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MOCK TEST 1 January 2010

1- How many 500mg tablets ofCiprofloxacin HCl is required to prepare 240ml of2%

Ciprofloxacin HCl solution?

A-5 Tablets

B-10 Tablets

C-20 Tablets

D-25 Tablets

E-30 Tablets

2. Find out the ratio of ionized to unionized species of drug at pH 7 (pKa=5)






3-All are correct about Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Except?

A-It is associated with a greater risk of stomach cancer.

B-Stress may aggravate IBS

C-Avoiding candies, gums and caffeine helps to improve the condition

D-It may be constipation or diarrhea predominant

E-Abdominal pain or discomfort is the most common characteristic

fh A 33 years old patient with diabetes type 1. He is taking basal insulin NPH 30/70 40U in the
Lnlorning and 50U at night, and using Insulin IR 200U BID (morning and bedtime). His blood
glucose level is as such: ~4. 1\1 f H 71 /11)
q.() 11 _
Morning Noon Supper Bedtime 'rV N-')

~5 7 5 8

f fv1 tJ \0 l-/ 7;0 (tv CV L1

(A) Reduce IR dose in the morning and increase IR dose in the evening
(B) Change Insulin NPH to insulin glargine (Lanrus)
(C) Avoid giving insulin IR and keeps him on basal insulin NPH
(D) Reduce insulin NPH dose at night, and increase insulin NPH in the morning
(E) None of the above

5-What is incorrect

about microcytic anemia?
A- It is due to deficiency of iron

B- Liver, red meat and seafood are good sources of heme iron

C- Oral or parenteral iron preparations are recommended for the treatment

D- Erythropoietin may be an alternative treatment option

E- Constipation is a major side effect of iron preparations

6-All of the followings cause Hyperglycemia, Except?

A- Hydrochlorothiazide

B- Cyclosporin
C- Isotretinoin
D- Glucagon
E- Niacin

7-A pharmacist can effectively prevent dispensing error by checking the following?
A-Patient date of birth
B-Drug identification number (DIN)
C-Color of pills
D-Shape of piUs
E-physician name

8-All of the followings are classic symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus, Except?

A-Blurred vision
E-weight loss

9-Smoking is the most serious risk factor of?


10- Which of the followings is NOT a risk factor for Osteoporosis?

A-High fat diet
C-Low calcium diet
D-Excess alcohol
E-Excess caffeine

II-What is Sciatic nerve?

A-It passes through buttock and thighs down to foot
B- It passes through neck up to brain
C- It passes through abdomen to waist
D- It passes through neck down to chest
E- It passes through chest to left arm

12-A patient is receiving hepatitis B vaccine, this should also protect?

A-Hepatitis A
B-Hepatitis C
C-Hepatitis D
D-Hepatitis E
E-All types of hepatitis

13-Which of the followings is Not used to treat Acute Gout Attack?






14-A patient brings you a prescription for 16 mEq KCl. Your pharmacy has 600 mg KCl (MW
74.5) controlled release tablets. How many tablets are needed for this patient?

a) 0.5 tablets

b) 1 tablets

c) 2 tablets

d) 4 tablets

e) 5 tablets

15-Which of the following drugs shows teratogenecity?




A-I only

B-III only

C-I and II only

D-II and III only

E-All of the above

g. The recommended dose of Pentobarbital Na injection in children is 4mg/kg IM. How many
ampuls of Pentobarbital Na injection (each ampul= 100mg/2cc) are required in a child
weighing 50Ibs?

17-In a busy pharmacy, an old patient is standing in the long line to pick up his prescription. He
is very sick and can barely stand on his own. The pharmacist asks him to approach first and get
his prescription immediately. What ethical principal is practiced?

18-In the previous question (Question No.17), which ethical principal is violated?






19-Which of the followings most closely describes the cleamace rate of drug that is infused at
rate of 4 mg/min and produces a steady state concentratin of 6 mgIL in plasma.
A-l,200 mUmin
B-667 mUmin
C-300 mUmin
D-132 mUmin
E-67 mUrnin

20-In case of sports injuries, which is Not recommended within first 48 hours?
a. Ice
b. Heat
c. Compression
d. Elevation
e. Rest

21- Which of the followings is true about AVC?

