Former Oklahoma AG Edmondson Announces Bid For Governor: Clip Resized 109%

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The Anadarko Daily News

Former Oklahoma AG
May Edmondson announces
bid for governor

005 Former Democratic Oklahoma At-
torney General Drew Edmondson is
jumping into the race for governor
in 2018.
The former four-term attorney
general announced on his website
Monday that he would seek the
Democratic nomination for the
open governor's seat.
Edmondson has scheduled press
conferences in Tulsa and Oklahoma
City to formally launch his cam-
The 70-year-old Edmondson
sounded a bipartisan tone in his an-
nouncement and touted his record
for taking on foreign corporations,
Wall Street and tobacco companies
during his time as attorney general.
He also criticized the Republican-
controlled Legislature for the cur-
rent budget crisis and catering to
special interests.
Edmondson ran for governor in
2010, but lost a close Democratic
primary race against then-Lt. Gov.
Jari Askins.
He's been in private practice for
the last six years.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The City Sentinel



31% om left: State Rep. David Perryman, D-
on and Central Oklahoma Labor Federa- Oklahoma Commission honors six
Womens Hall of Fame inductees
Walters By Darla Shelden
City Sentinel Reporter
at KFOR-TV. In 2016, her se-
ries, Faces of The Bombing,
Love is a passionate advocate
for community projects and
Friends Last month six leading Okla-
was honored with the national
Edward R. Murrow Award. In
the cultural enrichment for the
Tulsa community.
homa women were inducted 2015, Cavanaugh and the KFOR- In a Tulsa World op ed she
into the Oklahoma Womens TV team received a national wrote, Lets commit, as a unit-
Hall of Fame. The annual event Emmy Award for their live cov- ed community, to overcoming
held at the Oklahoma History erage of the Moore 2013 torna- the challenges of our past and
Center in Oklahoma City was do. collectively work towards plan-
sponsored by the Oklahoma Patrick B. McGuigan, editor ning a better future for every-
Commission on the Status of of The City Sentinel newspa- one.
Women. per said, Linda and I learned Pat Potts is president of the
Honored that evening were: to write better and think hard- Potts Family Foundation. She
Linda Cavanaugh, an award er in our high school years at founded the Oklahoma Cen-
winning newscaster for NBC Bishop McGuiness. She is still ter for Nonprofits serving as
affiliate KFOR-TV: Edith Kin- making a difference. its president and CEO for more
ney Gaylord, journalist and When Kinney Gaylord than 20 years. Founder of the
newspaper executive; Glen- wasnt allowed to join the Oklahoma Womens Coalition,
da Love, executive director Washington Press Club in the she also served as president
of Tulsas Ronald McDonald 1940s, she and other women of the Oklahoma City School
House (posthumously); Pat started the Womens National Board, Oklahoma City Beauti-
Potts, co-founder of the Com- Press Club, where she served ful, the Zoo Trust and the So-
quet were, from left, state Rep. Collin
Robyn Lemon Sellers and Central Okla- munity Resource Development as its second president. Gay- ciety of Fund Raising Execu-
ent Tim OConnor. Foundation; Meg Salyer, Okla- lord founded the Inasmuch tives. Potts was honored as a
homa City Ward 6 Council- Foundation, which has contrib- Festival of Hope Honoree by
he remembered winning the
woman; and Rhonda Walters, uted more than $200 million to HeartLind, a Door-Opener by
party nod, only to get my ass
former Oklahoma First Lady Oklahoma charities that help ASTEC Charter Schools, and
kicked by Henry Bellmon in
and president of Oklahoma women, children and families. the 2012 Woman of the Year
the general election.
Property Investors. Before her death in 2001, Gay- by The Journal Record.
Walters said he was edu-
We are honored to induct lord provided a $500,000 en- Meg Salyerhas served as the
cated by union members, and
these six Oklahoma wom- dowment to the University of only woman on the Oklahoma
came to believe his initial po-
en into the Oklahoma Hall of Oklahomas School of Journal- City Council, Ward 6 for over
sition on right-to-work was
Fame, said Linda Haneborg, ism to be awarded to deserving eight years. She was honored
wrong. He shifted to organized
chair of 2017 Oklahoma Wom- faculty members and students. with the United Ways John
labors side of the debate before
en Hall of Fame, commissioner Known as the liberal Gay- and Berta Fay Rex Community
his second run for the states
for the OCSW and a 2013 Hall lord Edith was a pioneer for Builder Award and the Junior
top job, in 1990. In that latter
of Fame inductee. This rec- women in journalism, Mc- Leagues Mary Baker Rumsey
campaign, Walters defeated
ognition is a testament to the Guigan recalls. She was kind Lifetime Achievement Award.
Republican Bill Price.
vision and contributions each and helpful to me when I ar- In 2003, Salyer was elected the
Walters pointed to House
of these recipients have made rived at The Oklahoman in first woman president of the
Minority Leader Scott Inman,
throughout their lifetime. 1990. I honor her memory. Oklahoma City Rotary Club.
D-Del City (who was in the au-
A member of the Oklahoma Tulsa resident, Glenda Love She now serves on 20 corporate
dience) and noted he was the
Broadcasting Hall of Fame and received the Community Ex- and non-profit boards, Salyers
second official candidate for
the Oklahoma Journalism Hall cellence Award from the com- focus remains on improving
the party gubernatorial nomi-
of Fame, Cavanaugh was recog- munity-based organization, the quality of life and expand-
nation, noting the previously
nized as one of the most dis- Jazz Hall, for her many con- ing opportunities for women,
announced candidacy of for-
tinguished journalists in the tributions. She serves on the children and families in Okla-
mer state Sen. Connie Johnson
history of the state. Cavana- board of trustees of OSU-Tul- homa.
of Oklahoma City. Walters also
ugh was the first female co-an- sa and the McDonald Corpora- Meg Salyer has been a play-
gave a shout-out to former At-
chor of the evening newscast tion Global Advisory Council. continued on page 7
torney General Drew Edmond-
son, also at the labor gather-
ing and frequently mentioned
as a possible candidate, say-
From Dust Bowl to World War, Shortgrass is a
ing among those three the par-
ty will have a good standard-
compelling coming-of-age tale, and more
bearer, in the end. Reviewed by narratives stage is
Several awards were pre- Patrick B. McGuigan the entire chang-
sented at the Labor & Friends ing world of the
event. Audra Breann Aker- Western Oklahoma is the pri- late 1930s and early
man, granddaughter of long- mary setting for Shortgrass 1940s. Through the
time union man Carlen Leon (Tiree OGHMA Creative Me- eyes of Lance Roark
continued on page 9 dia, 341 pages), but in truth the Mennonite farm
boy with German-
Irish ancestry and
family-taught af-
finity for the Plains
Indian peoples (Co-
manche, Cheyenne,
Arapaho and other)
author John J. Dw-
yers novel lays out
the story of story
of those souls who
braved the Dust
Bowl Days, steel-
ing themselves un-
knowingly for the
rigors of world-wide
Some real char-
acters make impor-

