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Lateral Stability:

Lateral stability of a building is defined by a index indicated as which is defined by

following equation

= P*s / Vx*Hx

Px = total un factored gravity load at and above level x.

= seismic story drift by design seismic forces ( s).
Vx = seismic shear between levels x and x -1.
hx = story height below level x.

2nd order P- effect required to incorporate in analysis if the stability index exceed
0.1. Where is greater than 0.25 the structure is potentially unstable and shall be
redesigned. (As per IBC 2000 section 1617.4.6.2.)
Stability Index along East West Direction

In E-W Direction(X Direction)

Story Load Loc Height P VX Displacement Drift, Comments

Roof Qx Bottom 10 1418.35 113.55 0.9987 0.0554 0.005766666 Adaquate

9TH Qx Bottom 10 2836.7 188.93 0.9433 0.0681 0.00852076 Adaquate

8TH Qx Bottom 10 4255.05 256.76 0.8752 0.0822 0.011351882 Adaquate

7TH Qx Bottom 10 5673.4 317.06 0.793 0.0958 0.014285196 Adaquate

6TH Qx Bottom 10 7091.75 369.82 0.6972 0.108 0.017258599 Adaquate

5TH Qx Bottom 10 8510.1 415.05 0.5892 0.1173 0.020042459 Adaquate

4TH Qx Bottom 10 9928.45 452.73 0.4719 0.1226 0.022405333 Adaquate

3RD Qx Bottom 10 11346.8 482.88 0.3493 0.1217 0.023831068 Adaquate

2ND Qx Bottom 10 12711.64 504.59 0.2276 0.1112 0.023344603 Adaquate

1ST Qx Bottom 10 14103.82 519.21 0.1164 0.0822 0.018607339 Adaquate

Gr. Qx Bottom 10 15517.57 526.68 0.0342 0.0342 0.008396953 Adaquate

Stability Index along North South Direction

In N-S Direction(Y Direction)

Story Load Loc Height P VY Displacement Drift, Comments

Roof Qy Bottom 10 1418.35 113.55 0.6629 0.0685 0.007130264 Adaquate

9TH Qy Bottom 10 2836.7 188.93 0.5944 0.0718 0.008983709 Adaquate

8TH Qy Bottom 10 4255.05 256.76 0.5226 0.0743 0.010260886 Adaquate

7TH Qy Bottom 10 5673.4 317.06 0.4483 0.0761 0.011347635 Adaquate

6TH Qy Bottom 10 7091.75 369.82 0.3722 0.0763 0.01219288 Adaquate

5TH Qy Bottom 10 8510.1 415.05 0.2959 0.0746 0.012746526 Adaquate

4TH Qy Bottom 10 9928.45 452.73 0.2213 0.07 0.012792604 Adaquate

3RD Qy Bottom 10 11346.8 482.88 0.1513 0.0615 0.012042816 Adaquate

2ND Qy Bottom 10 12711.64 504.59 0.0898 0.0505 0.010601641 Adaquate

1ST Qy Bottom 10 14103.82 519.21 0.0393 0.0324 0.00733428 Adaquate

Gr. Qy Bottom 10 15517.57 526.68 0.0069 0.0069 0.001694122 Adaquate

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