I - It depends on both rate and extent of drug absorption

II-Amount of drug absorbed is inversely related to the AVC

III- It is calculated by the Trapezoidal rule

A-I only

B-III only

C-I and II only

D-II and III only

E-All of the above

(2). How many meq ofMg+2 are present in50ml of20% MgS0 4 solution? (MW ofMgS04 =
A. 31.56
B. 81.30
C. 101.52


23- Which one of the followings is a weakly acidic drug?

A- Erythromycin

B- Omeprazole

C- Ephedrine

D- Phenytoin

E- Ciprofloxacin

24. pH-pka = 1.5, for acidic drug what percent of drug is ionized?




25. In insurance plan drug price is $29.00 and $6.00 prescription fee. Every time this patient
pays $10.00 for each prescription what is it called?
a. Coinsurance
b. Co-payment
c. Prescription fee
d. Gross margin
e. Donation

26. A 60 year old patient is suffering from CHF. He is taking Captopril 25mg tid and

Carvedilol 25mg bid. His LVEF= 35%, BP= 115/82, Creatinine clearance= 65ml/min,

Serum potassium=6.15mmol/L, Serum sodium= 140meq/L.

Which of the followings should Not be added to this patient?

A- Digoxin
B- Furosemide
E-All of the above

27-What is Not true about distribution of a drug in the systemic circulation?

I. Drug is distributed more slowly to tissues with low blood flow
II. Extensive protein binding helps the drug molecule to cross the cell membrane easily
III. Polar drugs cross blood-brain barrier more rapidly
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

28. If the total body clearance of a drug is 200 mL/min in a normal healthy adult and the renal
clearance is 10 mL/min then one may assume that;
I. Higher percent of plasma protein bound drug.
II. Drug has tubular re-absorption
III. It is extensively metabolized in the body
B. In only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

29- A researcher develops a new drug to prevent the common cold in children over the oftwo.
1000 children received placebo and 1000 received the drug. During the one-year follow up the

-- ---------------
research diagnosed colds in 2.5% of the kids on placebo and in 2% of the active treatment.

What is the absolute risk reduction?






30-What is Not true about the Excipients?

A-They help in efficient manufacturing of tablets

B-They can change the bioavailability of the tablets

C- They include diluents, binders, lubricants, disintegrants, etc.

D- Different excipients are used to serve different purposes while formulating tablets

E-They affect the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the drug

3 I-Adduction is?

A-Movement toward the midline of the body

B- Movement away from the midline of the body

C- Lengthening or straightening of a flexed limb

D- Bending a part of the body

E- Back ward (upward) bending of the foot

32- What equation describes the velocity of enzyme reaction?

A-Law of mass action

B-Michaelis-Menten equation

C- Fick's law

D- Stokes' law

E- Noyes-Whitney equation

33-Which of the followings is used as an emulsifying agent?

A. Petrolatum
B. Triethanolamine oleate
C. Aluminum acetate
D. Witepsol
E. Sodium alginate

34. What is the major route of metabolism for the Lactams?

A. Sulfation
B. N-oxidation
C. a-methylation
D. Hydrolysis
E. Reduction
35-Bacteria which do not require oxygen but grow better in its presence are called:
A-Obligate aerobes
C-Facultative anaerobes

E-Obligate anaerobes

36. A patient calls to ask if her digoxin has changed color and shape. What would be the most
appropriate response?

a) Tell the patient that an error has been made and refer her to the physician.
b) Determine ifthe color and shape for the tablets dispensed have been changed by the
manufacturer and convey this information to the patient
c) Obtain the patient's name, prescription number and the color of the tablet and verify the
patient prescription.
d) Explain that this is a serious matter and the medication should be brought back to the
pharmacy to be checked by the pharmacist

37. A 75-year-old patients suffering from pneumonia. Her daughter is looking after her. She
has 2 children at home. Dr. hesitates to give flu shot to the patient. What will doctor do?
A-Immunize other family member
B- Send him to nursing home
C-Do not gives flu shot to others
D-Flu vaccine is irrelevant
E-Refer to emergency