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Enid News & Eagle


announces bid
for governor
OKLAHOMA CITY they raised it ... back to 7
(AP) Drew Edmondson, percent, it would still be
a former prosecutor and below the rates in virtu-
four-term Oklahoma attor- ally every other oil and
ney general from one of gas producing state in the
the states most well-es- nation.
tablished political fami- A supporter of the
lies, announced Monday death penalty and abortion
he will seek the rights for women,
Democratic nom- Edmondson served
ination for gover- for 16 years as the
nor in 2018. states attorney
Touting his general before run-
record for tak- ning for the states
ing on corpora- open governors
tions, Wall Street seat in 2010. He
and big tobacco, lost the Democratic
the 70-year-old primary race
Edmondson for- Drew Edmondson against then-Lt.
mally launched Gov. Jari Askins by
his campaign at the Jazz less than 1 percent.
Hall of Fame in Tulsa. He Edmondson, who raised
expressed a willingness more than $2.7 million
to work with members of for his primary race in
both parties to move the 2010, said he expects a
state forward, but also successful candidate will
criticized the Republican- need to raise about twice
controlled Legislature for that much before the 2018
the current budget crisis election.
and catering to special Edmondson, a Vietnam
interests. veteran, is the son of for-
Theres nothing less mer 10-term U.S. House
important at stake than member Ed Edmondson
the future of Oklahoma, and nephew of J. Howard
Edmondson said. Were Edmondson, a former
not just at the bottom. Oklahoma governor and
Were at the bottom and U.S. senator.
going down. If we want a Edmondsons brother,
future for our children and James Edmondson, was
grandchildren, weve got appointed by Gov. Brad
to do better. Henry to the Oklahoma
Edmondson described a Supreme Court in 2003.
proposed tax hike on cig- Other Democratic can-
arettes as a no-brainer didates running for the
and said he would sup- governors post are House
port an effort to return the Democratic leader Rep.
effective tax rate on oil Scott Inman, former state
and natural gas production Sen. Connie Johnson and
back from 2 percent to retired auto mechanic
closer to 7 percent. Norman Brown.
The oil and gas indus- Republican candidates
try is healthy. They dont include Lt. Gov. Todd
need tax breaks to drill, Lamb and Tulsa attorney
Edmondson said. Even if Gary Richardson.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Guymon Daily Herald




Former Oklahoma AG Edmondson

announces bid for governor
They dont need tax breaks to drill,
By SEAN MURPHY, Associated Press Edmondson said. Even if they raised
it ... back to 7 percent, it would still
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) Drew be below the rates in virtually every
Edmondson, a former prosecutor and other oil and gas producing state in the
four-term Oklahoma attorney general nation.
from one of the states most well-estab- A supporter of the death penalty and
lished political families, announced abortion rights for women, Edmondson
Monday he will seek the Democratic served for 16 years as the states attor-
nomination for governor in 2018. ney general before running for the
Touting his record for taking on cor- states open governors seat in 2010.
porations, Wall Street and big tobacco, He lost the Democratic primary race
the 70-year-old Edmondson formally against then Lt. Gov. Jari Askins by
launched his campaign at the Jazz less than 1 percent.
Hall of Fame in Tulsa. He expressed a Edmondson, who raised more than
willingness to work with members of $2.7 million for his primary race in
both parties to move the state forward, 2010, said he expects a successful can-
but also criticized the Republican- didate will need to raise about twice
controlled Legislature for the current that much before the 2018 election.
budget crisis and catering to special Edmondson, a Vietnam veteran, is
interests. the son of former ten-term U.S. House
Theres nothing less important at member Ed Edmondson and nephew
stake than the future of Oklahoma, of J. Howard Edmondson, a former
Edmondson said. Were not just at Oklahoma governor and U.S. senator.
the bottom. Were at the bottom and Edmondsons brother, James
going down. If we want a future for our Edmondson, was appointed by Gov.
children and grandchildren, weve got Brad Henry to the Oklahoma Supreme
to do better. Court in 2003.
Edmondson described a proposed Other Democratic candidates run-
tax hike on cigarettes as a no-brainer ning for the governors post are House
and said he would support an effort to Democratic leader Rep. Scott Inman,
return the effective tax rate on oil and former state Sen. Connie Johnson and
natural gas production back from 2 retired auto mechanic Norman Brown.
percent to closer to 7 percent. Republican candidates include Lt.
The oil and gas industry is healthy. Gov. Todd Lamb and Tulsa attorney
Gary Richardson.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Lawton Constitution



resized AP
49% Drew Edmondson, a former prosecutor and four-term Oklahoma
attorney general, speaks during a news conference outside the state
Capitol in Oklahoma City, Monday. Edmondson has he will seek the
Democratic nomination for governor in 2018.

