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Edem 1

Etetim Edem
Professor Soya
Com 1101
24 March 2017
Annotated Bibliography

Cross-Cultural Conflict Resolution: It is Not what You Say; it is what they Hear (512)." Journal

of Pain and Symptom Management, vol. 37, no. 3, 2009, pp. 520-521.

This sources take on the issue of cross-cultural conflict is in line with the views of this

paper. It provides some powerful and very effective statements. It talks about some of the causes

and challenges of this sensitive issue in today's world. All the points provided by the author were

backed up fully by some good supporting points. This paper wouldn't be complete without the

takes from this peer reviewed source.

Lokkesmoe, Karen J., K. P. Kuchinke, and Alexandre Ardichvili. "Developing Cross-Cultural

Awareness through Foreign Immersion Programs." European Journal of Training and

Development, vol. 40, no. 3, 2016, pp. 155-170.

This particular sources authors extrapolate from their population to the practice of

developing business professionals on international duty. It was researched extensively and

provides a lot of facts and figures that would be very necessary for this paper. It discusses

practical implications of cross-cultural coexistence. The source also provides social implications

to the point.

Loode, Serge. "Navigating the Unchartered Waters of cross-cultural Conflict

Resolution Education." Conflict Resolution Quarterly, vol. 29, no. 1, 2011, pp. 65-84.
Edem 2

This peer reviewed source is an essential resource to this papers topic. It offers insight

into the relatively new concept of cross-cultural conflict education. This entry goes into detail

about some of the very different solutions to the research question. This paper is filled with great

and interesting views on culture and conflict. It discusses the use of elicitive and prescriptive

methodologies for conflict resolution. The author believes that culture and Conflict are

intertwined. The scholarly tone taken helped convey the author's viewpoints.

MacNaughton, Ann L. "Cross-Cultural Conflict Resolution: Finding Common Ground in

Disputes Involving Value Conflicts." Willamette Law Review, vol. 33, no. 3, 1997, pp.


An excellent source that works hand in hand with this paper. It provides an expert take on

finding the common ground. The causes and solutions of cross-cultural conflict it provides are

probably the most realistic. The author discusses dialogue, mindset and a whole bunch of other

things. A lot of time was spent on the point finding common ground. This peer reviewed source

is essential to the this paper. Extensive research and practical work are some other admirable

things this piece has to offer.

Jin, Ji. "Coexistence in Diversity and Cross-Cultural Dialogues: An Interview with Yue Daiyun."

Chinese Literature Today, vol. 2, no. 2, 2012, pp. 92-97,4, Research Library,


In this source, the dialogue talks onglobalized multiculturalism centered on different

progressive ideologies. She calls for global diversification in the aspects of culture. Yue Daiyun
Edem 3

goes on to list the different benefits and advantages that a multicultural world would have to

offer. She also admits that achieving this peaceful cross cultural coexistence would be very

difficult to attain but still possible. This particular source is very essential to the research paper.

Its views and opinions go hand in hand with what my research paper is about. The progressive

ideologies and list of benefits it provides are vital to anyone in this field of research.

Jeong, Ho-Won. "Conflict Management and Resolution : An Introduction." London: Routledge,


This provided a general overview of the different responses to international and

cross-cultural conflict. The various methods to prevention and management of this phenomenon.

Mediation, conflict resolution and peacekeeping techniques are just some of the tools it offers.

This would help in providing solutions to the problems and challenges I pose in my research


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