38. Which of the following bacteria does not have a cell wall?
a) Mycoplasma pneumonia
b) Vibrio cholerae
c) E. coli
d) Actinomyces bovis
e) None of the above

39-The lower part of gut contain the following micro organisms:

A-IO-50% anaerobic
B-90-95% anaerobic
C-I 0-50% aerobic
D-90-95% aerobic
E-Iower part of gut does not have any microbes

40. What is correct about Benzodiazepines?

1. Agents lacking 3-hydroxyl group undergo phase I metabolism
II. Most long-acting agents form intermediate metabolite
III. Agents with 3-hydroxyl group are easily metabolized by phase II metabolism
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

(41-A pharmacist adds 400ml of alcohol (95%) vlv to a 1 litre ofa mouthwash formula. What is

the new percentage of alcohol present if the ordinary mouthwash was labelled as 12% vIv of






@Find the absolute bioavailability of comp B tab

Company Dose form Dose admin. Cumulative urinary amount I

A Parenteral 10mg i.v. 9.4

A Tab 20 mg po 12.0
B Tab 20 mgpo 8.2
B Cap l5mg 6.8

43- What is true about depression?

A-More common in men than in women
B- Family history is not related to depression
C-Clinical feature includes weight gain or weight loss
D-Depletion of norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine in CNS is the possible cause of
developing depression
E-Antidepressant drugs take 2 weeks to exert their full therapeutic effect

/44A patient weighs 70 kg with normal renal function is injected with an IV drug for 10 hours.
\.];he desired plasma concentration is 15 mg/dl. T 12 of drugs is 1 hr and an apparent volume of
distribution is 9 Litres. What is the rate of infusion for this patient?
a) 936.0 mg/hr
b) 1350.0 mg/hr
c) 468.0 mg/hr
d) 93.6 mg/hr
e) 135.0 mg/hr

t\31How many milliosmoles of calcium cWoride are represented in 147ml of a 10% w/v
clrfcium cWoride solution? (MW ofCaCh.2HzO=147)
A-300 mOsmol
B-3 mOsmol
C-30 mOsmol
D-200 mOsmol
E-lOO mOsmol

46- A cancer patient is suffering from Anemia due to his chemotherapy. Which drug is

recommended for his condition?



C-Epoetin alfa


E-Iron + Folic Acid

47- A patient is admitted in hospital emergency with vomiting, lethargy, tinnitus and metabolic
acidosis. Which drug poisoning can be explained with the above-mentioned symptoms?
C-Acetyl Salicylic Acid
E-Ethylene glycol

48. What is true about head lice?

I. Head lice are related to ticks
II. Hygiene and hair length are important factors to control head lice
m. Pets are not susceptible to head lice


B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

49-The sedimentation of particles in a suspension can be minimized by:

I. Adding Sorbitan monooleate
II. Reducing the particle size of the active ingredient
III. Increasing the viscosity ofthe suspension


B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

50-Meniere's Disease is (Meniere's syndrome)?

A-A disorder in which gross enlargement of the cells ofthe mucus membrane lining the

stomach is associated with anemia.

B-A disease of inner ear characterized by episodes of deafness, buzzing to the ears (Tinnitus)

and vertigo.

C-Drugs associated ototoxicity such as amino glycosides gentamicin.

D-Unknown disease of ears

E-None of the above

51- Planes and sections of the body: separates the body into unequal right and left portions is referred


A-Sagittal plane

B-Midsagittal plane

C-Coronal plane

D-Parasagittal plane


@Which of the following drugs is not an Opioid?






53-Which gland does Aldosterone secrete from?

A-Anterior pituitary gland

B-Adrenal Cortex



E-None of the above

54-Inadequate blood circulation (perfusion) to the kidneys, which leaves them unable to clean

the blood properly, is characterized as?

A-Intrinsic acute renal failure

B-Postrenal acute renal failure

C-Prerenal acute renal failure

D-Chronic renal failure

E-Chronic liver failure

55-Which of the following blood cells cannot be distinguished from basophils?


B-White blood cells


D-Red blood cells (RBC)

E-Mast cells

56-Which of the following tools of recombinant DNA technology is INCORRECTTS paired

with one of its uses?

A- DNA ligase - joins adjacent nucleotides in a covalent linkage.