Drew Edmondson
to run for governor
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) raised it ... back to 7 percent,
Drew Edmondson, a for- it would still be below the
mer prosecutor and four- rates in virtually every oth-
term Oklahoma attorney er oil and gas producing
general from one of the state in the nation.
states most well-estab- A supporter of the death
lished political families, an- penalty and abortion rights
nounced Monday he will for women, Edmondson
seek the Democratic nomi- served for 16 years as the
nation for governor in 2018. states attorney general be-
Touting his record for tak- fore running for the states
ing on corporations, Wall open governors seat in
Street and big tobacco, the 2010. He lost the Democrat-
70-year-old Edmondson for- ic primary race against
mally launched his cam- then-Lt. Gov. Jari Askins by
paign at the Jazz Hall of less than 1 percent.
Fame in Tulsa. He ex- Edmondson, who raised
pressed a willingness to more than $2.7 million for
work with members of both his primary race in 2010,
parties to move the state said he expects a successful
forward, but also criticized candidate will need to raise
the Republican-controlled
about twice that much be-
Legislature for the current
fore the 2018 election.
budget crisis and catering
Edmondson, a Vietnam
to special interests.
veteran, is the son of former
Theres nothing less im-
portant at stake than the fu- ten-term U.S. House mem-
ture of Oklahoma, Ed- ber Ed Edmondson and
mondson said. Were not nephew of J. Howard Ed-
just at the bottom. Were at mondson, a former Okla-
the bottom and going down. homa governor and U.S.
If we want a future for our senator.
children and grandchildren, Edmondsons brother,
weve got to do better. James Edmondson, was ap-
Edmondson described a pointed by Gov. Brad Henry
proposed tax hike on ciga- to the Oklahoma Supreme
rettes as a no-brainer and Court in 2003.
said he would support an ef- Other Democratic candi-
fort to return the effective dates running for the gover-
tax rate on oil and natural nors post are House Demo-
gas production back from 2 cratic leader Rep. Scott In-
percent to closer to 7 per- man, former state Sen. Con-
cent. nie Johnson and retired auto
The oil and gas industry mechanic Norman Brown.
is healthy. They dont need Republican candidates in-
tax breaks to drill, Ed- clude Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb
mondson said. Even if they and Tulsa attorney Gary R

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
May 2017 Page resized
02 A001 57%

Muskogee Phoenix

Muskogees Edmondson to run for governor

Lawmakers announced his plans to special tax breaks for you create jobs and grow ers, our small business
campaign for the gover- the powerful, Edmond- the economy. owners, our students,
inability to address nors ofce. son said in Speculation and talk our teachers, our schools
VFDOQHHGVZDV In his formal an- his formal about Edmondson mak- are calling for help,
WLSSLQJSRLQW nouncement, Edmondson campaign ing a second gubernato- Edmondson said. Con-
said large corporations announce- rial bid escalated during tinuing down this path
and the wealthy have ment. We the weeks leading up to of failed ideas and tired
By D.E. Smoot prospered at the states need to his announcement on a
Phoenix Staff Writer
rhetoric will not solve
expense. He said it is make sure date chosen for its sym- our problems our peo-
Four-term attorney time for working families working bolic signicance. May- ple are our strength, but
general and Muskogee and Main Street busi- Edmondson families day, he said, is recog- our leaders have failed
native Drew Edmond- ness owners to see their have money nized as a call of distress, us.
son put to rest on Mon- fair share of economic in their pockets that they and thats where we are During a telephone
day weeks of specula- growth. can spend right here in in Oklahoma.
tion when he formally We dont need more Oklahoma that is how Our state, our work- (See RUN, 2A)

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Muskogee Phoenix

Run Edmondson is a Navy

veteran who served Viet-
nam before returning
home to teach speech
Continued from Page 1A and debate at his alma
May mater, Muskogee Cen-
interview Monday after-
02 noon, Edmondson said tral High School. He is
the tipping point for a graduate of Northeast-
his decision to campaign ern State College and
2017 the University of Tulsa
a second time for the
top post in Oklahomas School of Law.
Page During his 16-year
executive branch was
A002 lawmakers apparent tenure as state attorney
Clip inability to address the general, Edmondson took
resized states scal needs. With on out-of-state corporate
57% interests that includ-
only weeks left in this
ed industrial and agri-
From years legislative session, cultural polluters, Wall
A001 Edmondson said it is Street fraudsters and
amazing that lawmak- Big Tobacco. He was one
ers spent much of their of eight attorneys gener-
time ghting rather than al to negotiate a histor-
trying to reach any kind ic agreement with the
of agreement about what tobacco industry, which
needs to be done. led to sweeping national
Please tell me things changes in the industrys
arent going to get any marketing tactics and re-
worse, Edmondson said sulted with a $200 billion
about his response to the settlement paid out to
news coming out of the the states over 25 years.
Oklahoma Capitol this Edmondson then led
year. And then some- the effort to establish
thing else would happen, the Oklahoma Tobacco
and I nally decided I Settlement Endowment
couldnt live with myself Trust, which constitu-
if I didnt try to do some- tionally protected the
thing it was time for most of Oklahomas $2
me to stop playing golf billion share of the to-
for a while and try to x bacco settlement. Estab-
some of these problems. lishing the trust ensured
Edmondson cited as those funds can be spent
assets of his guberna- only on issues related
torial bid his record as to Oklahomans public
attorney general and health.
to a lesser extent as dis- I dont care about your
trict attorney in Musk- political party or who
ogee County. He said you voted for president,
his work as chairman of I care about Oklahoma
the Oklahoma Steward- and Oklahomans, Ed-
ship Council during its mondson said. We didnt
2016 campaign against create this mess, but we
State Question 777, the can and we will x
so-called right to farm it together.
amendment, also should Reach D.E. Smoot at
prove helpful. (918) 684-2901 or ds-
We built a strong or- moot@muskogeephoenix.
ganization ... and actu- com.
ally ipped the polling
on that, Edmondson
said. It was polling two Corrections
to one a year before the and clarifications
election, and we turned The Phoenix tries to
it around and nearly got promptly correct errors. To
a two-to-one win that report an error, please call
was a big one. 684-2900.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Oklahoman

