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Israel Basabe

English 4/Per.6
May 1
Transcript Reflection

I believe these are a true reflection of my capability. I believe this because the only days that I am
absent is the days that Im sick. The day that say that it was unexcused was the day my mom use to
pick me up from school. Im usually not tardy to my classes. I was not expecting to mess out on class, all
because I was in activities. And because I missed some days of class I started to get behind in my class
work, and if I had a project it was hard to keep up because I had to spend more time on the project to
research on the topic.
I was surprised that I almost going to finish high school. High school was a challenge to
me,mostly English classes for all four years. The thing that I was not surprise to me is that I didnt get the
grades that I wanted for my class. I got those grades because in some classes were hard for me, in some
classes I just got lazy.

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