B- DNA polymerase - copies DNA sequences in the polymerase chain reaction.

C- Restriction endonuclease - production of DNA fragments for gene cloning.

D- Reverse transcriptase - production of cDNA from mRNA.

E- DNA gyrase - terminates super coiling of DNA during replication


57-In a DNA, if a base sequence is AGT, what is the complimentary paired base sequence?






(5$-Quinidine is Class la antiarrhythmic drug, which act as sodium ion channel blocker, it
~hibit action, by acting on?
A- Slows phase 0 depolarization
B- Shortens phase 3 repolarization
C- Lengthens phase 0 depolarization
D- Decreases phase 4 depolarization
E- Prolongs phase 3 repolarization

59-An anxious mother approaches you. She has a 10 years old son, who is having chicken pox.
What possible supportive therapy do you recommend for this patient?
I. Calamine Lotion for itching
II. Antihistamine for itching
III. Aspirin for fever


B. III only
C.r and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

60-Which of the followings is Not a Type IV hypersensitivity reaction?

A-Atopic Dermatitis

B-Diabetes Mellitus type I

C-Multiple Sclerosis

D-Poison ivy sensitivity

E-Skin PPD test

6 I-Which of the followings is a Sexually Transmitted Disease?

I. Vulvovaginal candidiasis
II. Chlamydia infection
III. Bacterial vaginosis


B. III only
c.r and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

62-Translation occurs:

A-Before transcription

B-After transcription

C-Same time as transcription
D-None of the above

63-What drug is recommended in chronic stable angina?

I. Verapamil
II. Atenolol
III. Nitroglycerin
A.I only
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

64-What is true about the following?

A-Community workers like police officers need not take flu shot
B-Pneumococcal vaccine is to be taken once in every 2 years.
C-Pregnant women can take both live and killed vaccines
D-Passive vaccines are IVlIM injection of antibody preparations
E-None of the above is correct

65-What is true about corticosteroids?


I. Adrenal cortex synthesizes adrenocorticosteriods
II. A double bond between C-l and C-2 increases only the glucocorticoid activity
III.Fluorination at position C-9 decreases glucocorticiod activity but increases
mineralocorticoid activity
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

66- Muromonab (OKT 3) is monoclonal antibody indicated?

A-Renal, cardiac and hepatic graft rejection
B-Neutropenia associated with cancer chemotherapy
C-Thrombocytopenia associated with cancer chemotherapy
D-Anemia associated with chronic renal diseases
E-None of the above

67-Which of the following drugs causes phototoxic reactions?
I. Amiodarone
II. Ofloxacin
III. Leflunomide


B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

(b81 How many gms of 60% w/w HCl acid should be added to 500gm of 40% w/w HCl acid to
~pare 400gm of 55% w/w HCl acid?
a) 300gm
b) 250gm
c) l50gm
d) 100gm
e) 50gm

69- You are giving ZnC12 0.7%, Phenylephrine 0.1 % and boric acid 1.1 % with E values 0.16,
0.32 and 0.5 respectively. This solution will be:
a) Isotonic
b) Hypertonic
c) Hypotonic
d) Iso-osmotic
e) Isotonicity cannot be finding.

70- Which is the most potent Antacid among the followings?

A-Calcium carbonate
B- Famotidine
C- Sodium bicarbonate
E- Aluminum hydroxide

'7J)- What is the sensitivity of a balance that can weight 120 mg of a substance and has a
permissible error of 5%?
a) 6 mg
b) 16 mg
c) 66 mg
d) 26 mg
e) 1.6 mg
~'1Ifthe rate o~infusion of the drug is 750mg q6hours and clearance is 8.3 L/hr. Find steady
state concentratIOn.
a) 15.06 gm/L
b) 15 mg/L
c) 150mg/L

d) 90 mgIL

e) 24.7mgIL

'f];A 40 year old patient who weighs 70 kg, needs intravenous infusion of amoxicillin. The
desired Css of drug is 15mg/dL. The physician ordered antibiotic infused for 10 hours.
Amoxicillin has t[/2 = 1 hr and Vd = 9L.
What rate of iv is recommended for this patient? (no loading dose was given);
A-135 mg/hr
B-936 mg/hr
C-IOOO mg/hr
D-333 mg/hr
E-400 mg/hr

74-\\!hich one of the followings is a ~-lactamase inhibitor?