Drew Edmondson announces

run for Oklahoma governor
Capitol Bureau

Page Drew Edmondson, a

A004 former state attorney
general and member of
Clip one of the most powerful
resized families in Oklahomas
48% political history, has
announced he will runfor
Edmondson, a Demo-
crat, served four terms
as Oklahomas attor-
ney general and seemed
to have capped off his
political career with an
unsuccessful bid for gov-
ernor in 2010. But then
last year, Edmondson
led a successful cam-
paign against the Right to
FarmState Question 777,
a constitutional amend-
ment that could have
blocked virtually any new
agriculture regulations. Former Attorney General Drew Edmondson, announces his run for governor during a news con-
That campaign put him ference Monday at the state Capitol in Oklahoma City. [PHOTO BY PAUL HELLSTERN, THE OKLAHOMAN]
back on the political map
and back into the minds government right now, nor and a U.S. senator. and damaging river qual-
of Oklahoma voters. said Edmondson, who Drew Edmondsons ity.
After leaving the attor- stood alongside his wife, brother, James, has Edmondson also led the
ney generals office in Linda, and campaign aides. been on the Oklahoma states case against the
2011, Edmondson began Were in crumbles. Were Supreme Court since tobacco industry, which
working in private prac- in shambles. Were in our 2003. resulted in a settlement
tice, now in Oklahoma second year of a massive After serving as a pros- that has led to$1.4 billion
City with the Riggs Abney deficit. The big difference ecutor in northeastern in payments since 1999.
law firm. He was widely is they have a plan to fix Oklahoma, Edmondson His announcement
expected to announce for the building. There is no won election as attorney Monday would put at
governor this year and plan I have seen yet to fix general in 1994. One of least three Democratic
recently said he was con- the structural problems of his most prominent bat- hopefuls on the 2018
sidering a return to elec- state government. tles as attorney general primary election ballot.
toral politics. If he was at the nego- was against chicken farm House Minority Leader
Edmondson, 70, made tiating table now, pollution, a case that is Scott Inman and former
his candidacy announce- Edmondson said he still not settled. state Sen. Connie John-
ment in Tulsa, about an would like Oklahoma to He filed the federal son also have announced
hours drive from his fam- raise the tax rates on cig- lawsuit in 2005, seeking their campaigns.
ilys hometown of Musk- arettes and production of to prohibit the spread- GOP candidates
ogee. He later spoke with oil and gas. ing of chicken waste over include Tulsa attorney
reporters outside the Okla- Edmondsons name land in the northeastern Gary Richardson, who
homa Capitol on Mon- should be familiar to Oklahoma in the Illinois officially launched his
day where he filed his first many Oklahomans. His River Basin. He argued campaign last week, and
campaign documents. father, Ed, served in the that contaminants from Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb, who
The scaffolding and all U.S. House of Repre- hundreds of thousands of hasnt yet announced.
that you see at the front of sentatives. His uncle, J. tons of waste generated State Auditor and
the Capitol is symbolic of Howard Edmondson, was by millions of birds were Inspector Gary Jones is
whats happening to state Oklahomas 16th gover- seeping into waterways considering a run.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
May 2017 Page resized
02 0001 73%

The Ponca City News

ing to tweets from Travis the front door of the gym. (See STABBINGS, Page 2)

Drew Edmondson, a for-
mer prosecutor and four-term
tion back from 2 percent to
closer to 7 percent.
The oil and gas industry is
A supporter of the death
penalty and abortion rights for
women, Edmondson served for
Oklahoma attorney general healthy. They dont need tax 16 years as the states attorney
from one of the states most breaks to drill, Edmondson general before running for the
well-established political said. Even if they raised it states open governors seat in
families, announced Monday ... back to 7 percent, it would 2010. He lost the Democratic
he will seek the Democratic still be below the rates in vir- primary race against then Lt.
nomination for governor in tually every other oil and gas Gov. Jari Askins by less than
2018. producing state in the nation. 1 percent.
Touting his record for taking
on corporations, Wall Street
and big tobacco, the 70-year-
old Edmondson formally
launched his campaign at the
Jazz Hall of Fame in Tulsa.
He expressed a willingness
to work with members of both Whats Inside Whats Outside
parties to move the state for- AT PONCA CITY AIRPORT
ward, but also criticized the
Republican-controlled Legis- 7 p.m. . . . . . 70 10 p.m. . . . . 59
2 Officer fatally shoots teen as 7 a.m. . . . . . 46 11 a.m. . . . 68
lature for the current budget
crisis and catering to special car speeds away. Yesterdays maximum 71
interests. Minimum past 24 hours 46
3 What on Earth might a Trump- Precip 24 hours ending noon
Theres nothing less impor-
tant at stake than the future of Kim meeting look like? none
Oklahoma, Edmondson said. Relative humidity 44 percent at
Were not just at the bottom. 6 All six Lady Cats tennis play-
11 a.m.
Were at the bottom and going ers qulify for state. Max wind velocity 24 mph at
down. If we want a future for 4:53 a.m. today
our children and grandchil- 8 Just what was behind nations
Kaw Lake Level 1,024.53
dren, weve got to do better. Civil War? Kaw Lake Discharge 40 cfs
Edmondson described a pro- Generating Plant 5,000 cfs
posed tax hike on cigarettes INDEX
Barometric pressure 11 a.m.
as a no-brainer and said Comics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 (Sea level) 30.03 Rising
he would support an effort to
return the effective tax rate Crossword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Tomorrow
e on oil and natural gas produc- Deaths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sun Rises 6:34 Sets 8:13

