English 2010 Media Affecting Relationships

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Technologys Fatal Effects on Relationships

When technology becomes more of a problem than a convenience to your relationship.

We live in a world where some form of technology is always at our finger tips. With

technology rapidly becoming more accessible, we have grown attachedsome even addicted

to technology, most commonly our cell phones. In the United States, smart phone owners have

gone up 42 percent in just 6 years (Mobil Facts).

Although technology has many benefits, it also brings a new set of problems in

relationships. Some of which are isolation, emotional intimacy, depression, and distraction

(Good Therapy). Lauri Schade has devoted her life to helping couples create lasting

relationships. But with the rapid increase in technology, she has begun to see many negative

effects it has on relationships.

Lauri Schade has her Ph.D. and M.S. in marriage and

family therapy. She currently teaches at Brigham Young

University and conducts couples therapy sessions in Pleasant

Grove, UT at Compassionate Connections Counseling. She

has been featured in Womans Health, Womans Day, Mens

Lauri Schade
Health, Psychology

Today and local news articles. On top of her impressive

career accomplishments she has raised seven beautiful

children and maintained a strong relationship with her husband (Dr. Lauri).

When asked about the problems in relationships arising from cellphones, she explained

When people text, they miss the immediate impact they have on others, causing
communication to become messier and easier to misunderstand. (Francella) She also noted that

the frequency of texting performed by men vs. woman showed a correlation to the quality of

relationships they are in. After analyzing the datafrom a study she performed at Brigham

Young University, where they surveyed couples asking how often they were texting their

significant other, and how good their relationship wasLauri claims, Men are using texting to

avoid interpersonal communication. And that "maybe it was a way for them to check out or not

have to show up, by using their cellphone instead." However, this research shows that woman

who are texting their spouse more often are more likely to be in a quality relationship than

woman who do not text their spouse.

When asked, what we can do to avoid these problems technology is bringing into

relationships, Lauri assures us that some texting can be beneficial and that the content of the text

is what counts. Lauri said texting to express affection had very positive correlations to

relationship satisfaction. (Deseret) So next time you reach for your phone to text your

significant other about how annoyed you are, about some minor thing he or she did, think about

if that text is worth ruining your relationship.

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Works Cited
Deseret News. "Texting can disconnect couples: Deseret News Sunday Edition

11/17/13." Deseret News., 16 Nov. 2013. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.

Dr. Lori Schade, LMFT. (2017). Retrieved March 22, 2017, from


FRANCELLA, GILLIAN. "5 Ways Your Phone Will Get You Dumped." Men's Health, 03 Feb.

2015. Web. 22 Mar. 2017.

GoodTherapy.org. "3 Ways Technology Can Negatively Impact Your

Relationships." GoodTherapy.org Therapy Blog, 13 Sept. 2016. Web. 22 Mar. 2017.

Lori Schade [Photograph found in BYU, Provo]. (2016). Retrieved March 21, 2017, from


Mobile Fact Sheet. (2017, January 12). Retrieved March 21, 2017, from


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