A- Cloxacillin
B- Linezolid
C- Clindamycin
D- Clavulanic acid
E- Pentamidine

75-\\!hat is true about complicated UTI?

1- A complicated UTI is one that occurs because of anatomic, functional or pharmacological
factors that predispose the patient to persistent infection

II-It is most commonly associated with E. coli

III-It is more common than uncomplicated infection

A-I only
B-III only
C-I and II only
D-II and III only
E-All of the above

76- \\!hich ofthe following drugs give side effects like depression, bradycardia and
B- Pindolol

fIJ. \\!hat is correct about potency of a drug?

Y It is a relative measure that compares different doses of different drugs needed to produce
the same effect
II. It is determined by comparing ED so of different drugs
III. The greater the ED so , the greater the potency

B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

78-Which of the followings is Not a Phase II metabolism reaction?

D-Glutathione conjugation
E-Sulfate conjugation

79-To avoid dispensing error, pharmacist can check and verify all of the followings before
dispensing a prescription, Except:
A-Patient's name, address and date of birth
B-Name of the drug prescribed
C-Drug strength
D-Directions for use
E-Manufacturer's name

80-A man was acetaminophen overdosed before 5 hour ago. At what time N-acetylcystine
should be administered?
A-It is too late for N-acetylcysteine treatment
B-Can be administered anytime after overdose
C-Can be administered now
D-Treat by sodium bicarbonate first
E-There is no antidote for acetaminophen

81- A prescription direction says 'tabs ii stat pc; tab i pc od'. In this prescription, the term 'od'
can be differently meant as
A-Right ear
B-Left ear
C-Both the eyes
D-Left eye
E-Right eye

82- Which of the following drugs results in increased sedation if concurrently taken with
I. Metformin
II. Diphenhydramine
III. Hydrocodon
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only

E. All of the above are con'ect

83- A patient is on Warfarin for DVT and on Ramipril for hypertension. Two weeks ago, he
has started a new medication. Nowaday, he is feeling severe pain in his legs again, Which
drug is responsible for worsening his DVT?
A. Sulfamethoxazole
B. Ciprofloxacin
C. Carbamazepine
D. Cephalexin
E. None of the above

84- A diabetic patient suffering from hypertension is having enalapril, however he is

complaining from severe dry cough that we can associated as a side effect of the enalapril.
Which would be the best choice for changing this medication?
a) Ramipril
b) Losartan
c) Amlodipine
d) lndapamide
e) Captopril

85-Selegiline is?
A-MAOI type A and B
B-MAOI type A
C-MAOI type B
D-Reversible MAO I
E-All of the above

86- Aminoglycosides can cause serious side effects. One should monitor all of the followings
during Aminoglycosides therapy, Except:
A-Blood drug concentration
B-BUN (Blood urea nitrogen)
C-Serum creatinine level
D-Liver function
E-None of the above

87-A patient is taking Salbutamol and Fluticasone. He brings a new prescription of

Propranolol. What type of interaction is expected?
A-Drug and Disease interaction
B-Drug and food interaction
C-Drug and Drug interaction
D-BothA & B
E- BothA& C

88-Which of the following is not a drug-metabolizing enzyme?

B-CYP 450

D-N-acetyl transferase

E-Alcohol dehydrogenase

89- HI (Histamine) receptors mediate all anaphylactic responses, Except:


B- Increased capillary penneability

C-GI muscle spasm

D-High blood pressure


90- Which drug should be taken before meal?


B- Lovastatin




91- Correct statements regarding Trituration include:

a) Process of mixing powders in a large container rotated by a motorized process

b) Process when potent substance must be mixed with a large amount of diluents.

c) Process of reducing the substance to small particles by rubbing it in a mortar with a pestle.

d) Process of reducing the substance by addition of a solvent that is easily removed after


e) Process of mixing powders by passing them through sifters

92-Solubility in organic solvent and in water is detennined by?




D-Mass spectroscopy

E- Partition coefficient

93-Which 'Bone and Joint' disease is related to blood Lymphocytes?