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Shawnee News-Star


Sen. Connie Johnson and Another 11-year-old,
Former Oklahoma retired auto mechanic Nor- Christopher Seaton, died
AG Edmondson man Brown.
Republican candidates
group home in April 2013.
announces bid include Lt. Gov. Todd The home routinely
Lamb and Tulsa attorney informs police about run-
for governor Gary Richardson. aways, and many of the
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) reports deal with children
May Drew Edmondson, a for-
Oklahoma AG says who make multiple at-
mer prosecutor and four- tempts to leave the facility.
02 term Oklahoma attorney Emergency Price Police records show that
general from one of the RIFHUV PDGH  VHUYLFH
states most well-estab- Stabilization calls to the facility in 2016,
lished political families,  FDOOV LQ  DQG 
2017 announced Monday he Act in effect calls in 2014.
will seek the Democratic OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) Oklahoma Department
nomination for governor Oklahoma Attorney of Human Services spokes-
Page in 2018. General Mike Hunter says woman Sheree Powell said
Touting his record for the states Emergency Price the home currently houses
A003 taking on corporations, Stabilization Act is in ef- more than 20 children,
Wall Street and big to- fect in all 77 counties after including seven set to be
Clip bacco, the 70-year-old severe storms prompted reunited with their fami-
resized Edmondson formally Gov. Mary Fallins to issue lies. Most of the children
37% launched his campaign at a statewide emergency dec- are ages 10 to 14.
the Jazz Hall of Fame in laration. The departments prima-
Tulsa. Hunter said Monday ry goal in placing youth
He expressed a willing- the price-gouging statute in such group homes is to
ness to work with members prohibits increases of more help them cope with and
of both parties to move the than 10 percent for the control emotional issues,
state forward, but also crit- price of goods and services behavioral disorders or
icized the Republican-con- following an emergency other problems through
trolled Legislature for the declaration. It also allows counselling and treatment,
current budget crisis and the attorney general to Powell said.
catering to special inter- OH FKDUJHV DJDLQVW WKRVH Jackson said the Reala-
ests. engaged in price gouging. tion home has more than
Theres nothing less The act will remain in 30 employees.
important at stake than effect for 30 days after the
the future of Oklahoma,
Edmondson said. Were
governors declaration has
expired. The act is in effect
not just at the bottom.
Were at the bottom and
for another 180 days for deputies fatally
charges for repairs, remod-
going down. If we want a eling and construction. shoot Ark. man
future for our children and Fallin declared the state TOM, Okla. (AP) Au-
grandchildren, weve got to of emergency on Satur- thorities are investigating
do better. day after a storm system after sheriffs deputies fa-
Edmondson described a brought heavy rainfall, tally shot an Arkansas man
proposed tax hike on ciga- strong winds and snow to ZKRUHSRUWHGO\RSHQHGUH
rettes as a no-brainer and the state. The declaration on a sheriff in southeastern
said he would support an lasts for 30 days. Oklahoma.
effort to return the effective
tax rate on oil and natural Tulsa group home The Oklahoma State Bu-
reau of Investigation says
gas production back from
2 percent to closer to 7 where 2 children the shooting happened
Sunday near the town of
The oil and gas indus-
died in trafc Tom, about 200 miles
southeast of Oklahoma
try is healthy. They dont to close City and near the states
need tax breaks to drill,
Edmondson said. Even if TULSA, Okla. (AP) A borders with Arkansas and
they raised it ... back to 7 troubled Tulsa group home Texas.
for abused and neglected According to the OSBI,
percent, it would still be
below the rates in virtually children is preparing to deputies with the Mc-
close. Curtain County Sheriffs
every other oil and gas pro-
ducing state in the nation. Mark Jackson, who 2IFHIDWDOO\VKRW\HDU
A supporter of the death owns the Realation Group old Devin Hawkins after
penalty and abortion rights +RPHQRWLHGWKH2NODKR- Hawkins pointed a gun and
for women, Edmondson ma Department of Human UHGRQFHDWWKHVKHULII
Services on Friday that it No one else was injured.
served for 16 years as the
states attorney general be- plans to terminate its con- Hawkins was from Fore-
fore running for the states tract and close June 30, the man, Arkansas.
Tulsa World reported. The OSBI says agents
open governors seat in
2010. Given the current situa- will conduct a full review
He lost the Democratic tion, its with a heavy heart and forward a report to
primary race against then that we just feel it is in our prosecutors, who will de-
Lt. Gov. Jari Askins by less best interest to terminate termine whether the shoot-
than 1 percent. our contract at this time, LQJZDVMXVWLHG
Edmondson, who raised Jackson said, paraphrasing
from a letter he sent to the

more than $2.7 million for
his primary race in 2010, department.
said he expects a successful The department stopped
candidate will need to raise placing children at the fa-
about twice that much be- cility while it investigated
fore the 2018 election. the death of 11-year-old
Edmondson, a Vietnam Chase Dakota Bridges, who
veteran, is the son of for- ran away from the facility
mer ten-term U.S. House and was fatally struck by a
member Ed Edmondson vehicle in December.
and nephew of J. How-
ard Edmondson, a former
Oklahoma governor and Hasbel
U.S. senator.
Edmondsons brother, Pest Control
James Edmondson, was
appointed by Gov. Brad 83YEARS
Henry to the Oklahoma Quality service at a reasonable price.
Supreme Court in 2003. 1 treatment doesnt always
Other Democratic can- get rid of termites. The Sha
didates running for the
governors post are House
For No Hassle Retreats annual Gra
Just Call Us
Democratic leader Rep. This years
Scott Inman, former state 273-7918
an e

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Stillwater NewsPress


Former Oklahoma AG
Edmondson announces
bid for governor

Associated Press in Tulsa. He expressed a

willingness to work with
OKLAHOMA CITY members of both parties
Drew Edmondson, a for- to move the state for-
mer prosecutor and four- ward, but also criticized
term Oklahoma attorney the Republican-con-
general from one of the trolled Legislature for
states most well-estab- the current budget crisis
ished political families, and catering to special
announced Monday he interests.
will seek the Democratic Theres nothing less
nomination for governor important at stake than
n 2018. the future of Oklahoma,
Touting his record for Edmondson said. Were
taking on corporations, not just at the bottom.
Wall Street and big to- Were at the bottom and
bacco, the 70-year-old going down. If we want
Edmondson formally a future for our children
aunched his campaign and grandchildren, weve
at the Jazz Hall of Fame got to do better.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Journal Record

May 05.02.2017
Vol. 122, No. 86
One section
2017 Single copy $1.00

77% 2
Bill lumps multiple tax hikes
together House Bill 2365
groups together the cigarette
tax, the motor fuel tax and
some tax exemptions for oil
and gas companies.

OCU students learn investment
skills while turning a profit
Watching a healthy return on a
$200,000 loan collapse to a slim
prot margin in just a few weeks
taught Oklahoma City University
graduate student John Hobart a
couple of key lessons.

Former AG Edmondson
announces bid for governor
Drew Edmondson, a former
prosecutor and four-term
Oklahoma attorney general from
one of the states most well-
established political families,
announced Monday he will seek
the Democratic nomination for
governor in 2018.

Judge Clancy: Every day,
you have the opportunity
to do the right thing For
decades, Oklahomans have
used the courts to tackle
injustice, and theyve used the
14th Amendment to do it.

