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Amber McKissick

Edu 201
Port #9
Warning Phone call Home Principle Office
Disrupting others/Abusive Possession of a weapon
Talking Back conduct to others I
Truancy Theft
Sleeping in class
Inappropriate Familiarity Cheating, plagiarizing, or
(kissing, hugging) lying
Habitual Tardiness
Unauthorized leaving of Using racial obscenities
Talking without raising class
Getting out of seat without Harming classroom pets Using racial obscenities
Defacing school or others Noncompliance
Eating in class property
Throwing objects Using racial obscenities Using profanity, vulgar
language, or obscene
gestures towards another
Fighting with another

Using a cell phone during

Bringing toys to class
have put these offenses in order I think deserves a warning, phone call home, or principle Office.

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