answer are
visible on the Life cycle tab visible in the upper part of the incident/request form.

W. Incidents/Requests/Events/Problems
The table of incidents/requests/events contains all the information relative to the service management activities. No field in this
table is historized by default. The changes made are visible on the Life Cycle or History tabs displayed in the upper part of the
incident/request/event/problem form. In spite of their labels, most of the parameters listed below are also used for incidents.

W.1. Change of external call

Changing the value contained in the field EXTERNAL_REFERENCE triggers recording. This field is not visible on the standard
interface, but may be displayed via the "edit" mode on the form of an incident or a request.
This field is intended to receive the telephone number communicated by the requestor or the hotline operator when the call is

W.2. Change of Request manager

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field OWNER_ID (Person in charge). By default, this field contains
the name of the user who entered the incident, but it may subsequently be changed on the form. As standard, this field is not
displayed on the requests.

W.3. Change of Request status

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field STATUS_ID (Status). In most cases, statuses are changed
via actions associated with the workflow

W.4. Change of support group of request

Changing the value contained in the field OWNING_GROUP_ID that is not displayed and can't be displayed on the interface
triggers recording. The managing group is determined from the manager of the incident and his/her membership of one or more
groups. In this case, the group chosen will be one of those to which the manager belongs.

W.5. Change project name

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field PROJECT_NAME (Project).

W.6. Request urgency change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field URGENCY_ID (User Urgency). As a reminder, the urgency
of an incident is determined by the urgency value associated with the catalogue of incidents/requests, but it is influenced by the
VIP status of the recipient or by the critical level of the equipment.

W.7. Requests root cause change
Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field ROOT_CAUSE_ID (Root cause) visible on the Solution tab
above the incident form. The requests are not associated with a real cause. The assignment of a real cause to an incident takes
place when its report is entered. The real cause of an incident may be pre-specified provided it is associated with the topic of
the incident in the corresponding catalogue. It can be modified when the report is entered.

W.8. Request service management catalogue change

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field SD_CATALOG_ID (Topic) when the incident is requalified.

X. Service levels (SD_SL_AGREEMENT)

No field in this table is historized by default. The changes made are visible on the History of changes tab displayed in the
upper part of the service level form.

X.1. Change the person in charge of the service level

Recording is triggered by changing the value contained in the field MANAGER_ID (Manager).

Y. Adding fields in the history of changes

The list of fields present in the history of changes is not exhaustive. It is possible to place the content of additional fields in the

history list by creating new change tracking rules. To do this, we use the "add" button . On the mask that is displayed, we
enter the following items:

The added field is automatically activated. In the above example, the change of value will be visible on the History of changes
tab above the Employee form:

Z. Triggers
Movements are historized using triggers associated with tables whose fields may be historized. Here is the list of triggers by
For the Incidents/requests catalogue: SD_CATALOG_TRIG_HISTORY
For Incidents/Requests/Events/Problems/Projects: SD_REQUEST_TRIG_HISTORY

Note: These triggers are generated "on the fly", meaning that they are dynamically created when at least one field is
historically recorded on the table in question. Modifying a trigger with tools such as SQL Server Management Studio is
prohibited. Furthermore, existing triggers are overwritten during EasyVista version changes.


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