LBS 330 Anti-Bias/Multicultural Activity Plan

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LBS 330

Anti-Bias/Multicultural Activity Plan

Topic: Multilingualism & Fairness
Sarah Mercurio, Claudia Casillas, Richard Garcia, Hilda Hernandez, Laura Martinez
Activity Plan Template

Activity Title: Communication Through Barriers

Topic: Language and Language in the Classroom
Anti-Bias Education Goal:

Each child will express comfort and joy with human diversity; accurate language for
human differences; and deep, caring human connections (Derman-Sparks 2010, 4).
Learning Objectives:
1) Anti-Bias Objective: Students will be able to identify differences in linguistic diversity
through interaction with native speakers and singing a song in Tagalog.
2) Literacy Objective: Students will be able to connect with some phrases in Tagalog to
bridge the language barrier in the classroom by exploring multiple languages and the function
of language in the classroom.

Childrens Book:
Subway Sparrow by Leyla Torres
4 sign language cards
Setting Description:

In a class of 13, 4 to 5 year-olds early education students there is a mixed demographic of 2

White, 5 Hispanic, 3 Asian, 1 African American, 1 American Indian, and 1 Filipino student. In
this class, there are 4 emergent English language speakers with first languages in both
Spanish and Tagalog.

Students have previously read the book Subway Sparrow by Leyla Torres during circle time
with the teacher. During the discussion of the book, students examined the function of
different languages, how to compare and contrast the differences in languages, and how to
communicate despite language barriers.

Students have previously learned the song Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star along with a
coordinated dance through hand gestures.

Students join the teacher in the most open space in the room. Each student grabs a portable
mat and claims their own personal space. Students know that each mat represents their own
personal space bubble and are conditioned to keep their hands, arms and feet on the mat or
within the perimeter of the mat at all times. It is early in the afternoon after the first circle time
and snack. Students are ready to move and be engaged in the discussion.

Accommodation for Emerging Bilingual Students:

The teacher will work one-to-one with the ELLs by creating a set of flashcards
with the steps on one side, and a picture to go along with the wording on the back
side. The student would then arrange the five cards in order with one-to-one
support from the teacher. This strategy will be used when learning the Twinkle,
Twinkle, Little Star song.
Introduction: Student:
Hands in the air, hands on our knees, open Students follow cues and look at the teacher.
your eyes and eyes on me! Student have the opportunity to bring up
teachers holding the book, Subway different scenes from the book that they
Sparrow by Leyla Torres remember about the book. (This is an open
discussion to get students to recall the past
Class, can anyone tell me something about content already reviewed).
this book we read last week? Students raise their hand to tell the teacher
-teacher gives positive feedback and allows their definition and understanding about the
the students to think about past content. word diverse. (*this is a strategy used to help
ELL students acquire more academic
Those are wonderful thoughts about language through exposure to specific
Subway Sparrow by Leyla Torres, you know academic words)
what I was thinking about the other day? I
was thinking about how diverse language is! Students get up when the teacher invites them
Do you remember what we said diverse to. Students shake out their wiggles and follow
means? the teacher's lead in Twinkle, Twinkle, Little
Isn't it wonderful how just like in the book,
we can communicate with each other without
speaking the exact same language? Today
we are going to explore the use of different
languages by using one of our favorite songs
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Everyone get
ready to sing and dance! Before we learn a
new version of our favorite song, let's
practice what we already know. Everyone,
stand up, shake out our wiggles and sing
and dance Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star!
-Teacher leads the already known song and
dance giving positive feedback and smiling

Teacher sings the song with students and

participates in the dance:

Twinkle twinkle (sparkle hands)

Little star (small pinches)

(questioning hands) How I wonder what you


(hands shoot up) Up above the world so


(hands come down in star shape) Like a

diamond in the sky
Twinkle twinkle (sparkle hands)
Little star (small pinches)

(questioning hands) How I wonder what you

*Accommodation for Emerging Bilingual Students:
Picture cards will be placed around the classroom so that students can use them as a
reference. Each picture will have the correct word that corresponds to the picture in question
in a variety of languages so that students familiarize themselves with its meaning .

Students with mobility disabilities will be accommodated through modification of movement

based on the student's mobile ability.

Expected Duration = 3 minutes

Activity Development:
Wonderful job students! You really know the song and dance well! Students sit quietly on
Lets all sit down and talk about something new today! their mats.
We are going to conduct an experiment! Just like in the book
Subway Sparrow, we are going to see that even if we dont speak the
same language, we can still understand each other! I am going to
play you a song, and I want you to think about what you are hearing
Teacher plays the video
v=gbwj9lwzp8s for the students

Now everyone talk to your partner about what connections you have
made with the song we just listened to
Students listen to
Teacher gives students time to share with their partners and time to video, some are
share with the class. In this time the teacher allows the students to making their own
guide their own exploration and meaning in their own findings, there connections.
are no wrong answers students are invited to say what they think with
only positive feedback.
Students all giggle
So our question was, Can we still understand each other even if we and turn to their
dont speak the same language, what we read in Subway Sparrow partners and talk
showed us an example of people communicating in many different about the song, most
languages, now we listened to a song in a different language that have made the
what I have heard from each of you, is the same song as Twinkle connection that it is
Twinkle Little Star! How do we know that? Twinkle, Twinkle
Little Star in a
different language.
Teacher explains the song is in Tagalog which is native to the
Philippines, invites the students to listen to the song and do the
dance. This is repeated 3 times allowing students more time to Students share their
practice doing the dance to the music with different lyrics. findings with the

Students share their

thoughts answering in
their own words how
we can understand
the song without
knowing the
Accommodation for Emerging Bilingual Students:

Teacher will promote and assist peer interaction to provide opportunities for
English learners to communicate with English speaking peers.

