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Mr. Baileys and Mr.

Haydens class Jeannette McKee

With the PSSA this week, students in this alternative class are
preparing for the PASA, so a light week for the students
Classroom consists of 5 students from 9:30 to 11
On 4/19 an extra student was brought into the class due to PSSA
Jeannette McKee requires student dress code, a collared shirt and
Classroom environment
Daily language practice, stories, math, spelling, handwriting
Afternoon is where lessons are taught, usually morning work then
lunch recess then afternoon lessons
Students still love the pencil sharpener and pencil has to be
Long weekend, students forget passwords and attentiveness
Samsung Google chrome device probably state funded 25 per
grade level
o Allows students to use google apps such as Drive Docs
mail for school wide access
First and kindergarten Ipad Air (25)
Grant program from 8-9 for homework and reading M-F
M-R afternoon, snack then activities then dinner at 5:30 going
home at 6
21st century grant
70 faculty K-8
Not only multicultural but economically diverse
Class set-up
o Spelling groups 3 groups
o Class rules
o Class birthdays
o Books in back
o 2 desks 2 teachers
o vocab section
o counting math section
o headphones
o objective
o desks
o clothespin tabs for behavior
o students receive personal therapists
speech, behavioral etc.
1. Reading school program is Pearson
a. In alternative program use sidewalk analogy
2. Noticed the amount of grants the school has received. Id like to
see the number
a. Especially with technology
i. Osmo and google chrome
1. Osmo games newton, tangram, numbers,
masterpieces of drawing, words


Students struggle to know what task is to be achieved

Ex. students have switched binders for new daily morning work
and have continued to do old work that has already been completed.

With students at this comprehension level, I see the main struggle is

complete confidence. It seems students know the material but lack the
confidence to say it or do it on their own.

See a better focus from students on Day 2, more individual work and
less chatting from students than on day 1. But I notice today students
are less clumped, spread throughout the room giving fewer
opportunities for distraction.


Started in the afternoon with monitoring lunch duty.

Obviously a time where kids are allowed to be more rowdy but for the
most part seem well behaved. They know their lunch routine very well
at this point in the year and have very limited discipline issues.
Noticed that one or two classes are not following dress code today,
with the PSSA being over I would assume that they were given a free
dress day/week
Different from high school or middle school students are too sit down
as a class then be told by a teacher that they are allowed to go eat.
Use of the PA system quietest table eats first instantly brings every
class silent and lunch from this point on goes much smoother
Conversing with Mr. Hayden and Mr. Bailey Ive learned that close to
90% of students at Jeannette McKee receive reduced or free lunch.
Notice a definite economic difference when you see some students in
dirty clothes and some in polo and chaps collared shirts.
New school wide project called Jayhawk cards. Where if students show
a random act of kindness they receive a Jayhawk card. They then post
this on their homeroom door. At the end of every month the room with
the most cards will receive a pizza party. 3rd grade received a Jayhawk
today for great behavior in the class.
Some students are very talkative and laughing with peers where some
are very focused on eating and it makes you wonder if they are eating
enough at home.
Students have freedom to use the restroom outside of the cafeteria
and are able to learn personal skills by getting own silverware napkins
Jeannette Police officer roaming the cafeteria, armed and in full
uniform. I had seen him the previous day I was in here but wasnt sure
if it was for DARE or another program.

In class Takara is one of the only students fully diagnosed with

autism, was very impressed with her, after coming in from lunch she
was very quick to start her daily work. She was able to complete
multiple pages by herself and worked quietly the whole time. Maybe
the whole time wasnt working and not doing it correctly all the time
but did work very diligently.
New students today, some with speech impediments but mostly you
see confidence issues again.

Vocab reading with Flo book

Students read great and were very attentive; one student did not want
to read and began to have an attitude when asked to read.
Students showed great ability to read and fed off each other, were very
positive when other students successfully completed a sentence.

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