Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template: Name Subject Grade Level Date/Duration

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Lesson Plan Template

Name Mr. Wright
Subject Boston Massacre, the Real Story
Grade Level Grade 10
Date/Duration Dec. 7 35-40 minutes
Big Ideas Students to learn about the Boston Massacre
Realize what propaganda was used in the paintings and
stories told

Essential Do students know what happened in Boston Massacre?
Questions How was Boston Massacre related to Revolution?
What propaganda was used in Massacre media wise?
Has media changed since these days, is it still used to
get personal opinions a crossed

PA/Common CC.8.5.9-10.B: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or
secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas
Core/Standards develop over the course of the text.

Objective For students to know about Massacre and how

propaganda was used to lead to Revolution
Bloom's Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis, Evaluation
All 4 Levels Recall, Skill, Strategic Thinking, Extended
Webb's Depth of
Formative & Formative As a class go over famous Boston massacre
Summative painting to evaluate how this is Propaganda and have
Assessment students be mainframe of lesson, we will also reenact
Evidence the situation using sticks and Mr. Wright will narrate the
roles by students.

Summative assessment Opinion paper on whether
students think Boston Massacre was breaking point in
the start of the Revolution.
ISTE Standards
for Students

Framework for Use of technology, classroom interaction, Reenacting to
21st Century
get students up and out of their seats.
Accommodation Students who do not want to write opinion can post an
s, Modifications oral response to Voicethread, an app that I will share
with students

Before reenacting the Lesson, students will be asked to
volunteer this is not a mandatory part of class, but
Bonus Points will be provided to offer incentive.

Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Step-by-Step

the Learning
Introduction Activating Prior Knowledge
Ask students if they know what happened in Boston
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
Let students know that they will reenact the Massacre;
hopefully making them enthused for the lesson.
Explicit Big Idea Statement
Instructions Propaganda and attention of Massacre led to Revolution
Essential Questions Statement
What Propaganda was used and how important was this
in the Revolution.
What really happened in the Boston Massacre
How does propaganda relate to todays culture
Objective Statement
For students to understand what happened in Boston
Massacre and how it led to the Revolution
Classroom interaction into reenactment
Key Vocabulary
Red Coats, Civilians, Massacre, riot, Propaganda,
shooting position, resting position, Kings Quarters,
Lesson PreAssessment of Students
Procedure Understand the basic Concepts, know the legends of the
Boston Massacre
Modeling of the Concept

Guiding the Practice
Let students lead in discussion over propaganda in
picture of BM, then move into a reenactment using clear
Providing the Independent Practice
Independent practice will be the Opinion paper on
whether BM was greatest impact of Rev. War
From picture discussion, into reenactment, will ask for
volunteers and then discuss roles. Then I will lead the
Reading Sticks to act as guns (discuss safety rules, and clear this
Materials with administration)
Technology Dry erase markers for discussion bullets
Equipment Computer for Picture of BM by Paul Revere
Evaluation of Formal Evaluation
the Opinion paper on how/if the Boston Massacre was the
Learning/Master biggest factor in the start of the Revolution
y of the Informal Evaluation
Concept Classroom discussion present day articles over topics
like ISIS and see how propaganda is used today and in
the past
Closure Summary & Review of the Learning
Make sure everyone has a clear understanding of Boston

Opinion paper will be due 4 classroom days from lesson.
Or the oral opinion through the Voicethread app.
5 points will be 4 points awarded for a 3 points awarded for an 2-1 points for no
awarded for clearly vaguely stating opinion opinion but no support opinion in paper
stating opinion
5 points for clear 4 points for vague 3 points for minimal 2-1 points for no facts of
statements of BM statements using BM facts of the BM the BM
facts facts
5 points for 2 page 4 points for 1+ 3 points for 1 page 2-1 for less than one page
length length length in length

Formal Evaluation

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