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Carl Tuitavuki

Professor Nathan Cole


May 1st, 2017

U4 Reflection Essay


The essays that I chose for my Look Back effect project to re-revise, was my open

letter and my informational effect project. My open letter was a letter I wrote to the

devil, Lucifer. My information effect project was based on the Kingdom of Tonga, and

the reason why it is governed the way it is today. The reason why I chose these two

projects to revise is because I felt like I needed to revise them after the feedback I

received on them from my teacher. Through this reflection, I hope to reflect the growth

that I have shown as a writer over the course of the semester.

Within the time frame that had to write my open letter, it was also a difficult time

for me. I was going through some things where I really had to think about the direction

that my life was headed. Through these hard times however, I could always turn to

expressing myself through writing. I thought about writing a letter to a certain entity, who

I personally feel is responsible for the madness and craziness we have in this world, who

I just call Lucy, a play on words on the word Lucifer, but taking on the form of a woman.

I decided to write to Lucy in a way where people would have to guess who I am talking

about purely based on my descriptions of her. I described her as a female, later adding

and revising that she comes in all shapes and forms including male, and that she/he is

responsible for everything evil in this world. I made it a point to say that Lucy was the

root of the problem, getting into the hearts of many and influencing them to make bad

decisions. I wrote this letter in its entirely based off of the knowledge that I personally

have on the subject, having been brought up in a Christian background. In this later I

mainly implemented the use of pathos, evoking feelings of sadness and depression

because of how I was feeling at the time that I wrote it.

My second revision was based on the story of Tuku Fonua and how The

Kingdom of Tonga came to be a sacred and protected land. The reason why I chose this

specific topic is because of the importance of culture in my life, and how I think it is

good to share this with others in order to bring us closer together. I revised a couple

things in my original paper, specifically taking out parts where I felt like I was

announcing too much and telling the audience what I was going to do. Instead I just

went ahead and told the story straight up, correctly citing references as well along the

way. I used more of a logos approach with this essay, telling the story of tuku fonua

using logic and facts of the actual history, persuading the audience to understand the

intentions of Pita Vi and how he was able to convince the King of Tonga that his God was

the true God. It was cool to share a bit of this history with the class so they could see

where I come from.

In conclusion, the papers that I wrote are actually interestingly enough contrasting

viewpoints: my views on the devil and my personal life, and my views on God and my

culture. As humans, we come to know these things some time in our lifetime, and even

though we might have a lot of questions as to why things are like that, it is always good

to analyze it, as we strive to find our purpose in life, and better yet, ourselves.

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