Students with mobility disabilities will be accommodated through modification of movement

based on the student's mobile ability.

Expected Duration = 10 ish minutes

To determine whether the students have met the learning objectives above, the students will
perform the Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star song in both english and a different language in front
of an audience (their parent(s)/guardian).This will be done as a homework assignment. The
students will be expected to tell their parents about what they have learned about how
language works. The student then will be encouraged to learn the song in the language that is
spoken at home, if the student does not have second language, he or she will be encouraged
to listen to the song in a second language of their choosing. Doing so will provide each
student with the same learning opportunity and broaden their understanding for
multiculturalism and language.
-The function of this assignment is to create a dialogue between students and their families.
Each student comes with an individual wealth of culture they experience at home. In order to
create social equity for all students, this assignment will begin a class unit on language.
Students growth will be measured through informal interviewing of their experience by the
teacher. The teacher will measure students growth by asking about their experience with
performing the song to their parents, and by asking each student to tell about what this
experiment has shown them, guiding students response to answer whether or not this has
made them more comfortable with alternative languages while exploring the idea of a
research question and testing a rudimentary scientific theory.
The song will be rehearsed with the help of their teachers before performing it in class in front
of their families. This will allow the teacher to assess the progress of students as well as bring
parent involvement in the class.

Accommodation for Emerging Bilingual Students:

Teacher will practice one-on-one with the students that require more time to practice. Teacher
will incorporate picture cards to demonstrate the movement that needs to take place
throughout the song.
Students with mobility disabilities will be accommodated through modification of movement
based on the student's mobile ability.

Expected Duration = 20 minutes *at home

After the informal assessment (the next day) teacher will review once more with the students
the following points
If we can communicate between language barriers
How language worked in the book Subway Sparrow
If the students still understood the song without understanding the language
Teacher will bring up specific points from the informal interviews
Teacher will approach students with the scientific method again, talking it out by
explaining there was a question asked (if we can communicate through barriers), a
test done (subway sparrow) and a theory (subway sparrow) tested (through Twinkle,
Twinkle) and information shared (assessment)
Expected Duration = 2ish minutes

Right after the assessment is completed, teacher will inform students to get ready to sing the
transition song. During the transition song, students will learn a new way to sing the song, by
sign language. Teacher will ask the volunteer parents to support her by walking around the
circle to help students or to work one on one with the Emerging Bilingual Students.
Teacher: Ok friends, we have approximately 10 minutes to go outside to play. Raising your
hand quietly, who can tell me what song do we sing before going outside to play. (some
children will raise their hand quietly, others will shout out the name of the song).
Teacher: Thank you for raising your hand quietly. What is the name of the song dear..(name
of the student that raised his/her hand). Teacher, will nod her head if the student says the
correct answer, or correct them with a smile if they are wrong. You are right, the name of the
song is The More We Get Together. Today we are going to sing the song a little differently. We
are going to sing it with our hands. Teacher will show students a confused face and ask them,
Is it possible to sing with our hands? Students may say yes, others may say no. Teacher will
ask them how it is possible or how it is not possible to sing with our hands. She will then
explain to them that some people can communicate with their hands. She will tell them that
this type of language is called American Sign Language. She will ask students to repeat
American Sign Language with her. Parents and teachers will support teacher by repeating
along with the students.
Teacher.: Ok friends, there are four important words in the song that we are going to
translate in Sign Language in order to sing our song with our hands. The words are more,
together, happier, and friends. Teacher will show students individual cards with the name of
the word and pictures with the movements for such word. Then she will explain to students
how to perform the movement along with the card. After that she will perform the movement
with the cards and then she ask students to repeat the movements after her. Finally, they all
sing the song with the movements (signs).
Teachers and parents will provide support by walking around the circle to identify students that
need help with the movements so they can help them. Some students will execute the
movements without hesitation, others will do it wrong, and others will do just anything.Teacher
will accept silence or quiet observation as a proper way for some children to participate,
specially when they first join the class (Preschool English Learners, principles and practices
2). Parents and teachers can help students by giving them positive encouragement.
At the end of the activity, Teacher will decide if she can repeat the sign language activity if she
notices that students enjoy and showed interest performing the song.
Accommodation for Emerging Bilingual Students:
When demonstrating the sign language movements for the words: more, together, happier,
and friends, teacher will simultaneously keep eye contact toward emerging bilingual students
and smile while exaggerating the movements.
Teachers and volunteering parents will assist students with the words and movements
working one on one with them.
Teacher and volunteers will repeat verbal description to help child link language to the activity
(PEL, Principles and Practices 4)

Expected Duration = 5 minutes

Parental Involvement:

Invite families to participate in the activity.

Invite Filipino family to help lead our lesson to expand our knowledge and
understanding of the culture.
Ask families to suggest topics related to their home language and culture that they
wish to share with the other children.
Send home a weekly family project where families can help students draw a picture
and write the name of it in their language. At the end of the year, children will create a
book with all the family projects. (Provide Options for home-based activities that can
support what children are earning at school. PEL, Principles and Practices 1)
Encourage family members to read to each other literature that is valued in their home,
including stories of their culture. (PEL, Principles and Practices 6)
Send home a weekly newsletter informing parents about the activities to be performed
during the week

Accommodation for Emerging Bilingual Families:

Provide a detailed sample of the project being assigned with step by step directions in
Tagalog, and English along with pictures of each step on how the project should look like as
the project progresses.

Group Participation: Who will do what?

Group Member Name Responsibilities/Participation Explanation

Claudia Parent involvement

Richard Accommodations

laura Assessment, Lesson

Hilda Closure
Sarah Introduction, Lesson, (Beginning Closure)

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