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Summary Reflection

Taelar Sandoval
Math 1040

I took math 1040Statistics as a prerequisite for nursing. Im not usually one

that excels in math, I do alright, but never extremely well. In stats however, I did. I

found that I understood the problems fully and could see the relevance that they

played in real world applications. This class helped me to understand not only the

core concepts taught, but I also understood how these could play into other

problems that Ive seen in previous classes as well as in nursing. I am now able to

understand how studies are conducted, which will be important in the medical field.

I also understand formulas better. Throughout my education, I have always tried to

memorize formulas, but with statistics, I was able to fully understand what each

formula meant, and what I was truly looking for. Not just X, but what X represents.

The relativity to real world application in this class really surprised me. I can

see myself using so many of the skills I learned in this class to further understand

biology classes as I progress further into my education. Our projects helped me to

really solidify those ideas. While doing the projects, some of my preexisting notions

were changed when it comes to statistics. There are so many aspects to consider

for an accurate representation. I was unaware of how to construct an accurate

representation of the population before doing the projects in class, but was able to

work through the process and understand it better. Probabilities are also something

that was heavily focused on, and I was elated to learn more about how to complete

a probability problem, it was challenging to wrap my head around something that

seemed to be fairly abstract, but after doing it, I was happy that I could better

understand how probabilities are represented.

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