Height of Zero Gravity Parabolic Flight

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Height of a Zero Gravity Parabolic Flight Math 1010 Intermediate Algebra Group Project a, Yourname:“Khwanna Lamp Have you ever wondered what it might feel like to float ‘weightless in space? One way to try it out isto fly on a special aircraft that astronauts use to train for their trips to space. Both NASA and the Russian Space Agency have been flying these for years. The way this is accomplished is to fly toa high altitude, drop down to gain speed, and then start a large i parabolic path up in the sky. For a time ranging from 10 to 20 seconds, along the top part of the parabolic flight, an environment simulating zero gravity is created within the plane. This effect can ‘cause some nausea in the participants, giving rise to the name “Vomit Comet”, the plane used by NASA for zero-G parabolic training flights. Currently there is a private company that will sell you a zero-G ride, though it is a bit expensive, around $5000. This lab will have you take a look at the parabolic path to try to determine the maximum altitude the plane reaches. First, you will work with data given about the parabola to come up with a quadratic model for the flight. Then you will work to find the maximum value of the model. Now for the data: Height of a Zero‘ Flight t Seconds After Time rin seconds Height A in feet To find the quadratic model, you will be plugging the data into the model h = at? + bt + c. The data points given are just like x and y values, where the x value is the time tin seconds and the y value is the altitude h in feet. Plug these into the model and you will get equations with a, bande. Part 1: Write your 3 by 3 system of equations for a, b, and c. at? + bt to=h 40 + 2b +c = 40, 50le l00a. + (06 +E = 31,250 92,300 Yooa+ dOb+C = WE Y(-Ile) +9(236) + 20000 = oso eae lo blag Ges): = 30SOle checks! Part 2: Solve this system. Make sure to show your work. dar+ab te = 2050 2) oat Ipb +e = B15 2) Yooat gor +< = JVBOO D7 (ya rae sc= 20,506) > -da-db-' 4) 4 1000 + 0b Hf = Bh ) oa +86 = 144 2 a 2-000 - 10b-& =-31,9S0 : (i004 + JO +¢=3 1980) aoa 300 3300 6) 3000 +10» = “15° Cz 30,000 ~~~ ee ~~ ee awn ~ te W)?%@00 +96 TU) = —190a-iRb = Plugin % and ¢ f 5) 20a +" equation : oy 1) YCAbe) +b +3000 = OH -6449b + 30,000 =30506 comoine ae 9b +3988 = Yee, O=-Me b=9g5 C= 30,000 rdaeee oeeeaG Part 3: Using your solutions to the system from part 2 to form your quadratic model of the data. DD. b=98S —|Wt* +985t 420,000 Part 4: Find the maximum value of the quadratic function. Make sure to show your work. -b - 285 _ 289 - gaouas a? ae — soa he -lle(2,00095)° + 985 (840689) #20100 simolify h>-12.86.9995 + 2554-3198 120,000 add to Formula hz 31,2(04.04 Part 5: Sketch the parabola. Label the given data plus the maximum point. A good way to start labeling your axes is to have the lower left point be (0, 25000) he -tle (t--90095)* + 31,969.09 33,000 4 4 + 32,000 vertex (2.90435, 3169.09) 31,200 Z.00¢ 99,000 (0,33.c00) S 10 6 20 Part 6: Reflective Writing, Give some other examples of real-life problems that could be solved using this same strategy? Did this project change the way you think about how math can be applied to the real world? Write one paragraph stating what ideas changed and why. If this project did not change the way you think, write how this project gave further evidence to support your existing opinion about applying math. Be specific. (F you throw 0 pall i the air, this same Stateqy can be implemented 40 determine hows long i+ will tate’ For the GA to reach +he ground, This proyect didnt ruccssavil charge my views but | liked being pulled into a real life situation and discovering, Ha math ehird + This project Gave me perspective on & concept | given too much dhagnt on before. had never

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