A-Paget's disease

B-Rheumatoid arthritis



E- Osteomalacia

94- A phannacist would like to make a compound prescription where he needs to mix 1% of

camphor into white petroleum. Which would be the appropriate technique to be used by the


a) Trituration

b) Levigation

c) Pulverization by intervention

d) Geometric dilution
e) Attrition

95-ELISA is a common serological test for the presence of particular antigens or antibody.
What does ELISA stand for?
A-Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay
B-Enzyme Linked Immune system Assay
C-Enzyme Linked Immune Serum Assay
D-none ofthe above

96-Which one is incorrect among the following drug-side effect relations?

A- Amphetamine- Weight gain
B- Verapamil- Constipation
C- Prazosin- Postural hypotension
D- Atorvastatin- Myalgia
E- Zopiclone- Metallic taste

97-Breaking (cracking) is the problem in manufacturing of:


98-All are tertiary literatures, EXCEPT:

A-Therapeutic choice
C- Medline
E-Patients' Self-Care

99-What correct instructions should be labelled in the following preparation?

Salicylic acid 2%

Lactic acid 6 rnl

Flexible collodion ad 30 ml

A- Flexible collodion is extremely flammable.

B- Tightly close the container to prevent ether and alcohol.

C- Keep away from fIre

D- All of the above

E- None of the above

100- All of the following detectors are used in High Performance Liquid Chromatography
a) Diode Array Detector

b) UV detector
c) Refractive Index detector
d) Gamma Rays
e) Radioactive detector

101- Mass spectroscopy is used to:

a) Detect traces of unknown chemical structure
b) Structure elucidation of unknown chemical
c) Traces in environmental samples
d) Drug traces in blood samples
e) All of the above

102- John is taking a prescription drug. The renal excretion of this drug is markedly reduced by
ingesting antacid (AI-Mg). The prescription drug is:
A-A weak acid
B-A weak base
C-A strong acid
D-A strong base
E-None of the above

103-The ethical standard veracity in pharmacy counseling means:

A-Pharmacist act with justice
B-Pharmacist act with fairness
C-Pharmacist act with honesty and without deception
D-Pharmacist does well to patient
E-Pharmacist do prevent harm

104-Mr. Mason's mother is a patient of your pharmacy. Now Mr. Mason wants to admit her
into a rehabilitation centre. He thinks that it will help her to improve her health condition. He
requests you to talk to his mother. Both of you have tried to convince her to go there. Although
she thinks that it will not make any difference and she does not want to go there.
Which ethics have you applied as a pharmacist?
a) Paternalism
b) Beneficence
c) Autonomy
d) Veracity
e) Justice

lOS-All of the following are the principles of Canadian Health Act, EXCEPT:
A- Universality
B-Private administration

I06-A national phannacy regulatory body NAPRA stands for:
A-National Association ofphannaceutical regulatory administration.
B-National Administration ofphannacy regulatory authority
C-National association of phannacy regulatory authorities
D-National association ofphannacy manufacturer regulatory authority
E-National association of provincial regulatory authorities

107-What is correct about Schedule III drugs?

1- Prescription is not required
II- Need direct phannacist intervention
III- Stored behind the counter
a) I only
b) III only
c) 1 and II only
d) II and III only
e) All are correct

I08-A diabetic patient came to you complaining about his hyperglycemia; you noticed that he
is buying a rich chocolate, sugar candies and food containing high carbohydrates. What should
you do?
A-Advice him and explain the risks and ask her see her physician
B-Let him decide what he wants
C-Try to forbid him from buying those items
D-Refer her to doctor
E-Refer her to emergency

109-You noticed the technician come down to help a patient choosing a cough product contains
Codeine. You may do all of the following actions, Except:
A. Go down to interrupt the discussion and make the sale
B. Ask the technician if the patient has allergy to Codeine after the sale
C. Review with her the Law of dispensing over the counter drugs
D. Don't humiliate the technician in front of the customer
E. Send her to additional training courses

1IO-A senior phannacy technician has a worked in a community phannacy for 10 years. He is
well trained and welcomes new learning opportunities. His manager now wants to delegate a
new technical project to him, should:
1- Discuss suggested steps to accomplish the project
11- Negotiate a time schedule for completion of the project
III- Provide support and follow up as required
a) I only
b) III only
c) I and II only
d) II and III only
e) All are correct

Ill-The following hormone secrets from thyroid gland:
1- Prolactin
ll- Calcitonin
Ill- Thyroxine
A-I only
B-Ill only
C-I and II only
D-II and III only
E-All of the above

112-Cochrane collaboration database is?

