Libraries Should Invest in New Technology Such As Ebooks

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Libraries should provide more books rather than invest in new technology such as ebooks.

Intro report purposes, describe proposal, suggest action need to be taken

Body present situation, identify problem at least 4

Need for changes, cost involve, expected benefit

Conclusion evaluate changes, provide recommendation

Libraries should provide more books rather than invest in new technology such as ebooks.







E-books are extremely popular nowadays especially with the developments of latest gadgets such
as tablets, e-Readers and smartphones. They had transformed the traditional way of reading from
books to e-book in these past recent years. Even as a Librarian, I firmly believe it is hard to
defend when other librarians agree that libraries should provide more books rather than invest in
new technology such as e-books and e-journals. In lieu to that is why I am preparing this report,
entitled Why E-Books Are Better Than Books.

Now, more and more people prefer e-books to traditional ones. E-books topped print sales for the
first time in 2011, a trend that continued into 2012. Just this month, Bexar County, Texas
announced plans for the nation's first electronic-only library. A recent study from Scholastic
found that the percentage of children who have read an e-book has nearly doubled since 2010 to
almost half of all kids aged 9 to 17, while the number who says they'll continue to read books in
print instead of electronically declined from 66% to 58%. The hits keep coming.

E-reading devices have been around only a few years, but its already hard to imagine life
without them. And like all things tech, what started as a product for adults is now targeted at a
younger audience. In fact, according to Scholastics new Kids & Family Reading Report, the
percentage of children who have read an e-book has almost doubled since 2010, jumping to 46
percent. And e-books for kids and teens became the fastest-growing segment in 2011, according
to the Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group.

We are not going to stop this train, says psychologist Jim Taylor, Ph.D., author of Raising
Generation Tech. But should we try to slow it down? When it comes to the youngest readers,
some experts are skittish about putting tablets into tiny hands. Parents are conflicted, too 68
percent prefer that their 6- to 8-year-olds read print books, Scholastic found. Since theres not
much research out there, it may be years before we understand the impact of tech devices on
young readers. Still, there are signs that e-readers can have a positive effect on newbie readers,
especially when it comes to targeted learning based on each childs ability.


For the past four years the Center for Literacy at the University of Akron has been studying how
to integrate e-readers into classrooms. Jeremy Scott Brueck, director of the schools Digital Text
Initiative, found that animation and audio in e-books did seem to help young kids identify printed
words. When Brueck tested pre-K students, a third knew the words before reading the story with
a grown-up on an e-reader. After reading the e-book, the number shot up to 54 percent. Its
unclear whether the results would have come out the same with traditional books; it might have
been the shared reading experience and a known vocabulary builder rather than the device that
helped kids learns. But what they did find was the kids were extremely engaged and e-book
clearly boosting kids early reading skills.

Digital May Trump Print Because . . .

It's more interactive. While add-ons can distract, they are extremely useful for beginning
readers, who can zoom in on unfamiliar words or click links that help make connections to their
world, says Guernsey. Plus, the touchscreen or buttons on an e-reader can hone a preschoolers
fine-motor skills.

It's more rewarding. When kids see printed words light up as they sound out the words, theyre
encouraged. Kim Floyd has been teaching kindergarten in Napa Valley, CA, for 24 years and
using iPads loaded with books for the last three. The proof of e-reading success is in front of her
every day when she sees how excited her students are the second she pulls out the tablets.
Because the devices help children understand words by highlighting and defining those they
struggle with, their vocabulary increases. Her kindergartners have vocabularies more typical of
second graders, she notes. Floyd even studied the vocab-building phenomena for her masters
degree last year, testing pre-kindergartners who were not native English speakers and had no
preschool experience. By the end of three weeks, their vocabularies had jumped from roughly
200 words into the thousands.

It caters to a kid's unique learning style. Floyd also likes that the anonymity of the device
helps struggling readers feel less embarrassed. It lets children find a book that fits their interest
and skill without the entire class knowing what they are reading, she says. Erika Alexander, a
suburban Detroit mother, agrees. Her fourth-grade son is a reluctant reader, even though books
were part of his routine when he was younger. Recently when they were shopping, he picked up
a Nook that was loaded with a graphic novel. Attracted at first to the gadgetry, he stood in the
aisle and inhaled the story. Alexander still plans to encourage a love of old-fashioned books. But
she also recognizes that her son is a visual person, and a high-tech device hooks him in ways that
were missing before.


Environmental Friendly

Production of books is not so environmental friendly. If we look more on how books are made
of, we can see that most publishers are still using the old technology from 15 th centuries. E-books
are more environmental friendly. Each time we decide to buy an e-book instead of buying a
brand new book, we are stopping 3 kg of carbon emission. It takes a lot of energy to produce and
distribute paper books. Other than production, when we are dealing with real books there is a lot
of things to be considered about. When a book is ordered, shipping cases of books around the
country and even internationally uses up a lot of fuels. Storing the books in climate controlled
warehouses also burns up loads of energy. Even just printing them requires equipment that sucks
down humungous amount of electricity, and the main component of books, paper, is also rough
on the environment. Production of books also contribute why deforestation happen. In 2015, one
third of green earth is already disappearing compare than 1980. Deforestation is a contributor to
global warming, and is often cited as one of the main causes of the greater greenhouse effect.
Tropical deforestation is liable for approximately 20% of world greenhouse gas emissions. The
water cycle also affected by deforestation. Trees extract groundwater through their roots and
release it into the atmosphere. When part of forest is removed, the trees no longer emerge this
water, resulting in a much drier environment. Deforestation decreases the content of water in the
soil and groundwater as well as atmospheric humidity. The dry soil leads to lower water intake
for the trees to remove. Deforestation reduces soil cohesion, so that erosion, flooding and
landslides follow. Should we add more suffering to our beloved earth? Compare this to the tiny
bits of electricity need to send an e-book across a network to your electronic device. So, it is easy
to be certain of that e-book are better for the environment than real books.

