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Needs Analysis Spring 2017

Community English ProgramConversational course

Teachers College, Columbia University

Community Questionnaire

First name Last/family name

Gender Hometown

First Other languages


1. What do you think are your strength(s) in speaking?

I can talk a lot.
I like to start or join in a conversation.
I know and I can use a lot of vocabularies in speaking.
I know and I can use a lot of sentence structures in speaking.
Other _________________________

1. What do you think are your weakness(es) in speaking?

Im afraid to talk to people.

I dont know how to start or join in a conversation.

I sometimes cant find a right vocabulary to express my idea.
I sometimes dont know how to express my idea.
Other _________________________
3. What improvement(s) do you want to make in speaking English? Give
some details. For example, at work, I need to do presentation, cooperate with
co-workers, debrief to my boss, etc.
Work: ___________________________
Family: __________________________
Make friends: _____________________
Living: __________________________

4. Briefly introduce your experience of learning English. For example, think

about how did you learn English before living in the US, and how do you
learn English now?

5. What do you think is good speaking?

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