A-Evidenced based medicine database
B-A Canadian pharmacy journal
C-Collaboration of medical professionals
D-A natural products database
E-The group of people with same characteristics

1l3-All can be done after an IV injection! infusion, Except:

1- Assess for any blood clotting
II- Check for any swelling or redness
IlI- Apply ice to reduce pain
A-I only
B-III only
C-I and II only
D-II and III only
E-All of the above

114-Which reference should be checked to identifY a drug, when the name of the drug is not
A. Martindale
B. Drugs Facts and Comparison
C. USP DI Vol. I
D. Remington
E. AHFS Drug Information

lIS-What are the advantages of transdermal patches?

1- Show better bioavailability
II- Avoid first pass metabolism
IlI- Provide longer duration of action
A-I only
B-III only
C-I and II only
D-II and III only
E-All of the above

116-When only the patient does not know whether he is taking the drug or placebo, the trial is
A-Single blind
B-Un blinded
C-double blind
D-triple blind

117- In a chromatographic analysis of a drug we found the following results

3, 5, 8, 5,4, 8, 7, 2

What is the mean in this analysis?

a) 5

b) 4

c) 4.7

d) 5.3

e) 6.2

118- What is the mode in this analysis?

a) 5.3
b) 5
c) 8
d) Both 5 & 8
e) 7

119. What is the median in this analysis?

a) 8
b) 5
c) 5.5
d) 10
e) 5.3

120-How medication compliance can be improved in older patients?

1- Provide medication delivery
II- Use pill boxes and pill calendars
III-Avoid use of unnecessary prescription, aTC or herbal medications
A-I only
B-IlI only
C-I and II only
D-II and III only
E-All of the above

121-A 33-year-old male receiving Acetaminophen 300 mg + codeine 30 mg + caffeine 15 mg

(Tylenol # 3) for pain relief, which of the following laxative is appropriate choice for
constipation associated with codeine?

- -

)ispense 6 months supply of amitriptyline and caution about overdose symptoms.

)ispense in part fills and ask patient pick up in parts every 15 days

tefuse the prescription and ask patient to see other doctor

Zefer patient to other physician for mental assessment.

.-What is the purpose of Job Analysis?

t helps to hire the right quality of workforce

t outlines pharmacy's staffing need

t determines the responsibility of each employee and helps avoiding conflict

'\11 of the above

None of the above

~-Functions of restrictive endonuclease is?

::::ut DNA into pieces

::::ut RNA into pieces

::::ut DNA and RNA into pieces

Join DNA pieces

foin RNA pieces

5-Canadian Health Act covers all, EXCEPT:

Diagnostic tests

~urgical procedures


Long-term care facilities


5-A patient using calcium supplements 500 mg tid. Now gets the prescription of

rofloxacin 500 mg bid for 3 days. What is appropriate method of administration?

fake Ca supplements and ciprofloxacin together morning and evening.

ake Ca supplements before 2 hour and after 4 hours of ciprofloxacin.

~top taking Calcium supplements for 3 days and continue ciprofloxacin

Both A &B are correct

Both B & C are correct

E- Erythromycin

128-An angry father comes to your pharmacy. He has found oral contraceptives in his 14 years
old daughter's drawer. He accuses you of loosing social values and supporting his daughter to
get derailed. He wants to see her profile right now. What would you do?
A-Tell him, that you cannot breach confidentiality
B-Just ignore him and call your junior pharmacist to manage the situation
C- Show him the daughter's profile, as he seems to be a very responsible father
D- Tell him to talk to his daughter and to ask her why she is taking the medication
E- TeH him to bring his daughter with him, then he can see the profile

129-Ethanol is an example of:

A-Aprotic solvent
B-Non-ionizable solvent
C-Amphiprotic solvent
D-Aqueous solvent
E- None of the above

130-Which drug is recommended for C. difficile diarrhea (pseudomembranous colitis)?