Rex Travis wins Journal
Record Award Attorney Rex
Travis is this years winner of
the Journal Record Award,
presented Monday during
the Oklahoma County Bar
Associations annual Law
Day luncheon.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
May 2017 Page resized From
02 A003 72% A001

The Journal Record

Former AG Edmondson announces bid for governor

BY SEAN MURPHY A supporter of the death penalty and
Associated Press abortion rights for women, Edmondson
served for 16 years as the states attor-
OKLAHOMA CITY Drew Edmond- ney general before running for the states
son, a former prosecutor and four-term open governors seat in 2010. He lost the
Oklahoma attorney general from one of Democratic primary race against then Lt.
the states most well-established politi- Gov. Jari Askins by less than 1 percent.
cal families, announced Monday he will Edmondson, who raised more than
seek the Democratic nomination for $2.7 million for his primary race in 2010,
governor in 2018. said he expects a successful candidate
Touting his record for taking on cor- will need to raise about twice that much
porations, Wall Street and big tobacco, before the 2018 election.
the 70-year-old Edmondson formally Edmondson, a Vietnam veteran, is
launched his campaign at the Jazz Hall the son of former 10-term U.S. House
of Fame in Tulsa. He expressed a willing- member Ed Edmondson and nephew of
ness to work with members of both par- J. Howard Edmondson, a former Okla-
ties to move the state forward, but also homa governor and U.S. senator.
criticized the Republican-controlled Edmondsons brother, James Edmond-
Legislature for the current budget crisis son, was appointed by Gov. Brad Henry to
and catering to special interests. the Oklahoma Supreme Court in 2003.
Theres nothing less important at Other Democratic candidates run-
stake than the future of Oklahoma, ning for the governors post are House
Edmondson said. Were not just at the Democratic leader Scott Inman, former
bottom. Were at the bottom and going Drew Edmondson, a former prosecutor and four-term Oklahoma attorney general, state Sen. Connie Johnson and retired
down. If we want a future for our chil- announces he will seek the Democratic nomination for governor in 2018 in Tulsa on auto mechanic Norman Brown.
dren and grandchildren, weve got to Monday as his wife, Linda, looks on. STEPHEN PINGRY/TULSA WORLD VIA AP Republican candidates include Lt. Gov.
do better. Todd Lamb, Auditor and Inspector Gary
Edmondson described a proposed tax gas production back from 2 percent to mondson said. Even if they raised it ... Jones and Tulsa attorney Gary Richardson.
hike on cigarettes as a no-brainer and closer to 7 percent. back to 7 percent, it would still be below Rex Lawhorn, a telecommunications
said he would support an effort to return The oil and gas industry is healthy. the rates in virtually every other oil and technician from Tulsa, has entered the
the effective tax rate on oil and natural They dont need tax breaks to drill, Ed- gas producing state in the nation. race as a Libertarian.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Tulsa World




Drew Edmondson announces his

candidacy.STEPHEN PINGRY/Tulsa World

Former AG
running for
Edmondson announces he
will try for second time
By Randy Krehbiel
Tulsa World

The past decade has not been

kind to Democratic candidates
in Oklahoma, and that includes
former Oklahoma Attorney Gen-
eral Drew Edmondson.
But, Edmondson said Monday,
voters decisions on four state
questions last November encour-
aged him enough to give a run
for public office one more try.
Not only the defeat of (State
Question) 777, but also some of
the very smart decisions (voters)
made about criminal justice re-
form and the constitutions es-

See Edmondson, page A11

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Tulsa World

Hes in race
for governor
02 From page A9

tablishment clause, Edmondson

after announcing his candidacy
2017 for governor at the Oklahoma Jazz
Hall of Fame.
Edmondson was heavily in-
Page volved in the campaign against
SQ 777, the so-called Right to Farm
A011 amendment, which wound up los-
ing by a large margin. He and other
Clip Democrats were also encouraged
resized by the defeat of a state question
39% that would have repealed a section
of the state constitution forbidding
the use of state assets by religious
From groups, and the passage of two bal-
A009 lot measures dealing with criminal
justice reform.
If that suggested a more liberal
bent to Oklahoma voters, though,
it did not translate to public of-
ce. Democrats continued to lose
ground in the House and Senate
and Hillary Clinton had the worst
showing for a Democratic nominee
in Oklahoma since George McGov-
ern in 1972.
That said, Oklahoma has elected
Democratic governors early in the
rst terms of the last ve Republi-
can presidents, going back to Da-
vid Hall in 1970.
Edmondson, 70, served four
terms as attorney general before
an unsuccessful campaign for gov-
ernor in 2010.
Some thought that would be his
last campaign, but Edmondson
said he couldnt sit still.
I got a little embarrassed I
wasnt doing enough to correct the
situation, he said Monday.
Edmondson said the Republi-
can-led Legislature has essentially
sold out to the oil and gas industry
and other special interests. He said
one of the states largest energy
companies paid an effective corpo-
rate tax rate of 0.3 percent on $21
billion in earnings.
Theyre not breaking the law,
he said. Theyre following the law
they bought and paid for.
Oklahoma is going to be a bat-
tleground state in 2018, Edmond-
son said. Not in terms of national
politics, but because it will be a
battle for our future.
Edmondson is the fourth Dem-
ocrat to enter the race, joining
House Minority Leader Scott In-
man, D-Del City, former state Sen.
Connie Johnson of Forest Park and
Norman Jay Brown, a disabled auto
mechanic from Oklahoma City.
As many as seven candidates are
thought possible in the Republican
eld, although only two Tulsa
attorney Gary Richardson and
Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb have regis-
tered campaign committees with
the Oklahoma Ethics Commission.
Other possibilities include state
Auditor and Inspector Gary Jones,
Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cor-
nett and Gateway Mortgage execu-
tive Kevin Stitt.

Randy Krehbiel 918-581-8365
Twitter: @rkrehbiel

World Capitol Bureau Chief Barbara

Hoberock contributed to this story.

