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Name: Meera Adnan.

Grade Level: Grade 4

CCSS Standards: 26 Language teaching method: Total Physical

Response (TPR).

Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

Students will be able to:

-identify some health problems (Headache, stomachache, cold, throat, cough, runny nose, toothache,
broken leg, and fever).

-learn a lot of useful structures ("Whats wrong?" "Whats the matter with you?" "I have a/an ...) and
vocab and includes a nice, and easy songs to sing.

-talk about being hurt or not feeling well.

-explore ways to stay healthy and strong.


teacher books Learners book page 134, 135,143.

student book(s) Learners book page 134, 135,143.
worksheets/ papers

teacher materials - audio/ song about Whats Wrong? Whats the Matter?
- Flashcards (words, and pictures) about health problems
(headache, stomachache, flu, etc.).
- Song videos
- Posters.
student materials/ Pencils.

technology Songs about health problems, power point.

other _
Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):

word glossary definition image

Headache a pain located in the head, as over the

eyes, at the temples, or at the base of the
stomachache pain in the stomach.
toothache An aching pain in or near a tooth.
fever Abnormally high body temperature.
Students Prior Knowledge:

students learnt about healthy body and parts of human body such as hands, arms, fingers, head, ears,
tummy, etc. from their teacher.

Possible Problems and Misconceptions:

In this class has one of special needs students. He is dont understand the words clearly.


I will set with him and I will write down some words for him and explain what the meaning of these
words through using my sense for example I will bring tissue and hold my nose to show him this is
mean flu. So, he will understand the words gradually, or I will give him easy worksheet has some words
of healthy problems with their pictures.

Lesson Schedule

Targeted teacher language: good morning/ afternoon boys, listen please, look at this one, excellent...

Student language: good morning/ afternoon teacher, tummy, fever, headache, etc.

Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): time:

I will play for them audio/ song about Whats Wrong? Whats the Matter? And I 10 mins.
will represent the vocab which in this song for them to understand it. Such as,
For the Whats wrong? and Whats the matter with you? parts I will put on a
concerned expression and I do the question gesture of palms facing up. Also,
point forward on you. For the I dont feel well parts, I will look sad and clutch
my head and tummy. For the sickness words act out the problem for example,
headache I will hold my head in pain, and cough I will hold my hand over
my mouth and cough. Then, I will show them power point has picture and words
of health problems.

I will bring some health problems flashcards. Some of them has words, and
some of them has a pictures of health problems such as headache,
stomachache, flu, toothache, earache, etc. and I will give each group these
flashcards. Then, I will start by standing in front of the class and doing the
actions for one of the sickness vocab (e.g. I will hold my head and say Oh no
I have a headache!). Students must identify the picture and the word of this
Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):

I will tell everyone to put their pictures and words on the board but in two side 15 mins.
(one side for the picture, and the other side for the words). Then, I will point to
one of these flashcard (e.g. sore throat). They will repetition the word 3 times.
Then, I move on to the next card, repetition 3 times. I will go through all the
cards. Next, I will point to any picture and say Whats this?; students will say:
Sore throat and they will elicit the word for the hidden image Sore throat,
and move onto the next card and do the same thing. Gradually, the students
will understand and remember the words and the pictures. Also, I will show
them power point has these health problems.

I will show them two song video about whats the matter? and

Next, I will be going to teach Whats wrong?, Whats the matter with you?
and I have a/an . I will take a card from the board and give it to a student. I
will say to the student Whats wrong? or Whats the matter (with you)?. I
help the student to reply I have (an earache). Next, I take the next card from
the board and give it to another student and ask the same question. I will do
this way for all the cards. Now, I will tell whole class you are going to close your
eyes for 5 seconds. In that time, they will all swap cards. Open your eyes and
say to one student Whats wrong? and he should reply per the card he has.
Again, I will ask all the students with cards.
Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment):

Speaking activity: 15 mins.

The students will open the learners book page 134,135 and I will ask from them to do
a dialog between two students about whats the matter of you through using some
materials such as plaster, ice pack, and cup of water.

Listening activity:

- Pre-listening: I will ask from the students to open their books in page 143, and read
the sentences for 3 times to understand carefully.

- While-listening: I will put for them audio which is concerning this paragraph, and I
will replay it a twice for students to can listen carefully and complete the answers.

- Post-listening: I will discuss the answers of the questions with the whole class.

The end of the class:

I will remember them to how we can stay healthy from page 132.

After that, the students will make a poster about healthy food and unhealthy
food through using the pictures or materials.

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