1- Metronidazole
11- Vancomycin (PO)
111- Gentamycin (PO)
A-I only
B-III only
C-I and II only
D-II and III only
E-All of the above

131-Which ownership carries maximum risks and liabilities?

A- Sole proprietorship
B- Banner Pharmacy
C- Collective ownership.
D- Corporations
E- Partnership

132-What is Not correct about Cefuroxime axetil?

a) It is a 2nd generation cephalosporin
b) Should be taken with food
c) It acts against both gram +ve and gram -ve bacteria
d) It is given by both oral and IV route
e) Common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps

133- One of the most common conditions associated with acute hemorrhagic gastritis may
a) Chronic alcoholism

b) H Pyloric bacterial infection
c) Carcinoma of stomach
d) Carcinoma of colon
e) Traveler's diarrhea

134. What can cause Hypercalcemia:

1- Hyperparathyroidism
11- Malignancy
III- Metolazone
a) I only
b) III only
c) I and II only
d) II and III only
e) All are correct

135-Which of the followings is NOT an amino acid derivative?


136-Low molecular weight compounds that act as immunogens after chemically complexing to
a larger molecule or cell surface is called:

137- Which of the following glands open into the oral cavity?
1- Submandibular gland
II- Parotid gland
III- Sublingual gland
a) I only
b) III only
c) I and II only
d) II and III only
e) All are correct

138- Intra-articular means:

a) In the joint space
b) In the tissues space
c) In the spinal fluid
d) In the spinal column
e) In the dermis

139-What is interstitial fluid?
A- It is the fluid found in intracellular space
B- It is the t1uid found in intercellular space
C- It is the t1uid found in synovial space
D- It is the t1uid found in tympanic cavity
E- It is the t1uid found in blood vessels

140-The type of calcium supplement produced from oyster's shells is?

A-Calcium citrate
B-Natural calcium
C-Ca1cium carbonate
D-Dairy calcium
E-Calcium gluconate

141-A person brings prescription for 6 months of medical supplies, before he travels. However,
his insurance covers only 3 months. What is appropriate?
1- Call insurance, request for 6 months coverage.
II- Insurance may cover for 3 months, rest a customer should pay
III -Do not dispense
a) I only
b) III only
c) I and II only
d) II and III only
e) All are correct

142- How many chiral carbons are present in THe (Tetrahydrocannabinol) molecule?


143-Ifphysician name is not readable in prescription, what is the appropriate action?

A-Call physician
B-Ask patient first
C-Ignore and process prescription
D-Look in computer

E- Write doctor name

144-What clinical study is useful to collect data about a pandemic disease occured 10 years
A-Systemic reviews
B-Cross over study
C-Cohort study
D-Case control study
E-Parallel study

145-A pharmacist can do all, EXCEPT?

A-Identifying DRP
B-Wasting time on double-checking narcotic prescription processing
C-Not counselling a person on parole
D-Recruiting pharmacy technicians
E-Talking to doctors about wrong dosage strength, direction or duration.

146-A union negotiating the wages, working hours, and conditions on behalf of pharmacist
with company?

147-What is NOT correct about BUN?

A-Urea is the end product of protein metabolism
B- It is excreted by the kidneys
C- Normally urea clearance is about 60% of the true GFR
D- Blood BUN level increases in presence of liver and renal disease
E- All of the above

148-A very angry customer comes to your pharmacy and complains that you have dispensed
wrong medication. What is initial appropriate action?
I-Ask patient about the error
II-Counsel in-patient in private counselling area
III-Replace new medication and counsel
a) I only
b) III only
c) I and II only
d) II and HI only
e) All are correct

149-What is correct about prostaglandin?
I-It is synthesized from Arachidonic acid
II-It is a 20-carbon fatty acid derivative ofprostanoic acid
III-Thromboxane differs from prostaglandin with a substituted tetrahydropyran ring instead of
the pentane ring.
a) I only
b) III only
c) I and II only
d) II and III only
e) All are correct

150-A patient with schizophrenia is reported with agitation and disorganized speech. What is
better recommended for this patient?


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