Drew Edmondson announces his candi-
dacy for governor.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Edmond Sun

May announces

run for
A001 Says people are our
Clip strength, but state
40% leadership has failed
TULSA Oklahoma isnt bro-
ken, were just broke.
With a belief in the resiliency of
its people and a pledge to stand up
for working families, Drew
Edmondson today announced his
campaign for governor of
Edmondson said large corpora-
tions and the wealthy have pros-
pered, and its time working fami-
lies and small main street busi-
nesses get their fair share.
We dont need more special tax
breaks for the powerful,
Edmondson said. We need to
make sure working families have
money in their pockets that they
can spend right here in Oklahoma.
That is how you create jobs and
grow the economy.
Edmondson said a new direction
is necessary so that Oklahoma can
be the place people want to live,
work and raise a family. Good jobs
and great schools should be the
norm in our state.
The symbolism of todays date
is significant, Edmondson said.
Mayday is a recognized distress
call, and thats where we are in
Oklahoma. Our state, our workers,
our small business owners, our
students, our teachers, our schools
are calling for help. Continuing
down this path of failed ideas and
tired rhetoric will not solve our
problems. Our people are our
strength, but our leaders have
failed us.
We cannot continue down this
path, Edmondson said. We dont
need another four years with lead-
ers who are so caught up in the
demands of corporate lobbyist that
they cant see the real issues facing
real Oklahomans. We cant survive
another four years of willful bank-
A Navy veteran who served our
country in Vietnam, Edmondsons
first job upon leaving the military
was teaching speech and debate at
his alma mater, Muskogee Central
High School. Drew and his wife,
Linda, a retired medical social
worker, will celebrate their 50th
wedding anniversary in June. They
are proud parents to their daugh-
ter, Mary, and son-in-law, Mike,
and their son, Robert, and daugh-
ter-in-law, Andrea. Drew and Linda


Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
May 2017 Page resized
03 A003 100%

The Edmond Sun

Coming off a visit last week to the University of Central Oklahoma campus to attend
the Journalism Hall of Fame luncheon, Drew Edmondson has announced his candida-
cy for governor of Oklahoma.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Edmond Sun

EDMONDSON: Helped establish Oklahomas TSET


have two grandchildren,

May twins Andrew and
03 Catherine.
Edmondson is a gradu-
2017 ate of Northeastern State
College and the University
of Tulsa School of Law. He
Page is a former district attor-
A003 ney and served four terms
as Oklahomas attorney
resized general.
50% Edmondson stood up
against out-of-state cor-
From porate interests on many
A003 occasions, including
fighting industrial and
agricultural polluters, Wall
Street fraudsters and big
tobacco. Just last fall,
Edmondson led the
Oklahoma Stewardship
Councils successful PHOTO PROVIDED
opposition to State Coming off a visit last week to the University of Central Oklahoma campus to attend
Question 777, an effort by the Journalism Hall of Fame luncheon, Drew Edmondson has announced his candida-
multinational corporate cy for governor of Oklahoma.
agriculture entities to
enact sweeping constitu- stands at more than $1 political party or who you Oklahomans. We didnt
tional protections for billion. voted for president, create this mess, but we
industrial agricultural As part of an agreement Edmondson said. I care can and we will fix it,
facilities. with Southwestern Bell, about Oklahoma and together.
As attorney general, Edmondson successfully
Edmondson was one of advocated for the creation
eight attorneys general to
negotiate a historic agree-
of the Oklahoma
Educational Technology
James Elmer Warren
ment with the big tobacco Trust, which so far has James Elmer is scheduled for
industry that led to placed more than $12 Warren Jim of Thursday, May 4, 2017
sweeping national million in technology Edmond, Okla., passed at 10:30 a.m. at Sooner
changes in the industrys equipment and training away Wed., April 26, Baptist Church,
2017 at the age of 80. 5824 SE 15th Street,
marketing tactics, out- in Oklahoma public
A memorial service Midwest City, OK.
lawed marketing to chil- schools.
dren and resulted in a set- We wanted to create
tlement that will force the these funding sources for
industry to pay $200 bil- Oklahomans, for students
lion to the states over 25
years. Oklahomas share of
and for schools and to
protect them for
Dr. Sheldon L. Buxton
this settlement is $2 bil- decades, Edmondson Dr. Sheldon L. 3, 2017 at First Baptist
lion. Edmondson then led said. Theres not much Buxton, 67, of Sallisaw, Church in Sallisaw
the effort to establish the working correctly in state Okla. passed away under the direction of
Oklahoma Tobacco government today, but April 27, 2017 in Agent Mallory Martin
Settlement Endowment those two funds certainly Springeld, Mo. Funeral Home in
Funeral service is 2 Sallisaw.
Trust, which constitution- are. Thats the kind of gov- p.m. Wednesday, May
ally protected the vast ernor Ill be. Ill fight for
majority of Oklahomas Oklahomans not large
settlement dollars and corporations. I wont be
ensured those funds can looking toward the next
only be spent on issues of election. Ill be working
Oklahomans public for the next generation.
health. The Trust balance I dont care about your