Preparing for future

As the world advances, so should we. For example, when computers were introduced into our
society, people were reluctant to use this unfamiliar piece of technology, as they werent sure
how computers would affect the future. Now, computers are a great asset in our communities and
help with our everyday life. Without computers, researching and creating this speech would be a
whole lot harder. This is the same with e-books. We are reluctant to leave the old ways behind,
yet if we do, our lives will be enriched and new opportunities will open up. We need to keep up
with the times, and change our society for the better.

Furthermore, as our technology advances, so does the quality of e-books. E-books will become
more reliable, convenient, and smarter, making our reading experience better. For example, an
issue was brought up about the strain of e-Books light on eyes. As people voiced their opinions,
eBook companies stressed to try and address this problem. As a result, eBooks were created that
do not create strain on the eyes. E-Books are also up to date. An old encyclopedia, newspaper or
atlas can also be out of date and can hold misleading information. In some cases, books can be
out of date just days after they are printed, as our world rapidly changes. eBooks are easily
updated and contain recent information that is easily passed on through the internet. My final and
last point is that e-book encourage children to read. Children belong in an age of technology. It is
easy to get them to read a book on a new kindle than an old printed book. Using an e-book
instead of a book to read does not hinder their learning in any way, and encourages them to
spend more time reading.


Other than that, e-book also is very convenient compare to real books. We can have quick
and easy access to hundreds of books on your desktop computer, notebook or e-book reader. E-
book are more easily updated and upgraded. Information changes rapidly today. Books on
numerous subjects can become dated very quickly. E-Book can be easily and quickly kept up to
date. When you order an e-book, it can be the most up-to-the-minute information available. In
term of mobility and portability, 10 years before, could we imagine that we can carry your
entire library in your pocket? Nowadays with disk space quickly becomes a commodity, and
the size of portable device hard drives getting bigger and bigger. Its conceivable to think that we
could have our entire library with us and have it accessible to our fingertips. E-book also helps to
reduce strain on our hands when we read digital books compare than traditional paperback
books. Logically, holding an open strongly bound paperback book as we read for eight hours
puts more strain on our hand muscles. Yes, there is some people arguing that e-book strain the
eyes. However, are these accusation based on facts? I really dont think so. Reading a digital
book on computer, PDA, or other electronic reader can reduce eyestrain over reading traditional
books for which ambient light is not adequate enough. We have full control over the brightness
of your screen and how far you sit from the screen as you read an eBook. If we want to sit further
back, we also can increase the font size of to be bigger.

In term of safety, e-book is mostly reliable compare than traditional paper books. No more
worries about fire-proofing your book collections since e-books do not burn as easily as paper.
We also can eat while read with e-books. The stain from our food can be easily wiped off from
our gadgets. Try to do this with real books? We will never be more regrets especially when it
stains our favourite books. That is also why we are banned to bring foods and drinks in libraries.
In security department also e-book is better than real books. We can password protect our e-book
to prevent somebody else from sneak a peek into our precious collections. This will create
satisfaction feeling because we know that the e-book level of privacy is safe assured private only
for us. Furthermore, e-books are rarely loaned and get stolen compare to real books. Moreover,
there are many options to back up a copy of our library. E-books allow you save a copy
easily on USB stick, memory stick, desktop, notebook, CD, DVD, Phone memory, camera
memory or with an online backup service. Backing up your entire library online or locally
would not require much space and it is something that would be impossible with a physical

Saving Physical Space

Your Library is as Big as your Disk Drive: With e-books also, we did not have to
worry if you have to work and travel. Let say our bookworm families are going for a
week vacation and our children bring along 20 of their favourite books, wouldnt it be a
headache to require extra baggage just for it. Plus, it will be a burden just to carry that
extra heavy bag. Wouldnt e-book be better? With e-book, just a small device can bring
our children entire collections. Wouldnt it bring joy and happiness for them? We can
store hundreds and thousands of e-books on your computer or reading device with no
worries that our library probably run out of space to store our collections in our lifetime.

As for a book lovers and collectors which have to relocate, they will facing a huge
problem. They will end up to parts away with some of their collections. Come to worst,
sometimes they even have to give up all of the collections. However, those who choosing
e-book as their preference will feel a big relieve. With e-book, even if they have to
relocate, there are no needs to give away their book collections. The library can grow as
big as the disk space they have available and still will be relatively small compared to
walls and walls of bookshelves. Since disk space has becoming a commodity, its safe to
say youll probably never run out of space to store your library in your lifetime.
5. Ebooks take up less space. You practically don't need any space to store them. You
don't need a library or a room for them.
6. Ebooks are portable. You can carry a whole library of hundreds of books with you, on
CD, in a laptop, notebook or any ebook reader, without worrying about their weight.


Cost Effective

Penulis mudah utk terbitkan buku. X banyak modal diperlukan.

(kertas,dakwat,mesin printing, elektrik, upah buruh, warehouse)

Banyak bahan bacaan percuma untuk pembaca

eBooks are often cheaper in the long run because there are no printing fees associated with them.
In fact, you can often find free eBooks online, whereas physical books almost always cost you
something. You must remember however, that readers are not free, you are going to spend a good
amount upfront for a device like this.


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