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Hinton Record

y gy

Drew Edmondson Announces

Run for Governor
2017 TULSA, OKLA. May 1, ers, our schools are calling for As attorney general,
2017 Oklahoma isnt broken, help. Continuing down this path Edmondson was one of eight
Page were just broke. of failed ideas and tired rhetoric attorneys general to negotiate a
A002 With a belief in the resiliency will not solve our problems. Our historic agreement with the big
of its people and a pledge to people are our strength, but our tobacco industry that led to
Clip stand up for working families, leaders have failed us. sweeping national changes in
57% Drew Edmondson today We cannot continue down the industrys marketing tactics,
announced his campaign for this path, Edmondson said. outlawed marketing to children
governor of Oklahoma. We dont need another four and resulted in a settlement that
Edmondson said large corpo- years with leaders who are so will force the industry to pay
rations and the wealthy have caught up in the demands of $200 billion to the states over
prospered, and its time working corporate lobbyist that they cant 25 years. Oklahomas share of
families and small main street see the real issues facing real this settlement is $2 billion.
businesses get their fair share. Oklahomans. We cant survive Edmondson then led the effort
We dont need more special another four years of willful to establish the Oklahoma
tax breaks for the powerful, bankruptcy. Tobacco Settlement
Edmondson said. We need to A Navy veteran who served Endowment Trust, which con-
make sure working families our country in Vietnam, stitutionally protected the vast
have money in their pockets that Edmondsons first job upon majority of Oklahomas settle-
they can spend right here in leaving the military was teach- ment dollars and ensured those
Oklahoma. That is how you cre- ing speech and debate at his funds can only be spent on
ate jobs and grow the econo- alma mater, Muskogee Central issues of Oklahomans public
my. High School. Drew and his wife, health. The Trust balance stands
Edmondson said a new direc- Linda, a retired medical social at more than $1 billion.
tion is necessary so that worker, will celebrate their 50th As part of an agreement with
Oklahoma can be the place peo- wedding anniversary in June. Southwestern Bell, Edmondson
ple want to live, work and raise They are proud parents to their successfully advocated for the f
a family. Good jobs and great daughter, Mary, and son-in-law, creation of the Oklahoma
schools should be the norm in Mike, and their son, Robert, and Educational Technology Trust,
our state. daughter-in-law, Andrea. Drew which so far has placed more
The symbolism of todays and Linda have two grandchil- than $12 million in technology
date is significant, Edmondson dren, twins Andrew and equipment and training in
said. Mayday is a recognized Catherine. Oklahoma public schools.
distress call, and thats where we Edmondson is a graduate of We wanted to create these
are in Oklahoma. Our state, our Northeastern State College and funding sources for
workers, our small business the University of Tulsa School Oklahomans, for students and
owners, our students, our teach- of Law. He is a former district for schools and to protect them
attorney and served four terms for decades, Edmondson said.
as Oklahomas attorney general. Theres not much working cor-

ton Record Edmondson stood up against

out-of-state corporate interests
on many occasions, including
rectly in state government
today, but those two funds cer-
tainly are. Thats the kind of
hed in 1902 fighting industrial and agricul- governor Ill be. Ill fight for
n, Oklahoma 73047-0959 tural polluters, Wall Street Oklahomans not large corpora-
246-220) fraudsters and big tobacco. Just tions. I wont be looking toward
116 Main, Hinton, Oklahoma last fall, Edmondson led the the next election. Ill be working
st Office at Hinton, Oklahoma as Oklahoma Stewardship for the next generation.
ct of Congress, June 16, 1879. Councils successful opposition I dont care about your polit-
ges to The Hinton Record, PO Box to State Question 777, an effort ical party or who you voted for
by multinational corporate agri- president, Edmondson said. I
rates are as follows: culture entities to enact sweep- care about Oklahoma and
ing constitutional protections Oklahomans. We didnt create
ma $37.00 for industrial agricultural facili- this mess, but we can and we
n USA $43.00 ties. will fix it, together.

C I f
Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
McAlester News-Capital

03 Edmondson to run for governor

MUSKOGEE Four-term attorney gen-

Page eral and Muskogee native Drew Ed-
A005 mondson put to rest on Monday weeks of
speculation when he formally announced
resized his plans to campaign for the governors
50% office.
In his formal announcement, Edmond-
son said large corporations and the
wealthy have prospered at the states ex-
pense. He said it is time for working
families and Main Street business own-
ers to see their fair share of economic
We dont need more special tax breaks
for the powerful, Edmondson said in his
formal campaign announcement. We
need to make sure working families have
money in their pockets that they can
spend right here in Oklahoma that is
how you create jobs and grow the econo-
my. DREW EDMONDSON, a former prosecutor and four-term Oklahoma attorney
Speculation and talk about Edmond- general, speaks during a news conference outside the state Capitol in
son making a second gubernatorial bid Oklahoma City, Monday. Edmondson has he will seek the Democratic
escalated during the weeks leading up to nomination for governor in 2018.
his announcement on a date chosen for SUE OGROCKI | AP Photo
its symbolic significance. Mayday, he
said, is recognized as a call of distress, then something else would happen, and I Law.
and thats where we are in Oklahoma. finally decided I couldnt live with myself During his 16-year tenure as state at-
Our state, our workers, our small busi- if I didnt try to do something it was torney general, Edmondson took on out-
ness owners, our students, our teachers, time for me to stop playing golf for a of-state corporate interests that included
our schools are calling for help, Ed- while and try to fix some of these prob- industrial and agricultural polluters, Wall
mondson said. Continuing down this lems. Street fraudsters and Big Tobacco. He
path of failed ideas and tired rhetoric will Edmondson cited as assets of his gu- was one of eight attorneys general to ne-
not solve our problems our people are bernatorial bid his record as attorney gotiate a historic agreement with the to-
our strength, but our leaders have failed general and to a lesser extent as district bacco industry, which led to sweeping
us. attorney in Muskogee County. He said national changes in the industrys mar-
During a telephone interview Monday his work as chairman of the Oklahoma keting tactics and resulted with a $200
afternoon, Edmondson said the tipping Stewardship Council during its 2016 billion settlement paid out to the states
point for his decision to campaign a campaign against State Question 777, the over 25 years.
second time for the top post in Oklaho- so-called right to farm amendment, also Edmondson then led the effort to es-
mas executive branch was lawmakers should prove helpful. tablish the Oklahoma Tobacco Settle-
apparent inability to address the states We built a strong organization ... and ment Endowment Trust, which constitu-
fiscal needs. With only weeks left in this actually flipped the polling on that, Ed- tionally protected the most of Oklaho-
years legislative session, Edmondson mondson said. It was polling two to one mas $2 billion share of the tobacco set-
said it is amazing that lawmakers spent a year before the election, and we turned tlement. Establishing the trust ensured
much of their time fighting rather than it around and nearly got a two-to-one win those funds can be spent only on issues
trying to reach any kind of agreement that was a big one. related to Oklahomans public health.
about what needs to be done. Edmondson is a Navy veteran who I dont care about your political party
Please tell me things arent going to served Vietnam before returning home to or who you voted for president, I care
get any worse, Edmondson said about teach speech and debate at his alma ma- about Oklahoma and Oklahomans, Ed-
his response to the news coming out of ter, Muskogee Central High School. He is mondson said. We didnt create this
the Oklahoma Capitol this year. And a graduate of Northeastern State College mess, but we can and we will fix it
and the University of Tulsa School of together.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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